Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1957, p. 8

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th acton ftm pmu thuriday april mth 1957 umtmouw install new officers for limehouse wi limahouu w i hu thlr annual mmtinf in th umvorui hall ap ril 4 th9 social commit for the month arranged to hava uia mxrt- in at 1230 an had a bounteous luncheon provided for all ne weather however was not favorable and only 12 members sat down to enjoy the repast- 71e wl grace was suns and he collect repeated mrs prank brown took the chair far the months meeting the roll call was payment of feee and any business old or new was attended to mrs a j smethuret sjave an account of the district mehinj t milton the annual reports from standing com mittee were read these are to go on to the district convener mrs brown vacated the chair and mrs a w benton held it nir the installation of officers president mrs frank brown first vicepmklent mrs b san- ford wnnd virrprceldent mrs jack houfhley secretarylreasur er mrs j w noble district direct or mrs a j smethuret branch director mrs prank brown mr harry brown mrs j rnufhley mrs c kern ptanuta mrs j rnughley mrs c meredith preat reporter mrs smeuiurst rull rail mrs s kikrpalrtck coctunittees ecriculture and canadian industries mrm harry brown rltlxenshlp end education mrs e plndley community actu itles and public relations mrs a w benton hwnr rconomirs and ftealthmri turner mrs hough ley htsuirtrel reecarch and cur rani events twredsmulr huiur urs kirkpatrtck mrs c mrrrd 1th flower and fruit mm j s noble medical aorvlcc officer mn m rllrrby tockwooo mrsmmcnabb former resident dies at milton following an lllneea of ame duration mrs malcolm mcnabb paased away last wednesday april s in milton hospital in her 70th year mrs mcnabb was the last surviving member of the family of he late mr and mrs george young who formerly lived on the fifth line below rock wood on the farm now occupied by mr and mrs lloyd marsdcn she laavea four sons to mourn her loss don ald at windsor john georgetown angus guelph and praser at home the funeral took place friday with service at the harold c mr our funeral home georgetown inillbearers were messrs charles bell telephone construction crews hav started repair and re- placemenl work throughout the northeast and northwest rural ar- ea of the local exchange c s keith ball telephone manager for this region said today business and residential expans ion in the vicinity of crewsons corners and throughout the territ ory luunaceasltated utij project in order to mxxmnmodalr the forecast vlephonc growth in the latter territory additional faduuea will be required fur s distance of abihit five mues the manager amid thj outside plant rvwir uork involves the removal of 400 poles the placing of apprusimatrly 300 new poles and the resetting of six others whera practical onr ib miles of wire will be replaced relief and rxtcnslm mraixfirs include uir erecting of s3 poles the placing of 44 trtmsarrns and the t natal 1st ton of right circuit miles of aerial wire at various locations along the northwest telephone route nearly two miles of rural wire will also be fltninjt along this route tpe project is scheduled u be completed by late summer delegates acclaim hoslcing as candidate a liberal convenlton licd jn guelph laat saturday acclaimed henry hoskmij slaiwlard bearer in thr coming fedi rul election mr h asking is presently the member n parliament for south wellington mr llnsklnf id confinrd to a bed in omhawa g nrral hospital where he has br for two weeki lit suffered a sudden indisposition a night train returning to ot tawa and left the train at oehawa to gel treated by a doctor tribute after tribute was paid to the member on saturday night the crowning tribute wa paid by minister of health and welfare paul martin who described henry masking as one of thr most con scientious devoted and ded icated members a man whose constant endeavor la for all bis constituents and for hla country mr martin told the throng of delegates that he was sure nrwi of their judgment would have a con slderable bearing on mr lloaklng quick recovery and his early re turn to the riding of south wrl lington to outline the policies of the party of which he was di tingutshed and loyal member llcnabb james mcnabb george young fred young george mc- altne and hanson cook interment took place in ilockwood ceml baa ids her late husband numerous floral wreaths bore silent tribute to bar memory mrs j a ditt moved to guelph laat weak where aha will reside in the future mrs duta wnl be miss ed in the community where she has resided during the past few during the storm last week the high winds broke a limb on a traa in front of mrs john hamil tons home mr lloyd of st andrews ehurch guelph conducted the service in the presbyterian church sunday morning douglas black student minister is busy writing his smamlnatlons at knox collage toronto ur bruce lloaklng of hamilton wag hash for the week and mr and urs ales mcfarlane of luean arc staying with mrs j a utile no lrnibridoc au cp downtown lethbridge streets are a motorists paradise says mayor t h hatg he told the southern al berta cooperative association lethbridge is one of the few cities where parking meters don t con front farmers very time they uit rthetv arc none m coxe fiumrino h1atsm eavtstsouqmbm hw oal oi fmun on watortaalra fra eatimatot phone js acton gjssf always rwar avtlltbu at ledgers number please start repair and replacement work since 1030 the net national pub lic debt of canada has increased from 3 to 111 billion pete mcmullen oba president peter mcmullen of milton was elected new oba president at the 40th annus convention of the ontario baseball association held recently pollowing the close of the convention held st clinton the new executive made it quite clear that application for affiliation from the newlvrreated great lakes senior baswball league would not be entertalnvd until after the jur isdictional rights of the inter- county baseball association were protected president mcmullen also referred to the necessity of every support for minor baseball competition and urged everyone present to car ry home to hla respective orgsnls atlon the importance of strict ad herence to the constitution and rul es of the o ii a he warned that he would not psy any attention to complaints and protests thst were rovered in the rule book the rules are thrre in the book and i intrnd to govern according to them added mr mcmullen a pleasing frsture at the closing dinner was the presentation of a past presidents jewel to tim tur- ow of preston by another past president clarence kiddell of mll- at the meetinf four amendments to ihc constitution were disposed of james scott professor of english at the university of western ont ario london and a sea forth nat ive was guest speaker at the noon day luncheon he stressed the im portance of supporting sport activ ity s among the youth of the land farm forum closed with dinner party pine grove farm forum held us closing meeting of the season with a dinner party at the spacious home of mr and mrs spencer wilson coven were laid for is and all enjoyed a most delicioua turkey dinner prepared bv the lad- mra mac alexander v ho had represented the group at the ont ario i arm forum annual meeting in toronto gae a ery concise re port of the meeting arrangements vi rrc made for a euciire party to tc held at the school next week the remainder of the evening was spent playing cards many regrets were expressed that some of the members were un able to be present owing to illness halton manoi two girls show highland fling during program a delightful program that fur nished great variety of entertain ment was presented for the resid ents tkf the ms nor on monday- night april 1 by thr couples club nf knox presbytrrln church hil ton lg members of the club at tended thr evening a entrrtalnintnt itev t orsbom the minister of the ihurrh was also present as well as uie parents of some of the children taking part while the atidleorit was aaseiiiol- ing mlaa maria oraborn played seveial enjoyable solos on tile pi ano wtien the program was about tu begin mr leslle wlllr who along with her husband la uie president of the club and who was the grat ioui and capable chairman for the meeting explained the name and objectives of the club the con vrnl rs vf the very acceptable pro gram that followed were mr and mrs gordon strain mr and mrs htewart locktc and mr end mrs ceorge newell with mrs iockie at the piano lhc knui cliutui uuarlcuc gave beautiful rendition of the well ov ed old hymn jesus keep me nrar the cross and as an encore sang the wsyslde cross the member of this quartette who sang in such fine harmony were neil mrphatl cameron wiffton hill laorkle and diivid ijorkir an unusual treat for the reaul ents of the manor tame mxt whi n two pretty young girls andrei in cuim llu aged nine and jackie da mc aged 13 wearing very al- silverwood wl charter member mourned by friends our community mourns the death uf mrs annie stull a char ter members of silverwood wom en s institute mrs stull spent all of her married life in this school section on one of the few farms re- mum u under the same family name for more than a hundred years and w as a valued member of the school board for several terms her sutiib n passing was s shock fur she attended the institute birthday party a eck earlier in hrr usual health and good cheer lite battle against tuber culosis has consumed millions of manbours when you stand tn front of an xrcy machine you experience the accumulated benefit of a thousand life- works the surrraa achieved so far against tu has becu a ions reach it strcf bes from ancient timet reach r tn reel 0s lit laftce th tractive hvottlah eesrturnes danc ed the highland fling 1atrr in lh program they danced hhantrewa ami the hwtwd ui tjtelr darning was of very great interest to the residents and vras very expertly pfrformed milhad devlin aged 11 evoked much is ughter and appreciative chut h lea wtirn he ret i ted a srltxt- lm called life uru tcejua dcei t it naytnr sgnt nine uf the j m drtiyee shiuol sang two en joyable sphsi freckle and tlie hider hunter with very winning e a press inn several country dances were performed by the famous hell school dancers four little girls very attractively dressed in green blouses aitd yrllow skirts and four sfiiejl ixiys in green striped shlrs and khaki jeans won the hearts of all present with their graceful and lively country dancing their call ernff was jack heynulda and the rtiteatra rn prised mrs leorge newt ii at the piano hoti harris with his violin and ted flliaon with his guitar this entertaining program which had proved tu be aut h a treut in t very way for the tealdrnla wiu followed by snouier trest tif delt- loos refreshments ire cream sun daes and cookies ihe singing of auld i aim syne by visltois and residents m unlxm and a few words of appte inlion and thanks by mr inrke tlie sup erintendint brought this truly wonderful program to u close during uie evening a display of the knitting and nrtiiltxruft ac ompllshetl by the mrmbers of the iwbbji class of lua si aluaut- id murh uttt ntlon from ih visit urs tlie hobby class if llnlton mini- or held its i2lh meeting on wed nesday nftrrnotin april 3 in the dining room of the munor there were 50 inentlk rs present including mrs clarke and mrs ocklc the dt votionul mhlod o ned with uit- hymn all the way my savior 14 ada mr mrs clurkc n- prt ssed ihe pleasure of the mem bers in seeing mrs a t brown at the meeting mrs i inrke offered prayer and read a selection from uie book springs in the valley mrs clarke read two very inter- ting letters from mr and mrs russell fjewls who are now in cjeamany these letters described soma uf the trips they had taken in connection with their work for the ited shield these trips hsd been made from their headquarters in roust to othar towns and cities in germany it was decided that we send an foster card signed by the members of the hobby class to mr and mrs tewls in oermany during the work period a cup of ue and cookies were s by mrs clarke and mary shaw these eookies were a donation from the couples club of kaoa presbyter ian church mil tun whose mem bers had arranged such an enjoy able entertainment on the preced ing monday evening april 1 a very amusing game my last will ahd testament conducted by mis ixkie caused murh laughter tlie miipah benedirtlon closed the meeting on monday april t uie residents of uie msnor had the great pleas ure of welcoming as the officiating minister at uie weekly church ser- vue hrv mr christeiven pastor of the rull mpl assembly mil ton owing to the fart that ihe ch m i was not a vh i utile fur uie aer- vl l was ti 11 in ihe dining room 1 wo talented muili isns acromp- anntl mrvt hrisu iwen to uie man or ihty were miss madeline im- int rmun wlin played the srnimp anlmenu and mrs s sh rratt who sang um astrod selmhfcm i want to se my savior first of all miu zimmerman s playing and mrs hherratts solo wire enjoyed and upifcct isted vrry murh mr christensen read a tw as th apanlng verses of chapter 14 of st johns gospel and than delivered an approprlata snd comforting ser mon on tho subject let not your hearts be troubled pointing out that tbase words wrrautterad just sfter tn iat supper whan jestsi could saw that the- dasclplea were worried and analous mr christensen stressed the fact usat these words were meant to be words of comfort they can be words of comfort evert lit our awn day when sciatic is making sorb rapid prosgaas that many persons have fear in thar heart tils portion of aciiptur sppliaa to our own personal prob lems as wall for even when every thing appears to be chaos all w hav to do is to puj our faith and trust in jesus christ was trying to cohvinc us disciples that our souls destination is heaven if we put our souls in his hsnds lis has prepared man sions for us in heaven and if we have faith we shall inherit eternal life phone 128 acton and if sum of tmi mff tlllvirvt sanitone notice easter store hours all retail stores will be closed good friday april 19tfi but will remain open until 9 pm thursday april 18th published for your easier shopping convenience by acton chamber of commerce the present battleline is drawn on this basis j if you know enough r intrlligent enough indent are eleult enough to get a rhet sray now and etery year from now then we will defeat tuberculoma a apeedy end to the lung reacli ia in your handt join the crusade and be xrayed halton county tuberculosis association sponsoring free tb clinics in acton area brookvulteawnflallaprilj5 campbeliville masonic hall april 15 acton town hall april 17 and 18 daymonds opportunity sale starts april 12th at 900 am bedroom suites s by knthlel olubenl wrightspall kauffman fittsn ft ptrvar and othan spc -knechtcl- bed suite in cordovan ma hogany bookcase bed iteg price 380 30 229 167 159 189 suiehion spc suite by wrtghtspcu m fcfwjk dnjuiir chrit ulth cedar drawrr aid cncioifd nhjvvftj r mg mirror bookcase bed beg u34 50 anaaw olkrr bodrom holtm at hlasuar oraatly bel rrieea walnut finish single door wabdpobes 21 to 36 dining room suites kaurmann 3pc nottawa birch suite dresser cheil bookejue bed a beauty ref 122s silver mist 3 pc suite by fitlon and parker panel bed a invely suite to own reg 930 0 latest autumn brown 3pc suite by knechtcr quality suite at a very low price reg 1349 so 15950 s c suiteextension lablu combination china buffet 4 side chklrs walnut 314 so dimnq boqmstmt ifmed oak t plrrcaexlenalon fkf 4f- tuble buffet and 4 chairs 1mj0 t knecmtel s lc suite mocha flnuh duffel with a- hutch china top extension table cbeaullrul uphol- sv w stored chairs reg price 337 30 living room suites uiiafiuiiiaiw htlced to clear twopc beiast wool frieze suite each pl w sloping arm mt m as b h extra special 2 ic kroehler- sora sec tional suite white with black trim wide arma ri verslble cushions reg 9434 so kroehler 3pc daveno suite wine reg 91ms0 3 pc chesterfield suite 911430 tweed reg 219- 299 15950 5900 149 kroehler 3 pc suitf cushlonlzcd springing rrvcrsable spring cushions two only one turquoise one prslmman krg 9104 30 extra hallfie amfh1can si efper gtlaa p lounukjiui rublnr cushions full sis spring svv 3u and sprrnjthluht maujisk rig 931111 j1 st aaw jpc sectional suite real snmrt reg 91m30 10950 i pc krciemj ttjtcf srnr ate f k suite green slightly soiled hi g 92w many other 3pe and heeuanal mulle 1391 odd usds 11 inuhe kphinoji- uattlutasis easy chairs reclining chairs novelty tables bio range of kttchen sets ap and furnishings of vervtiescriition opportunity saie- yesi thii la hopprtunlry you haw pawn walhng for your opportunity to purchaso ejuallry mcrchandla at fraction of ihoirsnaont ualua jol oooos offarod ara takan from our regular comprehens ive stock we ouarantoa no inferior quality oooos our opportunity to ut tho ex brewers warehouse which it niott door to our praaonl location open friday to o pm home furnishings dial 27730 107 quebec st v

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