Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 18, 1957, p. 2

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i 9ir artrnt mttt flrriia ft tj inir ww awblw ka aataa fowtfad ib hit and publlahad vr7 thur- 4nuu kill sl t arlun onl ibmbti of uw audit durvbu of circulation lha cw nx ud th ontartoubac dlvulon of th cwka adwrtuung ralaa on miuaal sub aaripuona paybla in advanca 3 00 ui canada moo u tht united sum ui tonthf ii t atnfl coplaa 7c autborttad a sacond claaa mail tuat offlr dapartmnl ottawa pbkuabaj ky ib duirvrlbttaf aa rakllakbtf c uaalud o a dilla edltorlncmat dald h dilli lroduruun uanajar jtmn a dill managing editor subumm aassdllorul off ic it aoo acton thursday april 18th 1937 another springtime pest it teems that the railway association of canada it making its annual enquiry of municipal council regarding the duration of daylight living time according to this as tocialion th maiority of the communities in ontario and quebec are in favor of extending the pariod of daylight saving tho propoal now is october 7 instead of the present sep tvmbci date we don t know who appoint tho railway association of canada or who they represent about the only time we hear of them is in re ference to daylight saving time if they ate associated with the railways they have a ou to do in convincing those organizations to cooperate and schedule trams with the pre sent hours generally accepted for daylight saving the biggest contusion right now in daylight saving time is the refusal of the rait ways to make their schedule conform and to continue to operate on standard lime from late april to the last of september until this is done municipalities might well tell the railway association to mind its own bunness we ve been over the aigu menti for and against daylight saving so many times hat repetition is senseless the apfit lo sepfembe hours arc now fairly well established let s leave ihem alone and abolish the railway association of canada please don t write to this editor askuiq who this association is we don i know but we are agm them anyway and agm this new o eewen o4 hme lx ih are- so many things of greater importance these days and already so much contusion from egypt and elsewhere just ohe tay to be heard if has been finally sallied that on june 10th the electors will go to the polls in cana da to choose a government for the next four years th weeks alveed will find plenty of platforms and promises presented it is your privilege to sift not only from tlie campaign material but from fverformarue over yeais previous who can best serve canada in the year immediately ahead if will not tm a task for a snap decision on your part the big thing to iememter is the slv of the task before those whom yoi send lo te present you the billions in the last budget should sjill be fresh hi your mind runalitg canada from a business standpoint l a task that roqulres the best ability ami eperoiu yoo can find in canada it might well be kept in mind too thai any government is oaly at strong as ihenten you send to ottawa to form that government the date has tieen set ttte machinery is now in operation to property record your choke in most cases the candidates have teen choaen you the lettott will have ample opportunity to examine their claims for the next few weeks tle choue of the majmily wh govern for tour years june 10th il the day and tlie imly day loi y out voue to in haid first things first the taster season means many diffeirnt tilings lo many people to all it means a ir ncal cl tlctt llljl nrv lilt flj mayu only new lothei ikr thitstmit tl may lrvoino a ll t ont used il m m siine measure iwonw ovpi vmmiti itlirrd it suth latter instance is ttie in your individual think ing you are undoubtedly missing the real sigmtkvur of faster if santa laus is tlm central hguru m your lhnslmas il uilo likely follows that hit new taster toggrry is more piedommale in your aster program than i ho message of sutfenny iicntkr tor ottiers and the glonous resurrection and tht hopo of new life actually il is not necessary to taeniae the pleasure of one phase to gel the great mes sage of the older tlvo important thing is the order in which you place them if new cloth es crowd out the great message of easier and obliterate the significance of the sacrifice of christ and the glory of the resurrection then yours is a hollow eastertide if easter bun rues eggs and the holiday spirit crowds out of your easter stt thought of the sacrifice giv en for you to lead up to the joy and hope of new lite and tho resurrection front the grave then easter is just another selfish holiday the easter parade of finery is not the big the good olddays back in 1937 takaa rraai a laaaa al laa fae faaa tkaradar aall 11 t mr lrwlll i- iw ii yn- lta i i fr ttf mth hint an1 w iwllav i nnh hi ll- llr ytrv vi at uir i a1h m k x lull tul r v uk ii ii filial i il rlrlt tli- iuo it i iuiid i vbll min i i iliili i am1 film and uw 1u mi olirla i a iiii onl in mr rl rrlrk marrfk- iw1lii ti- k riilt n f mr and mr win dawklna i a011 mnl- k tak- plw jll n hi- iii11 11i j may ttir aaiaaa t mnlifi mlrtf imiii mtttl nil i i in aitmia allimllv- vral l-l- 1illd liiu 1 u iiw lvm hi- ti- llln- hfiiik illili i- nlly until fr111 lln il wm murmr 1 knwn llln hciim hl ll-tv- llr kiii vi a i ii tlii lliitf nulina al 1 iwhm ii i fu- in linn lllil in mill 11 w ilill i fl i- i i l in ai ii1h1 1 i illvil mill t- in1 hi i back in 1907 tabfn freie ilia imu f tl ft praaa thuruif aerll ii im9 m iuitnut i imvtt ll ur l k t t n 1 k i ik w lol 10 itt ir iinw ycu rv r u kl lit a t u y 1 y u mlil ili i- im i- 1 it iinkiu uta wk imsr i 1 a ull tallitly 1 u 17 ih- tv 6r h 10 ii m rlft luaik it fv it 1u rimlmii n util ladtmfii f lilr tl will t rfltl ri sitvirit unk ajiini ftiir iim- i yiar flit- tew flifik wlh- hfl in ln it ki vrr 1irtl faftiti ti iwinm 1t laar li itry attilld f i ni wr mfftu av uf ilifl 111- vmitrim mii ijil f kimkliirili alt ll flv- tlrir tirifxa1 rfil itiiritil rictvt r vnliitt 3ht t ai il mr n i m- i l vl i i il i f m i 17 tf t ft tl h i f fi 1 it rhtma far bthar rrt easter service chronides of gin farm ginger farm bows to progress by fiwrndolln p ctarha nt ii i n i iinii nit h t ml lim w in in nuil v i nov m i iv hi i n ml ii il h ih p li 11 f 1 st niiiiiiolt fin i ll j il t ulhiut l the irprt- n nl f mnhu w li 1 im i il l ml 1v1 m- umvhllt ll i is t iii ii ll ii ul m f 111 ll 1 i it r it m w f w rt ki li m ti ft- i hilly i it v lihk mir- fin mi m t t hit iifl till ii il to if ti lnl u kn tit mrj tn ttu strnsuri tit- his heart so is he there is oy in the easter tide but if the trinkets and symbols are in prominence and the true meaning is mado subservient in your minds and thoughts the real meaning of easter is being lost and the sacrifice made for you is nothing may yours be a truly joyous eastertide help needed for the right under the name of the retail merchants association a campaign is currently in opera lion to establish sale of beer in the retail stor es in ontario the government of ontario is being pressed to change its liquor control policy fortunately premier frot has very strong convictions on the matter and is not swayed but those who have ihe interests of ontario and our young people at heart might well write him and give backing at this time everyone knows full well that the more sale outlets for any commodity mean greater sales everyejqfc knows that the more handl nig the greater the difficulty to retain control we already now have more alcoholics in on tario than we can properly control put beer in the stores and we give opportunity to more minors to get started on the road that leads to akorolivm records show that in this pro vince alcoholism is on the increase everyone knows the difficulty of control of sle of in toxicating beverages is greater and wider as restrictions are removed put liquor in retail stores and watch after it is too late tho in crease in teen age problems t the move is one in the interests of the brewing industry alone the motive for i tti m ik i f will i ml llova i- th h iim will l tl ih n1 w mill li k pi th u l tniti wt y 4 n 1 vtmi u hi n th r f mi i i u loi i i 1111 ill uu lt u mtln t hkt il it 11 hut ih n hum- in imw i m ui i n l i- i ft st in ih i im 1 i v 1 i tnill1 is hxtliii tl tn 1 1nt mov i ti n in th fl- m- ii woiill 1 lk i tht nt mc i lllltl iph lii oik ilu hki mti v km vu 1 hut fnut f i i 11 ll i ikl l l 1 lllv f ih hut ih ho um uk i iw ni in tli wnnk pi ill 11 lot i 111 m r i i n ihmii i w ty f of ln ivi or hf r ttmiib in it i ill i ti iioih r 1 iitrh alton minn 1 rhimiii i o n to oiiihh- in tin mifitnl titivl tkk iik- lrt of llf lirtiirui t ih tliut- i huii ti on jiil iy iikll t tin youiik lpl 1 1 vtiiik ih- lkil t p of on 1011- i oo it mil himti mit mi- villi llmiliiiw i mi nl liiil wtmi on v klli mi t t r timi unit tii i r si r of kuh ii n iy oil f i ulifil ki- improvn ili t h k oi i l tl n f r i 1 i 11 ilv f i ri ion il hun 1 v i i i o u m t nil uumimi i f m i 1 i 1 mt- i ih m ov l m- i 1 i f ko i m i i- il i m b 1 vi ii tl i i t m u i 11 m ph i in 11 a w k fot- st it tl ijo t r 1 1 i k sium1 mi i t ytr g tii uki iili in in th fltii t1 uf w- hi till of mrkliv 1 ijriltl ih i ha- of 11 m k it n tn1 loitlr of mr j it ai1to p if i ii f tl ii l r will tj y i l i i i al i m t- i ft uf1 v ll iv ll i h- i t i it y 1 t f i 1 pi i i -i- i ikj j j il i f m t ii ft t m l ii i t i i m- milton r it in- i a riilmit of a i- n ho l j 11 i hit of ii tk r o i i i t v i hit foi it r ii tlil l v tkfi in hk t th rulph l i it moimi t r i -t- 1 off in ii 1- ii i it luwly nornii ih h nlli m to r i 1 i l i m ii v i t 1 io i iontli pint- mr m sir1 r 1 t 1 i o ii ml to tl pr p i ip lo mr si h i i 1ai 1 k r it i i a i 1 a f hllm i m v i i i rr r tt f r i i 1 i i f mr 1 i k s at i professionaidir ultl hi ih it hi j i 1 tl primiik in in f ii tin ll af th it t nl lo lull ihi it utitu iil ir ii n i uiti fit mi mi i th zuvt nli did you write to cbc apparently you might be asked this ques tion any day tt all started when mr st laurent wrote the broadcasting company and it seems that mr frost has also been giving them his opinions too we have felt like do mg it lots of times and it s ust sheer mdol ence on our part that we haven t most of the opinions we write are published foreveryone to read each week and every so often people take enception to them or write and tell us fheyapprove or disagree ours of course is a private business we get no subsidy from any government at any level we pay taxes at all levels and if some thing we do irritates or upset our readers very violently we have known them to cancel their subscriptions and we just have to carry on without that revenue we ve never had a letter of criticism from any head of govern ment in all the years e have been express ing opinions or purveying news but smce the cbc is subsidized by the government and largely paid for by the pub lie purse uswhy shouldn t they get letters from everyone who contributes to its upkeep just why shouldn t mr st laurenj and mr frost write in and give praise or commend tion of their actions how else will the cbc and its officials lodge their programs and- public opinion if they do not hear from their publctc v hen i cimr to itnm wiui on- tjtput- mi nl and m me thl there in nt in eompl unt iinnil the itirtminl tht v ilun i nny innunli tin tnke mir i iml u hi lhi r or nut you want to im ii thi v cut limn mn hrik feiirii wilk through sour firm whin th v f 1 1 like it we h im n t an rotnpliint on in of thiam mitre all we ttjictil to u is llii it itiki nul hulihn iron stiki- tlu summin hive ilw ii thii nxiht iounemii even if the do ronie in when ttiev fi el tiki it the nmount of dihtrtctlun hn been kept to a minimum as for ftie finkniil mttumrnt we hnve been well nativfied we wire vid nxinlint to land nlum it thu imnntliate it tnity nnd whnl more rouhl an one nk ment to lnrl with m a little slow in iinimi hut in inquiry directed to the lnn office erv noon bntubtit ntifactory results so no ir hour ipicilinir by w lit ri im eiiv- had l tufiillv riul i hi n i il mot in r w iy if looking nt it hor34 win iinui r t- irm tins pnimded im with n living ti itl uiir uh and downs mriikkled ttiniuch the di ir lon li id tfiod t nrjts and ior but most iaj we ralmd two child- un ind now tin ire mnrrud with i hildri n of thi ir own not only that mv hukumd mil 1 starlid out ir pirtnim ind now in the twilmlit of our m in wi ar imrtmn mill we should mdicd im iinitriiteful to a mtrtiful pruvul rntp if we uttered one wird of mmiliint eiecinlly u neither of un is phmiicillv able to ken p w ith the bard work nix siry in farmintl and now if ou arc mteremid nt all ou will tie curious about w tn re we ire tunc believe me ih it has tminuite a pntbletn or wmtk we had uur eve on oiu pir- this sundays church calendar cbc should battlst chujtch acton rev kay it coatrru pastor hronif us bower av phone 206 kridiv april 10 annual good ithuv dyiu itallv com mencinn 2 p m georntiown sunday prii 21st 1057 kasteh sunday leneri and iricre 0f oe should be no curbs on who sencjs them ev ery citnen contributes to the upkeep of the canadian broadcasting corporation and if those who are elected leaders do not have the right to correspond with a publicly owned concern d is s slipping m cana- da you own them why shouldn t yoo tell them7just keep your language on a purely cultural basis more profits and greater sale we are dubious that the retail grocers as a whore ate in favor of becoming bartenders for the families to whom they sell other family commodities we admirepremier frost for hi resistance to this pressure group that so often besets hm in ontario from so many angles if you too are concerned at their latest move to get more beer sold write to mr frost and tell him so let him and hi colleagues know that thereare group anclindivicfaaulrujhi pro- vi nee that put the welfare of the province as a whole above the- profits and degradation of our youth tell him too that you approve pf his stand against liquor advertising in on tarirv wencwthafhagertingplenty of- 1 uu am3unaa srhm 1100 am morning worship junior choir 7 00 p m evening srr ice tuesday 7 pmbypu wednesday a p m midwcex acr- v ice raissyterian church in canada iexox chtjmch acton rev andrew h mckcrute ba bp april 19 10 am good fnda er- vice sunday april slot 1037 r 8 43 a ire church school 1100 am eater wonthip 700 p m evening worship at ton pentecostal assembly meeting in the ymca p norr pv k j rptit bl cook su telephone m9w sunday april 3lit 1057 10 00 am sunday srhool 11 00 a m morning worship 7 jo pm evangelistic service- wedneaday 8 pmrcotu pray er meeting and bible study united church op canada aetaa oium rv gordon a darn ma ii ix- miniurr paraonage 39 rcver avenue i phone 80 mr george ehiutt organut nd choir lridrr 7fl nitfr ave at con phon fl htt f- 1 1 i fr ir li il t- f vi ihi on id 1 li- llx n ui hull it for hi fin ilv in ih n hi m if uiiuliln t hvi ih r i lulu t hi mi hi r ih ntiiri i nitklilxx uii ilmm i nut ivn anothir pint jul iv run u ii iuit loi tu a hiin wi mvr h l ui kir fruii nun uirn th it u ihui1 tu uhit inil us on tti it trip too tiid th vnw wlptlhll of tmv worlil wi t t ik n with inoth- r iioum kixl 1k ilion w nli rf ul 1 milnc- ipitlk ul lh houvr mdiil a nt himtink svmi trmi nnil m mm ni ind n flonnnjt in lhc kltchrn none of thine think ink en into cnudenttlnn in thr pnrr so we piuied that one up wi- wit- almost in despair and thrn wk found it rimirnv houm t venr old in a miiill vtllii n m n rt nf land plrntv of nwim for thr knndrhild nn to run fui rninuti ilk to thr hlcht and i kki tm rnitt riv rninitiv iheohir w iv uid vvt 11 im nht in thi ountrv v mifcht hiv hunld lot firtlur uid not foil n invthmii tht m rlv in t our n ipnifnn nt- i rui d hi ttinc h if iv im tuui town iftd countrv h ilfw iv ik tvnu our tun t liihln n and uir chilitnn halfwuv ntwn tironto md our old horm ir fnm iir1iu r ii alrimdv t nil int it halfvv house so thtr vhi hivr it i thou making i movr would write fini to thii chriniilf but vour edihir ia no so in a frw wiiks von will be rcmimg what mitjtit well be called srqurl to ginger firm finm and travellers guide miser i iantoi dr w g c kfnrjey rhylrlan and hurgron of fin- in svrmn ijin k 43a mill si f acton ofmrr rkmr 7t roldrtmr lla horrh hi f phonr im dr d a garrett rhyftirlan and h or grow corner of willow ahd hlvrr sts knlrancr rivr strret acton ontario than im dr robert d bucknfr rhvutun and knrgrsa 39 wrllinjtton st arton ont phnr c7f officr llouri p m rtl fkttf ash inhitlinri f l wright 20 wilbur st ath n ontario ihori a 4pprslrr rl fiuu n insursnrr wm r bracken insurance agency 8 mill slrrrt phone 2 rf smr general insurance rjmlfy fljrjfpal home i li i nitj intiht r iur llruir f- shkin ik r mir olive m lampard a t c m ii m t trirhrr f rivn at ton sttdio st albn irvh hll 14 iakk avi tlh ill ihcnr ta 2 u i nmno accouvrfwo w h biggs fci ena rmllm aeen4h4 fubllc aectw feorgttown thmnaie 7 u31 sucirvsor to a j bishop c pa lever hoskin n r u nwi netil viir trtd w imhc j bert wood i insurance agency uf sad 0nrml immutc piun b m mill si inner arrwttnunu 31 main st n 212 king st w brampton toronto 1 h nr 247h fm 4 b1ji iarl o black cnmrn hi c a riirttrn ac rorvravr ik main st mi tm ont til 8vw2 walth h pop c rtftd pabllr arreatiuat h ir rttl vrr t rv 19 i on st s toritown ont th 74hj1 optical e l buchner r o optomrtrnt 4 mill st r phone il offic hour wdnrawiy 1 wi flno pm evrntngi by appti ntmrnt ttavcuiks ouioi otay coach iinis ind brief comnrfenl mill rates for municipal taxes vary from 50 to nearly 100 the tax bilt however that realty tt important and the amount of money req we era oolnj to have daylight tayinb for en extre month this year pretty nearly have to do at the neighbors do especially when your neighbor la e btg city good fridav 11 n m mornlt i womhip sunday april 21st ibm easter sunday 9 00 am jlglv communion 10 00 jn junior church church school u 15 am mornlna worihlp the anglican church of canada st a i hant church amort oat rev tvin h3onmb a lth rtctor good friday 1m am the story of the cro cantata by the senior choir 1 m i editor wiw rittdrrn will bo plrtl that rrnnji nnntu htvo lvntnrtpnnntimprntth3rrm- mr a few months for over 20 jisir it ha boon a foiturc that roitdor hiivo rhjnvrd oul once in thi 4cm tf pchl imv lhociriml os nf ginger farm boon omitted frm tho trvn pros and that ww no fault of mr clarkf but rsth- or slip in tho dollwry of tho tipv tho f i attire from the nei locaujnic tund lo hiivc ti4ifor ont viewpoint brtl to idors w il be iblolo follow with intret tho chingi from hfo at gincer farm to the new suburban home in erin dale i after hour ta 4 jw0 guclph iental or h leib dnul hoffeob office corner mill and frederick tircct office hours 9 m to 8 p m telephone l acton coa1 iikm lcavk acton htsjusra ttisw fstltmansi 33 am daily vxcept sun and dr a j buchanan dental sorfvon orfictvsamin street mh pm 0 p m ijlpm j pm 10 08 pm i sun rid hoi i ivraltmttamf 107 am 1257 pm 2 37 pm 5 t7 pm 727 pm 9 12 pjb hc pm i 12 am fri sat sots nd llul i canadian nationa1 railways stumtarjttma office hour ft am m li pm closed wednesday iiftcrnoon telephone 148 legal opinions from the other side for wider sale tn these days silence jjnot always golden the liquor ipterests have the gold on their side and are not hesnant to use it to acquire morev sunday april 311 1957 easter day 8 30 am hbly communion 845 am chudrniservlcc 11 00 am choral i communion 4 m pnv holy baptism 7 00 pmtoiuvw evensong tntrtirosrwifeers kirkland ukke ontcpi anglican church officials arc con sidering startina a fund to provide a church on v heels and mobile rectory far serving isolated parts of its moosonee district c f leatherland qc urrialvra sc office h6urs ealbnand dailv 146 am daily except sun days looo um 73 pm sunday only n 01 pm daily except sun- duv ft or at dayrtetown 0 03 sjb 837 pm daily flyer bt tuvkn-jq-h-pm- rirrutra botlrltor nsury pablu 1000 am 12 00 an wealbaea daily 1144 prrw daily except 100 p m 5 00 pm saturday uy appointment onlv office 22 phone res 131 acton sunday l36 a-m- l9a nin topi 740 pm saturday j only day on unday am bo- sunbay only rlyar at jy i ourlph 1 fa pm dal and sun 810 qjn 1 aaept 8bl it yr wftrisasrffpsff v ijzii

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