Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 2, 1957, p. 2

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y si artdtrjjro ttm mt aar tpar avar flh in 1 aa aalaa more chances to progress young people today never had greater opportunities to acquire training and educa lion to fit themtelvet for business life and a raoalal to ift and pnhllaliail raarj tfeura- y as m mil st k actaa obl uanbare ike audu buraau at drenlatlwia the cw xja aad tha oatarsa quabaa divtataa el the cwmjl admtlatnt ralaa on raojuaat sub- attpfiaaa payable la advance la olbada hot la the ualted stataa ate ejealka tun alafla coplaa te authatuad aa saeaatf claaa uau poet otflca dapartamast ottawa fibaari by ike mm rttatktf aaj paulakajsf oa uauud o a duis edltorlnchlac david r dula production uaaager jum a dtua uaaaatta sdmer aad editorial office ph floo actoo thursday may 2nd 1957 comparable discomfort white ihe complaints of the recent immi grants that they were crowded into plane given a packet lunch and generally neglect d probably are quite understandable they must cause some of our old time resident to amile there are ittll people living who can re call reaching thu country only after tossing bout on the high seas crowded and they me en feelly wdi tiown telow ieka 4tmi subsisting on the most meagre fare on their arrival they found no welcoming committee no preparations for even their first night s stay but were forced to shift for themselves they secured homes only after they cut the logs to make them and then proceeded with the actual construction even those coming over early in the cen tury had pretty tough going for the first few months we re not suggesting that today s im migrants haven t every right to expect reason able comforts and care but some of them might be more patient and willing to rough it a bit for a time after all this is a mighty fine country in which to live but it is so only because of the hard work of several genera lions of earlier immigrants owen sound sun times the only measure now that your income tax returns have been duly dispatched your attention is being drawn lo the levy which over the year will be required to be paid to the munici ality in whtch you reside one thing alou a 22- future in life an example which caught our attention perhaps became we are personally interested in that branch was recently an nounced by the ryarton institute of tech nology ten bursaries of 500 each have been offered bright young high school graduates to prepare them as future publishers of canadas weekly newspapers the ryerson institute of technology to ronto has agreed to combine elements of its three year diploma courses in printing man agement and journalism in a special con tribution to the weekly press the allcanada insurance federation has agreed to contribute an annual 5000 fund to attract young people into weekly newspaper editing candidates will write a 1500word es- say on the weekly newpaper students may inlerview editors and source material will be provided by ryerson details are available to any high school pupil at their local high school of course such opportunities need ex- loring and some initiative on ihe part of the student similar opportunities emit in other fields for those who take the effort to seek themout never was there such a dearlh of trained help in the country at today never were there so many aids to acquuing that experience and naming open to our young people as sctioot term draws to a close now t- the time foi eveiy itudent lo plan tho career tie will follow moic young people with an incentive can be absoibed into our economy and to these people will go the top positions of the nent few years new and old shopping remember the general store in many ways it was a shopping centre it carried an amazing variety of goods groceries dry goods hardware practically everything un der the sun but our tastes and shopping habits have changed since folks bought dress material in the general store todays shop ping centre with its variety of shops and stores bears little resemblance to the one we know today the change is merely a greater variety and more spec ia in ng the shopping centre some of us recall was under one roof but folks wanted hundreds of dresses to choose from feet haven t changed much but the demand for variety of shoes and lasts has multiplied the old general store perhaps had twd i nes of canned tomatoes whereas il f a b the good old days je spring sport chronicles of gin farm back in 1937 mm ike law af use free rraaa thswvur hay ittl on tuaaday afternoon victoria mission band of knox church held a coronation meetin in the sun day school room when mothers of the children and other friends at tended the room was decorated with flats and coronation colors a areat deal of interest was ahown in the guess n contest con ducted last week t connection with talbots anniversary sale a ar display contained lm3 brans the nearest guess was toy miss atleen clsrrldge a sm7 miss currtdf gets her choir of either an elerinc waft iron or a cole man lamp the purchase of three provincial bus routes out of toronto operat ed by the central ontario bus un es was an item of local i merest last wer inetuna in th purchase were nlae urge roaches operated by the arrow line a banquet wm the fewture of the closing meeting for hie year of the united young lctplc after the mtfnlx ra tad njoyed it bountiful upfx r plans were marie for u pic nk thim sufiuncr the limnl hall club were foiturt jte in obtaining mr rtimll to mantigt thi team wi uiwt rmaml n new arret n in to i rfcttl in hunt uir pliti tt tninv lull- hast in thi pond i ut vt ir si trh 1- jodkinjc hv tli tntliusmi nit back in 1907 take frees las lata af use free frsasj taersdsy may 2 wi joseph h boyd and miss nina smith of toronto were unitad in holy wedlock at the home of the brides parents on saturday after noon last the constables here have very promptly taken a cue from the uc eftse oommiasioneia recent resolut ion respecting drunkennaas on the streets of the town of the county as usual there was last friday a number of drunks parading the streets and miking the night hid eous with their fighting snd pro fanity on monday chief lawson laid information against five of these disturbers of the peace charging them with being drunk and disorderly and using profane language four of them came be fore ii p moore justice of the peace on tuesday pleaded guuty and were fined s3 each and coats tht fifth cleared out to earspe be inf mrveri a thtr p r will be promptly presented if tie returns to town it will be difficult tor the hold- men to persujfxi 4he putflic unit tli y an in inv rfnptct rixixut to prtfxrvi hit pulilu pt i m in ri tht v put m exit i tmrtt nd ri on rrtduv niiht iitmi m ii to til and it u 1 i1 of lltl en jt ln hu j nxutiu maliiki 1 tuhll l ml p i u 1 a ihtxltlll 1 ll ii 1 f 1 t nxt siimtiv id th m at ton itii the confusion of moving lurul utll pr n1 to knin ihiirl f r tin oinihiliimi iiy mtmii mil of hit otnmuriui in dil mi lion sir now oi itivlixlit siv init turn mr tint mr m p ill ml t ihr it tl lh tr llth vitlt1iti mijimrrtir it on homt nt lit r ttntht r mr mrs llrrv aril r of uetm it r sun ttiy ii t obi le t clarke tar so wr he been driving back wt un hire m mir niw home forth tht first part of laut nt it it i think w art aj to ihnt ek leepfng at the farm the ut i am not tjuit nure txtuiim for the r wrt at iufay lltmse it it mttiu to fetl i ift fi in tv fuiiutu mt hi pu uh1 bit r uk i in stul tr iriiiln tin lielnr ks irul n fni r tor m hi it t inn in licit momiik lol of hi isi stuff v h it vs i ft fohnm u it libit to limit o r lr lnt k ikini utps wlui u is lift thit s unris s if thin inl nr ninth 1 mi t it i kil 11 th wntl of tht miik mi mtit tiko 1 1 ret i to nriaiiut am thin prom rlv iirnl forktit to brmj the m ifiinio wi nittlim most om in thin ttts no tifml mil it bn ikftit rtiffee init nothing ti m iki u in inst mt coffc uontri inn ut ri ill rifi11 but that had int n li ft at tht firm llomimr ndi ifttrnimin i wint shopping and whit i tt it ihilwa ijown in tht ill k 1im old furniluri molt likt lhmi t- is fruin inv dm i t m look on tmdi hikl ihi n h lliil ii wi broukht huii iili list siitunliv iiort ir lix is in ixmrimint if hi octtlcs ikao mi mi 11 kitp him k tie tllmml i thin iv knht hoiix lit tin l ii- a ut s- 1 it of lmiil th ich i 111 tin ir mo meeting u tin homr f mr ltim iv ii tii ctll t 1 rig 1 j ii ktmlll m- w tiln on ii f shn u tr to bl id hoi mono mil s th it urs si i ttu m ill si f hi ait if un fun tin i in in 0 oji b r it m iiln i ill pi1 11 li ttu i t f i ii ii v ill ii p tt vs h nl tiisiil fuis n tl dv of th iimhi pi tun th om hiii k n ind rtit tut imn ind olliai mi j norrinh kit vi sw jk kh imrr h i tf no into uie cm m nti rinil but inert und in nggit in rebuilding mrs tur- tt n a revultiict on willow st the attain citii nt hind tnd alton ukik of oldffuous luii niringil milh th th for un txurion to nimgiri rulli vu r ill iiinl lttit from tor n to on tim- ti 23 june tht fare will in f 1 v hit wnniiim intftmuu mill h ld their nittlnm on may 3 nt 3 pm tlui is th inniml nut ting in the in hon of off tt i m und in rhilnlion of m ving iim to th link of pi p r iniiim th iti r rin iln thr n ul iv n mill st m mil i nish in i vs i il m r 1 i i- f mm ii tr i vs m t i in r ftt l t i i t r itniis jm liiajaa krt llilfth i- i vt r nut inlril mun u n n f th put with him mi i un s thi tit is up i itit tv so tji 1w urr u h o l i v vs j m of ii f t tint in m sli hitd hvis on 11 m xt lot if t in- ik ill inn to u tid lu m r hi in h h m imi uiil tt ht whin in i ltkn ml gh t of l ilkv prdffonai directory municipal tax levies it the act that it is all completed for you and there arc no forms to fill in by the ratrpayer the amount due is set forth in straight dollars and cents last fall you received your assessment notice this year the amounts to be received from other sources were collected and by subtraction addition etc you get your real and final story m the tax bifi that is actually the only item which counts you may hve had illusions from your assessment your mill rate your government grants etc that the final outcome would be more favorable than lakf year you may have had similar illusions from other government returns that you would gain taxwise or that you would get out more than you did formerly with expansion going on as if is presently the in take has to be more to keep up with the out go several years ago a real estate man of our acquaintance used to enquire every year when our local taxes were going down we used to assure him quite sincerely that ust as soon as some large debentures were retired it would seem lower taxes could be assured we always added unless some more maor projects are debentuned well we ve been adding new debentures over the past ten years at an unpietedented rate the home that used to be built tor 5 000 will easily cost 15000 maybe it would be well if taxpayers would add up the services supplied by the muniiipaltfy and place them alongside the tx bill that costs would not seem unreason able it would be enlightening to citizens h eta t we- went tjmxl t s ing plenty of water adequate sewage dis posal the best schools a nice library gar bege collection support for local institutions such as an arena the band police protection tc and progressive action by your elected representatives these and many more services are secur ed for you in your local tax bill we doubt if municipal taxes will ever be lower and neither will provincial or federal taxes shrink we want more each year and government incomes comes solely in taxes and levies they create nothing and attempt only to ful fil the needs or demands that seem most popular the facts about taxes may temporarily be withheld from you the budget may be kept secret for a time but there ut isnt any means except cold hard accounts and inevit ably your tax bill and a businessuke demand for payment y sy leslay sway soup was made at home where now dozens of kinds carry a myriad of fancy labels the old general store had delivery wag ons to take home the family supply they didn t need huge parking lots but only a couple of hitching posts the general store ddn t have so many people to serve and shopping hours were long and leisurely it s a far cry back to the old general store and its limited stocks and lack of assortment yet s ihe principal behind the shopping of today far removed from earlier days banking today and earlier we pined hundreds of residents of ac ton and district friday evening at the open ing of the new bank of montreal building and had feelings of admiration as well as re collections of the past days which did not occur to many there over in the northeast corner was acton s first bank we recall going to that corner off the millinery department of henderson and co with father while the late hon david henderson brought forth papers from the safe and spread them among the hat stands we never knew whether father got a loan or not but with a family of six and wages at 1 10 a day it was a cinch he wasn t making a deposit as we noted the fine office fitt ngs and over the counter method of transaction we recalled the cages in which the teller was locked with the cashing during open hours when jlie first chartered banks moved into town a revolver was at his hand to protect f i1t11 in to tx diert nomi how syrnitinn ti ill i t ininit troyfliti ntl iu n but it th niiinm uhit ut unit s n ir whir vw t ptct it to be s un1- likt b id ore iniation dotn t it l it i and it inl vat starttxl out 1 dx ming t vt rv thine hirtt w tckitl und thought tht n uoulti b no confusion it ill mid tht n it r uned a vtr ht iv v run th it ternpor inl put in tnd to u rk on thi 1 tnd johnnv nil- urjlv wiiutd to nunc our stuff dwnni tin wit tm 11 so ovi r hi r line mid to nitkt a ionic tor hirt rv rvthirtii in mjht wa load ed into tht irui k sorttd mil un furled tht end is not vet in sight nt le kt not for mr over at th farm then in dil moil of mi books p tp rs ind historical r ft n nt m ttt ri il it mu 1m it vi to brine the muff over until wr htd ome pi it t n id v to rect iv t it othi r things ttxi dishes or minim is pit juns ind houht limn in thin th it could bt brought ovir in at th umiii nt in it plus froi n foi i nt fi lo ik uxl xcvllinf fnh mi it am no ihk1n phonukms 1 was btek homr in lt tin nut is nil ill mv chopping tin ne 1rin s vi r comparable with mot of th kne eti rits and tht n iv no lint up it tht cash nuivter and whit i it likt around lit n hill t it or not it i uuutir th m it t on the firm hxctpt for th bird such a lot of hirtv munlv 1 mi p tost bf him thi r tr pit ntv of trtts it is wondi rful to vt p uuuidt in limn hopuinjl tiouttd on thi livan or sine in from tht tre tias it urn b txciuvt tht r t no ftt trttfic tin tnir road tin onlv ptopli who list tht ntad in rimdinb their iiitr and delivtrv mt n and vl if om vhould htnkir for trtffic five mm utri lk tkes vtni to the buav ihiihi is hinhwav hi cm mi tht rir through iias bttuttn tht trots on tht vvholi w think rt koini tti likt it hen verv wtll tin in v hmim ttiiti1 strang at first but now th it wi hivt soim of our ill u nd tht will u t fu 11 d iv i this sundays church calendar 4imcmuftc arlavv tlntaris rev g rdiin adorns a it d mit titer fsraonag- 29 llotr avrnu i hone t mr georfr elliott orcsnut and chair leader 76 ilowrr ave at ton phon abbbbstw9suskjt tc afptist chuftch acton htv ii t vmru imnl r nifr us ilowrr avt lhsre 200w tx th of lh lit situnl iv t hi f ii in t hii om thiuit up whtivir ht or sin w mtitl frottt tht things th d win lift 1i w mttl iu io to tht bint win n li f t th ii hi wondiitt whin nil th thicki- hid oni idi ht i tr it timt tt iwlint iround tin fl irs through tin almost nipty rthimx t iupli of visitor bit w in ind w man titl to find i nouth old tup lo hftvt n cup ten iee hml tirouiht nl nn eooktek iihi t irts tht d i in fori w ht n 1 irtm r nd i win thi n alont tht sm vt mipi win vi rv buw tnd wt rt workinu nt in r to thi hou th in thev hid dont on any prrv uiu uc e iion ttit tables ecmetl to lt turned wt im m to reel th it mt wire thi inlrud rs n it the nurvii op a h iv i ind vt t kiv n up pc- msviin tf th firm mi wi hiivi tv t rv rikht to com and tfti sl c ph it f r i ft w diva mt i h itt to think whit th place will link lik in i ft w witk turn ifttrllit inw ind wttds liv t ik n ovit viiim it w 1 1 ok im vv th ill i tl 1 t kt p w tv ft iu it on thi othi r h ind it mrht be iiiitol tiiil 1 th i 1 mithinttv uhims hi u dnl know md l piniitu n nt hm doiiiiithtr in nt rispttts thi di pirtnu tl nf ii hw tv- vlv vrv ilm to lit 1 t 1 pin t u its i ft h in 1 in ir v ii w w h ii its rikht h md is d nik local boy runs third 10 sec behind record and travellers guide mim t i i anmlth kumiey funeral home ihon fi nlkht or day bruce shttt m iker mgr olive m 4ampard a t c it m t tesrhsr af llsna atts studio st alhnnn parish hall 14 ialtk avk uk11m phone ta 2 3314 aiihtino acrovntino w h biggs rci eng accredited rsblle aecaeatsju georgetown tkiariitle 7 3351 successor to a j diahop c p a lever hoskin hsrtered accaunlanu m mam st n 212 km 11 w llramptun toronto 1 ihon 247h km 4 9131 earl o black ii romin 11 1 a c a chart i acorntat 1k2 m un st milton out th 8 wi2 l ai jku s i h kava iti tht tnd i inlf walter h pope rrllflm rahlle arcanalsnl t h trti rtt stt n tarv il mtin st s i orti town out ik t4rm optic a i t i buchner ro optometrist 4h mill st r phone m office hours udn siuv 30 hnopm fvtrunt bv app ntment travellers guide pray coach iimm dr w g c keimney phftclan snd 8urcrn offut in sum n hi k k 43a mill st f attnn offlr phan tr reldrnee 115 hurrh si e phone im dr 0 a garrett physician and riargeoa umr of vaillow und hivir sis r ntratnee itivir strret acton ontario paane 2u dr robert d buckneu physician snd nurse 30 wilhiikton st alton onl phane t offict hourai ft h pm rml kntatt ami inhl rncb f l wright 20 wilbur st atton ontario ph nt wi apprslmr resl ituu jand insurance wm r bracken insurance agency fl mill street phone 2l lies 5r crnthal insukanct j bert wood insurance agency ufs and osnarh tbaarmawa v a t 171 will si him and the currency it was imposing even if il was not always effective banks and banking have undergone great change down through the last half century the years find the banks taking a more and more prominent place m business tt js grati fying to find them keeping pace m added services and building which are befitting their importance ip the town sudy my mh lv 9 00 tm- morning jvacr 1000 am junior church ind church school lui lo juorntni wun4up the anglican church op canada hi albany cmarea aria ont kev evan h jonas b-a- uth mr- husiiiin will xhtivv 1 h of hi r nvnt trip to tutors sundw my alh mttt 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am morn in worship 7 00 pm evenin service fjterton street dypu ln don ont ftrtulc al 8 13 wcdnedav 8pm midweek er- brief comment will the worst days regarding daylight saving for the year are over weve made the changeover any program or policy that slows down the advance of the ability to produce goods and services without arthesametme hold- ing in check the expansion of the ability tp purchase will fuel the fires of inflation blacks harbor nb fundy fishermen sunday may 5th il7 txaster iii 900 am holy communion 0 45 a m church school and bible class 1100 an bofinncn classes 1100 am choral communion 7 00 pm evensong pbessvtcrian chuich in canada kvox riitmcn acton rev andrew h mckcnzie ba ut m it i ukv stuirt rutd rki at h mi 11 n lot siturdiv hunt an- dnus f iton pltsvl third kd rtvdon of lljinilt t mk f tt plut honors and ilillv it- noldx r in mcond b th tht first ind mx nd puct runner broke the old rvxinl bruce andrews vu onlv 10 sec ond behind the first place- win ner he has approximately four yjft j t a sec otciipm lkavk acton utsasural tlsaa raslbaafte 0 33 am dally ajicrpt sun and molt 4lst am 1133 am mh pm sou pm 633 pm ttf pm 10 08 pm sun and hoi washmfssul 10 27 am 1157 pm 137 pm v t7 pm 737 pm b 13 pjn i1j3 p m 1 is a m rru sat sim snd hoi i after hours ta 4 3050 guslph dental or h leib daalml marfsaa office cornr mill snd frederick streets office hours d am lol pm telephone 10 acton sunday may 6th 1057 0 45 amichurch school 11 go omrmornina worship 70 pm fvcnina worship 8 15 pm senior high fellow ship at the atton penticostal assembly mcctinn in the ymca v ptor rev k j rfid bl cook st tlphune mb sunday may 3th 1057 llo itm sunoi school hikh the murue u 00 am momma worship 7 30pm evangel utic sen ire 1 wvttntrav h pm cottime pci tr mevijlj gji bible slud canadian national railways uussdsre ttma daily 54q am dally except sun davs 1000 am 7 13 pm buiutsj only s01 pm daily except sua- day flyer at georgetown 9 03 aj 0 37 pm daily flyer at george- tow n 10 11 p m westbound daily 1144 pm d tily except immimin with hrln of ctiiien s r nrpajlivi pim winners tn training bruce is a fine example of a rue porumun who docs a lot of hard mlent practice and competes an ainsf more experienced runners with the determination of a th tmpinn 1 chowlnc need septilcs que c1 ciitholio ind protestant pr a j buchanan deatat 8arraa office a aflll straet office hours am tospm closed wednesday aftarnoon telephone 148 legal the school plan to- form n committee to look no the joisibtlt of istabliihina a hiyh sch ol tor enulishhpeak nii children fraa stop 7 40 pm saturday onlv 1 22 pm sunda onlv 003 um flab r vii av only flyer at mrvh twnm y except sat nnd sun 5 31 pm c f lttatherland qc barrister a ktlllrltor notary pibus orficlhoucs 10 00 am 1200 ajn hmjpm5 00 pjtt 5itiraifc bv upputnimont only offut jj phnnu rts 1s1 acton a zr l

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