Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1957, p. 2

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8lh artmt rtt tta eaereelmilnll retasdad ta ids aad piauahad earr tssnre- skty a u hill st e arias oat mamnw at ike audit bureau of clrculationa ta cw ma tsad tka ontario qaabec division at tka cwjf a aarllasni itesn i tmsbran payable hi advanca ttfn t as law unitnd tataa au saeatka 81 is single coplse ft authorised aa rinic wed ansa mall pom ottawa palmikig vj tka baas tim i i mat paubkam on uasuad o a dula edltorlnckles david b- dula pradurtlob massage james a dula managing editor aad editorial office ph toe acts thursday may 9th 1957 important in your life neat sunday mothers will be honored for some years such has been the custom on this north american continent and none will question the edvisabitity of maintaining the custom it need not be an elaborate or ex pensive observance even the wearing of a flower in her honor may be uet as significant as giving an expensive gttf rtie important thing it that you remembered customs change with the years the mother whose memory we cherish wouldnt have been honored by the gift of an elab orate lipstick or a cigarette case or lighter she liked us to wear a flower go to church with her or perhaps have dinner with her and most of all to spend a part of the day with her and utt visit she liked the fact that we still considered her important enough in our lives that she had a place she liked gifts too but we can recall yet her admonish men when she said you shouldnt have done that it wasn t necessary of course it wasn t necessary but perhaps it conveyed the fact that it required some sacrifice on our part to present the tribute that s the important point to convey to mother on mother t day next sunday do it as you wish youknow her as your closest friend and companion she understands you as no one else in the world even if she is gone from you you recall her visions and ambitions for you her spirit lives on mother t day is important in her life but even more important in your life not all imports baby carnage block the udewalki in montreal according to a recent visitor to canadas largest city other communities may not ba quite as congested but all of them report plenty of brand new canadians says the financial pott in the first few years of the war births started to ump with over 250000 in 1940 and almost 300000 in 1945 and since the war we have been doing still belter with over 477000 or almost half a million babies bom in canada last year it is this rapily expanding birth rate which is the main reason for canada s recent spec tacular growth and the main hope for its con tinuing immigration has helped but the big gest gain by far in population will come from our new production check on your driving habits these fine warm days of early spring point to the fact that the open road espec ially on weekends is not open anymore twenty or 30 years ago you could enter a road with scarcely a thought of oncoming traffic driving today calls for more care on ihe part of driver and pedestrian experience that has been long needs to be kept up to date as well as inculcated in the beginners years ago when we got behind the wheel of our first car the garage owner gave us a fatw bit pf ad whi we appli then both parties can be sued one of the few newspapers which can ctatm to have successfully ud a municipal body for libel must be le prognws of chanv bly pq following a series of critical articles on the towns mayor chambly coun cil ordered the paper to explain itself to the satisfaction of the council and warned that if such an explanation were not given the council would order all group and individ uals with which it was associated to stop ad vertising in the paper such an orow beside being out of the province of a municipal council was a flag rant attempt to control comment in le pro gress tt is heartening that such an attempt was not successful and that the court upheld not only le progress right to oomment freely but that newspapers while pursuing an hon est function of criticism and comment can be protected from defamation under the cloak of municipal privilege the importance of a press free to report and comrnent cannot possibly be underrated peterborough examiner this might apply elsewhere over in britain people are excited by the new kind of prize offered by a london news paper instead of ihe contest s prize being a trip around the world or a furnished home with an obedient wife and soundproofed children the paper is offering to pay the win ning contestant s income tax for life of course as income tax will have to be paid on the winnings nobody is going to get clear away but the enthusiasm for the contest sug gests that among the deepest yearnings of the british people psychologists had better start listing the yearning to avoid paying in come tax an investigation might show that the earnings are something tike this 1 do sire to be loved 2 desire to avoid paying income tax 3 desire to eat it may be only a matter of time before love is running well back along with food besides the fine work of this newspaper in scaring the british government television is also getting in some good licks elsewhere almost any 10 yearold in the u s or canada who has any decent ambition to get ahead is ready with an opinion on whether contest ants in celebrated quiz shows should try for the next question rapidly calculating the undertow of income tax children and even muddleheaded adults are able to pass udg ment on whether the risk and effort of deal ing with a further question are going to be worth while as for the contestants who actually have to make the decisions it be comes apparentfhet the only ones who keep on against the politicians law that all returns for extra effort will diminish are the glassy eyed gamblers and those who care more about accomplishment than about money the printed word small fry win a point generations of small boys have persist ently advised their parents that it ts desirable to begin a meat by eating the dessert first but to no avail the response has always been the same if the soup is not eaten if every bit of carrot and spinach is not careful ly masticated no dessert at all from time immemorial children have submitted to this threat now they have adult allies an american dentist asserts that by all means dessert should be eaten first and vegetables last this procedure he claims reduces tooth decay the vegetables help to remove sugar from the teeth which otherwise carry particles of sugar when dessert is eat en last before small boys lay down the law and demand an introductory serving of ice cream or apple pie they should know that opinion on this question is divided while one to ronto dentist agrees that there may be sub stance to this theory the head of the faculty of dentistry in the university of toronto has little faith m it at any rate it would seem from the point of view of small fry that the position of par ents has been somewhat undermined and that the customary routine which has seen the good old daysiia tr earths taylor flowers for mothers day v j c tj from gin farm to halfwa house transition period difficult by gwe4lla t clark mir the past wcik partnrr and i imvr n making dally trip from llalfwny hoiwia- to gingt r i arm wlhiting uj morr ut mir tx long intti rttcn iiv art til mr ting dm carding ami tnirning r vim a i thit i kniitt wc itrr k roping far m irr kluff than i riiould i knm too utat it uonl tx rry long wfuro v nhall innt lumi thing or other that rmn born drvtroyed tt always h if that uy otoavn t if to iur kirmw thr poor old farm is beginning to look nrgtrctod al ready thr graaa nooda cutting and iwn rocket haa proctkw41y la km over thr flourr beds sweet rocket a favorite with humming bird it a lovely n ret arenled prrenn lal but i kupontr it iihould be claused af a weed because of the way it apreada cutting it down docjn t do any food the only way to keep it under control n pull it up by the roote and if there u no one round to pull it what then every day partner and i take the rtectric kettle and a lunch along with us when we go to the farm and then about four o clock we ait down to a moat incongruous after noon tea tea made in n old silver teapot cup without handle and our tabic t a small homemade af fajr that wwg formerly used first aa a stand to wash th craam separ ator and later the milking machine we little thought its final pur pose would be to act as a table for afternoon tea during the last day of our occupancy of the farm tea orr we work until aft er five and then we head for home but all is not xfu at home either the tlc ision haa gone temperamental sometime a pictures comes on the screen and sometime it docsn t mt watch u also protesting against the t ur mold kci t t stt m wrlittj even tenure of its life bt ing dl turbed and so rt fuses to funrth n hut our itiajnr problrm hiu bron hulv wr thought him hut that dm in i tin r mm rm to br n dog on mrv lot dogs lhl haw be n rll train cil from puphhml lo ta within tx ii m la on thr fnrni rum- ativid within bound too but his in tind irv u hi n hundred acrm here it wr itm him ho hi run- like a deer so he is tied up more thnn he should tie our neighbor trill us that he huwli m sl of the lime whrn we are away at the furrn under such conditions to keep runty would be a plenmire neither lo us nor to him and this afternoon we are taking huty to a nt w homr a very lovely hi me where he will have not one but two hundred acre to run around in and a on 1 mot ion puppy to pln with well i suppose most people have been worrying about the cool we ther for several days it looked as if we were going to have an early spring frosty nights soon dispelled that idea i hope no one had geran turn or summer annuals planted out apparently the old adage hill holds true wait until after the mth of may that can be done with boxed plants but what about fruit bios soma over which wc have no con trol the warm tun encouraged buds to swell and now if jack frost haa done any permanent damage we can expect a light fruit crop and that will be just too bod for growers and consumers alike but at the moment i am more concern ed about the low price of eggn f r nbout ten weeks the price haa re- mwiined static a3 cents to shippers for grade a large this sundays church calendar and is more applicable today it wasmhis drive as if the other fellow was fool s up to the experienced driver to drive defensively as the british road services put it a defensive driver is one who is careful to commit no driving errors himself who makes allowance for the lack of skill or im proper attitude on the part of the other fel low and who does nqt allow hazards of weather and road conditions or the actions of pedestrians and other drivers to involve him in an accident he keeps continually on the alert recognizes an accidentproducing situation far enough in advance to apply the necessary preventive actions and concedes the right of way when necessary to prevent an accident defensive driving can be summed up m these three words control courtesy and concentration wherees the defensive drivet can be described in one word he anticj- pte dessert appear last on the table may be chal lenged on the ground that there is nothing so good for the teeth than to fill up with cake first but every advance in human affairs brings new problems if a small boy fills up on cake first how can he be made to keep some space for the spinach that is still to come toronto telegram united church op canada act osttart arev gordon adams ma bd minister parsonage tv uower avenua phone mr george elliott or ga nut and choir leader 70 bower ave alton phone 0 sunday may 12th 1057 g 00 am morning prayer 1000 ajn junior church and church school 11 15 am morning worship the anoucan church op canada 8t albaal ckerek acta ovl rv evan h jonas ba- ltb baptist church acton rev ray h c otter ui pastor parsonage 115 bower av hold shower for recent bride miss beth mcenery entertained at a miscollnneous shower for her thl time iiibi y nr thi price uai 41 rents and that n un low as i ihould be if there la to b uny mar kin of profit for th poultry farm i since wn hjtl nan tx buying hf 1 siipiom vie khould be glad ilul we r not 14nvlng the farm d on nn an 1 ming lkht of the f iimr a vhwint w ruwtil hit ki na aold eg k lt rows arid fthippitl milk for ton many yean for in ever to fur git probably it in ii ram of once n farmer nlwnvn farmer p rrujjw that li why i find it hard to remernb r to out the milk txitilm out at night ad if i forget i can i ay to partner you might bring mr n can of milk from the birn ti night and 1 wouldn t have to put tokens in the run nth er ah well ihu transition period l bound to be a little difficult we cant expect anything else no doubt as the weeks go by we shall probably get a better penpectlve of the advantages and disadvnntag e resulting from the move we have made already wr have found out that we have vrry nice neighbors on one side of ui a young scot tmh couple who are expecting their first baby in three week on the other side a polish ex farmer hli wife and little girl they ipcnd ev ery spare minute in their garden they arc very friendly and helpful right opposite there is a doclo- and his family he haa an office at the house quite comforting thought to know there ts n doctor to handy back of us is an amateur girdener so we shall have the joy of arting beautiful flower without looking after them which is jmt ns well for this year is our kirdin 1 tnd dwint look too promising but then ore plenty of nung nah tree plus elmi and blackthorn along thi fence so u fthjll it li id hi n little shade aid itmnrn especially us just beond thi trt is thi n is a iolf course with thi prunes grass 1 ever saw back in 1937 tifcm frees u lartr ef tka fraa rraea thursday may h tttl on sunday morning th moth er day servic was observed in the united church ihe sunday school and church combining on thl occasion during the past few day ap proximately 3500 treea have been distributed to all rural ahonls in the county with th cooperation of the teacher each pupil will re reive two tree lo plant around their home these tree are being jewlgnated as coronation treea on sunday morn in acton i ranch taf the canadian legion paraded to knox church lad by acton cititens band where a pe rial coronation day service was held hev mr benni 1 also the chaplain of th ejiun the familiar yellow buaei through acton have nearly all been rplaced by the gray coachee who tifm rate now on tho route an acton merchant received a very brief but significant letter in the mall one morning this week it enclosed 3 and the brief message emisrirfke money the choir of the united church announced a recital on the new or fan by frneat r bowles organist i dsinforth united church mr llu v it a la well kn iwn aa one if ti r nl h nuxit popular organixls th re wire many earlv rmi n on wiixxiy in rung lo r ui run ill n t rojult is it wn n ii nlim it it m ne vr h id tkf r thf individuiu who tor d w n fl tjt ml oron iti ui dec r it n nbout town luiv a low sense f tecent condurt nu dlrna to say tin v win a ushjtim d of their own mil una th it liny wtrt ninn hiici tiniti r th nivi r of darknm i rn in alton on suiwl ly m ly 1 1917 to mr and mrs harry ar i u a m n hi big nti mi hovt i computrd t work f filling in an u muted net i n vnrd liwt week at heard in in liinnt ry and thr gr uind i all hvtlhd off the last of thr old i irk ahel i tx ing torn down and ii i itsiring away of all old scrap has ullii guing on fur sosnr wreks the pr undi atxitil the building are te trig unproved quartette f young ymiths fr rn ui lj h atti i m wrki c irning it interrupted h relieve up ted to give acton a lebration on tursday wu bitdlv planned and by chirf mrlticrson i the ntng men of th ir unujird firet r wkrrs and haa j r ft rnd rnargr ag unit them the way in which they threw the firecrackers about mill st wa a nienan to buildings and cars back in 1907 tift rraaa th issva w tka fraa praa tharsdsy may i tfvt it is currently rumored that th grand trunk will add tha extra lraina east and west asked for by he councils and businessmen of this division same time o on will likely fo vast about 230 pxn and one west leaving toronto about 11 pm mr a j lenrnan has given thr contractor the plans and specificat ions for th svlanjemenl and im provetnent of the dominion mote work will be commenced next week acton which played junior i croase last year ha notified eecret ary h hall that it will r up step and play intermediate this summer thu adding one more to a aeriea that was damaged by in creasing the age limit of the jun ior a meeting of the management committee of the lacrissae club was held last thursday evening blue and white were selected aa the col ors for the team this coming season assessor brown h mrrn jed in gfttmg so dogs on the rt mr jnim llcnderftrf n nmmiga wrya whohas decided t t retire from farming ha porch aam thr ridence tit mr jmr dnm main st f r o0o lie will move t acton at rt 1 v 1 t rili f adult hiplimi d n msti nt i thr e irnl d it in ii i m thml tt i i ir h 1 tt s nlir tvening jo nr r rmin r r ived arid the right ti nxt f fi 1 1 twfthip extended c omplainla ere m idr ilntn t duly of the mrnnilng ua pr fnity on the utrei ta tin inful needles halut should in pr p rlv puniahrxl tlie ears of right think ing people are grlevouilv oftrrwieil the laws of caod and man jre vio laled if a few example af such reprihenmble ffrnee werr made we would have leas of the habit the rounril chamber was well filled with cttlzena on monday ev ening the aeaalon wa brief and quiet there ws no fire flying and nu playing t the galleries just aenaible keeping down to business and n apparent effort to get thr- ugh with good natured fteling all round arlon property n inir rig in price prices in mmne ruen are aurelv iinwarranted ci ntractor f rbes l m tking g od progrev with the done wurk f the nt w j hrvtt nr block f uind iti tna arbor iy was oimerid jt the h mi here i l frid ly ind aa a result the school grounds preaent much improved appearand professional directory and travellers guide mlgreixavioch mtdiral rumlev funeral home phone 800 night or day bruc e shormakrr mat olive m lampard aicm hut taacaar mt ptasa acton studio st albsni parish hall l park ave ouiuh phona ta t 111 dr w g c kenney physselaa m rargaaa orflcv in sjrmon block ua mill st r acton ofdca rmimm 71 inmnm ll caarak hi k pkaaa is audittno accobnttno w h biggs fci eng aecr4lla paklla aacaanstsat georgetown triangle 71ssi succcmor to a j bishop t p-a- lever hoskin chartartd arcaantaati si main st n 313 king st w brampton toronto 1 ihunn 547h tm 4 lll waiter h fopc ortlflml pabllc arcoaalaal churtrrcd secretary 30 main st s georgetown onl til 7421 dr 0 a garrett riivtsclaa sa1 flargaaa corner o willow and river sta entrsnca river stress acton ontario pkau im or optical phone 30v brief comment if diesel locomotives without a fire need a firemen to help the engineer drive more safely then who helps the feus driver drive his bus financial post sunday may 11th 1m7 easter iiii poo am holy communion 0s am church school and bible clan 1100 ajn qecinners claasea 1100 am fhlns no evanuuc aarvice sundw may 12th 1057 10 do am sunday school 11 00 am morning worship 7 00 p m evening service monday may 13 eaatern district bypu rally belfounum wednesday a p m midweek ser vice presbtthian church y in canada knox clltjbch acton rev andrew h mckcruue ba bj this election thinks the lethbridge her ald constitutes as great challenge as the opposition parties have faced in a long time the campaign may be bitter and fraught vrttfi emotionajacipeals we voters will do well to keep our headpamid t for it is we who must make the decisions ac ton pentecostal assembly meeting in the ymca ptor rev k j reld 1 cook st telephone mow sunday may lllh i0s7 1000 hm sunday school lioo am morning worship 730 pm evangelistic service wednesday 8 pm cottage pray er meeting and bible study sunday may 12th vm 1030 am church school pupils meet in schoolroom 1100 am morning worship ladults and children sacra ment of christian baptism 7 00 p m eenlng worship 819 pm senior high fellow ship at the manse cousins bride mrs william j sin cuir fur whom she had bein bridesmaid about 25 attended n- cluding aunts great aunts and rnu- sinsdf the groom as well as some friends during the afternoon the hostess conducted some quizzes and con tests assisted by elizabeth gibson the bride received many beautiful and useful gifts among them a snapshot album containing 4hap rhots of her huabptd s childhood she was assisted in opening he gifts by her mother inlaw mrs stanley sinclair a lovely lunch was served by miss beth mcenery and mm fl- lanbtth gibson assisted by miss mcenery s mother mrs jesse mc- eneryand heraunt mrs norman- sinclair e l buchner ro optometrist 4 mill st f ihone 113 office hours w dnrsaays i 30 6 00 p m ficnlngs by appointment travellers ouioe gray coach lines roaciifd leave acton robert d buck ned pkysleisa sasl flar 30 wellington st acton ont kane s70 office hours 08 p m eal edtate and inslkancm f i wright 20 wilbur st actun ontario ih m 111 appraiser real lstate ansf insurance wm r bracken insurance agency 8 mill street phone 2 up 33sr general insurance la8ttno light calgary cp a light bulb of clear gloss whose hght is provid ed by two carbon filaments farming long ovals is stlll burning after jnore than 50 years in the home of r a smith here it is bolloved a hand made model from japan daylight havlsig tlaae kastbaam 833 am i daily except sun and llol 858 am 1133 am 308 pm 08 pro 833 pm 88 pm 1008 pm sun cadhom wrstheuauf 1037 am 1357 pm 157 pjn s7pm 737 pm 0 13 pm ii 33 p m 1 12 m ipru sat sua snd hoi i canadian national railways slasssanl tlaae esslhasmd dally 3 40 am daily except sun dsvs 1000 am 7 13 pm sunda onlv 8 01 pm dally except sub- dsy flyer at georgetown 03 am 197 pm daily flyer at george- loun 1011 pm westbanrul dally im4 p isri dally except sundav 8j0 a m ft55 p m qae- stopl 7 40 pm saturday only 123 pm sunday only 0 03 om flag- stop 1 sunday only flyer at ouelnh 7 05 d m dally except 8a and sun 531 pm tile notorious pirate captain ktdd was supposed to have burled a treasure on cak tallinn nff the coast of nova scotia j otrit woofj insurance agsncy life and geiural txanirastea phone 585 134 mill st after hours ta 4 300 guelpb dental orhleib dental margeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 0 a m to 8 p m telephone 10 acton dr a j buchanan dental bargaea office 5a vol street office hours 0 a m to 8 p4ii cloaed wednesday aftarnoon telephonalu legal c f leatherland qc barrister sallelur natary pnusf offica hours 1000 a4n1100 em 1 00 p m s 00 la- saturdays by appointment only nffteaa wwni rss i 1 t acl019 ss3j t u r irtjjtlmsam

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