Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1957, p. 6

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the acton froa press thursday aaay th 1937 ovg reports on new product for treatment to control warbles nu pm wtntsr tha onao vatarinfta collsff in c operation with a froup of farmers in north halton tested out a new product for control of warble ths rjasterlsl or crtamlcal la jiven oratl 303 hrad untreated wrrc showing a total fit sam warble lump m ihrlr backs the rxpf tftierrt was oom1urud by the ontario veterinary calrr with dr a it campbeu formerly shrtnry at the canadian ufrn- sy brfvlen asanctaxjon in chsre ttt oir fjrld work np wr can t trll you the name of trie material nor what the coat of retnnnt wou1 twlt u till in ihf rtfihiiint nlitl ttjiv nt h- ml im it lurnmil fiu inn in i ithi i miiwltt in the unit id htut internally aj we recall the young rattle lr treated during the month of jmnutry in each farmer oo-opcrnt- ora herd equal numbers of young oattle were irlertl for treilmenl and for non treatment in short the nontreated antmala wrrv lo wt check m uw ffacliv4hieu of the treatment while a complete report hn mil yat been rl weed it la our umli r mandlnjt thut tmtvnn fii and am hundred tiiunwiu rt lrrlid 4nd tmalsr number ware identified for check purpoaaa a few days ajo we learned that of 833 cattle check ed recently 491 treated cattle had a total of ib warblea up while the however it doe look interesting and furthermore the data would suisaat that halton oatuemcu this costing fall and winter should d something in an organized way to get rid of warblea just lminr 2js4 warbles on the backs of jd2 young cattle halton is about ti e ony county in this part of onurl that la not undir the warble fly control act halton farm operators an norm ally in the forefront of very pr iatve farm mm i mint hut in witrble my tunlrwl work wi jii- u lud llt that a why ue author ii lea hud lo on tie tu halton in order to mrs l guild guest speaks t au a hi rd to wvr i f ssjnfii organize nine clubs for halton county the orifaniattlion of mm 4 h a rliultural c luna tn hwlum wm completed on april m in all a total wt 13 club menitx ra have sifnrd op whjut it a allien in croaat in 1 1 ttir enrolment of i9 trie final clttba to n organii t was that of the aclon 4 h oialn club where j f whltelotk a tated by rtob tiwtrr charles mr keown waa in charge 10 club members signed up and the elect ion of officers reaulted aa follows president amen bowen l r- prmldent john f freeman m t irtary jack marattall premsrgnc chmicl control for soyboint the department of field hits bandry ontario agricultural col lage in recent years has studied and tested a number of chetnkau developed for pre emergence wad control qn soybeans of thrae two ktvr shown great promise alanap s and dnhp reports prof g r jnnea of the departmrnt a thlid rand ox ha been tested for onl one vonr nnd found to be aae and effective iijfulnst annual graascn alnmip sua luiuld rinulaifiit in water on bring applied to the soil the brrukdow n product im corn toxic to tm rm matins i ed edingit including moat of the an mini broml leaf d nnd grusa aprr lea it will not kill weeds that have alroitdt ixvnmr ratwhllahed then fori it ntuat he applied immrriiuti ly afl r planting and prior to the emergenct of the weeds or the crop it ik applied nt the rate of 4 lbs in 3ft to 10 gnls of vmtir jwr crt it li important thnl the seed bed br mrwuh preferably cultl parketl licfort npplvlng the chem ical the treatment is most effective when the soil la molat a rain fol lowing application often incrnnsos the effect iv en eaa of the treatment there is one caution and that la thai verv shallowly sown seed may ahow some dnnvaac the soybeans ahnuld therefore be well covered at planting time the chief draw back is coat tj per acre but thli objection may be partially over come bv band application of the chemical on hp hkc alanap hi liquid and mixea very eaaslly with water it is sold by the trada aa promerge or sinnx unlike alanap 3 it daa- troys weeds both gnauaa and broadleafed lanraty by corahsct there it is applied as clnae to the mergence of the soybeans aa poa- ible there is aome evidence to how that dnop may be applied juat ahortly after omergence and not damage the aoyboana but this obecrallon needs further testing dnbp i applied on the aame seed bed condition aa ala nap 3 and like ajnnap 9 givos best results on a moist seed bed hot dry condlt ions nwiv cause dnbp to volatilize and become inefectlve again the chief drnwbnck la the relatlvcl high cost doth of these chemicnls hme hown gixxl rcaulu at the o a c adequate control has been obtnin- ad three years out of four and reasonable control in the fourth yaar experience to date indicates that a moderate infeatation of which nonimlly exists on top of the soybean row reduces yields by 10 per cent or more these weeds are ih begin projects to improve on soil and crops during the past two week i i81 program of the halton soil nd crop improvement aaklati n gol off to a good lrt th mm init uttni inwude the following 1 imioaf mated rrwtnore teat m ailage cornfarm ttt ti c aleaam er at aahgrove 2 kepllcatrd variety teat with 1h varlatlaa of oata aix vanetiea of barley plus two of mixtures i r garry oata and ftrant tatrley and tin other rodney oats and herts barley this involved n total of m mll plots on the farm of john mulh near ash 3 variety test of half urr bhukt e h of clorrv hodm v sun roe heaver frhan and clintland farma of w ii illggar and son oak vt tie mac alexander norval f it segawnrth burlington nnd h craig held near iwvillc 4 variety teat v lui alfnlfu furm of r red nurae aahgrom vrn ly teat with ked clovet farm of f it segavirth hurling ton i long li rm jtture dnn tntral ion furni of hdgir lvrritt im ir aahgrove 7 sponaomhlp of to 4 h ci ii hi one llh betvupo potatoei and the lhi r vi it 1 1 rtirrv outa in n ntion with tin 4 h poltt rluti c5ch of the 14 members hi hi i n aiuuiited in sturng om i wig of inundation a simtg m ilitihh in addition ijkii rluh iikihihi ik lelng provided with a tmg of 4 12 10 commercial fertiltier t the llnlton soil nnd crop improiimcnt aaanciatlun more halton hogs put on open market more ahd more hogs from hal ton are being placed on the open mnrket according to figures re leased this week for ecry county in ontario in the week of april 812 215 per rent of all halton hogs were placed on the open market and during the week of march 11 1ft an average of 31 3 per cent of the hogs in the county were sold the aame way the average for the province was 22 13 per cent during the first mentioned week and 2206 per cent the other week milton company to award prizes in k1i r lo focus altuttion on th imrlr of paaturt on halton limntmk farms and corn ui n groin mp two halton firms rr im im rating will the halton soil and top improvement aaaoslali n in afkinaorlng a ctmipetltlon with ewh of these two important crop awe ua uiui momnuuv s ihi milton milling will aw ml a gold watch to the halton farm opt rator who can cme up with thr lop yuld of grain torn rrtainlv on the lighter more lonmy n in uim ouunly wbur fall plowing is not ease nt la i grain corn la worth of consideration tven in iva whin weather conditions were ul verac to getting the required in it urtlv the 10 ritmpetltors avtraed om r 70 buahela of shehm corn on a 15 per cent moisture basis hnim the standpoint of digest w nutritnta to the acre there u little itmiwirumn ttetween grain corn and i ithi r intla yr barley y urtlu rm n the rop can im utilized i ithi r for liiwtok fi ed or aa a cuh i nip fii uu pasture competition the fimt pni uward of n gold watcti la im utg off i iil by thr halt m cop uiliu siipplui ttu impxrtimeof pli nt- if kiod ptimun t finnot be om r t tnphiswitt on i lititok firm whtlhtr i im i f or d ur opernt i n u ii iht produitj mi in idi on lri whit h in ikea uu profit in th nr of tht pamunt t ompdit l n lh eimip ulor a intin paiatun progi urn will be ronnidt r1 and mrs hatti price was hostess for the may maetlng of tha ebanafer auxiliary of tha women a mission ary society appla treaa in spring ra rawd by mrs w freaman to open tha meeting after which all joined in singing the hymn lord for ah mankind wa pray mrs horace blyth read the scripture from st matthew mrs lindsay ferguson presided for the worship service which was a trans canada of home missions mrs r mctean told of japanese canadians in british columbia mrs g thomas read of the work done with indians in saskatchew an nursing the church work in manitoba was given by mrs w ihrby and mrs a noiriah told of sunday school work in rlin finn mr a trousdale lold of the work 1 that ta dime in the new itegent luk area in toronto t after iht reaponalm prayer led by mrs i ferguson nil joined in inging rnmi ot i an unto unn mm wynne ihinlwir in injured mri iitireri ditld wh reviewed uu chapter frtmi ttie atinty imtok on indonesia and the philippines hie mainland coiinirtm an a mingling of at verul rcn in miiinly fiimti hina india and horneo 1 hev hue a earefret outl k as tiny fie everything will be slrlght t mint a great nurnter are ulholir with huddhlmii m t tills land a roiony of frurin who haa built roads and railwitys and dev t lmmd tha tin mliim atxl ailk and oth r products n w the mmlul liri ulo uuuul contnl their own tihjntry ove tin re the dlffi rent chrlstla i t hurt ties do not ovi rlap the mis- lorraries try lo overt mm ihe feara and aiupirittna of tht natives hy thin will iuceatllitt ihne liuptt1 ion vialts during the seiiaon wi undtrstaiid thitl iiiinogiu ments and entry forma for both citntpttltlons will go out tu nil mcotlmts of tin halton soil and nip association dining lite m xt newlyweds honored eent-galhdring- a chastertwd and tv ehalr hmndsomelr lajthaastarad war pra- sented by nalgttbora and frlandj to mr and ura donald ucalplne r r 1 campbell vlllt in eden mills town hall friday evening dancing and cards were enjoyed durfiuj the earlier part of tha ev ening by young anilald alike all taking part tn aome of tha square dances and wauiing gilbert klngatairy made the pre aentation lo the happy couple and then called on the brides father norman townsend to aay a few words the groom a father was uiked to apeak and was followed by robert croft a neighbor ami old friend a buffet i lunch was seved to round out the evening mt9i riling of the joys of s christian life the philippines was a hjianiih colony that was conquered by the untied stales living is very lu tu imrtly due to the mild rhinali thee people are very clean mrs k griffiths sang a vi ry llgtitful htce hong to iimullute u moat informative atudy ptrlo 20 metitlmrs arutwrnd the roll c ill with a verse containing how mrs k griffltha espreaatil ihunki t mrs i guild and mm h irhr thin t loaed thr meetlrig wllti pray er itt rfreahmt nta weie enjoyett in the aottal hiur whl h followed a short w a meeting waa ron ducted by mrs g thontat ttie imtraoimgr tomrnltlee rrfmirted ttu n w drnprt had been purcftaacd ilie dnfhklii lea waa iulle a au uu ttu i hurt h spring t leaning it to be n may 22 boy injured at 10jhj saturday morning an acton boy ray htbbard age 7 waa struck by a car and hospitalized with a fractured right arm severe face ruts and a possible concussion the child crossing the street from the east side of main street bxjhe west was struck by a car driven nalph barber 19 it ii i act on constable jm juat a son inwt tlgated winners net 81 grand total at e letting time wa wilnril by a lurge crowd at the weekly riietrtiariu draw last saturday when a double draw wui held hi view ttt ihi mlpoiititi nt tin t lavt wtek alorrn mr mary duk with a m hi nt toupon rehre1 42 and mia it hum nn iv ii ttie a nw nl ror uu lurrent wk wt i mn won 2w with a jtj pvn mifoii and jui k ukir riiiivil tht sa umitrd pollock and campbell munufucturrri nf high grade memorials memorial engraving numonr tu 61 water tl north oalt your bot health habit acton jersey dairy phonf 242 don timmin0s prep see them at manning electric electric ranges optn these frenth doors and 9 your y roast rolls to you i ui iijk44 13 25 remember mothers daymay 12th usual the rveult of inadequate ajarb woed control prior to row cultivation the control of weeds with pre- chemloais in the early stages of the soybeerui may be more reliable with cctnic kt than with cultural practices quite frequently adequate weed control is obtained over the whole aeaaon with chemloal treatment aione the residual activity of dn hp laooutfour weeks while al anap 3 is about four to eight weeks depending on the weather soybean growers intending to use preemergent sprays for weed control should get in touch wlh their local herbicide dealer spray machinery dealer and agricultural repre for further infprm- spkkdino trr peterborough ont cp i think its time we put a uttlo athlete into the police force and we how they rum said aid fred tug gey churning constibles are not cast enough he auflgeated they be at after dogs or rabblu for a birt to improve their running struck by car m coxe piumiino miatin0 tavitnouohino nm 0 a oil hmkm om wuh twill fro ellimt0 pmoni 2s acton wool ship solllct to 1im itll i wm h mm ni i wi nlon inuiilu lllbl oradino direct sttlnnl ultrflll kill k uikl imiim mllhulll i llllltfl f i arch kerr r 2 acton clarence denny r r 2 acton 1 1 hr m hi i asadiam o oitkaiio wltlll ibiimmlh iimiihl 717 ily nlrrl toronto nod stromgrt on thi wsim safer on the outside exclurv ooodyaar 3teord eomtruetion iv thto tire ztrama ttrencth to blowouu and puncturai naw tread daalfn too coma in and tee it hyiom custom surucushion ir cooojvcaei thompson motors fhoni foiio sauv stsviet make it a great day for mother with put stars in hir tyes with an exotic gift i to our clhna array hrf wh wanx rah china olattwaii anal orrir baaullful and unuiual idaai or malknt day qmhq i make mothers work easier with a new electrical gift i a now iron or an automatic cohao makar or on of th many othr top hfn ilictrical apriianck in our wld ttocfa would b more than appreciated i give her a lift with a thank you gift i well be pleased to assist i i gordons hardware 22 mill st acton hon 7 both have a bank account and a purpose for saving plans reall mart lo take ihape when tavingj start to grow one way to make sure youll have money when you need it is to make regular deposits in your bank account at first it may not be easy to stick faithfully to your savings program but as your dollars build up youll find yourself faqng the future with greater confidence making plans with new assurance that youll be able to carry them out use a chartered bank to keep your savings safe and growing you will always be glad you did sate atd bank i- millionth thi chaptered banks sedvints youb community rm switching to gas heat now when fall comes hi be all set this is a good time to change to clean gas heat now is good time for you to switch to automatic gas heat you can have a wmtor air conditioning unit or your pretent furnace can be converted quickly to the use of ga5 join the swing to gas heat don t wait oin the big swing lo cleaner gas heat now and onjoy the test fofless with gas heat you never pay any hidden com no expensive service contractsl no costly repairs call united suburban gas today or your local healing contractor who will be happy lo advise you on the correct system for your particular heating problem united suburban ga company limited oeoboetown milton acton united ias iawssi h fckwwa tuuiap bee

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