Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1957, p. 2

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f i i sip artdtt 9ttt ifrtbji a aajy ever ytehjial as ahm feua to uw tad publume avary law der at m uul m k aeum obt starter the audit bureau ol ctreulaueaa tt cw ha and tba ontarteqoabae ehvisio et the aw jul advaruatot rataa en raeuaat jhib ajilptlona payable in edveaee hoo 1b cadat la tha united staaa au months 1 ts ttntla ceplaa te authorised aa gaeosd claaa mali port ottlea departmeat ottawa reubfej w oa dtlu tlfhh aaet raahamav ca uaahad g a dills kditorlnchlaf devtd r dtlls production usnafsr tfc jamm a dtlu usui editor bf sualnsss and editorial office ph 00 actoe thursday may 23rd 1957 public knowledge denied there hat been a growing tendency to exclude from public notice that which con cernt the public we re concerned about it beceute it meant the preti it prevented in ome meature from doing tit ob of keeping people informed three timet with n thit year public groups have felt it wite to bar public stvow ttiii year budget wat never debated m what could be called a public meeting it wat dealt with at a tpecial meeting which the prett wat invited not to attend since it wat to be a tenet of committee meetings this we understood wat the suggestion of the finance committee a provision of the motion at their special meeting wat that the budget not be revealed until the regular meeting a week later then the town dealt with gasoline ten deft and felt it wise to clear the council cham bert for thit ditcutsion finally the most recent incident finds the public utilities commission holding a special meeting to deal with applications for a meter rmadat and requesting that the press be ex eluded it is not our contention that absolutely everything should be aired publicly there are times when ndusfnal negotiations can be seriously apord 7cd by premature dn closure the free press hai always cooper ed in th i regard our argument is against the increasing use o secrecy m dealing with public matters and spending public money and on the basis the need for secrecy is determined when a public group invokes secrecy there must indeed be good reason we ter- tously doubt the need for secrecy in ell these instances we have yet to find publ c official not acting in what they felt to be the best inter ests of the town and their task it undoubted ly a thankless one but their responsibility it to those who named them to office the limiting of information to electors is indeed a weighty respons bility to assume we have no quarrel with public officials we often sympathize with jhem but we do believe the public hat a right o full knowledge of how their money is being tpent which shall be greatest one often wondert at editorial opinions in mete columni ti written each week uit how widely read or what effect the message t have disagreement usually brings a protest but we find that quite often too we get words of appreciation we like both kinds m moderation we have over the many years always fett public discussion on publte mat ters is good for all these editorials are our opinions only do we try to be fair in the ex pressions of them this week we received a latter from the retail merchants association of canada on tario inc with headquarters in toronto and we gladly reproduce it and the article refer- red to in another column dear sir wa iad with much inlrrcat your editor ial of april 18 hdd mrlp neaded for the night your editorial name our asportation bring the roup who art campaign cur rently to ratabltth the aale of beer in retll tore in ontario this tneorrret our position is tatrd in the attached pnrta rt irasr which la encloaed for your perusal you will noti that wt agrrr with the decision of ptrmler trott and hi cabinet wr would appreciate your giving lmi publicity to our statement and to the fart that the retail merchants association of canada ontario inr it not the group which has brn wiling retail rs memberships on the prom i m that thry mould hac txer in stort s at sr4lfled tlntt i two weeks sjx weeks etc a group known as th grtatrr retail irwrrn association are the petiplr advancing thit luggt stlnn youri v i y truly signed r a d hands general manager we are indeed glad to learn of the stand of the retail merchant asoctbtton on the u le of beer in retail outlets in these days of a multitude of associations one is liable to be confused our editorial of april 17th is now only applicable to the greater retail grocers association we are encouraged that the provincial government gets tome help for the right from many tides and valuable organizations development stupendous according to the bureau of statistics the canadian economy is growing faster than its american counterpart in the 1946 53 per tod canadian production increased by 104 per cent while the american increase wat only 74 per cent in the 1953 56 period the comparative figures were 22 per cent and 14 per cent it will take canada a long nmi to become the industrially strong country that the united states is at the present t me but the above figures show that the canad an economy n growing at a very rapid and healthy rate given a broad and sat sfactory immigration policy and more act ve canadians investment m expand ng industry there would seem to be no good reason why in the net quarter of a century or so this country could not be among the leading industrial nations of the world even now the known natural resourc e are bigger than those of the united states on a per capita basis and there are still vast areas awaiting technical appraisal and de velopment these commeols from the charlottetown guardian were borne out by the assessment figures g ven for halton county last week th s part of canada is contributing a big share in the overall picture of canada s ex pansion perhaps larger than few of us living here realize with it comes its problems too as every municipal ty in this county ts fully aware everything in due time rather interesting to note that last week our neighboring town of georgetown revert ed its decision on the installation of parking meters and by a vote of 7 2 endorsed park ing meters for three streets and gave authorization to sign a contract at the same meeting seventy five per cent of the down town merchants had asked for the metering it is reported what georgetown council or business men do it none of our concern they may have a situation there that can be helped by the move and is not applicable here we simply state the facts of the cases to show what can happen in a short time and how quickly a decision may be reversed there may be meter saletmen working the district and they apparently have contracts already to be signed by council in case we r not clear we want to state that we consider that parking meters are not needed at the present time in acton how ever with the rapid production of motor vehicles the day may not be far off before some means will have to be introduced to limit parking on the streets here if parking lots are the answer who should buy them and maintain them the town as a whole or the individuals who use them r the question is not one for immediate solution here but one which must be dealt with sometime in the not too distant future a smart talesman might put over the deal in a huxrytoevwlthout due comiderationdfell the people remember when we used to point with pride to the increasing number of cart on main street on e saturday ntght tr wasnt long ego either spring tim untidiness the grass is growing fast along canadian highways now but not enough yet to hide the litter of bottles cans boxes and other junk that has been accumulating steadily since last fall go almost anywhere to the park or the airport or to some picnic spot and one will see trash scattered about and the more prosperous we become the greater the teat tenng we can be mighty particular about our own home or surrounding even the grass clippings may be carefully gathered and put in the garbage container but how do we behave when we get m a car and can be mil es in moments from where we litter the road what is our conduct when we picnic by the roadside or on some farmer s lot would you appreciate similar treatment by strangers around your home to those who dwell in the townships where there may not be any garbage collec tion or disposal a word in the interest of tidi ness may also not be amiso do you only care if your rubbish is out of your sight do you only care if your rubbish is out of your sight do you ust cart ir away to a neighbors land or dump it on a roadside in some little travel led section spring unearths a lot of untidi ness- is it necessary brief comment whatever your opinion have one at least and use your vote on june 10th av bsthar taylor buds and blossoms from gin farm to halfwa house welcome wagon greatly noted by gwendoline p clarke vti imfcin in in ii it i l 1 n ruic no wr hivi ur ninu n the mail hox and u mmr plalr tin our front lawn not nl thit t il t it nr nlitim it tin wiltiin v imui rimr culling cswniiy rwr hi in of tin ttilnmir v i on 1 hd t nl a dim i li i f l il il mi m but n thit 1 kn w mors it ul it i think una ml rful irt up nut imt him ii what u kl in nutt but utum it rtiw- h v romi n fcfllng of rknitu n t im folk mav not knw whnl i m talking alwnit o id tx lit r tw mnrr explicit it is a prncticc that is ttnclily fimninjr ground in ontario appnr cntly trade people in thi near ri busincu section agree to conlit utr toardi the welcome wagon whteh meani that n repn m ntuive call upon all ntw comer to the district bringing with them c ur lc card 3 iron those who fcih to contribute and staling to w uf extent th card ha e on them thi mmr of the sponsor and ak tl e n comer to present this card o r mav have the pleasure of miking n ur acquaintance and vou will re ceivt a gift with our compliments in this district the local nrwvpap- ir promises a three month sub scription a garage a dollar off anv purchase or service another gur- nge offer a free car vvash or lub rication one drugstore sent along a box of toand aid a florist shop a gn little potted plant another garage a map of the township i most uacfuli other rmrchanu wrc satisfied to send a card asking vou to call and recent a gift at first sight that did not apptal to us too well aj i said to our ladv caller no one feel like walking into a store pre sen ting p card and asking for the promised ift shi ngri ill pi iimd thnt trad ix pthiullv iiimim thai mv lrat ri m nt hit ir rnrd thi i n ing ji tl i o alnthi i iv v a nt ami like il i intfc nit n it n pit pti t r il ill i lpn on hi v i tin r it 1 nh r the l w n u1 nt welcome wnii n also at nils ah ng informative literature a i nular ll f of wilrotm from llu hi eve toldcr from the m inr vi h it les branch of the i pirtmenl of highwav and from aut mobile inmirnnce rompinte nlw from llu canadiancancer scietv stating what local ark i stance is nv inlabh i card from the runrrul ii mi and ambulance service and one from the nearest circulating libnrv the uliicial 1umu who called up n us was n fruydlv hilpfu easv to know sort of person 1 am afraid if hc staved evervwherc ns long as h sta ed here he wouldnt kct in manv calls during the dav but we seemed to hive so much in common and then of course partner came along with a number of questions altogether our msitor wni virv helpful and left u with the im pression that the welcome wagon wa an excellent innovation that trade people should not hraitatr to sponsor and if it seems helpful to u what would it mean to new comers from another country in our case wc kn iw this locslity prrtlv well that is why we settled here we like the feeling of atill being in the eountfv and vej within asy distance of transportation to and from toronto but of count thi rs our firt experience with the business section and as we more or lui inti nil to shi p at homi w mt vi r gl ttl ti kn iw whin mil w hi ii k kin mil it rvitt an av ul iibl wi mill llki our little viiiim it m and tiavi no inlenlli n i f miking viifklv trip to a riinlh ik md h pi ng plara whuh 1 billeve i the nt irim bik tn i ni ti ntn to this dmtrict wi nr 1h1 finding pit nt t d r uim hvn st mu i nsktil us t u a nliitl m upl w ii th it wi- ur inti nil n t it t n io 1 uondi i oni i iv 1 nt wn k 1 ir n r mi l up to thi firm with johnny oil triuklt birk some hurdwi mi pi inks thit hi tiad been sivink r futuri u m i dint kn w uhat hi intends doing w ith thi m hut r tl tnlv good drv hirdw iki i w r h kn ping on hand another day i wi nt dim n t oakville and visited with ji v nil our grindton hoks was on his imh behavior joy had t n chopping to do so she wrapper una up in his blank t and laid him in tin bottom of tht sh pptng cart another shopp r looketl at h m and exclaimed will n w iv setn everv thing a shopping cirt as a babv buggv boss thought it wis just all right through tht wire walls he could see in everv direction another shi ppt r stooped and asked if i had bought tht bnbv is 1 answered ht wai a ui i kend special this sundays church calendar its not the atomic or any other kind of bomb that is determining the cool leather of may wehad snow and frost tn may end june before they were ever heard about aaftist chuich acton rv ray h costrrua pastor parson sit us bowtr avt phont s06 sunday may 26th 1957 10 00 m sunday school 11 00 ajn morning wpnhlp 7 00 p m evening service wednesday 8 pm midweek cr- vice mscuytiiian churcm in canada knox cinntca acton rev andrew h mckenxte a bx sunday may h 1b57 0 45 aum church school 1100 aun morning worship 7 00 p-m- evening worahip jo pm seniormikrt felloveahip at the manae arron penvecostal assembly meeting in tha ymca ptor rev k j reid etcooir9fcrtl0phone4aw sunday may aeth 1w7 laoo ajn sunday school hod am morning worship 7 jo pjn evengelulic service wednesday 8 pm cottage pray er meeting and bible study united church op canada aesea ootarte rev gordon adami ma bd minister paraonagezo borer avenue phone so mr george elliott organist and choir leader 78 bower ave acton phone 8 sunday may 36th 10s7 0 00 j morning prayer 1000 un junior church and church school 11 is am morning worship the anglican church of canada st albas canreh aeten out rev lvn h jones ba lth saetor sunday may 26th 1957 the good old days- back in 1907 prats tlnnsasy may tl 117 take freaa tfcr usee mi tka prs the snnual meeting of the ouelph district held in the meth odist church last thuradsy end fri day was full of interest mr h p moore alon gave an address on hhe lay sgencief of the church rev o w barker and mr j s cole man also took part a letter arrived in acton on sat urday from cheyenne wyoming for william peityman enclosing a pott office order tpr tie thw was sent by a stone cutter who worked t silvercreek 90 year ago and boarded with mr perry man he left suddenly for the west and for got to pay the last 10 due for ht board until last week the letter was forwarded to mr perryman in toronto acton bowling green is now in splendid shape the season will open tomorrow morning and ii i expected there will be a full turn out of member the tallowing trarhrrs went mm a rt on yrstrrday morning to attrnd the conventajn of tha lulton teachers institute at milton mr w ii stewart pmidrnt himn kale kennedy jtssle c mrkintmn mattic v smith anni king mm nnl mmiii ftrrinrlt r lorcr hi inin nod vldit r ihter the llapllit surtdnv s 1 r- t ml lht yourik iloplra vkmi f ai km mid ix t twn ur trrinkcd tn pimtr nt knttrwrmrt imiiuiiiie t liurth 5trtt rondwav h ti w ihti scrnptd and rrjn a g md routing of br krn itonr is now tx- ing apread a thorough rolling i also neceary if the roadway is to br put in good condtlion ilout all your flags tomorrow on the wlh of may the otlrrna hand will serenade several of thf liadlng rittirns of tho town the band wt opint will nut objret if any tnrtus hturted ntixrns arc inclipcd to manifit thnr apjirrc ihh n in lniihlr form a mn unk of tht arti n rirkt rlub was held at the iw irdmirr result ncr on turwlity tvrning fir ittir inirution thr ciffirt rt of thr tir mn uctid as filu inn uirv prtmdtnl a o h irdn m prt md nt j dunn i t ri t i nt j lark nn a u trd ii r mi r 1 ir lr ur r j ia k t v t mmllli r j v mi it i in in r turnrr j mcaul ff tl imp n if i t in 1 1 u 1 1 1- pirk irimril i n m l r ming jipif ininrt if it p rt pvimtmd iij ii rointlm ip i i lr t w i f pi- i n mr it a n k l him i tl n in f it all n ii t i t tl million m ti i stress safety rules to avoid drownings each year summer acations spell tragedy to hundred if fimil ics as accidental drowning takes the ifs of both children and id tilt next to the highwav the like mrr or swimming pool is the mi l lethal vacation hazard swimming is fun and should b rnjoed stfetv is of utmost im portance however and the all canada insurant federation rec ommend thce rules for saving lives 1 learn how to swim and teach the children to swim 2 do not w im alone 3 unless accompanied bv a boit dp not aw im far irrnn shore s im parallel to the shore if vou wish to trv for distance 4 non swimmers should not floaj into deep watir on l r tubes or otker inflalid articles ti the float begin to leak the swim mer is in difficulty 3 do not dive into unfamiliar water and do not swim benetth diving boards t if a awimmer ii in difficulty try to rescue him with a boat a rope or an extended oar do not swim to him unless it is absolutely necessary often the rescuer also becomes a victim 7 at public beaches swim near the lifeguard stations 8 walt for at least an hour after meals before swimming 0 beware of undertows in rough wattr 10 do not swim during lightning storms 11 learn how to administer art ificial respiration back in 1937 take fraas law tats f tka free praas tsrarslay mar t imt tha acton ball taam displayed lot of fight and heavy hitting in saturdays opener whan they i pounded the mighty king carol casey bramptons ace pitcher for is solid smacks to coma from be hind and scar three runs in tha ninth with one man out to grab a pg decision manager farrell sent hec tim ber last years juvenile pitcher to lftf nrnind wtus tig held brsmpton to four runs in the six inning he pitched dudes heavy hitting was a feature of the game he got four out of five but got on base five times the annual empire day concert arranged each year with the school teachers and the pupils and the duke of devonshire chapter of the i ode cooprrsting was held last friday evening in the town hall and proved an enjnyahte r ent it is each year a splendid p port un ity for parents and friends of the school to hear and kerp acquainted witti the school activities the pr gram provided a rt d vanrty the bovi ihir rntrrrd dtina their festival r i ret ion hetty itwon jih ttu hit won her the bronze n d tl rd n cjibtxn and john mrll igh jr a duet fthel frankln hm br da itty flayliss and mirj r srlsort tttir atintrmet t a feature i f thr rvrn nt ihe pcrrntaton trf the award i rrrnt rd by the rhaplrr of thr ioof rtrh year acton boy scout tn p placed secorlfl at the jamhoret led at oakville a delightful ruchre was hell last evening in the parish hall by groups of the scout mothers aux ihary prices wrre w m by mr eore i arenby mrs ii ill wity und william fvans fillwmg rards refreshment wrr strvm by ihr rommiltn in chardr acun will hivr a softhill ujkne thi summt r a krotip f x trims h is iwm f rmttl a pretty mjiy wnldini i i l tfiinirrtl on sttmdiv l m vi itt m tn n irm i in t i ish i r f mr art ti ti 1 tl 1 it mn irnr t imr ttw injit mr rdt rick lnir k i on f mi and mr v 1 un at un tlu itit n m in t l y it h i ii t it llu h mr of thr lrnlr f ttl rr ii hi k av iht ii mi vmhk kil m itt tr iiimi ivx n t il il ii rn hv it w ii ix tli ti l i mvftnl p r il n n mli suzztjrmucmrimfm ras73a i professional directory and travellers guide tmwir 1jrjilim mihcri isroim mrnirai rumiev funeral home ihunf fttfo night nr riy ilrucc f shurmakrr mar olive m lampard at cm rmt tfirhfr t ptmm acton studio st allium parish hall 14 paiik avf turui11 ihrinc ta j 3514 auditino accounttno w h biggs fci eng arrrdlll rbllt amubal ueortrlawn tlllitnlc 7 3131 succruor to a j dlihop c pa lever 4 hoskin 4 hrtr4 arrwunlanla 31 mln si n 212 kln st w urampton toronto 1 1homi 247n em 4 dill waltib h fori carurixl rikllr arrrabual chartered secretary 30 mm st s georgetown onl tb 74u1 or w g c kenney phyalclaa aiul harieaa office in symon hlnck 43a mill st r acton office lfcan 71 bealdence 113 karek ht c fksse 13 dr d a garrett rhyalclaii and hargeaai corner of willow and river sta entrance river street acton ontario fh u orttcal dr robert d buckneu pkyaktiaji and hurfeaa 30 welllniton st acton onl kw ni office houra s r p m eal e8tatt and ivhtlbanck f l aahight 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 03 appralaer raal eauu aad inaarajae e i buchner ro optometrlat 411 mill st e phone iis office hour wedneftciaya 1 30 s 00 p rn evenmga by appointment tsaviuits ouidi wm r bracken insurance agency a mdl street phone i il33jr general insurance rhocxnotrstrntjayi 9 43 am churcb school and bible clast 1 1 00 a m beftinneri claud 1100 am matlm no evening tervlce gy coach iinis coacheb leave acton dayllfkt bmtkuttam 63 am l daily cpt sua ana hoi ul am 1133 anv 20pm 301pm 9 33 p m ij pm 10 08 pm tsun and hoxf wettkaasd 1077 am 127 pm til pjn 327pm 727pm 0 u fcnx 1 1 32 p m 1 13 a m frl sattsub and hoi canadian national ailwavs standard ttaw eaatbaand daily 5 40 a m dally except sun daya 10 00 a rn 7 13 piru sunaa only ft ni pm daily except bubv day- flyer at georgetown 0 03 ajn 6 37 pm daily flyer at georfe town 1011 pm j bert wood insurance agency life and generaj bavaraaea phone us im mill sl after lioun ta 4 3050 ouelpb dental or h ieib daatal marteea offlrevcorner mill and frederick sueeu qffve houra v am lolpn telephone 11 acton dr a j buchanan deaul yargeaa office 3a utll street office houra 0 am to s pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 141 legal taking shares branttord qnt tcpi police ore looking for the thief who open ed a purse containing 1120 in anton quint s apartment he took m3 loft 140- weatmdnd daily 1 44 p m daily except sundav 130 a m 85s pm fflae- stopl 740 pm saturday only s3 p m sunday only 0 03 am flaf op eswnuay only flyar ai ghnh 7m nm v dally encept sat and sun s4m pm ctrreatheblandrqc barruler a sollelur vetarr rakusi office hours 1000 am 1200 aja 100 pm- 8 00 pja saturdays by appointment on offic 2 phone res 111 acton

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