Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1957, p. 8

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1 yf acton fra pre triurtday may 33rd j 957 missmrhuber guest at club una marilyn ruber ram will m lueet el the regular amve of tkt oeprlaa orchfcw held at ike been ef aire w awrey wei ruber praiae the iria lor ota keen liilnirl betauj ahown is he dub work uarueriu klanetar burjr tea btarotte end ulae d rtnea tfce lea liar made toaeed ealad which were later enjoyed or lunch seven from here attended ike funeral erf the late lira n b ttc- kjaaaa at huleburm wednesday ureal niiiil end tom stad ef ataltbere bc who came eaat for the weddln af their brother fred to tlale eoaoetar and have been tuhuif llb the ruoaater family left on wedneeday for their home la the weat lira byroa bruce and youn eon returned home from the hoepltal left weekend ur and mr emereon crtffrn and family epent the week end with ralatlvea in hamilton ur and ur w o uoaeley cuelph ur and mra w u uoae ley cookeville and ur georr wreka of springfield uaav were holidey vultori with ur and ura d g robertaon ureara george rennlrk anrait er jack sim of toronto apent the wrvkrnd with mr and ura datld stewart and family ur and ura alrck stewart and mickey toronto vultcd on uonday with their par- urt day a v lohntone ipcnt i 1th rrlatlvea in acton baptist womens club holdiftkdaydinnsr tbe woman mlaeiaa clrcu of the bapuet church held their nual birthday dinner may at pjei in the church a beautiful centerpiece of oullfie and cherry lilnnnme lent a eoueh of rprin to the nicely appointed table grace- wea aung aad after a toaat to ehe queen the lad tee eat down to a eumptuous dinner turkey with trimmings eecompenylna aal- ede and a ilaiarl of atrawberry ebortrake and cream tea and cof fee durin the devotional hour ura chapman cere a resume of uw aaeortation meetings which were held in guekph mrs bulmev brought a eplendld report of the rally at beuountaln a eraeon of prayer for the work brought a moat enjoyeble evening india bolivia and anfola a cloae and jdlaa jeeala culm moved a vote of thanki to mr helwlg aa coovrner end helpcra lmane society traps wild dog uxvtlxmtmriimtion of tha davon road district by thraa month old wild dog ended whan h w trapped and captured by tha oaltvlu human society fslmlterfceeper al ucnab mid that the collie pup waa so vtld that it was naarly out of it mind ive never seen anything lis it in my life before the do had been running lout behind the devon road house for some week and at night raided the aixtmc cans residents wire afraid tealet their children out during the day for feav that the dog would at tack them notice io creditors and othefts days tact week in oahawa where he was delegate to ihe grand lodg 8eaaton of onurlo weal ur wuf red mhiulan was also a delegate and attended on thursday loral boya who belong to the frin troop of boy scouts reg bulloch krry clarke billy lang gary buck brian robertson bob grlmi y cddl smith john stubbing ton will and stewart ibibertaon attend ed the scout campnreer near milton the weatherman failed to coope rate and the weekend wrathcrwise was moat unpleasant wi sponsors final euchre the final euchre of the season tpontored by ban nock burn wo mini institute was held at lun nor k burn school tin saturday may ith 17 table playing ritr were wn by ladle first mrs creascy mr roy young low mrs swindlrhurst mens first fred kentner billy wilaon low mr buchanan door prize mrs morn t4n special blanket draw won by mrs b dldtro rr 2 acton furut wai iervrt rndiiii nip crssful season of euchres local canvassers to call on homes the salvation army s annual red shield appeal gets under way in acton next week according to sen krmsor icgge officer in charge of army operation in guelph un der which corps acton is operated the ltwal obheilce is ho0 need ed to supplement tht army a funds and assure maintt nance of nalva tlon army h r ices for another year cluirns of acton have always re ponded to jr t of ihe red shield aaid major i nrr and if the community responds in the same prartlta mv he frit certain the local amount could he reached h is hoped that donors will co operate pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memoftial eklgraving ttlxpiionr eu 1 vvmae st north oait acton thurs fbi sat marina ulan reprisal tot nioht thc whou town wkwt huvttng wmi a ion 1 starring guy madison color by technicolor aekud featur fern rmp oim to ha ataialt w faah hamiuk lata the tews f aaimk in use casuaty f hakaax hala all partlea having claims against the a foremen tncd estate of ivwrl utxafmn smith who died on or abtut the twenty eighth ol march 1967 are rwiuiinl u file oroof thereof with the undersign solicitor for the aecutrs on or tkffurt the eighth day of june 1067 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard onlv to the claims then filed iated at acbm ontario thw twentv find day of may 1957 i f lkatfjtlan uc acton onleirio a 40 3 solilmr for the acutors cteeasuno auction sale ftux press want ads for quick results iatii no charge for anaouacemebla of blrthe alarflaiee deauia and encafemenu in alaraortaai tic blua let par una far wm artlelaj for eela rani ate 4 a word minimum eaah loe box no to taia afflea be additional comlnf eveale tae minimum for flret ft llnea addltlanal line me card of thanka tee buunf eharaa of be added la all aaeounts if not paid until after tneertion and add- ed for each bill rendered taieet tlaae fer leeetllta i rm waaaeadar births marriages deathsetc ncir of darkaaa eae ijsa vaai calvea aavd rawltrr eajwlpsavesil longaartha ua y age 4 monihs has arrived ml so church st ev erybody happy dflis to kay and dm itu inee brown i toronto western itiasapilal on suimlay miv is 1057 a daugfitrr alice katlilctti richmond uaucolm bui and elaine nee arbtcl are happy to announce the birth of their am william traser in scarborough cenetl vplll on monday may 1057 kennedy mr and mrs mltchi ii kemtedy km mlu si weat aire happy to anmmince the birth of their son mitchel hrwi at the uelph eth ral hospital on ttiurwiay mav 16 10s7 kink mr aikd mm j- k pink n- kave iuvkin are hap to anrkhirrce the birth of th ir mn john ugtas at the duel oh rhwrtl bsit4l on mav 15 1007 mother ainl s4n doing will thoitnmlij luymund aitd nor ma ttmemhill inee iwttlesi ac ton are happy to announ the barsh u ur ito 4 vthm- imiise at st jtaaeph a hmpltal toronto on may 7 is67 fanrjt mr and mrs ihfer rub er r it 2 art on wish to an nounce the birth of a son rauke peter at the nursing home on mav 1a 16a7 at home now io their friends drgraaf mr and mrs lctcr ivgraaf h r 4 acton are pleaaed u announce the birth of a son ivter oemrdra ml the nursing home mav 10 1067 mother and babv both fine died robt r hamilton frod a hoffman optometrists rum it e i head home guexph 1934 st f oaarpat scjuar when you travel all eyes are on your luggage so travel smartly with confidence with mcbrine baggage tire undersigned have received instructions from john maealuxan to sell by public auction at his farm lot 10 con 3 nls town ship of nclaon i mile north of kil bride on no 10 hlderoad on hatukdar may 2 1m7 at 130 ohork the following cjatt1e 1 durham cow freah 2 tru ma bred 3 red durham rows freah 3 mos not bred 1 white durham cow freah 3 mos not bred 1 nan durham cow freah 3 mos not bred 1 red durham cow in full flow not bred 1 red durham cow in full flow bred march 10 1 red durham cow in full flow bred april 13 1 red dur ham cow in full flow bred may 4 1 jersey cow milking bred jan 10 1 jersey heifer 3 vrs old bred jan 30 8 durham veoj calves siijep 6 lumpahire rwes with lambs hohsts harness ltxt i bnvn percheron celutnj aged mbotil iodo itai sitiklt imniita tit ublt h irmtj odd cull ir h tlteitt rvn- bill bl tnhfta and a i m s imddlr orchard and pou1 tr iql 1pmint iso gl prarr on nuk iltirndi eloctriu small ap pit climinjitof iv bus h n rs mith i id and puu 100 uilr of murrhinx traw 150 bus boxes iv bjettkets 3fl extteion litdtl r 20 rktenmion ihiui r h lonk atrjilo pick inf i iddi r rln inc urotmlt r cotel brthxi r fount invs fredn etc tractor truckfarm im uel ix xmxiimin t in dard tractair no 70 lights ucs itahlid in excwlt tit condition 2 ton t hr truck v ith r ck dul mhcru leas than 10ooo milagt trikk uuulin truck rhnins 7 blndc one wny ditc int 2 furrow trnctor plow 01ir lfl mil grmn binder 7 ft m ii man ire tiprmtrr 2a plalc tractor disc ol ivrr ctkkshutt mower 5 ft mil uhiae grnin drill 4 section sctxl hirmwn 3 drum sin i innd nlls 2 hwl cultivilor nriin grinder 10 plate hell cuttintf box tso 40 low truck farm wigon flat hav rack 2 rttw nrn cultitnr dump rnkt m 11 rrcom sitxintor with motor no 9 patf rm nci4s txii truck bait h idcr finning mill hn crate rubber tired huge me i tired bugk cutter elxtne i a l fenci r cvclonc schlrr ft ncc mass in lo ng mrmor of strftchct stewart el trie cl p i moih r ind grindmnth in r wilkmr plow- scufflt r liitht jlth mwr who pawd nw w igon ridins plow a wnnll quin- iwwt tit of furniture tckx cotton haca set of lurdizo 3 lawn m wcrs dric bcht 23 new sap iviils and spi oil harrcuquin- tit of rnp iron b in ch un ihi t is forks etc dfahing suddenly at dowm v california on rrldav may 17 i0w7 thomas frederick i trine formerly of altinarhrook dnr tortnito beloved hustkand of d mi nmirv liinrrl was hld on wtnexo mav 22 from ihe itumle funrrnl hfeme burial w is in huxlet rrn 1 irr hiluborg duffieiad at si j ph h pitit feuelph on tiiidi 21 lt7 clnrlf- duff 11 id hand of ihe late marv 1 wtv and dear ftlhfr of f rd of rnrkwod ami ak111 of iirlph in hi mm ver rfctinff it ihe itumli v hin hiamr where the funeral r will ho held on fndiy mi 21 2 p n interment fvertnn n nv comjno events ctnltiihiii social and dance eattuealng towtssissp iu1l atewarttown frl 1 jopinui day may 1 serveuve candidate evaryone wairont con sandy ilea b- i baklnasjsalet the duka of devon hire chapter 1 0d t will hold a baking si at miss kreamers shop h mu1 st t un saturday after noon may 36 a- plan to attend ihe spring sale of club open the central oaiurur angus lllng f bulls 3 frmalra and bred 1 pm friday u iflfyr mi angua manor karma pel ersburg o11l a4 the piano and vtcal puull f mlas joan kuchaski ahct r 11 t rirfcwood will present a soring uetilatl in iukiaj town hall mav 31 and june litllftpra admiasun mr a 2 the women a ijberal association of halt lounly will h4d an op en meeting in town hall of mil tun tuesday may hat p 111 mia a w caldwell preaklent of nat tonal women s ijberal aasoclaun and mr kenneth y dtek 1 iberal candidate for hal ton county will speak refrrahnunta and a aoriul hour will follow the association invilea everyone regardless of pnl llkcal op in tons u hear and inert theae dtstinguiahed speakers b 1 ng may s3 at for retarded children are holding ialmeeting at ml hon high helmtol thursday mrs ruckner of acton and h r pupils will demonstrate the benrf t f rhythm and movement to nutate a film of mrs ruckner work with puplla of the sunshine school will be shown oueat speaker mra jeaale mckllhrp admfnsjmtor of jlamltton children lection schools fur retarded tea served silver col b sol3 for sale for saie man a btrycle with large carrier phone 423 a 40 soil sa1j ux so iv apply 20 victoria ave hone 3411 a 4a or lair- umxi tv reason able metnnuig flectrir save 25c on classified advertise mens of articles for sale wanted etc by paying cash with order or by saturday of the week of publication thlt billing charge mutt ba eclded 1o cover coil of poetage and invoicing account are rendered monday following insertion cash rate 50c k 17 wocds 3 rente aacf eeteullanal ward wanted nassagaweya township school area no 1 healed tenders will be received by uie sacretarytreasurer until pm june 11167 for pafnttno of tfhoou moa 1 9 laaue sad ni tenders may be separate r as a whole a price fur each school lowest or any tender not nces aarily accepted addrrased to mra austin fletcher sec treas hvh 1 area no i twp of naasagawev cantptrellville out i 1 mai ktati csmit gerald a black real estate 1joo down eoitrrortawa attmct- iva family home on large lot this home must be sold please contact ksa mekar ar p casfir at 314 iw aw for rent i mmi hknt 4 rit ilt 3m teet st 1 r ph i mt itrnt lri i rofhii apetrtn nt en available jui i itx 1 bright 6 al i cati m 01o 43 tf wantid cenrtnwattj i jum 15 t 1 ph it ml mill v v ol 1 1 4a wanttd wnfc for john d err i kjlt kkn i 1 or 2 rrii part crawler escovating loading lev rn nl hil t rnfiu hvilru in tid ailing etc special rate for manure hl ul cold wuter lh me 107 vi hiadinsi ihone run baunri rs will w si a 4a laaar r l prod i f mtte lota of wat r and mtmlr anted i mi on 1 i m nadr ik 8 4127 halton loultrv uct8 poultry and agfs poultry ruitum picked cleaned and rut up phone milton tr 4401 b 1 yen n batnk dfansttocm bkkvicc tsm for dead or disabled cows and horses old horses wr a ih call guelph ta j bogl collect for 24 hour service a tf nfadrtooc removed promptly for sanitary disposal largc anlm als picked up kilfr reasonable ii ret i on charge for small animal r oh iii- nt a n- ajmli iiiul kurutf to h kbuwv 2 i wn mr tl 77 it 12 1 1 n acton 3 bedroom 3 storey brick large living room with fireplace din ing room and modern kitchen and bath hardwood and- tile floors hill basement with ad heat nicely landscaped central location clear to arhool priced to sell at tltaoo with lfl 000 john bowmam ftu w ac ton wu j mrltob ms acton andrew w frank tr 04 mil ton new 4 real bri k pirllv dror mted furnislied if draired tv an temui aluminum st irmi and in rrerta tile flm oil furnace 11 ilitted 4 pieare bnth txi 1217 11141 full prin w th tl41 vthir rhalce f r w 2ut w nh 1 mm l mn 1 r pv ja f r rali at s3 vvi a rotim iiuii i tr k h tr i n in tt r than i m re i a wp f iid httwean a ton im1 milton 1 imilnumi on 2nd fjmr nnrl 2 trtli n niu ort grrflinit nnrr mpavy rrl ihalf ulr o a i f arnaare far im 700 w th 91 boo down r buv for 4k cuh 4 room tni flrtached ilurr h me n nit el t in arton jaft laxrv john r holmes ri rrttatc rkokks m c hurrh st t phone sqi lost and found rleetrc ranges meinnini kut tai useil washers re f r 1st rjtori hi aonihu mjnninj i le inc u l l kth sai i i1m7 i-1k- i 1v w birr a n 4021 nr umira mo 9 3mm 1 i young i imitcd wantfii i hluhmt rah prlrta for ilfj id ihled h lrsen or rows i ol d iiorhfh ir 111 i or rompt rvice phrme r rreelt n 22r21 r it 011 n in mem oki am avdfrson in loxinir mem r connie ttken mi lltl w know thit he is happt in our siv tours home abor carou inc fiirer n hr lincer in the trunshine of his love alwav remembered b mon dnd ron ind don iioi iioway in li f 1 dor hurtvinc kdwin ii how 11 in mn 2 10 till mrmiin fidi m you ii e f m r in o iiv mcl remrmlm rt ind ftmilv foll sai t 8 imiin ihhim mith ikith appu mik si tiil ish cutlph st txtwitn 3 hid 0 p n a 411 mhl sai i- all kinds of fill and tr h anlv to wm ltr on in i ilf mih wcitf f ti wvin 1 corn irs on no 7 hlkbwa a 44 3 koh sai f potvi ih liful r tulmw of oil or vii nm- wtl rootitl plunut s lit t v or own j imxs for si hun 1 im in i n corn r ph nt 77 t j t 46 for sai f ctimnltti h hold furnishinifs incluning elfctric to r rcfritti rator s nji r 1 1 oil situnliv mav 25 3nl hm igolph ltftd at 26 sidtrotd 1 4 1 me r- do rnrteint itttiv projxnit 1 lord n llrmt 1 uisi ii 1 f of aitl it st mfldlsh t 1 v11 ff 1 miscellaneous trncl no rntlorsers 1 but v or will to iunfil ht r nifxl m imp jl tit limo dt ionmu r d pt ill ntrt il tenders ind who 1 llf den ir h irf lv v fith r i pxmd diirvmen plinie n t t irniahonc numlm r fiw th in ilk 1 ni euipment sils 1 virt ih cl nd iti 1 1271 t mlinon sure itnlir 1 n oot tf ndl ncr frank carney- c sons 1 mbrine bensons shoes terms cah a tllcmcnt iilti clerk da of sale so reserve farm is sold ind pntictor rciriiu hfndlia and fli iott auctioneer i u kmillin cltrk b4 2 auction sale of trartar tractar fqalpamat i arm lasajaasenta htable iqulp- menl fu th undi r sued lim 1 1 v vl instruct on from ktnll ritths to sell b publ 1 m 1 n t h firm on ih north i rm if th uih hm ind n 5 hihw t 1 ship of trafeelirir n 1 kt1 boay jl si 1 i commeiu ng eit mul tn f peaceful 1 icoping rcstine it the worldi uearv trouble trial ire pat tn xitcnc hc suffered in pi she bore till cd c tiled har horn- to miff r no more std mlcd b the fimil avnrnson in inwni memn of 1 or denr niece connie andtrson uho pnwed am i mn 2s 11h1 she 1 beiuitful roe in n kirdin of tvt il true whit the t 0d rhimrtr th bet sixtimn nnr hit pned -net- that sad di wh n ool i k her home w ih h m tn tt mwtw rernrmb rrtl aunt hrl n tnele tirh n4b md cir- r nniow llimiltn on job salf all types of alum inum door window nvmngit i ctnopies nnd shower doors auto orninit ntnl iron porch railings nt kic to- nuojun hi is njihle i phone s a 43 5 niv avdrican amax i im ua lkin ian cpkitv up to 200 cult c- fet in r minuk hp motor s175 c out ict unitil t op ton cpriti- 35 oik for sai r on llmhun n hiwifn tctirk town and acton 4 nw m h viuth uimtik nt t mirt sttm lot v x 400 priced 1 w f r iiu rk mii 13 7so c ih lhoni oittkilottn tit 7 2im you sai i 2 slim trul r ft i in l ck rtck r tin til lirht th te if fainenl m- tr 1 i r b ilson snowbird kt frvtritor in ir koh1 tt ut n liv m te r sedin n w u t 1 ih dirtx t 1 nl j t uill he receiv und till fridi rf srfhiimfst c osc rsmon at the actnn p irk f r the mi nh jum julv aumiil wanted iioi sfkffpino room f r a couple of months i mint be reisonablc conuct f yorvo l4m sherm n v i w van nuvs cilift riua v11 mrmul odd joils chim t l f gtdn rik 1 1 d r 1 w lis john ii lira 0 ait r if 1 ish i jr ptr trv free cl matii 1 1 h ur bad c mint or 1 ihv r f n pirifl wtr oof fit hinglii a likph 1 ft d ng r sjkc 11 n i h 1 e 383 j a 43 t kfimml uphoustiry add lt ks and comfort with skilled re nt ling your furniture can be handsome and new again iow r st ill us one week service phone ba acton a ti kitchrsht tpmoistcy ii im mur rh sterfield suite re iii i iter i i us ml ne r ftfii hinir one week r let- ill c rd mrcilihcini mens weir moor hminis1mg we now hav a mikbrn un ler and etjer v will ref nih your floors or 11 the equipment to do th it fiank phone wiirst if 47 j red k st s acton in m avsi in dt ir niothi l utrd nua tti 1 chid n 11 uh ilut etlt wr cousv dv i b frwhenthetnt c nn f 1 rel i n i r 1 ne 1 r dt- nt thrthieih on who hie 1 m tht 1 h hi r w ith ctre 11 never know i hi 1 t ttl m h r icint i sid m ssi 1 h ftiui in1 inln law ft h nv mim r fd th lar miv 19s 11 miffi r w l 1 f wh 1 u m ti uph tt r m w si in 4 c hurt h s art 1 tit hkt 1 for sale sill bl a i sfii tls lun i ir inl p m cbts of t1inhs 19 mill st acton dick is better than best pott t r impi iad nts y km imputad nts fix 4 im trutin mthlei d wih 1 vt jvhk r uik ff h and likhls runs and look- 1 kt ruw f rd tmtor m kiel so ovt i hjulv lost spring witi tnanun i livid tr in l trvhp tnt no ihur done i iu n s work c i 3h biu i and crain etvutor w th motor 3- furrow int trul r pl w on rubb r ict bottom jd powtr movtr trktor d 02 pl d 3ctioi i dr lultivittr int nm bindt r i n iwiuni vvvwlition cvk- him und irickcr 8 case side r ike int mower dump rake rtctur tra lir im t rtultr siw ind fnmi tccl e of 5 et on h rr w 2 m of 3cc ftn har i row j low truck stnl nhoi firm hrft 1v rackv m lurv since mondr dr u driv h it eleeir c fncr a3 chev hrt fton pickup trtuk i erv kmd cards of svmnaihv nrf a l ot kind letters mollv ruj i thank voti vi 1 rd 2 d 4 inali xt in 1 2 th a 1 n n1 t on chtsip tr intp l t ill mv fr m mv thmlci t rds ind nil dur is m rectnt il think to thi nliri guelph gt nernl h wt tal bll stmervil nds and nei g fti fl wt kndn tna inattiv li sptn- 1 nc to m mill no candidatf can equal kenneth yadickfohexpernceanc vice to the community county andcountry isibilsbeiybtlauon countyuberai aocrtlon w titths litti track with steel pole haj iorknd over 3110 ft draw rupe and puuevs vi ire gate cardtn gates 40 ft ex it nsi on ladder scales 2000 lbs no of steel hv mangers and at bowls roll of used vnre ft nee chicken fence 2 electric brooders 2 large sugar kettles electric pump and motor steel uhcelbarrov as dar posts 2 screw jacka chicken oeders and fountains v fanning 11 steel barrels quantity or jcrap iron quantity of furniture rorka chains bar and numerous other amall art idea hindlcy and xluott auctioi ceo currie clerk 1 vrr mucn w n pastinithcm het feomtrl l l w vntedch id rommodt irv iiatf to to k trollir phone utf rreen the memor of vour wonder ful kindness to u both charles and molv coming events trsi u j- iffrp admiaalon j couecc s4 bw free everybody welcome b1011 l tenders for coal and coke imfrau m hninoh rromnfk 0 ontario sfm fd tfndfrs mmn wd t 1 thi uhdt tmcncd and t ndorf1 a nbovt will le rivt ived until 1 1 pm f dst tlisdw jfn ii im f r the supple of col and ok t ir the t cdt rl hu dm- thrt ughout the province of out tr form of tt nd r v 1th specif cit- 1 ni and condit m ittechttl m 1 tit u ned fpuni the chief of lur chti- nj md stores icpartfh nt of public works garland buil i n ott m i inn tht d strict arch wft onki st torttn ontarm tendtrs will no oe emsdered unlex nt nit on tn pr nted f rm i suppl ed bv the dtprtnnt ind n tec rd inee witli cvintlit ins ui forth therein the dcpirtmt nt recrve une 1 r km ti dini md from anv sue cetsfu ttndtnr b f ore aw lrd n tht mer a sccuntv dtposit in ihe form of a cfjltimed cicqi 1 dawn on a bank incorporated un- dr the rviak act or the quebec siv inc bank ct pavable tn the order vf therecetver genttt of canad equel to ten per ct nt of tht amount of tender in aceordnnce with the government cottrtcts reifulations mvv in fore i or bearer bond v j unmatured wwted full or part bownie coupons attached of the govern- t uniforms anv one vnhi- ts sell ment of cnnada or of the canadian telephone ms mrs lester mic- national railwav cotjipanv and lu swtim f i46 1 constituent dompanlvs uncondit- r l ionallv guaranteed as to principal and mterewt bythe oovrrnment of canada the lowed pr any tender not necesgarily acceptea robert portier chief of admihistmuv e service and secretary deportment of public woxlv dr buckner v 1 it mi from h if f froti m tui slat real estate a gem of a cottage roc khchi v i iv i lmmmt sh f 1 l 1 w m 1 hai 1 n in u 1 it e h me c nt icv f l wright realtor tt n pt ni m toth motors nee frank or ritl tath phtm 2 31c act r ith h d wad r it f tm lv w ixlr it hi hi r iv nt r in ami la 11 k tt hi n full s cd bismf nt wi h cm furruce hot w tter hi 1 it ut itv room at bat k g d td jo vhih sj dt treei wanled a 46 n h n sales storij and a half md bungalow- mary gibbins 213 actos or ictor mec tuni tlftl cntate broker glcndalcj q3fi8 brjmptbn the helton liberal axaociauon era hoidinajeuchre and dance at i dlatrlel riallr call belwood aril vs tjv mui june guelph ta 4 37 or rerafil ulwu a i ew11au9 v 1s krmli eeaaaleaa qeorffe okaxj antmaxs tlh s300 each for dead or disabled cows and horse old horses te lb on of our trucln passes toi hour service aryottawa may 7th 1067 b 43- i dorpit sell it thru the want ads phana 600 aden ont fully insured fur garment s t 0 r a g e custom cleaners phone 272 custom cleanins at standard prices t 0 v vr- j q

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