Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1957, p. 2

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the sassy aw anabel i aataa rounded ts lilt an pmbjuhed evarj thurs day at h mill b- juton oat mambar of the audit bureau of circulation thaicw k and uw onurloquabao division of the cwjia adveruslaf rate on requeet 8ub- erletjons payabla in advance woo in canada 400 in tha united statea au month ii ts flnfl coplee te aithorlxad a second class uatl pod office department ottawa peblleked by tka dills prtnuni and peuuhhif co llaalled o a pl edtnrln chltf bavld 11 dills production uanasjer jimn a di1u managing editor business and editorial office ph 800 actoo thursday may 30th 1957 those who labored here next sunday in acton will bu decoration dy a custom which started a few year ego end with the aid of organizations council end citienj is growing in popularity in the united sates decoration day for many years has had a broader application m the country and is widely observed perhaps some day more and more townrwtttftnd it cfewn worth white it s surely not essential to pro claim a public hoi day because we don t be lieve the purpose would be as well served as th sunday service is here in early june we and many citizens in acton and dit trict and former residents find the annual observance of decoration day a most pleas nt and comforting occasion its continued success can only be assured by the public in lerest and attendance the leadership it there so next sunday make it a date to be on hand when we honor the memory and pay tribute to those who have down through the year worked and labored to build thu community and d strict just pause a mom em and reflect figures often confusing we are nof particularly proud of bur win- ning 10 on tv quiz program recently tha question was tlmpl and tha am war was published in our papers two weeks previous ly the question was what is heltons pre sent population our guess was 5000 out and yet we won the prize fortunately not many were interviewed but in a business in which questions are being constantly esked by the public we find references for accuracy are constantly necessary we marvel often at the glibness of many who can roll off figures in the millions an swer questions on many subjects with seem- ingly little consideration and we concluded long ago that our line was not on a quiz show unless we had reference material at hand our own shortcomings of knowledge on subjects dose at hand is shared by others too this helped to alleviate our feelings an editor we noted in another town advertised that over a century of service in printing had been rendered that community by the local papers which actually was not founded until i860 tn these days of big figures what does 10 years or 5 000 mean on any subject any way the general public is not too much con cerned in what year columbus discovered norlh america and greatly confused tn the billions of dollars quoted so often 15 y poll ticians business in two countries more older people canada s one of the younger nations of th world but t lie most highly developed countries m average age of population we are among the oldest declares the financial post the reason is simple thanks to bet ter rpedical care better food and better hy giene our people are living far longer than m the early days and far longer than people in primitive countries today thirty five years ago only 2 8 of our population were over 70 years of age m teen years ago it was 4o now it is almost five and that tells only part of the story because our population is growing the num ber of people in this over 70 group is grow tng too three quarters of a million today as against less than a quarter of a million m 1921 some excellent advice to american firms contemplating operating in canada was of fered by w o twaits executive vice presi dent of imperial oil in a rochester speech says the financial post the really important thing to realize mr twaits told his american listeners is that moving to canada is not merely the exten sion of existing business it is or should be regarded as the establishment of a new business a move to canada is not like establishing another branch m the united states warrved mr twaits canada is a different country while both nations are democratic they have arrived there by drastically different routes your canadian venture wth take xm n char acter of its own and when the home office insists on laying down the same rules for the branch in moosomm sask as it does for the one at tonawanda n y then the headaches multiply and the operation deteriorates and that new business he added should not only mean supplying the canadian mark et but eventually a large chunk of the interna tonal demand including the parent firm in the united states with all or al least a major part of its requirements of specific com ponents or completed products as a senior executive of a canadian firm thai has long been affiliated with a mapr u s corporation mr twaits says the post speaks from practical and successful exper ience american firms planning to cross the border can save themselves money head aches embarrassment by heeding his advice delinquent voters in the 1953 dominion election only 67 of every 100 eligible voters went to the polls this showing reflects a lack of apprecia tion on the part of many canadians of both their privileges and responsibilities under canada s parliamentary system of govern ment roughly one third apparently overlook the continuing significance of the long his tone struggle in england between parliament and throne from which the present form of parliamentary government evolved it would also seem that they are unaware of the equally long struggle between the people themselves and parliament which brought gradual widening of the franchise until now in canada every person 21 and over has the right to vote some of the fault may lie in education how can children who find history dull be expected to grow up with an understanding of the drama the violence and the heroism of the conflict between king atid parliament how can they appreciate the deep sense of conviction that led men on both sides to risk property and life for their beliefs men and women with an awareness of these things of the past will not let small modern obstacles or inconveniences keep ihem from the polls some folks stay home from sheer tndif frence they are doing all right they say end what does it matter to them who gov erns the country only a major issue or one that affects them personally will stir them to voting activity what it the solution some people f compulsory voting another way is a con tinuing process of education not only by political parties but also by individual men and women possessed of the abiding convict tion that to keep the ballot they must use it brief comment an election could be held quite success fully with less public utterance and fanfare butyilcould not be held without the work done bythat silent group which carry out the processes of the election act previous to and on election day estevan sask mercury j planting of new trees along the highways in this section is encouraging and to be com mended they are being placed well back along the fences it does no good to have the finest alliens m the country offer their services if the elect ors do not choose them it does no harm if the worst nincompoops and gangsters are named dh the ballot if the voters are careful to vole against them by supporting men and women of principle and courage the sup remacy of parliament rests always m the hands of the voters cochrane ont north land post real estate authorities report that popula tion is beginning to flow back towards the centre of toronto the same trend has been noted for some time in the larger cities in the united states and no doubt it is also apparent or soon will be in other canadian centres barne ont eaminer spring is here and so is grassfire time members of the lachute police department and volunteer firemen are being driven crazy with unnecejavjry calls for minor fires nothing can be gamed by excitement and in the event of a serious fire much can be lost lachute que watchman post office is thinking of giving up the 1 number system for metropolitan postal dis tricts reports the financial post instead tharj wnith h an allocation o names reason letter writers who have difficulty re membering that a certain district is say toronto 21 may be less prone to forget that its buena vista heights wonder f it would w speed up city delivery the good old days from gin farm to halfwa house church remains the background rr gwendoline f clark in pinnor dayw tht cmlr comiminit life cmild be found in xhi church thr chixl and itw tav trn its chi f iruiuiu tin kim nml iwnulli lis hitnk c nlrt mi ill k in rial tore tirmii h ivi rhnnfci d t onsuirr il l 111 litil nun than a hundnd mitt in mirt plmea v tti r h t i ifrisl and inwrnilli t v twin n phicrd b industrial pi inti and tiljrhpowi red f fi and pi uuntf nulli thi tnw rn u h rt thi 1 ik coch rhaninl h nti h n disip pcirrd and i now have molds mid remaunnut tht schools hnc jine mhtrrn binr prm i1 irani porta ion for the pupils hut tht renin f thi communitv espocmlh hir thi imtoricii put is respited and treasured rtmiini in the churrh or churchc of thi neifchtxirhood whlt wr their dt nomination erich has its own con gregation its creod and doctrint hut cllectivol tin church remain ihe centre of llie ommunit ever since wi cime to ontario i hnc lcd tht littjo anglicin church sitting high upon a hill crlookinjj the valliv of the crrd t 1 always wanted to go inside in church but necr did last sunda i finally had that privilege and found the church and service lived up to all my horn nil expectations the histno of the church koc bark in ifcs whin an anhcun roncrekwunn nt the credit was e- t iblmhed b general peter adam- nm and other prominent sellli rs who wert instrumental in hiinn n frame church built neir the illnge of springfield an irish clinrvninn b the name f j ime magrath was the firt rector he and th general worktd tojfithtr in p rf ect harmon for a number if ear and then n find jki sir a divlvinn of jr pi rty whuh resulted in tht camera wilhdrtwiiik fn tn st li t r in ih3h untl buwnit mtunibl a mills it nornl howtvrr nt his dt ulh hi w is borud 111 ttu anthem thurdi irtt it tnnddli us wan tht iu i rt nd mr mngr ith thr prem nl ihunh was built in lur7 and is known for milts irmind ii 11 a wry 1 ih litlu chun h with pirtuularly fint ntuned riim w indown thi rt 1 an tnulli nt chi ir and quiti obtiosuly a vi r actl i congi t ration in f ict thi n was n much blrm r n nn k hi n 1 m sundiv morning thin i han mtn in mnn larit r churchi s tht m r ic wis nitwth choral which pit amd me mid thi re wns i pio- i esmoml and recess lonal h mn w hich i also liked the sermon was will delut nl ind fcave one food for thought stnnfcily enough although it wis thi firm scr tct i had nlti nded it this church i fill er much n home wh i don t cxactl know per hip ii w is its f lmihnr mnu or the ordrr of scr ice r niabe ihe frit ndl spirit of the congrcg ation which in somt explicnblt wa midi itself felt bi thit as it nwtr i felt nt hiwie on the whole the ilbigr seems a queer intermingling of m child hood dart and the many years wc later spent nt ginger farm wi nn in a diffirtnt count but tt pnctlcalu on the borders of hal- ton and as hilton piol ha i oftt n shired various public st men m tht pist wt just fid wt haw onl mv 1 around thi corner that is until it omes to p lilies hifcht now wi wondtr if thin dis trict knows thete is in 1 1 ect inn in thi offing wt hawnt bun p t it i v wl i 1 1 nlv t i this sundays church calendar baptist church irron rc ka h costerui pastor parsonagr 111 bowrr ave phone aow sunday june 2nd iflw 10 00 n surway school 1100 tin morning worship 7 00 pm closing program of ex- plurers and mission bands wedneada b pm ordlrvution service king st church kit chener prtsbtttrian church in canada knox chcmch acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bd sunday june snd i95t 0 45 am church school 1100 sun morning worship 7 00 pm evening worship 830 o m seniorhigh fellowship l the manse afon pentecostal assembly meeting in tha ymca pnoi bev k j rem si cook st telephone msw sukday june 2nd 1057 1000 ant sunday school 1100 amrlfornina wqrsklp 730 p mi ewnffftllitle service wednesday 8 pan cottage pray er mvahnff and bible study brezauameaiw j lii am united church of canada acton onurle rev gordon adams ma b d minister parsonage ifi bower avenue phone so mr george elliott organist and choir leader 70 bower ave acton phone 0 sunday june 2nd 1057 0 00 am morning prayer 1000 un junior church ind church school 11 13 a4n iornins worahip the anglican church op canada 81 at bans chorea aeion on rev evan h jonas ba uth btetor sunday june 2nd 105t it f lit il m ril in h ii ii l ft in ir ilbm i i t r i gilt iik wrni m w i n mi i i nl trip i ur id vv r n ii it i in ik mr ir nirim v n tin ii r i mil i n ii w u id ii i t tirlni i s f ii 11 f w last nir vi t- on u it inp wi tin k i run up i tht f ittii mil f mid it cotojtitilv bt ifilix up 1 w is i i i iik k nt pliict wi d ii i t mind conunr tiw iy from it it ill on iht wav home wc made i slight di tmir on n stirie it bib and jov ind ros of n urr wi had siippi r lh r hut left f r home before dark dunnfi the wnk 1 look the morning- bus into t r- onto to help celibrale rldlcs first birthdn and whin i ddie w ided inlo hi chocolate birthdav caki hn ttct was a sight to behold the w hole family brought me home it niht 1 thought how nice it w n being so much nenrer to our child rcn and grandchildren fverv time partner and 1 hivi occasion to go out w ith the car we explort different roads finding w ivs to go places withopt travel ling the highway all the time on one of thee trips we found the new south peel hotmitnl still un der construction only two miles from where we nre living iilmi st on our own road on that nmc roid we four i whal used to bt the copt land v o let house a lovelv spot but the copclandb wint out of tht i let bustnesx ns september and boukht a motel one of the cards it ft in b the welcome wagon urn from a nurserv and flonnts in the nmi district so that give me nn excuse to go in and browi round i c im iw i w ith the gift of n potted i i naium and idditionn1 tntiding plinth thit 1 bought i h ill niakt a rt turn iiit befi rt un o if it works th it wav with othi r piopu i would si wile mi num nt vi rtimng pv off obituary williamnelson eight year old buried recently william gordon rae nelson r4u 4 ilockwoiht passed nwfny suddenly in guelph general hosiiital on mav is in his eighth year he was a ton of mrs margaret and the late wil liam gordon nelson two brothers and a suiter alio survive clifford leslie and carol all at home he was a pupil at ero- moatr township school and attend ed the united church funeral service was held from tho rumjev funeral home acton on may 14 with re mr ward offic iating interment was in rockwood cemetery follow pupils from his school section acted as a guard of honor sunday after the asceniion 830 a m holy communion d4o am church school 1100 a m begf riners classes 1100 amchoral communion ijo evening lervlce pallbenrtri were neighbors alex mcphedran hnrvey bane charles mcnabb and ed mnude back in 1937 takvfnabuw lasaw af th fra praaa tbaradaf jaaw s ittl the monuily mtlng o the jma le aid was hhd at thr hhfn rf mrs tred inv tuesdsy afu-r- nmn mist everyone ayut urwn won- detcd monday mnrfiihc what cimld have gone wrong with actin wult r supply tnr ta wire all dry it swifts that a pipe at the iu ardmon plant broke during the night and the water systems of both uir town and the cmpjiri wff qomputi ly drnlned hepairs were mm n rnadi and pump p t inlpurtlon when the trouble was notited arwl the supply w te tiuute in a short time rashing thrmigh the r ttn wooden pi hi form over a wrl ont whu ii he hiw collu ped w illiam srnlllif m mjln st m if n drfwiirl in a foot a rid i li- if of wiit r a tiu ines ihtii r n irv p ii e on mill st thi- wt k y r i 1 mrs th ftnua wnt n w 1 ave sure fl lly nd h tl w t i bwkt iy 1 r th 1 t 12 v n r t ivr sold the bui leu t i mr rnr v wilds wim 1 k n rrr if ru d iy im r i oitl f 1 a mr wilds w us iii 1 11 f i i t 1 vnll y f r jfi y i r- ad n fni i- ff 1 tv f t umiavav it i ll rnsnr back in 1907 take fraaa tka lama ua pw trtm tkaraauy hay 1wt a comp of surveyors have been taking levels through acton and are now working w eat ward tha genera surmise u that a new electric railway is being projected thr fine new barn of mr wm sprtfwl of the third line built to replsav the one destroyed by fire lsnt summer was raised on mon day thr building is 00x00 and has o mmodious stabling underneath acton bowling grwn on frank lin square was opened for the sea faun on victoria iy and lh bowling eruhutlttsis h part cipit- ed in the days pljy nj yd the return to this spend id pjt lime very much after their hilf yr rrwt aretaknr miwn has tho gren in pi end id ahap this sprin and few greens in ihe r mtry w 11 im f lurid in boiler cud on the lucroase rlub did rn irh o pipiurue the gjmr h t n hare by ngag ng the ho tl and ijii jul of mondagt f r an eh o t on tfn r last sa jrltv tl r d ifii rr a h ihy 1 k i f i i tis jr d j tl itv x km i ith kl lm 1 n e tl r h mill n n tin f j v n u kt ii id in mi r f t n m red lli f rl i ii i f i a 1 tp b thr ir d i no h h rl ll u- f i j rrr f t f r t ii 1 r i i 1 r il nn in 1 i u m 1 coursi i tl ui vi n f t r n to mm pi irl will i mr- ton hunt of act m win r it r badly shaken up and nta mil p infill bit ml irifmi ii jum- n ii motor ti nisi n at oikv 11 n iu mlty fix rning til local elitrlc il lr th r ire f fi r i k iitlraetive lavmn on in tr niki diirintt lh tn k r nnjaii gn with rhi ipi r powr in ht it w villi rni nn wlr il 1 or to ruikt chaniit to let tnr c oking at it- m ntllv met ng f il atl n v l nirl on thiv vmintt wt n vi lrl th it ill thr ii n him hid ik rn rt n 1 f r the c mmil i ir nivinjr wiin hirnll t t i i ijyrl p l h tik bv hi r acton cm i fi n pe r 1 r 1 11 it 4 1 i n v r ii rl ngl n n tl t i irk hi r i t r fcbt i irnlmrt wtnt ll r r he il a 1 1 m 1 nl s i 1- t rr b ir m rt i i 1 j v il rh is w m tl i b k i tl c f r ail n uthr i iti i i ll i f irth lr ikm ik i m 1 ir n thi r d r vt ttti r r 11 f r a ki- k i i in w r n i in 1 it rd r tl i md 1 1 r g ime aa 1 i h 1 n- r 1 x 11 r rh iti iki inn fir the m tl tnr i i iy 1 a as vrry livllx ind inj it u hj nt 1 y t n ip r t iv 1 d 1 ir y vim rs w h i t hi t i a f r 1 e day tl rt wm n pn jttr t i ifii but the day w 1 1 1 if ny nprinif 1 ki and v in it n hd f ii ur r k pleinure w i r in it tie 24th of m tv m 11 l im h ive t irn pi tn in the 1 jr f c jn ad mi mr juhit ilcll aaroun a ft aaailxf t iv to n mr jinn v r n irvrymil prt i i the a mism s m iudr mj m t nihitht i lit i nt th h 1 v1 w th tr md in t r nt t n nd n v oh ht h h 1 r rf r ln tl in 4 r tnr tti vk f it i 1 m m in m ml 1 r i r t irn n thi t ik n sin t i f rr i im r i r n vii 1 ll i 1 i 1 im ml 111 tht f rxt irki kt f i 1 ii t 1 im t 1 t professional directory and travellers guide mist 1 1 avroih rumiey funeral home ihone fim nikht r lay 1 ilruc i shocmnker mgr olive m iampard a t c m r m t tmliar ml rituw al ton studio si allnnj pirnh hill 14 pahk avf cufl ill ihonc ta 1 3314 aijnmva accouvnva w h biggs fci en arcr4lt4l fablle acroaaunt cportjplown toianir 7 jm1 succemor to a j dnhop c p a lever hoskin charlrrd arrvuntanu m mln st n 212 kin st w brampton toronto 1 lhi mi i47 fl 4 ulji earl o black b rvmm u i a c lhrtfhh accclllntant 1kj m nn st milttm onl th havc waiter h pope t trtined pnbllr accountant chirtind 5ucrtirv 19 m un bt s aiorriluwn ont th 14ill mrniral optical e l buchner r o optometrist 4 mill si r ihcnc 113 ollici- houm utuntiiilava 130 a 00 p m rviiuni9 ty at inlmcnt travellers guide oray coach lines ria iirs urwr cton dr w g c kenney phylrlan and hnrfpon offlct n symnn hi k 43a mill st f art m nirira rhana 7 rraldrnra iis rharrh xi c phanr im dr d a garrett rhyilrlan and hnrgroa corner of v illi w and hivrr sta fntrincc hivir strict acton ontario phana i dr robert d buckneh fhyalclan and survaaa m wtlllntrton st acton onl phana 79 offlci ii mrs 6 fl p m rial estate and insl banc f l wright 20 wilbur si auon ontario i hi n 1 ppralrr raal eatata and inauranca wm r bracken insurance agency a mill slntt phone 2 hi sj3r gtalhal 1nslkancl i- j bert wood insurance agency ufa and ctanaral inanranaa phono 53 v 134 mill st alter hour ta 4 mm guclph day lit hi alaalng tlma t aatbaund 4jlvliu 8 33 am dally except bun and hoi l 158 am 1133 am 2 08 pm mia pm 113pm is pm 10 08 pm sun end hoi weitbaimd 10 27 am 12 37 pm 2 37 pm 3 27 p m 7 27 pjn 0 12 p4n ii 33 pm 1 12 am rrl sat sub and hoi l canadian national railways bundard time eaalbaund dally s 40 am dally except sun days 10 00 urn 7 13 pm sunda on v h01 p m daily except sun day flyer al georgetown 0 03 ard 37 pm dally flyer at georja- town 10 11 pm dr h leib denial nurteon okico cormr mill and txfdirlck slrteu olllrc htfura ll am to a p m telphone 10 acton j dr a j buchanan dental borieoa oulce a mui street office houra 0 am tolpra cloaed wednesday afternoon teleptiona 143 legal qt the about 1 210 children born in canada every day three out of four are born in a hospital westbound daily 1144 pm dally except sunday moiniu pm iflaa 1 atoplj 7 48 pm saturday only 123 pm sunday only 003 am iflag- jaip auiiuay only flyer i gurlnh 7 01 nm daily except 8a and bun 931 pm -c-fr-teathertandrqc- rarrlster a sallallar naunr pmkua office hours m a m 1200 am 1 00 p m 5 00 p ja saturdays by appointment only office 13 phone rat im acton l 33hruj

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