Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1957, p. 2

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ftp artrmjfrw itrrgg t km mel butillelna aware taga- 4f at m nib m k am oat maeafcaraf ik asia wh at otwilahnam mu cw mjl aas ta oatatiaquefeat dtvlalaa at uw cwjia atahwl rue sb rasjoaarl 8ub- aarlattaaa aaeabla u aaeaare un 1 tlltf- km ta dallas auuc au auatkaalta ataxia eeptaa te autaattaad aa leeaail cum mail pe ottjea department ottlwk ruhka ay oh o a duu dharlacblat david r dilla productlaa maaasa jaataa a duu maaaflaa collar and editorial off pfc 00 aetna thursday june 6th 1957 tight money has been tighter being one of thoe individuals who ernv ed before the twentieth century and have lived in canada sirxe we are getting a little fired of hearing so much talk about tight money in all our lie we have never seen money so loose as it is at the present we do need some tight spending and it wouldnt create any hardshtp but it might enable us to get on an even road between the tight money that was prevalent 17 years ago and the fast and loose money of today many folks will not remember the days when laborers wage were 50 for a 10 hour day but some may recall the days from 1930 to the early 40s of this century when jobs were scarce and money was scare er and many good citizens and familws had to be helped to just get enough food and shelter to keep emsttng we don t want to tee the return of thoe tightmoney days any more than you do we like our present standard of living much better but we are nonmpressed with lrti doctrtne arvtitctt refers to the pretenfas a tight money period there never was a period we can recall or which we have heard our parents tell u about when there were so many 20 dollar bills m circulation there never was a lime when so many labor saving devices were available or when the market places were so full of goods and wide choe there never was a time when so many hours were avail able for leisure and entertainment there never was a period when so many new hom ei were housing families and providing such a high standard of living there never was a time when our desires and ambitions were to great and we were to impatient in their fulfilment if you are tempted to talk about tight money of the present day better study a little historty of years that actually weren t pioneer days in canada our history is important year by year more communities and organizations in canada achieve the century mark british columbia is currently prepar ing for its centennial in 1958 on such oc canons the past is suddenty made more vivid much research goes into the recon ttruction of past dayt parades revive m ctdents eahibitt display historic items and much of the information collected is mcorpo- rated in book form an undertaking of a different kind is the removal of much of the village of iroquois ont to make way for the st lawrence sea way and its reconstruction on a fresh site thit it only one among many property trans fert including monuments cemeteries and stone farm houses that will preserve the work of the pioneers of thit historically note worthy area along the great canadian water way these are big ventures firing the magi nation of many progress it reported in the newt and colorful celebrations climax com pletion the history of any community is import ant today builds on yesterday and the pre servation of concrete pieces of the pat de velops a tense of history background and continuity for institutions and communities candians should be kept aware of the effort and achievements that have built our nr t especiattyimponant for new canadians most of whom- have come from much older countries than ours to feet and team that canada has traditions and history of its own the historic sites and monuments board of ca has marked more than 0 sites cross the dominion but these are only a few relatively speaking of those worthy of preservation in 10 provinces that stretch from one ocean to another local organizations can foster civic pride anxhttimufateournts tnteresbymartttncj and refurbishing thetr oldest buildings open trig end furnishing local museums and preserv ing personal and municipal records one decision foe you monday next monday every canadian over 21 year of age has the opportunity of casting vote for a candidate and for the government of canada for the next four years who you choose to serve- you is your business or whether you are one of those persons who hasnt any opinion or ts too indifferent to vote is your own concern but its the one opportunity you will have in canadas gov ernment to make youtjoplnion count for any- thing of course me result wont please every one but it will be the choice of the majority of canadians in ha i ton county there will be two candidates and their followers who will be dissatisfied and across canada there wjll be between five and six hundred candidates and their followers who will have to accept defeat only 265 members of parliament can get seats in the next house of commons your vote is really a doublebarrelled af fair in halton only three names will appear on the official ballot but your selection of one of those names indicates also that you favor the party the leadership and policies which se will support in the nemt government just st a chain is only as strong at lit weakest link so is a government only at strong as the members which comprise it it s important that you send tho member which in your judgment is best able to look afier your in terests in the next government halton ts one of the fastest growing counties m the fastest growing province of the dominion of cana da the man who represents it should be no back bencher the choice of that repre sentative is up to 40 000 electors in this elec tion on monday next wo think it is important that where ever physically possible every voter should regit er his or her decision but it i purely up to in dividual udgment of course we have had weeks of campaigning and effort to enlight en the voters none can plead ignorance on the subect candidates parties and lead ers have been untiring in their efforts sure ly we who are on the sidelines can at least take time to register- a decision canada is as much yours and my problem as it is to ihosewhom h6yierve sure we know how we ii vote neat mon day and on that day we ii mark a cross on a paper in a booth in which no oiher person u present your choice and mmo a tvociut that only we can reveal may our collective opinions be reentered in the best interest of canada s present and future the man who cant vote the man who sees that canada s election machinery is well oiled who deals with politicians but has no politics nelson caston guay cant even vote he is canada s chief electoral officer it is his job to see that an election comej off on schedule june 10 this year but he is prohibited by law from cast ing his vole normally an election comes about every four years but almost as soon as it is over the chief electoral officer starts planning for the next one it takes about three and a half years w th his small regular staff to plan operations for voting day but if caught by surprise by a snap dissolution of parliament he could do it in about two months simply by taking on more office help mr castonguay 43 practically grew into his ob held for many years by his father the late jules castonguay nelson succeed ed his father in 1949 after a long apprentice shp trjat started in 1934 his organization reaches into every corn er of the countryexcept unpopulated yarts of the northwest territories and wherever canada has armed forces abroad his pre pa rations began in 1953 when he reviewed suggestions from candidates and the public for changes m the technical operations of the canada flections act parliament s approval of the changes in 1955 was his goahead sig nal to order hundreds of tons of supplies forms ballots and the like these have been or are being sent out to the returning officers in each of canada t 263 constituencies some of whom will be serving for the first time they have attended spec ial courses to learn the ins and outs of the machinery and are ready to go just now mr castonguay is putting in long hours day and night seven days a week at his ottawa office answering quer- tes from returning officers and ironing out any slight hitches that may crop up here and there across canada he iiyi no serious dif ficulties have developed op election night he will spend his first evening at home in many weeks watching his television set as the returns start coming ln then shortly after the whole process will start all over again the good old days 2igi v along the watersfdge back in 1937 taken fraaa the taeae ef use free praaa tkaraasy jess 10 its acton first troop of boy scout received this week a aplrndkl wooden shield which was won by them far the beat camp ait th award could not be made until al tar the conrlusion of the oak vi lie scout jamboree a the grounds tad to be inspected after thc routs bad left durtng a heavy thundrnkirm on tu day night the large barn own- ad by walter drnnhno jn trafal gar township wma atrucit 6y light ning and deatruymt three pu r brad calve one bull and over 100 kens were burned to death but cattle w out in field at the stone the annual repairs to the unpav- ejd roads in achm have brrti in prug eaa this wrrk th rounly power grader hu been ctwnmix skirted for the wrk rxl has be n making a gd in grading thr monthly buslnm nutting of thr wmnrf inattttil wim hrld at thr home f mr- ii d ulrhnm latt ttiudxl ly dfti rn mi wtuj ail p foilim mn tjmth in large mnrrxil at st alhjrift rtiurrh afton oti witmls jmir v iui7 by it v v lliillmif in i 1 lutu ciiiirtt of mn r 1 1 ikht ttfwt tin i at ttiihi rlr to mr lift ml h iis hunt of mr tli mm uul lh i t mi itiinl r f ork tow i ikmkry tmvrtmll n nuvhv lhil ii4i pnivi n i mirth tmk uk mtrxl back in 1907 tamee fraea use laaea af ilia free praam teenaa jaee 111 the beginning of what will in time be a vary ducsuonal and novel feature was made at the pub lic school during the wek tji accordance wtoi the order of the school dtatrd at a recent meetlrg a group of yung tree have been planted in the northwest corner of the playground the ides is to have ultimately living ea- arnthr f every canadian ur a good beginning has been made with the planting of luety young apecinmrui of 17 varieties an interesting gam of fabal of the larcrr variety drew a large cuwd of ntlr ui th park last saturday arvetung th old countrymen team wti composed uf kngliahmrn end srotrhxnen who pevr recently come lu artn all of whom were more or nper- trrirrd in the aul ianl ttw up- imeing trwrn wm niitov up t local kk k r tin old ouati men arftihd u havr t xrmllrnt i mtro of tin imii but thr loc1 cmikka mutlutfcl to mphtr m i g tl oti thtii mr k woo1 if n to y itfrft j irk milltr who ur kh mn 1 1 trill till ir 1ft lo mill toolh h fh ii pi from gin farm to halfwa house 1loml w think thurt unv fu what 1 mist mir cornerstone laid for hospital by clmeadollae p clarke lit r t is m iti nt of ncvn thai mi ul1 h ir intiitm to 11 lit h pitnl i uimt r o nt o ti n li i situn1i i nl to tin irmrm tniimmv of th s nth p i ho i til jum t imli- fnni inr n hoim 1 nt l- him iii t thit dm 1 h tn 1 n ihh tt h 1 in f mtu 1 inform itton tt nt lh hi i pit il 1 all n w i nt i si kno f u of lh tit nn lur himiiihi i liimrl it i t ik- t l imii h iiil il with prtmblt xpinmn tu r btn if ind whn th l tvnii nnrtirn thr firl uniting r illiit to consult r th hmhlint of n htapit il tn hrld li fur bnck m march 153 cnminit tris wrt mi up untl thr wo k of plinnini and drlopnunt begun a i rimill strut turnl pmmim is now urxtrrw i nnd cornpution thr hospitnl i xprv trtl in j inu r llrvl in iddition to thi botnl f director there is also n womins auxilia vmu pviid up m mn i ship of 1000 tift membtrhip fi c is 1 per er pet person the churm jn for thr of a 1 ci n monv on attturdix w is gontn j irkssn q c chiirmin of hr boird of hi ectors thorn m l ken nedy introduced lieutenant g rrnor uiii o breithaupt ho w presented with n illver trowel b the architect chrsiter c wood with which ihi curnern nr ww fomnllv laid a coiipcr box tnct in the corner stone contained a number of hems set of 1w7 canadian coins copiei of the toronto star the irt crodtt weekly and the strcet- iille review all containing newt reprui relating to the hospital names of dtectora and minutes of the first meeting 1 mention thu as it may be an ides for other dwitrtcts under sim ilar circumstances and do ou know according to the chairman the ikiard had no financial wor- rui mowm hi imtmmtid tin it mikht im out tt i ittr il 1 when thr timr cinie to iuip th lir1 il 1 tint tli it 1 mr jksin i i wons iht ui shill pi- on t ii thf im pi il u i ii nm lull i i nt ilthoocti hi id undi i thi i inn hkin lh i i ul nnt w rn iixl mrs ii ith tupt ai i t n 1 1 l i uuli n nit i ml j c mi in mil droi up in i hi oilifi t b ick c idill k mr 11m th n i hi i mrs j i k ri win ikmiii i with hornet u- txucuf ts of rid thin wn ipnli i minil uf pi ilfi rni luiis hut 1 noluitl tin r w i iinli rni m spnnklini of h- pit imiink the ri ni r il public pi fhiiw thi wulh r hd mi thing to do with it but 1 doubt it if people n ill w int tn jn in w hi ri th just co n t i dli v il is hnnl to understand thi np athilic ittitude set rmn i oph tiki in retinl to ttn huildmjt of n hospital in their own district yi u would think it didn t affect them it nil and ct there is hirdlv t jm nwin who hasn t hn or pro bthly will te a pntiint in i loc il hoffpitil smill low ns ami disir eta ire ripidlv bssromint ihkm r towns and bike r districls and thr fistrr the grow thr more urgrnth hos piul facilities ac likel to 1m needed southpn 1 for instanct srres t pi pulatetl irea of 65 00o people on the bis is of population one won ders how n 125bcd hospital coul i ptaibl be large enough to ic- commodate those in need of nurt- ing and surgical care cspecinlu when the aerage life expeclancn i being prolonged in that regard lat week i hea d quite a lot about older people an 1 their care as i sat in on some of the sessions at the first ontario conference on aging held at the university of toronto the confer ence w as v ell attended most m1lll hi im1ihiuiij o mm iiui if th ticl ih il p4uuis roruiiitiil with ik k it1lns inu to 1m r i t on f hi mm k i i t i ml w t tf t 1 itorti fi hi i lul i ijl w tin t in m of hi p nits i in i hum rtus but ionv in ii mm mr mi snd w mill lo h irii our 1 tt nk n th 1 ii nv hpl illow ll r iniiiil l dw ii l niurh in tl i uhji i i of km n th t t i i1 i t n niu ii is ih vh lllll i ml ill iii llh i irrim tmtinii r wi u i t wi ikht i oi is bloo1 m is 1 hi ik ilimn ii idetpi 1 t rcim l ll rl tin t pn pi r ihminition nir iiiwmii mid itul ition in ki pi t 1 ttlh i mi tn if mi m r u hd iv didxhrs ii thit i m ri k ird hi diet imm n oi w iht th n wi niitlht diilr mini f tin dim sc ih it m oftin tv i piopl m thi ir i it r iir itti pnpi r h ni lift niiktrt tn ti ndinl t 1211 r us llowi v r sild dr itortr lift isn t a ni it r i f ipi intit hut of ipi mil dr itruir si i nf n id i omt m r nklirid stressed the importance of makitik old r ieopl fl mtcd i irt of thi comniunit with ctiufidi rut uul mi inti rst in lifi it was all mtv interesting to th voung with aging port nti to ih om comf rtrd b the fact that ag nk is kilt ng mime attention and to tht muldlrimxi because fort warned is fore armed how to meet old m is more pnctical than try- inn to forestall it and not nraru so palhttic obituary ed iimlii thi f ia k th n on jon 17 art on intermedinte iniii 1 i didn t inu a gunit lam saturd with lltllwlnirg im thy n t on drf hilutl thi kuiii hot dtopp out of th it ngut entire milton is mon to hhimi liii r ifsjim in thi ih igm h re hum nd b giing ih it 2a 0 drubbing misx hihn litub w ix i it s ii f r the pt of mtmmant lihrirtwn upon llii11alklljluin uf ml a jaluy jul thi ruiual pinu f tl alton i7iutil rhun h mi on 11 id ml 11 1 iiid w h id moid ft r no n mil mi in n thi prk tkn f on rt f uni i i w- a t 1 etltllll 1 ll b i iw s tt fy l t rt 1 47 ii mi ii v- i k f h j uf lul f th v i i o imll t it tl it t f l k ii t i i m 1 ik f 1 1 k iii odin i lid c rnui wh o ntuiiiiilh making in mini fo knp thi ir pi ni ful i olnlirfit up to thi ri l ui ill 4 th u lmm j at nrnt ii k i g orimli r itdi i t uu in ih ir priwi r ir irisimi m plnl in hi acton tinning ok urim r in the ol leiithrr unnrrv a very omiplrti ayvtiin of eviparml- ora ham ut item inalulled for ttie no srirnanuc pnriti n of the tanning lnptur mm w y snydt r ha pint iijmj thr hods and ht of mm 1 ir mrs sharp at thi iorner of young and ague so two ai twi imivs anon thurston and lty ilrown are with the flmtnti hatlerr tsmlph srrnt into lamp it ikmlon hwt tiiutmijv il miii ui that ofii i ntrp rising firttirrri hm ixu w ihnik thrir shtip tt it nkirji n t in irunt it uo i nk th ntt kn h will i niu 1 g t i the f n rite to l l mih- f t u t pu i- tl 1 1 i i lr t r r rst n i f tj w k i st mi ml u t t an to 1 f 1 fi n ti f h if professional directory and travellers guide misi iiuvimi this sundays church calendar brief comment don t be fooled by every sold iign you see on new housing developments advises thetinandal post sometro genuine offient reire there to make sales look brisker the gimmick if you have a row of six houses to i put sold mqrtl nn nil but one it i time mptkt chuich acton rev ray h costrrui pmslor hvnonaffc 115 bower ave phont km sunday june tth 1m7 1000 am sunday school ii oo ajl- lornng lee p in ceituia wwiliip mtoarmian chuch in canada knox cinmcti acton rev anflr h li sunday june ftth 1057 s m church school 1100 ajnmornlns worthtp 7 00 pm evcnuia worship aflon kntccostal assemuy mmuiui in th ymcai plor re k j reid 81 cook st telephone sww united church o canada aetea oatarw rev gordon adaini ma bd minuter penonge 39 bower avenue phone 0 mr george elliott ol and o b 7 bower ave acron phone i sunday june oui 1057 0 00 am uorninc pvayer 4a00 ajnunlor church and church school 11 is am momuur wpnhlp the anoucan chukh of canada st albaae caarea aeua oat rev evan h jonea ba xth sund1y june 0th 1957 iwhitiundaj 1 henry hoskin dies at guelph wellington iuth will not be ot- ing with the rest of canada on june 10 the death in guelph on june 3 of henry alfred hotking the riding i liberal mp since ltm9 kill mean new nomination and an election at a later date mr hocking died in st jph s hospitai he had ben in critical condition since he was taken from his guelph home to the hospital 12 days ago suffering f om pan- creabitta mr hacking was born august a ltttt at dellowa falls vt son of mr and mrs henry s husking the familv moved to rock wood later the same year and mr hoik ing sf bought a farm which he still opcstes hu wnmucited at rocjiwood and guelph collegiate and vocat ional intrutute and graduated from queen uriu ertity as a bachelor of science he served oversea with the royal canadian engineers in the second world war mr hoiking was a member of waverlev masonic lodge the guelph curling club and chalmers united church he leaves his wife the former muriel peart of rock- wood two brothers ben of guelph and william of bathurst and a sister mrs ne 1 k gordon of sarasota fla rumicy funeral home ihnnr tw night or day ilrurc t shormakrr mgr olive m iampard a t c m u m t tearher f plana acton studio st alhini pariah hall 14 park avi guh111 phone ta 3 3514 a flltlng accouvtino w h biggs fci eng aerrtxllted pablle acvasmtajb georgetown triangle 7 3351 surrruor to a j buhop cpa lever hoskin hartered aeeatnitaala 51 main st n 312 king st w brampton toronto 1 thorns 24k fm 4 bist iari o hack ii rnm r i a c a ciiartckcd accouvtavt 1r2 main st milton ont tr s3e3 waiter h fopf certlflad pawtr arratmtaat chartered secretary to main st s georgetown ont tr 7431 optical e i buchner do optometrist 48 mill st f phone iis office hours wednemoayi 1 30 6 00 p nv ernings by appointment ttaveixiks ou otay coach lines coach eh lfcavc acton dr w g c kenney phyirla and kargeast ftffirr in symon hlirk 43a mill si f arton ofrire pltatie 7l reldenre iis korrt hi e is dr 0 a garrett pkyvirlaa aad hargeae t i mrr of willow and himr sta rntrance rivrr street arton ontario pliewe xu or robert 0 bucicnpr rkymirlaji askd hargeaa 39 varllington st acton ont pkatte tit office hours sj p m keal rhtate and innuancb f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone ti appraiser ftaal estate wm r bracken insurance agency 8 mill street phone m res 55sr general insurance j bert wood insurance agency uf aad ge phone m3 134 mfu bl after hours ta 43050 outlph dayllghl oavtmg 833 am daily except hoi ui im 11 308 pm km pm 33 p p m lompm sun and r 10 j7 am 13j7 pan 347 pjn ijz pm 7tf pm 913 pj 113 pm 1 13 am frl sat su and hoi canadian national railways sujjday june 0th 1957 10 00 ajm sunday school 11w am morning worship 7 30 p m evangelistic service weneadflv a r prn er meeting and bible r 8j0 am hoty commuftion 0 45 am church school 1100 a m beginners classes 1100 a m choral communiqn 2 30 inn hon bintism of mfnrrts saskatchewan mcr lakes and streams po ide some of the finest fshing m western canada among which are lake trout northern fcilafcfa utid pvjtctpl i easttaasmd daily 5 40 ajik daily except sun days 10 0q am 7 13 pm sunday onlv b0r pm dally except sua day flyer at georgetown 0 03 ajm 6 37 pm daily flyer at george- tow n 10 1 1 p m testbaaad dnjlv t 44 p rndatly excepr sunday 8j0 am 655 pjn r of rice corner mill and frederick streets office hours 0 ajn to pm telephone 10 acton dr a j buchanan denial srgnas office sa uu1 street office hours o am to p m closed wednesday afternoon telephone lit legal c f leatherland qc qwlnh and sun sji pm itarruter a gulur natarr psjmii office hours 1000 jnli00 jq 1 00 p jn j 00 djh saturdayi by appointment only office 23 pnona rti 1si al t study no evening service

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