Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1957, p. 2

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ttk acton 3fnt rraii take aal vaar sear pemssaaj la aaiaa fousaad ib 1878 and publlabad every taure- aay at h mu1 81 e acton oal uember oi the audit bureau oi clrculatloaa thlcw hjk aad laeoaueiequeaee olvlatea af ke cwjma advenleraf ratal ea request sub- aariatinaa payable tn advance poo to canada moo in the united statee atx avaitha tl 78 tingle coplea 7c authorised aa second claaa mell poet office department ottawa paauakad y tae mbe rreeuaf aad paaluaw ce uauud o a dius edilorlncklef devld r dllla production usjuurer jameo a dllla manajjuut editor uv4 editorial orrc ph 00 actov thursday june 13th 1957 it will at least be interesting canadian voters who vo4d qv thalr vsry inconclutiv vrdcl on monday for th govtmmffit of canada lett thn tlx miljion of th ona million voter went to the pot it and avarcitad their right the result showed diuatufaclion with the pre tent liberal party but failed to give the endotation to the diafenbeker party to govern canada the popular vote scroti the dominion next morn ing thowad the liberal with 42 per cent and tha conservative with 39 per cent soma- whant in the splinter groups or in the folks who fa lad to vote could have been found a dacllon which would have avoided tha pre- aant italamate tha vardict on monday was far from con clusive canada needs a strong opposition but mostly a government with strength enough to car7 out its pomae the next sassion will ba moat inter ait inp one h may be short but it will nonetheless ba interact ing three will be no long weekends for any of the members from thursday to tues day the vote in halton which is traditionally conservative fell in line only more so than usual with the dominion protest against a government which had been in power for 22 years the people at least endorsed the two old parties and showed that splinter groups have little hope of forming a government the groups may however take more prominence in the next parliament and be very effective in setting the pattern of the next government it will indeed be interesting and perhaps pro vide more headlines than have been witness ed in years and stimulate the lethargy of the votersiptheir affairs cows are big business canada s dairy business plans to thump its own drum with an intensive nation wide sales drive and campaign emphasizing the size and economic importance of the industry canadian dairymen have something to be proud of they are part of a 1 000 000 000 industry in a nation of increasing population and rising income levels and in foodstuffs canada supplies most of its own needs canadians arc the fifth largest consumers of dairy products m the world the nat onal dairy council estimates that lost year each canadian ate about 20 pounds of butter drank 322 pints of milk and cream and con sumed 6 4 pound of cheese and 16 5 pints of ice cream nearly half of the 15 000 000 000 pounds of milk farmers sold last year went to make butter dairymen expect butter witl have added sales appeal nov that the health department has tagged butter as an excellent source of vitamin a f during the last five years dairymen have found that stepped up sales promotion hat paid off in sales increases kw- every major dairy product and dairymen realize the business boom didnt come and might not increase in size- without pubhc prodding thats why the dairy council estimates processors end distributors will spend more trvan 5000000 this year in various types of advertis and sales pro a million new customers enough people to fill a brand new city al- moat as big as metropolitan toronto have com to canada from other countries in the pt seven years but had these million im- mioransswho have arrived since 1949 been concentrated the resulting community would have been strikingly different from any other in the country because most of these new- comers ere young in 203u og grouptand over half of them are workers and will be for many years to come how do yoildefine culture last week e toronto newspaper reported on an event held et the c ne automotive building thousands attended the carnival and gambled to aid culture the event aimed to raise 50000 end was sponsored by the allied arts committee a group that supports opera ballet and drama according to report lets quote from the item the biggest single attraction at the show is the sidewatk cafe where the citizens sit and drink and look at girls and act as if they were not frmtllv ronto at all and although no on would suggest you try to dupltcate it yourself this set up is entirely legal the only police in sight are thera to guard the bundles of cash it was reported as quite a show with wo men garbed as they were in the saloons back in the wild and wooley west and now seen in gunsmoke or such programs on tv this was in aid of culture of some kind we were in ottawa early this year and walked around the gallery where a big ban quet was in progress grattan oleary was the speaker and ha gave as part of his ad dress the definition of culture he liked we liked it too and whan we read that news item we searched for the quotation which is found in the bible in phihppians chap 4 and verse 8 and reads as follows finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatso ever things are ust whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatso ever things are of good report if there be any virtu and if here bo any praise think on these things we read again the article and looked agam at the pictures accompanying it and wondered at the culture of today and st paul s words in the bible somehow they didnt seem to go together there seems to be a wide variety of opm ion on the true meaning of culture it s a pretty broad word that is rather loosely in lads and willow whistles that picture in our editorial page lost week brought back boyhood memories of early summer when the leaves on the willows were coming out and the bark was pliable and when every boy carried a ock knife of tome kind and lads amumd themselves by making willow whistles we had more tune then arid travel was mostly by toot we found pleasure m mak mg our own fun and often in the making of our own playthings money was really tight and even one cent would buy a treat the sun shone on those early summer days and fust to be out of doors and a day spent mak mg a willow whistle was not wasted the making of a whistle is a work of art boys experimented until they got several whistles which prodiswd different tunes naturally an up and coming young citizen would not be satisfied with ust one whistle m his pockets to keep company with the amaimg collections thai a boy s pockets rcg ular ty holds country bo s know that willows which grow beside a brook or pond are better for a wh stle than those wh ch grow on drier soil the juices run richer and m more generous quantity between the bark and smooth wood the bark has to be tapped lose a cleanedg ed cut s m ido ind a section cut out between the vcut and the end wh ch goes into the molth don t suppose any boy makes a willow whistle these das there was some grati fication in occoniapl shment in making them however that isn t possible from a store pur chase these days maybe better whistles are obtainable m less time today but time was not so important then and patience was re quired outsiders buying real estate the hong kong purchase of the oriole rd toronto apartment building is the fates t of a long series of major transactions involving u s swh and other foreign funds which has taken place in canada since the turn of the year reports the financial post in the first five months of the year more than 18 million has been invested by us interests in canadian real estate an interest ing development is tha increaaiisq intense shown in british columbia reel etee-poai- bi litres by u investment tourta which pre viously tended to concentrate in toronto anaj montreal nachepe those from ether lends ere more appreciative of canadian opportunities then we canadians are we nevor like to hear en individual knock his town or his country end then condemn those who nwa fith end make e profit from their venture oppor- tunfi ere forell en sometime be too- close narrows the view the good old days v taylor water under the bridge from gin farm to halfwa house back in 1937 takae frees use lam af the frss frees thertscar jama it 111 mr james ifcgearhir wtto hs bvam vkiednwnber of th frr 1 cuff and th wnrtrr of many column id tha port news of this paper baa aerurvd position in a f pfcafrt at soutfi porcupine jim j all knew him w or l h ftaff hare for ht yean an entmanaart and puyr in rurml irmgur ikkkey and fxjfiuleir among thr folk the comrmftmly ah wist him mucrtm in hi ww northern humr plana mr now unovrway fur th opening 4 th iuu springs scout vr thrrp ml 1 west of acton h fsmut mhfr au miliary hr id omr monthly mmpurvg et the horns af mrs van ooom on mon day 9tirtn lyt juns mealing of thr alert yw of kimji oliurca nrt at ur horn of mm ma rear drown t toamy born in acum on wednesday junr k 1sv7 to mr ujx mn tank hhgaku nrv mry urnri demightr- thr- irirmr uiui 1 xrt r of drwvn fruit stort nr l u frvwlfil knd gr wtlv imnvm sunday urthrdv al 1 h ftil tul rti nuiv rt 11 1 1 nrrl rimt nvtl ti lit fl t and ntrvly oni of th lm u 1 s 1 thl llrkt it hi f t nw 1 tl t of lolin ii ii nnll wttly jim wint of acton slk j 1 trt kofml und lojln 1 1 is r 1 fm imiiitmn nt u i rr nil it xim 1 of im1 r tt humi r ulil i y mii tioniyr li j krr st t fn und imnv ff i nd u klnr to wthotn imi k 1o a ion mr iki mr norm m m hon in1 uilx thr llalton i jrirt wimmni in mituti hfld it iflu niifina nmlmn ut ialrniki iai tursd iv w hn mrt j i rtnar rhi 11 back in 1907 takes fraaa tha tan af tha free press tftarasar jaae is iter the board ea kducstion mi laat wadnesday evening members pre- ent were j r coleman ctaalrrnseiy- i rranrla dr ault and j a uow- c the matter f retajtldmg tha srhnr rhinney and xhe m- prvemmiu were considered artona fire brigade is making preparwtion fr a grsnd drwm- st ration on iminln dy thers wall be a bavsetstll match latcmssa metcri f emen psrade ard run cert in the paraf opts in chsvrles s usmltle and hw enrnpsny the men of no g h salon regiment left for camp niagara by the ii am train on tuesday it la now about time thst flesvs ftwsrtharner rmwnerwisle pro aossl to erect a new entrance sod gates st fsurview cwiiria- y was being put tntai effnrt a pretty wertding twk piece vilr1y sftrroon in tin- pres rtn- of nir v iml 1 the fwnrr of mr terfr sok r h irrh s wln torn htlest jjjlr ms- im i vnut jo red in nll k with jhii i f ar f weut r vs u oil 1 r m 111 u ti v rk th jol t r f i k lt i f n vtiji tj 1 am u il br i inl 1 11 nt of ll r t mr 1 di1t u i 1 11 mt o 1 h un tt anii aton itowt uk 1 ill hft nd lhffa- rtith u r it 11 1 imit- adjustment poses a problem hr gwesulsllbs p clark our friends urr beginning to find out vihorr v c 1 1 iim sun 1u mt hiru thrci jouj 4 isiiors t in ftit anothi r hid t rrnirn r rrr tlnt l rr then rtll t- ixtnlh i hut motih nki ml ioki t k irixuml not ih it 1 wtmli him nl tim mm h if 1 li idn i ru t in ik i 11 t i 1 ti 1 nxl luim lili in t 1 k i t k 1 jl of ll it 111 for i jhu t sh 1- nmm m r of hi i t n h r d irnl ln ui 1 ik nj it in thi liugi pifct iril ti ti pii 1 ntit it tin m tw 1 if t 11 it n i unl in on llu d i of iljh i il 1 mill ni it i iiuilt nn affair th nimrl 30tk ciudu itul hmwnir uikin pvirt i uijihti r tt liirni utta r nkinr oint nu ill from ihi unit 1 tfot u the house to tin t mi whin ht li fl for tin rt htmnwl gotnj thinj it n t n li i 1 nc ftir shi li h1 com i to k llu ui- u hich irk picrliul ixi il n ft ind rhl n h pushcort the inlritui 1 tl 1 iirk 11 onl tin ni ni t k th pi n und v v fu l f p f 1 hi 11 h ir ntl ti it it llu tl u t 1 it sw no v dis si 1 i p 1 i 1 ui pi opt lh il 1111 1 t k ln 1 tl 1 pi nkounii mu- i x it in hlli 11 ml w4lo 111 i f i not h 1 und kittini to puv with to mv un of llunkinc ihi firm 1 mill thi thn1 u 1 t tr nj up u fun 11 tlie pinnta n not tt ivir imippxl nh rw fiev or llu lioinr tii niniin1 tint nt 1 st fatiit mouur unit ihilil in it 1 1 tnn 1 fm 1 hf tin v 1 it nk m i pi iv llj1 tin 1 a11i th it 1- llll 1 th m 1 in t- v il for mi in hi 1 f th r v 1 tin off t pi ml r lutn tfi tht ihildrrn ni up n tin in in t r u hi n t turn it tin it t mil 11 i 1 win times n t hi mil m in ii ttu il m it lan t m k t 1 h 1 f 1 ilv mlt 1 wh 1 smh il t 1 v ipi not oh to nrlim hiiini tint tlti tti tht n llu ttnnltx fiom w hi net f itht r rommuli t k k mil forth to milton ii imilt n 1 r t r onto ir whtrtvi hi job h ipx ni to im ci nditionft jin ttn uurm ulun fuir m ll n jn vh rt s t in- in n f mn 1 nc n i o rt iul ihn mi ill 1 ik 1 nd 1 1i1 w n in in i- 1 11 it t kt 1 1 in i 1 n 1 01 lh t m r 1 n thi off k 1- k w mi 1 hi t i u- il 1 1 ni l in iki mr ti urn v w 1 1 1 1 n 1 v 1 tin it n i ti r j ivt iim 1 v u r1 fi 1 u t 1 i 1 m h im 1 n 1 1 t 11 hats whrl atbout the win vht r tmtgiblr vtilrr itir iurt i1m0i sun ly one jv ik im imii us nnctth r anothii of mir niljimiunenl xiir r i ha bt n nwil dolim rv n our did miil n uti thi r vor im i ojhrr c irks mil of n 1111 vt of it 11 11 it i idi itrir mul now 11 our in w i h it 1 wi fmd our it hr ki tul w th m t ui th 1 r i 11 ki not iiu th t i it k t mil f rw irdit to in ii 1 tn r v to 1 1 m ix iti in one of the wierdrst bjll giiiitrs pletyiad here in some true- on milton drfrstnl an- n 23 17 on saturrtny sftcrrnm thr it ime went 10 inning and jim bout fi vtliing trmt ohim possibly htftn hiiienl during thr thn mil tii irter hoir trofjtl acton uimii fimr p ti n t ripi linlh i1 i id will thr urty who tirrtvnil my et1 ifwht r t rrl vinlu nt plesse return it tmlav i v ah to lute it nivmt if m liltlr wti if j hill anon jhitvc purk 1 txntull- ful pisrr lit urn seauhin of the year snd msnv f our 0 turns enj v s guiel wnlti ovrr its griass s rri hut there ml let bf sotne police sujkrrviston isn sunday no less than four drunken men w f n lying st fiiffrrent points 11 the mirk and si the tm erni 4 gnnip of ninu frlhrw err p iing 1 irl in p j n vn of 1 tiena mvt rtilluren tiea tti nfft ihiafht tl 11 it ikil mi h s r a i a s v 1 iifui n m 1 ii it il 1 11 i si t n il kh ik honit otu mo hi r 1 tl ttu ium in 1 h mr n 1 um to v wik tux 1 1 pt o nimh hi ti r it n ht i ti hul tin mtungklt m il p ix 1 ioukln t hr p thinking how lutkx rmintrx tlihln 11 iri who h ii 1 h f irni t inli n un ir und in ind prolxibk dtv cit j lh fi t 1 tr run mil he nut vx ui 1 no it thi f 1 m thi il x tht t n um 11 m it ixl f tin x it d till our mi u ri lift off tru lm now iftr vi uxirn rimlmu n mn p to in sh ill hixt jo hi xxoni in i nf n wi tin ou nd in 1 1 htr 1 nix i ht ib ut p hhii itht this sundays church calendar apttst chiwch action rev fuy h caalerua peautr parsonaia 13 bower ave ptiont xm sundxv june lath 1mt 10m ara suaaajr eaoal 11 os am uaralai werabla too a hi cventna waralua waaaaaav pjn mmweek ae vaia tt csbsbs aoejh ajasaw smrkaana awfpa ww llh 1mt euviwn larumahduaa anntv unittd church of canada aatea oanana rev gordon adams ma b d mlnuur paraonaie 39 bawar aveaua pkotm m mr george zbloiu organist and cbou- leader it bowtr avt acton phone l sunday june iftth 131 un- mar praear laa aja- junior church anal church ftchaol ii it aja manias wat ah la o camasa iaa chavak ae bav evan b jeaaa eva xth actom nmtscostal tv sunday june 1mb 1057 trin8undajf thar cart b linls doubt commenii financial pott that thlt immigration had ad- dad graat new itrangth and growth to the canadian aconomy tha-rief-gorrwnebt- maeuna la tha ymoa pior revtc j raid n cook st talep maw 8 juw l bj am holy oommunion 3d w wood angttnn indian rrstd- sw bph punn sntk ts h th rl fl hi vt holt xt kl ix t mm xi iwiiiih r 11 i mini ti il but thin ik ilu ix lh hi1 um xh- titl littr a f ul miimii i i nturi th xx hi i i kx up i it h mi ipp efr to tht ti i h ni i jil mir phoni nunihi r n nmt tif nix ti r i itjn ndi mi n a hut it dixn t 1t ninth kl ti x x 1 s i xxtnt uhx v tt ni fi i i ih fi un i d inci r imt to ill m m ph i i hu th x hi i 1 t thi um i i il tint pt ho imt 1 in 1 ix i ni s il tl i ml it x 11 it s k t p ix f i ni v thi hi it x i i r t i i k x r tithi i i 1 x i t v 1 i k hi i i fun hu t he f 1 si i v i i i im pi 1 iri n ml hi i u i t ui h x il 1 tt to ih- i t u 1 if 1 xx nit wh ixniil xx h r x s p x i wu 1 etl wi h i ntxtr ll irn tin kxtt r hu i l intt i r i x tl l ill i ix v li 111 i h s t m il f i thi i iikh r i i t n xx nil xh loi v xxi i 1 nx know hornby community plans park improvement tht linrnbt ciwiimunilv prk will bt it hu plan this wirk it hits boon atrningrd to hnc thi drivrwuv and psrkmn lot tonrd and the flower bstia planttx thr mw fsner ruis bctn cimplmett iimund thr sirk and picnic tables uc on the fxuurvds the board bnp to hate the grounds tuitable lr picnics in the near future the white elephant sale that was hejd on ahe hornby ball park rounds lass wsdnrsdsy evenirvf was vsry surcsassful the ladles of hornby unlttd church had a food daspssy of ussafisl foods such sj lamps picurss gruitts dssva sav es stawea lamp atasdra asc jack ell i oal vsa th aisrtlorrssc with mrs gear 8tqcsar and mrs lou sariipbtt hasfiwf aa claram ths hcrnsnada basking on ihs bak tablt was all sold the hornby boys bali club played two home swtim lut wk on june 4 thsy won over halton vtll with a tcor of 3t0 and on juns 7 th won over lowvule rnhnrsorr tsa air and mt roosrt pewtress celebimbkl thtir 50th wadding an- niveraay on june professional directory and travellers guide midicai miscru asrot h dr w g c kenney 1hyslrlsn and rurgean ciffici in sim n iii ck 1a mill st r acton orrice thone l rrldrnre 1u hnrrh si e ihnnr im dr d a garrett rhxtlrlsn and urcfn f x ml x m 1 un 1 i it i t rumley funeral home i ri n 6t nikhl or dav hrmr r shotmikt mar olive m lampard t r m k m t tesahet nf piano t t sttll s ml un a pit h ii i park a r ih ph ph nr t 3 3v4 tnitinr 4cccii ntjnq ont no pho nr 211 uvfr hoskin rumrrrd rrnnntsnta dr robert d bufkner ft m mi in st n 212 k im st w t ironto 1 pheftlrlan snd surimo 1 h i 4 t i m 4 uiai il will i kton st art n tint rhonr c79 off n h urx tl p m iarl o black ri tl lstt m ivmrinfl f l wright 0 uilltur st arnn tnano phone 8 tppralaer keel rule aae imvraac ll t mm n i t htrtirin c l ntvt hj l i n st l t ri u t waitir h pope rrrtlflea pablk arreentaa t h rttrl shreljrv j9 utn st s krttii onl tu iui optical wm r bracken insurance agency i mill street phone m re 5ur general insurance j bert wood insurance agency ufa aa4 oeaeral laaaraaea phone its im aher hours ta asho ouelpk dkntal or h leib deaul ba ofnee center u1u aad rredertct streets ottlre haura am to f bjn telxphons it acton dr a j auchanan e i buchner r o optometrist is mill st e phone us office houn wedneeoayt 130 100 pin eiemng by appointment- ttavtumf- oul otat coach irmts coamca luvi acton daittam baeau 1 llaafaaaaa cu aav dally eacap hoi ul am in put soa pa as pa pm m10t pea sua aad kol except sua aaer n ll j3 aa us pm up- 101t anv 1uv pjn l57 08 57 pm 731 pja a11 pak iijjoi 1 11 am prl sat auav ana hall canadian mationa1 laswavf office a mill street office hourei ajnjo a pm closed vradnaaday araraoob telephone 1u lboai c f leathelcland daily 8 40 ul dally except sun days 1000 am 7js pjn simday only a01 pjn dally except boa dayyeral aewfstoerii t a usu 0 97 pm dally flyer at dears- toam 1011 pjn flartuirr a bslltltt- tt f- offlee hours 1000 ajn1100 am saturdays by appointment only office 23 phone ilea 101 s acton dally ll mn dally dally xmm j v n insj turday only 14t tbare is no ploca on our highways for either speeders or slowpokes both are a menace tosfetypriliebc progress 1000 ajn7sunday school 1100 am mornlnx worship 130 p m bvaniellsuc service wednesday 8 pm- er mer liiu v r ella day 8 pm cotuze prey- neetlna and bible study rii wartwoyears 1100 am beginners classes 1 1100 ajn choral communion and i w 7 d corporote communion lor barbara pick of burlington momncxljrf st albans guild visited wmh mr and mrs carl no eenirui ervlce saunders oer the weekend suna m ajni ej pm n atop 710 pjn saturday only li pjn sunday only bos am ua kiopi sunuay only flyar at outlnh 70s pm dally sxcpt 8ai and sun ul pm- 1 u vt taim tittjhmtotoim

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