Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1957, p. 2

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vt artmt jflrsr hrrub lha anr har aaaa i la aaaaa towna la un and pubuabad avarr tnara- iay at m mill sl z acton oal handier ef h a i oat f rhiialn nft cwjijl advartlalbi ratae on nquaal 8ub- aerlnuanj payable la asianaa m la canada ut in tka unttaa eutear au avastka ii ts ttnda eaplaa 1c anthnrltad aa feood claw mail poet otflce dea ottawa raihikal by in qk niallai and pnauanax on i fan i o a dula dmortncnlaf david it duu promotion lliaaeaf bl i and editorial office ph am acta thursday ihil 20th 1957 a- happy birthday milton last week acion had old fashioned vitit ort arrive in old fashioned ttyte and greeted by present day officials mod with a real otd- f a throned welcome v titors passing through wanted to know what wet going on that had thoutand people turn out and line the main thoroughfare tt wit a real neighborly demonitration ot the kindly feelings that have always existed between ihete two mat ton communitiet at editor of the papert in milton and ac ton we have enjoyed a dual capacity that in tome inttancet might have been difficult but over many yeart in thit capacity we have had only kindly acceptance bui long before thit dote business rela tlonthip we had much evidence of comrade kp between the iwo lawns we well re member our dayt irf the bend when bill dew er end bitl collins and other t played m the acton bend and when acton bandtmen marched tide by tide in milton bend feci if we can recall when in the tame parade tome bandtmen helped out tn both bandt so on thit centennial occation we can mtkt a double barret ted with for a grand birthday party and know that in the next century thft tide fcjy tide growth will continue from mayor tyler and every citizen comet happy birthday to milton from all of ut in acton changes past and present the federal election end nine day of wonder left are nearly over the wrong end the right predictions if there were any have been analyzed end tome of the results ere coming out from e rather muddled verdict there it at leatt evidence that the voters wanted and got two thing t they got both a change and a ttrong opposition we didnt make any preelection predic tions but if we had they would hav been wrong the sam al rtoot pebple we havent heard of betting money being won or lott in the verdict although there mutt have been tome folic who wagered on the outcome mow to get back to the out net t of keep ing canada in her place among the world nations end her peat record of prosperity thit it not the first nor will it be the last of political upheaval the first big twlng came in 167 the next one came along in 1896 end lasted until iv 1 whan borden formed a coalition government which lasted until 1931 the in and the outs were frequent for both the liberals and conservatives between 1926 end 1936 mow again has come another switch in the old party lines through all the changet canada has gone tteedily ahead and in the pre tent turmoil will continue to make progrett we may have another hectic in and out period there will likely be changet but after all canadian vot ert have the final tay on their form of gov ern merit and majorities are not long in the wrong brief comment for the next few months highways to the holiday resort country will be crowded and especially on weekends yet it t been hot the past week but then that t what we expect in the summer months isn t ii business without profit in these dayt of to much emphasis on so much social welfare and various endeavors to make for e better standard of living recent events have brought home a consideration that sometimes it overlooked but it stilt fundamental to our present way of living the statement of the wool combing corporation in doting their plant in acton points out this industry cannot carry on opera lions here in the light of the fed lhat it can not meet competition from britain last year there was an approximate loss of tome 50 l on th canadian operation no butlnett can long operate on losses 17 years operation have been beneficial to acton and to canada we regret the decision but in the light of circumstances who can expect con tinuance of a non profitable operation there is no question of quality efficiency or work manshlp it s ust not profitable to operate her the canadian pacific railway it propoting to close down its passenger service on two lines operating out of orengeville it t re ported that on one line the average of five passengers a day used the facilities auto mobile t end butet have taken over the buti neat passenger service on those two lines uat isnt profitable any more fourteen towns and village will be effected by the change in nearby brampton the peel gazette hat announced that the paper has ceased publica tion rapidly mounting coats made the com pany cease its news work and devote 14 its lame ana ejquiprnejnt to commercial prjntingwork the cazette watoneof cana da prize winning week lies on several oc cations ft hat operated since 1934 but is foaoed to leave the field for more profitable operation in the days ahead wejjnay txpect more changet to me changing conditions these eft ust the current examples taking effect in this district these are not quoted to create any fears of pentcor depression bu rather to rirew attention to the feet thax w of the good old days spring pals from gin farm to halfwa house nlepriae must prove profitable to be attract ive to afty opeanon without the profit tn- wy tpera4lnn peewa tanatrarl-ra- te regulation of hour of sare m many fines is still a real problem and tar from being uni form it i difficult to get unanimity here too nothing in life is more preciout than youth a formative time a time of learn ing a happy time when there it so much to be done that is interesting and worthwhile for a country that has probably the most democratic in the world it is amazing the lack of interest and lack of knowledge the overage canadian has about politics west lock alia w tness boating facilit es ore again being added to the usual toll of life takenby motor car accidents and at it the case with most of the terrible toll of motor eccideats careless nets is the main factor fort frances ont times provision of fire protection from a town to outside municipalities is one of the most difficult phases of municipal business many ratepayers feel that services which they pro vide for themselves should not be given away napanee ont post express in the face of increasing costs of opera tion municipal councils and school boards are faced with a terrific problem unfortun ately their critics are too prone to castigate them but fail to offer any constructive solution me if ort sask journal courtesy doet pay and in many ways it not only keeps customers coming but it sends the stranger or the visitor away with a good impression of your establishment and the town in general let t not wait for a courtesy week do it all the time make it a habit and it will come naturally huntingdon que tf everyone were truly tidycontciout there would be no paper litter maybe those who throw csparet boxes on the street for example act in the tame way at home by throwing thtm 00 the hoof but vye doutrt es re van sask mercury it would be e wonderful thing if car and truck drivers everywhere wktedopt a driv ing style influenced completely by a desire to observe all regulations to practice com mon courtesy to be humble m opinion as to individual rights the magistrate could then close up his court esteven sask mercury why should a city meddle in the taxi business asks the edmonton journal why should it set taxi fares any more than the price of shoes why should it tay how many taxis should operate any more than how many shoe stores should carry on business why s i co wege domestic animals an interest by gwewdalft f curfca 1 am ttinjt out on our imcx tt n a wrktwnr b tir u tl ri nab n arc kinging ii m the tree tt ak 4i urr jen tt ra n n4 more than fitlv frr frtwn imr back d a k lldrrr i nrtrt rut we ire n 1 vipr ed err imr i cant kuldeer haw bet n rr tn f uu i n nd thr are m tame iuim y u crr urn killdeer nrt uiht i n u i m ctl hil nr n nrn in a si gtrt h how in the r t ih m ht r h rd h luki f hit npnekuii rgk t l t rk rt n drr rig tl v hi c the b nl no nthrnph hn bem made u line ihr nrt it s jiisl a ht d dr h vovt on rnuifh pm if laun wi vtiild nrtr hvr knewn t vna there ccpt tht the mother and tolher bird cmnir and chrd inner vi when he t mi w injt the cnans hwre are er fc ci n th 5 neectataorhood to r art hot ng the newt a ill be left und iturbed other fperie oi ltd life around here are a family of cottt n tails a couple f fcnaaa snake and mo quitoa vthcn we are wattr ijl the plant w e think there are plcnis but cmpared w th the farm e tuntv they are not oer abundant any tune e drop tn at th fan i u uwk around the moaqu loe brem u in irwarma thev get a txaad meal while we are there but what do thev live on 1 wondrr when there are no people around quite apart fom the remit the federal electron lam week wr vjune intertwine in the pvacea we went to and people we met one aa wa ner here to a home ature they keep white rabbit crunctiuraa and a doe like rurtv sumf of the chimhtllaa are wrorth sftoo apt ere looly title thirup with fur 1 ke chiffon e et aptrerly they are ey to leed nd kr t wn much r k tiinn nttxi t ikil mug re ont 1 1 vrnaa we utatv kl r h j n u h naainv h ghly bred res rttl i ii ikxtnl iun r i t nur lkii ttierr 1 a i ji ik wrai wind n ai tt t n a 1 r the rab i a rntnak life r t i tf m 1 t t k i t 1 vhrn ui ji tt ourit tnasf c hed n i p umu it iirnr ir iu 1 1 h rpt- tr faund r rt f r u vjff ht itvt tnk v j intfued varafcht m t tf 1 r p m hut up i i rurta n driwi i k a 1 e t t jt ul t t j hr i i t t r 1 u iti hli i i fluff i udv p i ti- i ni t nt i i htii j ar haid ui antrtl thtt it n u t4ilhtr fai j n nitrtikt n d raul cal 1 tf tn k 1 rwt a cjdv titn f ftrttl k 11m nd txti ir d h canam n t rd ild l n c thine n v n iu houm tir m4menl we k n t ant ji itjlt te l din c a e t bu d ng tme of the th ngi o s ther we haw a www waited x but mrr cud beca ir patrini r ued tt na hr wa 1 d to the cow i ul la fnd wc pt nt the da t- a fnn ntwr shelbume r wt t alnhwt n me for breakfast tie weather uw grand when we eft here bu n tth t oranev 1 e we drove hnugti heaw ratn we lhoutfht t wi ctvming a the ir iv cvedon h li were fr uded i miat partner managed to m ik three fuwii bofure we came nmt and found he hadnt forgottrci the art tht cw- were registered jeew and the calves 1 ke htue fawn wittku airv hts of cturx dur i tag the dav the s e c eared and wc were able to feaat our era en the velv cwer but then the hum cutv c 4vd n and the drine hotne was not too pteaamnt we gt t back auun aii engiat meotng a cvnajderabc am fir k d f- this sundays church calendar afiw cmuaeu umira cnukm o canada luv kay h ooatarua paatar hanoaaaa 11 banar ava fhaaa 1w sunday juki an lh suanar 8ekaol- serasf xkaatlp tgvaauni worahja rev oordoe adam ua bjx lliautar paraonana 9i bowar araaua the m cuuacn of imft a alhina cknaan naaan ont uv avaa ttvjsnaa nxtlta sunday jun srd laal traiity u sjo am holy ocanmuxuoo 045 am church school 1100 m laaum no evanuia atrvica arron kntkoital assimuv mratuk in tha yilca piil b ic i hr n itr gaorta buon organut aatf caotr lar 4 bawtr ava mtoc hoaa fl sunda1 juns ard 1m1 aan axa aloruna pravar back in 1937 tikm fraaa tka tema al use rre praaa ttjaraaay jeea u 131 it n farmer clerk trewijrt- re gnfi frum h m plit n t r terv rue the t n a actn f v yrm on tuesday rvn ng t tjr brke intt the ivafir of tr- c-i- and ul a turn 4 money and lvark rwetitioatra uo uv value ot s1j0o a mittcaae and a number o other ameil artarlm were alao ak- n actam ilafaaaad ttaairkpuia t la saturday bqs morton earned in a bnliaant djapiajr 1 pacauag and ih fiaidiag wa supat aftar itw fi el loiuaav sir oaorte coadt has dpoa0 of hu hlatasenttt tnaiinmi te ut lea heeaug of alvmoa k has tak en lataaaessme asvd a nam 4 pnunt taw ahop quita a ruavabar from ru at- tetuted tha donkey baa at cerfahawd kaat weak the rununitia td uut rton fair hoard htradad by oharwan w j murray had ap ndd fj treracaot tn ni in d imrtort arad fr rndt when they aprrnl a rjp r f da ri ai rtajaj tad taaat mx 1 lc tri rnati- dral a- rr pr vn- u the ana jrk nd r r rw k t t -1- 1 a 1 tr u k 1 i ih 1 aw pr f d t i v back in 1907 take fraaa tka lema ef tka trae praaa taaraaay jee itar ktreve swrackhamey and coon li- ar oray ball and williams l miric lje spe ght wjj a j jn a tm ng trip anrkourcd rpa had bwn taken trt p- nr 1 ng nedl hew arilranre to far- vjkjf f a da gn 4 to u pttaentet iu ng tha weak of an archtva f- dig ti poau at and r om maneat work and an arrn rrrii ut skasae lor p- tha cost if to be about fie meat in daptutad wie r fi m that and counctl diacuasad th fart ska long daaayad infu f f eat wakiek had iaeaad m uvabrcaata oi a lew of tka teai cocaaidarau of a wn- ifl tjw wal ry deptka d twy lmkm aed da- puauag tkantataet in and tad te aay around r at taa4 and hasst us ooatumaa an air nature iwnwhich tka taw prhtu tka naalttr haa barurn m t vtala invianta to raasdenla d xt ata rty and mvtral rrrat j p wordn m nmri 4 uf aivrp r arad y k re h 4 x i t f m x j i a et f ktrujr r mc h rf art r- 4 ur f tr tarjf f t1 c rnr vij frafu d eg n an v rfjr h r u ph i al lc ai erde4 at paaa rt tmal rjck d rji r ff p nf r 1 r 4 r frj tito t arr r i t u the h p th vw d t- r a r a- r 4 t b kir- ra af ful jtt nru ti a a tr mr ata 1 b h k k r tvt vr r 1 4fr hr aktirr a at t iij 1 4 j aj v ta artapfjav a t j 4v at 4 a c n of faxidnvers rrtore than shoe ttore clerkt the public m ber final analysiswrtl saytow mciny tfltl npfrram anrf hovi hiqh f ares bl cook st ttlrphorta sltvday june 23rd 1067 100 ajn jubjor ckurek a ckurck school fl am alortuna worth p pkssytbuan chubov in otlsjsda xax enrmcan acton re andrew h mckenxe ba va t 1 j id m fi t n 1 xxi 1 i 1 1 t at c jtl vka rh mm hjl l r t 1 ji r h ghwa fr rv i d sa we iuvf gx t 1 t 1 iliad and iat a read d o red jial nodei dvrr kt cjt be vri ntx ten rrt t g iger rrm we had id ah t d oil edge ba iub to gr ut of b grabb ng jir edg ts here we ae a fu lng rtream ed iff wheh ptirr f nd x he fet hing arthr tic jonta ttie f rat th c 1 dd was t but 1 fuctii n ubber b h tan but ee- tha n t n aiwe vahat ie newdi j urre th ri it j n t iuc h t telf up there a a b g tap of turw u bnw can mr be ure the up wxhim cie awav from haa anvrne anv tuggeat oni tt afr- seemt t me thia j tvrne th ng that mjgatit be taken up c gotwi htauaekeppag o a ve fj e ujrxv thar j ih doubt about atreaam nad bathtub are a nn h elder v or paxtialw djaab ed pervon rrepexv of age too trften broken bona hae been tc revult of alpvhng in tka bathtub fevnatxatly k th raarue plea mrs hugh reed hostess to wi ore wee wnan loaitluu hekl ther monthly meccruj at the taom of lira- hush read ot turaday awning with a good at tecdmoc d txvetnbanl tfc meung cpand with th wetidacit mr calvin an ken n thcohajr tha laetitut odt was aungv ssllowed by the collect a untaofa and th tinging at a nymn hou au wea a by uuliag a current vnt ajfccr th raadatui of ihc nunute i f ri place rat gafrt ng a bus trip and paper dnv pktns wr mad lo ceiar lor a mkh wvdcung annrwreary on sat urday j una is the pevgieui eoniatad of a re port of the okstxact annual meeting held 1 h liaburg on june 39 bv mnt uurn and mn wu1 j of fc r j a- j x r professional directory and travellers guide medical wucfuaiotf c6 w g c kensey y s e acon on raan n inmnn lucink at e v c ea- ci b- t blu c d a ga5n rtrtictea aa l imr f v cw nd rivr st en rcv ilvtr sjt artoci ontario c e v laaaas mcx tmiii mt nana cton stvdo s bai ptm r park avi citlph paa ta i j4 altottxc accocxnso v8 1 hosk s cb robert d b0n rtroriaa u a m w lnrtcn bt actco oat riaaa ct1 oukv hourt aa pju mi ist att and inarmamcm s x nsspi tbcavra 1 latv o tlacx b c tv ri a c a cavktkbxo accoivtajtt c u si miuxt oc f i wright a wubur si acton onui as wu r nacken insurancf agency mill strart pbona x raa u cimjul lxxuramcx waitnl h or a hiiotjl caorrtaawn orncai e i buchncb ro j bert wood insurance agency plana laa after haura ta vj is lim st uj1v c otnaa hour vrtal7 1j0 cm naa ttavllhnv sum okay coacm 1mb coacan lxavm actiml cb h lejb nmlil b jj aa daily lanal i hoi 1 in anv til- la jvo nm uj pm i pm lom pm 1 sub and hal a rrrdartck straaa off tn hour a laalpa ttxephont it actom dr 103 am 11 sjt pm 7jt pjn is iis pm 13 am trt sat1 lt bo a readig i dent 1 ke c- b kxker a gen by mr hems- es and a tor of the old ofi tfelrs c ikm with it red a j buchanan daetaj berfeaa rt office sa u01 street offe hnura a m to pm c caed wednaaday aftcrcoon a v b canadun viatiomai tamlwav telepboo u legal mxoo amsunttiy school 1100 am ealorntng vtorahip l katorntng 1 avmy juna rd 9 5 a n church school corn c sir p cotea wj bv mrs bailentine th m g e oaed th th ltt tut oraca and luatt charge vairlvtjtr a belirllar natsry off eel hour 1000 amli aso v 100 pjn- 100 bust iatdav by aptoxnment owl l4vy see atn daily eaxemflnai- uti 000 am ti pjn flieieej inlr ioi pm- daily excepl beav day riyr at cataealebiu 903 katu c3t pm dsuly rr at uaftr town tan otuly 1144 pav oau sunday j0 pes dally eseage pa buadu oolr mi am flan asufaiaairriig they will pay jo bm evangeittbc ser ice wedneaday s pjh cotug pyl er meeting and hibl study c am mvi g wont p 00 pi aceay s- ctt q lib till cwnsn tt 5ii c a phona bm ml acton and sun sj1 njn

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