Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1957, p. 1

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f- i 1 1 add mighty goss press to modern newspaper plant acton ontario thursday august ul 1957 kght pages seven cents with tlfl touch of button the new gost nowspaprr preis recently installed in the dilli mo hng and publishing co ltd plant leaped into aciion for itt propreu day trial run the firm t president g a dills is shown at the control to initiate the ute of the new press introduce two color printing withgoss press installation one of three in canada the famed got cox o typo newspaper press has been added to the plant of tho qilu printing and publishing co ltd in the lumi largest cxuan slon program to date leading newspaper press m the field it wilt protlixe colors at well as the black in one pr ntmg as well as speed ing printing over the present method by an estimated six timet publishing firm president g a dills noted this type of prat wiffc the latest color provision will be only the third installation in canada with similar presses already installed in trenton and portago la pra ne in halton county n is the only known newspacf ptxss that will provide this color service in the near future ad verfisers will be able to tale advantage of ll s prov s on of the installation in their advertisements continued on pnyr t fire j dedicate stataediricloat knox honor late mr mrs john kenney located in the north trumnt pi knox prvbrln chu ch i be mi tiful stained uu window 1i t inff thr crucifix luon w i 01 i caud hundu in numoa ul m and mm john krnncj by tht ir family representing thi f im l it th sunday deduutuui condui ll lv hev a mckinzic was col t t- ford ktnnt anoint r nun i lt i of montreal oit unahh r iittttui duo 4 tlllvfm p tor to tin biuf dtdititirt scrict ihi minister spok on tht symbolism of th nutk nj lmtl at the top of thi suuud t1 o w n hi n tt j the in n rt th latrt k r jmi mt ir n thr it iki ctni culture t t h rep t nltii i u n for kit ml fi m ihi liini emit lmit iali in and th 1 n pr t ntcd ihi ihbnu t r ite am from the llchrtws c inn r i k on r u win tht irm m c 1 k i no tuqui u hied thi wind w l lit churih in iiitmtiv d h pit its md ti th c in f th c iikt fc itwi thmv wma follow bv pr i r of rtrdk it n 1 in frit rids of tin f mi k w i piimiit with th c tifcifknon fur in in t n nt m r ut report one accident here during july with holidays prevalent during thci wifki stneta stfm unusually 1 st rt1 i otic this week reported lhl imlv on accidi nt hud been r p rtid to tht i cl detachment dur mil th month of july other in fiacilt m of the lii had txtn uml lai 1 1 iw tht y nolrd milton acton cars collide at corner two miles above crewaons cor ner sunday a car driven by qln mrl can of acton was in collision with n cat owned by sircjo 7oppa f m it in 11 rights lnv stiuiting oft rr c nstiblc lliy andrews of iht rount i i estimated the dint tii it 275 industrial picture brightno details whtta no further au available on thr industrial pirtur fifx actonthli wnk mayor tylrr notrf uir v had brn morrpro prcla lately titan for aomc time previous lie reported the three vacant lo cal industrial properties wool combine ilaxlers and storyahad barn shown to inquiring induatrtal- ists in the past few days tout no developments could be announced at thta time questioned fur further informa tion on the recently announced ln- duatnal land purr hake the mayor assured the free press every thine tyai progressing but no details could be released continue study parking price inisaibility of charging a so cent parking fee it acton s prospect park is being investigated following a meeting of the hoard of parks man agimmt on thursday if the parking fa kh introduced tt was also suggested no parking signs would be necessary on streets hading to the park the meeting also engaged shirley liarrat and susan wilson for pool supervision at fl an hour for three houis on alternate days total cost f tht iui r limn was 31 weekly accounts fur pool paint sign painting and advertising were ap proved for payment a ni w agrnmint with the bell tilt phone co cohering the phont thmth im the grounds uas also ap pros ed chairman caoorgi ilarrxau in formed iht 11 ard that plans for new uafchrooma and changt facllllles art wnder consld ration iresent for the mc ting wt rr mrs iryr a irwin and mayor tyler with g ilarbtau pr siding patmt examination t inda jeanne uralda ceivcd first class honors in rr r gradt two pmnh elimination at the royal consr itory of music with 83 mirks rtcently sht m a pupil of miss lampird halton fire prevention bureau plans school contest publicity al jhc second meeting of t 1hmm tender for the pr be ntwh j rnithlttill n fin trtvt ri mnpted unliu the cardscan be ton uur iu on mond iy evening at oht lined f tc through the drpart- tht milt n rin 1uu it uas dtvid- nitnt d thst all r i te i pupiln in i hilton would bt aked to tnter a publicity r port shoed thit poshr tminihtion from which one publicly at tht present s v ry list local polluted streams ban swimming in areas the inspection staff of tht unit countv lltatth unit has rec ntl computed a sanitary urn of thi streams used for swimnunt in tlu oeorg tou n and ai ion ui t j a aerlel of samples has bvtn t ik n foi analsis and thi r suits sliou tint the lulloums stu tm nr hi i ib pollattd und uusafi fir vimm i k i th tributaiv o tht xt hi uuh of th credit hur uuu 1uiv lik to tht jumiion with tht t d it uivtt th stu tin ul w th i mi t vn m w dtsi ii 1 1 ir r t u jut u n with th it ii it iim 1 h t iin kim t i ui lu n i mil 0in i i tlu t mm i i tw milling ii us i uth of n iv ll in 1 it 1 c un t iv i n p h 1 w uunii r r j im mn t x du inl t imt iu tilth unit showers to honor bride of saturday friends and rxlatlvu ktd mi arlene pordoit p ior to htr m r- rumjc last sdulrdj to hob 1 1 j anu drue mr jim gibson wit hvtt it a miscxuaneous showir th mill st home of mrs j gordon vvtie setting fo- anothtr shown with mr gordon and mis pmhiu pi- pitlon a hostuuc mrs kim gregory and mr paul lwon held a showt at th hum of dr and mrs f oakcs mrs brt robertson oapringe op nod h r home fnfanoth r biithnn with her j hosttats ms lrank rrt- man attmctixt and usvful ifts werrhtid by the ounj brtdt- tobe local opp corporal has 20 years service t ip ill u mison t th loc il o i v dttathmtnt t n iaednsdav uuiktd jtt mao with thi llominml i vi it lmrt j lumj tht itn d tachi nu nt in 11h9 th torp i i mrel w h thi oikxilu dttichmtn for fv xtii with tht halton couni iutithnuni itir fit tais uud with tht bianuorrl dttuthuum for sonu timi ht itucd tu akion m 1b42 whi st ine on tht count j di t ithnunt the god weather is a boon to the lirmert who are threshing receives certificate dervhip camp at hake couchlching the put two week bov md rirl will be presented wjth it hv for th ir fcho t and a mtialu r oni fir themselves milton f n chttf a r clemtnt explained etl at the me ting that the large tn phies an bt ing domlcd by tht lliltm inn rs mutuil fire in- minm c comp in nd w ill be a- uliblc for annuil competition the ulta ior the ikrttr cunipctl l n wer computed and it wis dc- c 1l tint the si of the poster would bt ipprximaulv 14 x 23 in hit tht tin mi f r tht pstr wis srt it tin iv vt nti n in tht home md it is t b finish ii in croon at 1 i t f i inpi v tors h iv t bi t n prom md th bun ui fo tluir c mn v widi fin inspection of mm u il ant industrial build- nik tnd mor arc expected chtf cltnunt notixl the oak- illt tr if iliar ch imber of com merce w is tht onlv oulaidt it oup taking in aut mttrest in their projivt iu mid nmn hi ip would bt rt atlx appr t lalt d hi pros itt itnes of various areas n hiltn n pa ted pnet quoted o i t it print tnh of ii mt insptctian nd llabv- uni cuh containing ilium i m n f i pnvmlion and ttci n it wis miud that tht dairy purchase new dapple grey horse musah s datrx has purthastsl i c ipple krv h irs frtun r rusatu of st geoi gn thi m w horse ai stnrted on bis rout on thursday of list uttktnd is working out satis auurilj local bee keeper reports fair crop mts4 ruth landboroutli uti ed tht red croh inttrmtdjati swlmmlnii cvitilicat while at tending the ontario athletic lea- he had to feed auger to the bees to a e fred and rwon of hornbv ont of ontario s largest bee ketptrs reports this tars homy crop as fair to fcood with txcltnt quality homy scheduled to oppar on the store stands sonu time this week i1esas that although on june 10 keep them alive the honey u whits as snow jiuw j scarce ivc hundred graa fire posttr which can bt rt printed by the difftsfnl brigades if needed were passed among the atttndmg firemen it was proposed thit there should be more paper pub llcity and possibly a five minute interview with various fire chiefs in regard to the kire prevention uetk on radio stations saturday morningi wai ni berated local firm gets suspended sentence pleads guilty to pollution of stream hand excavation around the edges for the basemen addition at the scout hall is being done by albert van gils and hank ulterwick constant caving in the sandy walls delayed work until well points to remove the excessive water in the area were installed derby oldtimers ball game civic holiday program highilght an nil star attraction scheduled for the minor sports civic hull d iv celebration p onuses to bo the hill game betwetn tht llnlton od titmrs nut tht nil star intt r coun tv lint up the old timers will be undt r the dirtclion of dude lind- siy and include an ar ay of well- known former stars about 23 floats will be limd fur tht parudv thut officials stlmate ttialbr oni al lhcbtggalgtinjn acttn for mjny ar lour bands mill be included from acton mil ton ouelph and llillsburs dfflclau in charge of the soap box drrby bung introduced this v ir rt port 30 derby tntnnu pi iming tht ir box for tht tike orr from tht mnor or rrcdrrtcit and aicnt st monday morning trophli s for the d rby winners will be presented by legion presi dent vic patrick at the park about 2 is pin there s a wholt line up of aces too from the mx yearolds to tho 15 yedr olds u will as two ladles rnc s nnd a nuns open winners of the softball tourna mrnt will split the 50 pnac money with 20 or the touil going to tba mcond place ttam eden mills will bt pitted against toronto and hamilton against acton tn the opener with winn rs playing off minnr- league teams will also be in ther t w gimcs scheduled for the toronto mapleieafs hi v mi sugar kings montreal koy- alt and m lamt marlins fxecutle members in charge of the tvent art gord jamts gord it itt ivan kilby vic mastes hi rb woodt ab irwin gtorgc hiningcr and roy kirknrss soap rix dtrby committee is george hichirdson doug tarant and hon smith officials also pointed out thit there will be aomc free prizes too including billoon chocolate bars biscuits and sockerx 52 issues in 1957 thr re w ill be m issue of the acton troc press this yeir wc re not stopping publication of the pape- any week this summer for staff vacation although in other yrars the pa per has withheld publication a- round the last week of july or the first tn august the publishers have decided to stagger staff holiday periods yea- to ensure con tinuous publication of the paper early please c and advertisers are aakes ta keep the macular clvla nallday in mind and sabmlt laatr eapr early far next weeks payer vavr e aperallan la aa- siaung aa tn getting next weeks bans at an utne la sincerely ap preciated the beardmora and company tannery acton received a coruj- tional suspend d sentence when it pleaded guilty in maglsuaug court in milton tuesday to pollut ing the black creek with tannery waste charged by th ontario water resources commission that the act occurred on xfsy 10 tha company chose to plead guilty but provided sufficlrnt evidence for tha m agist ate k m landgon to mm up the case with the court is sm- certatn as to whether the coadl ttons revested by the inspectors was caused by tha flooding at in time ir by the usual operation ol the plant the company was asked to pay coutk costs amounting to 30 and remain on a suspended sentence for an indefmlta prlod of time on the condition that deardmore and company will work with the on tario water resources commission in an attempt to alleviate any fur ther pollution conditions robert r parke- general uper- intendent at th company for che past 15 years reported plans wet already under way to improve tha system of disposing of the tannery waste blood hide scaping and other organic material and agreed the company would work with the o w r c to prevent a reoccur rence of th pollution the case termed a ut case by the commission as it was the first cha ge under the new act lastad an htmr and a half in tha mil ton court room the maximum fine that could have been imposed un der the act was fl 000 and crown attorney l d dingle suggested the fine be imposed to prevent fur ther breaches of the law char lea simpson laboratory scirntstt with the commission ex plained the intricate system of pools and lagoons through which the waste is taken before it is final ly sprayed into the air to evapor ate he reported that on the morn ing of may 10 he found three plas tic hoses siphoning waste fom two ponds to the marsh from which a tributary flows into the black creek a biochemical oxygen demand test which determines tha con centration of pollution in water revealed that the waste coming from the plastic hoses had a bod count at aft and 300 ha said urn went on to eaplsln that water tested in the ceek above the tannery had a 4 29 bod count but water half mile below the tannery carried a count of 37 a count of one o less bod la clean water he explained while a bod of 10 u badlypel l a bod of 200 is raw sewage the count of 37 he declared showed positive proof that the water rkd been polluted mr parker who la at so chair man of the flooding and pollution committee of the credit valley conservation authority admitted the disposal system of th 06-year- old tannery was not foolproof toot explained that heavy rains wo days previous to may 10 had cauffd two emrrgency tanks at the plant j to become nearly filled with water mostly rainwater with some ef- flutnt he said the condition wag dangeous for if the water had spilled over it would hhve caused erosion of the bank leading to uie marsh indkidual judgment is some times necessary in cases like thta the superintendent pointed out and said he suspected the rains had stopped a pump which would have released the water from the two ponds we were only safeguard ing by siphoning out the ponds he added the cretk was high from uw twoday rains our employee pro bably thought the creek would di lute the effluent which was most ly rainwater anyway he said john oneiil biologist with im commission reported tasting the water for types of animal ufa above the tannery where conditions wart found to be normal but he noted when the water below the tanimry was tested it was found to bt striously polluted as many forms of animal life had been destroyed the spray discharging system wu developed 10 years ago and had improved within the past year air parker told the court ha said more land owned by the company cbuld be used to expand and better uw system t rusement excavation fit tha local scout hall it now proceed- ing since the installation of wellpoints to drain the area and allow digging iri the sandy soil the hall is resting on steel 9ulde and brownie groups beams supported by posis in the centre and the outside banks taff photo addition of the fulldepth basement is necessary to allow ad ditional meeting areas to accommodate the growing scout cub old age pensioners received their first six dollar increase yes terday mr j buckland took his swim ming class of girls to the george town pool on tuesday evening tag diving iaitrueuon 4

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