Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1957, p. 1

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vht jvttow sttt fts eightythird year nor 8 actom7onttnorrhdbsday august 73nd 1957 ten pagesseven cent mali tlm succntful acton nkw tcfcool itudanl joy pel so churchill road acton received word of being awarded a bursary amounting to 200 from ihc federation ol women teachers aitociation of ontario for teachers college intrant joy i ood firtl in grade xiii at the high school in ac ion tin past term mtchin6 m to hit new duties it david dadwrty acton t new y m c a secretary mr oocherty it a native of porl glasgow scotland and comet to acton y highly recommended the new secretary worked in youth organizations in scotland st john ambulance corps discuss nursing course appoint david docherty new acton y secretary d jrwsd vm ptfen- a native of port olasguw scot lifid david ivisrty recently took over hi dul li yuca set ratary fur at ln mr doth tv an rhiirtirri1 worker tn ymlh organ rlnii m port glasgow whuli h j tul ahon of 20 too ha i fin eiev f tiuitilh lias will t hi ri witti m y m c a hi on very highly iecxmmrded trw nrw secretary la and rsfscts to move to acton ytth ri wife ihc early part of hrpli bcr ur and urs doernrty will fee it tviii tn t wtk to take a ys cmitmtk i mni leadviarup training court although t mirw im k lakt touctilrhing igumtnt u fore the ym a activities opn a f tin khin in atton the meeting of st john ambu j lance ifrigade 322 acum division was held ill thursday rventng nl the htmt i mr nnri mm david hpicer wilh jack i nnv in rhargt then wire 10 menibt r and thret isltora prratnt following iht naduit of thr mln tiles mr ihimt gavt an informa tive talk on wound hemorrhages and the pressure point a honu nursing ctmrw waa dia- eiuuwd start ink in thr vail fur 13 weeks wllh ihe day tentatively act for wedneda evenings mr ceorge hargrove waa pre- sen led wtlh a gift from thelahira in appreciation for miiklnc thi drt aaik thi following appoint m nt win made- divisional offirt r jim k dm- li m rk ant david sptct r mrimral john lluckmuti si- n tar c linton tnvloi triaaurir mrs oiorn liar- grave the mxt m itni will ih hi id at thr home of mm hnriit on fri day august 30th tlu im limit lhtii adjournt d and a corn roast was held but ontortun ately inside owing to rain a vote of thanks wan mun to mr and mrs spicer for tin uv uf tin u home bv mrs thick mun area residents protest slaughter off the trees church street resident voiced street from guvlph mtiil linlud- protests ttus week at what they termed the slaughter of the trees a number of ma pi s and other trets on the mirth side of church st are umg removed or drastically trimmed clearing thi wn or the sumlav cut om1 uf a new main puwei llttt miss joy peal wins bursary miss jo inal 1 fai 11 alton llkh nhil imnl nud vs id title wttli fi m thi r i railui ullllil tivlttk awitl t of oil i to of hit iniim ml httalllulg bill a it mux mlltlk ju0 flf ntranct t 1 at in is hi c i to riiiti she is lit dnult i if mi and m ifuitoh i is 1 v i on lull mil all ii ml ii ixxi hi i liait in ai it iiti i id i r m h h i i nil his paal ttm ri hh i ii atadi xii i n i m ruim i ttm r wis i t i in i i ar itiiiin wixt mii i hhu o 1m in hi i l no s pi nti 10 jl v ib llllllv vaolklllk ul tin liaral post nfrtr mint with nsmlly a oiimr up in tin mini inmiioi jihnn cunt ft power break tuesday caused by tree limbs th ixwi i k ll in moiiooti kvi tuoid bj liii- ub- bin kkuioi iti piaii inn mi rorlint l iu m imtn ilyttn biumrinl ii i ni thi inw i i in ni1 rr fr pi ainmli lv l h ii in a utlin of lnwii ttt nil i ml st i i t mr mjom st tl ihi i ih huts in ii worn t u nsi ml nil lung of the iri 1 1 mli u thi t liilion will in rimidnd tin sun d iv wrnn in m lim m to lr rr- etted two youths win scholarships willnm c ituhinson and lynnr cmilti r win awardtd this yea s hilton leturilion of agriiullurc srhulandiip tn i nter the first war in om uf tin n gula courn at the o a c awarding of tit lr nhit ii lnv rd on acudt mti si imling 4 1 jun- tnr farmi i mul i iminuiintj uritv it as a rotlinillx of fivi nupoinl i d by thi 1 1 il i it inn rt v h m d four upp ii imu in fort mikini hit iinnouniyiik nt the nnihinl st ii 1 p are avtartivd to enahti worthv stud lit lo t ntt r fi t ir in n of tht itkular iiiirii it tht iia mi lmtii id lnititult ti lv coult r w ithi r tbtt d ivh p unu out ih il fill u un the is and you tin jui nloul t r t iibout nnv mort swimmlnt llu st itlui u lit rum ned th i tht ontario drparlmimii uf hihs his ad- t rtisrd for ti rub r for tht wri- i ruction of in ovtrinv o th c madlanniu n il h ulvny irut ki north of tin ilixt 1 im whtri iflgbwuy 411 u lo croas it fc am j v two brothers meet after 36 years apart a hsppy reunion was held rx mtlv at the homt of jim whltham iiii si attufi when his brtather j m of ilradfortt vurkhirr kng uul visitil him aftrr 34 yats of the two bi tht is pa ted 34 years t i when jim- ramr to canada and i1f1 lit make his horn here ha a li n a i mik lit of artun for jiltv tia and la n thr nsragr kiii nlly j m whitham whoa mil v now 1 m- in anada ram 1 i tins t mntiy lo v sit with n mom ii of oiirinn and illllll jov mr 111 htirhan- h t ai bin on mondan rvcnmk of last week thi rwid ctmnittre of council at a mrminy appioved tht removal of iii or 11 trets and tht trimmtnjj- of otluo lluil inttrftretl uith tht in a pown lim tht hdro culomi scheduletl for suiuii w ill disrupt power for a tout hour period from a am to 10 in on church st east from guelph st to wumn grtivt and the cres cent aim includiil in tht shutoff rr tod from 1q a m to 2pm u church tng the south of mill but ium includ ing main street thtpowr line rvplncnunt will prevent further ptmtr lir iks at cordlnc to suptrintetultnt maukin ilimiplkiinlmi nl was fill by th hroi hers at not having an oppor tunity nf aeing their cousin mr ii mobinson imayi of winnipeg who found u inipoa bit lo make ii j unotd ii ip i ik fur a minion jim t mimufil dy iiisli r fin jj i innkiaid in 11 ad ford york 1 shin i ttit iwo hiollitrs w ii talking v t un uit nmny of the arlon ilhtl it niadtv to uir home ul mi vthilham in ufliul dunnjt wot it wjr ii it wits ala4s pit iviii he ud lu have any uf tin lad f om acton drop in and i juy him a vuil acton opp hold car check acton opt rtilaihment th id a i suft iv heck of rain for approsi iitilt ont h mi on friday rvntng no m in si 1 1 t pmwiu ht iv 1 bytcmsn church i rohce report stopping 17 vrhlcl- aa issuing 14 safely stickers and laying three rh urges two for nav lik no br kt und one for fsiliic lo produn an ix- iitnr s licsnre mo i mason rhirf nf th i k il d t irhmt n adv lats all driv lim to hnvi ihi ir velurhii checkd anil put in a i tondilion ttfse tntniinit unto llu highways const roy hazlelt i joins dislrict op p oniitmhlt itoy mazlett formerly i f brantforh oim this week took xhaice of tht north llatton district iii tnrhrm nl of tht ontario provtnc- i il lniltrt he rt plans corporal harold vnumans in that capacity constablt hail tt who has nearly jirtviar kt rlence with the o p p tn tan his milirt dutla s in iunda and evjx nt over nint years with i ilrntitford 1 thi pn m nt district force now in- it hides constable liazmt and con- ntjiliu s itav andn ss and dave lltt1 tht ir office is in the base im nt of tht building forrni rlv used i ui tht htkiktry offict in mil ion council approves service station site on property purchased in subdivision atutn council approved build ing hfiii t to the shell oil comp any for a service station on their lot on juaen hirer tast at mead- vsh itoat whrn they held thrlr regular meeting in the council t hamte s tucavlay evening aflar hearing a irller fiom iha mull oil o frail by lv assislanl tlrik mayor tyler called on den nis ii osfcin and a mllllgan rwp- iisentliig ihe rtmipany mr ow n stated hi company witm tu in apply lu lh rotinnl f r a building mrmlt to go ahead with thill pioimased servue at stum lie added the rimitpaay hd pur- haard the piopeity arid would like lo ihiw llirir sinterily in co- okittng with ihe town in tgsrd to h hiding tipulalitua piivitita applii atlons had been a hot watir tnk xploding lln tlfffltimg uted t shower tioute liurnenj lo i tuottay nighi it was on th protrty of alos cuthner r r 4 acloit mr curi vriin wilh a mriidfn host in nslut luh iho llait calrtfo iy th ground on nor fought in vain wilh j boy scouts to campaign for assistance for building and scouting expansion the 1 nt all ik y sco it k com mitle oia d gnat 1 spk mtx r is thr ihh hi t i h ttw fin ancijl amp tijn i nt f i am n and d lr f 1 tli r ip utmon pn g am n iw in i lris it tht sfont hall has provi r a heavy buiilrn for tht local com unite men many t mnpth led difficulties wrrt t mount r d in th c imatrull on work aftar starting the kpansion pro gram the smut commillee was fared with many p oblems ai thf a irlrt rs slrurk fjuukaand no tainhing lo nbindm th pr jn t if f nlarting thi m mil h m t n i rdi r t m r uumod i in rt tni and fcirl m 1 i unt vt n ulit rod and uid continuously in nrdt to krt p the txrivalum dry with thi hlnkini f ipiuknnd rtsl mounti d hiih ovii tht nnlir il itttl pi it i f r ii in mii lliiig tin iniimintl it i uituipilid rohtii u ii iani1 mi i km imu the t 1 1 ma led iiniount for ifldilional uiiiipmi nl md workmen tin huildini mhm roniph ti d will ik i mil i ng pi in iimi bv ii v s mils wo f cubs cirl cuidi and n iini i during tht fiiihn a k nrr it rmvai will hi m iclt to ak pnhl i j suppt rl to m unt on a high alin- d tid of sctiulinit in arlo j c onimi nr ng next mi nth loc il stotilin hrtivitus will ikini bi fiiced with many n w boyn who will br dehirioiis of joining ttit itoy i st mi move men as cutis and st outn to art om module many uf i thvsi b v aj wtll ai pttslnl mt nibrt s a gt ntrjl nut tine of pitainl cuha of a ii sjid c k i lo he hi id on ihuradrfv ss iilnnlxr ith il un siout hit ihi ti m i niiitinjt l f i nillat i it in f tin w if uba a- will ai ar n tv ih bi i v i t n tht utft a of t ghl und lo yt ira a ah ft in nneiuig nlghu l con tiuplattd for all three sections of iht iihji miivimrnl these changes at owing plannvd to allow lha leaders to glv mora convanlanlly of ihrir time mux data lis in thll ripct svill follow at a late lite ti t tspanmon pr gram under- i ski u by tht lot al croup onimil t ail in ho piignisatd very i pilt d spilt diffituluta nr un lind in ttit n w biiilduiti p igrum a full b mrnt under tht pn a ent scout h ill is now wt ii undt r- 1 hi f un 1 iti n has bit n lid and wik i no pi gii vunri n tin in ii ti nn f r njt thr s i h1 i m lb mtta thi i irgi mt mil niittirt nmin in thi niw baxi im nt off ii cloak oums w t h loom ai d i ni w rntr mt t an 1 part of tin grow ink pain u jett omit ruiki n bv a ft w uf tin ntiini uf alton airving ii tht ii iv srout group ommittit thret and i half yt ira no ar- t t vaiilf cuba wi t priutltally at i liindavih sinn that time tht y hm ktiwn in numbt rt from 24 in tir flf arbvt nnmur with tin t inrrt aauig numlx rs mill v ml nt thr pn t nt rspnnnion pro- k mi iv4l made a nectsalty piesently the e are young boyi in town who an waiting for a chum to tn oil in he acton fnov t nu nt r icibtlt and it arft r- mrs jim dills is cne winner ms jim dills campbell ave has won four prises and two hon or ibu montlonfurjicr exhibits v cloth i nx nt tlu csinidiin nitionil exh bitioii mrs dills won first pruo fur a baby s crocheled jacket eond for a imnli cochcted irticlv third for an infants cap and another third for a woman blouse she also rtfcned honorubk meition for a bab nikt en semble and for a child awxatcr bell telephone manager announces acton rates increamt of 30 tent per month or twofwty residcnc telephone ervice in acton artd of 33 cent for onepott residence lines arc propoatcd in bell telephone ap plication lor feviaed rate filed in otuwa with the board at truu- rirt commissioners lor canada according to c s keith the fmpanya manager here the proponed increase loir one- parly flat rate business aervice is 170 monthly and for twoparty nm ervke-it- is ftomonthly a comparison of present and propoaed rate fo- ttpical classes of servicu in acton folltw pre proiku jnt residence 1 party line 3 45 3 80 35 3parlv line 3bo 3 06 jo ext phone 100 nothnnjie business 1party line 5ft- 6 53 10 1- party line 4 83 525 40 p3 jc trunk o80 0 b3 1 05 keu rjhona ij3 1j3 10 com on to1as and took at roy picturml taya lihla wendy kowalt as she pleads with ihe boys 4e come out of jhelf home made tent wbilingaway their hours before school starts left t right are mark kowalt andrew stancllffe e timmy stan cllffe who built themselves a tent to play copsend robbers fn7 like many children about town the boys are perhaps a little rest less end are looking forward to school starting wendy happen ed to be passing by as she was raking her baby for e stroll ship hni ixtn a probh in now with hit new fuolillli in iv and belli r at outing will nuw in ivu i able to ihi ung t llns f at tun ai a n ull s ut ug infill ttrrxhip iti imitaatd p oorlluii alely with tin r uh 1ai ka and three hruul 1 rimn f uurtloning this heptemlm r nest m nth llrowmi girl quldai wolf cuba and liny bcoula will b mttvlng into thfilt aaargad m acting hall i cade rah p and fin nrei a going tn be a greater problem in t a h section more leadi i are nmltd adulla who might im mttrimil in uiut ng in any of tht m nth gnnipi rmilij nglattr ut tht kt rial uniting un septt muer ath acton fair board plan monster affair with the coming of fall folk begin lo turn tin i thoughts lu fall fairs acton fall rair this yt ir is plan- bsfd for sept nilier 20 21 ind as in the past m my t vents will bt hi id in this ytai a show the monster gala night held on friday rvrmng in acton wreni i scheduled lt lw a big affair with many new entr tamer added lo ihc i at as usual the midway w 11 be open the first evening with many rides for ihe children and garnet and refreshment booths tor life oldsters saturday nstivitus will le led offtoy a colorful parade with ihe school child m marching to the tunes of acton cltizrns band in the afternoon in iho pirk ac ion fair will be officially oxnid the uiual horse events alinrk showa diapluy of donisstic els grain vrgrtubh und fru t judging will catch iht eyi of tht intrants as well as baking handicrafts plants flowtrs and school childitns work in the ewning ti the crowd with any rihk it ft a muiiati r dance will u ht hi dont forget tht dab a spltm- bcr 2021 bv you at tht fair bannockburn wi hold august meeting bannockburn women s insttlue held their augiau meeting at the school recently the meeting open ed with the institue ode followed by the mary slcwsrl collect roll call was answeed by imitating a farm animal a committee was formed to work on a project for the fall fairs a discussion on rawing membership fees took place mrs s- morrison gave a reading oh the care of african violet a very lively name the ihwucta contest was conducted by mrs w storey the winner was mrs a mann the meeting closed with the queen and institute gace lunph was sarved npatiy the ixld lilt hi applliall plaiuil h lfn 1 ih olsla ii lull li nfuaiug the approval uf a hull i mai 11 mill for a pcrvlce autl in in thla alt a 111 allmsuig ihe ollliml mr owiii notitl hla i ompany could ap ply for a wilt of mandamus forting loonrll lo i sane a permit so thi y t oi li go ahead with their plans toil ii was not tin ir wish to i ondiii i hiiaiiu sa in this inamrer mi m lligali ilaiiiilloli ulstflit sah a maiiagir was saked to glv hit vu wpinu as to why tha gs i ompany had decided to 1mu in this pal in ular aira hi atald the company had given rireful dhiaideration as tn whether il would im- a wise v nliire on i ruluiting a survt y his company had found acton was a progressiva community and the company would not le jeopard lilng other kiiiii ouili ta attordlng to the sin vi v ih y felt tht re wrre only om o iw i alatlona where an own ti i mid obtain rtmiplcle lubrlcat- ii ii and rvlt e mi mllllgan told council that a eareful surv y had isren taken in onttr ti provide a good buairiesa iinl only f unt thn tranairnl trade but uta local as well as a local man would hlvc that slat- inn and possibly two other lecal men working in th building he stated tht airvlre station area would have in be in town to sup- p ut this hi ip lleevt j margrave noted the oiinl h id a n solution prohibit ing any serviee station in this mr children arc anxiously awall- ukg their return to school th scout addition is progress ing favorably and the well points have tiaet removed n poinld out to council tint a station in this area costing appioxim tltly 75 000 would be an ii ism t in the town not a det rut nt mavor tyler mm if hhell a applliation would slate 75 000 mr mllllgan answrrsd yea ac- ut ding to their engineers reporl uuncillor goy asked whethe- acton s aaseaamt nt nf the building would be baaed on 73 000 and mr owin replied the actual coat of the bare building would be 20 000 and the land value was 16000 i uuncillor 11 i owe voiced the opinion that tha householders in the area needed other types of ser vice area bslo e any aervice stat ion it was the feeling of mr lowe that other place were avail able if nut in town on the boun dary mr mllllgan noted that in their survey his company had fell ac- ion was a ihrlv ng and growing community and in orov tn provide a living for three families from town the proposed area was the most suitable a motion was lost ta aasur the home owners in the area that a trvice atation would never be al lowed to be eeclsfd on this site mr owen repeated that it was not h s company s wish to lake a write of mandamus against coun cil i t gaily there is no question i lu our mini ion staled mr ow en if we should sell this property tht re li no itnpping some other owner f om applying wilh a writ and building councillor low asked that the n solut on be made law but wal informed that a fmriod of about two years would elapse before the toning by law was passed enforc ing restrictions councillor w cook pointed out to council that the cpreenuteea had come to council to get a direct answer fur or against and it was up to council to comply with the r wishes a recorded vote was taken and council resolved to allow the shell oil company lo build in this area supporting the resolution ware mayor tyler reeve hargrave councillors aurbeau and bruneu- opposed were councillor lowe and cooke t e kellott and k d htckr representing the robert hudson company were present to euscuai the resolution passed at couasil regarding issuing building petmlti lor single dwelling units only a bylaw was read to the mam bers of council and th rspjaegnt atives of ihe company after which it was explained the bylaw was ti dovetali with any prevtaug aiiee mast cenlteuad o page tor i

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