Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1957, p. 6

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aun rum poibhino up tmi ww disks at lha m z bennalt school i carataler colm aaaccoll ai ha prepare lha nw tchool for lha fall farm workman ara buy ruhing fha final louchoi in order to hava avcrything in readine for tna childran whan thay mova into lha building wd tlm r smith will ba tha principal of tha new tchool aaaaw personals marilyn c ipps is holidaying this wifk with mr and mia fln ripps gut iph mr end mr s sinrinii il tr onto spent sunday with mis h r nice williamson mr and mm ktlly snd roljhy of missouri culled on mm lltrnirt williamson ut sunday iirothr norman hintnn toron to v lilted with nil parent mr nnd mrs ii w ilinton on sunday mr and mra ii c kibbi of sand 1akt michigan rnnt the vvrk i nd with mr anil mr gor- don moore hr 1 at ton ouctinos were exchanged a jim whihsam bradford york shire enqland called on hn brother joe a he wit busy at work in hn gamete tn acton the two brother parted 36 yoer ago in england when jo came to canada jim it vivt ing hit family ronnie and family ot georgetown and joyce mr bill buchananl of acton the brother were disappointed in not seeing a cousin mr robinson may of winnipeg financial post reviews textiles outlines operation of local plant 1 pm a ihji rvcntlv ihi y in im volrd whoh- mtmr tile tndutn in t m id rd most inti nmini in if m u w nf the fact tint mmn m a u n ni or win din ill i mm it t w t tixlih- for thi ir livihhood i- itw of thi v inou firms in im da wa kn mid tr iiu infornuitum w nuott t t i iliu the wool comtiink c rp t n which ha now ct itd upiruniii we qutilr wool combmt nrp of t m il i toronto opt r iti on n lorinmtiui basis a wool scouting tint i i i hmj plant to pro ts iw w il i no worsted lop foi tin produilum of worsted mud it alio pioducci nvii trnt vkih1 a uhiri in thi muni factun of liuli k iid rut pit it n tatlvr ivluulir ml ihimi kuiii ml prinliii u i osmetics and othv i lines opt rations utii rtii onliniu d in gnlt in utw find iipiipmint ti in ferred lo iton umd md bin i 1- kngs in gait mllx told but in the meantime ae rtntcd on a h i term bum moving tiff i ltd profit and dislotaltd opt i it on but no i nomie art rxptittd i the alton plant nuiptndod op- rrntion thii month comp m i chi t comnnncr c an ulian wtol combine co toronto his dtcidcd that the raw wo i il bin- in an talin will now tn nt to i nilniut to ix- rumuxt brfou b in hold to l canadian nulls about 1011 pions win im- iloid at th alton pi mt mil 1 r canth wtwn opritnn at l ipit u ot k f ores w ii mx director uri i portim to b moduli iliuttind ttit if fairs of thi rtimpntn into othrr c hunni is conipnii in nit hown a prof 1 atnet ibw nt t lo- of lts 2aa for 11kmi jt hiphi r than 155 t m los iow k hhurt mak 31c ifii m 1km no duidcnds an bc- in pid worn nc npml nt lcc- si lb6 wa 4uttjrt i17 65u nt end of 19v outtindins cnpitnlljatlon at on 11 lrifl contistttt of soooxt h iri s xs pur hiintd nurptiis win u1 440 mpmoj great ox trains of old prairies vivid in memory roktagi- 1 imlmkir mm icim j j giant ttt miir old pio mi r was rtnuniming on the i id- imn ux trains utit plodded acnw th prairn lie riimmtnr hum will br- cumr tht otlrn ntjisttl omi night at the tamili farm at ittgh uluff with n mani a 70 two u tied ked hiitr cart hauled bv ont ox taih with no drier on the cart tin oxen uin ki pt moving b mi n i idmn umiu ket ping th train in line exln ponit w i broukht nlonj or un of thi mm in ihari an ix could not o am fiirtht t w is butt lit nd and n placid bv u pom imoneer trail tin lontf tia n ohownt lh saik iti lu w mi 1 1 a 1 to rt ich ed momon from w inniiwg the cam from as f ir a st paul minn old car runs again idle for 30 years jh3kt wuxiwl ont icpi two fort william bov hit turn ed an old mod i t rord that hit unujtod m a fuld fir 30 mar into the pride of ihei- m ighborhood grahan trantiir and robert ol- tfwle bon the od rap or 2 nnd ik- put it back tn run um ordor qrcat cloudh of blue moki em anate fxim the car it thus along the a tank i a ont quirt oil can oneratnig on a drip-ss- tem dtrvttlj tnto tht i iburetor there u no rotf or uindfald but the car tul has ita oijnal fm belt and it goes at 10 milts an hour uith a lull load tht ur huh to be pushed to start it and the boys say the only real gripe they have about u is that they someum- w have arrived at their destination fay the uma they jtt u vttpgi tlurv was pknt ofgroi along thi routi so th n fteding the anim- i prtatiiwd no priiblum mr grunt mid the ci vonld k ht ird sqiu ikmg i on tn tht dti- i inn toty man nnlc no gntue w ii lued on the axles because it would hofieh tht wood soskatchi w an i nue in por tage la pratrit formed part of the od saskatchewan t ail for ox and ln to saknteheman the list oxmrt paod through portage- 1 1 prune to the northwest 1879 on tht journev wist they carrud il kind of merchandise and on tht rttun journe mosth furt they purchased along the route during latir years compctiuon was keen for as early as 1874 steamboat made regular trips up the ashinibolne from winnipeg port ell ice j5t lazaret when the canadian pacific hail way forged through ln 1b82 a new era began mr and ms waller stwurt of toronto and anne scott of fui iph visited mr and mrs john wid sunday mr and mrs itrlt kt ml worth visited our tin wnk nd with mr snd mrs garry marvhad drn mr arthur m md mfn ad t nkln ml tiriir si c ith anntk p nt lt wik with mr and mrs slunh v cnpp and f im ily uttbby crippa r turned to hi i athannns with his mint fur a holiday mr and mrs c kounvaldson janri nnd nancy are holidaying this w i k in thr thoiistnd inlands mr and mrs j m prank spent lut wnk visiting at owen sound tohrrmnr ta a and other north rr points mr and mm 11 irw mrcuuh- in nnd family ap nl thi wek i nd nt thr home of mr and mr t j mrcutchetm outip tom ri turned home ftilhwin two wick hiliduis with h gnndpn ent mr and mis chnrl fdw irda of urn u er hc have tetn isiting with mr and mrs win ilillinunc it has been 43 tears since charlie let ontario and hi finds minv ch tinges and not too mini hoihood f lends in the ortof vicin ly wiier ht was born m- and mrs j 1 mrlachlan ind family and mr md mrs f r- kim kirr all of allium mm ted with mrs l cnrlaw on sund iv mr nnd mrs l red ir tt n miss stitla iattrn and mrs malx 1 gibson of nanticoki isitrd on tuesdai at the honn of mr and mii g a dills mi and mr frank brownmi of toi ntq nre spendinn a f i w dii with arlon rtlntue md f nnd mn lima wilson and her daiikhler olga of hiiro it muh mts emmn kcnnij md mr ku sill gordier of gut iph visited with mr and m s ikntli- wilson on tuesday frh press want ads for quick results iayii ko rhatge for announeemenu ol birth marrlafea deaths and engagrmrnu in alanartam te plua 10 par tin for v as article fur uli rent etc le a word minimum cash me boa no to this off lee he additional cowing vtmts iv minimum tar lift a lumt addiuonal line 10c ardaf thanha lit bltung harof 3s added a all arrouots if not paidnnttt after insvrtlon and add ed u eeh bill randared- laiaat ttaaa far l u i as wsaasdsr hal i1tat1 coihm biiihsrmarriages deaths etc maauukb svmonhaufjt at the home of the minuter hcv e grotrnrbur on auuhsl imt mrs iva itauer daughter f mr wm mainpris and the late klisabeth mainprisr acton to thomas charles krmun of llranford c1iown1nq olaon mr and mrs h olson of h it 4 aebm wish to nnuunrt thr qiarrtae of their daughter anna u joa- tph chowoina ha sun of mr and mrs l chowning of tucson arizona the marriage was per formed by thr haver rnd llsyden swift sears dd in the catallna mtlhodtst church tucson aris- ona on july 0 1967 hoepila a liltl- bokm mil nk km and ella mae met tnppi are happy to announc- tin birth of a son at lurlph t im i oi li pital august 20 1ws7 a b olht r for patul and btevin v11son m and luibara wilson iih 2 it xkwu1 art happy to announce the birth of their son ni thi tlii ph ot nerai hoe luttday aukust 13 lt7 brolht for ur an milkmt mr and mrs chris duike art happy to announce tht birth of their daughter marvkv wilms on lljcmlay aukusi 20 ll7 at the oil iph a nti al hospital mother am baby just fine i angrohd mr and mrs it lungful d acton are vtry hap pv to annountc the bi th of hit i daughter vicki lre at the nurs mji ilomt on august fl 1057 little mater for murray mi thr r and vickie both fine engagements mr snd mrs hugh m kt d rand vit w aim r rin ttmuship announce the engagement ot their laughter marv giorinn to don ald gordon livingston eon of mrs albt rt ltv ingston grorgelow n tht marrt ige will takt place on sipttmbtr 14 at 3 pm in tht ac ton baptist churth of the 3 074 000 ocrupiid dvaiu ings in canada at st ptember 1853 itrdiiou mere owneoccupied rohirn ftf includax far ueuu admission far chudreava fares see year agvat- leave arton loave ixhibltiofi im am 1030 p m daylight time exhlblhon imtasmqora travelling on regular butm will trentror toronto but tormina i to but running into tho grounds tlekets and information at wiles confectionery htona 807 svmon at ihe toronto weaje n hopital on rriday august 14 1157 v h irl a symon of tor into urnf montrial beloved hut baniti ol hrist ni wiihon ku nit ricton uthl i v of ma d lay and ma 1 both of jl htrviit wa held iroit th home of his aister 30 willow st acton on monday august 10 interment fratrvicw ct meter y ac ton thomson at dufferin area for sale ror sale prelect uno phoo ttf w iu ranam maanlni rs pply ii used electric dactrk xr saijc used washers ilea- sonable manning klect u a if for hale mans bli i loon t res phone oaoj or bower ave for half t m rat 1 r blkr 2 speeds apply 14 main si worth a liw for half 4j2s mortgage at 5 per ernt wriu lloi 150 aetoi free prraa a 7 177 for half pupe 6 wet k old german hhrphr d a t nliit phom im jix 7 foh sair s imin liuus tn ike ave ia down new turn runi ataij t ill a lake aw fh r upta 1 ami and ix w b th lot apply n7 a i i7b sparc heatt r an i biii in guod 1 on itblr ptiotie 373 m a a 200 for ha r pir metliurr dilion reauo after a for sa1 r i small il ht l i medium tljrd qut im r hi uli r toal luasoliablt phone 2 j acton a b 201 for rat r ilia ant glloon i rclrlc refngeralo nt w t oitdilinn ouick f r t unit ph ne sum n fliw roi sal t aluminum d mm 2 8 x 6 fl hlorm and urini ski ml krrwiu mtphail phont 773 w ii al 1j for half 10 m inti rnalional tractor on sh i good contlllioo also disc grain it ill 3 furrow plow lime bpr adi r nilhr but k rakt heavy i wy disc needing i imiiis uljitrr 4 254h b 14 14711 for sall surge tanks and dairy clei pipe and service c mrampton milkers wmh aning supplits i or sales and ngs rto hone glt ndale foh sal i- ci vi hunt y 4 lb and b ll pail also h 33c lb until august 2 lodd kockhavt n apiaries 2s4 j4 h j phont a 8 2ix save 25c on classifiil advlbtist mrnts of abiiclfs roe salf wantto etc by paying cash with ohdib ob by sa1urday of thi week of ftjullcaiion tint billing cliarge mini la addd lo cover tol ot riotlao and invoicing account aio randared monday following inurlion cash rate 50c km 17 wotds i cafill each aauitonal wafd lost and found mltcnuuuolm icatrtliioaj if you want to mak 1 in a pi vit i xith hi s- kvtry hu jolantial t ut in yu n i trsi ii tlm irt ol it alon pik 3 k act ittlxlf pjiy si tl i mi and eiksiiirtirs fcvi t ml i11i uawii win 11 vi r ruu imj iiyi w mt fir dt la i m hakf ltwn dtliiriinur hp b ht nil t t moiiiiimi un nr auction sale in 1 mr rownshii of rin if regtatered trade llalatelsi st tie rig dairy ratpal why pay rent ham ewe nha keaale 3 bedroom storey and half nice ly d touted large fenced lot oil ht al per cent morlgag shutn i -mrmthiy- olfrked at baceifice ttjua fell tfsea mraaesvt 3 bed r him ml id brick rineh i1yl buiiaca ow wilhijrjurt dc ornted oil titrtt full l vdej lidmimnt n ii a 5 p tinl mortgage si ma alewn 1 im irooio v 1 d lni k huijfl 111 1 iih il jr i 1 1 i 1 1 uli f syd lamb robert e lawson rrai rmtatr tindi r nitofd h fr 1i ktlhfrt rillm 1 to mil tiy ptibl t miction jt ln rim 11 11 ion 1 ioiu 1 1 ft 111 situalrd half noli uih of 211 ii uliwav 0 inlli wnt 1 f at ion u hati tlav ai l ht 31 c 11 mot in i 2 1 m k ii hois1hn aiti f rnm f 7 v ui mi 0 matllt hi if i dur llit i l tjll nth th 1 1 lkltil iw ii f tt avi ltl iii yi linjintl w lot iw7 to ioom i an i i 1 s pi 7l el 14 iui i ii um j mellon andrew w frank m 1 iks to il jiinvi 11 1 it imi l daimy id 4th lin wviki w i umllv rt tide 1 r kjuirvuni 11 hu ih 1 in j lr u 1 w 2 su acton scm down it i 1 ost whit kill t r jiid i ltd gunli h v im i bl i 11 317 wihtitilt i h7i it w id i a it un 1hims nk on div aiihi 1 hi 1 lha will im iu i i lit 1111 t11 il i iv mm r 111i 1 1 niu um 2a k und miscellaneous hospiul oraneevillc on f iday august 18 1b37 sadie sinclair beloved w ife of the late george wesley thompson and dta- ir of william t sinclair giorgitown mri r red scuven ltheli toronto and m s j h iank margaret 1 of orange v tile rumril rrvic wat ht la fiom thi turner huntral parlo or uiiktillle on august 19 with intir- mint in ratrvuw cemtlcry acton in mxmouam giruons in loving mrmoy of 1 ur di nr luth son paul who dud aurip1 20 1038 to have lo hold and then to part wa tht greatest sorrow of our hearts god took him home it was his wilt rut in ou hearts he hvelh still lo ingly remembered and miss ed bv mum and dad sister de laine and brother peter a8im lingard in lov ing memory of a dear husband and father francis joxph laniard who passed away ih ee years ago august 20 dtnrer still as the years depart your memory lives within our hi art with tendtr love and detp regret wt who loved vou wilt neve- for- ktt fvtr rtmembtred by wife lllie und son donnit aqlul cards of thanks i w uh to thank rilatives and frunds for the flowers fruit and 1 uds sent to mt during my stay in the hospital ai 184 mrs geo ge simp in 1 wish to takt this opportunity of thanking all my friends and rt ghbors who so kindly nmem- btied me in ms ecent illness mrs robert shaw j u1bi queen st i w h io txltnd rav heafilt thanks and appreciation for the manv acts of k ndnru mtuages of svmpathv and btautiful floral of ftrins eccived from my kuid frunds and ne ghbors during my ret tnt btrtammtnt in the loss of mv b loved brother a 1uj annie akins 1 wih to txpnss my sinct rr thanks to alt mv fitnds who htlptd in any wav since my recent ace dent all cards and kind in quiries while tn hospital and s ret appreciated and will remembered always be don matthews coming events the idaies of the legion branch no 107 are hold ng a tag day on the 53rd of august in aid of the geo h abuai salad supper delivered to your horn thursday august 20 30c and 75c auspicvs churchill wa please phone orders to 41w12 108j4 and 730w12 a8103 urday september tat t pjn at the 1 j iti itl everyone welcome acton park pancinjdtsplayajpipe danclne scottish fare band maypole commun and operiair dancing admission soe studenu 35e child ren tree all proceeds for charity i ode educational v for retarded children and mulon educational work achoola ion salt wh it ml utt t ul wiappad f on n and d i vtud i front i0t lbs tyn off iink 01 nest week kill ng da i hind jn i 1 front choice buihtrs nluk r l llolmrs and son phon 308 8 im scwino machines repairs to all makea it ntal mach tnm by the week pertablea used from ugjo see tha uteat singer free home drmonstrations o dvbon bin firm aoknt oeokorrown tm t4ui acton ooidonh tlardwarf rilone if a if wanted wantfd shingle mill mite full parlicula s rt harding condit ion price etc to llox 200 at ton r ree press a 8- lira wantel to rtnt hmill hmim or apirtmt nt with 3 o 4 rkms bv young couple write llox 300 im preu a 81117 wantfd rahv sitti r for children 8 and a from 3 jo to 5f week days phont 298 it a mmj iialton poultry prod ucts poultry and eggs wanted poultry custom picked cleaned and cut up phone milton tr 84401 n tsatne deadstock service tlm for dead or disabled cows and horses old horses 04c a lb call ouelph ta 2 8081 collect for 24 hour service atf wanted applications are now being acct pted for the fall tirm of the sunshine school for heirl d child en call or write mr allan howard 5j robert st milton or tr 80m b 14144j wanted highest cash prices for dead or disabled horses or cows old hok8eb u lit for prompt service pnone cnirct freelton 22r23 or llannon 2uj steve ivconl wanted female hep im mediate income ladies daily cih ji ofiti part or full time showing ovelv knitted wear lingerie children s wear tn frit nds neigh bors dig repeat commission sat isfaction guaranteed write dr lnh knit stmcoe ontario a72 deadstock removed promptly for sanitary disposal large anim als picked up free reasonable collection charge far small animals phone collect ouelph taylor 3 4021 or elmlra mo 9 334 gordon young limited ai dead an ima lb xm si 00 each for dead or disabled cows and ho old houes a lb one of our trucks passea your diitrtrtdallycall mgrj oueiphtarwl or fergus sslwu collect j4 hour service george gibson atf for rent for rent furnished main st south acton 00m 10 a -8- 187 for rent rooms good local 10navatlableeptember 1 writ box 70 free press a 8 183 for rent 2 rooms 1 large hvtngdming room kitchenette 1 bedoom clothesroet all con veniences phone 723j a- 1 763 apartment scottish community night sat- heated hydro hot and cold waer for rent- bauirobm and 167- 2 loom hot and kitchenette phone aftm for rent arm home iring r downstat wiring running water tiled floors with or without s4i he imi h uplloiasttry add ittoks and hhiiiimm with skille re styling your furniture can 1 handsome an new again itw nut call us cm week strvicr phn- u acton a tf fi ooii iui in1siiing we now hav a mimlein uruli r and etlaer wi will rt finiih your floors o trnt ou the tipiiiimfnl to do the vntiiflf j it sisnk phone 3t7 47 medirick st s aeton wm a tillsljn f luplir c irrk xiv iahim auction sale in a1ton ih dairy faille t arm qwlpenenl hay frajm u m vara j j ktiuaut new hrl k humr uttli pi i ml ti i 1111 art tin lurtj h- inity highest emi mlss 7irger g vina plionc ninii f i hiiuay at at ht 3 lo m ii av 10 on 11 n inn at i 3o u r h k u nd i k i foil niik tun md v 1 iaiim impi fmr wts trt lmln wr le i90o ird iraelor in no i l norfolk apu guelph in 2 furrow turd ferguson plow ti i7j ill wilii 1 bottom wrtd hook jurd i h 41 si f t im ai ryi monthly kitt ht nr ii uphf hastt ity have your chesterfield suite re upholstered by us and save rt finishing tne week srrvite call gord mrcutcheons mt n s wear a if chesterfields and rugs cleaned in your home m si w ii hit d flu hl r n 1 n unit haled lhhm t i him r unili nt ti tto lumlnnnt ii i ih in 2im 1 inlr min dr on rubl hutt ft m iwer 1 t h itit w kidi d livnv 1 m ii 11 tioe ed d ill estimates free farringtons cleaning service hullonvillc 50j i m ih l ti- llnll iii rutin v a iii nrf 1 1 n 1 2 11 t lull 1 mi ir in s1 11 di ll 1 li i ruul- r i r loa4 an kanaay i hon 11 aitiin roll ai idintmi st john r holmes iuai imt ati broker ti a roclcwood si iii f 1 f th b tti r homt 1 f it kvi 1 an pp 11111 tv in 8 ninm h inn kit hi d i 1 net md thi 11111 il f um to dairy kquipmlst stirling ehclr r riulki r u 1 p p iik f r 2h r w iilir milk 1 11 t 1 st ir itr t 1 1 1 i ptismin ivtcm with n it and gmmn t nunl hav gimkil iii il u about tt and st 4 0jo 1 1 000 i 1 t ml nt i a k 1 ii i r tjttr it t ir i f 11 w h ri i iln ng w th a l riemer equipment co watul pumps watflt softfnfhs pi umiiino hot wathl htatino tlfcthlcai constituctlov lavlstuouolllng rione ih nafora aat ar afr p m attun tuimiiit auction sale in acton df tarsutare asvd household rffeeu idi r gnid n ifuin the llisti ucti m c hah l armktrosg to m 1 bi public lucion 1 rtsidtnn pirk av a 1 n amida at cl ht 31 sartniti at 8j0 ucloik sh 11 p tt follow inu dimnc room 0 pin dun mini kiutt wiliuit fm h t hi u ithtr statid vh 1 1 ittmhl as in w f i ubli th i i1ng room 1 pu f 1 d mi m pvdi t i mi lamps bridgi and t il davnpirt magiiiu t 1 bedkoom new net ivtd h chm f li n- n turn f ith moisimn ows h m ii im 1 f um 7 ot slh pomii kk ain 1 south n t abtm ik k 1 liiirli 1 r w br d dm oet 1 dot die u ntmhv in full aui 4 i tmehoiive sitl i ph p v h in full flow in i iv m il v ormsbv hi lull h lt tired lb f h rh ablhrkrik t st r n s meri i r ig 1 ti ii ituth so in ml hrti i 24 1017 li uu it if b un 1 t t 12 chadk cows r w frth 4 weeks ji r lush 4 wnki gutriim s ixil 24 cuiiiimv n vr btt t m w w th 1 h p 3 f d ji ii v it 1 1 k n 1 stwyi f 1 d i 1 r f 1 mi hi fir di in f il n 1 n r a mattrts drawtrn vanilv hrel stoul bedrh chs tc tub 1 dark finish btdvttad with tur rj and mattrt chtst of drawers lo match bedroom chat s chi d t commode child s er b na ural fil th with sprinks and spring f i d mittrcss a beautiful crib good at mw 2 wardrobts kitchen wingham clipix r enamel finish k tchrn range w in rservoir moffat 4 plate table top 1 lee nc ranee with timer gd new crosley shelvador rrfngcr-t- urcunnltclccttlcw a maeh- tne benches tubs etc ca lp carntr chrome kitchtn suite con sist ng of table and 4 chairs kit chen chairs eleetric grill coffe rreotator pots pans dishes fork- illt jars work tabic lawn mowir storm windows garden tools terms cash oh dav of sale no good to be removed till set tled fpr no reserve as the proprietor is leaving acton and taking only per sonal iff ecu the above furniture is good as new hindlev and eluott auctioneers cm ins v cow due no flow jilkfv cow lllli full flow guirnsi v 1 10 n fit 1 flow jero hi i 12 in full flow dut rth 23 in full fl mv r w dm teh fl iw rsrv eow iintt m mill unit bu is hn thi hi id for s er olno ctt1 2 tn l 11 hi old op n hi ft rs 13 mos u d ii n m j rritlion slips wilt br cut n cham r it otxt nnviege kvtn 1lrms cain mi cl k on d iv of sih th is- a iplindil r m r ml good d rvr iw it bten id f 1 wl 1 1 1 purinea and the p p r 1 k 1 vine up farming hindlev and h i iott john l kingshott trtshee turn iii i i i nent p 1 rlua 1 ifm hai phone rock wood vi 4wi ur milton tr su233 fed bap tie clerk b 8 2 real estate brick 8- room storey and a hi f 1 per cent mha resah lijti landscaped lot modern kttcv n dining room living room and 1 b f i 2 bed n and 4 piece ceramic tiled bath room second flour aluminum storms and screens oil heated 1 acre of garden land with shid trees and vesr ound creek nip- n ng through exrcllint hone sight cldse to acton mary gibbins xn actc or victom macalllm baal balata brakar glandale l0ur brampton same day- service in by 10 am out by 5 pm except saturday custom cleaners custom cleaning at standard prices try

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