high school stages field day mmm itjm jvtfew ttt ftftss eightythird year no 12 acton ontario thursday september 19th 1957 twelve pageisevan cant f m tawf mot tm cmamm in lha ac ion high school old day front row left don lindey unior champ cornelius van der pold f paoam champ back row left bob con intermediate champ and frank cooper enior champ i protests industrys odour temporary fire protection given twps gordon c goodwin pldent of ihe canadian branch office sar- vwe limited or lh michigan bulb company announced to the kree praaa ihta week hu firm ha rent ed the tllarrr glnv building in acton from- o small wuod 114 or thf mathigan company m goodwin noted the movrlo ihr artoo plant waa canard by a racanl fir in the hock wood plant oanid and operatrd by mr gatod- win from whith lh y distributed fair board preparing acton fair grounds for 1957 fall fair artrm kali board mr buay th week pnpuimg f ihr r thla r rlday and saturday preaidml hmilh griffin and his dilfctnia are huay in on i k er ecling frmv p rparing vn and arrang ins the art na fur hall m hibila and iht r i ida v nidg how thr parka hoard with ihr help uf inwn woi kmrn hav rrmm rd the rcnlrr pillar at thf rnt anrr to thf park in provide wider rnt- ranrr and lh rat r liaik haa hv n levelled and graded preaktml sinith gitffln expects the pa k tit hi in fine order com friday and saturday when h an 1u imth- ihr largest tair ever held in at tun holland bulb and ahruebary the plant in actoft will employ so women appro imately th rti rjaff that worked n the roekwood plant slated mr goodwin although tha entire factory has been rented only tha botom two floor will be uaad revealed iha president or the canadian brarn of the company mr goodwin slated no plant had been final if ad to rebuild tha fail- ory in hoc k wood acton ys men wosts to annual convention j mcoeechle of tha actofl v mm a iluh rpt the ackon club will tar hosts in ihr hag ton at con- vtnjmn lo hr tirld al geneva park ntar orilll on september m -ib- mr mrraihle who haa bean appointrd general chairman for ihe 11 tit ntion aniuuntid lh yl mumiu will te assisting in tha prnrimi totritt tain ihr 31 club pi i miii from all ovrr ontario iat work end several ye men and thrir farm in- v 111 tad lha ha ul geneva park to conclude dlatls for thr ronvrnllon and to view tha intuin and cabins whara the pi btntalirs will br billeted mr mrgeachle reports it will b a family type convention and lata laal week rear rval ion wr in far i thildnn and 20 wlvea l wall w 24 y a men with many mora aa 1h trd th general chairman revaaled a wh il program will be carried out for the children attending with ihnr parent the main program will include a golf tournament wnnrr roaal wotkshop aludy per- umla flh drrhy and davotlona as well a many other event taff phola drshaylejo thiir klbtons nre the charvtpions in the grlt clan at the acton high school field day left to right lenora wation irnior girls champion carol gqodwn bantam girli and roth tandiborough girl absent when picture wa taken gloria mcarthur urtior girl chftmjjion laying gas line pays off owner laat rot wu 1 tka jack laakar baarar avaaaw wtlk aa ika pema akarkaa oaa caaaaaaqr l comoutsid and dkaooio to hore thil iluhlxmn tump one of many extracted from fairy lake in the park board protect to improve acton park wil holtef by tt wkkii from the puc truck hrie c shulli g holnto aid d maon prepare to unravel the cable that unearthed the tump many volyntifi iurnl out lo avilt in the piojocl nine halton councils oppose oakville as tax appeal now enters third day kelaf alaaaaa an it wm level to to kalfeeaar vyaer caa- aaa ukm alal ib hr lerkar araam m in knawlns ike vale of ik rela miss fern t brown passes suddenly thr fsonoom aasetamrrrt appeal hy thf town of oakvlllo againat the halton county fquaiirtl aaaraann tit bylaw for ltr7 nxlay thurwlavi enter 1u thud da of luaiim in uy uiltimb avurt bma bafora a thrre man board appulntid by the ix partmtnl of mum il adair folio ing tota a liinrinu ihr board will adjourn until tucad iy nioimrik minn himimna mill m it th rii iiia i it1 nil t m l i k jiitnr official l in v 011 i in n t f tbi i only lo nunf nt oakvtmr hadn 1 enla ged aih i i hmtl imiundarir him nnl any aubdivlt- lim or had fltiy rmrii uf building in thr pmlhr rrar while other he tald this wu mpclally thi community was dawply grieved thl wesk in tho auddtn puaxing of mia rcrn e brown at her home 20 john si bhc had brrn aibuul ua uauul duiini iht day tiul w a buddenly ttrirki n and paaaed uiamv tlhin an hour turl turdji morning frrn e llun wu a daughtrr of thi lulr john brown and mary anna hvian and a bort at col- the town claim th it ci unt lingwoikl she came to acton with r j tord lt r in mmiiiling the fanul while attrndlng achool th i07 cqualijitioi acton hi been htr homa avar the k autsamtnt ojihtllu hnn to loar tt hr of rol towaid thi t mint upki i p t appn inuli l itwonit town of i fuinu an liiltig tiuir imhmi on tb claim thnt th ir hw low nnl i ihi rounl hv law w n l n tivr lo ii 1 1 ion a nun t tin r kalitlii k vill an mpu t hii im miik nl i iv il li i iwt red lv iiim u tikvtlu uml ilui x wi ii n aid in lfl and niid tin 1 li tal aiacmmrnt ihm much ohir county municii ihu land valuta lakl mar mi moojiiu ru im th pro m i in i an unequally avwaard at tiia a luut tmnimittl iw uiaj ivat id ul ibr ivitant whera aa land rang i a from aaeaaament of it a foot in act on tha lownt lo 190 in ihirluiijin mctnd hlghut 1 in aium mmr ri phrd hi imku nn nt iiilkhl ih l hi hltli cni 1 mii but aukkiklid thr tot of iii tllllv kill iii i iik i w in him nn to onkvillr a 110 wen- t i ml priai tilly unrtl bv in ittikli mii nor mrl oiiarhn aakrd thi inmt jikw mini nl jompi 0 1 vmi fmnn hli2 to ib ii up to i n it ri iti thr llt4 mm ti spou n nplxd that delegation of n ratpayfrg ft o the jlenlea subdlviitorv wag pi r ent at arton ruunrll meeting an lurtday evrning objerflnj 1e the air pullullon id udar cauaad r thr itrardmore tannery hpoke- man k hrork la trd jl out of m lay from july l to flvptamba it thr all had bran foul w e have lrrn literally itunk mil uf imr lionif i said tha da lag 4hmi r prraenialive ii haa bmi alaled that council referred to u at a bunch of at ink 1 1 mi in the poainn we are a g utip uf taa payer in ihta law n and our humn ara cov ered in a dirty brown ttaln and tha mm l it anting nght into ur iiiiiimi it ia even into our furnlt- u rr lanldlnc and rlothra com- im nteil m llrurk i have not gt a w ak baton- 1 1 but i ueraonally imvr larrn airk to my attmnai h i rum ihr ami ii 1 rralne big indualrle py lajire but an do we ihr firm in question has baaafl hne a long tlnte and ha dona and are alii doing everything in tha if owr lo have una udur comb 1 14 and 1 think a little run id ration vbhoiild be given tlirni alated may or k tyler a firm uf r hernial and thalg own lalxtratory ara preaaauy try ing oul mraaurra to stop thla odo fuithrr cuuimenlad tha mayor itrfrrrlng lo other tannaraaa mr itruck auggeated ha had bean in hunuvillr acveral tlrnaa and m97 aineilrd the tannery lhara tha nuyor replied that for mr bock a information tha am ii waa lhara h waa in h unlaw ul gulta oflan mr 11 urk laled thra waa man in th room who lived in hunuvill for a good many year and had nrvernruunterad tha od or 1 he mayor replied tha man muat have pawn one jump ahead of the wind town foreman a klrknea wag aakfad whethe the urinary at tlraccbridge produced an odor or not and replied all unrtart hnd irua in trafalgar and nalaoa town- hlpb where many raw gvibdlvli ion have opened in lha peal fa yer willi 11 sturrup oakville rral ntnt airnt waa the iat wilnrm tailliil on widnradriy utfrrnmm lie kivr ha i l inul h land and hum vilui on thi h mih ahown tarhr th it day in the photographs a full it port of lxl ly a and next wi i k a pun mlinga will be given nt xt wit k hid t- i ii will kill i iila r thn allv hapim iii to lilt i al i il im il and tlui wllk all in that timr no int rr im i wi on v i dm m i flir ind nrl out hia uiatio i aintr and it ha had no more loyal or rcsptctvd citizen during thoac rara ro- many cr hc waa a poatal clerk here rmng to the poaiuon of piunutrea for ewral year for the pait two years hc ha been n tired duutifc hi r vtars in meet inp all actoniana ahi earned an ettetm that endfand her to all of ua she ntatned hrr interest in our vtiunk thopu and a h ipf ulnra fur thi good of all law from ilia did not allow for lhl auddtn iiichm hi oak lilt nut um nt and tin y i hargr oakvilli li b jifi aaki d to pay an amount ml iqultibh to othi r nuinicipalilli thi oak ill iism umi nt drpartmt nl claims thi uucvmi nil on land in other hal ton municipalitu a is too low and that theirs la rikm tlu totil annum if thi n untv b law is t442vl and oakvillr hb been iikd to p on ilih me to a nn mr ill ataaal oikv lit ind hm t ning ihr tra n itor conlin- ut ri villi ntial n okvllli romiirablr id ntial land in tiafal- she was kienly interested in the a d mclutn wok and welfare of the united chairman of th church and was for many years the cadr oxh rd ci efficent trtasurtr of the church a a uduv i board she belonged to many of rmr uu th tht church organizations and was s lie tor j m the faithful organiat of lha church oakviuc and h she has always been faithful atfl arnt the county qc i f irurn board ri l unt unm r kington coun h r n i nil it pi w willii qc rtprti- with mr willi ms uand ovtr oois cerdl goodwtn at she makes her fina1 jump to win the bentem girls championship at the actpn high school field day on wednesday carol won many rlbbont and j whan th final count w taken she topped the othercorvpetitor ir benjam class rtgular in htr attendance at the are thr various nrj mpu services sht was not only faithful f uihtr municipal ua but had a trait that was outatand- tui y murnmfc din ing in that she alwas had the incluited dri ntalio ut exhibit courakr of her cunvictions and was ready to express them kindly a il work for the good of all lalty her love of music has led nor o sharing her association in the mus ic appreciation club here fern brown will be mi tin sday mornini s included pri ntatlon introduction of riprest ntattvi a and fil ng of rvidenct actual imiati- gatton got undi rw ay in the af u r- noon whin trafalgar and nilaon aolicii r u a mccunachu ik kin ihs qutatiuning of oakvuu by au rnent commutu ner pt rc spurkeon of us her friendly greeting her about industr al commtrcul chcory amile and her counsel and regniential purposes in oak ilk her influence will live loos w t trafalgar comparabk m valui iieartt of all olui left to mourn her naiatng are three brothers and one atcuer pr- cy of bran ij eiisea a- roy aaaysttubertha brown oi toronto a wide circla of triends here and elsewhere share with them the loss sustained the funeral was held this after noon with service at the burnley funeral home it was conducted by her pastor rev g adam of tha united church assisted by v a w fosbury of toronto fermef minifter tntoyrniepljcaa la vair- vtcw cemetery jfany attamded the service and a wealth of corel trib utes elso conveyed mrwtjrn el es teem and sympathy ml spurgeonxinder cna- e- aminauon admitted that since ibm commercial prupcrtus had bttn in creased onjy s20 a foot until the i dm reassessment when they jump ed 100 to 1200 a foot terming the oakville commercial section tht best shopping facilities in the coun ty the solicitor pointed out the undvalues hadnt actually increas ed in value from 1h2 to 1956 and asked why if the commercial pro perty was worth that much more all the time the town hadnt been paying eounty taxes on the actual value since 181 ur spurgcon said he had plan ned to increase commercial land but 1 waa just waiting tphs ot rows of houses in ik1 traf ilgar wiro ahown mcktmi nt roll produc- und and building asstumentl i givtn with lot sue by the avx imnrnt comnilaione uhm mr mtconathio finuhrd hi tnti nogation george e eiluuj qc atting for naaaagaweya town- h p aked mr spurgeon if the 1 i in took some awftimtnt of iku t wuuld it bv alrikht l- put it i nto n insag iw a he rt plied he i ul ti i lonmdtrtd that possibuily urul mw oakville was only app-t1- ng the county bylaw channan met iren reminded the aollcilor that if oakville won th appeal tlu amount deducted from o ik- v would have to be shared by ik r main ng municipalities iatt r nuts uhed in the same res- i pi ct mr spu geun p inled out oakvil wa not attacking any ln- d v duil municipality but the county is 3 whol he admitted uidir quration he hadnt made any tii mw of at asments in the othtr nam c palit es but suggested this w jn t tua task i ait n gtorgrtown and milton solicitors next questioned the wit- nl to bin d up information for attr divilopmcnts tn the ca su nitor john ord of georgetown made it a clear point that assess- rrtnts in his town crj computed d trcntv than in oakville bu icni- c t lcatherland ac ton po ntcd out use and locatio factors additional swimmers win third star award jim llurklind aw inuning in- ktrtictur innouhred llila wi- k thne post tnil unpli turns fu their thit i md firat star iist wnk sin waltrrs and jack npe tirrrnfully eomplrltxl leata for th r third star md andrew knox for his first star mr iluiklsnd innounnd the third star gradu hion class will be hiving i i ill l ttokfthrr thla evimng to rnjoy pop and cookies don t furgi t the lair tomorrow night and saturday rain rain stay away la the hop of the fair hoard thr pirk is looking its beat fur tha wet kend w tra main factors in ass t opertcs and noted acton was helping to pay for the oakville- trafalgar memorial hospital al though po acton patients use il k y dick milton representat ive took objection to an earlier uement by i mr spurgcon that milton s s50 to set commercial rate per foot is underasseaed mr spurgeon said assessments in mil ton s main business section should compare with qakvihos kerr st shopping district which is ajuwssad- al 100 a foot further substantiation of oak- villes appeal was given by uf spurgeoirwhan under cross-axam- inatioa by ur dtpew ha wplain- mis kinnith knox left to day thursday from ma i ton airpon fur sauli sie rvlaile uu the first stage of her publicity campaign on behalf of the canadian save the children fund in the western provinc es she is add resting meetings at about 40 cities and towns including the lakehead sas katoon regina edmonton vancouver victoria calgary and winnipeg where she is speaking at the annual meet ing of the csc f manitoba committee mrs knox is the national executive secretary t of the fuhd she expects to be eway about two months mr stuck repeated thai even iaomiaw u a big taxpayc we uttla la 1 lews ar tax payer also and aueety we can get oma protection if council won t do it so will noted the aoaaker we will pass this inlurmation on to proper authorities suggested thr mayor km ve j harg av explained the m ijonty of thr odors are caused from bpraying and recently beard inor b have ben trying out a haw ayatrm mr u ock slated a week age laal rnday it was positively stinko and i was on the verge of calling the mayor at ii pm continuing hr aaid you are elected repr rntalivra and should put pressure on thr proper officials lo inveatlg- ati and do something to rectify ths offence a no problem la too dlfflc- mt lo find an answer to it u hudson although living in thf uukevicw subdivision was present with the delegation from cilenlsa and atatrd council seem lo con done this as no ane has decided to take this to a higher level mr cook replied to mr hudson that council did not 100 per ceni ag ec or condon things and that i council a a body do not condole thing- councillor g bar beau asked if mr hudson had any buggesuons councillor w cook revealed to the delegation h had contacted ur htrry of th ontario water resource commission about joe condition al 8 30 that morning and was told by dr bry that ha was in great sympathy with tha people and the town but there was nothing that he himself could do ha noted beardmures were doing everything possible and had gone as far as to engage an engineer from the unit ed states and had spent consider able money trying to remedy the situation t lynch spokeup and aakad to have action in black and white not in phone calls mr brock stated no doubt cer tain members on council turn their heads because they are not effect ed i came 40 mile to get as mikh value fur my money as i could and bought in good faith if x bad known fcbout tha conditions 1 would not have bought aaid the speaker and continuing the an- swcr if to cure the odor and i will go personally as far as i cea if i hav lu u tu o i w tmu my own lawyer on it if t have to we are entitled to breathe gods pwivjuti air and beartmores should be compelled to eliminate the smell- stated ur brock mr lynch remarked if they saw this problem before why is it 10 lime worse than last yeart ur hudson noted the tajuiertes la england do not stink at this moment ueyor tyler questioned lha number of individ ual speakers when ur brock waa supposed to be the spokeeman ta whlchur brock replied i am not tha spokesman but the initlgatnrr akylng my own few words tyrotfeued oarage twd