u 1 ft atfen prati tkuttday iocaabcf sfd 167 i f mlfttd cup i m wou octet to bwimion tedrti i 5g cub mwaafrtoatafcaaa ww am tha ou mr ry puajad with i jtferfv fejfcw tw man h atuaaaa wojlrtta atrlaa m tfca hart la laa cut 1 niiiff rf wbwv mlilralu ivamataa lint mate met tie ban bam tlw wet la on t cu muama at heme um dmerlet oe tw aftoto cup aariaa aw wmiuee to tha scout la laa aaetoa mat bnawta wm iijtiai- for o- m- uaaarlal araaa la aa the jwjar cltoi ween nempaan thank gnetoa rnit week at tha um u 5 aatab apartatar wskon cub pa will be auklnl a rst 2 zzzlz1 alr liarl throucheta tha air aamplfta rkaae in awatln niahu rack mt ta tha atatb fern af laa puyoot ana tha a peek which now matt araa i mnu cue i arm wayne ruted tfcutaoay atfhta will meet on llayar naaea harwaea wai am- that an auam uw affort wu uonaey mitrta b park on thur aai tba oiat ta eonmtmate tha reeaanaltila tar tha eaeelilor mar ua c m an weeneaiar fh lrfi el thay triumph a wwar autamanl could l nlghta theat ehanim hava burlington property owners to oppose electric station jj retire tha tram taa flaar euewlaf a hamj heea made aa tha txrel- le umafitlhw af tha wale cup i tlar auk wai aa autrtanduh in- ha pamaillj roajratulaud all tar mtafmf tha cup back to tha ihaw of tha csealelei aa wa thar walhwj down tha araaa ramp t oy sickla bra mad in order to allow tha leader to davot mora tun to cubblnj eetivttim ttie end ol october will find numbfr of cutm iplnf up to a klm an eaarh oeorfa tkamp- reom and plaatai kraoaht mte aaretee fol- srouu tnu maklni room for nt partaauaahlp prevailed lowing ow aaeelmore triumph at chum now on the walling taam lew haw boardad tha truck ta laad a parade thratfh tha down- tawa etreete ankle arowalnf ware tha brat ta null eantratulatloni ta the ta- chaak bewan eeeretay af tha ola p mi lilad tha eovatad mkv ta cup la wayaa mawaa matad that bath tha la ln luu bodiet tbt cia and tha flnt ftuna at aartaa ta tha sham rockm tputind back la take i he ana land with twa triumph at tha dtah araaa war ssaad out in tha fourth tame and than took command wtfb vtatarlaa at tha brampton rasa aa wadnaadar and rrldar mew burlington district fire chiefs to remain in authority bumalwatonth lrutmi cwmluttm trill icomitvfmj ta tltt coumtui erf um bruivleiwllua whirti wlil bt wmlsmttwhl l- tha iww burllnft hut uvt 4titrict ftrt ehltfs rtuii ihmir tutliority within thtir own dutrlet- th cimmitttt ill that a ttup with thtt or four durtrct chltt worfcinfl with buruntton cbmt urn law will glvt aa ttficient eohflon to tha wholt arta aa aoon aa tha councila of nal- aon burlington and cait flamboro approva tha plana land will bt prontrod for a ftt auilon at al- darahot and a district lira brlgtda will ho atartad aa aoon at pot albla in rccard to tha propoaad hu- bridt ttauon tha dacuion waa wkhhald aa further information wa bolnc aouhl about iht overall dkni in plant th tpart burllnjton pumpar and hot trach will tarvtco the al tfarahot arta and tbt automatic radio control with tht preaent poliot cwiiwction flvuif 34 hour atrvira wlu incrtaaa um atftclency and rtduea tht coat of tht requl ed dlipatchlnf ajttdi it trill bt ikonuntfkdd to nriya tttjit eannctl that full time in- tptclori thouvd bt tddod aa rt- ejalrad rtrattw liufatctora will hava nt authority ovtr working pvronoal and whon attending rtrta art rttpontlblt to tht fire ot- flctrt in ehargt aj aoon m om changta are enm- piatad u waa racommanovd that tarda with til aaoantial phone num- ban ihouad bt aant to all rrtdrnta within the new durllngton pour foundations at cities service site for refinery baomtk an area of iso acrea haa beon cleared and hrvaued and found ttktjm are btiag poud for tht rirat new building on tht cit lea service trafalgar refinery ute thbl fiftt structure the rtfintry malntttuuee and warehouat build ing to reel by mo f4 wul bt eom by the end of octobtr and ufltd inltully aj 1 kwrnml w uim headquorter it will to partially tervenad from view along radial road by an earning brh of trott a mala acccta road to iht altt haa no been opened onto the tra falgar town line roxt uit aouh of tht ci r cp r railway tracka tha track croaaing of bit trafal gar toara line road will bt im proved by cltiet service al the rompaay ekpenae permiaaion tor thia laaatovament haa been granted by trafalgar and nelaon townahipa tba claarinc and levelling of land now m proreta u immedtatt- ly aouta of the mainline track where th refinery and tank ator age wul bt situated two small mountatfta totalling 110000 amble yardfrjftavt been created to ttook piit aavth for later ute in atructeaf tht maaalvv dlkaa wblflh aurrouavs each oil storage tank as a safety aaaature rezone property for supermarket whott banrpoat is mncrishsr prapany smwkw oakvtll the oakville council last week gave a third reading ta lbt toning bylaw is to commercialize itad finch noyea iaoblaw s proposes to erect a tuparma ket the bylaw was approved after councillor fred ttlley had asked mayor william anderson for a re corded vote councillors fred til- ley dean wilkes and j a mcln- tyrt voted agsinsl tht motion list ovtr s3 boy 1 will bt filling cud application forms tmnvediattmy al ter tht going up for the next few weeks in this column will appear cub pack rul es which were made recently a a joint meeting of all cub leader it is hoped that thete rules will bu guide tor boy and parents all rules apply to a b and c cub farks were are the jlnt three 1 boys from waiting hit should be taken in order of regtslation tacep rn the case of mass regist ration older boys will have prefer ence all decisions to be derided by a meeting and decision of all lead en t in the rue of a boy having preference of packs consideration will be given s no boy will be allowed to wear any part of the cub unlfurm etrept for his white neckrrrhlef unt 1 he is invested at a wolf cub remember nest urek monday a fark wednesday c pack thursday b pack burlington northshoe but iht poptfty owners were af- boulevrd and indian point rtaid- i ri this plant d as the ents will meet with hydro ofiie jmr generating plant in tat tls before tab ig action to oppose jt v tht proooted thermal eltctrie worw bt tht ttart of a btavy indus tr iai isa 1 10a one of tht property owners said he had had a conversation with tht vicechairman dx tbt ontario hyd ro cose ml salon tht hon bay ca- ntu tt wkich the utur atatad he was quite willing to met with tha property omtners or their repea- entatives to outline tht plans la detail ur tempi la pointed out that t meeting with hydro officiaa would be nareetary before any hrthtr arttoa could bt taktti for even a this time there was always a chance that hydro would not ute tht slu station on burlington bay it was decided at a meeting held last week hum tempi in wu the chatman of the meeting tt which a new organization the northshore area ratepayers and property owners association was formed ur tern pi in explained that many people had auggeeted och ta association protecting tha interests vt the arte residents and a group of eight rrtldents had met and convened the first meeting we are living in ao ares which is rapidly devr loping and industry may have its effect on us and our popcrlirs mr templin said he warned the property owners that although they were llv pg in a beau iful part of the world they mittht wake up some morning and find out that the horse has gone when ht asked for suggestions fom ratepayers attending the mretlng some m d thry doubted if it wuuld be wle to have another organisation in addition to the ex isting alderahol proprty owners association ho water the majority fait tht problem created by the ln- dust lal development deserved im mediate sllentiifi and cooperation with the existing aasocla ion might come at a later date from reports and discussion with hydro officials they had heard that the nuisances of a ther mal electric station were limited dtuy public school compleythws ttlt ybbr brontb brontes new public achooi on mlsalatauga st may not bt ready for opening before the end of this year major u h curat secretary treasurer of bronte public school board aaid last week thervrtin remains a great deal of work to be done 00 the new building 1 pr lading sewer and water connections aald mejo corke however there is no im mediate urgency in the situation there ts no ove- crowding in the old school which has an enrolment of about 550 there is now s con test in pogreta among the pupils for the naming of both schools avujb dahct to new woodbine races tatrt racing day hatting saptambar 30th uawb acton- ii 4s am daylight time rwun m mk includat far adinnjioft vssm centwchonry rmw 107 orary cooch llnta m vi always mm avhiat people buy tba fret read and toad tha fret buy trafalgar township drops licence fee trafalgar the cost of lic- rncrs to trafalgar townihip reallt ents for hunting pheasants rabbits and foxr in the forthcoming open season has been reduced from 1 to 25 cent by a new township by law trafalgar residents will pay the s3 cents plui a five rents issuing fee while nun trafalgar iidrnla will pay u plus jo cents issuing fee township clerk sheldon fea ther ton r aaid last year the cost for residents was 1 for non tonihip residents 3 and for out of county rsidcnu 5 thlb jrara bv law docs not distinguish between non tuwnihip and noncounty residents this yvar s bylaw limits the number of not township midrnt with licences to jon whereas there were some 400 such licences issued last year the number issued to res i idrnts is not limited in the by law mr feathcrslone said twelve foot da u legendary phkirer if the north utnt uainoil his name w ht n he at iked a 12 foot i w dr strip brtmern tnilur cliims aiong the cariboo cni k and h k out a tmall fortuste in old i tho secret lau for a natural looking tint alw 11 mir pert upon lor kp ymir hlr linklng lu luvrlliil cill ui itidy oiln tiiursiiay and fiuday evenings until p it otiifit emmncs bv arlointment 1 mill st acton moni 1u recalls exploits of pioneer family cardbton alta cp tha hssaanant shop of jatk raid t home is a rauaaom of pleturta itttara and books relating tbt experieacea of his wattern pioneer family thar tall jack raid t owa story sad that of his father william a bill reid pony esprtea station tender indian fighter and ovt land trail driver carrying mail across tha continent bill raid knew such tasnous srtaternart at calamity jane alf jack blade pony espreas fcder tumed bandit and buffalo bill cody soma of hit exploits included the famous battle of pse wagon boats in which raid and is other men fought off vomt 900 sioux war rior la i a0 bir raid married harsh pitknali an emigrant gr1 from england whose mother died aboard ship leaving her to take care of her tar and sisters in a strange lend they wet married la salt lake city utah and jack was born in ims in s fort on tht outskirts of fort laramie wyo the family later moved to the platte country in north dakota- trouble always came to the reid family all the boys eventually be came sheriffs deputies or officers in the royal north watt mounted police jack himself was a deputy- merchants fear road closing imay work out arrangement oajcvillavjctrr street march- for traffic off kerr to move east oa tha txpreea highway and far eastbpund traffic on the qjl ta es ter kerr sl ants have petitioned council asking that tht intersection with tbt qx bt left open council had bean considering closing the inter- section until tht new departmeo of ttichway interchange is comp leted town snanager ken neadham hat suggested that it may be pos ttblf to work out an arrangtment with tbt department of high ways which would laave the way opca lfkxbflaflcs lethbrrdge alta cpurs margaret klpp lengtucvt natdsnt of lethbridg- said on return from vancouver her only regret about her first flight was that aha waited 3 years to sample tbt coasfah of air travel t kaaft yasjr ysfwosasate ttvaswr and an rka an day langl ye all ppra mill fia flavour tliay tay if graat acton jersey dairy don timmlngt prop womm1 announcing the new 12th series canada savings a better buy than ever oft octacusr l4th thousanda of canadians will again have tht opportunity to oin in this easier way to sa massy taotsutssa will take advantage of it as they haa aacll vtjar lor a round dottn years they ii tufvt ft tpactal reason this time because tht rjth stnts ojert tha highest intertettlie in canada euwsajjta b lu making this issue stand out from ibtm all v arrangt for your bonds without dtlay uvt s- them to spetd worthwhile plans toward ittl i an i ey i arst they i sasse i qeacuy and eaatly tar cask faca amnsg phu tstrnad l gattasu satlngi bonds can bt ordered through bank invest ant nt dealers and trust or lots tusas aw thrrniga the convtmtnt payrou savings nan whara you woxk j interest first 2 ye 3v remaining 11 years 4u vvllsu010oat0irf to allyratiiird form 500 1000 i umlu mot aorviaa 10000 oi tail mnrf la an ona aama lru its ffioi to hear your xtcict again son t y someone you love would love to hear your voice telephone tonight tmb1 blamj tiltthoni gomsamv os oassao tm ixtfmmt hmraim ruht i mlrr 6 mmd mil df eesw id no 57 107 v i d 2 cok i 100 hnrt o gas boom in halton on of ontario moil important natural gat fiami it bamg davalopad right in hahon county by an aggrettiva local company- anthony cat and oil tmplora- tiona who ara apandmg their drilling prognlmma under axpart tachnical upar- vnion you can profit from this big natural gas boom taking placo in your own district sbaro in h growth tond in tho coupon bolow for full do- taib now notlonwidt securities ltd 70s 100 aavuiah s w tirlaii owmfla sand m full daiilt en anthony gai and oihenploritloni ltd and kap mc abraatt of th companys prograu through your regular markat mauaga name address tt afp anthony cat and ou exploration ltd u ipaculallva iihm forwhkh wa act h prlndpala