Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1957, p. 9

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vw6w operation home improvement to ease winter unemployment opantloa ham buravnanl than 4s000 of our occupied dwel ls cajuahae lltm industrys ling umu are in need of major rational campaign to enraaraf re- repair ncvaltaa repair and reanodewn cat older kouaaa kl waak received oovernmera endorsement on cab- inet lavrl in laltar to the canadian coun- conservauon ol exlaunf jiooatne la a matter of importance to all of us since premature deterioration and uihl of our fcouslnf ti a nat ional waste this means that oji1 which has under elud or ua hulldin the hon vlehael starr minister m the hon illrhael ol tahnilr said industry and in the planning stages or some so months is all set o maintenance of full employment roll as a oneytar nationwide throughout the entire year is a promotion beginning now sup- inallai of supreme importance to ported by the industry itselt it the canadian economy tills is et j should be one of the biggest and paclally true of the building and most effective selling jobs ever allied trades where seasonal fluclu- i done in the history of the cansdmn allons of employment flrures huve building industry mi hit n golfers corner wwhwhthwtw spectacular finds been common for many ears tor this reason a campaign to ncouratf the maatrianrc uf our older ttwelllnfi toy home improve ment an4 repair would be ol real sblatanr to the department ol labours own cempelfn for the re ilel of seasonal unemployment it could auo encourage the wide spread uae of build me trade and services at a lime when new house buhdlng is below its peak i therefore have much pie a u re in ea stars sia the induatryponeor ed campaign celled operation home improvement and am con fident that it will have beneficial effects in the rid of greater em ployment stewart bate president at cen tral uoetcajv and housing corp oration th govern men t agency which insures mortgage end horn impruvemrnt loans through the chartered banks in a statement on horns improvement and repair to the council an id canada a housing mock of 4 million dwelling unite u valued at 99ft blluon thu is an asset that requires constant attention to official sanction given oper ation home improvement means that nany building organizations mil be able to maintain u eir staffs ovrr the winter thus enabling them to make an early start on house building operations next spring says w m thompson toronto president uf thv yrtttn develop ment institute immediate oh i plans call for a nationwide program designed to influencr homeowners and spread the news of fmu all across the country the national symbol a maple leaf surmounting an im proved houee circled by the words operation home improve mem and carrying the slogan better your living has already been designed it will be freely available fur the use of manu facturers dealers retailers in th bu ldtng and allied industrie in advertising and display media home mo building materials manufacturing companies arc cur renlly being asked to finance the campaign which has a tentative budget of 70 000 for one year al ready 60 firms from all sections of the industry have indicated th 4 wall cutten bed fine inr of goiter last weekend when lome artie and hufie ortssam tackled mike cost end jormroe dryeaje for a bit ft a go it seem as though john had a small worry after he put a golf ball through a couple of window at borne when practicing a few swings app he decided a few ex- rretat swings would put htm to shape ao out on the lawn he gue and pcrw4wo broken windows i no doubt his trade aa a carpenter came in handy in boarding up the two freer opemngj before the good wife would let him vtnture to the rouree lome and hughie oak lrt o i er two rascals in th gjiu but wkh such a horrible cauetoptv n the mind of john uike wuuldnt have too much support wathf the coming of thi cold r weather and tht shortrr n u uf daylight the curtains are rfu n on this corner ao adios until he turning of now aod next year hon wagoodfellow opens plowing match canada t largest aatrarulturtvl cqulpcnent show aha litternat tonal pk wing ualch get underway at slmcoe norfolk county october 15 with the official opening by onaauws afinister of agrieariure hon w a ooodfrllow ptowmen from seven province will compete for the canadian championship and the rigtt to en ter the 105 world match in wtst germany close to 600 entries have been received from ontario s con lea t ants for the four day event where iis 000 is being offered in p rites it is enpected the match will attract 100000 visitor silver never brought riches maintain its usefulness but more they will back oh i finnn i illy more halton hogs sold openly with compulsory market order a decided increase but not wen delivered on the open market enough lo sjlufv the ontario hog while lh real went direct u pock producer cooperative was irg houses on monday septemb r aeen in the percentage of halton 111 the compulsory markrtlng ordt r hog sent to open market the we k becum law om vjring thai wn a of sttpumber 1830 the first wet k 3111 pt r cut an is pr ci nl in compulsory marketing on opt n rreasei of hulton hogs wirr sold markets was in force m nlv during the prt vinus wrek thr onun inula fi r th ae tut cooperatlvt announced tuesday k rrr 14 si and 2h 5 per job per cent this count a hogs ci tl rt apedivrly savssbbabavbjaaabbbbbabaab first labor institu in halton in november the first labor institute ever ht id in halton county is scheduhd for late november at oskvllle the oakvllli and district labour council with a membership f a wo in the count and clarksnn i sponsoring the threedav s ru of lectur a council prcaldtnt jack tavlor said this wmk he would unit with itrnrv wclabach canadian latour congress educoll m i f fie r u line up sptakirs most uf thi spcaki re he aatd would be authorities from outside the labor union movi m nt they will ik asked to speak on sub jects ranging from the effect ol automation on thv factors workir to tht local uni ns placi in the community union loaders of oakvllli tra falgar milton acton clarksoh streets villi and brampton w ill be asked to alt in on the institute talks also invited will be shop sit wards and oth r men and women moving up the ii ft him labor unl n luddt r film di wlopms save 50 new kodak on film promotional spaclal rnr rarh roll f film 1 ft at ittntnn s store for drvrl iplnf you ma purthasi antw roll of film fir onl ii ulr rlct hintont 5c to 1 stora ys mens fifth annual community auction sale acton arena rummage sale friday october 18th 700 pm saturday october 19th 100 j auction sale saturday october 19th 100rm niw 1957 ftuttot cat movii camcfta luggagl ami mmiv ohw new iul valtubl athcim as wh utd rtkug that will im cw to tk hlglwef ucuur you give it well sell it knt immematf hocup h40ni bpactacular silver finds at goj gsnda ont back in 1907 neve- developed into a major boom be cause of rhre factors occordina to the new encyilopedm canadiana itie enoclouedia bljmr gow- gandas reatrtcted decupment on the outstanding richness i m n s at cobast he swing of exploration farter north into the porcupine area and tht or d d diop in thi pr cu of lktr i hockey coming three mines still are ia operation and the community s industry is centred on it mines and saw mills enuring to tourisu who in- jov the ixcellent hunt ng and fnh ing which th district provides la alfco an imixirtant jurcc of in comt the nmmunlys name is an indian unn f r bf krr l or legion news th acwr rva rwt thucky oetofam17lk1957 jt eramosa township school board holds meetings for school area eamcaa townahlp aehool board nfler vbmni iranr schools in olh- georgetown plans two clubs gvtigrtown la kill on the uay tu having to hockey clubs n ice this yai the raiders and ti r jun lor haiders who vi 111 play juni r c hockiy just rrcwi ly srotty iatl nn n 11 named to tie position t coarh of the 57 m raides with ihll hun ler as prmldnt art mraii it r at aorretary tuasurer and wvrn mora on the commit tee bcjlty fills the gap left thrn playing coach nk kerri ace plid a ciiarhing jub in dramptaw mr wiuraon ftrmerlyl aiaaaaaaaaa poets corner changing ttmfh we wonder what our youth would be doing these days irt it not for rock n roll was a tim vhen a sling shot or a jack- knife could be seen peeping out of a youngsters hip porkr n w it a ihc long slim handle of a coma e see koaetuwn saak katie rkarm rrrntirui sauh sle maru ont cp c llxfurd gulley of tarcntorious lownahii haa shot 13 bears in two montha he doean t hunt them the ci me to feed on garbage at hi 7iyfiirn and he blamei them for the 1m of two h g and injury 1 u th rd a4ar a thtobtai windh octub r minds are blow ng lard and leavei dawe over th bmu vard the peoph 1 k and luh hh to ere the tile tf rl and boys j when autumn come it a ao muih i fun ho let a nil k to ilay in thr a in mary griachow al n duck hunters eport a fer feeda of the fine fathercd friends monuments sseumptom designs submitted cemeter lettering corner posts and markers a good diaplajr in stock wm c auan rvsp m qmm u w irmnpeoft kkap raa gl iul raa ol lllll ri tom nlcoi pkacte itrfasapiae ol i3 lived in milton u rnnugh players can jump fiom mldgt t ranks to junior c huckt y a junior raider team will again be ird hill chard will fill the oiachiiig hjtlun lift by lit nr mur tin who ufct rar guided the club to irague champ kxishlp bef re ihry bowed out to wrlland in pnvln rial finals of la at ear s lineup however eight have eltht r become trvr old nr mowd away amieig thrm ere thro chat lion and bill th mpson of mill n v a y m aa child aged 3 dies after fall from car afle falling out of her mother cur and i j11 nn under ue front wh4l valeiir anne lalla three of norval d ed in peel memorial loa prtal iirotni n laat saturday mrs anthony italia 31 told m1- ice ahe aa marking out of her driwway in to highwa 7 thur day to g to a se vice at at ion down the roid when valerie toppled out inli e stated at first the child injur- appeared to be no too aer- luua but sht was ruahid to the hospital whit ah uter dirt well comrades dude got the dart lournami nl pljtrs off to a f1ing s art last thursday evening when 45 djrt luaa ra showed up pat waldle coached miow fire m n ivug mavn bob tylr and norm irur tu tip position in the fiist lights pif mance pat ftths qui1j i roud of diftatlng ft i low cinrjdes fr in ovc honie who are somwwhjt noted for their ket n tvt will the feather i i dud i pronilstm un t xclltng and interesting uaicue so cotne out and j iln in th fun lion t fur get tht minor sport kin iul met ting for the flection if officers ft r lb- coming term if inttrtfiud in hri lug i ut the kid die ji in tin interested helper at the ltgiin audit rtum on thurs do otntmr hal at so p m and ifel juur iiuiut i n tht nomination lut ixm t foijctl jm ppy day la coming sett your haating contractor or united suburban oas company limited 37 mill jt acton a05 whether you burn coal wood gas oil furnace and furnace installations make the difference this was the same house nothing added except a clare hecla gas fired furnace and correctly sized duct work installed by root is holding a series of meeting 12 in all at each school seetxyi in the township to better acquaint lb ratepayers ooracernmg the quewion of consul id at too of the ma schools j two proposal were offered aj j set forth in a pamphlet sent to ca h ratepayer ttte sflternottvr of cun soitdwkin as to epair oil oil school buhdtngs where this can be done and make necessary additic r i tu three schools that art up to date with the proepectjve increase in the population a hundred children will be entering school rarh year for at least the neat throe year one great difficulty is to h tache to come to a rural chi and undertake to teach several grade in the one room they do not like the outmoded build rt and lack of plumbing they ij i ke country children best h ever and consul idwsted sehonls ar- pre ferred they ay rural rhlmr i i more easily managed the frumosa brtvujl ooard ha gone into the matter mwt careful v r areas and making endless en- quines into evey master ciceetl- ing the schools there are ilhe mure meanings before the last one on november 10 this way the board feel the ratepayers have a ctusnee so ask quest itsne before vottrui on the matter in dcedm- bt notice public meeting acton legion minor sports election of officers for incoming year 195758 thursday october 31 at 830 acton legion auditorium com out and support thi youmottut ledgers iga strwjav 5w douo rogers a rfinisti for cawiinlty mhyjacjl acmvmm ulstar 69551 why take less than the best call 0t hbwit roclcwood oiit bonus buck nsuv effective oct 17 18 19 21 and 22 iach op thisi items with free 1 so sonus sucks allens i kelre u aa tl applesauce 29c erk f kalre llalees m aa tin peaches 25c niblrils rsnrr aeaani rack wkelr ii a tina kernel corn 2 for 35c harks 1 aatto irish stew 29c campbells it as tin tomato soup 2 for 25c dainty rice 16c red raid oranauled a lb baa white sugar 58c nakler cal bed blf reaalk shredded wheat 2 for 37c tomatoes ioa ctmtt 1 s- pk chocolate buds 37c jr delete canasllaai lb pkf cheese slices 35c farm fresh produce caiipornia sunkist oranges 39c ooodsizf 111 dozen onurla orawn dai rreak dalle u ik hat potatoes 99c ontarte orewsi large green neasls stack cabbage 10c er ike flak me la aluamla lfe i its lemons 6 for 19c ral freak crlea tmr halaas gae4 mae heee lenuce 2 for 27c wmi ttm rmrr bonih bikk vila ri 25c cal ke4 klre neeelles meats 55 milk fid aoneuss veal leg roasts daltolaaa bakes kk draealae ik pork tenderloin 89c eeeaeaeleaj aaal nalrulaw laa ik sliced pork liver 29c a k ptam ik- maple leaf bologna 29c frozen foods plehwmt turkey chicken sr taf pies 25c framrvau fish mm chips k with tsu 3 so bonus suck 63c swim prem ciown coin syrup 1 u aouno tin 39c 1 tin 29c autttsmilk oa rtsutsa aunt jimima i rt pko 19c pancake mix liouio si pure pork sausage 59c javex 2 for 45c iga table syrup tiil me oft glut slaa 73e wkma ae blm breeze blm baami margarine te ok oumi 76c is b i lb 33c all flarnu bwka- bkaaun oslaker it la it 1 h ah ouwn tltmu oalaaar it it aaal it

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