Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1957, p. 2

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j t artott ttt lrrm founded in wto uwl puhltahad awry tnur- day at u utu si- s- actun ont urrobtr ui th audit bureau of cirruulmoii thr c w n a apd thr outarliju tape dtvulua uf ihi cwna advf rltiim ratra on rrquaat fiub arrpt torn payable in advance t3 00 in canada m4k id tha united suim m month ito injle upira 1c aulhoristd sacnd cim mtl cult office ixpartim til ottawa pvmulwj by i duta rrtallac im ihmlafetaii uttftlua fi a oilu fuulurln chm1 ml ilgvui h oitla production manager a jamri a illa managing editor hw bualnras and editorial office ib 60q acu thubsday octobfft 24th 17 a record of indecision undoubtedly there mil exittt comtder ble confuiton on irw local treatment plant ittua council hat had long and earnatt d bate on th propoial to provide the tvarvictt for th nam induttry to occupy that wool combine ite and some additional vtrvict to th baardmore firm councils action hai bn slightly wobbly with several changes in opinion as indicated by the following successive resolutions on august 16th this resolution moved by w cook and seconded by j goy w approved by council and teaulved thai approval bt granted thr uavur and hu commute to accept the pruptwltlun tf building n v arwrr dupttaa plant to arctiinnmdult the new industry nttitt mplating locating i thr uiwn uf acton this appruval aubjecl tu pruject being aratplabla to ihr ontaii watar h hirer conimiaattu art 1m7 and uw ontario municipal hoard present at this special meeting were mayor tyler reeve hargrave councillors w cook h low s brunelle and j goy on october 19th the following resolu lions were tabled and approved 1 moved by h la we and seconded by w wilson c minrll tif thr tirnn ot arton tndnrx ihv rvctltinietidatiulti of thr nwir unit atvr mmmiltrt llvat lit further action bt lutti on thr propoevru rrvctiun tf a m imtuatnal fet gr trtatm tit imunt or th txunaion of omi prwmitt facilklira for nthur than dumraltr mwiik w additional industrial efujt tkat u wlutln ihr piraent plants wapablllbe n lativt lo ii o d count on a recorded vote this was approved by deputy reeve w wilson councillors w cook j goy s brunelle f watts h lowe and g bar beau opposed by mayor e tyler and reeve j margrave 2 moved by w wilson and seconded by j goy council appoint a cummlttrt to n ni uiu with tin conipuiilca mncrrmtt n tin hiatal latum of war dtapuaal plant and that aattt negullatittru ih arranged wt hi radical cunvt mem w approved by mayor e tyjer reeve j hargrave deputy reeve w wilson council kwt w cook j goy s brunelle f watts g vbeau opposed by h lovve 3 moved by j goy and seconded by g bar beau th lummtlut tu nul with ihi itutu- trim tituit hkuulltty litduatnal siu in mlluws vr i tur w wuvmi v cmh 1 j strwart and j approved by mnyor c tyler reeve j hargrave deputy reeve w wilson council lor j goy s brunellv f watts and g bar beau opposed by w cook and h lowe as we said oar her tins ts an important probtam oi tho own it deserves a study of the facts by citizens rather than the accep tance of street corner tumours and private meeting opinions queen of canada during her visit to north america the queen has been presumed hi three capaci ties in jamestown and willamsburg at ceremonies commemorating arrival of the first english settlers m virginia she attended k as queen of the united kingdom in new york addressing the united nations she spoke as head of the british commonwealth but in canadaend at washingtonshe was both these things and much more quften of canada the sovereigns official designation in can ad i is her most encellent majesty eliza beth the second by the grace of god of the united kingdom canada and he other 9etms end territories queen head of the comm defender of the faith in her visit to ottawa the monarchs role m queen qf canada wet emphasised not only by cenaduns but by the queen herself pay a state vtifmo the keadofoor great neighboring country when you read or hear about tha events ift washington and other places 1 want you to reflect that it is the queen of canada and her husband who are concerned in them in a message to her majesty after she left canada prime minister dief en baker said during this historic stay your maiesty has strengthened in us all our pride in canada and in crmd4i queen with each such visit the picture oi tho sovereign as qvwn of canada wiu become more vivid in canadian minds a teenersparent code what should teenagers and their par ents do about smoking drinking and lights out parlies in minnesota there is now a state wide code largely worked out by youngsters triemselves which answers these questions reports a recent article a parent or some other responsible adult should be at home when teen agers enter tam but should allow the youngstarsa sen sible measure of privacy here are trie key provisions of the code lights out gantes have no place in a wellordered party young people and their parents should agree on a definite time for getting home from dates young people should come diretly home from an evening out unless other plans have been approved by parents parental consent for driving the family car should be based on i possession of a driver s license 2 young people s proof of ability to control themselves and ihe car riders have a share in the responsibility for safe driving dares and eers from riders have been responsible for many deaths young people should understand that it is not a disgrace to decline an alcoholic drink suggested times for terminating social affairs on non school nights range from ten o clock for the seventh grade age level to one o clock for tngr school umor and senior formal dances per tiaps parents and tn agers might fmd some common grounds for agreement in this outline that deals with a situation thai confronts every respons bide parent flt one lime or another mutual agreement among parenls too would rtrlitvt the situation where so and so can do d why can t i reflecting on sputnik the age of the satellite has arrived no one knows al this stage what this will mean to mankind but the comic book stones of space ships that were in the realm of fancy only a few weeks ago don t seem quite so improbable today the russians with sputnik their 184 pound satellite have conquered space and it is just a matter of time before the united states too will have its satellite circling the earth there is a world of difference between an unmanned sphere and a manned space ship but the russians claim they soon will be sending animals up into outer space once the problem of staying alive in the thin ot musphtre has been solved human beings will follow but that doesn t mean that man will be travelling to the moon tomorrow the next day or even wiihm the life span of persons living today russia s satellite is less than 600 miles above the tarth the moon is 238 810 miles avay russia s achievement great as it is pro bably is as remote from a trip to the moon as thr wright brothers first airplane flight was from the trans atlantic crossings of to day s 0t airliners one immediate result of the first earth satellite however is altead evident radio and television comedians have found a new subject for their jokes the first satellite toys are on the assembly line and there should be a booming market for them this christmas in detroit that city s junior advertising club has announced it will begin an immedi ate study of advertising m outer space its possibilities and its problems club president jce ciavola has stated that a code of ethlts must be developed before we find ourselves swamped with such problems as satellites broadcasting re corded commercials blinking satellites with messages readable from earth and billboard rental space on the moon weve a feeling mr ciavola is being a bit premature but it might not be a bad idea if space billboards replaced the signs that now clutter our highways especially at this season of the year whan the trees are deck ed in thei love autumn colors r brief comment holding ohlrtnririu mayng to some people to prove muchstft cess of the drills can jneetfihe it seem ihe sue- savlng of the- good old days back in 1907 back in 1937 tafcm 1mb ik mu t tfcr fra tkro frw ik lu ik frw p ttaraur ocukt tl imi rim ml thim4ir urtoktr m two iquadt of hunter lilt r iid ln itw thing urn ur wild thry ruud m inir ttiu yar uf th an- itmllr kill doun in cch iiu i unii the hlh- kiunlrprrimini ihc uununiun i any aclun pupil it the nd lh actiui jtulu nuurwl thr tntriut t tumuuttutu w inilly wuud uiriaundux aclun un mun- iiunnn ul ihu wrd day u irr which lldr uuld kll tn ly uruniliir uw laatal ounate tlu i ahrnan t nuxi at thr lit tt tlina i tha rgatx4 x 11mt by utiff taftut gad about looking at pastplanningfor future itinnlh thi arm lo m lt tk t jnhkli t ntilw it c mdil vj it ommiv itim hi ihrl li7 om t l n tppi ii hi i r ntrl v hi j nit f diit jiiui not piiluu ur rj mi i ll in vmm of lt m i h 1 nil i t i iii u iii i n i rii4t tui ovkl wwn ml mini i hit u ii 1111 ujpii jcll llkll uk hi ll t imit lhtouili itn mo ik- uv ii i i vi 1 ulh ill uitm jrul ui- i i in ition dull lu li kiiii oi ioiiix we al know th4t ail i nol m tltr liilil valt hi ri i n in hip iii tin lit hivtr ml of uhm- t tit iikii mi c ntli tun ri ii w sin ttiu li m mji nt iiin ui it foiinid th m1 luthrr tk ul th ri of 1 ki tu id of th iiih u oi uiki u mil i iclu l tl llihn m ii llloll bill lota i tmm rsiu n mum runs lilt t im ntu ill in iki imt itl tribih mi s i it i f port i n tt uh it is tni k rt ik i t i1m m i 1 ak ioiil know onlaiui i ihi out hit f im 1 unit i v v t ail- n if 1k42 thin vtn iimui id 1 in miiio in un iittt dluihcl wnnmii tun linhilli out in will ni tn 1bu1 thin miii ilmut in tmniiik puntt m italton c mntv anollii un uiluti wa lilt wmlin mils h 1kau thin in iboul id thilin nulli and nviii or t ik1 f thm vk i n u n tllh atom unit unit win 15 u ih m lti null ii onit tlu tiidu v il t that a in iwu and 111 mis i iti i m nit of hum mn t t si 1 d m n hit ti ot iouim uoik rik ndntni th ind lith rni i ktm l litfhu p mi wi s mdlt omni it al i nt tht li iliut in th it at ton in1 flou s into iind on dovk n to sti aittown 1 in n in miml ii i uj htn inu nil th oiih tin rotili ii tlu lndl vi hi chixl thi tu k iv d itliii into x m t turns hist t v i mil h n si w di i v ild ill md kim iti i i 1 is vsi 1 illiiflt mil vi ah m mv pt un i of i it v lu iduiks niul 1 in 1 m ii ks it is of p ks nj mt ri st whin un 1 md inn- m i thi it toil iv to nimt i quo ition fr mi tlu fust uind poiti n division of iwa a lnp of i uki rnnl un ij u7l t ml i t in in 1 o lu i 4i u ii t ill thi lungli md thi coop r n- irtisd uboul irn m oi 0 nni d t art thi cr i is hilto 25 i iii r mdiikti irs alonjt thi ii in li j p in rmiik f 1 nu ti ids j id ttii i rt ih rul d tu mk i aki it h4 tkihl intini tmtvitin ttiimoki m ml 1 net t ii ty toi di pth u t i oi six inilis i ni tht short of tin 1 ikt wis ihinlusisj fim thi t lin fs of th mjsmvn nil i ind ns for i ikhi pounds milium ihi4h th it ptnii u i i nifc xr ain n ioidinti tin ntord m tin ikok ki- ms th it tin iw v 1 nt from f to onto t i i 1 ih throuui alton va rmih- in 1hv sow wt find tod i t oi tu tir mi h i ni s u r- i v l it md it hi p mils ninth it on f ti pin l- itrit f rt ot tin v indublnws ml hmjlumill win t ott mu milu und in ims tin rr mr- tour liiutt nuu and nun iw null b h41ua0 thrn writ ik w mitli and mx flour or crn1 null in qiuaini with one uam ju null this sundays 1 i m t ii turn pow w is tu it bv j ih m t cit ii id lt fort 1bw s i d t havt 1m it tht iv ii i m r itor n ca i- iiih wih hs own hinds and to havr luikiiiiul vih david sm th f i a i tnofw i utiivi 1 t 15 loiui minn s calldon township iindirikinfi to upplj him witn tin firt rltstr it it rrr ud 10 i kht linn buildings in ontario i at i tlfctruitj wu fuppluii lo lrin milljbur alton ctlixlon eat calttion chcucnhm ttnd church calendar taptut chutcm acton hev ray h cuatcru paatur praunamc us bower ave nionr jfww sunday octobek nth 11i5t 10uu ktn aundajr school 1 1 00 m uomtas wurahip 00 pm stenliui strvio wvdneaday t p m allduxs atffviog pussvtouan ch1mch knox cafcmcb acton rev andjwjr tj mcknuua unithj chuich ot canada aetaak oatkrl kc cordon adama ma bd almiatt i bow sunday october llh 106 941 im church school 1100 a rn momma wonhip 7 00 mxvnini uonhip with drawn ur acton united church nmvcrery acton kmtccoctal asssmftlv ti rtvik st trtiinhrtnr mow paton v bbwvr avnua phon to mr oeorgje elliott oraanut and choir leader 14 bowr avt acton phone f sunday october jtlh 1mt anhnvcrsarv sunday 0 00 am momma pravar 1000 a m junior church and churcbbchool 11 is ajn donuna wonhtp rev qao hfuullcn 7 00 p m atvmrat wonhip u thi anoucan chimkh 84 auwaa ciimk aaufc oait rev evan h jjjdaa bajutji rectory its jaftry st tal ms sunday october ttxh 1m7 itrlanty xixt laynwoi sunday in tti holy communion 1 hiouih njit and w u ti tiuivjt id fr uvilihtmkl jimj in tin truktli tht v m uli piorh s nd nnt ki ivihip ihty evil tuti whin tin v humid not hatvi dont i uowtd afnir und in the wruna w rfv o bui t tht ir imiuktfits w n 1 w not tdv jntja for tu iti ni rl a tod hut br it rcmtnibt i td ttwt in dm couth thr country v ft dt vr omd aiiad land lht unit b oiiht thru pt ntt stitlma li thi hull ins unnjt iimuv umi 11 miu im jirt th whiu man tu pioi- pt iii uny now uxtir two world wtrt wt conn to thi jjt mil on o thi txh k trititltsd rvcrrati n aixl wt tuki t im ti invrmttiti what w ll ti d m w ilh our mod li unit 1 tin in his valiv uf the rtda with fcood ol ctbl hnl t will to m what hj bun irutnl w th mori iviaurr hour t oui d thaml uio v u jied for nnit p un t to kind thrm nitm it p iblc pirkund ttu ib tin tni iu iruuir ikt thr in liki tha ihm hatvr btn nude wtun un land wtuyat olt mtaini tat ui v i that w outj v ttif pitti4 ura tlrou al thi v alios ar1 watrrwat in on tar o nn a oni the atlctnftrtr credit it i also appan nt that in tht n itji h unit is ajo a di t pnri wim of th th ng w iuth win unkirtant in tu p mtr linn a a h rig of nn i t wuiik have in thi vtai bt h nd btt n done wuih roiuiu miw t nuaht tx will to bar n m nd ttu bnrfil that we m ed in tht light trf uit t num- atami n b thor wh p on i ej in the 1 ght ka prvwnt dv know ledge aid exper t nee ot pat ikt not b loo hast in cundeniruna nd in uv erw hi lmin hau be loo ure of a aupi r or krun edr of uuisclc it wi nur sq eam ago tjt te indiana tod the valei tu lh vthme mrti let u be ure fiat our deirr for racreation do njl overrun our ablil ct to men the obligation necemary to ni ntain thn the book u publiahed bv the ontario department of planning and devrlivment we enod l perusal it provoked ihs work article and will nhp to draw pufajicailrntiun toihc dcvclcy- mvm off thi ection of onvaio id won arid hi ailoi npn ttvia had tu pay for the otir up er whitti fulutwrd tin iii i ki ling mm amelia humnd d ught r uf mr j w huatiaid l young alt hai b iti appu rti d ip i trlitnit uf uvc nuiiii in llnn tl htpiu kf i mi ui 1 1 come ttonie fur a im day i oi pfir tu mining inio lit d d f the rhirtitilr miihjii krorii ihr wnnip4g tiiii i itotr dint mr iuiru1 rnan i 4 our fsteemrd luavnatnai it an bruwn tji rvwr annn tit nintiot hft tin fii j i tun it at i hi of tin aiiatl i northern at d ciid ti nk i lfc atalkt al w ni pg mr william mti 1 tet i b i appointed agent t if it r it i uranitr w ik ik i ird i toi ii n jfiur i itrevr twadklaiirr up f oiati wil n i t a o a ing h prifooed m i t lit r urx 1 itian tr li n i as iktll if k t f g if rntlanit t i jm i w omrtny marl r s n r t i rapar i iliil lit i jm fi 1 ing ti ltir do lu ui vk k r j 1 am a- thr y ur g td s f i worth i j n h g vi li g dullv mv cat a g ii again 1 h an dn g v li n w u krrn n installing m w cavrh ltiiia arid lui fata diauia on mill sm 1 1 ii r hiding quite a vant if id d i at tl lit it ii lion al tu sim 1 1 dra n an il i f i arm work um at tr w tdt to iiuiitw that um itl kkiilth i d ian t aimltiatlk illli hll a lraail l i tri ll f waa sp 1 f hn k v ill iu1i wtjt a taig i n u fri ndi at d i gl lax i au rd l u l mr u alio sot l t rr r i i i wl r al t r un fa 1 1 n t x n llg uir pol 1 it l chi ibi a t thi br h k era n iuw bruk aviri iii t j r ii i d iu l 1 i if t it it ailt wt nt i nor ui io ami i p laltd a pi s v ant fuiniihcd power f i ri ii unir palitifb it was hi it tful mi btoiki king whi ueralttl 1h fiat tint tu fcimnliiifc p l in aetuti w i nt arvr aj wo ag u im cm ihi iiiulpmc is n iw brtn jiuiiimii nt 1ic hvjio hslt m itiaitng on through ihi book in th par igrapht n lalinj to land foitu w att r and w ild lift om tun trm the tar v life ui uin ft who ruaretl the land settled hut md u veil a wav of lift u ud a tdl r ri unvatancta thc found thitn r n lb i i f ti s at t hiatrl ria jurvl uh u i k jt a 1 lj n ng hi p in nt p i th u tl i mm i tin it 1 pt n know i t m u i m oii i im i g i i li s l 1 1 i v n it u i t ii a k ii ii ii jr i m4 t i n m i ii it in s jr j it t k professional directory and travellers guide uim t iiasroim dr w g c ktnney lhiuiin antl surip un off rv in stnion iiik k 43 ml i m i arln oft r iticinr 7 it imlrm iis i hiiith st i ill in iv dr d a garrett lhiiciin ami surtpun cornn uf lli ami kix r si hnlrmi ltuir sirri t acton onlurni iti mii 21h or robert d buckner flnrun mil siitonn 39 um intftnn st ait n out inimi trv of tie m mr 6 8 p in rfai rktatl and imiirasi k f i wright il w imr si ait in ontiimii ihunc ui appraiser ural jt ilr ruaalty hinirai home pi hi nn mittit nr dr ii in i sixmikir mar ouve m iamparq a t m ii m t ti nil r uf piaiiii acton stllmo si allien 1ririh hall ii 1allk ayi uhcii ill rti at e i hurhnfr ro opti nirlml 4r mi i st i ihunr 113 oftur hi lira i i it ml llll pm 1 i i jii ntmrnt al iiitimi al i1iiiwt1no ievfr hoskin i irl mil viiiiiiuiiu m m ti si n 213 kin st vf hi ill mi tirolitil 1 ivi i 111 nfvllle stotler co 1 1 i a i iinit rfiij and tun 1 wm r bracken insurance agency 1 i i ti hitikriput intimii- in f it olh mill strrrl rfseiiai inslham1 it hi 1 ff t vtl ii ir si writ t i ll 1 mi ii orgitiiin 1 j l 1 hos tit 1111 j bert wood insurance agency i iff and nt rat lnui i t il mr 5ri 131 mi 1 s attn hour ta tdm- u l i nrntai dr h leib dtntal sargc i offin curntr mill and rtsdt r ck b nt offer hour am ti fl p m ttlepllonr li acton dr a j buchanan dental surgeon otfic aa will slnrt otfot hours- 0 a ni tolpm clond wrdnrda aflrrtiihiti t irphwnr 14j i lboai c f ieatherland q c barrutrr at salicitnr notarr public office houi 10tt ams0o am 1 00 j m- 8 00 p m 6atunlayaby apputnlmenl bniy lotlics 23 phon bo 151 ikcton earl g biack ll iinini h i a c a hah mtr ii acxountant imr hld id main sl m ln onl tu tavilll quid gray coach iinfs i 11 ills leave actov i m m time clbound s3 a m uy cscept sun an4 ii l main- 1133 am toi pin malpm 013pm 111 pm in u v in bun ana hoi wvtbouna inzt am 1337 pm lit pjn 5 37 pm 737 pm b12pmllu pm hul i 1 11 am ifr sat sun and canadian nat ion al railways standard tiim ri holy cnmwtll i churen schi evebobcen endowmevt th foraaa o canada cxmipria a braida b barrulrr solicitor notarji public is cork st e oulph ont dailt s jn bally neap sunday i10p k til pjm sua- 101 pm n a wrktr or3txkwt kmrtm to th canadian mllpmtatijiaty midi jkju b totf h ujd sai tsthjiatra itft nation to iivoi in cue ot real lira for panic it tho graal danger in cate of fire it tt thu more often than fire itielf which cautet injury or death trenton qnt courieradvocate sunday october 37th 1057 11 po arauajereuu wowmp tio jwininuc swvlc mat and blbl atudjr 5 7v school ird tnj mort aijmvj aj 11 ot m iffifcu- oljk ta fww 1100 ajit srvtc cowiuotad by thtyrkre sbfpaastd only by the tnembett of the ftrotherhood pme aruc wood d the ixfsl soviet reaaaile ottica hour am 8 pjtn monday jd- saturday l 173 ualo st sottft aqn oqt 6 pan lo 9 pm v

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