Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1957, p. 1

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citnoranai a 1 tltt jtctoit eightythird vav no 21 acton ontario thursday november 21tt 195 ftiz tan pgatsavan canti nhhcwal l a mamssm eongrafuuta kruca andrawt on winning tha e c tylar trophy awardad to tha ttudant who hat mada tha graatatt contribution to tha walfara of tha tchool on friday avaning tha acton high school hald thair commancamant axarcnat at tha robert imla school auditorium ratepayers fill council chambers to oppose sewage disposal plant arthur ives retiring president of the aclon ratepayers association appealed te the audience thst mm the council chambers on saturday jut to com forward and take of fir in order to carry on the rate payers aaeocistion reviewing part history of th as sociation mr ivea attacked the clllsena who moaned and groan ed lo the members of the ritcu- live and ihon failed to back up tha people who had undertaken to investigate their complaints tike association has picked u the iron and gone to council and found out answers some satisfy and donv oonuauod mr ivea it is only the executive tht u charging around trytng to get something done and we have be come the laughing stock of the community continuing mr ives pointed out my bet or grumble is the tack of support given to lh executive you people when you elect an executive must back them up mr ivea rxvlained the duties of the president the retiring president explained that mr cook and himself had been arcing members of parlia snent on various things that had happened and rvw had access to files of municipal councils i explaining the duties of the vacrvreetdent mr ives noted that i he acted in iht absence of ih president and curkaate activ it- j mr brock reminded the audi nee the town council is not a secret society but composed of men whom the cillsero elected end their debates and deliberations should be open to all it must however be recorded that some members of some civic bod lea have not kept the welfare of the majority of their constitu ents in mind st sll times em phasised mr brock instead they have favored big business snd by doing so have jrn slued the vry people who elected them to office he charged pointing out that some people of the old town war claiming that tt ww toe to the stttadretssofu that i um taet u acton war so high mr brock said it was partly true but it is not the fault of the resi dents in the subdivision the fault lias squarely on the shoulders of the town council and the planning board when their error of judge ment was committed before the subdivisions ever existed pointing out if the town had a proper subdivkders agreement make the builders defray a air shsre of the cost of water sewage roads echols snd other service we would not be in the financial position we are now mr bro k stated our present council proved this is correct by raising the building permit fee from s3 t uoo- questloning the condition of the arena town hall snd other public buildings mr brock wondered if the town debt were so greet thai all of its resources are tied up in previous debentures les ing no money for current improvements if this u ota case- stated tha chairman wherein lies the justifi cation for our council passing s motion to ask the rtnjvrn of acton to stand guarantor for a fur ther expenditure of up ards of 400000 for an industrial sewage disposal plant and supplementary sater serv ices to sen ice two big businesses at an increase of cm- continued oi pag tour crowd packs school auditorium as hs commencement presented the job of the secretary treas urer u to keep the minutes and look after the f nance txpla 13 the retiring president we evm had hopes of employ ing our a n law vr as it is sometimes neces aarv to have a lawer on hand lo handle matters havingalcgal as pect but our lan went flat as st present we have only gig nn hand ope far n sea mall aa replying to a question mr he explained he would not be able to continue in office d hudson snd b evans were nominated for president but both declined mr evans stated hr might be more interested in the coming munscipa election e brock was nominated for tier president but pointed out he wat on shift work finally elected to office weie charles robert as president alex johnstone vice president tom radfordlnancial aecretarr m ouve bund entertainment and john boardtsn chairman of the street wardens ernest brock nom nated 5 r chairman for the meeting at ftrst tec used because he felt if he re msaned on the floor be could sy more but finally agreed to chair the meeting if he was allowed to speasl th newly appointed chairman gave a report of the ratepayers aasociabon explaining it was not a infamous argaauauoo designed to obstruct and disrupt the eon- tjtuted authority of a community g some people would have you heiseve on the contrary it t an organ- tetioa co of cttteent to of trr ut an orderly meaner con atructive cnucum and uggesboai to the body of men who have been exacted to l ihemt- barplihimg further mr brock 71 irultbeiiet that ayj mtflactl or legislative body that hat the heat uteres of the mmwumlty and ft allien at heart will not try to discredit or belittle such an approximately 400 mothers father friends and students en- jnved the annual high school com mencement on friday evening in i he robert uttle school auditor ium the highlight of the year for the students msny of the pupils teceiv ed graduation diplomas and swards for proficiency based on academic standing for the year principal e a hansen chairman or the- program welcomed the par ents to the commencement and in- led them to take g more active part in home and school activity speaking to the parents the chairman emphasised the concern ever the student who is indifferent about learning mr hansen pointed out many of the students who were willing to learn were held back by pupils w ho did not wish to learn students entering high school should h prepared to do home work and the parents should insist that homework be done if they wish their children to be successful staled the chairman we will always have the cram mers m ho can sit down before an t lamination and study but pass bv onlr a slim margin but this method w ul have to change emphasised the speaker mr hansen stressed the import ance vt havtng the student attend school regularly and not be allowed tu remain home to study the teac knows beat where the student is fl and every day attendance ta important to the student in order for the teacher to point put their wra knees s stressed the principal the chatrmaa voiced pleasure in the fne attendance and support of the commenceanent activity joy peajl graduation student ot the acton high school now attend ing toronto te college gave tha valedictory asseaaage in her address to the principal m of tha haft fellow gredu ate and parent present miss peal i tha past ftve yean a leefaooltag noting- that at ant at tendance was mada because tha students had to and later because they realised that education was an ther could oof afford to be without in her comments the valedictorian said we started out in grades in he old schol and were eacrr for this newt rxpenence and vet afrsid because we had been told how d ff- erent high schkl was from iublic school miss peal reviewed the following rears including the accomplish ments of the lugby team and the track and field team speaking lo the new student at the h gh schoo the valedictorian said 1 think that it is rn import ant for each student to hsvr nmf goal in site an idea of what miu want to do after high sho 1 continuing she related this will provide ou with the added imcn live to continue toward iru i nd of high school when vou mit become dtsciuraged as rvrrvonv docs at one time or another in cl m mus rial speaking on behalf of the graduating students stated it is with mixed feelings of regret and anticipation that we leave acton high school regret because in spie of our grumblings we have enji vid high school and we shall miss among man things the friends r havt made during these five years anticipation be cause of the unknown future that lies before us the exciung moments of the evening for the students was the preeentatton of the awards and scholarships bv rorgfavc of the north ha i ton i high school dhttrtrt board present ed proficiency scholarships to susan wilson and doreeo gordon from grade ella jany and lynda lov i ell from grade 10 and mary jane force and marilyn young from grade 11 the scholarships were based on the academic standing in all subjects taken in presenting the awards mr forgrav pointed out to the stud- ants that the board u not only ln- tereated in the dollars and cents for tha school mxaagwmrnt but in tha welfare of the studenuv the board feels sorry when a jttadaeit quits school at grade nine rated the gnaakhr continuing the speaker noted lf the student con- ttooad to grade xi ii they would be better fitted for ufa cwt on pope rwe mary k gibbons chosen to speak the robert liule public school on monday was the scene of much actrvity when finalists from grades six sevrn and eight held their public speaking competition finals judges for the evenf were rev r coaterus and rev g adams of the raptiat church and united church respectively chosen to represent acton in the north hllun iull- hcakm contest is mary k gibbons the judgea heard the finalist spewk on a prepared topic and then an impromptu speech oti what it means to te m canadian hev coetrius and rev adanu praised the children on heir spsiking ability noting a vast impi uvrrnrnt uver 11 year r militti un monday were carol tlsen mar k oibbons mary ileth elliulu llelrn isenlim janrt rognv al wn suian hewrd cr men wodburn itooerl meyers neil frjiikhn and theresa pap i- lon holy nme society holds first meeting the molv name six lely of s joseph s parish aclon held their first general meeting in the parisi hall sunday evening november 17 invited gttejta were russell o neat snd rmle demerit pirsid ent snd regional director tcpc t- ively of the hamilton diocesan holy name union jtev fai her morgiin spiritual director of lair local sihlety was also pntnl mr hartley cohs president wm chairmin hev father morga i op ened thr neetlng with the holy narm prvrr jn1 mr coles wi 1- conird the visiting guests and members thi minutes of the executive meet mm were read by the secret ary mmr dcveau the tressur- rri reimirt was read by llug lowe and moy galenby gave the report of the membership committee mr rusaell o ncal the special guet eaker o iht evening wa verv capabl introduced by rev father morgan the subject of hi talk was particularly well chosen for the occasion mr deineli spoke briefly on an invitation from the chtirman reno braids expressed g vote of thanks to the guest speaker on be- hilf of the society for hi splendid address and mr lowe thanked the second speak r father morgan cloard the meeting with prayer ilefire the meeting adjourred m i mi and mrt wet treated to a hrt prihtram of entertain n rnt arranged by reno bra ida chjimum of the entertainment commitiee m hvsn and clarke pul pridng tht entcrts nmcnl were john mctlugh who led in a s ng nni and sang several soo joe sec on who gave some ac- crdi n s ltxtions and williai patenon provided variation with w lrrn inc accompanied by the guitar i buffi t lunch prepared bj the rs i tht wecutivcs was also enjoyed council approves financial report the 22nd financial report in cuding the following accounts was aiproved for pavment at the regular council meeting tuesday evening f re and police wo ii wilfure accounts 1m 71 building accounts sou rotda accounts c3dj0 adminstration and finance 913 19 ratepayers delegation visits council discusses bylaw sewage treatment to all citizens the riaaadng beard aavneosve two smaps daatgnatlag tha differ eat seaaa in tewn will be avail able by tlatarday ssvarnimg far eluaena parasal one is te be placed in tha tewn afftee and sm la te be placed la the uwa ball police investigate local theft breakin corporal ray mason reports theft of s wallet from the robert i ittle public school and a break in at lindsays flour and feed mill on wednesday of last week caretaker d price noticed strwnger in the suppv room at the st hool and upon asking him what his business was lie aked to see principal g w mckrnne the stranger was directed to principal s office and mr price went on about his business sometime later a wallet own d by miss goodwin one of the tri i- ers was found to be musing from the office police report the wallet was re covered later in a hotel ru mi in quelph guilph and acton police are investigating a breakin st the acton i lour mills was reported to pol on monday morning a stolen car from toront i wa left at the scene of the cr nk bu police reyort nothing had been taken from the premises 74 church visitors call in knox homes more than 14 visitors participat ed in an every member steward ship caavaas of thi congregation of knox presb tcrutn church sun day visitors called on members of the congregation snd explained thi work of the church committment for contributions in ima were ob tained fur sn estimated 345 53 s week although complete returns are not jet in general chairman dr a j buchanan explained the visitors were commissioned at a special sunday morning an- vice following a period of training and several months of prep rati n knox church is one of 12 churches in the guelph s t un conducting such a visitation officials th s week expressed the hope that with pledges and week ly offerings they will exceed the budget ot hrt0 00 photo by haael mack tfjmjt caivis born on the farm of norman armstrong rr 1 acton are shown with their owner at the time of the picture the calves were two weeks old and ere grade shorthorns expect large representation for nomination night friday acton singers receive medals the gurlpn kiwanis music fest ival got underway on monday at chalmers street united churcn with acton being capably repi- en ted jon hurst singing o had 1 jub l s l re tied for second and re ceived a silver medal in the orat orio class for unchanged voices eddie long came in for a silver medal when he placed second to david f smell of georgetown this was the 12th musical fest ival held in guehph and adjudicat or was dr ernesto vinci of toi on to a full house u expected riday vrn ng al the icgioo auditorium hen electors will nominate rep resentatives of their choice for the niming mumtripul t lection dcc n bcr 2 n inunatiom will be om n for mayor reeve deputy ret vr x councillors three school trustees and two public utilities commis- iloners to dale election campaigning has been linjitcd to a few sidewalk comments but with important business cumins up in the near fut ure a poxsible lirge slate of can didates tor the above puitions may be nominated piescnl members of the locttl municipil groups huve given no public announcement of their in tent ions i indications at the saturday rate payers meeting were that several planned lo stand for nomination tu municipal office for ihia reison they declined executive posllons in the ratepayers organisation those nominated friday evening for more than one position must declare ahich they choose to stand fur in a limited um or thay will be understood to stand for the pos it ion to which they wer first nominated to be nominated the nomlneo must be present at the mcc1113 or signify his consent to nom nation in writing those seeking election must sign the necessary qualification paper by 9 p m thr following evening nominations will be open from 7 jo to 8 30 pm friday nurses association hears dr r buclcner the newly f rmed llalton chip irr of the he 11 tr red nurss as- inciation of ontario held thir fa i inert ing in the oakvillctraalgar hospital on tuesday evening a goodly number of regtsterej nurs- ei from the whole county was pre sent in a brief business meeting a program of four meetings during the coming year was planned with each meeting being held in a dif ferent area of the county the speaker for the evening was pr robert duckncr of acton who fave s very informative and much enjoyed talk on his work of psych- islric treatment of criminals knox cgit hold shower the knox c g 1 t girls met monday evening in the presbyter ian church for their regular week- i ly meeting a baby shower highlights 1 the evening event as the girls present ed mrs c a hansen with gifts after the business meeting the girls adjourned to the church base men i where work was start d on the annual cookie boxes presented to shut ins lunch was served by julie holmes joanne mckanxie and dorothy duffle id the meeting closed with taps y following appearance of a dele gation of about so ratepayers re- resented by ernest drock acton council on tuesdsy vvenrng res- olved to notify the planning board of the numerous requests by cltut ens that fully coded lonlng msps be made available in any easy ac- cessable place or if technically possible a phutuatal copy be print ed in the local newspaper mr brock indicated in view of the recent copies of the sonlng by law being mailed to the ratepayers of the town the ratepayers wan dered if it would be possible fur the council to submit a recom mendation lo the planning board to distribute maps throughout town in order to enable people to understand the sonlng bylaw in a much clearer manner the mayor eaplalned to tha speaker that maps would be post ed at the public meeting mr brock assured the mayo f maps were posted throughout the town prior to the meeting resid ents would be in a better position to discuss problems st the time of the meeting mayor tyler pointed out to tha spokesman that the procedure be ing followed by the planning board was the same as in other centres deputyreeve w wilson ex plained to mr brock there were some debatable points regarding building snd until such time as the toning by law went into ef fect tha town was without pro tection councillor 11 lowe asked if a map explaining the sonlng areas could be published in the local press and clerv j mcgcachle re plied the possibility had been studied but in view of tha desig nated areas being indicsted in col ors it was an impossibility the motion further suggested it postponement of the public hearing was necessary citliens be given a full and fair opportunity to study proposals under consideration rrosedare ueder detase mr brock informed council that after studying roberu rules of parlimrntary procedure his opin ion had been confirmed that a rec ent motion reopening negotiations concerning tha industrlsl sewage treatment plant was out ot ordtr docs it seem right ws should throw to one side what is known countrywide and nation wide 1 would advocate to council to use proper procedure stated the rep resentative councillor goy informed mr brock that it appeared impossible to operate by sticking entirely to parliamentary procedure at this point a motion sponsored by ii lowe and seconded by f watts was presented to the mayor but before being tabled was with drawn a further motion was passed re solving council order clarificat ion of a motion passed october iv in form a committee to negotiate since doubt exists as to the valid ity of same by reason of its con flicting intent with main motion of thst seaslon which was acted upon and adopted by council council also adopted a resolution sponsored by lowe and watts that s special open meeting be held when clarification of tha disputed motion is received a lengthy discussion followed concerning the legality of council procedure regarding passing mot- tons and acting on tha sewage dis posal plant until interrupted by councillor s drunelle who inter jected don t you think we are acting like a bunch of boys tha nctt item on the amende brought a review of a proposed procedural bylaw which had been prepared after reviewing three elher bylaws jue kafka 13 vimy st askrd council why hu wife was not on the voters list as she had been in canada seven years and- although she was not a naturalised eltlsen aha had voted in the provincial election mayor tylar suggested that he go to a salicltor and make an ap pointment to go before the judge for a ruling on tha matter after getting oouncus viewpoint mr ftaffce aaaed what the major got paid lor hit- job- councillor o07 informed hr kafka the mayor received ii0 tna eltuen was amasad and toted he didnt think for the amount of work the major gad eouncll were doing they were getting half eo with a suggestion the offxulf for skoettaftl loiool oftalmjatttn rjwjmal uwr pns- sented to ofduekag ft brgkto j brown p cooper h lmirj borough w wmthvrs e mcefwy end ft smith during the cotrtmerksmant wwtua for tha acton high school on friday tysnlng awards for profidonty and sdamte itattdlrtg woll i sportsmanship war pranantad mies joy peal graduating ttudant actad as wlacdetorlan and ov aplandld addraaa thetr work mr rafke indieatatf ms cotuenlh the move with a aula from the gallery of take it age joe thats my money yon are wat council by reaa 0 awe as sesottnt ta staataa jhp us for naa wouaitag ta frchsue i

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