Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1957, p. 10

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p tru aetcn ft mtt yhurnkf 1h peel county wins judging competition county tha inter livestock juunm tuint n un rnrir attracted it county teams of three ach in tint pea it ion wu the peel county team or jim fraaar keith parkinson and clarence rutladge they thereby won the jeffrey bun memorial trophy which wai won in 19m by haltons team o lynn coulter george creenlees and wm c robinson this year halton wu rrp-ewnt- ed by jim brown ralph cunning ham and harold iawrenec wbo placed ittth whkv all fact on top- aidered wu an excellent ahnwulg the highlight from a halton standpoint was the alio in made by jim bruwn who scored 4m nut of a possible mo m itia plat logs the ountf men hud to pi art- ten classes in all three eat h in dtiuy rattle beef ttl kwiitr and on in hrp arid of course nm in mini for thf ir plating orr ull tin classes ontario county hail tin v- no nig dairy ttmm ptil the veiiiii i imti team and ltllng tin- to awjm team o ac team wins new competition milton breeder qualifies again w th labour congress secretary to speak at county institute halton jurrfers stage competitions for debating and public speaking there ha been mora debating and public speaking talent dls- played here tonight than on any previous occasion stated george elliott qc of mil ion who poke on behalf or the judging panel at the conclusion of the halton juniors annual interclub debating and public apeaklng com petitions held in the afltton high school on novrmbcr fth eight young people participated in the two interdub debates and three in the public rveaking iiiimhm harry taa ugamker katrurlne mery of uie milton juniors wa the unanimous rhoire of the panel of judges as the top peakir in the public rraklng competition mildted watson of alton junior and jaik loos of the palermo juniors uere the other two contrituntk each contestant after delivering a ten minute prepared add e then had ten minute to prcrarc for his or tier three minute im- j rumpu it was a lct whim many oldsters would hesitate to ucklr but all three vuung pcoplr rame through with fuing color miss mrr y will now represent halton juniors in the inlcr-coun- ty public ie it king competition scheduled fur toronto in earl january i elect kyle bingham director of board some 40 shippers out of a total of 130 in district no ix toronto milk producers association met in btewarttown ilall for their annual meeting on november 13 such an flonal attendance would appear to in dicate that in general toronto milk ihipjh r re tiifird that all is well in the toionlo milk murkit ft tin ku uni to li but ml thit lltlton ahipm i t shmild im nunc inteieite1 in llui maiketltig tn gunitiuu nc pro- ivesidcat la i mixtrr nnti retary john bird hul lined i excel lent j nigrum nun among the teukcrn v re pr bc of the toronto milk duccr aimhuium wm mrcor- qundalr association check timcr kecretar- manager john v ia e ot ttie toronto aatiution mr harrison malinger of thr co op surplus m k iunt nd klt bingham halton d rev tor on thr toronto board nerdics to mi there a c iro- lems ahead and lti a ltom- iig up on the format on of a mik makrtru adno under uie onl- a- farm poducls marketing act mlk prrtdurrn would he rll adsiaed to get the stor from their cn officers and dectrs tioc circled for the coming c- are a folio pidcnt eail xlvt oton icr prcaidcn iv t m i secret art lrauer john m r d geoi u- to n toronto drrclor ki v 11 if sam geofcon tonhp defo fxiue i stan mnnwn t h mrfii it net sin jtm rd ji itudl 1 i iwnr sjxasawrvi w i f iimn don mckr ir ll 1 siok- rm nelson j c bell george ivl- letterio harold middlebnk ti- falgnr sam finnic jack janin resolved that farm pwople are losing their indspanstsaos was the topic of the two debate acton juniors entered the two affirmat ive teams in the first debate acton was represented by bandy buchanan and patricia hitching and their negative opponents jean peterson and barbara tasker of the milton club the second debate brought to gether mildred watson and don moffat of acton agelnst the ner val negative of barba a cun ningham and jean whila the two negative teams from hilton and norval respectively secured the decision of thr judges it was a split decision in both cases which indicates that all eight young people dd an outstanding job halton juniors were fortunate in having at their panel of judges mrs 1 c mrquat of milton w e n reck on of burlington and george r elliott qc of milton the most difficulty task confronting the judges was to select the four voting people who will carry the flag for halton in the 1m76i in tercounty debating series at the outset the judges were far from unanimous but in the final analysis four young ladies general farm policy asked by limestone the mfh season of farm radio forum opened on november 4th when the forums discussed nar farm poucy when iked what was the most fundamen tal problem in connection with their imirtirular t pe of farming the rorunm agreed that the price mur caused by coat of pro duction and prict paid for their pro uu ik w ai he problem facing the t riner today sunn brook torum in wellington count luud our moat fundamen tal prohh m ib to secure enough in come to meet our operating expense ht hlonr take care of depreciation r our buildings land and fences th forums agreed unanimous llutt a national farm policy was nredrd to raise the general level of i griculturr and at the same time meet the needs of the average farm er when asked how this could be done onethird of the forums thought a national marketing sys tem toi all products was the answer an rcpim number suggested price miphuts farmers should stick together in om main farm organization was the opinion b nwny forums iimrxtonc forum in halton slat ed a general farm policy could be nevipncd this could be done by a v ttl irgamzed farm programme n ade effective b the voice of the canadian farmer cliff mat frank peacock rnv wilson south wellington douglas gra gordon darb george mc- alpinr john he id leslie swatk- hnmer even at 3lam your telephone is oh the job utkb km ivtl ioiw mi hw jolmwhm it my wly mm hul ytmi ltd it mum oi r niynua hhuim men mriea mlap iwnw ad ta hw imw at tudi imhwik hw bktnl tilp hw miiiiiom ttn b ixyond pita nimt sundiyi tml holnuyt i tb cwtitl mat ml vkft n mmyt w tin m h win llli m pthom unit moot toull al a ri lut ma lmwiowi mmesut or cmmda got the nod namely th mlase jean bird fiarbara cunningham jsan peurson and mllded wst- aon this quartetu will tackle wellington county in the first round and the data has been set for tuesday november mth hsi tons negative team of barb ara cunningham and jean peter son will meet thf wellington af firmative team at th court house in milton while haltons affi-m- a five team of jean bird and mil drad wataon will journey to fer gus to lock horns with the wel lington negative team as we see the picture ontario parm marketing plans as they ef fect the farmers independence are likely to play a large part in both debates inasmuch as halton and ontario farmers will have a vote on a wheat marketing plan on fvc- ember t and likely a vote on the hog marketing plan neat spring we think our settlor folk would be wtll advised to take advantage at the oppurtunnlty of hearing the eubjeel discussed were it not that this article might get into the wrong hands we would be tempted to present in this column some of the ai gu- menu we heard the other ntghl they ware enlightening to say the leaal m i i 11jaj ii iii 200 pound deer breaks neck in run on hill sunday a 100 pound deer broke its neck in a fall on the farm of a j mc isaac on no 33 highway mr mclsaac with some frlcttd wm strolling through his btmh when a deer was sighted coming toward them down a hill upon sighting the people the deer 1 led lo atop and in planting its fore feet firmly on the ground turned completely over falling mid break ing its neck mr mclsaac called the gaim wardi n in milton u ho sent a pro incial police officer lo pick up tin carcass in a new ninrn ittion ojm n in four fttudenta who are enrtduji in the second vir of a diplomai course at an agricultural school or college the oat team placed ft st with itldgelown agilruitural school team set ond and the kemptvllle team in third position people buy the trm read and read the free buy t c chim ii ml u1up1p1 beaty of milton ont ownti of he famous lindale jersey hero has qualified as a constructive breeder this time the aveage of alt the cows at lindale that have finished their records 4j in num ber- average 0or lbs of milk 07 lbs of fat with an average test of s0 per cent 41 classified snlmsls average u7s per cent which arc all thr animals in the herd that have freshened at least once this rating is exceptionally high and la one of the highest wimjt ever given lo a jersey lieid in canada during the jeir mr b aty s former herd sile valleyanni de sign dreamer piahfied as a sumt- lo- irc with a rating of i fta7 lb of milk and 470 11m of fat uml it unified thut average g7 70 i cent and his former in nl m lindale hi aeon haas has tncnaaed his numlhi of testrd daughtei s from m that average rim lbs of milk and 32b lbs of fat 70 43 that average ham 11m of milk and 477 lo of fat mi ilcaty has di vt loped one of the best jersey he ds in canada as this rating shows and at present lie is president of the canadian jersey cattlr club rail voyaokur montreal cp albert aim- den 78 has retired after more than m years acrvice and almost 1300- 000 miles on the rails employed by uie montreal locomotlv works limited mr amsdcn tested and delivered about m0 steam and dw- sct engines to many places bible today for the thousands of blind pepple in thu country the bralll bible is made available at a frac tion of iu coat by th british and foreign bible kociety in canada the bra i he alphabet and signs are composed of tig dots arranged in 44 combinations and the comp lete ftible is produced in volum es this is a shelf of books seven feet long weighing iso pouida one ton of per is required in print 15 braille bibles and tin ajmk lal pap r cuaia thr hmety atxhitmuo the printing of the bible in braille is done from 4m master plates impressed on the heavy jer and these plates take one man eight years to prepare ii allle in languages other than knglish alao printed by the hoc- tety trie re are only two persons in the british commonwealth who are able to make foreign language braille platrs and theae are both employed by 1he british and for eign bible society suggested readings for the week sunday prove h 2 113 monday proverb s 114 tueaday prov erbs 4 177 wednesday proverbs i3s thuraday proverbs l- m friday i timothy i 130 saturday i timothy 2 1 13 dairy farmiki 400 huron street jbokjm free mgne frasers new butter recipes write today ponald mac dons id of ottawa acrtary treasurer of th canadian labour congress has been invited to apeak al a banquaft during halton countys first labor institute to lake place dec 14 and is al oak vllle jack taylor president of the sponsoring oakvllle and district labour council aald at a council meeting tuesday the mayors of oakvllle and milton and reeve of trafalgar and rjimle wiuld b in vited to the dec 1 banquet more than 00 trade union mrm- lers from milton acton ciktksville trafalgar oakville tlarkson and bronte ate eaprctrd to attend th- iwhday leadnshlp training course at the murray hotel lecturers will mas ivtd ontario fdralioti of 1uhii wi- fare director tm the workmen compensation act cu education director henry wetsbach who will speak n the unemployment insur ance art william c mac donald united auto workers canadian re gion eduratlun direcutr on effactlv oniiai administration and lloyd fell oki political actum director who wll lead a diacuaalon on labors tlllxrnihlp nr robt r hamilton frsd a hoffman optomttblsrs ifimwlj k v umd moni oufuhl ifm si u 0 tuw bowl swl far muiwr- swl far nmm open bowling saturdays acton bowling lanes mmm 10 mala t theyd be cheaper by the gallon it ooata plasty to rmlaa family thaaa days but it youngatara ilka your car run on ffaaollna youd ba battar oft want to know why today yrythlnjf coata mora lncludinir the acoraa of things a growing- family naeda oaaollne coata more too scumurlb 75 4doa lifim bom of mor aircraft principles than any other car yet built and now you can switch the pitch 9 million ways it started with the use or more aluminum than ever iwtore and want on front there aircraft principles out culminated in new flight fitch dynaflow the most advanced automatic transmission of all time mayb youve felt smeodk transmissions before bat mag ft frosii yon tuna nanaar in on your bom abjya hwa anythlna hlai this fetich hsjkl risch dysusftawl this ona awiiches the pitch a million wih- auiunutically wnoothly thrillinlyand brinp you a new ninusleucss and the mld mtiifiutifm fm aw itamfcrd tj bmiik yaaj cuealdrsw the umorous b58 bukk today peway a tiauw wuw 7s aeaaf afaasa ma saw lows atrfmm jaalaiii aal i ir ami ea m nm whan baftar autamobtiaa ara built ulck will build tham w nw ricioipnhik- tnm ttw iww dmniar crtll ta lha ncmng raw tall lomra thla it uw look of tllam on artimto nw alrcoeld aluminum front braltaa ww 41 radial tint thai powerful lumlnum bnum gl mar poalova toaplna sundard on most modal nm b1booo bnalna at adrancad at todtil tuall ut 11 auto ontlnaara no with now briiutntlir ratnontha aowar naw mlraeio niaa arr liamm- hartt tna nawmarialolarldaon ti i tmaat mart liiiurlout rldawuwi a but gotremment flgurea ahow that alnca 1630 the coat of living haa gone up more than iso percent while wholesale gasoline prices have risen about 40 percent leaa than a third as much r mt a mama moteaarvaltm sit thi pat uct munslt show akwnw mtoy nlaka ctctv b58buck franklin pr motors limited queen street acton phone 16 rtmirms and whata mora todays regular gasoline ara far superior to the premium grades aold only tanyearaago issabamatyoiirumrrad

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