Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1957, p. 4

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i j f 4 tpgy twatidh opposes i i new disposal plant r j camhmtud sw otsb clark afeoeaenie rea ronljr to recent shone call to a- t butler of the dtpwtowiu of uurnr pal affaire vllh retard to dtvld tig the leva tot six word ans votiaf by ft wu wmtlk that a trlew must br drafted and approved by tit olb- to divide the town into sheet wards but a decision of vot- lite by wards mint be by content of lh elaetors whhdfauggmnuom for council to procaad in divfunc a bylaw eouneillor cook noted nothinji would be lost if the matter was left for neat yoar council frank watts pointed out that ro barm would br dona for this jrars council to start the ball rull- lax- councillor ii low in objectine to the syatam was aafced by o asarbeeu if ha felt it was undealr low answered ha would like to h down as commit or as council as a wholr and study the marlt of th prreent ward system g barbrau pointed out that a ward s would create more laaereet all ovrr town and a rep- reeeedsrtive in each ward would be able ta conrentratr fully on mat ters at hand w cook augswatad that when you decide tu have your nam put vp for office you ahould hav the latereet of lh peole ell ovrr town as wll as your tseuthbors apeta bi m councillor d rip m lb opinion that th ward svwm would give people in an apahellc section of town mrt iniliatlvt to flo out and voir for their rcpres antallve mr cook remarked i don think you will oet away from this apathy by word young a motion tabled and lost rec ommended that council recom mend tu the elected council in wol that consideration be given to the reorganization of the town ward sysiam of electing councils if the deem it n tides tularin vat nusic tn has eltc ry contained in the mutton was the suggestion that all motion with reference to this matter be rescind d mayor tyler aakd council fur a motion to adopt by law dividing the tfitsn into six wards to which councillor cook replied it mid night 1 move r adjourn asked tf there was a seconder for the motion 11 lowe rmddol in as mayor tyler brfnre adjourn men i pointed out it your priv 1 ege lo call for adjmirnmrnl rid mine to call a spec si meetmr council adjourned at mid kht a earth satellites ys mens topic the earth and its satellites wan the subject or a chalk talk givrn at the regular meeting of the y men s cuub in the m c a thur aday november 14 clarence rognvaldson a member of the club gsve an hour long djesrrtption of the new russian moons and an erplanslion of hnw they are put into orbit as well at how and why they remain thi c at thr close of his talk hr oltrx- ad to take any interested par tr on a theoretical trip to the p met and had several takers th matting was further h ph lighted by the ys men p iving host to all those men who gate so willingly of their time and equip ment to repair the swimming area n fairy lake park no leas im portant were anothtr group also present as gueati of j he club hn made pltasiblc the outstanding suc cess of the swimmingteaching programme undertaken tn the ymca and vs mens club last aummer to these men of thr men extend their sincere thanks in jtyr ing with the community in mho ttu appreciation for a nt job well done the business of the mectm deilt with thr coming christina vn bingo and turkey dmw us wt i as the christmas tret s uin j n og ram th resignation of bill d i v from the club was rccrtvrd i i keen regrrt c rognvaldaon advised the club that if any group was intt rested he would gladu nutkt hi t ilk available to uum are you looking for a business 0i your own would you v happier u you ware your o n boas w here- vour efforts to succeed depend solel on vourmir thui opportunity cam b yours today through the operation of a modtrn sunoco aervlce sution situated on cor ner of york and hayva in the lty of ourlph where ou can work aa manv hours as you with reduced rent for approx imately the first year we pveter a man with no know udfe of the aervlce utlonbatr aeae u we a ill train him how to be aucceaafiil and pay him 4bm0 par wek while ha la amitlng the gsaasnaas at our coca eny training nation mirumum wjttl rmjuirad ajrwtlrntaly aw hold ladies night in community church laat wednesday evening the re guur monthly maaung of uu uattad church mania club was held in ttie sunday school room and for this oeeauon it was ladtee night which was well attended gordon oatrander president presided for the business eeaaion followed by rev gab moore leading in prayer mr ostrandr welcomed th la dies to the meeting laen handed the programme partover to gor don harris and ken spnc lev mr moore showed colored slides of saskatchewan arenery where he aerved in the mission field during th summers of ims and itoj mr moor was east of melville and after ordination he wast aura 10 mllee further west and peio- ed different location on a map of canada i mr moor waa for some time assistant to an ordained minister and between them had a si point charge and also ilhtetraled the lonely act dements with sparse po- pulat uns with roads being pmm and often impassible in winter ti raring fie tu strong winds fir- are rapidly slarted and one slide show ed a garage fir id daalujed in an hour some slides shuwrd lakes and hill in southern saskalchi wan following the slides a n contributed mi trsr guitar which he made him self mr ftoaa gordon thsnkrd mr moure and ed watson for their contnbutkn for the rvrning refreahmenla srrc srrd and a social time enjoyed in thanking the mens club mrs ijoyd msraden said it mi a pita sure t be waited on the singing of the national an them brought the meeting u a close tollow ing an illnesa of tumr duration mr thomai llrnry hi passed awwy in u estniinsii r h- pita indn he was a native of ireland and came to canada lor aome time he workrd f u- sim mc 1-4- jin un the seventh n lot fran sva later an mployee al ileardmurr s tannery acton funeral tfk plare thursday with sen ire in st johns church and largely attended hi f ii jones officiating a isrcf number of dors w rnths and bouquets bur silent tnbiiu to the memory of the deceased members of a don igi in w t t present at the funeral honorary pallbearers were mmn s ms mclean dougl nirels james corslorphine a lea scott hamilton leal r rink tav- 1 r fdward thatcher pallbearers were messrs edward maude lloyd marsd iv charles shu his thus gellutlv marshall mclaughlin and georee ridley interment took plan in kock wood cemetery i svmpathy is extended to mrs i frank husk and two sons grant and richard in their bereiement mr kenneth knight third rar student at waterloo college con ducted ser ice at prebylernn i church sundav morn ng mr i knifcht s home is in brussels i fi how ing hallowr en nctiv hies new lights have been put in place along vallc road which i quiti 1 dirk in dull weather mr and mrs rot oung were tn toronto during the weekend maars munro and dalton who hnc been conducting evangelistic services in rxkwood and guelph at 1he y u c k club room guilh hae finishid their litmtm thev arfso held meetings tn a home on glcnwood ai oft seed vale ae west llo communion was observed at st johns church sundaj f rm time for new c n firmer ratepayers fill council chambers to oppose sewage disposal plant cow i tasted from pmqv oar rtaaarlal ttaieua mr brock commented that he had a few friends in one evening one being a member of the town council who in lurh was asked to tell what hr knew of the proposed industrial sewage disposal plant if hut information was not confiden tial quoting the councillor s aat- tement mr brock said for thr lown to enter into- auch a proposi liui at this tune would be f nin- 1 cud suicde chairman brock pointed out at later special meeting of council motion was psserrt to lake no rurther action in this regard but right on the heels of this motion they passed another motion ope 1 rng the door fur further dicutn by reeuenrnend ing a commute be formed lu negotiate the q otion lh ike big business conce i i i continuing the speak r m tt that on friday evening whrn a perial meeting was railed it which council endoravd the sirne- ing of this money was it publicir- ed it was not emphasised the speaker it waa very hush hush tint i the deed was dne he said mr bros k reviewed the fad that lleardmoees had been hi re over 100 years arid canada pack- rrs have been in business almod as ling while this is undoubtedly true lh re is no guarantee ihey will still he in acton in amiihi 20 years staled the sp ak r hon i gel me wrvng noted mi rrock i ant all for encourag nj induslr but we uant the light kind f industry in closing mr brock said art n debt ntures amounted lo jul 7 om m iecetnber 31 104 and the n w jiplial espendittire would bring lo over llonooo in jou think it is 1 me n i m itched a little he askitl prints noting that more informa- t on should be gathered before rar ing around as the whole thing to just an estimate partly hypo thetical and probably the error is hypothetical ic scutl ojjeationed the legal ily of the procedure by cuunc which in his opinion eoniravcned parliamentary procedure when a saturday matrning meettng when the resolution to build the sewage disposal plant had been rejected minted lately another motion led the way for further n with industry and council on the same matter dost hudson entering the debate pouited out that the smell front llearttmore tannery waa to be no longer referred to aa a slink or stench but an odor continu ing he reviewed the n easily at an auditorium for the arhools hgweaf er heaell arth ir ives pointed out that many n itli nt had bet n un ani- ing nt rid of the smell r fiir- ng to tht stench from the tan nn wlicli mveral rrtidi nts fr m ilmlaa sad lui v could inn li le 1 it i th d pmwm to u lo t ivr iht espendiluic of the n w p agi pi ml i it lain ttu s nel the vm ikf i defined mr kit e plained manv low is throukh ml ansda had the vit r probli ni nod tart of it w av doe tn the lack t f quallfictlun in handling the financial admiiittri turn referring to the discrepenf te ln in led out b the chairmin mr ives kaid x rhans they wert mis e l buchner optometsist m acton every wed afternoon offica at 41 mu st e acton hourt t 3w 00 evaningt by appointmant ron appointment txumone its f t ftarr announcing himself a one of 11m ratepayers from th older fart ut tuts n inforwved mr hudson there was an auditorium i the habrrt little school and that the ijk pai tment of ratucalitui had rultd out th pusaibility at thr prrstnt lime of an auditorium for lh high school mr llarr in formed the irevious speaker ihr- s hoal fviksrd was doing a woodir i job mr llarr n iled be wovild likf lo quest on the figures contained i h t he 1 w o reports mibl ished the aclon t ret press heferring to the two report barr gav e a complete breakdown of figures and referred to the ports as being at variance between council and anada packers trnd noted it seemed as though they w re trying to confus the isstit imsii n avnicnt and rcv nuc hrfurini lo the disposal lanl wuc mi llarr gav e figures n la t ng tu thr nisi tf the watn mounting to 200 000 for the prin cipal ribnturi intiiest rates al 6 f r 20 viar amount n lo 135 000 urxl niaintenanrc co- f tlukkm producing a i tal tanouu lr slhtwetl a year r vi nm from the wjtcr of 23 4uu on the m im plant cost wu six ikir rxp a ned figures of tht nnr pal al 300000 with mtrrest rale 1 i be le000 and a itw nti nxnrt eost of 100000 bring ng the total cost t ia 000 in a brkd iwnw of figures he showed a yearly revenue to the own on sewage of 111 tvs with total yearly cost of s3l00o 1 av ing a deficit of ftflla in a recap of figure mr barr explained a total loas over the 20 year period to be 213 too on the sewage plant and a watt r prof over the period of v3 000 indicat ing a total net loss of 131 too plus engineers fees and extras mr barr staled the interest rat might vary if handled through the ontario water kesourees t ornm t ijon in reference to the m 000 water project already approved by the ontario municipal board mr ban pointed out thr pipes had alreadv been stockpiled along churchill road and lo his knowledge ihert had been no- report on the analy tu of the water at the new water supply site the cost of providing srwage treatment f m- imluttitii is aw av oul of pcotsnit 111 lit willi w jl afford we can affoid 1 soppl them with wjtn but not k dsposl ul thi plt it ij1 m l iged ii u f mm ki i katepayers tewv b hit iiij itt llu uation phone 128 acton and si subf of thi sect sanitone phone 2q adon set mii uul an juutim hml i fornved balwiin tor notorial and thr hsmber f t gel tht ir vtt wv 1 1 c sm lh sunn ttt who will d live iht n are tht tmrnrr vhv thev tar contartrd ii g the s 1 p and ak th to make c nlributon dun llmtson tht want tht- taapavtr to foot tht bill why ask the farmt r to m he iias tto nun to offer than u w hv it t rt rommi ml an ovtr lin otirilti sjalt of detienlurt t und set w hit iht sale derives mm n t ml uuli shiul in i al fij w ii r r rmint ili 81 goodwill used cars b broek 1 want to th mayor and stated i waa willing to bat a weak wage that not more than is anale citizens of the town artoa would be employed in pm plant on a full time scale mr ives stressed at this point that there were only two laauea to be concerned about the typo of industry and how much mora v the sewage plant would com which in his opinion waa the it portant issue we have no choice about industry he staled as we will get other industries when of ficial feel ttte labor unrest hai been leastrned this sort of thing could deter utiter industries fr mo coming here heferring to the federal plan to pro tdc 1 1 dust ry across canada mr ives staled don t panic and think tr wont get industry we will in time al present the isaut is the legality f passing such a motion without the inureat of un people stated the speaker h n brown rising tu the excite ment of the meeting noted that lie undrrsuod the attitude of the pro pie but there was an election com ing up end ciliiens should get out rtd eleet a cine hat will repr m nt aeton mud i- vain imiifttfrd a mot ip havi hit ratpaers of aclon n lituti a m lion in mkxjiwin tu pollock and campbell manufacturers of high gradf memorials mfmocial cncoavlrg 63 waa v mart oa1t rcltmovi twu the inttallatlon of an industrial j sewage plant ii low queried the motion wd said he would rather see the mo tlon read ratepayers are in op position to canada backers eatab lishing a poultry processing jilant and a letter be drafted up and sent along to the municipal board w ilh all details enclosed the councillor speaking on n quest only as a ratepayer rt ft r- ftd lathe aeries of miprow r steta resulting in the resoluttn favoring tht instalution uf tht swagi plant lit suurd no uuluylf should bf allowed to bollduj tl way into twn wt are in a pt 1 on to mi k and rhsm und dun air rrlany betur th ttgs titan j l chicken prtveing puul r barr rose aiktl objected lu tht term bulldozing i suggeslitmta were m de to pre j liare a slalt of tiunnnnt for lh- euming imnninatoti night but i i karr obiactad to the batepaver association darkling in pouliea and suggested they might do a bet- lee- by hot being aaaorfatej with it it waa agreed to wait until after nomination n ght and call a meet- tug to discuss aims and views with the nominee h s holden optomittut iyes examined glasses eitied 7 daulm it otwuht mtaa tawr 37 1 so the experience and skill of oor craftsmen actually save you dollars on print- ed matter their speetj and flawless printing techniques reduce our cosh so they reduce our price also see usl the acton our wonderful world of f jn r opens on saturday november 23 we invite you to come see our wonderland of grand toys and games for boys and girls of all ages the pick of the pack a bigger and better than ever selection at root hardware toyliiiiff rockwood franklin prouse motors ltd all priee redered far sjatek salr no reasontth of r fumd ftootdwil1 umd cars ar alu tttrktd in 1 tiirlid t eral m ti r i i t r hoick all ud ca an h n mril tlttk rd lir sat 1 j mi r n i u t it condilii ntd tht a ilw i kuarantied and i hn klin ir i motors vou recti it i ttt n ui rant on each iimhi t ir 11a2 iii k k t i n d in di k k rittit li m rlati in olils 1m iontiac crh r rlu insidr and out mtchai u tilv sound i icr in color itict stiwsnti rstt dodce r car in kihi 4ul tr cd to rll 10s0 vowitni nttrh rt c ilh c txi a i u ti c lfn stt inhakrh s d color clt ti and i hk alh ctwap tatuix rtjt 11 dodgf c arh nn tor sound ihm ok price ims plmolth sjm sd tutnins turquo uul sport torn equioptkl lib ftttt autorruilic trnsm i rdat st t in iv jnd 1 ivics onl ijj51 chev sdn lifcht b just orhaulrd on ibm ivtfrnational n ck up truck rui p ct net it n jm n 1 coral aind black ltiw milrage fitt franklin prouse motors ltd acton and oaatgatfttma cxdutiva pontuc boiclc gmcdwur- you cant bsat prouse for price i acton ont phone 16 turkeysh00t sponsored by rot er y club of georgetown saturday november 23rd at i m pm in dslrsx tndutrial subdivision georgetown nrflh u mlkhwav nn 7 crorki i mil mii tl 4 llbrr kvu u aanallha haa4la it tmsr hk iim- ummm hll mt ultmm mt 12 ar ammmmlumm haaalla irimilllllt booth notice to all ratepayers of acton public meeting the local wennirse ftaartf kaa rew es mi twaejeaad zalf0 by4aw for the toarn of acton and hav uhodulod a public mee at th loftion hall tuotday november 26th 1957 it i 00 p m to thai you can discus the anafftor with thorn all quetltom will bo answered at this maetinq coptoa of the bylaw ant being mailed to each ratepayer further copies are available at tho town office j mcocachif sorotarytroauror manning board houn wod ioli30 frl 130900 orhas dytt miuoov ij11111-

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