Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1957, p. 11

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uusmjasbjmmks hear annual report on activities receive 9200 for county work ft h list imhi mum uillon tljola vlmchainuk il r licit th acton prf few thurtday november 36rh 1057 tae annual vtmtiaf oc tht hal- ton catmijr advisory board of th canadian national iruthut for th blind ww beta in th hilton ofllm of th emirsnas o t tltompaon rafnu th inembers were ad- vtasd out a eonrlvu financial afcowutc eaipu nd sbmfcdlluroa for the jraar woukj b prmohtod at the tortac mji- imt- th tvaaurer aubmlttad an interim report aftowlaj direct dts- buraemenu of mlm to assist the blind in halton count in hi rvporl wesley stanley rtetd srtarv nolad that there war rlsurd blind in the county ranging in at froth thre to h years he pointed out thai the cnib was analoua to estend their services to the persons but could do o only with the help of the board and other intern ted part wa the annual campaign thanks to the members of the i o li k in aetaft qeorcatown and if it ion was quit surcaasrul he said conlrib- utlona were acton ttoxto george town ms30 uillon 1j0i these tvgthr with a grant of tsdo from the county an allotment of tamo from the oakvulatra falfar brant good neighbors xund and the proceeds from the burlington campaign now in pro- ges proytd the revenue for the care of our leas fortunate cttlsen recerpu from the sale of blind cft products at the milton and georgetown fall fain were flmae and hoi 11 rsapscllvely there has been good response in connection with the eye bank only a small percentage of the uk blind in canada ran benent from the transplanting of corneaa but lu those who ran it means rstaratm of sight or greatly im proved vtsion the resignation of mrs m m flush and s c fcsrmsn wrrr ar cepted and in following new members elected to the board lira harold hlcnadaon john k isard and sandy best u p officers reelected were chair man q f thompson llil tun f rst vies chairman r- it lirjta georgetown sscond vice chair man h g mcklllop oakvill third vicechairman h j tier burlington aavrvtary o h ilid- didu milton treasurer h w kel mm milton active members acton mrs a r long mrs 8 matthew mrs c c franklin burlington mr w rraaer mrs ii richardson c o lucas h j tier georgetown mrs p leslie mrs j f amis r ucau j r runham milton ms m b gowland mlas ii tremayne k y dick ii w kelson g t thompaoit a h riddolls oak vill mrs jam bell mrs x davla mrs ii hyrle h ci mrkii- op john t uard himorary members acton mrs w j realty ii it torre burling ton hughes c leaver george liar is georgetown j d krlly w t k miner sandy rest m p oakvllle lady balllle frank pul ten mil ion g b elliott qc s hall mpp or a martin j r wlntelork haltons lome scots new role is home defence col charters the new rol of the lome scots p d and ii regiment in this era of atomic war threat was outlined in its broader aspects on sunday morning by u col s r charters at a conference of the regiment s officers at the brampton armory th fact that nuclear weapons could be launched against canada tomorrow was sufficient reason for th reft men t to live its most en thusiastic support tu rivll defence preparation thee u nu need for contracting the blues and certainly no need for panic declared c 1 charters but there ta a real need to accept the fact that the ml lata must pre pare itself foe set warfare he aald that while military raining would not be neglected a large portion of the future syllab us scheduled far i oft would em body a thorough training in all phases of civil defence rsoedfcaator named he urged the closest cooverst ion a ith civilian defenre groups and rromed the news that toronto township fire chief jack ilraith walte had been appointed peel s civil defence coordinator al ready he and maj e f connve- nave extended the regiments offer of full cooperation in the event l atomic war on the canadian acenr a much grealr degree of militia discipline is in d tested for without such discip line and efficiency a disorganised civilian population would throw the country into complete disordc and choke off vital services rescur search and evacuation would be top prio ily aaaignmenls it was auggested and familiarisat ion with atomic weapons fallout and decontamination arc must for everyone in the regiment al ladle ntgi col charters touched on the theme of civil defence when he was guest speaker last friday night at the first- annual indies night of the se grant mess on lha occasion he e pressed ihe hoc that war would be averted and that the worlds divlomals would vaerclse the greatest wisdom and diplomacy in maintaining peat it is my unofficial opinion how ever as a private riliicn that a liontb could drop hrrt lomor tiw h said col harlrrs gave ihr officers a resume of the recrnl csfrcise whjcfl iii juki hli becund in com mand maj a kemp of uurllnglon rcccnllv hemic 1 at haiteybu y this was ihr first cscrcise involv ing the ntililia in which simulated i atomic bomhmg waa ft itiireil tin lessons iraracd at llattcybory will bi inifkirtrd to udiccr n ami llhrr rank durinj tht coming training rear and a l trt tia al rrad uin mad on thi salient a mcts i t ertain detail of civil d feiirt particularly involv ng lialskn be twee 11 the military and civilian authorities arc in process of rlar ficati hi ihe c o said the natural tendency in time of homr front disaster i family sur viva first it was admitted it was therefore necessary to develop a plan ol operation which would be built on the thrim of savi the nation c ooperation tram ork nd abnvi all disriplint would be needed to avert chaos ol charters said that the civil drfenct ogram w m id also n designrxl to cttpt with peacetime disaster isuch at that created by hurricane llaicli as well a- w i born calamity lillle accidents cause pain distress each year little arrtdenta which seldom make the headline cause injury and distress to hund teda of canadians according to the all canada insurance federation many of thesr accidents occur during the winter and most could lie avoided through care and alien j lion th federation which repn sents more than too anadlan fin casualty and automobile insurance companies make these rmmimrn tfations for wlntrr safety annind the home 1 keep sld walks shovelled ami liar of lc and snow al all tum 2 check ester lor atalrwaya anl efitrances for imae tmiards nalu and olrw i dim ret mir which might cause lujurv 3 i ar urge icicles from eaves tht can runs scriott- injurv when trn v fall 4 main sur that sitow kim vela nardei rakes childtti liv and miliar ha ma art krpl rlt jr of walk a anil nil hldth n undi r a dt ccptivt layer of snow ovt r aamsshli slian anil hoi watt r pit which niijthl c now liurt t iht uiiwsry fl keep rhihlrt n awav funii pot t stilt hesterb stoves ami fin placa complete meetings vote on issue soon eleven metlngs havs baan lurid in zramosssscnaols in us past two month giving the ratpyrs in th township a chance to hear the two proposals offered by the present school board generally th attendance has been good but more have come out in the schools below no u high way thr largest percentage of 1 poputatlon being centred fr m iot 12 down it has been torcrt d that 7s per cent nf the ratepayer are in this lower pari of framnsi township at each of ihe meetings board members headed by chsnrman duncan mrchedran have address ed the audiences following this when the eiplanatlona were made the ratepayers were invited to ask quest ions concerning central ira lion probably every question that ran purile a lasprayers has been asked during these meetings they range from can the townsrtr of frn mosa stand the issuing of deben tures can the buses if the sec ond proposal is used be operated i for 72 cents a mile c imta of repairing tht esmling i nine old schools have tie n diaruit ed showing it to be an rspenuvr undertaking fven more expensive la the building of m new school and the addition of iihhiii it three esut ing schoi u ttu bourd members m int otit howt vet that when the debet fare kerlod is ended fra moss tuwnahlp will have good schools bill if the old ones are re paired they may nerd si ill more fining c ante roll ush frels that the mo dent trend is toward rnlrsllsa lion and whether w as ratepuy era like it or not we will havt to conform ttc population is air ad ily rising and then must im ac commimlalitmi toe the rhihlrt u tht rrramoau s hool htmrd de serve much credit for ihe great amount t f work don to present ihe two proposal to the nilr mi ihe township wht liter uicy chose to repair ihe old buildings some of which are rl e to one hiindr 1 yeiim old oi li try and havt ct n tralidlion thty hivt m w tat hnt iht twi prommili ma of ft ret i in u j iht v could undirslanil oi thing the meeting tut di ne is to air the views of miny and clarify inunv misiintleral tod ait list torn ltatetayera have vu t etl scttoou nit in their iwn li ti i k i kinu advantage of iht op oi timty i tit ji tht ml as ol other councillor approves plon for building promotion gxanavtowh approval in prtnrjput of the plan of north ilalton builders association o promote industrial and commercial building though formation of a stock company was given by coun cil last week council however gave no com mitment that it would consider rt leasing more land in the txirex area fur house building without further study of the plan proposed by the builders group while a unanimous vote record ed the approval at least three council men be s spifke their oakville okays lane indicator oakvii i r in a move rt lieve the congestion of traffir ovi i the si lit n mil llrulat n 1 burnt hi oakville louncil last week authorised the erection f el rrtrtrally cttnt oiled lane ndl at j ora nvri tht bridge i from to 7 jo p m tht if al or will dralgnate westbound tin ily in the centre and north lanes the remainder of the time he cenlr- and south lane will be desltigatrd rastboond only th installali tu which will i rnailr m al yt or will im basetl on nr n i ineimtall m made by ihe oakvill i kiitiaidiary planning hoard twi i weeks ag at that time traffic 1 comiillant w f fwens et rtetf j ntore than 1 100 vehicles rross thr j bridge in an hour ttf peak truffle doubts about land releases at the present time reev allen gatd there war several questions he would llk snswered before agreeing to any inch proposal cr fred harrison sakl h was not in a position to either support i r tu n down the proposition with out further information a limitat view was expressed by cr alfred sykes who ssld that h did not agree with the mechanics of the proposal but thai he is wilt ing to negotiat with the builders to see what can ba arrived at sssssssssssssssssxssxaassss i salted sand to stop skids brampton motorists who find themselves skidding on patch i a of ic or slush on hills in town this winter will hav th use of quantities of sailed aand placed in handy spots on the boulevards works commissioner george nantel aaid that 44 gallon drums filled with aand will b placed on all treacherous hills la town tor th convenience of ifmtortsts tfc 1 drums will be painted rod and ar designed for emergency use i i farmer fata1jty stiwiac kl ns i frank w right 74 yearold farmer found l- ad in his stable by a neighbor i was belltvrd to have been kicked ir trampletl by a horat while clean inn iht slahlt wlfw at ack wtnhtpsto cpi university of manitoba importod iso gsmbusu finis froaa cluesgw to ba brad in- doora this wintor aad tf out iurt aprlng thy ar a type of minnow wwlch faads on mosquito larva jj hqll awaim bhuuutookb qua cp- lusrmal schools in b dlev easv hav racalvad tcssalajatslpa from in 6t jaan bsptast society th school prlnrtpau will dlatrlbuta th funds to deserving students christmas trees any siiw from 4 to 12 or fie r rarly lo he sure of a good selection delivered j anywhere phone ul 69835 lamf day utvici sami day urvicf sami day farm forum reviews ch j ijimbton cninty said we do not farm credit subiect t v rf 1 satisfactorv short term credit loc ontario fam forums discussed a dp artf tot hlh farm credit on november 11 thai credit unions could provid and reviewed faim credit from more of the short term credit when discussing government red it granted when farming ope alon birtervtsrd by local lending agenc m er ent of ihe forums nd man were in favor of a plan milar to that of th veterans land act wolfe island no 1 fnum in krontenac said we feel that sup- 11 vised credit is very satisfactory 1 r voung tarmrrs starting out we points wftsi was the min imum needed to farm what per centage should be obtainable in the form of credit would local daalrr government credit subject to sup ervision of the farming operation by the lending agrnc serve a use ful purpose the forums said between 30000 and tu000 was needed to sta laminr in most aea of on tan but pointed out the amount wotild vcl that an experienced farme if ar according to sist of farm ail he has th abikty should have leas legation farmers should be abk mpcrision and more frcdon to to obtain from 90 1 1 go per cent jf pactin his own farming ideas the total value of their farm in i credit was the opinion of many 1olift parking tickeu wen first forums i issued in toronto in hw7 t- j w wolfe 8 years on public school board 4 years as chairman i in common with fellow trustee am proud of trie development end growth of our acton public school lyshrm over these years a em prepared end will be pleased to continue to give my time end earnest efforts to the ob cf main taming a public school system of highest education al standards for the future citizens of this growing town your vote and influence will be appreciated for public school board vote j w wolfe h o sudden service g in by 1000 am out by 500 pm i custom cleaners o phone 272 acton ont 5 same day service same day service same day why buy retread tires when you can buy brand new road hazard guaranteed 60016 for 1395 60015 for 1495 if rthsnvnn iquauty i h tires mufflers miced out of this world i i aee vftesss veoayi grant motors queen st motorcade dealer acton phone is manning electric by rca victor true rioset krpormance 14- rortasle tv i4s707 00 aaanning electric s4 mia st acton fmoni mo at mildred bells ladies and childrens wear mill si acras from tits y acton on new royal cleaners sptciallits in quality dry cleaning km pickup and delivery service see ej eoesst at jackson rockwoo0 ut 4m7 mhs k roueu acton sll ivu crvrt acton si msx it vote john greer for deputy reeve your voting influence is respectively solicited between you and me and my bank t rey mmnmrr adorn ftrmmrh itmmk nf montr fvrti for e hsmkrr rsrnree kf prellt raid ihlnrs by thetnarls i klta fiml jhsi you have to look bryosifl i hem ttrtarr ymi rmn kel a insr plrturr nt what lhy really rrpre of wkal liwy sssrav in lerms ey peitplr lllvr you aad rar assil our rniusvours take my banks annual reinim fr im for instance ttie twoand a half hi limn dollars slionn m dekit la quite n impreasive ftfurr hul taliali lelitnd li what doaa ll repreent t the ejsaisr asnounu to ihlsi it tvprrarnlb ike inamtj you kavr aevswl ihrounh your own industry and thrift money which wr u to finance rnlfr prlere ut rery alar and deerhptlon to kelp fartnera ftaki i ws w lwislneamen so reit eepera rkoela ekarrkee end indualrlea lo prosper and in ikort it it yow money tliats lirlpini ihiim a et roarer more prosperous canada rtrrv dollar you aave at my bank play en important role in lite story a ear eeantryi end our communitys eeowth ita role all of as ran be proud of you and i vend my bank y 11m b of ma 140th anniversary rrpon rovere the wlowprsad operation at canadas senior ftnaa- rlal esuslltolsoai for the year ended srtober sim 1957 from lit wealth of facta and nrure lte plrked oat three of the moat sifjiificanl feature of tka baavka aanual alory they are the lifeblood o caweova eeoaomy mm ld ruianuanev ew vne a ar m e i4mi aniual4pif hwm mmm 1j5ij1 wll kail ml klk u ik parmaal unau ll tw r iji u w dvmh4 hf kvaiitvm ftnn iimtitmimm tmj billlbmtl tw wjk tku h m ktrd l warfc ia tka lhh p i ii allien iauh al lt7m47 aataklbk a ar rrw tw b af ta uaju la caaada iw kitwal la iu kimaty ara wlaiap rtiy fc iw raaaajaa aiaaaaiy la araaprr larpr aa4 maall twy ka kaaa auaa la k aa4 ladamrial aalaranara all aiaal la fanaavs ii ailajaa aiiaara law tmt i la rniaaaa af vaary ralliag la praviartal aaj alflpal aavarajaau aj arkaal aialfirta ittvastiasntf la upkataaa aaraaam kuula aauwalrd la wjiuo tvi amarr wlpxl u taaafv mum uaaanaal aavenuaaat araiartt araijtaail far naoaatl kaaral hkrr waajriitaakamkrawbaak xkirk iarlaav alamlrml 111 altkaaalill vvatmarai ladaalruj iaaaas kraafkl lalsl nit baaulaw71tjm ikrr ir t bank of montreai gtmutk flint w sou thau ttt maxchfl aci0ii canada ajartlaf film cmmjlmmilirr a tiffilmrfbi-

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