Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1957, p. 6

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tfw aden piwm thumday novhur 3mt 1m7 mmmliiw r p i 1 t 1 1 mctio poi council by acclamation for the townthip of natiagawaya ara itft to right df b d yoong a padbury and a sarvk nominationi wra held in th brookvillo hall monday aftarnoon with 28 ratapayan preiant all potiliont ware filled by acclamation from parliament hill best reports from ottawa on of th most interesting pccu of the rcnt week wu srtrip to ocuwe by gsnersl lauls njr- slsd commander of iht north al untie tresty organisation t rces in europe thi iwo dsy vm in been rrporlrd consldersbly n ihr press and well it might fo thr discussion and fact which he tjld tu are of concern to alt he ad dressed a joint meeting of the commons and senate on thursday morning november 14 on of the mat ten of moat inter val to ua and particularly in halton county conce ned his remarks on manned aircraft he slated that he felt they would be necessary for some time to coma the controver sy al present twirling around mis ties vvrtui more conventional mil lury defence weapons depend greatly on technical knowledge and the opinion of general noretad w th hla known influrnre and ab lllty must carry considerable wsegtll there is a variety of evidence to indicate that the russians them selves public announcements to the contra y believe in this drcis ion of balancing more conventional military methods with long range weapona of the future their im mensr aubmarlne fleet growing all the time would seem to indicate some dependence on more rfritnc ed types of agg emsion and econ omic control although thev mlh also be used for the launching of various types of new missiles some reconciliation of these var ious ideas mint be inevitable one of the great dangers in placing all emphasis cither by csnads or uie west in general upon modi rn missiles and other electronic devic es i the possibility that c might not be able to handle smaller acts of local aggrrsnon this could u id through lack of control lo an all- out global war in some w ty c must be prepared both for local or j small acts of aggression be able to desl with them in rapid and ef ficient minnr- and as well fare the defence of uili continent with the many new and estraordmary methods which sre gaining trem- endousy each day much of the decision on just here this bslancv must lie is of course financial since the cost of all types of pro grams are very heavy tve hund reds of air bases of nato scatter ed from the northern tip of n i- way in a huge arc into turkey and in a very considerable depth to gether wito our own system tf de fence here in no ih america make it highly unlikely that any simul taneous surprise attack could completely undermine our de fences or our retaliatory powers a number of members made an in tt resting visit a few days sgo to cmhc thr central mortgage and housing corporation th j body criticized and admired tt various lime fulfills an interest ing function in the rehabllft n of older and rundown areas of cil- ics ndtimm srross cansils up on application by a municipal a on through a provincial govc n mrnt the corporation cons id method to tear down in son e cases and then r build wh it might be termed slum areas of our cities two major projects sre either under way or near completion at the moment the regent park de velopment in toronto and one of approximately equal sue on st catherine st in montreal focused ones attention to the greatest de gree each are capable of housing approximately 750 families they are designed in contra to the twisted area of old houses on the site previously to give air and freedom places for children to plnv ears to park and a much more harmonious orderly and tu an home existence vocational guidance topic at home and school meeting len pee- teacher at the guclph and success cn emphasized rjv collegiate rpoke to the home and thv speaker school association on mondsv in h s ddnm to iu wn nl m november 18 at the robert lntli ivcr idviicd not to rug or ronipvc school auditorium his topic w the chid w nh other chiktri n an vocational guidance eteccially to keep children s di stressing guidance mr peer told cushions in contid nee these projects va y ronsldrraby in s le and in some cities and low ns they have been undertaken for as small s group as 12 fsm ly units their method of financing varies as well with the fed ral gi vernment paving 73 per cent of the cost generally snd the irn n dr being divided between ihe municipality snd the province in question the housing itself usu illv features tall apartment buildings as well as low one or two st ey motellike structures the tatter are generally for families with young child en it seems the russian embassy in ottawa la always busy each day perhaps twice a day at limes colored newsletters arrive on a members desk with va ious and varied topics of communist infor mation and propaganda titles of articles snjre from the sennlific importance of arlificisl iwth satellites to a new palace i for juvenile nature lovers on thi outskirts of kiev a recent public j ation ussr illutrted news his numerous desc ntive arliclei including the ussr stnvrs for peace snd friendly co ope ration work is a joy bj a foreman of a heel plant ispp collective 1 arm life by a preiumably happy col icctive farmer and many olhcs the profusion of information or vrrbage that is turned out la quite amazing the most recent being the fortieth anniversary of the g eat october rev lutum bv the propoganda and agitation ix part mrnt of the central committee f the communist parlv obv lously this is all preltv ridiculous but it goes to show thnt uith all he m om of pn p igindi pr duced thin have been some tuts and some nbilitv thev cm at least olnt to the sputniks for that eden crest wi plan activities the audience that parents s totild hep their children to learn to face problems ind pendentlv p ir ents have failed often tnoiiki li anticipate dangers and should stress these factors to the r ill d en although it will nor st ip h child ntirt fioni making nm ak- e it will correct man fault j the speaker pointed out th fact thai parents try to kee p with their children and this t to make them tr to hang on u child when the child should he more on hi own mr iver slnssvd the danj r ii handing out privileges so f t that they tend to become rifchlk the child should assume respons ibility as soon us he receives his first allowance or wage and lern how to handle the allowance be fore rethmv irtg nmr the need of stiuntv belonging in groups along with uvhievenunt there arc 14100 v test ions in citnada 1 choose fom staid mr peer and punted out that ln vi sitv st mdards are being raise 1 the lime ihe spxaker was intnxlund w barrett and thanked b h smith providing the addrcs a general diseussion took place rikild ng means of rajing monrv with iul- the no v t mbcr meeting hdrn cre t v tin n s lnt t held al th e home of mix eden mi with t ie lli j ret to s ne h et ss s th r 11 e- 11 11 vs 1 in mh m mv h inn w mill h 10 mem ir d- tu i ve nine i nl i i ttilislx md in d m in talmas aclivitu s it led thut the lnt tute sh uild k pt a child in one f the un- i pnv ih ixt i imt t in rft r kis the he vp m roup tr rr n d v the cin dian s v the c u d- a orgmifiti n and t nnnie bt nifcht fun fal and a plav it ww of r r riev clim dextded to send a qiuslionnairt f h nrviin of txitunu home with ihe children for oar- ll 1 i dt d nd sections of a talent th night thatrc par ents to ute on vetluntetrs vur reeiucstevl ror sewing costumes f r the opeiefla and anyone wishing to ofrr the r rlces was asked to tonta mrs w uolfe mrs j rcd and mrs a g mbk showed avmm on shv in was so vetl at the ctoe meeting 110 to the cuilph tut dimrut asmkiati n r ititadm children plans win al i ni ide to pmv de chrtstm ts kifu needy ch idren n the district it was 1mi ratifving to lurn that the chit in ii of the loci otltuait mrs jennie meyers buried in lakeview mrs jennie mvrtle meyers of hi stuart aife kalamazoo mich igan passed away on sunday nov ember 17 1157 ms meyers who has lived in the united sutov since i u tn hid in m m su i ltu let ng p nnii s f r i hallow n th mce t ng eoscd luious lunch cesvful c 1 inul or her marriage was the late mr and y oim she la survived henrv t ueyers tort tlalne tmrs and audrey on all of xalamatoo utera margaret of toronto the funeral was held from the burnley funeral hotue in acton on november 30 tatertneot war in talrvitw cemetery daughter of mrs daniel h by her husband and two daugh h k williams grandson daniel mien- and iwo and jaattt young travel permits are now required wore entering provincial erood ubd h fending it thedrord mines que cpt municipal auditetr alfred duquet k ported a budget deficit of fcmc7 for ibm ri venue exceeded the estimate b jllwfih he told coun cil but expenditures were sk30c2 higher than furteat esyj keys hinlons 5c1 sfore madi you whu wait bowl bowl for maauii r bawl far hmmi open bowling saturdays acton bowling lanes mmmsstv hthyulnw urges lome scots officers closer civil defense liaison the clq plh fflflpalln i and llasion with civilian clvtl de fence authorities was urged by brigafeier michael s dunn area commander central ontario area when he addressed the annual off leers mess dinner of the irne scots pdli kegt at bramp on armoury last friday evening steeped in tradition such as th piping in and addressing of the haggis the enjoyable bartejuet seemed to bridge the historic past with the challenging future the hearty applause givtm brig dunns add ess seeriyd tu confirm the fact that a new comepl of war would find the iurne seols ready willing and able itrigadie dunn former t o n- wall high sehini principal who won the oiu- for his heroic at lions at dieppe stressed that civil de fence was not a new role for the lome scots and the aimy gt n atl but rwtht r an extension of their other responsibilities the brigadier wu introduced by major art kemp of burlington 2 it of the regiment and thanked by 1 t col s it charters the co another guest speaker touching n the ri gum nt s civil de fence assignments was col j arms west- head chief staff officer of ifl mil itia group col uesthead inlod out that guarding and prolit ting ihe hearth and home were not new roles for volunteer militia units and rr- m nded his audiice nf the indian fighting and road building efforts of pioneverday militiamen dedicate new organ for arlcell church a special service was held in arvtll united church em bunday evening when the dedication of a new thompson klectrunic organ took place the hrv i nest k luskler supervising pastor of the ebeneser charge of which arkell church is a part officiated at the dedication service asslsted by the minisur kenneth griffiths follow ing the dedication mos ge rne stncenk played an orga i solo communum giving the con- gngstion their first oppo tunity to hear the lovelx instrument ln his sermon mr hasklcr com pared ihe etngregatlon in arkell lo the people in the time of n h- memiah who had made great sacri fice s to build a place of worship pi ople do not mind sacrifice he said if it ii a labour of love p vent in the congregation were several former o ganlsta that in eluded mrs s hume mlsg u cook and miss flla tolton the first organist was mrs ii fletcher n w deceised miss i docker and m rs k snow also play ed her mrs s hume remembered a mclo- deon given by george norlah many years ago acton bank manager issues annual report the highest paidup capital figure in canadian banking history la the outstanding feature of the 104th annual financial report of the bank of montreal which shew desoalta loans and total resources at record levels the report covering the jear e iidd october j was released here this seek w g dovc manager of the acton branch m of m capital which sluejd at tso million has risen u i3 ehflam as a rtsull uf rcnt of fr ring of iirw stew k this figure will lucre- as u s million wben the stock issue is roiii lele ttigt- iher w llh a rest at count f lla million siiare- huldrrs fluids lite luding undivided profits will accordingly rle to 9174 113034 total drposits have increased by 43 million lo a imw high figure uf 3 632 million hesource climbed k3 million to m record fjbm mil hmi pollock and campbell unufacturrr of high grade memofilals memorial engraving 2 watar tl north 0a1t rrijcrnoni ml phone 128 acton and u suu of tmi sttf h c i v t i v a sanitone r v i haa htkvp anat il phone 2o ac h s holden optomftrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 deuglaa st guelph phona taylar 37 1 so when t seconds v count insurana coverage counts be nuro be ready be fully covered with the wnwnncsii full- protection plan it will pay you to get the facta juat call your friendly omar h parker rkoaad lulr 44u everton ontaiio citizens of acton greetings di r nrj my 8 year ai i mcmlcr of the acton publ c school board tvo ycdr av chairman our school has grown from a 10 lo 26 tcachor unit whifh ncccjutaied two new schools i have again been nominated and hereby pledge faithful servictrrt you relett t e watson to the electors ofacton having ib consecutive years of munap experience in agoq i frtrl well qualified to again wrve theji if payers oflhis community jn the capacity of public utilities commissioner vote for frank g 0akes on elscrlen day monday dsc 2nd aolar ralw erlacun nar u tt a iga swettenco orange juice ao us tins 2 for 25c voiik liter stew- 23c catsup j i ot bottlre 2 for 35c 45 ki si 9ft new crop i caurorwia sunk1st navel oranges him lpli i i rl mi oi f hur iuiki for a hheaktast rt lllmcit nxjriim maicm srrnuss grapefruit 10 for 49c so easy to kat anytim anyuiimo natuiirs 7iiiiii skin hiuit nhiia tangerines i tloz 33c most poiulah saiad vktaiiij i s lettuce 2 for 29e add sparklr u vwn n t f ri m isysdford msrti j j j j j cello carrots 23c wmi rirt isa mivi a mi km- bonus buck food features i frtictivi nov jl 39 30 dic 7 3 with hike um bon un hilt kn iga chimoltr cindltt buds or wafers alka seltzer 37c iirgp biir 68c taa rlnu wllk mm ui uo bark kd ft roll iga waxed paper 31c aylnvsr chuicr itrd piltrd 15 oi tn cherries 22c fancy crrsm stylr i at tin corn stokleys 2 for 33c wilh isk ni tim iga beans 2 for 29c iga tall tim evaporated milk 3 for 43c avrrr isl pure pork tea bags 79c c ro white sugar 56e wuh fr j2 so bo buct rrkular hi k tln ajax cleanser 2 for 29c quaker lirui sir instant oats 41c iga rrcular i lb ikt margarine 28c mtw meats chicken cuts for frying chicken legs or breasts lb 63c ideal for baking or fry nig pork tenderloin lb 89c tablenle sliced 6 o pkg cooked ham 45c with free 2 50 boiui ducks tablento small link frozen foods oij south orange juice 6 7s1 save 39c on westinohousf bulbs w 4 49 rpirkswr t pkk strawberries 39c umi mn rm bom h iuiih- 11 iii unit 10c utr 2 m jr cixhn1 n ii n1 i v i chr snbrn 0c rr 3 o jr facial soap 4 brt 37e instant coffee 47c 124 n u u s iv on jr fab 34c canittul chocnuir 1 niun 0 oi ilcc f monarch puddings 25c vel 35c another first for ledgers iga prize winning beef purchased at the royal winter fair i lean roiled pot roast beef 29 itsllad plato hi there ledgers iga have invited me to visit you again this year im due to arrive on wednes day december 4th at 4 pm landing in acton park by helicopter i watch for ledgers iga handbill next week f for map of santas route of the town ending at the high school ledger s iga y rrva

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