Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1957, p. 10

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stye artmi 9ttt stoat tit assly founded in 1i7s and published every thurs day at m uiii rt k acton ont urnibrr of the audit bureau of circulation the cw na fcnd thr onuriqubrc division of the c w n a advertising rata on ivguaau sob- dipt ions payable in advance 100 in canada m 00 in the united stales u months 91 75 s4ngl- ropier 7e authorised a second cu icail ioi office dfpartmrnl ottawa pvulakrd toy taw vmua prtnllitg aad paauauauj c uaahad c a dill editorinchief david it dill production manager i jamil a dills managing editor bunim and editorial office ih 600 arun thursday dccembfr 5th 1957 the peoples choice acton 1 electors have choien their mun icipal representatives for 1958 there are a number of change in the i95fl council with the public ulilitiet com muttoneri and public school trustee remain m0 unfhariqwd wattef ceofc will iuum the petition of mayor with w wilon becoming reeve and jack greer deputy reeve two of thi year councillor have beep returned with a former mayor two former councillor and one newcomer elected to municipal life the interet and action of this election have been good and no doubt welcome on the pert of those who seek positions tnce election by acclamation never seem quite litre election by popular vote with ballot to count return were not completed until af tev midnight the interest in the voting wit reflected m a 6 per cent vote a 62 per cent vote is still no credit to the oli jam who place o hill value r itt mark ing cf ballots a in any election there must be loser and this is one of the unfortunate orcum ttance many good ciliens some with past experience and a deep interest in the welfare of the town offered their ervices to the rate payer the renewed interest in acton s ad ministration as evidenced by the number who allowed their name to srand for election it a good sign any community strength lirs in the number of interested ciliens it ha it s our hojie that the interest of its citiz ens will continue and be increased that acton and acton s administration may be one of ontario best our congratulations to the winner our best wishes to the losers on to 1958 keynote cooperation santa t arrival on wednesday of this we certainly attracted considerable interest he wa viii ted in hi temporary high school quarter by a good many youngsters 10 whom the cheery smile meant to rfiuch we can t help but commend jim ledger and hi staff for their work plan and effort in providing acton with a note of the festive season through santa s visit it provide the nucleus of an idee that with the coo tion of every merchant could be the beginning of an annual chnst ma parade and event that would make acton noted for it attraction the idea isn t new indeed it ha been carried on in neighboring towns for year but with some new twitts and the co opera- ion of the entire business section industry and service clubs the event could make ac ton a a community and acton as a shopping centre more familiar to those at home and m the district the keynote 1 cooperation another welcome btt of evidence that the festive season is approaching 1 the color ed light decorations the chamber of com merce and the cooperating groups are to be commended for this activity a plan for the future zoning by law in most municipalities are contentious pieces of legislation apparently not so in acton a public meeting called for last week by the planning board was to have given some indication of those parts of the bylaw with which the public f6und particular disfavor attendance at the meeting if it was in dicative of the interest in thebylaw certain ly uncovered no significant protests copies of the proposed bylaw mailed to citizens no doubt frightened some from its reading by the length of the text tfnd the tegalphrateofogy in simple terms though the bylaw has far reaching arms that estab lish the position- on a lot in which you may build a house or garage the size ef a house you must build the kind of sign you may rect in the business section and innumerable other points no bylaw is perfect and the planning lhasiprhouronthnvlwandunw derttandlng of the sections of the bylaw it has not been finally approved yet since that approval comet only from the ontario mun icipal board after public hearing amend ments to bylaw are possible but utuajly in volve a lot of red tape those who have not yet read the propos ed zoning bylaw for acton are urged to do so in thew own interest and the interest of the town jt is a plan fox the future to protect the value of existing properties and raise the standards cf the town no greater work therell be no greater work than that de signed to save live prevent injury and re duce damage to property claim prime minister diefenbaker in expressing hi sup port of canada national safe driving week the prime minister call on every canadian citien to regard tha work a his personal e sponsibilily 1 it fiat become common knowledge that the motor ill and the pedestrian by hi own action by doing what he know is right by doing them so often that they lxome normal reaction can wipe traffic accidents from the highway of the nation everyone know this but because every one it human they mult te reminded of it again and egem the peril of carelessness thoughtless nets deliberate chance taking and false pride ln our roads and streets are being pinpointed o we will noi even tor a oay take thr risks they entail in abstaining for a week may we aii see tor ouf selves the nonsense of lui h driving and walking and abstain for the yiirs to come since traffic 1 rated only txlow cancer and heart disease a a killer of canadians every action that might reduce this hazard to our national life and economy must be strongly encouraged mr dfenbak r sud dimes worth of hope 4 canada s share of the cost of keeping up the united nations works out at about 10 cents per person point out the financial post which comments tt s true that canada like the other 81 member doe not always get precisely the results she would like to have from her support of the un nevertheless it s most unlikely that canada woutd get better result from any other form of international activity as a small nation with great friends canada can operate more effectively in a un letting than she could in a nonorgamzed world what we buy with our aement is not a guarantee of peace and prosperity on term favorable to u we buy a dime s worth of opportunity or perhaps a dime s worth of hope any way you look at it it a bargain eight new stamps with an abundance of designation for the week and months of thp year it now np pear the post office is getting caught in the race for publicity and to keep up is this year issuing eight new stamps actually though the stamps to be issuryi ere to mark milestones in the hixtory of the country while the week and month designa tions are strictly commercial efforts to achieve more publicity nent year the new stamps to be issued will cover the following in january a salute to the newspaper and printing industrie in march honoring canada s rolr in the international geophysical year in may commemoration of b c s centen nial in june the canadian nurses association 50th anniversary and ativntion to the in creasing role of womanhood in public and industrial affairs in july the 350th anniversary of amuh de champlam s founding of quebec city in august another in the explorer series la verendrye in september the significance of the oil industry in october the bicemennial of jhe con venmg in halifax of canada first elected assembly a w- the god old days 0 1v v brief comment g a d about mostly skating ip acton the tfu r nigm it lh iimin it- un 11111 tint hrn 1 w t ritlii tiimohtl to irri lh it thr imtnis in thr innii win bruk n and nut to 1h m plitrd until w 1 nui riiitrl im rtrur 1 tu 11 irtt lh in i u ml tn iivniui iim and nil tti it n imi i m ait group that wrj 1 itj thi- inmnitr f puhhr to- 1 ill drrlir no thi rt in 1 nuuh nd i thr shit ttuni lflt 4 1 uiiiriil il rhfi i n u k m j 1 miiki and ruund ihc arena ol m u ni i in iimfoit hi i 1 in i n llx bins tn m 1 11 tin 1 hirk iri 197in i im th gc criu who 2h m iv j j w i inltnnnslm itnil a tun prii irlinr in indmir nrinn it nuirw i kr 1 r iltn r ditlmon in mfnriiit public mirnn lti n wirr tun idf to thr juimton thi rt rrr ihnm u ho iipjki 1 tin sperxlins of public mono nnd thii vhn fu nnd providing 11 n nrrna for the voting penplr- in thmr dv it w ik ihr uituxl ihtnc in bifid a otp on n question of iknd ng toon in the lnn to m ikr tin ritprndltiii lvtk hk 1 hinxl inxislnunl tlx fir up f r ihi null w nt uniunt tin ir mripoiliis ind iut 10 jxiipl to up to 100 e ir tor cun y tn ji irv it thr d im nlurr h tit u is not obtnind in rark rrvnuc wt 11 the blt c r- i 1 nnd tti anna n built nnd i r x inn thr hockrv club pi id ttis 1 ki rnh follow i d iv 1 gil v cup curi tin rt xnre ci m it ill t vents ind thr- ti im hd udl m thr roncluinn of the firwt nr there was mnrr thnn tnniifh o pn the di bent ure amount nnd 11 t xprnr mnttrr of fact there sufficient tn provide a b imiuct n the town hull nnd the hnrkt 1 flub from their shnrc et aside iboul s0 f om lh it first rnr for in ilntcn inrr nnd future tepmrs f r thf then nrvk nrenn if memnrv m ri me rirht the arena for the in xt four vran provided nuftinent funti to mi ft all cut but it craft- this sundays pjiri for 1 n drs r lv f t r ittif n 1 ii in of mi ps thf r v in nl- 010 if drojinnk n ki into thr wil nuiunt n1 11 tntls tw rvsl k ii in t v t i ij il i j lr1 x im thif thr vaiolr tovin ind iouili- pimi it v 1d i im s rs it ru kimr f11 dltm 1 m thai in tt pii m nt d v iti 1 m vi man ol rr alii irlion in im h ttx- oun j opu do not p 11 11 i ill in ik tt did in im j i tl v 1 itmirvd luu n thr olh r dv md inl d mil ti im 1 ik lh t t id is frt oil n f u it u is thin v n nut d rii 1 u- f r sklmt bit 1 1kii1i ili t fox thr 1 n i wl is bu t hi w ri mo ildn s of w il 1 tn at 1 11 before r irtil ti 1 v isnn md h litur sh j iid whii nir fun th v jv ul sonn of ii m i r- ill th t prmt vk it 1 which f iii iu 1 onl 1 if 1 u m ill tin uinl thr ji rid is hijh nnd hie r rul t 1 k of tin ni l 1 v kil ii in si h ll red npil ihr lust id tn it w nti r oil 1 11 1 il lh d on irvl k itr il lo lli im set m jito t 11 t lh pond it id pi viltl th airl fir 1 nrt 1 t iocs ctulrl tx- 1 nit lor 1 ikmii t tiiiux- ufj i iks 1 dnt m en t r 1 111 1111 smi k s m lliti c lh ou fitir rxer is out k 1 t mil ul nr ilnl of 1 f it k vr i ii jo 1 m n 1 d 11 if s mills ill li thi ul ok h k1 lo cm v atruil ind idlisl ihem and lh h id 1 bid hahl of f ill n off don t ninrmsc man wi i sm ifiht vlu was thi fh unp id k il 1 in lh s d ti 1 m l t no i him on sk it s spi ink sk il s 1 tit ttiitmi ii n 1 in h i u tn is tnllfw sk il m im f t ttn ari ni prov idttt fun tniilhri i th il cliff int th fix t u r s ot llnktf on an ir v ii a 4 b i ff m fr church calen far anyone who fire a gun at a movement in the bush without definite evidence it 1 a wtld animal is gulry of cnmminal careless ness whether or not the law so regard it rimbey alta record it 1 quite evident that more end more drivers re drinking and driving and that 1 the matter that 1 causing the appropriate pubhc authorities grave concern trenton ont couneradvocale several ihings are becoming increasingly clear in connection with the two russian satellites 7he first ot these is how much loose talk there has been about how stupid the russians are the second it how ser iously the united states has handicapped satellite and prekumably intercontinental bal listic missile development by refusing to share scientific knowledge with other west- emnalionsvred deer alle advocate baptist cwmch acton rev rat h costerus pastor ursonte 115 bower av phone 306w suvdy december sth 10s7 10 00 am sunday school 11 00 am morntnjt worship speaker mr e f wert kit chener pasd moderator of the guelph asaociatitin too pm bible societv serte nnd firvude kmx chuch vednedav 8 u clock mltfwink st r ice the anglican chuich of canada 81 albaaa chefals aetas oml rev evan h jowa ba lth rectory 185 jeffrey st tel ms sunday dbcemkr 8th 1857 advent ii 830 jim holy communion 945 am church school bible dm hod ajn beiirmen clasaea 1100 am uomln prayer an- nual admlasten ssrvlee tar the oirla auxiliary tkwhejynitflim unftfd chuich 1f canapa aesaa oarie rev gordon adi mm prvmasp- st phone mr floors orcanut and 76 botr ave suvdy dece am morn in c lolki am junior church school 11 som morning and ptesavytetlan in can knox chubcn rv andrew h xi ba bd sunday decembeh 9 48 a m church schfc ll ii 00 am mernmx w 1 too pm community el jetv service addr k g mcmillan aeni retary acton assembly meeuna in the ymc1 partor rei- k j rei 81 cook su telephone sunday decjevtber 8jht 1000 ajnsunday school 1100 am mum in worship im pjn evanfellrtie service ifiir ik ii- of uk x injc h m f 1 ind mi u k mil a hot il ik 1 1 mm hortw in r him mill 11 -r- rrhitirtl fnm the ml if- il r xi n im ind t en if wiur t 1 1 m nut h ilrd ill nirht mm 1 pi 11 1 i inn 1 fur imilhi r urn- ir mil 114 if ihr w either held ind 1 v m ml thi 7 ti i uin eril outdfxir 1 nkv im f n th rlcd arena 1 11 ltd thi e were exciting i 1 k mux mntu mc of joii mi irminitxt the rime blin i 11 in 1 oioikif iwn ptiil n nk i im wilhimi va rve ii 1 1 j inn in 1 iwitivli nh nnd t in lui itu him i it mem- lx 1 ii hi in fit ml rink lic iled v h 1 i in i rdfii r it rr now 1 iv of nmri ni don 1 h i to lir m tild t 1 recall hi r nk it 1 i t r rd k si ll had nk itionji rim- ti mi tiril- 1 t il j mi irk hi- nnl mk il i 1 m w pi 1 fin il irt ii li y t 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ind lorn ilnu n i 1 ttli 11 1 in h n 1 ulrtoor i ul ilu tin u r a ed nn mi i- i n yitu re a single elirt- v dh thi illimuiial on id ind ttien w i hili it 11 la y iy iii iu m 1 nid ti irn de ttn j viwi hut u rwnwi clilnt tun p 1- t w k f iho ilii whm the lnu mi l si hi 1 d iv 1 i h k buk v li fond nvdllect- 1 ns oil ii i irl dlv if prt ird tn w i itu regn 1 thf f u ml tit u 1 th ifsnsenl dav and iner iuin but g d r er itinn l tmt iirtiin v icijinrfd b the miouni of moii v vou sptnd but ifgilv h a tvitionw ctintnb- iitt md hiu into community en t rp st jul a uord from experience of the past i rwu that dreuung room are planned for the park p6t summer would it not be wiae u eliminate all windows from thc build nc and construct it in uch a nunntr ttut i can be readily cleaned and vcurel locked when not in umj 1 lh sk iii r in down nn f 1 rv il 1 vvk n mil j 1 indtxiiviiich wcdrtfidluci 8 m- cotuge prqy- aaustiha and bibla itudy lqno wait london ont cp atlfug r murray turned up o yive of spsdej to ctimplfu his third perfect clbb- l agv hand but the other iwo ocrtifed i mure- uun juymri t- t rtr- 1 back in 1907 tikm fraaa she latme mt the ree vak ttoaf8iiy omwht 8 isef acton r rev library la one of our hrtpful and tatltfaetory local in stitutions the number of rtadrra is conttanlly gruvt ing all r adtrs have tin ir wants looked afur by mrs it i graham trw librarian whnar courtesy and attenticm arr much appreciated mrs grvhlm rv- ports more bouki bssued in novem ber than anyipther munlh since the opening of the library there are 1000 vol urn- comprising the best hjstortcal arletvce uteratun and ihr beat of the latest fiction thr romning tiivini nn sun day and monday at st aluan s church wire rminitttly rnlhulsstu and aaco saful ttu numbrr uf ntmmddiranta at thi morn inn s r- vlcr were very gratlfyinit and th attitidanc in ihr t vtnlng n too 1 ruwdid fur earlty of th nlsrg- 4 rliurrh tim lit v clllxrt iuvmi sn ma kitttr uf m iiarit ho 11 h ourlph offlriatid hi- tuitd hi waia aatoiilahid at ttu traiinfirirva- lion whlrh had taken plaer during thr rrofmiiing services tlu offrring amounthl tn 889 00 tnr following gift trtiiwd a pulpit alter rxdrin lttl and handnnnir altrr paivi 1 fnani st mir rhurrh iui iph m hundaimnr brass lecti m wmui feimt m c h hnillh acton at rinimin rairpal covi rtng ihr hl tiuiol frittn thi wo in111 auallloiy and v lium th so odd m hoil thr iniirivrin nls lu tin duvtiim sh ds tat kiiim ihurih an imw atmit tiiplt td thr inn umii supportiiik thr walla art in km iii on lih drams hiv im n tjid dn ttu lnjrth uf ihr khrts and fifty or oivtiitv tivr loads if jruvil havi iki n it aniiil in tin ilainllrst urtfting ralrndrr vi ii tv mvn ttil ariimtn bus im 1 n u 1 bv a 1 ilrown drnitkit ind mdiiinn 1 1 1 hits a im out 1 ful v 11 w in oiliiio of lull iki acton and 1 11 all mkihvts un nrtmttr coiivinir th lino t inn iliik ft th mi th imik1 lnli 1 aid mi tuisdiv ilfir- i- i r hi im mil a in td nn follov- pnmdnl mi j aim si p hinvn vk pm- mi a t hnwii siiury mi ii p mhn in imii mifcs ltti 1- sh back in 1937 tskee fwta tw lamae ef the r pieaa tlrahsur dmawr t ww saturday aaow that put a pood bottom on roads for al right ng made tiavdlng the highways trrsieharmis for autoniobllra ocrupaivli earap4l injury but bumpers and fender re- oivfd many bends and dent nkws from the arfna ttw icr makrr have been busy dajy and night and th result a spjrhdld coaling all ovir th- surface w ou id n t im- surprised to see skutmg thwrr any night the new time clock arrived yesterday and la bring inatalltd today com ptt te malallation 4id fiiuiiitifiattcc is br ing lookid after by thr lmm rial tljrco fans appiiclalw tin in l rtsl of the imparl i tolwrry iii till larall mmiui thi ur old stry of thr scijmtit and i hi roitotldtn flint was thi th nn ftr an 1 xet ii nl pla part of si a i bank y011111 ppti a piogrum on tmaria niicht ttu 1 haradia writ adam vrge 1imtilt rvi iiana watli t thi srmnt krit turin r th italmirt of tin progimin wm kt follows laml1 do i gail nikhl and h1 m in ann holm imim lali add ml oil air lalm mi 1 in in turdin ihab holm in il night nillir wiivi t 1 ily r is jihd cj drm wavi r kmu w a ruil itfuria f 1 inn past piild ma mia win coo ixi mra 1v1hii pnsutint mrs himfii witdi lal vi mis tnuo col 2nd vim mrs v llumln irtats m a f ltd audi rvu 1 imiir miss mm join n nr orii of lh lari at imds lo aa- m inhli at any on lion in thi town hall 111 aitm ill ml d ttu llinjo mmhimmitl t lh alon i- in itri ml hkliloti inrn mi ihiinld lliv v i llnllinuir mill letvr alton at ihi 1 ml lh m fot tin nr nrlsh ol si john rluin h nl win on mr mrilliiiki 1 has born ht for loin o iiml h has been artist in hn stout work nnd wv- iilolhii iiinmitliia in lia fuim- id iiiiiy m urn ri mop- tin nimil i s ho at home ii u h ii 11 iiunm1 ikc i blh professional directory and travellers guide mimf iiianrciim dr w g c icenney phvsictan and surgeon office in svmon block 41a mill st k cton officr lhone 71 rsidrncr us church st f phone 1v dr d a garrett phvtician and surgeon corner of willow and hlver sh t ntr mce hivi r stn rl acton ontario phone 238 dr r06ert d buckner phviician and surgeon 38 wdlinglon st acton ont rumiey 11 un- 1 funeral 090 nifht nr hlnhrnatfrr home day mar phone at ofdcf hour pm ital fhtate and inruaancf f i wright 50 wilbur st artnn ontario ihonr bs appralmv ileal kiitale and insurance wm r bracken insurance agency s mill strrrt phone m he msil gknehal irrauranck j beri wood insurance agency life and oneral tnun tc phonr sa1 is mill st after houn ta w50 otielph dr h leib dental sunreon office corner mill and frederick strrela office moura tt a m to g p tn telephone it actol olivf m iampard a t m it m t tochi r uf piano acton htudio st alb 111 imrih hall it paiik ave oueipii turklnv unlv phone ta 35l opnral e i buchner ro optometrtat a mill st e phone iis office lldura wedneadav iso 100 p m eveninta by appointment aldrttno accounting lever h0skin chartered accnuntanta 11 main st n 211 klnf si ilramplon toronto i phone allra em 4ui neville stoller co public accountanu and audltorl truateea in bankruptcy commla- loners for oaths etc hranch office openlna soon cor ner mill and main hts toronto brampaon oaorgetown ik mm ol 1mb th tlll ll nd orflrr m0 bloor st west toronto farl g black n comm i1ia ca ciiakteheo accountant parmer s blda 103 main st milton pnl tn mj avsusw sum dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 5a mill street offic hoora am tolpm clowad wednaaday anernoon t3lphone 148 uoal i ii c r ieathebland q c barrister solicitor notary public office- honrr i0 am iaf a m i 00 pm 5 00 pm acton a bhajda ba barrister solicitor notary public 11 cory st- oueljjhont gtfay coach lines ooaliies leave acton standard time eastbound iii im daily eacant sun anal holi lia ant 1 lis am in fm soa pm tsa pm ajj p m i uttl pm isun and hot westbound 1037 a m 1jj1 pjn m7 u4i aa is wa ajua tfl d hji 5 37 pm 727 pm 61 j pm lljl rm 112 om tn slu sun nd oil 0 ifica hoora- 0 am ondayto salt office flours- 0 am vjpm uondav to saturday 173 mam ssith aeto ont rtourt tnwii mrstf canadian matiokial railways standard time ibtlbound dally 0 40 am dally evtrel flundatvi 1000 am 7 13 pjn sun day only 8 01 pm daily xc9 sunday flyer at georgetown tv am 937 pm daily fiyar at oforgetown 10 tl pjn t wettbound dally h44 pm daily axsm sunday only rjyer at uuetph th sunday 8 so a m 8ju p m tfi truri saturday only 133 pnfl bftdaj only 043 km tnanuipit pm dally except sat andsun i-

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