Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1957, p. 2

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j tha aden jtaa kmujthurmiiy daewnbar sth 1957 faest repdrts from ottawa hold irjipbrtent conference parhapa nothing that fha nw oovtrnmant hai don ainca it tnok office quite aaual tha importanc or potential of the dominion pt vlhrial conference that took friar this week iu effacu will be far reaching and certelioy will lnflu ence our own problem hee in hilton the premier of the ten prov ince and their advuera met prim uinlater dtefenkaker in the feat slots railway committee rnaan in thr cerrtr of parliament hill 1 was fortunately sale to hear much of the dueuaxlon between my own committee meeting and th- nor mal iittlnga at thr houae ol com mons john diefentiaker standing be teeth a hug map of canada and large greying picture of the father of confederation wel comed th provincial leader and aet the atmosphere to the meet ing tv prime ministers tact and ability ai ralrmam were soon rv ident and at thr end of thti uon day snd tuesday meeting the pro ytnrlal premiers remarked on the moothnru and amiability which wn the r ha racier u tic of the gath ering there is no doubt that it has been the moat ueceaaful con frrenre to date and while aome- what prellminay in nature h was indeed u moat necessary atep to wards a reamaeaament of financial mattrn bat ween the dominion fovrrnment and the ten provinces this u a problem we had press ed for long before th election snd one which it seme evident is now about to come to aaa poj slbly once again the true me in jig of confederation in thia country a spirit of unity and cooperation will ular some of the condition which existed before the honorable leslie tntst premier of ontario began the pre- sen tut ion of the provincial briefs streaking for his province he out lined the tremendous growth which we all know so well l1 year al must half of canada a total popul ation liicrruar look place in ontar to nea ly a quarter of a million additional people thr tremendous burdens of added education coals hoi pita i services roads and other problem are fi it in onlariu per haps more anan in any other tro- fvineial prohlema albfrla with its harrison school to gr addition walter cook named new mayor of acton conhnvnt from pio ont you puhuc irnurnth comii trim tw ami rr two iw ttrm wrd oka crmll 1 3i m t 117 lie s no iu 112 113 7m 703 wart jhiaon 1 171 148 m 11 70 m 4h b17 returning officer j mrocachk report n st pc- cenl vote on mon day with tjdt voters going to the poll out of n powiblr 2 013 on the- vtrtrrs hit vinre and do largely to thia tre mendous population increase speaking amoothly and in his own mellifluous etyle the prem ie- argued that the provtnrea need and are entitled tu a considerably larger share or direct taxation at present they are allowed 10 per cent of personal income tav and nine per cent of corporation pro fits fe premier u4 from position not or deaperatlon ar de pression into which many federal libera politicians appear to be trying to talk ua but from a pos ition rather of optimism and pot ential strength the opportunity was there he said but the addit ional funds must come 4o eerve as tools to ettptoil it we have sen all oteav thing in our own county af haltnn and the argumenu might well have been directed for the needs and benefits of our own municipal ilea georottowtt x autement by ihe inspector for puwk schools lorn skuce at a special meeting or the georgetown public school board to the effect that the port able classrooms being considered by the board for hanaon are only a temporary solution to a problem that could go on for the newt 10 years brought a motion from the board that the necessary steps be taken immediately to start plsns talc of how nim tar agost wraith of gas and oil has fared much better than some provinces and it remained for joey small- i wood of newfoundland with bow i tie and bouncing energy to tell the real tale of woe and desolation raking extemporaneously and great vigor hi described his advocacy of confederation and the gained our tenth province new foundland he said had been the eldest the most loyal and closest i oniony to great britain thrir funds for education and aervlr were tremendously low and he placed the economy of this our newest addition at some is years i i 1ft pupils per month behind that of the thrvr maritime i provinces at praenl fur instance i there are just 130 miles of paved roads in the whole of newfound lend indcd this woa en eloquent ple for his province i as i mentioned before this was uaflhlfteent he is sometimes call ed and with aome truth for ht eulueated and dabanatr air at aaa in branc and english pro- dueed much numo- and ronsujer- ble attention speaking for the tfwvtnrtel rlghta of quebec i- though not giving particular fig- area duplaaala reiterated much of his argument from the pri vioui conference in ur great occasion the premiers premier uaurlce dupleaala of will meet again in ottawa somr quebec rose neat morris the time arly in ihe new year ami much of the particular bargaining and special mt lines will then be wo ked out in the meantime prime minister dlefrnbakr tn announced a number of measure designed to improve conditions ur ross the country additional feder al aid fur lh unemployed l pear to be definite and there i uku tin injirali n of furhtr limn ty u vml able for housing h mpual insu iince appears closer and imhik of thr rstricting inminiii ii lrolibly ix- rlaxrl he said it muitnot be a return but a restitution to the provinces of thei original rights and pnvil egea quebec has always taken a particularly strong stand on pro vinclal rights and iu chief expon ent had many cases of evidence to provide wearing a fine white car nation as were the othr premiers mr utolesals argued that mackcn tie kings journey into ihe success ion duty field supposedly to check on whether a man had paid his in come lax duing his life was nn unfortunate and complete negation of flrltth justice a man obviously cuniot defend hlmrlf whrn dead the honorable ftobrrt fltanfteld the t ii and spure premier of no va votla speaking for the first 1 mi at such a conference told of thr plight or the atlantic provlnc es wjlh stow population gmwh and great distances to markets thrtr economic situation ha b n moit prnlous one ftgue thai ramr lu my attention was the fart that thx overage income in nova votla was about 1 000 off hand it seems to me the la est fig u tur 4ur own county are incite ndigtibotsiakml of 4 000 and perhaps thia u some measure of the plight of the marltlmcs the beech wood project however recently announced by prime mm later diefenbake- was a wonderful step in the right direction and with new power sources the mari- timea would be abli to achlrve much progress on tuesday morning i heard the fortunate mr manning of alberta describing his own partlculn pro- to the citizens of acton my sincme tmanks fob your uport on my tttcrion for trustee a very merry christmas and happy prosperous new year to all murray smith uonydufhrin g browns hosts to tarm forum mr siul mis fiform lrovvn in tirtained ugny furm forum ut tin ir hwm on monduy night th fotum mi mix rnwin pit used to hae w ith thtm jamn whlti und bob donald o a c students thtiu vounj m n xbill b ohsermng at ilitt rvuls dur ing ihi rnnn rnnim wamm ftoton church voting milt hrld a vi rv profitable barjior idmi satur duv in millnn timn hall a new four and possibly ik room wtng on the school the win would cost approximately 140 000 the problem was brought to a head at thr meeting when a sur vey report distributed to boird members indicated that harrison school was absorbing an average and at lhi rate could continue to do so only until januaiy or by taking over the suggested quota of m pupils per oom until march for the re maining tour months ihe board must decide whether to return biiefly to stagger d classes or drop kindergarten t provide not in i standard iissshkiiii itegular lr- r would tumr with thr fill term and the ojm nlng of the n w wing search for gold on peace river roht st john bc icii oil und uiantuin may tx lh big miiur- ulk tlom tuv but thrti ln th r frym rdmorloo hojn 1v mriki it personals mr and ur c harrlmui of toronto called on acton frotil ul mr em rroun visiting ith arton a eekrnd ndrtlt- mas tn llu mr and mrs g a dills atl tided the funeral last rriday if th latt jj j harrison at waterdow n mr and mrs ried kedm nd of sail it stt marie viitid mr and mr j j st i t iv i lite k nd or and and family vlsiud m e krnrf mrs i of th 111 1rlit i vei mult i n w yoik mr c ashlon and mr i ton of oahuwn viitcd at t of mr and mn itogm sunday mr and mi j ii waiiiv owen sound sic visiting it of mi snd mi hi it her this wit k aid ft v lill- having mudt i nn do drw luk u chunra and r mil r tlckimn ii slakr by working idar line decided to tld irokkect on iliiht in tin uvf rati duv u bi irkln lifts mr than s tu f brujtjrofi h scuff dd und u it trith uull a htiiiulurd c htisttian bnrk w i ut utxnit kii knilid wtnii enih md ol usiiul clui3 und shnll thr inwcc hiver that has uorkd and re worked f 100 yiart tin rikkihtns moved in u bull dorer and eurlh moving euulim nt slillhmhi off un ucit of uvir buid n ami smnd i hi gruvt i ith ut r punimd fioiti the ri r tin y mod ihi y had ftmnd i noiikh flour told dust so fim that some u tin jmrtu 1 t w 111 fit mi t on watt r lo i ncourugt ihi m to doublt tin ir have mi mined thai ound tht hiudvtatirn ptact tht n f a lurit f old gold and tht i- 1 o pn ve thi m riht tht art tic ttrn nftt n covt r 10is30 milts of flight during migration visiting over the holidays go cnr the sar the csaert7 way no matter where youre going whether youre travelling solo or with your family you can make your plant nowt snowfllled akies or ity roads will make no difference youll get where you want to go and youll enjoy every relaxing minute of your trip wnrre your holidar fun plans by making your cnr reservation asu check too the moneysaving features of our family fare plan ask about cnr gift certificates ideal for holiday giving for tickets and information contact your local canadian national rsrprasantanva every year mora and more people who are going vi tiring over the christmas ir and mi james i on it ih mr ami willow stnil i ir nt1 mm ckbr it ng tin r j unity und m nf wirikham visited j mis j m rmnk m kiiik1m realizing chances in bicycle safely bicycles are predominantly veh icles of youth and as siwh an etintrohed by rtth unthinking invevs warns the anadlsn high way saf ty confe wire molonstf whi noon nter thesa iiniredirtoble flitting tmouhet lers mint always be on llu ir gourd the art nts of oungttra who own blryrl have a gravi resfionsibilily to install in tht r fret mint ling offspring the f nt t thit nn mimorim wants lu run il iun i otlikt i will ithettie of ii aiimbtht imed in tlie ojh i ator of rtt h s viiliieribl vehit it motor i in purpled often an kind il tht urly ttitudts of b- rt ling t hihlren 1 tt im urvnee f i bicyrli on a strrt t nu tlly mtlili n und unikpntltd i niith to in iki ii i drivtr it nw aw- i e if th m it nil tl dutiki i and tht m tvtlulilt iimtitimly f tht ldt niti ntain mi t nuts will sound th i inint l i i tlie ing men i kn v th t ii iflii u m ar hd ofti n hi bit t1itt will t k t i- 1 nt t m ii it n ity word r two at tin di vii a th ugh tht motorist h i n k t l tvii hint lat of 11 t to i iv nun k lori t be lt y iu it oil i tl 111 ifklt i 11 tt ltd t i taaa4aa4a scout news morula v december t mi- meet ing opened with a st si it ing gam- but the game was mlsunderit wt i mind no points were awarded tte peestdeht laurent- dub called the court of honor to ordi r i the greatest part orhe discussion i was about the heed of ritrn ar mi i era fo the monday troop any in 1 terested pleve conssst one of the sctiuters with the id a of fi 1 aid right scoots rushed to the scene of a car smash si t junit- lon nt the second line and n 1 highway only lo find u pitirut three of the gniup alttd th li ne tn hunting f r tht t vsm e fi m one of thr cms ln ilvmi in tin i cident bfo ctutwutlom oakvillk ont fct hubert ch is holm oldmt deaeandant of oakvllle- founder col william chlsholm was on hand to mart the town s centennial when thousands of natle suns and daughters jained the ct letiratlnn canada is a great forest country monuments uumpt6n designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and marker a good display in gtaec wm c auam pre oums u w traehmn hhsp mane ol laus kes ul i hit utp tom micol phesse flrsmatassol i ihi k ii mth i- ihlll i f tin mr and mri i il l ndji imini r put ik in ilih hrn m jran ittvtt v i ting in town afli i i intlo 1 nuii mr und mri c ito rn nt ihf wet k t nd in hnw i nttendetl tht wed ing of tht ter s nehi w mfc impln ii miss in ne rudfr pollock and campbell manufacturer of it 1 1 high grade memorials memorial engraving hi n unit 62 wtr n north oa1t nutruonk mi mr virion bl wm tht birthday wiiht i u i kiih of tin unilttl riioit li diw itipi klllk n agn f lijps j nil it hi li 1 1 m b w m s t 7llih 1 iti it mtire than m7fl coniumptlon un herb cook painting and decorating free estimates phone 790w acton ii 1 reliable taxi radio oispatchid woni 430 ch nd snack ta tali out wc dnrvti nh and chip our srtacltlry 9 main st acton dear friends ma i once arjiin llinnk you ior your volo o cofitnjufice in our munn pal flection jlc t w rr or yon mtint ctintmai nnil mft propeioui ut w yrai g v barbeau acton volunteer firemens annual dance friday december 6 legion auditorium dancing 9pm lo 1 im enter t nment by the modernaires of georgetown two door prizes admitiien 100 par parten dont miss that date make every minute count shop the ads in this paper first you can get a head start for that gala red- letterday by first reading the christmas gift ads from your community merchants here in this newspaperl enoy a christ mas preview of price quality and item selection in our ad columns the acton free press um i m u vi

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