Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1958, p. 6

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tho acton froo prort thund rotwuory 13 ism crpcrrts roundup minor sports hockey league provides thrills for parents katileinent run high tu lite ai tot a rn luat thursday as minor sports hwkty teams battled play oft pmuttiina with ue rtgul wi m hrduli tiawtug ui iium in thr first game wespin ami edged out illc 21 in i he junioi it and lit thr n ml league mop irtntl ootwnred toronto 3 1 m cili dtlfale1 new ytik o 1 ortay i vi mug stu ka i itit km wirr flying high hti wi wkkuu idge ivr wr m a imnl ln diiiucd hit lliirkiii uwi fought atruggh htld uth other to soln faat akaling matt h kdlu tl at on matuy of ihr winning mw wat in the nilli gwne monti tul on tog gun of itu ev ning uo n and cliuufu uul 21 in at f time nuli lkn peia oi roiiti at both irnini did u fin j l and m on tnduy evening in tin junior i t ved gicat uptrt limn warn ii hiauiplnn and ihsic endd up in air w hit a 11 kii whllr in ihr jun in the jum u a laigl i iph to a mtira hamilton defeated dged liar i tr 10 and hamilton its thi faciow in aclon minor sport poo wee game between brampton and wetton at tha arena on tuesday weiton went all the way etui drubbed the brarnpion loam 3 0 iddie maiey wit the high man on the totem pole accounting or all three goau intern i it running high among the boyv as the reguiar uhedule dnwi to a clow i j ihntttltei ttt lit rollii devvi if alleys raanlaftar i and 047 rep lively supplied the fab 3 cutsolc after dropping pumh fur unrc llajilea whan tin y lh i it canto to moiling ilooni i nt crotndlles down for the count rarcd back and grubbed the n t i oakr with 813 wu tha cror two and totals j tink wm in thr bul ii creer with ml set ihe put pink with 700 to head up the cut- for chum in their win over the aotr win ii lambert with 803 wa wobbling holers knocking off the top holler chrome npieaked anight wen a williams ml j homr in front bi li pint in ihr t ipp 317 j hunt 201 a ttu r- first came wilh upper leather bul lault w7 m hunt mqm u rutin y the latin- with their t ve on a ilnv 240 s orviu 220 w uldlcy 2ot off tpot ana ml liit two and tot- j krycr vjl alt l malr ipark s tht win for league itanding crocodiles 0 upper ialhi with ottt whllt a tutl i sktmka 71 chump 61 nun- from l fipm brl for chrnm kni m unnlliblra m illolcr 42 llamh him 4li luvr d mgn on u playoff ik- th jml with c hutu 1 bitting 631 i 1itnbitl fluu t cunninghant otvt and p 1 imn i 7w et currv bk on tin ir hn n whfn tii v nutdi it l iiwt toliu urry li lvt h ml hut fuill i nun up with inv hot trnooiitk i j fin landing itilluik itoom 33 upptr iillx z lh oiihouoi 31 citalc 17 urry 14 c hrmi h laglon ladlra feb 3 tin front runninj h ir flip fir tho twond wprh in n trm j irt the boam with oir viitim thh trip btinj tho doodle ilug i half wlta broke two u i inml plan tic when thrv clipped tin dim wits for two nnd toun ihti dropping the fit it gum it cook- 61 1 t irount itoxt oul nil h i s o niumc coming up to scratch for ingle were m held 2k1 j lliut nan 322 t mccidiv 2xw l an gell 31fl s olr 3lh ictgui atjiutin in flu k 71 iliim wiu 04 dim viu hi doodh 1uhi m ilgr i ida eb 3 tit doll for th mvu of one gmn wii in in i it ui lh u wieklv joint with si- wv thin tin suu i tlitnt onto tlu ltt two f r lh b b i i nl i j tptit th hi mi ii wi n in 1 ii tuirili divnion will r 1 mn h d m met 312 inl t- how mm m lcigur ilinduik snu q 01 part d1u a maan knll tb 4 ml clt m u u on the p oul n i vi ilchd vn points fiom th fnit pi in hipp i mt ibhs us rm iiu mi ptt dirl nd wi ut ill tin w i fo i fit wrtm i tn nut tii with sk uirki lluiiit s t sk i ill out of iwbs imx whm thij mull ll a two iru tot ik urn 1 hi ant m il cmm n t find h h ittin and tripli ttu i mi niigtitlv kjru hinfilt h nioi h win in irktil up b m ki tbu m d t ult 4l 1 lltr hhi 1 loth ac j miuln 2 a doko vl j wttlui 2k1 a noun hi len in atandinj 11 tpp g in 74 uoib pins 70 ltighlundtr 6j allc cau 60 skv lark st gabb cal 4j1 artan mixed reb 4 smoviilm mho i ml tnnc smooth outfit ind lucktsi ill throe gamtn in tlu ir kitbi and left the goon hrgh nut dr with njry a poiit j knitiht w ilh hti mai top bow u r in thu go jokers uerc alhithcr cii imint umitiv when thc ntci up with kowr ttju from m somu ikii the jok ers uhlle k hvan with 006 w n 11ott btt swtnj i tut iiv won the irt two iftuii kkknttoll bti cased up ind ttu k it giibixtl thi lut one ixoiuu alllklf win m tow rise nd ml n knifihi w u marttn 3 g m iie -vv- ii ho crs attrll ivfoixst jw jt in but- lough j4 i siort hkt c ktjt 530 ii 1mnni ji7 juk uul lough 313 m stoitx zm league tiamimi coon- ts uocknaioll 7 jokei i kiiuh 82 swinfi and say ttl smoothies 56 hlxh bcbml feb 5 it vieji all or notltitvn in the high school league with un re liables chumps and lea skunk get una u and monkvys juoter and crocodilea gettlns nothuiji in tho bo between le skunks and monkey lea skunks with b stewart hltuns ftw b ouerbeln ml nh b agnew 650 had no trouble in dlipoairtf of moalwys who ware decidadly ou color d untkay ladb johiubana wltbmt i liutoatrtal aattaaarrui t oi irtngi tried hard to knkk off it hubli taxi in u h int ought jonil hut runte off irniul h t in n 4 1 spilt ltrlluhlr tkik tin firil lietl tin second und i hiv i ll hiid in tin third to even ttn g inn split but d opped th odd i point fur totiln tv jo ilni ilrard 1 nor lb ci nrtrlv had a 1 ieliv in numbt r in the first thrv i mi urn bv right pins tlicv grtb d i tin snopd but i in out of atctim in thr fm tie and it v it a i or wn i and louu ai ion auto hotly and mitinn kohl hid themielvek a bit of j jo th hoi in won th first haimtil tlun ti aulo liodv mitakitt i hi mt ind h thiee pin itu hind wis a lougln u itti thi ii i boi inikiiik ii bi iiie pina t stnr i m i th inrd iiu k shiot i auto ii his in uui on il lini in lh iiiihoi pot in llu 1 in h inn rl i it up i tiuuei ti with his nit bill thi n f nld io piik ll off sv n it tot mil lini i i in io mi inn s kl it 1 h hid p mt or lot ilx wml to hu ll i i ui w to- mrkmii n for the nielli wui i ctiinlh1 11 de-rir- t uu d doi t 657 c iktm- sl tlft i mkiuow n lvi k st i wu ll morton km 1 i igu it tuliiik lb h ihl txi at l ulitirt 7tl million llotil 71 coi s cirtaji flo llmnlmoit hi i s 50 aclon aulo ikkiv 4 1 acton lad ira im c ooi r a diug mori ut on i w miuni stit ik and one ijin k ibtieit off all knn with militml 1111 n b in th mitim loillllion whipped o i two fi- wins fum i if ns bul droppd off th pat in tin 1 2i 1 1 ii ind w content with in points ln iuaki ntpttil on tin it ind roll ed up two it wins fiom iioiih motot i hi n lh n s il b ii k lo rt it on hi u litirtls out the pnwilli up uul miu el uu j lit go to avoid a shut out v ihu with l and v oht uti wilh 02 win tin onh kik t hit thi top plileau but on hi mtuji n m hti y 1 on let t jilt d spulvngcl jit fcr 3i k ltu imint i1 m ivp 211 m mcl- lo jld j knikht it3 v marsh jw 1 hillintine 357 l igm sluiding mimud 1u1n t- coop t drug store 71 lovt 11 hio- tti in- punks all prous motoii 5h i isen 5 uague standint tik w itnlru m vugittcitid 74 tunmn 6u rvitjl uui ml horn ii kit i il artan taarsten rl ft fnpiirrru ar mni k down then rolhrtive iitlh irnti n croundtiogi uimi wrll lh y migit trie up und whurrrpnl hie rsl- whlle lrudt r fm all threi guinea pin uti afte toil rig the f trait gsim by fivi pirn took uvir for th lust two mild io4mu o find tlieoilv up foi j first pluu hi w i out tint tilph ii fkvl for j clbaon fu singlwa it was k lili k 24 lb n tli 337 t j nnngi ju i mir sb ill an m audio 2w w wag nn 227 im igu at hiding croimdliogk u pin uk 65 1oletata 82 sulir li 60 avraorenda muad lb 7 ll li th sporlann n turn b rut lh rot in tin a ljii cliuithiuik ji l or nil kuni wbih ilni wen hntiding anon- lb boil nd of i i o tx mikht iiboul tin linn o vi nu lit id mils niontl up ji nol h whin tin wlkitt t with i two und totals win fiom th wlv iudir- intkiit ui koiiu mucti needed point win ti tin y gnrfbett ttu bik end of i bnv1 f om talti rt cihki triplis wrt in rvulmtt with g t vum tv2 a hickers fth4 d lirlt 7 1 klwv flto t swift 010 g hubaidion it7i t dividann 810 d milhkan ttr o w iters 001 g llooth om u au htaiuting spnrlnu n 95 arrow ob ll fm leaders 7 wolvii tt2 mi dpinv 50 jets 41 ttttiia jtl arlon major lilt io in ho jo hlc v oo i ttku unit inii t i joiui sluuit lh i met aiu tolled tin gaier- who put tin m lomputeh to tout ah mn indtedi tiger cnu arc d inkuik llu bitln bnw of defeat cttil bum iiuhk it on theip but k tm oi ill kimin j j ijal cl oikttttv tjlttt and lurkiv 7j1 ill 1 ux re tin bi thni wm tamed llu cxu with noble is ni i rout hi ret ttu cijiiin notlur upsit was in tin makinc whm tin nun alttr shut unj tlu mi i door in the dom ho ol f icvn tound it lunged opm and lite mulil k uti batked in- and ukik the la two lotah with it phclin leading the isatault withth ten- pro distributors look advantage of tiger cat lape and calnd ground with i nevm omt win ron viiabiiiht- p lesucur 77 31 and 1 ktlt 734 were tin hot tw iwome for the tt njo making u bid for the triple lime light wore m holmca 801 p wal- die ho r hoarc 833 g mosaic 818 h uuwaon 67b p irvine 652 o lee 830 q booth 663 e marks 000 w williams 807 k huuord wfl d grein 078 in lh 1 0 und si kllu dowi hun ir 30 hi xliry mid lluffido led i i tin ainriu an ugui while cli land oul or d hm heater 3 i jdonduy inning wimdbi m mrarrd the m kllla goj with i wtillt the latter tallied nly 2 wwluloia taw levalaiut down lliaffalu 3 1 and mrrshey drral ik hetri 10 ill the ann man lagm plan hockey activity for acton saturday ail ii amoi iiomluft 1 hub of activity on saturday aft i iwii w hen miifi shi ta llorkry pains fiom alton play akalrwl nlo rii town y basketball team defeats guelph 3222 1h alton y ban fa in lakrtltall it am plavfi boat to the cuttpli dub laal saturday evening and al irr a full evening s play arnt thr luiloii hunr wilh a 32 22 defeat ai ton s tup aeorrra urir drni im i i until in up 12 jminta and dave ir ii union wilh imiihi dave uaaev f ibt viaillng dub kipt b- trjit in ho uniting hi mining a of thru- total points itatn linrupa a follow uelph itoaa 11 llaskllh m iiootb j 7rur4 j ostianbi 1 jtffrilra 1 h loifi d ma try and m it td aimi tr marlatak it urctl loll i pur- p burrhlll v daw kins tf paama ii stianrimi w ixriis it inpp d henolmftg ind ham aiirokimuti iv 40 ladies wi i prrti rrt for hie 1gluii ladu auxiliary tmfllng on tburahnv i r4ruury 1 norninatious wt ri in id loi u sim i il convent i mrt llni 1 maaalea w u rhtltd lo ihr iwl with fon k ui ti ttled by mit rinvt nt ra lo assist tiunii ly junrl hog is utol slinv joy hucbaiian untl lll ilrudshaw i itarns iioni to nd milton spttatoi art wiliotm llu iwiy mi lo vittory un hum d an aflt imntn of ment ot ttu areata n a me of the brum fod t nib ridilp hamiian ha n hie town rounnl and al downed 164 acton juveniles ousted at milton aicna on minor ruii hockey nlgbt ftbniury 7th a gal- a ki im ij unt uum tit acton juveniles went j tov u dswn flgtiluig loaing 5 2 to ihe immi u m ullloo cyb and shrt juv ml the alton t luh won th piu nf ivriy an in tin ain and totlinl bono jiii i tin iraio u fi lends ll tin tlu gam wa i ho ul and lil one ight t k on ic a eoiupb i noiul r tin f gam in aitii wlin 13 tonal weir handil oul in th hind i alott a ion t k thi i d in tl p ii wh n s mi lh t i 1 on a 1m i io imi iin milton ioum l ink m in a ins n ho flkl ikl r nt mlllon v i v k ly i pt n a lit fi o hill d pi 11 id lh lu g m i op by ii ii lb nl tt u in i nil 1 tb g in i i on a tia fi lhui iiu k hub pi k tt uu tlllrr with u group like this 1 the catt n iik dt purtmenl w pi unused i good atjuait in uny timt dunrik lh tlllmill nn d s the aetrt r iiidn nud hi tx rh of ti i invitiiloii to p tt it braik b fi sthid en m inh 31 piiin wm mad lll ia u a hi i ten n 1 ruler bib h spiifiun iuiiij onto f n si il in with oil mid t it lit win from musbinkn who won tht ir siiikli win in th ni row nitnin of six piiin lliwkn ide th tddi ii un ihiihi uu rikhl hid of i2 plit ikt did tin hi ir its wh n thi i nut up wilh mound ifcigs tht luit j imt w in i l m tht 1 itti i go fm puin hi mg tlu winning mn kin lh lidt ind livsitt wit on for tin it doublin wilh t wilson mt v 11 irr l4 p mniti 34i k andrwn sxt m sh innjm j5ii 210 v m inon tin it loth 31b a chttlbini 1ji 1 mulloukh 3ir7 i jffftrii jux2 1 m in ilen j1h john duffi id uil kd i tiiu at inding spitfir s wi tttli lit i n vi h c jiin 54 mound dtikn m miwks 40 j mui- tltlkn 4 hradpjn hhjhlifhu at ton m pining host to oak vill wen not viy congenial hosts ttn i took thi viitots bv pit nt and with millon w inning all kmiis mm mituvilh tblg upset t acton an ut first ilatc for ttu lixoiid snus a 3j3 sutgu from xidewhttlink like 2uijai links up hi tordon hardmsti nwuti with km ugluown wm ning tlu iuli hidntlile hsbirdasb- cr with ti i luiiint of ktl on the ftniinuu nhu it was silvia fnlei picknik up tlu 1 g a groc eries with a iu it 28 not bad for ji firstiai bowl i dot hark kttiii i flh to win lh to iw cu iiun aw ml jiu uuist ixit duff it id wiin gordon ani bill siltannon wie the tun huidut aeon winnit or the hein- hi w co t cola md seett-up- re- rrelinienln t o connor bowl sioouo tviin c in ida cnaleat tinglts touniiin nt ko- may 0 to mai 24 imuisim tin j 000 first prut would put a fur amount of grikenes on th tabli that aimgo winds it up adios xtip iribiuan litth opnt and boost the actun childien at th an nu on boosttr night special f1udav ebuuarv 1 and tiatvudas aebbvary s3 1956 mhscvr niagara 4 door sattun tu- toned slipcovered 0 cjl trude tip on thu clean lute model hcg si ms 00 sale price 139500 thompson motors acton ltd phatift9 h id in april pi kin wte dl unnd 1 tiieta during tin lgion annu ury and hit btdua all vuttd u v of thanks to mi uruli 107 lot lb vil ilion to uttend thi vulu iiu ni r xlenitm wen lit oii 1 hear hit auditor it lot t w bowed iu57 to haic bun a i ccllent y ar hollowing hit liusini vs lh us mljnurned tut lumb whii h hit i in id i ciew pa pi tilts fm th minor sortj torn ti to mwint with di t ontioiin bo nu it flunk hud the t id mt mltd to c ip t ily th iimii i pi i i li hltt v to if j1 hit int 1 i iday lolhd up jiu id don t foik t ii d il opt n wxtn 1- boohtt i nigl nir id t sdn t 1 kram t vet i p ur com out i nun nd imingnl rs int it acton ti tl othe of l iiitioduti to inu ltd workuik t xini- ii thin limon i fmthful and otkn foi oul iko in vtst mtn f tht kitrliinii lit netl bis cdui lit joined tin i w nid m mil in uikii and rnhlatid clu ink woi id sui ii lnton juiiid tht ai toti ltgion in 1 1mb uul his nvd n hit txexutiit niihi that liuit in lh cipitit ot d ptiiv zojh ioit d i tt lor and on ottn r tommituin t pitsrnt h in nieiib iklup th i utivt n n dud 1 iiuini coiiaieulloun btuni ti bom 4 v t ii ton i tin hub distiut dudi ition in in i ainii s mn i 7 ikink b in t r h m tin k jun i ltuk win niirtn mmt m mill m lr on tin tin in ll n pipihon scttlfd for fclnjlui tak ttilh 87 john diysdale rial ed up i m to t njoy a rindnikht n irk an i mat v v 1 uiilkrt hnund o get hi ti inn in hu paper well a bio th i met i i or i veil ttie gold n bmtirtt with a 3ti bonk anniuntr n rutin hh i iduy be nise of the vofntuv dantt bul the following week play w ill leunit u usual dot txpnt had u l on 1 ut d ii nning with plavera hirpen n ik ir thi i pa and trying f i a d nihil ntir diea dt ft uted lit n wdtt i2 pugolmi taniod hie b n foi spmlhiuen lo th i 4 1 1h uttuiuet ks tihk v ji t llu oil i r ui j 2 and 1 ioslit it mbiu a2 lh wks ntuildluk ii piktoi m y flin 4fi himvdi 41 niv- i dun 37 u ithirnttka 34 smmi- tnen s2 wandints 31 und kuehiu three pass tests in water ys club i- irvi i imiiiiimii th artai wlul b swhiillillig club allitld 1 lh mklv las at the u lh v i n ti iday ru ning lam vi ma 1 horthill lallded as a un inb i bv akiiig her likt tai last and andirw knoa umil hu third star teal wtnle tvria ivnny tihiipbted his lotutti alar t st midget team in playoffs arlin miriir siu midfci t mk krv team plav their flil play of uinr at th at ton am nu llu i irn i rig ithuisdas win n th y in i t ttu deofgrlown tram a n turn rnatrh i at liedulrtl in thr tril o two gam s goals to nut mint in tonki low n u suiuid ii afti inhn tricounty juveniles search more teams a me ling lb aetutii and n i tt m ntalm lo tit tiitoonty pin nl it hot ki v i rag or w a he til in ntl io hi am pt on ad snarr repr wrild the milbm club ft was agreed to have rath utm doiialr 10 toward c reals for the tri countv league champion team and cliff sutton of brampton ur snui r and herb wood of ac ton urn nanii d to ihooae thc rraata lit pre nut liea agretnl to hold a iaikty nlgtit pogiam and ban ipiet kkmbly in oiangt illle al tht i loi of the at msoii nveiu pt- i nlial n w ti inns iiirluding arlon burlington shelburrw and george town were diacuskcd vatfcaaa wu r lh 111 fust f hi doiltf llnyl top point n ii the tidl 1 ho had ih n i igbt it ll f tlu i ifcl il hi ilt llu s to sia mi ll 19 wl- it it i it i it i llg 111 ok hi 1 ii pim lh i id in i old n t i link lb 1 in i total goal i i u mh 1 i lh nt o m ii a plus down th firal oi itsroiift gum if hub b r h will im- day eel at millon arena tuesday biuui v hllli ut hj0 p iii s imalimiul gml kiping lv it it maibhall in itu a ton nt hpt the milton hai thoti r fiom luntnng up a much hlgbtr aim aug won cub news fa b ll k vi ll v ii llll i 41 i i iaul mackenzie news made wmiu you wait keys hintons 5c1 store taaaaaa halton county liberal association nominating convention m saturday february 15th 1958 m at 830 pm wll known in poit iiiiun iu pland hoik i and b nebalj ioti in gurrth and a ion and in uu donning ttu ihm guards in- catihtrs miink atecrtd tlu inutig mtxtintt base4nll dam to thi on nno chnmpionmhip getting close to the ugc whin hi m shoutdn t ahovtl snow dudt is g having ailmti in spuu to his two sons und two daughter agnut lover of fishing aod of course i it- 1 v y ni c-j- ing his tatch he cnjovi nothing j better than wlcn wife lotitoc yy aj jajiffj abtat aalb gial im m mti town hall milton an outstanding speaker everyone welcome gordon loavor prot an a an booster night wednesday february 19 1958 acton arena 10 free draws 10 free draws featuring weston skating club 8 pm i over 60 members in cast don cribar comic skater edchadwick bob baun maple leaf hayeks in attendance for minor hockey starting 630 jyw- admission 50c why wait for spring build that new rumpus room extra bedroom den or recreation room wilh malarial from j b mackenzie son y now it th llm to do all your homo improvamanu wa havo a com plat ttocti of tho materials youll naod and dat 01 vvaro alwayt plaatad to ottimat for you hardbojrd insulation coiling tile plywood hardware doors window sath paints acken z ic son calwjmpp ive got the answer to your car battery problem eer been caught with your tr hattcry down rely on me and it wont happen again drive in nujjy and haeyour battery checked by tiur battery icrvue expert a prompt check by u nu obligation can aate you time muj expense oitic un in and let ut take our battery problems off your bands rcmem ber were to business tourttyou w rr bll tot sheu service quom u u moodviu mom sio rmukmrmmrac

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