Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 27, 1958, p. 2

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tsift arton 9rtt f rrm twi i iw mw fnm la ii1 m4 i imllll tnr tfcur- y ti w mm art juwa ooi w erf tk aai m w dwillim aw c w m uj ika out0 iair oivadaa ik cwxa jhwvt fxo a rip i ut- trnptioaj pajabi la t3vfcon dmul cta- 4 ft4u 4a aw uiuua auw tut aoniaa li mil fi 1 1c amitatiwa w linl cuw auil otfac pa ii ml oawva vaabaj w aw dttli ti i ian bi suuu o ii hi o a dlllj iuiulbcm divlj r dai pro4wlua jm a dilu y eaitu- diji ud rimrui ottif fa ta ati thursday rcbpuaby j7ti i98 everyone works all benefit there n a time of evryrfirvg arwj win r is really trw bent time for doing many of the irvqi we traditionally px ofl until spring thii is trie log ttlurvd trve winter work niiij tmg conducted in this commit ify as m oilier common 1 1 1 all across canai this is a campaign io tiablnh more even ernploymenl pattern at between tummer rd winter by enlisting live support of government business industry trade on tons and individual householders underem ploymeni of our labour force during ihe win far months and overemploynwnt during the summer involves as most employers know many direct and indirect cou campaign which have been conducted at the community level are very important part of trie winter employment program where they ftave succeeded they have re ceived the vigorous support of local business and industry obviously business leaders consider this support to be in their own best interests there are various reasons for this one is tlie cost of unemployment to the com munity in terms of loss of wages and pur chasing power welfare costs and so on another is that an industry which operates the year round has a belter chance of a high degree of flioency than an industry which st of is m the winter and starts up again m the summer involving such things as the fur ing and training of temporary slafl further seasonal pelts rn can create serious infle tionary tendencies in the peak season remember that when vveryody works everybody benefits what election will cost for the neat few weeks the thoughts of many canadians will be on the federal elec tion let for march 31 enumerators have made up their lists and printers across the country are busy putting the lists in printed form according to nelson castonguay chief electoral oflicer the election will cot the tax payers of canada close to ten million dollars so 400 000 m round figures these figures compared with 6 709000 for the june 10 election the increase is partially due to an increase m the pay scale for the enumerators hired to draw up the voters lists for the last election urban enumerators received 10 cents for every name put on the list with the minimum of at least 25 this time they will receive 25 plus 10 cents a name rural enumerators were given 1 1 cents a name with a minimum of at least 25 plus anottier 1 1 for the revision of lists 18 days before the election for their work this elec tion they will receive hie basic 55 plus 1 1 cents a nnw and 15 for the revision a evidence of canada s en pending pop ulation it estimated there will be 100 000 additional names on the voters lists across the country over what appeared on the hsti tor the election on june 10 1957 members of the canadian parliament are paid at the rate of 8000 per year less in come ta plus a 2 000 tax free expense allowance winch is paid to all members in a lump sum at the end of the year the b 000 pamant to members is divided into monthly instalments and members will continue to draw her monthly salaries throughout the general election campaign until march 30 the day before tne federal election no control greater sale v in these days of unemployment and re duced expenditures in many lines it is inter esting tp note the report of the liquor con- trot board for the year recently tabled in the legislature there was an increase last year of 14574309 gals in the consumption of ell type of beverages never satisfied the liquor interests ere all out to boost the ulea more and nothing ii done by the liquor control board to control the flow the province received 56100000 out of total revenues of 154000000 the federal governments there being 197000000 municipalities received sb60918 fn license fees and 235734 m bun nets and realty taxes the gallortege increase was 0 7 per cent from 94 3 718 1 fchoni m the last fiuat year the dollar uurse was 5 2 per cent biggest increase in beverage sales was for wine which rote 7 percent the report showed that sate of tpmii ber and wine trom 210 government liquor stores touiied 8113069 gamons the pre vious year the dollar value was 139950- 696 and 128 273626 riph twely sales from brewers cutlets totalled 146 991692 compered to 144 610 0ti3 comnanting on the fart that license hold es spent 3465328 1 m improvements to premises during the year the report said this indicated thai comidrr ibl improvements have taken place at march 31 there wrrc 2 134 licensed establishments m ontario an iim reave of 29 over ttie previous year this is the i story cf liquor control m ontario morvey weim of more concern than the welfare cf thr provides people responsibility of the individua this ts the eg of escape literature tren quillier pills spectator sports late late tv si vows end oir devices to ease the bore dom of increased insure there appears to be a growing belief that the greatest good is to be completely doc of all enmety and this m turn means that one should te completely free of all responsibility the truth is that trie difference lctwcen a stronq man and a weak man is that the strong man accepts responsibility whereas the weak man shuns it it is very frequently true that this is thr rssrniial difference uo between the rxxr man add the fifh man despite the fad that man has made sue h strides in the field of science that it n now rtecessery for him to spend less than a thud of his time at the job of earning a living man would appear to le no happier than tie was when he spent more than half hs tune struggling to keep body and soul together man just hasn t faced up to ins responsibility to put his free time to effective use bihop fulton j sheen hn said that nothing is more destined to create deep seated annc ties m people ttmn ihe false assumption that lite should te free fiom anxieties as bishop sheen points out cabbages have no an iet les the stones on the roadway have no worr ics pigs do not need to be relieved of their inner over sensitiveness and turkeys never develop a fear of neurosis only man hrts tensions and anxiiies and some of those are very definitely normal one of the responsibilities which should be ours as individuals is to understand and appreciate the economic and political system under which we operate we are proud of the fact that we live in a democracy but if we accept the definition lhat democracy means rule of the people by the people and tor the people then we must also accept that re sponsibility of knowing something of how to rule every individual has responsibilities to his family his friends his community his country and nis god to shruq them off is to tnvile frustration as well ft morrtl and socnl bankruptcy brief comment basic education let us not turn our tug her schools of learning into hot houses of technology and force feed a crop of scientists just to pop glittering obects into space and plan ma chines capable of destroying mankind the little red school house with its three r s w as much superior education to this grenfell sask sun more hammocks what we need in this countr are more hammocks hammocks of the kind tied tet ween trees or hung from hooks ti j com fortably wide porch for a man can relaa and think better when he s horizontal yes we definitely need a hammock rena ss ance in tjus country ides speeded to an un natural tempo yarmouth n s herald muddy outlook we are not saying that there w ii be any mud slmgmg m this campaign but t is quite certain there will be plenty of it around that could be slung about march 31 it is our guess that if we have a heavy ote a good many farmers are going to have to come to the polls on their feet or by helicopter stan stead que journal otamd sott there is scarcely another participating 4port than that of a curling that provides so much nioyment for somany winkler man progress whats the use sometimes a person ust wonders wheth er its worth the bother or not this discour agement comes about when we see the use less destruction and vandalism carried out by some sections of our socalled civilized popu lation med fort sask journal the good old days a t euclid in the snow gad about a seat in the newspaper senate 1a rl t toronto ijm r rl if un fit i i 1 io fllli nl ttit i nui i ywnlion ol tm dm- w i kl n wpak r a int tuil a ii i itut w 11 i i clou t a int i ukr jiii i rttl i t r f uiitmit um m mtion tu kn n tl onun pit kn thil jv uk v rk of unolhi r n j jliuri nl i and i in in mi miinoi u loti 1 mi hi win wa- knun 1 tin until tliiiwi ui ihi king kon 11 ml mi qnwx i v n of u n n rm that ofnmg h ihr ti thr nuil hk in fir mn r i rn of ontitu arid i hi i ul n hi id jlr nlu in m ntn u i nil humui ol ontno ih n tiront nl n mi m t iblr tu j k hi r unka inid or i iki i hi n of timnuns mr mjtkjv wfir in tlkndlllii rn 1 r umi in n rlhit ivi i in icoht li suih i miu i- oninro lliu mjmm i imlil to m i i njt j uil r nj to liild all hi ib i amil aii 40 m im jfco i it- nl th 1im n 1 ft on ttndri jii nflt noon nxttint ji thf hit rjilvrn minii tot lln n f iiuh ur llilil in th mid hil in tinmin ind kirklml it ik n i i roup it is oi iikf thi i im jn immml tli hi mi kit iil 1 i found d hi is lhil ti k ii unit annlhi r vr ir on j r i mition f i tic cwn idin up k vinlion hrld in ni i isk ml f anmki1 mi j ynf in rif ill who uiii- th luim wjrs uns kiii i of in niovmi l irti r in foimini un ilil x his ti loiii otii of tli r isuk i ition of ol tots i mii1 d mini i win in ihi i 11 tin wnk i iv id uillnm f ollmm o 1 u mln uf th u tin ir al rl in n f llir i urm th i mom n nnd h id s m lows t ids of st mir i j lmn f things i n thi il it n whi i ton unit j l vt mini n of tr m n k i h ii i- t f mi until t t 1 r us 1 u 1 1 j h f ith i mil m i of iu inn thn irul s mi m 1 v 11 l ni ins ottniv whnn 1 i ti 1 it s in 1 it n u i i n noil i th mttrm fit i f ilit 1 v kn mn i in im i iliris th i t f ilm ii 1 moo i 11 s tv in 1 1 i i t k i s kl jl 1 ti ii 11 hll kl m 1 t- mkh i 1 t mi j i i r 1 i th h i 1 id- ill 1 11 i n il 1 tli it tin v illll i wis 1 hj 1 t iii it prjk m mv hiim us kit m ft nd must haw b i a tun i ii lus 1 ihhl i id udn lom hdh n thl i v w r i inl tikm t io ik t t frnml h i id is ti tdilor f r llftfl i n tufl r ihi blind dr i ii i nn luunli tvikiliij hiw fi nitn jpus i- i tjii ih i h i injdt iiti is cxptmfil hut oi u lioin ih i iditoi of th w ir ih in mi lh wi n siiui tr u ts r mf rrcd lnt r il is hh 1 ini i is ing ih it i ft i mi i- i d rddr johnston n of i i m hi know s j a nit s u ind t w ti t i i nl ti titl s d k s jut tin kinn thi- mtudls mi is 4iknmli1k 1 h mow ditois knom 1 ibout mi- l h diloi nl int il n i t hit fiim th ni s int tn hip f ihi mitk v t its dipls jpn i itixl i si its f inrnit in this dsti1 t is i n nunclitii uh h m tor nn- no i ttm rddn tuiniiin iii v 4 wo- hi tin r ninit liinim m i i isrssftavs church calendar the anctlcan chutch op canada ht alhani rbbrrh aium oec rev tn it jonis ha ith it uors 1b5 jeffru st tt1 2fl3 slmhv mhrhci1 lh snovnslnin in it si 8 10 a m hutv coiumunion 9 ia jm chuui school anj b hlr ci w h rtl i m w i nnors clitw 1 1 oti i m f ht i communion 4 s v ho bip m wtdsrsdw m4kch 5 rtvl p m midvfk irntfn st cf coniminal on w r er d i l 1 1 n 1 hs th l 1 on in ul i 11 h ii l is i t m ii i ii i ii i il n f 1 ln nl m it n s ii 1 mi i i hi i mil ii w nl in il is n 1 4 1 n i us in ins h ii h w i 1 urn ho olli si and oiiu d ut t r y ik 1 mll s il u s 1 k dill 1 u d ol i hth s h i i iii il sm i i d m ih iii 11 im i 1 r hiit k111 i 1 fl it i is 1 s i 111 1 1 111 s smhuii 1 i m i f th i is v mini m i puh hn 1 d undi i hili n mi a ii h 1 olji s 1 s m wv hw i s i ii s on h lpfnl iil in in in i it n st in tin in p ij rlil th it ins n f h s i sh m n n n i if i i u th s h ih 1 t iv k ivm t iii ilm dk t i i if till t 11 id 111 hl 1 j 1 lid ihi a nil t ml ilss i m k ii ih ips k is n 1 hi i in i h i h ih it fr tm th third m n i t i t iih t ii i s hi t ui iiik il pnhi sh u r n h i n mi f i lv at f i fn u acton knticostal tafternacl 33 churchill rnad paoc re kenneth rrid pairt 75 cook st phone wflw sr icci for suriv march 2nd 1058 lfloo a jn sunday school 11 ofl m mormn worthlp 7 m p m kvnntellrtic srviee wrdndav pm pryr ni bibl study frldav b p m chiit ambsuad- or a friendly wlcom to alt united chuach of canada arisa onurt it gordun adams ma ii d mm t r ii minajii 2u how it avenue phone m mr geo rut fclliott orit mm and ch nr idcr 78 i1imvr ave aclon phone 6 slvday mitch 2nd lofis 000 m morning praver 10 00 am junior clmnri and church school 11 ii a in morning worsh p taptist chuich acton rr ry ccwteru pastor punmane us bower aw phona 2mw sl march 2nd littfl 10 00 am sunday school linn m momlrut wnrrhip lh pm evening service 8 15 pmbypu thursda 7 pm midueek aer- vice ptnavteiian chuich in canada knox rmntrtf acton rrv andrew h mckenzit b bd udvf vanch 3nd 1058 0 43 art church srhoo 1 1 00 am4l0rnins wonthtp and sacrament ui baptum 7 00 pmerami srvav 8j0 pm snorhh ftllowhtp in 1 m ti 1 j 1 i i i v un u t illi in i t hi t ii k i i il f ii h pi nl n iii i n m i ii ill it il i i i i ii i in i ii i ii ii i s 1 i 1 tin in i t i t ii i planning board plan 58 budget ask for 2000 n pi nn n 11 j 1 i j t ik u u 1 f r u mm f m i ir llksh hi ti thi h id thi i i i i in lv v i w fb ui t f i 1km lm rif1 ii i i r v rvs uf fului 1 in of hi ii j 1 jnj p a un d jc n pi nm rij iiiuunt i nl d it ri pi miiii i itur x iri i i ii mr tvloin pifrntd th rlirk si 1 in t t n if a n- ta n i ij f ihr jnul v map iun tis th luun vkluh ha 1 lten r- itklid b neurdmir urn cnri- uis a dicuim on the rhurgtk fir riph im of thi 1 ind iu inup i uik puct the uuard agreed the e for ripruducng lund a j phutoa uould be s0 00 c e leutherlund ua proent to dmruu the municipal board heur- nk on the i on ing byluy scheduled or march j3 n acton recent action agutnst the town vi hen certain sections uf the buld- ing bslaw uere quushed uf dit cuurd prur u the mcetinu bvgm nng back in 1938 tab i tw uw la vr- twwiy uurk 1 tut on wisdiirady rvtmiig auwi citixeii hand tuld tliru iul pt irlir- of llr u in thl bjtui r n al thi a rna 1at a ii ivi- rit buiulnijl i f ihr lif su regim nt huiul wu pir lit al thii practirr al u iihuimi fjlun ihr nnit mhiwkji 1 m j dtt divl ti ilgjir ui pt r t ih tuining b ii tu r ting gurtlt m i j ud n ihi y mdgit link y lgu ij1 instil kin iut mlmil iiil n the nmt h tti i1 ii jt- t lllurk lluki rd j 4in ui ii igti ani1i u a thru- l utt 1 1i fr flil plarr th 0 iil ium imvr w lfm f n thi huinpiuriih himr ill t i mjiji lufi miklhnd th- i ih id pluir hrtiliim l l 1 uti- li pargi tr hiulpi 141 ii nit up ih h k iv t i il iii mth lul ail- hki is i tvi r thr m wfi hoi ihr iiiimi prdid nd 1 m in th mi ij jls i il i sjiiii- i kht i ti i k f ih- ih 1 n i h f m it unni il t im t i m ih i hi it j us f km it t h m llr nt1 in th i si ijii f th f mi j hi s i s a liii pli i c w mill ik u i i i 1 ii 1 n 1 illi li mi ii t 1 ii ni nn ik st t i inilili litlnil1 n if 1 1 up i jiisi i a i t n j i 1 ih j li kill lid nr thr kin ts of tli ai n y ii in nloii 11 si iidt kiiiii mi riiivi and lll t s vm ii s ffll i k m thr- iiiiij nut uf iii hrrnr ssilh t i uitinini 17 i i nthy in t n r th s mik 1 nl s im mlh it i st h i i 1 ii h 1 lunu u mi huli sn th pi h ml 111 h w is iii tlm lf v 11 1 min o j u aft i ii usr s pl i 1 k i s 1 x w s nl t 1 in m s h u i v 1 i d 1 iii mh si ii ft ts st pjtl hl m ad tit t ssi ii li iii ti 1 i ml n hi m s mi l ii uh n 1 mis a m h i it 1 back in 1908 titkmi frw tk w f iw vr fru yiruay rwttvy i tit- long p ui md iwnk y inatrh ukiu4ki juuj itul kju jun ui pljvil hnr lat uotiday wrn- m 1 g j wum c niet- t t 11 h thr tttu plo r d d 1 t up ii h hit u iiumii sun ii o hi t ih ai ion jut j t 1i il u i nn tm tl 1 t a uii 1 n op ihi k in f h a u furh in 1 mi i llin pu nt ii nt it si i wo iuiii ii ilrr cuvi i igll hi j k wnd 1 ft w ii ihr mill uiti ui i kly i i pu ii r u r ii 1 t ail n uriln thr t op tk ilhr lrfspyill olfll 4iflltll i l t j i ng pj nt f i ui i off i 1 i on s iluiili run i n l 1 i irn uiwl li s illmlk ui ii situ ii i d ihr ii f ilinr i diiii th piung l li on th pv ni nl u th u i hnt 11 uik i 1 flu lun h hugh 111 ii alt 1 aiwl lr hj4l th pat nl i ii sd hi iht i ii r id h in u- r w ii am ill ii mil s li i in al 1 l r fia i m at ih i 1 ii i nit f il ii n nilu t 1 1 i i i i 1 at 1 i 11 i i al i 1 o m k r i 11 m 11 ltd vi i vs l f i il si- i i k l th ll i i i ih i atsj ini ttutilt mu te 1 h i 1 ii 1 ih t ii p ihull t nitall 1 uils in lli iiitik their intiullti fi ii rnsuri a much in m s tf i i v sti 1 khdng al th i ls f h pi v r in rl- ii g ii th ii ipi1 linn h li1 urrv ih pju i ii s w s aipim m s i pi it nll mh iiiml yh i ih in nl f hl llihlr ls pimtirt h n uth u v ry i in i k ihl il i illf i u irunt nr in the si nd l i j 11 h r iisil in f 1 it y j mi i n ml hard s in i i ml j rir if th i 1 a ir i s ss nd i in thr i i il s k it s tthv if a pi nil himik f llnlim- nl m 1 m- ui m f a t n uunj in pi 1 1 mini id wmlir ran i- 1 t n last thu jit u imi mh the lumpli- i ril w hi tiliiinnl tlir viiorl n n si f th r ffrrtl professional directory and travellers guide dr w g c kfnnfy nd sing in ii t vihf m i amoih rlimlty funeral home ph f iff 4 ia mill si y a i ii off ii n 7h it i ik i ii i hllll ii s r ill mr ivi dr d a garreii ihss i i in an surg m mn i ir hum ir iw night nr duv k sliintiakrr mgr optm al- i nttn a i pi id ii i dr robfrt d ujckner ont f i duchnec ro opinmm m 4h 1tl si 1 phone 113 office hour lailn idu i 10 00 m fsrmnga b uppointmi nt phsskin and surg 10 whiintftn a li ph nr tllu off c iiui 6 8 p fai tutatt and inklkam r f i wright ap wm r bracken insurance agency h mjm s nt n 1 flu w it r nl iim instfltamt j bfrt wood insurance agency 1 if in hrral liimriirr nr vhs ll mill st imi in ur t 4 3tvl ti iph r dtru k sin i t orrno hiurs u m iii 1 p n thkphonl i aitos db aj buchanan dentul surgron office a mill strerl offr hur- am to p m cl rd wfdnrdj afler telephone legal c f leatherland qc 1 00 pm 3 00 p n iruinlmrnt nl s silurrfavi b apuinunent onl off ct- 23 phonr rei 141 a braidab a barrister suiiicitor notary public is cork st eguelph ont phone ta 41342 office hour bam to s p m monday to saturday 173 main st south acton ont phone 57 or tie haurr 0 pjn to 9 pan ai ihtind ac t olntino lever l hoskin ihrtrirtu armuntuntt tl mam st n 23 king st hi i mil ii tiirontii i pi n- 1 1 4s24 rl 4 0111 neville stoller co cuntanti urwl auditor 1 i ustt in uunkrupuy 3 mil si at tontrninrr tj maini t irphon 10 ii i office u niixir st wl 7 i nt i r 3mmo earl g black ii mm hi a a cm htf kki accountant larniri blrlg ics main fit milton ont tjt i0m2 ttavrturs oukm oac ueu lkavk acton gray coach lines st lndurd time i it bound 6 13 a m uuily fcpl sun and ii 1 am am ii xi am 2 04 p m inpm pm p m to iw pm hun and holt writbounrt 10 27 a m 13 s7 p m 2 57 p m 7 m 727 pm 0 13 pm 11 12 pm 1 12 am tfji hal sun und lii canadian national railways standard tim eoiihound daily 840 am dally sunday to 00 am 7 is pm bun- ndy flyr at oeorgglou am j7 prn dally flyer t day only t04 pm dgjly wcpt sunday flyer at georgetown f n a m j7 p m dally oortrtown 1611 pm w eat bound y ytf p sunday uo am 9m pm saturday only tn day onlr j am fnagruih sun- m pm un day only- mw ai qmlphim pm dally eittep and skuf c9j vssssstfssasbsttssssoti n a uadv4i

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