Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1958, p. 11

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fcr arton brn frrai xwat wiramimm hi uy m mil bl t arlin out mtbr ol uw audit atiiuu of ctrtulalkuu lh c w n a ud uw onurmmik divlilon ol lit cwhjl advetuta rau on rwwtt hub- icrlpttoiu pajb in dvfciu hnio cn- td 4w ul tht ualutl 8uu tut uanuu 1 75 single eoplft tc aulhorutd u and cui u44j putt oftu douumoi oluwa huuj hy th a a diiu ejilorlnohlf david u oiub production uinafw jnt a oilll uuivtnj cdilor uuimu ud ivlltoriij oltlt ph uo aclun imupsoay mabch 70ii 1910 the outlook is good i he it- iivort iiiaii llw umjai ilftikj of ifiuj butulmg afltvly nt acton itni ye if mflllff of i ac i il ralhei remarkable thr amount ol huililru aclivdy which hss im- n oiucixtiv llwoikjh i hi wilder mmmli atui whirl di im finil cii flii year lii i vlivity i ol oiiiw the iww nwiu1fy of iht m k porter co nd tht r ruioiif llnuj ol tin wool conthiiuj plant id uil the nerl of canada paraer rwre mien of r our it- thru c ihc nw addition to tht united churth which ha- mtxh of thi effior inn hod stopped hy winter wimthrr w tlb witt r linn noth of acton and romiruj up for llu jummti hi iiiw industrial dupmal plant it is intif1iwi if note lliil in itn- wilr ol this expansion llmrr is a rthurnmij of rosxl cnc and commercial huildincj expansion looking ovft the picture irorn the vitwixjirit of ihe whole town it t well round ff and very sound growth for acton preient plans for industry here show tho need for more homes acton has not and is not likely to become a dormitory town people who live here will likely find it poss ible to work here it is j factor winch mivi life in j smalltown most mioyabl shipping of rjocxis by rail and transport and city violation for actomans with a fine network of highways its trams and buses make lis location ideal for agreeable living yes 1958 looks like a big year for aclon with all round eipansion our appreciation and thanks of many others goes lo those who have continually supplied the imitative and to tnoie who carry it to completion and make acton a better place to live and work where ignorance is bliss according lo the gallup poll of canada that tireless inveitigator of public ignorance half the voters ol canada do not know of at least cannot put into words anything for which the progressive conservatives or the the liberals stand their ignorance about ihe ccf and social credit parlies is even greater some 60 per cent do not know anything about the ccf and 70 per cent are in ihe dark about social credit in western canada whore these parties have their main strength the percentag s of ignorance are 5 ami 60 respectively at first glance these figures do not re veal much on which an enlightened demo cracy i in pnde itself but must lie remem bered th it the poll wis t iken before the election campaign was really under way refore match 31 nearl ever voter will have been exposed to some form of political education and will have madv up his or her mind about whom to vote for that does not impv that the average voter will then be able to put into words what he has voled for he will as usuual vole in a blind faith tljt he is doing hk duty and that greater powers will carr on from there the chances are thai he will still be inarticulate about what differentiates the parties since all the speakers for all the parties wilt haw been promising him things with only slight differences of degree his ignorance and inarticulateness mas le taken as an expression of political wisdom the recovering miracle longfellow oike wrote if spring came but once in a century instead of once a year or burst forth with the sound of an earth quake and not in silence what wonder and expectation there would be in all hearts to behold the miraculous and the perpetual exercise of gods power seems less wonder ful that its withdrawal would be friday is march 21 indicating tle first official approach of that wonderful spnng season it might be difficult q tell from the weather of tomorrow and the next week ust whether it will arrive or not but offic ially it will- as longfellow so aptb indicated we grow accustomed to the changing seasons and often forget the miracles of their com ing but spring is a long looked for season as it heralds the return of warm sunshine end bright days outside after the long win- tar the tie will begin to snow bock the grass will adopt a brighter grn the ftow ert will tsegm to push up the ftetdt will be prepared for ttunr cycle of growth childrn will start playing alleys and cbt roller ikuies will make their appear ance tide walk will bo swept of ttwir wmlvr sand and ihe sign of llu appoarhuiq legion will be wtlcot4d indeed were looking forward loathe spring wealber anl we re gld officially here wi imagine you are too change for the sake of change il is irtlervstmg lo note lh recommnde iuui at lit lu mealing of county council thai ihe- crunty atopt the dma manual for a sessmg purpos 4 iht rt tons given are ijol rww since live til t apixars annually aruf for i he patl f w yi ars has nul willi little favor since it recuire a foil sie epfnditure to affect our hungi fiofn ihe present system added lo ihnl is live fart lhal tlui present syhm it is noi lwn proven inadequate in is adoption only a few years ago dur ing whih some rotly proceedirtgs were nerrsnry to hv it coniplld th big reason for live recommendation aveir lo lw that huiliftgton anfl oakvilte plan lo us llr dma manual and there lift rant i tvvo ylimi operaling in the one coiftily wi re rvft ofiosefl to change by any nwvn but il certainly seems foolish to mill ale ihangt nisi foi tlw sake of change there always ttie stkgstioo thai in si on tune adoption of the new system will probably le mandatory under tlve regula hons ot ttr provlnrlat tfepnrtment the present system of assessment was i stablished on o pattern arrived at by the provincial department and has so far proven quite adequate it will te interesting lo see what action thi various councils lake and live result of their action in achieving a uniform pattern of assessment notes and coments in a special feature article the christian s lenre monitor pays tribute lo live home town week ly newspapers of live united states it states well over 7s o0o 000 per srns some estimates range as high as two oul of every three americans read such papers they are alxiut nine limes as nu merous as their bit city cousins the metro politan dailias and they are more than nine limes as diverse governor ribicoff of conn ecticut recently said when i want lo find out what the majority of the people of the stale are thinking i go lo the community papers small community weeklies are certain to grow and have an increasing in fluence on state ami local government be cause of their closeness to ihe everyday af faifs of pccplt increasing cost of news print remains a concern of many weeklies and the publisher of one of them wrote his newsprint supplier he said the cost of paper was so high tie was going to start printing on bed sheets thai way he said he could ust colled his old papers at the end of the week launder then arsct start printing all over again bolton enterprise brief comment decisive result canadian electors now have responsi bility for deciding whether canada will be tmtier off under a conservative or a liberal regime important thing is that balloting on march 31 should render a decisive verdict on this question bonnyville alta tribune vital link if ihe rail line to pine point follows any rcute not originating in the peace river country the development of this area will be set back many years we cannot be pati ent aid believe that the government will see this without our telling them grande prairie alia herald tribune no exceptions correct habits firmly established and never weakened by making an exception because i know its safe surround a driver with att additional layer of protection from danger and the expense of summonses and collision repairs hagersviue onu press canadian ptoducts if florida oranges are scarcer and higher in price we can always eat those delicious canadian apples and there is no better drink than our tomato luice when we buy the canadtan products we are helping the in dustries which help us picton ont gazette made in canada we must purchase more made- in canada products we must increase the processing of all kfpds of noods m canadian factories only in this way can we enlarge the op portunities for stable yearround produc tive employment campbell ton n b tribune the good old days pu ly fmmi tayl seasonable symptom back in 1908 tfciltat ffa ika utt u tk vt4 gambling i twciutilftk rvuirfunu id rrulfl tuarl la town wrth us th it wiwb luuinrriu libvr ln mailr within ihu ffirt- ly m hhtih- vaiu ttut runmiiiy ymtnjf men hint in- ti mn 1limi hik duv ti rtwuvry in tin uuikliijt rutuii m llu- tr tttai iut tl 1 ftfvrral othi nr puimk a tmt itti 4jiliiut dollur fi f wi thr br f mw l ik- htt utr prmvr fv1 uilh llu ininl ut lh lwtrunit kurly umij iftiwtii un mi mwt j th- fart tlil im u y n 1 urm ton iimm h fuult tfit ur vlwrl twimi tt th prlvilr of iltimipuik kklu i tu til lot m tilt kmiki tliltt hi i klgirv slrrta ifctn t tnau luw rvi r git hi pjr ipw fl wlirt l rt tn l- mr tint wm k knd iwrtry ear ib rr u fnwn usr to u u tcu to hv iil ln frun fit ui i cimtruu urkmh iubu m gawtllrtr cnglru to till rv tu mifil ihirirtf his b rnvon mi suikoiv ithiimni nrv w ltuiki hl iimn th tinmiii tti ii jh rannott umi lh thuot t i urt i lny itr hiaid w to n m umi what larmii mi of ihumhi m limtimtrly rrvt it tulnl an u mnw nt j b jv i tottn hi vmlink ttvr prirwiiwl fli i th f uoilh 1agitc on loitiy mmnr wti a dehata m lh iih mr olvfl thai wtnn tinitl u the arliarnrttdry unit iiiumiiui fraruhiu tht affirntativt wii itkm hy it i litoir and j t u man arut tin n gali by hiv f w mull i ami inhkiimi w h g a d about lets look baek for forty years twm t w k 111 luli ill ui it hoi coin ihjv j tl w 1 molll i gut t n frlniilini t uav i just nij- i tins tun im ismil not ti t ii ii niv r ml is llul nian fiinds front th distud nxl out t tumh mift iinniosi hippv vt i thi unk nui in nuns ums a rut u to imm i it ill tins frw rutsliips ami kimt i xprt moiis nov lit ju i k ui k il tin arlon of 411 v us in n n iiriinl wry luirk iii miriti 1mh arton arxt thi round it m rally iv still in lh hor unit imiko t iys iiumi hii uo mjtr iftrtl to hoi mo dtiwn vhrlr what trv motor v hit les thi rf wi rt had tirrn jarknl up in thr full ith tuittrr nnd tiros r nuivttt nnd tin unlit dnnmsd from thi routine k sti m ijhi atkmuin run n livrr rtahl nrftl tmnimirlisit thr mail to nnd from ihi tuiins tlit vimw u is ktiovilhd from tin miiiu iks to llu nwidu i nid no plou s stinvlhtl it l k nt on n itur u is th oiiu mi tins nf n hiik rid of umlirs nrriimulition tluio w4iv n uirltogr nitlichon and in i irl prini u hci ltarrou s wm mod t ttn hnuv holder to ctrt to thi dump the wintrr a amh- sjnd d lirts rimdi were all jimt dm or kravrl whm ipring rnmr und thi bottom droppnl nut traffic vrn n tow n could easily bitomt mired in thp rnadua indutrv here in arton was ron ftmil to hithir und uioms tliiird- mnri h lliijn u nou ujs tht bic- iirst imluri with stitrt s run- ninj iomii mason knittmc cn had not bon rtiblishct ami tin bu bmldiiii thi v mu orcup was part ot tin worihousmk plant of ehirdinoit s plastics hadn t bfsrn hoard aunit und tho roixt elictnc buildini n u is ih m i tn r y t 1 lllov u o h th 1 i to aj ih t 11 i i by ti i tiom adrn had u lotuuxlion uu it id i lm i t in m t ii hi hi hud rrivd in ai ton liom son ny italy t i st iblifch hinimtf hi spring tin mw noil on liain strut si nliil p r lion lo tot up tht sau iis ulioh had ixinliiolid in doiinit lh uinln month im n 1 just l ton utn lh i iii st no thi pskin t mm r on mum sin i wa in om i ition 0 t in au ut at liat tin botldintfs r th n and thi hit link dummy ai that tmti thi road to gin ipli u ii ulong thi ronct hiiinn lim s thi r was no highway iloni lh pniiiit nhtofuty lysil tin cnr liockii thi toronto sob urban hiilrr it ulu i w u kiviiij tiail and rihl si rvicr from to ronto lociilph ii u put a luipular nu ans of ti u 1 1 in that ttmi and tht stition w n on main slutt jusl south of c inirrh strii i thin was no tins si i in and no pavod ktrit i in town thin was nf coursr no u l vis ion and no radio wc had wondrr- innd motion pirturt show wh rr svnton mardwan is nou iftablinh- iit siomii to mr lh m let of ad mihmon was vr but whin it first om nod it was ihi nirki i kikiu iktl l i s uin popular in thi w int i month and tin rr win u pool loom oi i cooic hollowav barlvor shop thi masonic hall was upsuiirs o i r ki nnc a iho atom- which was hnatod on thr land nou ott upiod li a ion cnanur tht oild t hows auarmbled in thr hat oci holrhi n h bakrrv this sunday church calendar the anoucan chutch op canada bl alhaba chmrefc avuav ckavt hrv evan h jone da lth kittory 185 jetfrov st trl ms sunday march ssrdlkul ikifth sunday in lent 8 lb u ni holy communion 0 4ft am church school and bibtr class 1100 am matins u 00 a m ilginnrs classes 4 1ft pm hutv bniuum wednesday march mth 800 pm sudwerk lmtcn ser- ic evnsuns acton kntecoctal taletnacu 33 churchill road paoc rev kenneth j held paior 75 cook su tkhon dw services for sunday march 33rd 105a mt00 xn sumlrjy sebool 1100 jn uomiax voctbld 7 jo xi jkl evnjtlutkr servlc wedndav 8 jjw ivayer and bible study friday 8 pjn christ ambawad- ora a friendly welcome lo ah unitfd chutch op canada aeiaa oauah rev cordon adams ma bd minuter p rasonaje 3d bower avenue phone w mr georie elliott organist and choir leader 78 borr ave acton phone svnday march 13rd 1058 0 00 urn morning prayer 10 00 am junior church and church school 1115 am morning worth ip baptist chutch acton rev ray ii coatarui pastor parconajte 115 bower aw ph 108 sunday march 33rd 1058 0 45 a m sunday school 1 1 00 m mrnitt worthio t oo ptn mission band and ex plorers open service 815 pmbypu thursday 7pm midweek er- vt pesbvt1siian chutch in canada knox cuvnxmi acton bv andrew h mckesiie eaao sundar mabcii 23rd 1038 045 a m church school 1100 am morning wonltip 7 00 djv evening seviea bw pm seniorhigh trllowthtj u itiitnt h vc my in but wi h ot a i oik uti i i thi f i if wdmk st n t mli fin i loli i ju lion uon mmi bimki y i illr llnn m ai b town and suit mimrt in urnivals kn tbo- wh i tnitnl th uftmitmon pllco lh mnui stioit bndk waa an iscol bni plait fu upoolalors fully i o bartxr ahop win tiitl plans for mi n w mt n voir iliri thin hair in bin ids und imik a mollitudt i4 hli li awilrhi s mim m and rnrbnic omj llu lai in i k w i 1 1 hind icfrlan nd tommy morton and mink 1 orn w as jon hart in b thi tiadi thi si tiarlii r ahopi wrrr thr plans to it ok u k tti rurrrnt l i lira tommy uurum had a bin k rimim w hi to you cotild llryri r long is you wuntiti j mt rvrn a ttb down or i samt ot rochrr th lmni of tiridm tod not yrt bifumr imipulai but ptofcrrflive vuchri partita uiri xpulnr in thi honi urul in tin town h ill uakis wtn low ind work hours bmc in rompariaon with those o to- ui v smoklnj waa not an pre t ili nt ami no womin tmoki 1 in pnhhi 1 upior wih anilubli tint most ot thi drinkinii wo in tin lurnniniv whirr u min had to atmt up t ti t tin drinki thrir w rti no toxin xrapt municipal one til utkiut 20 nulls un lho dollar dailv nowapjjxra wrt a ct nt a copy jnd thi fru in s ut 1 so a ytr or thro ctnts a copy wr didn i hill otr i dn7t n ii wet k ainylc t opit s liisti ot i f tht mm u w i k w i now si 11 i could c bock with mi for hour lift wo kimki 4b ycara ago it hui not aa comfortable and of the 11 mt alandard at today wuih biatird and sunhtfht auop won muir common than washing mach- inei and clothes dryt ra wore colli d cloltua rvs and linoa wo had cart iwrrperk iniudd nf xacuum clejinera und the women heated lho flut inn on thi kitcheif alovr in- stead of by rloctricity you brought in rout ty thr aruttlr and filled th wood un intiid of oil uinka or la tuppl ttauai fkkl old duja are graat t look hack upon and make you n ally uppututi the comforts of today lt nu drurc to rtturn to thtm its very unfair tax law poll burlington burlington poll tax bylaw in my opinion is try unfair aaid councillor ray dry ant at thr town council meet ing last week why tax all single men und not the single women in town the councillor made this state ment after council had given two readings to a bylaw repealing the poll tax bylaw councillor ted smith ex p tamed that acording tu the ajawaawuat department collecting the poll tax would be too expensive to malte it worthwhile and therefore the fin ance committee proposed to stop collecting the tax councillor coutta submitted that for the same reason last year the poll tax had been rftlaad from 4 to 10 and he aaid he would like the osaeajunent etfuniaaioner to attend the next council meeting with some facts and figure on the pull tax back in 1938 vakea um tke uw j tw vw4 mmtuav hunh ttai ki ro of luikrutwn ufujln ttfokr mji sunday rveniiuj about 85a in the ihulr in thr r all art nutn at th lloamlinoir coiniariy plant htii atunabty llu bluio vo tli tit tut uifoji ll hail kaliint imu iv lioiikay llu for apparatus at tlw- plant m aooii hit kal ottorattott ajy the tin i atinguiihod ttw artoft bli- cj t dlvo iispojidod lot tl wa mtl maiiy b oar llutr npilp tli tu o4ltlliatol in llif saair iilui in wtimh hm diaaatuma flit in 11134 ataitid wton u wimot awl i mi f tin woika waa dlruyt and ii of t ttunutf miuiihi itotl a imltl i ylni hi ut1ll ltio tjrili ta if oiton lot tbm ftnr on lua l h i land wlul hilia bo i4 ai iim faun i tid h hutihim1 ai uii d an tnttiiiaiali moliiij f lb attiai tmkt ilub h bl l in lb lb t ml 11 w u 1 nt lb b lloi 1 th 1 icnti lilt ul ud ho linn 1 i of oi ow into 1 t m ti lll s a 1 ill iv sn 1 v hit 1 lh 1 ii l l k it dfri in in tomir it to o i m ii o 1 1 s nnkl ii liioal td ttir i a i dlv 1 aph ii ml dl 1 ii k lh w k th i imnit bill fl 1 in lh if unt m iv ml 11 1 kibh h r si ii 11 n t iik 1 ki k 1 1 i mi t jin s m b i u l appi its ti f d aoi ool tar h 1 iioll k of ito olnl t thi t 1 1 rhip oil u nday t j ml ui v o 1 quo tin il k l ik of limi a tn ion r in tti in toada th ark rr n hi hfi 1 h o ll ltlvllo ihlb lldllt ii ii l bll manac i v tl lluiil iivik ipii ijihik nf ibt n i utimi llu i hd lti ritnail i liirg ii tti 11 n iftirt iar 1 iltl i thr itrfihig utfhtf pin ltnl w l tltt fnt mir pin i lol w it airt tu i i obi t w ii lyton trtio ii w k tiho mi w i ut ii i ii llm r-mrutiitt- a j m mi ifctfialit v it it on i y h ii l bolt j mikmi umi ltmy holm jr t mmli movt lh st atiiik iiiii laird fi lt it i i be lot- r ib itn itn i 1 1 n v tb foils imtl viii i h ik old l 1 ii hi wi i jord ltr ltoislis aflirikmi wtin ttirlt tar w ot t f i iti i jn allot h a uin ih il in i ii iim hihu iy nihio u o t i f a ton fil t r i r i i tr it ii it i ki i ik i i im l i- h in 1st n isd i i s nd a ut band lb it wil1i in art u tnoa- uv m oli 72 ifcun i ii arid mi i i uilds mo- u r lb in ii k f i uurbl t s voly m ib bid tuliv nnd ui in lb a in tb n i 1 uy f mini t atlld h if professional directory and travellers guide mihc riijvrotiu dr w g c kennty lhvainan and surgion orfirr in swnnn lllot k ua mill si y anon tlfire ihtnf rrairhne 115 church si k ihonr lfl dr d a garrett phrin and surfon corner if willow and hivv s l ntranrr hiver st ai bm otitr o phone u dr robert d buckner phynician and surgeon 10 wellington st acton ont ihonr t70 office hour 8 p m ufat fhtatt and iskttrasi i f l wright 30 wilbur st acton ontario phone to apnraiaer real ijdat and inatirancr wm r bracken insurance agency mill street phone 20 ivtr gknntal ilsurancf j bert wood insurance agency life and grnrral insurance phone ihs 124 sji1 s after hours ta 4s0w gurlpi dr h letb dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours am in i pm telephove jo acton dr a j buchanan dental surgwon office a uiil street office hours 9 am lo i pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 140 lcoal cf leatherland qc barriste- solicitor notary public oifife hours 10a0 ajn 1100 a m iu pm- 500 pm saturdays b appointment onl office 23 phone res 151 acton a braida b barrister sohcilor notary public is cork st ml guehhh ont phone ta 4xms offlce hours 9 am to 9 djn- alanday to saturday 173 main bl south acta oat v praonekf office hours e pm to pm pumiey funeral home phoor mo night or dv iron y slitmnirfliir mur ornc a i e i buchner ro optoni tial 411 m ii st k phnnr 113 on re lloura uidnradavt i 3u g 00 un vrninga by apmintmrot at d it inc arcoivtino iever hoskin chirtrrm ontant m main st s 212 k ng st ur impton tofimitu t pt one ci 1 421 im 4 0111 neville stouer cq amunlanta and audittira tiut a in tlankrthdr 3 mill st acton cornrr 0 maml telephone to hi offee 5s0 llloor st weil toronto ue 3mflo 4 earl g black it c imm n i a c a r iimttkhkd accountant y rmert rld 103 unn st vti hon ont tr t9ut tlavftlaals ouhm c oa nm lkavk acton gray coach lines standard time eilbuund cxi am dally earept sun and hoi iu am 1133 am iw p m sot pm i3j pm iu p m lout pm i sun and hoi i writ bound 1021 am 1157 pm 1 57 pm 5jt pm 727 pm 0 13 p m 1133pm 113am fn sat bun and hoi i canadian national railways standard time eat bound daily t4iv4llit qaily ewt sundays 10 00 auu t1j dju sun day only iw pjw dally eavept sunday flyer at otwrgetown tia am u7 pm daily riyer at georgetown 1011 pm waaabound day only fjyr at 1 dally tutcepl sat aj vtiwmbwi 3gs5s5

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