Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1958, p. 10

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f dip xnum jlrrr frrf lat as aw fir patmal la aaaess pastw a tar aatsl nmam iy m mu h l irtm tet m erf lb audit ftui sail ctsweti6sl iw cw wa mt tw owiiim 0fci o ill ewjijl awatiloafca-awaau- thuftsoay uarch 7tti i95 a constanl task pople do appraciam lm of their town and the tavvicsw that tkalr tai dollars provide the mor viaibw the sftrvtce the greater iena the apfutttton waier works and sewerage tervtcaa a burted undarground and you utt doni se hydro power running through the wires around the streets you reelne only in cat of inter ruption how vital these services are to your everyday way of ufe perhapa that is the reason there is so much public approval expressed over the program of paving almost all the town streets a year or to ego w have compari sons so close at hand at every teaion of the year with paved and unpaved itreeft per haps its more noticeable in the pnng when the frost starts to come out ot the ground paved streets are toon drained and dried up while unpaved streets hold pools of water which grow larger and lerger until the whole strip of road has to be torn up while ac ton am enoy ther present fine streets it must be kept in mind that constant maintenance is required to keep this tstet with winter t accumulation of sand and dirt each year sweeping of the streets is becom ing a task thai cannot be maintained by the present hand method the town must soon study other methods of mechanued street cleaning paved streets are not the complete answer to a clean and tidy town keeping the sidewalks clean my well be the easy chore of the individuals but it looks as if the clean liness of the roads will require an expendi ture from the common purse for more equip ment the good voter canadians who go to the polls march 31 and correctly mark their ballots can make the 1958 general election the greatest vole- count m canadian history a record vote of 6 69953 wat cat in the 1957 federal election last june 10 in cluding the armed service vote of 74437 this was roughly 75 per cent of the total eligible 6902125 in 1953 there were 8401692 eligible voters the total vote was 5640256 and the percentage of eligible voters 67 the population not the voters list of 16 589000 in 1957 averaged out to about 60000 for each of the 263 ridings which elect 265 members the largest is york -scar- borough a toronto suburb with 1 673 1 0 population the smallest quebecs lles-de- lamedelein m the- gulf of st lawrence had 1 1556 in five yeert york scarborough more than doubted its population the quebec nd ing increased by 1557 persons such figures are a vast change from the first canadian federal election at confedera tion the federation of 1867 of course in cluded only ontario quebec new bruns wick and nova scotia they elected 1 0 1 conservatives and 80 liberals for the first parliament with sir john a mecdonald as prime minister in 1869 the new dominion acquired the vast hudson s bay company territories from which the province of manitoba was created in 1870 and saskatchewan and alberta in 1905 british columbia entered confederetton in 1871 and m that year canada popula tion reached 3689000 prince edward island oined in 1873 and newfoundland in 1949 now roughly 9000000 canadians have a vote and the good voter will exercise his right on march 31 to select his representative in parliament need development planning annexation approvals are not coming forth from the ontario municipal board at readily as in the past recently in barrie r l kennedy it re ported to have said however that rural mun icipalities wilt get litfle sympathy in annexa tion hearings from now on i he find they did nothing to preventthe geowth of over- fl subu t 1 1 annjauailon la only a pajrtut ajuwaw 4 parenaty e the board teem to be directing nor thought to amalgamemon and faint saw- vice in helton the rural municipal tie are taking stefm to enact pcoper plennug pro cedure and u will be none too soon if high way 401 is toon to bisect the county according to the new item mr kennedy tuggested tome rural municipalities permitt ed the invasion of suburbanite because they were grasping for additional assessment however this need not take place both the municipal ad and the town planning act contained provisions that could prevent tub- urban development until the rural municipal ities were in a position to provide essential services while we agree that no properly owner should have an abundance of restrictions placed on the land to which he rightfully holds title it it essential that development be arranged in concentrated areas it they are eve to be economically serviced even at some future date in helton good progress is being made on planning to provide for the future and keep in mmd the servicing problems of the future but it is essential that jfie action be speedy in the north if maximum benefits are to be oblamed annexations are not the complete answer to the rapd growth that is taking place but zoning and planning are increasingly import- tnl to the future of the county education and realism most every municipality in the country these days is on the alert for new industries around which to mould a satisfactory econ omy in an address recently in toonto stuart armour economic advisor of the steel com pany of canada raised a rather imrcwtvit question if canada s most important industry manufacturing is to continue to be treted as tort of a tiretome nuisance to continue to be left unprotected against imports from all over the world who is going to employ all the future graduates of our enlarged higher educational institutions he declared that when manufacturers are approached for further support of high er education they find that the importuning professors are mottly free traders v canadians can undoubtedly have free trade if we like but we cannot have it and continue to enoy our present high standard of living moveover il we choose to liquidate all manufacturing industry jo the extent we have already liquidated our textile industry we tha 1 1 not for long continue to boast of a population of 1 7 million mr armour said educationalists trade unions and govern ments will soon need to come to a better urvdert tending of the problems with which business ha to cope if canada is to grow industrially b c imagination they say out west that any excuse is good enough for a partyend british colum bia has a dandy the province is celebrating its centennial this year and the sons of the pioneers are whooping it up m every centre from metro politan vancouver to remote poplcum the elaborate planning recalls another example of western imagination which shone in vancouver three years ego when the grey cup football classic moved from toronto to b c for a oneday stand before the less exuberant got hold of the rems vancouver had an indian salmonbake set for the courthouse grounds an assault on the worlds fiveroom housebuilding record on the main granville and georgia corner and other hiinkt totem poles would sprout tike crocuses liberace of the bugle beads and candelabra would play but saner heads prevailed as it was firecracker banged long into the night and dragons danced in chinatown beauty queens paraded nd the biggest hall in town threw e gigantic party and dance for the centennial beards are in bloom throughout the province rcn crew are re- hearting to reenact the arrival of the ss commodore from san francisco t 00 years ago a vintage car race tt planned for victor ia a pageant from wilderness to wonder- land is slated for shalalth and mule teams and old timers parades for popkum youve heard of a pound cake a 10000 pound birthday cake will be cut a midsum mer bon spiel is set for nelson and a 50000 golf tournament for vancouver the grey cup game is back the dragons will dance again and the firecrackers bang if it isnt a bangup party h wont be for lack of imagination t i ww the good old days in step with spring a d about a little bit of everything it wick whin 1 t liked about thi things nf duty ytars uun i r ttliscd my mnnory hail pli it mum tnrks i mid thut u had uhiskey and nun had to stand up to thi bar to take it will us nut- ti r tit history back in ittltt dutnt ha i vry much whifckiy dint thi re u n n 1 any bars wi had prohibition back forty yiats iu tin- batiooim hud imi n ulwilishi i in an allout ff ort in brinu tlu first win lit wat li a mk i infill ohirlllmllll those das foi ty ycrirs oro win the hey day of the moonshtni i and ilhgul stills thr spectacle nf n drunk rn mdi idunl in puhhc is n rare sirht then ir wtid to le txmttlt criis iirvvhtn some of thi m wire formi r h lei kv rs and sonic of thi in weie duect man ufacture who sold thi 1 bit dirct to ihi coiimtnu r tin ro ttcnnl any hirh uixs to hy but the firm paid 1 ihi oun- cis of illicit stilk vn mill ntt liff in hum- du inrrwipt wmi of you will ritfill thr kirs of hti r that rrc confiviitid aftrr thr tri il of thi- proprutor of m hot i th vuti ukm out to thr front of thr town hall and a policeman with a tinman rubber ct on wuldod an am- on thr nds uf thr kitf and hot r flnwrd down thr riltur uht1 il wis all distroyrd ii p mimtr was thr mabtstriti it that limr tho fire tr us off v wii thn part printiiiy plant and jaut n judicial crntrr onr old trunk wr r vcil packni with us- siit4t iktth s wis stoud bt thr of fire in thr ad ll until thr dav of trial whrn it was produced in couit us r idrncr against anotht i hou1 oprralor of thou dnys i 1111 sorry i madr the error in my rroilhi lions 1 vl nk rtv yius it w imi t tlo s ui thin to s ii ixpioi in tin hmiiis or m liuhlii ti h1 lion fm m ut in id i low nd tn ikllik thr on mmiitlon of lioholi l i ns n irnotiiit llnti llul int wnl nn md thi w r m1- wi1 nut v ti il h loud it mm in iln iw i with i in moon khiih md hi ixtoth cki r md in twth niiut anil tin united static tto flit itit w r om tnd w idi r end wid i until i i dm i x r mm mumi foi 11 foi of itownimi ut utu profits lor hi tnwt- md distilhis and an r nun is in top of dohohr in t rinnid honu s md t som di ut nny i on fi ihi niowilv of kn pun pso pi in i iii m tide stti of sohl i l on il i ieintlv on a tup to milton i inkid ixir ihi mi w it the t p of tlu hilt md loold s th vijmi fnm tin ti suioki vt irk it tin i ooksaill ii tm nl pi ml thr smoki w s uhk huh into siic im is s n tin h ik moke stark- it sihiimim h t hint loth th ii fumi into spite winn thin usd to hi more soft co il usi d in industt uiy tow n hid a till mtioko pipe for mnstitrj pi mt thi r ne tll two in ii himiiim at thr hiird- mini pi ml m use thiri thr one at tlu old hixti pi mt whuh was uhihi at tin turn of tin building of alton s own in tin pi mt and ihi i iimi to b a till om al thi old stou tumi i plant i i in wi 11 itrail win tt thru of thi m bii iliimnm win mtlnl it w is almost a whole mirutiu t woi k foi on st taction of a tall chimin thin was ouh rimi for iwo tni n to lay thr hfirki and alt tin hrtk and mot tar had u lr h mli d up ty a smjll tianrt-oprr- 1 d windlass siims to mt th it it ii a kmmi thini that molt tn m uhmis of fir- inj boilits havi tmi n drvrlorl whuh obviatis ihi nitvsity fi nun i hiih rhimni y i wawhid with a jn at deal of mliiist lakt witk while torn of htii i wire moving inu firtnattiai and tin who franu for a gil- siid fntoiv was ihihhi into place in a wnks tim ot toiiisr thin an ttll thi walli and ihi roofs to nrliim but truly tht smss1 uf nm stiurtion lias im- n mt pl up and tin it- is no visibli mgn of u nettt for u tiir i tnninry on this newest rotistr in lion hi lclniij sniokr is no loiiki r i vim of induitriil k to its tins is the list wiik 1m fore th ot is co to the h1k to rhmim a lovi rnnunt for i uinli for tin mil foui or five yiars tly various in ins tin it adits and candid ill i v ixhundiht thr polim v for whuh tin stand thrtell hi wm- m i and iom rs matked up n xt mlllll in i alwis enjoy a contest uhrth- ir it n a hocki v or laselall nanii or an rliilmn its the privilrui of iviry cituen of canada over 21 jian of age to make a chou with ihr rxirption of those who an tnmitix of a ntrtital institut ion o out next mundav and icx isti i our choue ll s a dut u should nol iuriihi back in 1908 ykmrrt iw ur tk rw yfcrat mi u leei ur peler ii 1u hftf bought thr john lfssvcsni farm lot u m 1 kjlustirvg a very riyable rvfsntng wa tprnt at dm- yming pshui brfutl in knui rliurrh ruswuan last ttiurutay rvening thr- trojrani csunuettsd uf rtsrilatuin diatiitu uixu and uuartettr by uuwi fclalwl chaitinaii ilemal llmiuuut uu c raham and cutm j jui suuu- ttu irrlmsstra rsndnl mv- rral uuvtumi which ttrlptsri u eii liven the pruesdins 4 th even ing tfrsjunmu were trrvvd f- ur th iilgram hv j c wil win ha uld as chairman al ttt admirn4l irmut held t canittrllvitl inu uie circum- ttunces leading u tli wreck ut thr c i it vm at cutlph junrtmin in which engineer liailes arnistraik of toronto jhnction ht tus lib u vtnliit wj mint led burning hichaid nwtai yaiilnan f r negligee irr newton gave ri idrnn- urknn uitgirig lltal hi had tnailr tt not tnkr and toind ihr wiinr wiv riullmg in um falald officer carnahan has not y i rrcrivl that off ol lap ii is iatirntly waiting kf r w d alulriwm ha lit thr contract fur nrw buck umonl hikis imi itte vacant h t on ilowii avenue tint to hia own tnilinn it it taut their i lik ly 1- u information laid against u inlnn young yimilh for supplying liiior ui a ritlfen who is hi thi prohih- itive tut ontracbit uackenir ir down and removed the old barn on lr lulls piohty imi kinlmili stmt last wtik iu ntiiitvul has r kultt in a tnfninihaii diffinnti in ap mtranre of the place th nxllimiy oiening an in pnti v this we k thi lmlu s of artiai and vicinity will nvrl in v n w ing mid admiring ihr pirltv in w rn ation of mpring hat unit tauu u hani und itto mavn twin sisti from arton played witti thi rrin ladien hoiky i am m oi angi villi lust tin sdjy luti ihi y dtfiati- un hotm to mm 4 1 lis dicljc the ivm imti is pot up thi fali l jnd mt udmi lollll hoik s th h im sll l ii id unvwhii thin o st wi rr p rfeclly inv inr ibl w ith ihi ii fjsl vkjlinr piitly rinitui itin wutk and fist nnlin scoi m all th rods ft tin ir 1 no this sundars church calendar brief comment med cons the federal government should act im mediately to make it possible for producers outside the prairies to obtain their feedi at the same price before shipping costs as their prairie competitors ag a ssiz bc ad- the anglican church of canada st alhu ctusrah art out hcv evan it jones it a- uth rectory iw jeffrey st trl 23 sunday march 30th 10v1 palm sunday bs0 am holy communion osa am church s hool and bible class ii 00 a m matins 1100 a m brginners classes 4 1ft pm jiolv biptum palm crosse dtstributeil at ill mrv tee good triday 10 00 am litany and anlr-cum- m union actom cntecostal taeunaclc s3 churchul road paoc rev kenneth j rrld paor t5 cook sl phone 8tow sarvieej tor u sunday march mth iom 10w ajtt sunday school 1100 am uornlnc worship- im pm wtluuc sarvlce wadmeaday 9 pm pireyar and blbia tudy friday 8 p m christ ambamad- o a weekly wumaloal united church of canada artm oauru rev gordon ad ims ma h u minuter pi-sonaur- 3 itower avenue phone u mr gcorue ruiott omanuit and chmr 1 atter 7fl bnvirr ave acton plume 8 su0y mrc1i 10th lw ooii am mornma praver 10 00 am junior churth nd churh schikl 11 s a m morninn worship rapttst church acton rrv rav 11 costerux pastor phone 308 w sunday march 30th iom 0 4s a in sunday school 11 00 am morning worship 7 00 p m sen ice combined u ith knox 115 pmbypu niursdaj 7 pm mwleek er- ice presbyterian church in canada iknoxctwibch acton hpv andrew h mckenzla b sunday uarch soth iom 4s am- church scneol 00 a m palm sunday worship and reception of members 7 00 p m first united holy week service speaker mr ernest west kitchener n r m sthortu petlowtht at man- i almokt foreot to mention to radio f ini lhit 111 im apptarinjt this in xt uitk on iidio on the lomm ion nttwntk of thi cttc if o inti k sliil ui hiaiuitt my tn-uhov- ii tht an lime in un avnn- niint tntwen nut and h jo p m on april nd and jou 11 hi lr john mason and your editor talkinu think imr the record inn uas made a rotiple of wnk u just atti r i hud twtn named mi wetkly neuspapinian of ltth 111 naturally be intirtkled to htar what i did wv tmre i haen t the faintest recollection mitt wnvwi that whit on at clil on wl- n mlavt i miik april 2nd i l ouk poets corner my tir by kelth mlmmd in sprine wljin robin mnci do spill aertiu our kiu hen u hkiiiu kill and kathrt n has the whooping counh and lesley x imi in the old horse trough when all the garden tmrtli nf may and the daisies vmtch the nun all day when apple blossoms sparkle white and cricket itart to call at jjilht whenjtrass is crisp benaui the fft and fresh barn lambs becin to bleut when skipping ropes are on the swing t k and cheekred children chant and ing l oh that 1 never see the day when winter keeps young spring m iffly back in 1938 yks 1mm tw tsw u tw iw au 1tly hu u hu burn curne on thursday march i in the wingham twuut- al u ur and mrs gordon curne ilorn ljmuilf acton on fri day uiirrh 2 ivli to mr and un hector ljinbert tnee freda uupletuhni a daughter hnry chna mr j jin alter comitumvees v- morrow trwtrning his new duties as a guar l uu ontario reftrmat- my in duetph cars driven by ijoyd urkeown siwt jirll airdrir cl luted last night al uill snd vredtrirk struts liryorwt hfoketi liiini r rwi dim ajje was itone hstton ounly hasetiall lgoe was oruamred at a meetinf in mil ton lat ttoitulav rvi ullif lull npiooililivi- 0kstl ar ton md mlto no t 1h m offwt ii rletted ir f hyhr reidii w llrilh okvilh viii lltf 4 d t it wfiil- r iramlr on 1 s1 y wmii the m rn ui t luulur luur sm i t hilt llinr meetms- m the m ho i thi pi vtdrnt it iu i wai mat in rtiict- itoll wnmiiii1 tv die sire of yimr shoe tht nioii id m on lh protfiam t ll s- ihi umii i whtiti was uai h mi j ltom iisi hid ivmink the cifii n ik k i j l uiy smnty visited the llannot slutri iittrary sifl ty fur a sorial ivtunit the main feature of the rvrrung was the bmllink nulrh imivioii tin two mneietli uhih j won hv hih n u nit f i tin nt nn k stm it ly on nf ttu hitiist oirl on sah in tin iwosii for fwttiie lime mas tht of wm iuil y h id yeatrrd iy afh m4 tin utile stock is i dnmit of ty urn imnivr r j kin in a lillh it s than six hours und toodiirii reuhifsd mr mt mis john winter find jiik it rt lit vmnt hr rnauxd viikm th y still miki ttu ir iwmn th int wisihk f many fritnd go with tin in i tht ii ik m home thr jikmii to tut nk i purle phin i xolltr md the nwird r i us willi i wf st of 1 t 1 ai t n alton s h h will a usual have iilns m th maltn t ounty music rsts i h id o lit nl ihi professional directory and travellers guide mincclxanfotlh dr w g c kinney phuimn and siirceon office in svmon iltx k 41 mll st f ai ton off ci lhon 7h itdinr 115 chiir h st f ihone i vi d d a gaorett ihvccian and surgion corner of willow and river sts fntrance river si alton oltarm phone 238 dr robert d buckner ihvician and surgeon 39 wtllinntoii si arlon ont phone b79 offue hours 68 p m kral ktat and inhian1 k f i wright 70 wilbur rt arum ontario phone tu airirater heal fslat md insurance wm r bracken insurance agency a mill kleet phene 20 res m r gjnfral insuuancf j bert wood insurance agency life and general insurance phone mia 124 mlt si after hours ta 43d0 cuelph rumiey funeral home plurii fk nihl or iliv itn f shoem k r mcr fftirai dc h leib dental surgeon off its corner mill and frederick streets office hours 1 a m to fl p rn tfifphonf 10 acton dp a j buchanan tvntal surgeon office 5a mill street office hours 0 am lo pju clsed wednesday afternoon teh- phone 148 lkoal c f ieatherland q c harnste- solicitor notary public office hours 1000 a m 11 00 a m 100 pm- 5 00 pm saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res ll acton a braida ba bi rr liter solicitor notary public is cork sl tvauajp dim to5 um tatur ont e i buchner ro olltllll l st 4 mill st t phone 111 orfce hours widni sdass i 10 boo m tvinings by apinntnient at nrrin acc otntini uvlra hoskin j h nli nd i mml mts m main si n 22 k n si llr imphin toronto 1 phonis ci 1 tlcs km 40131 neville stoller co vcoiinlants and auditors tmuim in itankropuv 1 mill st aelmi i inner t main tilephone t0 llr ut nffin m0 itloor st west loi nto ik 2mhio 4 earl g black ii cimm r i a c a cu iitgheu accountant fatmers rldtf 13 main st millon ont tr b8m2 t tiavtukts guide 0iifh leavk acton gray coach lines standard time k as i bound i1 sm idailv trscept sun and hoi i ml im uxi um 2up m 3 p m 8 13 p m i xi p m loial pm sun and hoi a westbound 1027jm cw pm 3 57 pm 527 pm 7 27 pm 9 12 urn 11x1 lim 112 am ifn sat sun and llul i canadian national railways standard time caa bound dally 0 ajsvt lay except sundays 10 00 am 713 am sun day only t01 pm dally except sunday vlyer at gacurtawn tat m 137 p m dally georitiisvn tail pm flyer at weatbound mondmy to sllurday iw main st south aelon ont phon 876 oftlc hour 1 w w to 1 um dally 1144 pm blly raeaot sunday 8 30 m 6l pjn jim pmysaiuraay oaw xt pin sun day only 941 am jtlamtop ba day only myr at otulpb 705 pm dally eaeapl sat and siul ni tfilmh iitt u 1 ili l hfa ajm mjltm tktammtmat bsfj bsbh

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