Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1958, p. 8

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now tww dtaa s mmm mmmu tvftts eosto as ymjma jufra 3 m longror gaming th swd of a of a klt- toricaj mo fv actor aew u let or sfrvaah mar coy brought hern taaf w by m lals ol whqm faufhwd by pair board wtwi this coluctton was darted over rwnly yart ago it wet th iubtr1 ol much favivsfjist ommlnl by far vuttor tk twu in hh uhkb4t w cachrd from many too cat ii wil made potuble by a tommiit headed by th lata- n f moore all tha fair was ovf ih articles wi tkwad m bun on rh properly ol malion moot stnca hit daih h probum of slor irtg th collactton hat ban an tncmating on w rlu ml wall th difficulty to kptrg m nelttt of aarly days tn prhantbl con dition and tn btngtng tfuwn to public shibt aeh yar th fair board at qroup of citi mni cmof carry th whole load and storar lpca it not readily avatlabl w hv quit a collection at th fr rvtt building which w would b glad to contrtbui to rnutum ithr m th town or county but it it with rqt tht w t th rlct of early dyt scattered fr rui wki and th collection broken up mny attest ten i ere noi wr that th dwelling on mem strt facing river street wet acton t first public school nd alio ih firtt place of worship for th presbyterian congregation that burldmg and th adjoin ing lot would indd mk an ideal ipot for th ttart of local mutum perhaps however in tht day of rapid growth and active planning for th futur w have neither jh lima inclination or fund to dwll or preserve loo much of th paai there teems to b much mor detir to 01 into orbit or explore the moon m ihete day and in th meantime maybe we are lot ing mor than we gam praise not amiss a word of pratte it not out of place to fhot organizations who undertook thit year e hi othr years th planning and fulfill- merit of decoration day arrangement tn ac ton in th dayt when to much tim and ef fort it raqwrad on pretnt day growth and 6 much attenhon it given to thmgt of th future and othr plantt it it well to dwell occasionally on mor thing and popl who live only m memory the are dayt when it it well to look back a wll at to th future tkt are buoy tlmt whn thr it oft timt difficulty in finding time to do th thing we know w should do decoration day tuch at wit camd out sunday m acton requir th coordmation of meny folk to b tuccett and participa tion it ncouraging to thot buty folk who find ttm to plan and work tuch vntt at decoatlon day we think a motion of appre ciation will b applauded even if it it tnaud- tbl aaservmg our freedom it it tlm to ntirt th principle of our freedom we n6 to itop thinking of it a a political condition achieved one and for ever or freedom can b kept only by vigl- enc uw and pr actio tne long hittory of th ttruggl for our freedom from th freedom of debat in oftw pa 1 lament back to th chivelrou impultec of kmg canute it on of fin thooohh fanilated into deed by courage and energy that fdom ha bn defended through disappointment and revert by peopl who were alert to th danger of los ing all that had been qjined democratic freedem haa failed in tome eountrie becaut their people slept it it commonplace for people who were fighting egelntr u in recent wart to evcua thenv telvei on two grounds they didnt reelbter whf was happening to thetr government and there wat nothing they could do but obey deri tyrenny degrade botft thoee wrb jterdwi if end moke who allow it prhpt we have already lost tome of our freedom we tnay haver eken it for grant- dt am tuming it into a negative thing we may hv been silent in th fc of some mfuettee tnus denying our fr mens re- sawnajbihry wmay have fallen in love with kecurifty which it rh oppoiil of freedom tnee w th bguuitngs of tn lost of freedom and they com upon a nation sacrvt- ty tn dngr of thu conung gw poinl to m mim mat eternal vigilanc is rh price of liberty w must rui our blf m every generation if freedom it not to rutt wy or be stealthily iioutfforn u or bomb ed mho wrc4actr to y thai il can t happen m ncw amer ica is to tatfc m a fool t paradit atl we naed do is lock around th world to ta nations thai fought for thair freedom even more vehemently than w dtd wto have toil il by owy thft or wiount agm and experknee in soma way trie ulwr people have be com th fovqollen citrnt of lha lh few decades on re4r hat been the moverxieni of poutahon from farm to oly on farritt ihrre jm more room for old peopl and more iworlt for thavn lo do at ttv report of llie gordon royal conumivon on ctfu t r3n ortuc prospvitt fmjti il old far inert are rather lib old ioltleri if tliey vonvelirnet efw thy telfioii retiir anolfwr teavori it tlie change m city dwellingt fanut once lived m roomy rtouvt with a yard and jardn ploi but no central heal if g aty i ttotet wer needed ip l prforned bol lle roomy old fashion mi houv it giving way either lo the apart ment or the small tioni rhock full of lalor taving anplincet and dmrjnetl for the young family in tuch a home there it often jutt no place for lie old relative wlio t moved to an institution or tuffert a worse late de scribed thus in trie commission s report ln spite pf social security measures and the effortt of charity ttvere are slid old people slowly dying m back bedrooms on which the rent it long overdue th problem has been increasel by the tendency since lt second world war for retirement of workers at a stated age more often than not il is compukory retirement nevertheless there are indications tri nl they may be reifortfd to l he place of dignity and importance merited by their age wis dom and skills church and welfare groups are forming senior ciliens clubs where older people can get together some groups are building low rent housing unit where husband and wife can spend ihetr last years together industry seems on the verge of rediscovering the pro ductlve value of experience as when retired persons are hired again in the role of trusted messenger a montreal heam specialist dr harold n srgall said m a recent speech that wiih more complex technology more experienced workers will be needed these people should remain m vigorous health until the late 60s or 70s working at their special tasks he said brief comment individual effoftt the emphasis should perhaps be more on encouraging individuals and enterprises to improve their specific economic positions rather lhan on trying to do the same for them by out planning and out spending the ad vocates of supergovernment fairviow alta post shmno ptoftum all is not brightness and warmth when that spring sun warms the earth and the water especially if you happen to be a fisherman the ageold conflict will rear its ugly head to have a garden or not to have a garden stantieadque journal welkerton is another one of the ontario towns which hat seen fit to pass on to its customers tk recent savings given by the ontario hydro the new rate is for all classes of service it was announced lasf week in the walkerton timet by the local commission a taki no chances each year in the spring reports are receiv ed of cart going through the ice fishing huts lost and all too often of people drowned who failed to heed the warning signs of immin ent breakup to avoid possible tragedy the safe thing to do is get off and stay off the ice while there is time trenton ont tren- tonian l a imttmttant mevt of definite interest to canadians in all part of the country will be a conference to be held in ottawa at the end of the month and iitthefirst parj xf may its purpose will be to discuss and iron out details in connec tion with the national health insurance scheme and m attendance will be leading officials of both federal and provincial goverrvnenu who will play vital part in administration of the plan trenton ont courieradvocate the good old days driffwood cannon gad about recollections on a golden event tr unity wvm of the fill i it of ihr mutual life mr nut mi ainoi un mrh t i i irll v mnikiit lal sunday it lt lin iii mikiiii plmvur- mu 111u ami nttmlf lo hjr th ir rinihlni if i h h1 m mniinati it i irukr f th ou 1 who liiv tn t u kicmlfitt oontr itmtion lo i in ntv inn mint of acuxit rl- fiin iivrr hi y i won hi tinrw- il itingly normrmlr mr and mri ma von for ihr honor in thu ttu ir k mm mitming nnlvrrwiry it una hnrk in ib7i that am m pmtatrtt with c nunril hrrr t iuirham hi nt hmim- huildmk mid rlohtivh il hnitlinit smmi but mi hi hnii ixrn in rharnr of lh mill al alton fir w ml vnrn tti t niplr h til iwn nrtivr in com mimilv affnri ind drfidrt in inn it thnr nrtix itr non rtahliriing ihrmrclxrft in arton and jlr mu of thnr i ffnrt to ihr nr himnvi itul ulv in thr nnt yoil i re mil mi m mm wn liailrr of thr suiulny srhool nrrhchtra tnd wa a mcmlwr if arton schind ttoaid you c hr hid jm nt hi imi hmml ind school di in arton and hm 1 nit mhip qunlilh vk known hi n ho mord the machinr into tir ni w arton plant durlnc that w in- h r and hr and mm mnxm wrnl iihiiii the talk of c ttini thnr new wnluri in operntmn in thr sum mi r of 1022 i iirall txintt a drlr ration of onr to appntarh amnt to talir thr lradrnhip of thr band th y told mr of thir di mtc to lic mort jtiit tlj but i nmr auay with tin rmiiiunrt that hr mould help nut that kiimmrr and do what hi could that uas nil that i expected and it started the band back n a pro- fwioui and active era i recall thr fiftieth ear of arton jubilee in 1023 uhrn he played a bijj pjirt in its vncrtfv w hirh uii also th it rt of park entranre improv i ment all paid for by fund raiwd by eenl sprmsnreel by itvrl ciotipi then we had the riinititl thiitti and ollu i attiviliik hiiiii lo k a ilia dial of the lit of m nun liutmii g a n w mdiikli an maa xi wait it hi nrk t uny f n and i1 tin r 1 f orrhi 1 i tte n w inluktiy kw mill and the ol 14 i nn i liullftnik wal ciindnl h a1ititions hut i ral pubhi di m i nit i iiir iw n attenlii r iu il to ihom f luh ml il ukl in 102 that hi un f i llmtr of alton and mai elected lo a partition he held d r fivr r iik mar uilh dtki u and nnitit for arton i retail that tin nikl lilki oh mil in arlon cmnril and iik a i of fir i it wii if nc fct for dmm i d thi h ptutle mat- n h nn n ilowir avmui um i ill r iill nlnl in tutmlie uookinjt ark in the r tii iiim file i note that at thr inaugural session nf t nunril in 1020 th ic noti of llttvr mum addn n was an urgi for ctmerlion in arim affair looking lurk otr lh i i recall arnot mamn nil r of niton tecaum hi inliruui ion of the word wan thr givim of eo opi ration and not the niiamnt- irks type if inlinii and iini in first it wa in 1931 that he was chosen warden of llilton c o iny to ald to hi alreadv havy lou f wrvict to acton after er ing as iter he tali vi nl back to mkre aa councillor and help younger men in otfice by his wide enpenencc whin acton became an incorporated town in i05u he wai hi id in midi high gurd t all hut all amiirints it t itecl hskii in nrdt r thit hi niighl le unanimouslv hnnnrixl hv in iui the firvt mayor of acton all the u hile the mason knit ting c ompany continued to grow nmt its product found faor n canadun mnrki ts thr original building wis inadetiut and thi compmy mwni to its prt si nt cnnimikliiius ijuarti i in ilwrnilnn ing the old building mr mion made nailible thr old qunrti s t such nn attiitii price tl t m- bu w uuiiu this sundays church calendar thi anoiican church of canada st alhaaii clumk artass oel suvday tune aih iww lat sunday after thinit r30 am holy communion 0 41 am church school 1100 a m beginnem ciasjl 11 w i m mat tins acton knttcostal taurnacli 33 churvhlll r paoc itrv krnnrth j reld paior 75 cook st hona w9w sunday junc 8th va official open ma and dedication service 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship rev j c shncr cfltavui 3 30 pm dedication service rev j h blair hamilton superintendent weatern ont ario district of the pentecostal assemblies at canada officiate 730 itm cvaturallatlc service rw shhr evonsclurtie service wilt be eonw duct nlfihlly kth saturday atltpm byrav shher hs- innins with a sectional rally monday june hit and con- cludtrlfl sunday juhtf mr uniteo chutch op canada aetaa oatarta rev gordon adam ma bd minuter rasonage 30 liower avenue phone en mr george elliott organist and choir loader 76 bouer ave arton phone fl sunday june th lovt 9 no am morning prayer looo am junior church and church school 1115 a m morning worship ramttt chutch acton interim pastor rev harold slater gualnh ont sunday june 8th iftm thursday june s 8 pm mission circle at home of mrs dye dt am sunday school 1100 am mornint worship ptesbyttstutnt cttottch in ci4ada i ii 1 1 mluxliy found it u i i at in alton radoalu itn thi iao i h f und m in f fioin tin ml u t f a ir inil n ouifailui iirf ln hum by hi m lt- ii i it i mill lllj it tin tl nil f n ik ion tmiiir al piollefi s whul nim itjwmr lh sr with h kvei j i i kihruiui and in itcaut if i i lh kiiiiinds ut tin lloii aoorn himr it has imcii the great piiilim f our hvi i ih- rlutilv usmh il l v ihi miuni ln throiifh th i4ii in my dek the i iher day i 1111 m lm 41 littli bl imik that rrcalleit some of the i ffnrt b i lit inlo et ibllkhrm nt of anothi r industry in acton nhr tr ih r m mi nmt worksi i recall vividu his work in getting the ymoa foolinj in arton and the ivumming pool camaign tar fin ance and service liadership and numerous olhi r improvements in nil mr mason activ dies for coutmunit milfan he wai ahlv assisted in mrs mason i reriu thit for many iirm ihr tsas pri idmt if acton ited cniss sum ty and during th war sx nt i ml hours it the siuina rooms s e h iniii in the duke of ihoihii haptir of thi i ollt an t n wms if itetti r hnlth actively hhared in thr resmnsitiilil is of an rsrinplary cititen of this ci mm hi pirmmil mtmories crowd i i on this goldi n wedding anniirir thin was thi wr llvat tlu 1 win invitel to thi wardens ihn- nif in milton ltojid conditions wtit such that mr mason cmi not gt back to acton after coun- il nulling mrs muutn mrs oh mid mvsclf went to georgetown h train only to find the conmcling iron was latt ve got a tasi mir t i milton from georgetown and ar med ik fore the dmm r was pimp it ted i went fishing with amos on tnjis to northern lakt and playitl the once favoi iti taim of uchn it fishing camps and at the honi of this fine couple these were goldin mtmone ri called last sunday that will iim down thnmgh the mars is rl u s i ha d lit with thi in a tit fn i mmllv in niv column bceiiise i was lunched pti son ills m r lif in thi rommimin miuh n t could ix wntttn and stil te ri- compll hut nivn wis i more s nr in i xti ndnik t mi n eongr u il it m thm on th occasi m of iru anni- virwn of r and f amis m ihoii in i i know all ciutn- of acton ji in with me on this iccas- lon mpr plavt dartmouth ns icpi a plant tuaded by g d ipete sun- f cd bnvther of nova scotia a premier expects to turn out 300 miles uf plastic ppe here this yeor the company starr manufacturing works ltd once w as widely knou n as rhaktrs of ice skates back in 1908 yhamb r tm m u law t a couple of the yuuag the town wwe tr in the grove st fsirvirw place the4ther day uw vuoatig the taw by sawiutuui r4wns atul ulher insect ivursmw btrrts it was pitiful to br the jwming bjrtts eryusg for their litmili fur ifveral days afler- actit1ortball rljt puyed an rirvifeition gape with glen wil liams last saturday they gave a very fine exhibition of the sport ad tt1r ariff the visiuirs all through the game winnfng by a umr of s fl a uiuhii ac uteri 1 w iidfruwly ivmtnl at an ojjii diain i wi low sliest uw hurt it slrrst 41 sluid fliinn ui a sprowl was diivng a lor if btten his itoisr txtanx frightened at im pile of ith ml iht mdi if tlu road he slued ami tred 111u the jiteh but ur scowls prompt rmtrol of the antnuil saved sr ous damage tle t has iiiki ueti pum1 ind ho ditih iii i lt saturday i v rung lt v i u llahr ha4l the rmsftuir l step rt a rusly nail nhich pn t rated his klwn- and ran lot thr ball of til rifht ft taomii hmih what of a painful wound it wai oniptlv iliriul and n hilling mrely mev mr lurkrr pluck ily oreupiest the pulpit at both morning and evening servtes with his knee retting ummi a rluiir inspector tracy drove utile i y into town on sunday nwirning last mid rallied at the station hotel mr cildhns mil him and th in mtoi uikesl for the keyt for ihr i jr the liar was enli red sod the in leclor rets he found the ttar- liiidi t anil fimir iher men there tscn lesetire there was a violal n i f the liquor lies nee law and inf rntalion has leen laid afainst the proprietor lleavtr hiir alton the pi my nsidince of mr william alr w is tl m li f iwo fir it y hot i w1diirs on m mtiy aft imum lnn on stance the second ilaughtir was urutid in marriake to mi i kc l m intwe i f tot nto and thnr daushti r id ha to mi amos mion f all n the u mi nuim f alt n offkutl knox csvulich acton rev andraw h uexenxla ba bu sunday june 8lh i05fl 045 ajn church school 1100 am morning worship 00 pm evening worship counwalu ont cp a vlait- or to the sl lawrence seaway con struction area found tuu curios of the lajt century one u a recording secretary cosh and order book of the lhdrpendant order or foresters dated 1b03 the other a hand seeder far planting corn and pumpkin seed back in 193 hs f taw taswa mi tw tsm iaw jhssw t tssbs tw first eitlubition gae of ot sraaoa wsi played at the artua park laal nihl when aetua and cuelph junhtfi bfeltbxl to a 117 avruhmm jt katne s youmgter uowed utts of pep 14 the ball game but ttte pilcfciag staff was a little wrtk henry cripp started i he pilehuig for aetun but af u r fjuelph lustt hrored seven runs he was repucest by norm mojioji guelpli used jhiee piurhers sad lhy sueeeetid in ru tiding acu until the sisth when arbtm nj lerted imi lees than sis una to wjn ihi o r a futuir of the gjne wk ll- lmr 1 on tjy matt tyler in the fifth with iw 1 111111 oil bises tw row t wire mi n in ihst ailii lute up m lori at second h yhlt 11 i ft fld tkin fiimii t11 mk ilisettitfit i n oa m or ii iv tte hail storm on saturday e runs uuite heavy with ttiuu t thr tin of n iai ides raining down allt t lunr was mvelv liidl in isiiumvi damagt ws r- ilil stoiday th im 1 1 wk ml mil iis f i l f it i 111 cll1 t f ih ihllmo t thi lnt 1 hiim in sunday i iwtily ohjcl m0i1 1akoti w oil d w4l hi act n kanyins him ciil f- i tig hi th muiiii imi llu 1 wii liis 1 lk hi hj i at thr mtiig f alton i o i 417 on wrdnrday tsrning w llio jumes ii halmns was pre- mnti1 with 1 ls1 mast rs jew i the prvnl itiort was nude ly w llro k llrwnr atton and f ut iph tinnis rluhs i uyol m a iimi last thursday tv en ing and afti r thi final mjih win tallird up it wa foumt iht gjiiit wiie ties at i apiee at the rrgsilar mieting if the s h 1 loan on tuewtay rvtnmg irller w re r icei veil from the tiachr of the ihfh servol and isihlic school and all had acr pi nt ir riiiiinrnl f r the year at itu ularie off ict thi gosittir if the milton jail mr ri mk m nik n ha leen lo p 1 inl i u following thr 1 m iw 1 1 nr 1 i thr prisoners 1 1n 1 1 iv m t n 41 his t scape vhnh j inmhl h i k on ih n ii d 1 tip i t nie of going to pi i v th pi h td ri- i lc n professional directory and travellers guide mi hi rixankoim dr w g c kfnney phvurian and surgeon office in symon hlnck 41a mill m e artnn office ihnne 7 ilesidenc us church st f phone ltd do 0 a gabrett phncian and surgeon corner nf willow and hkrr rts fntrance river st acton ontario phone 2m do rofiert d buckner phvsician and surgeon 30 welling m st arlon ont ihnne 7t office llnun 8 1pm krai rhtath and inhikam v f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 05 apiraiwr heal fjtat and insurance wm 0 bracken insurance agency 8 mill st eet plmne 5fl nes sis it gc nrral insuhaw f j bert wood insurance agency life and general insurance phone ja3 134 mill st after hours ta 43040 guelph dkntal dc h leib dental surgeon offic corner mill and j redenck streets office hours lly apfxuntment teu piionj 10 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office sa mill street office flours- am lo i pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone t c f leathcrland qc barriste- a solicitor notary public office hours 10 00 aitfljoo am 1 00 pm 300 pm saturdays by appointment only office 13 phone hes 131 acton a braida ba barrister- solicitor notary public its main st acton ont phone 37 office hours 6 pm 0 pm 1 pro pro saturdays is cork st e guelph ta 4s3343 office hours p am 5 pm saturdays 0 a-ms- 13 om pumtty funeral home phone 600 night nr day ilrure f shoemaker mgr oniraf e l buchner r o optomtnt 4 mill st f phone iis office hours wednesdays 130 f 00 pm fvenings by appointment ai nrrtno arrouvifna iever hoskin chirtered ccounlanti 1 mam st n 212 king st hr implon toronto 1 phones gi 1 424 fm 40131 neville stolier co accountants and auditors truse s m bankruptcy 3 mill st acton icorner ai main telephone 10 lleid offire 530 ithsor st west tor nto lt xmf earl g black n cnmm r i a c a ciiahtr kli acxxiunttant jrmers mmg 183 main st milton ont tu u3 ttaviuus ouid gcay coach lines torilf iavk acton daylight time east bound 63j am idaily except sun and hoi 038 am 1133 am ih p 3 00 p tii pm33 10 00 pm sun and hoi 1 westbound 10 37 am 12 37 pm 1st pm 537 p m 737 pm s13 pm 1133 pm 1 12 am ifrl rjt sun and hot canadian national railways standard time eaitbound daily 5 40 am dally sundays 10 00 am 7 14 pm day only 001 pm dally sundav flyer at georgetown ei 7u elyer at ay flyer at deorl l37pm jqaily- caorcetnwn 1011 pjn wectbaund dally 1144 pm dally xct sunday a30 imus pm 7m pm saturday only 123 pm sun day only 9 03 ajn nsurstop sun day only fiver at ouelph 7 05 pn ijallai exc4allsat and sun 5j1 vm k y w a nvti cs v ytxinnuini a siaakwk ammr- v v

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