Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1958, p. 2

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qhj artott 9rrr ftrra w ml mtw uwe h a4 rouruud la iks and publlhad vrj thura- dr u m mill si t arlon onl unbr or ttitf au4rt liuraau of circuuuoni la c w haujikt oatarwquaba tlvujn o ut cw h a ajvstialnj rata avi raauaat ul- irrlpllon payaol in advanrr um la can ada moo in ilia unit auala moatli bcuau ottawa haaj ky ika dili fiulu ua fumuahh 0 ti h a a oiiu rjiuruioui jit pavuj u uilu prulurtlon raa juiu a uilu uanaluu idiuir w bualnaai uuj tvflibal offtca h tot aatoa 1 73 aufl ruma tc auliioriij u 1 flaw mall ptl offlm oortiai c i thursday junf 17th 1018 anticipate reasonable supply in tp1 of iha ipmg ihii y it gi i tying that up to lk pre lent acton hat no wvmngi utuad ot a tholaga of walar tuly wthi tl9 hooamrj in ami onre1oii with tv new ouki of supply it can li dll uipalar that m ill coming tunurw month any ihorlaq will ml and normal up pltei will le available ii i wll liowv lrel ovlf rttifly yeeh ago wkfn il wittrwoikt iytem wi frl inillld in aclon malari wart inllli nc abut omrvt wfvrft wt dwoofg tlvayari ljv dimourykj watt ofwtttar by the citun am a reuh it ha leldom been necfiwy lo enforce re it helton mcit folk have at rviull len ofufvhv of ih water available and the waiter ha ttii to pay for in neylrv l and waitefulne more and more teople aie coming lo realize that water i not in unlimled unpv but inetj at needed or at required there it enough for all who are willing lo pay the coil of having it pnhjpt it it eay to male a lumrner prediction but it dor look iv if cilient of acton may anticipate the lununrr montht without any fear of water thorlege anticipating our need hat alio been a fnv orable factor u measuring our irrvicpi just what is a father jut what it a father the following imcs by an anonymout author give tome antwer nd teemed appropriate at faiher1 day ap proachet on sunday a father it a thing hat it forced to en dure childbirth without an anaetthehc a father it a thing that growlt when he leeli good and laugh when tcared half lo death a father never feeli worthy of the wor hip in a child t eyes met never quite the hero hit daughter thinw never quite i he man hit ton believet rum to be and thit worries him tomehmei so he work too hard to try and tmooth the rough places m the road for those of his own who follow him a father is a thing that gets very angry when the school grades aren t nearly good hough to he tcolds though he knows its the teacher fault a father it a thing that gives daughters away to other men who aron t nearly good enough so they can have grandchildren who are smarter than anybody s a father it a guy who makes bets wilh insurance companies about wholl live the longest one day they lose and ihe lel s paid off to the part he leaves behind i don t know where a father qos when he dies but 1 ve an idea that after a good rest wherever it is he won t utt sit around on a cloud and wait for the girl he s loved and the children she bore he ii be busy there too repairing the stairs oiling the gates im proving the streets smoothing the way june is dairy month june it dairy month and with dairy farm ing so prevalent in this part of the county it it fitting that we take time out to salute the dairy farmers and dairy industry this country ranks si nth among the milk producing countries of the world o the total milk produced in this country butter accounts for 43 par cent milk takes 31 per ctnt concentrated milk and ice cream use 9 per cent end all type of cheese take 7 per cent the balance is used on farms we are inclined to overlook thole things close to us and in a recent letter td the national dairy council miss i c pepper head of the consumer section department of agriculture this was emphasized strange as it may seam lo anyone associat ed with dairy products we find that public attention has lo ba drawn continually and forcibly to this group of foods which stands taeond to none in contributing to good nut- ri hon in these days when a multiplicity of appealing items both food and drink it competing for a share of the consumer ctoj- lar the high return dairy products give in health promotion and appetite satisfaction mutt be widely proclaimed the dairy council it doing that job loo well over 15000000 e year it now being devoted to advertising by tlve dairy process ing industry overall value of the products of live canadian dairy industry readies the 1m- gerng tcul of 1 1 000000000 a year boosjmg lite consumption of dairy pro ducts and dairy food processed from the 17 tullion poundt of milk which will be produc ed ttit year by canada 3000000 dairy cows it as important to you and mo at it is to tlie dairy tanner and thcue onmcted with the dairy industry june is uaiy month an increasing awareness tlve illusion of the inexhaustible public purse must be dreeg it is to lie hoped at leatt that sooner or later we will all real ie that ttie more we ask from goverimvent the more we can epect to pay during the recent confereiwe of live cai ad i an federation of mayors and municipals let a resolution wit refm ted calling for ottawa lo allow munw pal laes to u ducted from iikuhw t returns speaveit ixrtwd adttpluxt ot a mmjiu lion calling for tin swton would create an advene rlfexl on ihe national economy anolher iakr from trie flooi pegged the delegates to see sweet reason what on earth are we trying to do lie demartd ed we aim pioposuwj lo av ottawa to give us rtwe mcrney lets lac it that t precisely why we wo lu renove a proolion of the feiinral government annual income we can t tiave our take it id eat il like anyone elw we don i like to pay continually mounting lanes but as we see continually mounting demands for additional srrvnet mote facilities and cjiemr prolef lion atni security we cant help hut etwtl lo conhnue paynwj mote lanes ttiere is no unending municipal cir governmental purse it continues upward only lccause we have apparently not reach ed lle total of laes wr are willing to piy when ihe maximum s rrse heil and the pub he generally otets itiere will ol necessity have to be a decrease m the number ot things for which we va governments to epl responsibility the illusion ol the inexhaustible public purse needs lo chmmih do children get too much cyrus talon ttve famous canadian millionairrf relates a story atoul his well known deep cove farms summer piacr m nova stotia al ihe farm there is considerable oppott uruly for lkatmg available are tanoe dor ies and nkjtor boats nevertheless ihe fmanr ter wnles last summer my grand hddren tfent three days snagging logs thai drilled into shore tying them together puihncj up a sail and taking everytxxly who d jo for a ncie to them making a raft a la huck finn was much more fun than sailing m a ready made boat to me this just goes to prove that boys and giu don t appreciate something that ts handed to them then teems to lc nolhmg lhai can surpass ihe sahsf ic lion that comes from creating somelhinc he adds the conclusions i have reached are that instinctively basically our young people don i want success without sweat or security in place of opportunity mr eaton conclusions are based upon a sound understanding of human nature no matter what kind oi society the atom bomb may plunge us into people are going to have to wotk if a youngster is trained or has the opportunity to work in the present society he is going to be willing to fight to preserve that society it is only when young sters are unable to meet existing competition that they start looking for isms any parent can assume that there is no lack of ambition resourcefulness initiative and enterprise among joys and girls if grown up will only restrain impulsive ten dervcies to give the children too much and do too much for them and if grown ups will help them reject the idea that the world owes ihem a living andoffer them instead re sponsibiltly there is no need to worry about whal they are or what they will be slouft- ville tribune fvmtty eusv sjuhs iklwc fob a bav ga d about more women working with total employment m canada slightly below the level of last spring and only 2 4 above the spring of 1956 the number of women with jobs rises steadily while the number of employed men drops reports the financial post in april latest survey men with jobs were 64000 fewer than a year before and 8000 fewer than n april 1956 but employed women were 75000 more than last year and 135000 more than april this is an increase of belter thari j0 over ihe years and 5 6 over the last 1 2 months a day in june in our area ijl hilar i nim ml- r tl k miiihrul jmir ito 1 un iiiiiimk hi ili i lay m w- uil lr n lnur 1 lln i-t- a11ii1 amll i f ii wliitlil liy linu ami laili oumivill iim wmiii 1 1m i ihr lilri1 w i ii i a i qoac qrlmu i u iiir ihiv i 1 1 -1- v u11 1 1 1 wi oees onovv ii 1a l i 11iii i ll w i i h a 4j 3irls work ii 1 i in i visiimi li- lit i mhiiiii kihim uliil v i mhasll 1 llltlll in h 111 m v 11 ini itiit thi nun i tt v iatnn pun- i iimii nn it- t j 1 ljlttllv ltlll l i u ml1l liv km it it f i l wl mini malt i i ii ill my liiiiimj hut 1 ntii1 l tli n v w tiimil in in iritl ikitl tr our iiuny ii ihil unit oinljinnwl wait unit iii- ii tl i li t llu itiily w tr hv iv mls fl ll ll il i it ii iinl nil hi k l iihiim iii ii i v 1 m mim nii di hk i tt ih mt i i i till till i 11 kvui iii the 117 ii imu 1 llx aitli- ih 11 k in- til k ii 1 lliv ii i l- mml mm tl l mn ii nilli iii i duff in ami 1 ii nut llioli as i iii n hm ltt tn mm iii ll mi tl i chum isition am il t h m m li liu f dm n x v i kmii11 in it is h il i nll ul llx i f m s ii ini v hi mi pm11 nt mr ii pmmtln iii ll f 1 11 h ihtv i il i ll tllmlit ll iii al n i tui ci n i f iit s ituniihtl i lw m tin w ifltiml hs ln imnns hm n iktlxs ln lwln ly auttioiit it h in illnl u s4 liity jlir uult w anl hiihi uir iiiitiiul inlhls bfl ul 1 iliit hiikllf uw d tl iiiirifu t 11 1 i 1 i ih 1i11 uilli iiim 1 imit hiur i t ih i 1 ntt tnut miilftble mt tf fit- oih w mmiu inl m li ul llllllllmk ill 1 imiij- sill of yu vmm arlmi i sl on 11 mi lwtto 1 1 ll r r t1 m ih tllirk mk t ll 1 ui f ur umi u hit moot if ll u v n xlxk ulin ll ihs llnoiih ii ihinlflil s4i iii imi iii tin wll kimun tim 1isit iliul aiil is fl inti ih it inn fm lirunr at luilly it rmk 111 n iniridsl mule winl iim uns 0111 il vit to t impl tin ihi pnl of it is spl ixtl oi llu ll os1 f miiih this inn is nt tin i 111 11 1 il ll mi imiu 1 up in ivny ni- h- i i what out fin nils i 1 iii wll ih fsl lrr ur umih us s s 1s riut1 slri ti itlr llirr 111 imn uh il usil t im- thr oll fnr iifl4 lh nr irrlin 1 nt u clir imirlmlink i nt of tin iliv lissl pimt thii planl ull pur- t tni t utli luk whi- ih w il r ih fnrr it ii lantmt m- films win shwn f uilti lif 111 t thr rnr uliiin in tiriitivn onlai ht jmi u ii- nionlini w s llu ii is pin firat ton plnnt tti lik i of s t 11i p 11 in ip mis tn ill 1 th il town nut in run liri- inuic1mtink in 1 11 fi llu 1 in it imik 1 slilion ui n l h 1 1 i i u von uil 1 1 in 1 lit mis k n a p iiiu mis i- 1 1 in ltit in 1 mr a i 11 in yi iki i il 11 t pi 1 ui 1 i w vimtit llu- mrilwilr art i ii tor ih m11 uhn s111 377 ins ul tisr uu vm s w il isti1 it s 1 1n 1 n hiu imi 11 m lil il hy the aulhoi- iiiikiii irint ill lup mm ii iu for a multiple n ionw 1 v til- t i huniklil f ul 1 11 an 1 inthi spiinu of 1uv1 smiu- iiinsul 1 ilinii f ii p pi in 111- lnl ml imiims tuttithtr with th r ilulloippiil mini llu- miilnn luk win puiihiss uik ot t n lti t iliti moi l ih iruvinnil ciurmmnl dvir lo till uill h kiuii in ih lm flhhl hijinl ih t wmr rt fores iuss tton ix pl1nn1t misi r ih- in- rnu xv cm mnm- 1 vji h ltnl to puk innt nt ltl n tsuliits this ts a nut hi r 11 t irtt n unnuili it ly ilint 1 iupv if llu ii litis f mi 1 1 ulh mt r iinuhousi- m 1 mult pi airport on snnuil 11i17 cniht villtv fntis ivaluil lr- l mull h in in r uismmiilii1 us multiph- us- t lt t vr ii t mum rvilion ami vtx f this ml r stinij sctim u on llu- lunih line f jjiuemth hi ounlix in sum uwn niihti 111 uhit is knoun 1hii1 is llun- l 1 k ilonj sum p 111 his k tlolluu il priihimed to run- k fftiinn pnpinunt if m wiim u uill ind it until ripiin miuti insiti the good old days fcu- 4 tftt1 back in 1908 ypd ytutmuf hm ii lata mr j w xfruw huj vtry nsrruw l frurn lrlui injury ul hfauv bit t6thr uh- ru ry mi tslt unlay turiuun llv m wurkins in uir uiu h in ulill uill ul uir 11 of miam ihr irlnkltr uilli its wmuh uluu ii 11111 mlltir tiiikr oil nliiwi1 hi lliulllitf to fall ll lliuk l i fl lu imnuu ll 1 11 t milili tl upt 11 tm t i i f lymi ai tn iu 1 mi hu ljtl jm 1i u hi 1 liiivll 1 t k hit n luulx hin- i tii tin t tt ih lilly i u if tl 1 i his 11 ii flsl ii i i il t s i ululi 111 lli s uniif- al 1t if 1 i i iuiis ihi 1 ihi it- i m u t it i pi nf u irnkt llil iiikiiik ii i a 1 ll iiiiuilg i llu kh s i th ihsirict inf until ih lu lup 1 stint i 1 i um- ilim ui make j it this sundays church calendar thi anoiican chutch umitfd chutch of canada rev gordon adam ma d d op canada kt alhtut cfcewe aeue oel sunday june 1mb 10m snd sundav afteh trinity am- church school u 00 a m bcginmrat cla l 11 00 a in mattim laftist chuich acton irutsyun paitur rev harold 3ljitpi guatlph onv sunday june 13th 10k 9 45 a m sunday school 1100 am morning worship mesftytttlan chuich in canada knox rmmc rev andrw ba1 sunday juwclslh 10l t45 am church school minuter pamonnce 3d iluurr arnu phone 60 mr gor klliott oraanist and choir lndrr t6 uourr ave aclon plume s rev krnnlh j held paor 75 cook st phonft 840w cm arron m mekenxie back in 1938 tikm ittmt iw uvfat9 lk vtmi undy jmm u tt wlul otivrfiuiaa 0 rruidtiru- lufiuii u tt lcrnian rutlr fct the lutdtut punl lurw owiri litgti a tiud tla iiiiavfiafluiie tii luxe uit fin 1 in llt l iui htly ruilul that irtiim f llu haul to l- inl m jku t in ployitt ui a ui il ill ilu h ilu t 1 ml iuhsl of ust i mu h fin s th mrw lllsplav iii ispl s s k lis i- i pi liltl i titi i h pifllv i p t lis si i i nil i v 11 lls lllui- i h ii v i1 i tii is h 1 si int nits ml mm i ii ih f miiow iik hi smkiiin h nlk s t aflon m 1 s m m limn itiplnnt nlid th kill m1 linn h 1 mis ii i mis m in 1 urk llumnrou kradlncb 1 in nut t iin s s tin n tuiiu 1 n 1 r 1 ms i- ml in i mrs lpp a hum hn 1m il i s m ii he t sn 1 m ln ik mis upp mom ii k p ih ui iouti n th inn ml ultit th f run r must mis m m il n 111 lit mi unt r ih inns 1i11 u hi l n iph r ntl stt s i th in 1 il t ih lust tnl 1 nhl i s t nut t un 11 it i tiniruu w sluuld at invi i uinl 1st mlru nf ssmlil if m y njnv uh t u in it 1 11 i u o ui uh il u 1 m i moinphh in ml is ui 1- vistt ll uis mil 1 i ml its ih it th instiliihs ul 1111 in sptinmir meting mis m rl nf 1 lu hi t n t l nihil tt plin i tl p imilt 1 k luinht r nil 1 f the t h m tt 111 rlimtl uith the qimi n r is sivt ti mis a i- imnk mis ii y 1 u ui mis ii dolly varden woman feled on birthday 1 t h a i- fl i- 1 mn s 1 i 1 11 uukn 1 t 1 f l 1 it a ui i 11 r il i ml i m w ii m i ih i vsik 1 ii a i i lm j- vs mil i il 1 mi 1 i i it mi m ti il ii m n11 u i i a- -it- 1 1 i 1 1i- 11 muixr pl of i r 1 ih 11 ml tt pit ii ulil ii 1 is 1li 1 1 1 mi s h i n i imn wi 1 i t iii ii la l i ih llatl1 i t t v id p ti i 1 ii i 1 n s til s il ii m i i ni t i 1 inllv ktlmkhl t in i ih 1 s lll i islll iiis iii ii ii i i 1 pint- ttu pi iii 1 t nl y 11 1 mi f t ty myht i i 1 a i u su ltfis t iii f i t- mi i ulu f ul i i ap 1 jhn u l f u 1 1 1 liull s i th intu pi larty 11 1- i 1 t 1 i lr ih ft ll is i 1 rv ii hllk ul- ll i t 1 w ii k s s 11 11 1 1 i hi aii- 111- 1 ii mih is f if 1 th t k k f stihik u ii 1 1 1 i mi 1 1niaai p ih 11 47 1 lis i h hill 1 1 ih 1 f m t i a 1 ii su i i vk to km h it ihl ihhlr n i 1- 1 il 1 tlt f ih n hi 1 1 1 ui ih m it- siv 1 m i ink a i i is fc fh 11 jt th s i 1 11 th i unil s t 11 1 mum p orti 1 r 1 riiri hl uth n rnuvt i ip pt in 1 th 1 tin h ul t i n mi ii it iiluiit ui tl t i th n il 11 ii 11 it t 1 i i hi 1 ih ii i it 1 i ih 11 imi f u n 1 1 1 1 v i mt- ill i iii 1 mul 1 mti n f t 1 i i an ilrlivli rl ui fuiki i v 11 i ih 4lh mihl 1 1 1 th 11 ml n 1 1 tv in i 1 i j 1 s ii ul 1 vslli i ii 11 i i 11 i- r l 1 1 1 i 1 ms r i 11 1 1 11 u up mi w v ly r i 1 h i i i h mim ih frr th nf ih a toll x 1 mi 11 1 tuil wn tin 1 i 1 n f 1 if a m i 1 h i n iuitil prui 1 1 1 f tl ii 1 i i t i t v i u ii ii i iiii t i t i tl 1- tl 11 i i i i i 11 i 1 l it nf ih i r s hmiiii i il 1 i n i n 1 t i lii wl ty k j i 1 i 1 m i tik y nf ii 1 11 ti ti r t rl 1 hushnd is o a 1 l h v is ihr km 1 p k lu m l v xk llllh 1 i 11 1 lklmll ii ml 1 u t m i ht professional directory and travellers guide mihi 11 unrnrn dr w g c ktnnty phi ill k 11 l in nml siirb in sviion 1 k mill si t v 1 llln ill mm hii h si f il ml db ill d a carrui ion nml sing in c 1 willm anil hnir si iniillni r si arl n lnt- 1 ihinr 2m pumuy funfpal home 1 itio nicht nr div t sh ht k r mr ihrfirilmtfill a mcxbf 0 c ii 1 sprfif lux 1 1 itr i 1 i mll six t il in 40 ul olf ii ls n l w1 7 0 1 1 i s 1 optic al mrs frniu miurvild dulh vir- iliii uis tiktti t mirprim unsun- 1 lu hh h ipptuxm iteu 70 fi mils n 1 hives inrt nechlkir on mm wiisinti nf her 77th birthday 0f 411 luhtr n auu it ended the airn ami c hbraurt the birji- sitnday june 15th irrll mrs mrnld twin trind- ntv am mormnc prayrr ihldrtn mike uul kth rhildren 1000 am junior church and f mr mil mis nh medutuim church rchoid t i i fj rih tuu n 11 1s am mormnc worship pw n iluli mcv if limtshiuike enter- acton mntecostal uutu tn k iectim on taurnacu uu b m churchill hoad m u1v atl and irthdav crtftinei paoc i rerereived b the cehbrunla colvt bfrch sunday june lmh 1150 smee the 1012 sinking of the 10 00 am sunday school titanic nfr newfoundland canada 1100 am morning worship han panic palrd in an annuhl intr- 7m p m evartbliltlc service national censm of iceberg aa hey nev j c shrier evunseliit ourcnxt cookt icobcrca suoaklna in all icrvioc nro counted and tracked by wa and is iisihi evanuelwlic aervicea conttnums at r uwt alilppmu can ht detmred 1100 a nvintornina worahip ntuhtly exerpl mnndny and j wljlntevenlnu worahip silurduyot u pm ln c ul 1jli dr rodfrt d buckncr iiiuh un ind surcmn 11 vi ii nt ti st a luii out ihihi fl7t office mniir 6b p rn hum thtatf ani inwibami 1 f l wrighr 20 wilbur st artnti onltrio imiinr- in apirlser ltril rtit iitul iruurjnir wm r bracken insurance agency i mill fit ret phene 58 11m vr afcnkral insurance j bert wood insurance agency lifr and qfttrral inmranrr imuine mu 124 mill st after htmn ta 4j0w ourlph dental dr h leib nvntal surweon offie curnrr mill and rrrderuk slreu office huur uv appninttut ut tc1kphonk 1w dr a j buchanan ivntal surfeon office- s mill stresrt office hursq am i i pm closed wednriday afternoon trkphone iu c f ieatherland qc nan-lite- solicitor notary public office moure i0oo a m 11 oh a m 100 p nx- 5 00 pm saturdavi by appointment only office 23 phone raa is1 acton a braida ba dorrliter soltcilor notary public 173 main st s acton ont phone 376 office hours i pm i pm 1 pm 8 pm saturday ls cork si e guelph ta 4s office ifoura bom 5pm saturday 9 a m 12 am i l bucmner r 0 opl m 1 l- f m 11 st 1 phone 113 ofre hiiim w in v i iu 6110 i m i v ins u ipjhintnu nl al lmvi a lnntinfl iever s hoskin th irtrrd ei mint mt m mn st n 212 kni st ilritnpln turonhi 1 ltmne ci 1 4m fl 4mi nfvllle stolier co a iiuntanti and auditor truktrti in tlainkrufilry 1 mll s at ion icurnrr irf main ti ifuhune 10 lltt off re s30 himir st wrtt tor into lk 2mott earl g black n drum r a ca cm mttr hei accountant rrmm imdil ta main st milton ont tr 1flml ttaviims ouioe gray coach lines oacliurt lkavk acton oaylirht time kailbou ound a u a m t daily except sun and ii 1 i tm am 11x1 am 208 p ni im pm flu pm i s3 p in iuu6 pm tsun and hoi weit bound 1027 am 1237 pm i5t pm 3 27 pm 727 pm 0 13 pm 11 32 p m 113am ikri sat- sun and hoi canadian national railways standard time eaatbound daily 3 40 am daily except sundays 10 00 am 7 14 pm sun- day onlv b01 pm dally except sunday flyar at gaargitown 8 03 am 27 pm daily flytr at georgetown 1011 pm waatbaund daily 1144 5m dally niecot sunday gso am 3a pm 740 pm saturday only 123 pm sun day only 003 am tflaitftoni sun day only fiver at qua oh 7 ft pm daily except sat and sun 331 pjn

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