Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1958, p. 1

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izht eightyfourth year no 1 ttrn jfftt ptfesrs acton ontario thursday july 3rd 1958 eight pqrsvn cntt klaff fltitlo dominion day hoiioay turned acton perk inlo a beehive through the inner lulx bouowed from full cur lower photo of activity at adults and children from far and wide congre jhowj a poton nl the iwfh d th jivi birny th hoi gated to enioy the swimming fnhing bo ting batch it and day activity a young rtiiti old litemph 1 to he it the hint in other facilities shown iniet are joey lancaiter and peter the cool water of i an y i ik reorti hoc lh re were over sorbara of guelph at they take a glimpte of acion park j 400 crowding the heath irt i fca aw n ii vu r i ltj njcj ywit tn- tl h acton park jammed high school principal list pupils promoted onholidayweelcend xam resu alss no9esq acton park was literally jmin rd with can and peoph fturmi the hnhrluy wi t kt nd m vintii fim far and wide chjnved ou far lilies fur sw imminm l4atuil f irunf baseball and piinir adulti and childrt n alike d n nil bathinff miu to uii foi ii dip in ui cool water of fairy iakr whilr others bra ed the ravs ot thr tlnm tun to git a suntan present to rm with injuries and emergencies wan the st juhn am- buluncr brigade who treated n fi w picnickers and im immi ti fur minor cut and trum acton firemen entertain wives acton fin hngiib numb it en ttrtained thi ir wivm at a miaw be rr uncial hud midi cm mm if the fire hall wh n mmwbiitv uki and whipped c thi t u mill y art nd promotion n an- klla j niunrd liy principal f a htnwn kulm 1 ut arlon lliuh schixil pmiiiii oraafluatun illptasnaa i p th following havi urnl high hum sh school graduation diplomat ki nh rlair i a anderson mary jane func muh- oah uhmujuih ir i i arl honirr david hunter michael pramoted ta radc ii hunt hill johnstone huth l-anda- cand hridh nitmu in burouth shirley maaon bote ham linl r ih it j m s mat phi rum mnrcin t morrison i id ndit dmmv lit i ns n j l 11 n m ii ji u m tf 1 hi it m ith u ltiil v iphvs k i n i it si suukti in i mi uesing i s s r i miii 11 v m q intoit seek 97 acre annexation agree to 4000 payment rockwood school holds field day thr amml told ivmti wi hi id at hkh vh1 the ll rrk of iht ukfl if with t tudrntk tkinn iail tttrrt w r 14 rvmti ititd ttic ttillnii culd diimia tiny ix in wliuh lo in p t wirim it in thr junioii wik jutn thi intxn and itrld htfh rnun in uu uu finnlau tla i ynn laaa wn lil himpim whili ritit ituk artd hilly sxtiiuidir tit1 f r kh lu at l t lit m p i ii llolh had f ur firtu and om ti ml snir humpi muiilyn imhi mm iind ii t llutly ttkwt id rr mtdstil a- bxiuli it titnur tlir i i nl mi id thr s mm j w ill lui iw uii in uir fll wtnn kh i louiit acton figure skaters successful in tests four arton kut vi i mm s ful tn autni m vi n t u ut iti nitlph hummir skntiiitf vhhi hi id at tin- ulph urlifitf hil during thdr ilitink pring mliii in sunday junr 2ti tint vim iiili u niimlil of a ton tkdti air ukintf advnnlt of thr t u ihtim it iiirlph and h t nwin vr mittinful li david harris ili-u- th- u during 1h pole voult event at tliu kxkvxd viwxji firtd ttrty lait wrek when 215 itudi nti twk port hildrcn tompoted in fourteen evrnlt tturmg tin- diy and the hampiont will lc awarticd irophiri hy the home ami sthixjl association when school resures in tw it ln lil mil ill iy fi tt mu 111 t nt dly shjtn lluolli y iw disnti t t 1 ihtxi u i hi ni d inn t p in t r lihlhn hi iii ida iiui d i to ttmdr z i ims 1 f link ik- 1 11s lit un uy- f id lddy clark mi no t t 1 tin tit f former acton merchant dies thomas watson was baker here a 1 n v1- n lvt it l m l ifclhy iikhli only 1 th ii 1 hi i in- r diiinnr niwlon jrun puikir nn- r skippn il nr vari u mri watmn manlvn younu iromalrd to rdr 12 judith ahtum alu i llnm an- 1m iaik nd ptn jhn ii kk i ann itiiinv iaij f i i r t lw ilhm i ut um i iklil n ji ibtr t dvidmin ihs ijiurmtr duhv donald hiimimii i ale i shnn irvam plus fi i mil gfuhnim alu li i ktwl i do willi ii 1 m ooii i 1 4 i it otllllt ii tlmton ii nn himimv v llll um is ii t lhn k n llol h in1 radr 2 it in hn t 1 n knn 1 k jom i kmiy hohhii w it maiy jan i tl mhihl t im inti tin spiintt kuniiiii i unit fu i ii- similh r if i i a hlriilphcillrh sk h tub i ih- ut t i f lln nt ho hrt i it in frinu ht r nnt in ii lit u j i irlrt h tiuli i t lktv immn- 11111 ii il 11 ml ii t it ii mr m m ittl i u nti m 1 i n 11 ii i 1 n im m 1 it tll ii n k i tll i ii iii iti ii cliut n mb misuccessful pupils are promoted william llikhlm rnt i t rat robert little public school lo fradr 1 tn rdr m o lu itn rrildy i illian pun lor ttu nuli mn h townm award for ihhik low l chu f j n wton p 4 st ii 1 m norm pin with n 1nh goinu mhin in ft from tin pat limn pi tor tn ti mm ition m nuhind in thi n it futiu ttu mninj wis toiuludd w hi a dam nukk tn radr mi nor k in uilh m mhiul mlv mh solymm i in solvman tn radf 7 lliliii ihkkv lli tt ann hi wn on i m lliiv hmiim si hoi to dradf 1 anni ihikkk ih ci rk inl c i itk liid ivh loth muniv joy patt rsn jant mur- iy tn radr 9 jim hi iwc- j ks k mn iiwfui audnv jumi s simon jmim n c lor ii litinu i t ui tu jim timu y ii st albans ladies hold pot luck supper st alumi td s cuild ii ed a pot lui k mippt i and s h lal rning in thi pu oh hall i wi nradn w nuik jum nl th flltul tn line of th m i i tim mrmlm- s town t tin ml pniaitil and m i ri m m i i hord tut loppil oft with km i tu of htiaw he 1 1 an anml cakt with rrtani the priaidtm mrs c iinlu said ci rat foiiuvmhk pp thr nuinhirn tnjovid iiino um i the direvlum of mi i liinklin mr v lliintow and mn tnunm nd limnm unmrn umini thi svipin1 u ti n ar th list of promol- nv nli isid thiv wttk hy lnn- itipitt w mikn ii of thi hourt i utli pvihlir sthool n hlndrrrarun to radr 1 j hn itiativ hi mm 11 niu tt susan llnun jitum mmkwild miiivuu lilis paulcnppi an li- ii duiku johannr dunn judith y hi itu hiiii irtr rdwiiid h ill diuil oiil muhail 1 im st mn aintt y ima jut mm li- nti tiahim loioths iihini knni th cn mirv muk mir n muikitt j upulini i imon hi i m 1 olir limla litikham ki nn iti m itoiill rdw ud mi- d wtl hob t la ntssitt willi on ni lk ian nnfilk kdhlen o k ink jomph p lilt car pin n mr qurnnill chul hust dtborah k id marlon hut- out kmn nhd anj la rim oail hoks john sttlan kartn twnt- u june vine june waunn muk wolf radr 1 tn radr susan all m ik u 1 harry um n 11 1 1 llilo h ih llrun ii lmi 1 11 c hnslohi i n 1 ii i t 1 1 p n john i tun in i u mi 1 i- i judith d in ii th i nn du i arth hiv in dunn itutti i v id i ivl i ml s dmi kiimk ih i yt im t i lul id t 1 mm t i ml t i s tw i t 1 it 1 li hitk silu ui u k siimn i hul l ii it vi i ii n i mam iluklus m i ft 11 t uiuiii iioiim y 1 um t tin n ci 1 nn kik u b it i it uilhim link id n i i ndi i iws n i i mi 1 muiimi m mini i mi hi i l i eoux paul miln ni mi s cordon mik m it i i m k n tn mimnlln imiiui nuulik sandiaoaklx june pip 1 n jampichni palm colli m p i kin iv m pot hums to r continuid on iuo- tlm puc to spend 23128 on local improvements t timorih to ik d oiunuvsion ti ti 1 lutrud mor ffu i nt m uii i in hid id in im lime miih ttu h utid itiken if tin nimiminih i put lit uuli- stit li undi ilikitiks i of i ih bwlu smui u llil m ot ui w un ii ht nt m dm i 11 ci nd vll v th 1 thin ki lultii n mi p i ihtu it irhn al m m d n 1 i out it ji mis j it 11 im s a tu n i nklit k k m thldin ih 1 t iow d u rt w is 1s ki mulull f tl t sd thomt wathon lulu r d w is in hi on tu a ptmatd annraation of p- piuximatily fl arrta of ptjuin4 ioiijiip und into thr town uf arton up- n jynrlil r 4 000 00 to th towrikhip and tubjret to tha piivl of ttu ontario municipal it id wna kivrn thr iikj of ar provl hy atou liunul at a ix- lal ill noiuii intsiting m wrd- ii sdy v ronit la tin council than ih l t luii filwi m m rating of thr indiittnul lonunittee of outiiil with i prra ntalivr of e- ipn king tow nth ii rou nr 1 1 n krl day j ill i 7 at that tima th i wiiship altrd to axrpt m 000 m i cowl ih 1v annrhntioti ova piop msj aim aaliou nd uir thrd i in road in it iiuiii mnditton tb ut any with r wtk by tha lwn rrlrwa 1u annatu m- w it k rpuru1 to imimii llul ii i i n ntativrt froftl thr lnwtifthlp llr tjlllla lutppf a ix wt uir mtrllulit he alf if m wd th 1u inn aation and i- iuimd that al th timr when land in kmiui iiiig townuup wat unnci- id into tin town roiini il tignrd an llomuil to pay a immi 10 in our tow nuiip w hu h wai utit ruled out hy th o m h ttu ami il rvily at that turn i ni i tided pioh i ly from ii iidmni u i ih tatam f laud m loihr- vi w and lnba kiilwliv ikcni and a iliilinii f pioptly owntd by 1l n liiwu milk n t m uuotitfh nt it ii vis hi inavor old um il u wat ih h i hi utt al ohlu i noon the town li n to thi town- at- nfoi oun- ll with r ly 2 ati al il in i 1 h k inl in nd ill y nt w ii m ut itlll unauthonzedcanvass former mayor wife for funds illegal entertain acton band id us hit t t d nl of th si lb kid t is v tn uii uih i it 1 is m ttu n uu b ti t klllk p n m 1 v i vl w is i vt ri m hind list siimliv at uu il n 1 pm lb ii h on uiki j hi foil wn r ol tl n on iiiv dttv bwnil xpi on pi in itu pto hiuinin hud pii i tit unit r wi i t r of 123 to p iiudi improm d m o let fot ui hutu fot ttolh uruin and rural hvittn niv in ti im of l uu is wltn in dt pi ndi ti m u ii b fm tint d ind moii upon u i ti irtt fu j w id rank of i ni i nn net t to t n- pi wit hi ibli- ifum to ue urttt r klutn- mld htlp uie dll mr not m wiitlsi i i tl p p mn uii fund tv i it i f hi i in 1 11 pi is r u pi 1 h students pass examinations dutinj th mipjiet tub numb i i rh m z bennett public school back and much tnjovnunt billow pnntip il w d klnn r smith of i trad 1 la radr 3 ci jimmti w it m td a to taih t the m iv urn u school om w it k j andttus atthi hmiu umen identity ttu- winmtk m annoiuuett tht tam n milts unit j ibhhop janit hraid i mir th la nmbst wfrv mis a pub pionfrdions in the whool r nmhanin luitie chishoiiu and mr h graham i klnderg arton u grade i pajtat hrld unan itinnir paul hnuda harh- mtt v hrtmnw acted a pan 1 1 nrow m j buchan m das misdirattr tn the came of im llt huimij billy colquhoun unura got a secitt the iwiiehii utu ixwlm uirrv dnsdale judy mr b andimm mis i helr 0 juan gibbin umtrr iub- mr p ctxin und mr n nwlnn j lctti marianne hacfncr charlcnc armmc the tjitrtratini avcrcii mucins ikwrlcy ifnward olca una the sit of a huge turtle ti lakrv icw member the mirtins m in titer at p certain uettdmc und the interest ins birthday presents rrceiscfl b the member who had that day as her birthday the next came proed htlnrumx as title of famous sonca were portrayed in pjinmmmo fashion al the conclusion o this conod the meetlnt closed with the mtz- pah benediction everyone u complalnins auul the weather until they fo on their houdaytr hnatiw mark hurst jackie irwin ann kamminga mark kowalf valerie la inc cheryl uee sherry lott roy mainpnie peter marco hit he mccurdy kay mckellnr jimm mckeown leslie mylcs crispin norman bccrlev norton huth oraurke kendra page jim- mii pvycha linda robarts terry scanlon donnic shortiu debro slmerlnncl timothy stancltffc jtmmte stevenson donna taylor alan thompson heather thomp son patrick vale robert virtue cathy white dcbra winter ellen wisseni uwe zundel kemii ckike john cmiitiux i m- da damm donald dtck llie dmnell tt rr lkwdtn ttibiu frost ann cudon lmd i gordon berja grot tu tun r ktuuis hu gins marlem htrrniinn patricia hdmcs lb rt huism in sheiu jeffrtv citolvn jrtotiu janice jordan andv lnni pali u iu lat piter martmcell chrikfi- pher okborn sind pilcai lorem paul antumam quinn ktnmth robertwm andrew sennlatu jane sterritt kveln van de brink leonard vare patricia whciler yonne yiiuman i grade 3 to grade 3 brmdi ahcrne irene andi rson june bvnuin robert umn jean bulmer barbara cmik genre cook leslie ann cochrane paul dunk garry gibbons robert hart continued on page three 1 s vi 1 nun thin i ltt pi b th suninu r sw t i rlluwint lb nu tub is d 11 1 th ii s with soul njoviiu i fr sh w it is of 1- thlli olh i tnjoytd rub r tht tti all i f u wnship va not ionditiin f tha ud bur so th installation of rvus to ou in w town water pi ly t rr 7od indbftuui m m mk i id ioiiiu il the in t n f approaim s t ih onti indust- ii it bid 1 1 approaimatu a vn u un tha wt id of main mutt north ippiivinuiti ly til acres if und ovmki by anth mv hufnicil and 12 ai n putt hasd f ur yrara ago hy mm pi sl s i inulid 11111 mho 11 h i him nruirm if tlui b wn would run into trouble maiiit tin i nc th road in the pro- nimil inn xation ara irrk j mi i in infortnit him be rod would b t rimit to a tounty rnad ih wn would in ml uu it ami be n imhiuvd by on munh tsa coapull u pay lb puty hit m j tor tntjuired if tin 4hmmi wax b ik- d by thr 1wi r ou pi o ounnl th mini informed turn it had been u sld ou p int touncit look ift t th p vm nt ut ill i ii iihri vkd finance itiiimih lb v w wilson where ih in n v w h koinit to cnne from md ih hm- r piled dont kn w ii vuiunt biidirrbsit f but is ni f those thinks that crop up th it h v i he ih kid aflt r on itbt harhbri akrd the m i r i h h any siluueaooni uiodnh whit town work could hi tuitibl for lb ptimtit mr k i oh ountillor tha in n d ih v tiius nmlt- kn w ti w t ih situation ind i w is hs hi on y lotild find g lot n dip cs keith indicates 20 cent increase for one party line irnnas s of in for two paltv is miv ic in ai t n i mrpai iv tv d n i i kutf photo two were hospitalized w- wednesday night when their south oound cr- hurtled vut of control at silver creek dropped down a six foot ditch splintered a telephone pole clipped off two fence posts and carnvto rest upside down as shown by the photo alex vanhorne and bert mcmenemy assisted in pulling tha two occupants from the car and they were sent to guelph general hospital after the preduslc crash inrrvased aarunim uii 11 t i ov informed bits it w s his opinion tha f th in w irmim micro 1 tun pllii pi nt woul i im lorikidercd k i s n mss siiinl to ihm and said if m have to end i ipitl list i up th var h im a ilifiilt it uxss m tm justlfllfl counrillor itaehlm enquirei akin if iht re w a anv way to let s in ot tht pi i si d work ar tund town ift fot th pismt ounruur v l u1 uifotuhl mi tuchlm tlu fmantt tommitbi had already th pptd hudkih wn 919 000 ad nu pn ni nth dini uhtr d w stop mn ihph ru kaad hudftl t ul lraaliaily t id ii nts fu i urn ill i j hunt inforrletl hns a pro- ihiiki ih load bodi t had beb i in ihll tt i phoru appbcit- nit far l mm h ilrtady and they um for uvimi rat fibd in l wu dune abdultly frinfie work btwa with on hoard f trans i at pustnt in orlir in complete cnmnmktonir for aoada accord- pj is ht told nirnibrts fal irib lo c s ki ith ttu lompanj t onlv t atin almut the buah nuinagi r hu jtrvini l find this monry in cut th proposed mcuaw f r n rtnt ictoimti uirtv flat rate husint sa m run i j follow ma furthrr d inclusion on vt cms ninillhl sand for two putv hi situation council approved business ntu it is 20 ctnttthret nadinei of bylaw no 1130 monthly nnen thr pmpttsed pmpcrttea to tht town f acton approval was also civtn fo trhi united suburban cas company to mtall a twinch ens mam in the gttnlra sittvilimmion on uowbry lane and lumcfirld road as laid nut in mibmitted plans after reeruina motion tn ad jourrs mavor cttok remarked thla is the shortest council meeting u history thr meeting lasted bx- artly 40 mlnutrs cltrk mcdealhle later informad the press that council at tbajs meeting held in camera followlit resular council buslnesi on june 1 hat dealt with thli pronoaed r- nexation special service held by wms sunday june 22 was the annual women s missionary socu ty sn ice pi arton united church su clal munic was contributttt by ihe junior choir rev gordon adam it save a splendid and instructive t ilk rn the work of the society in our own land as well as in the different missionary fields where the work is carried on

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