Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1958, p. 2

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jeift artutt wnt tarsa 41 poundd in ltt and publuhad awry thuis- dv si u ulu st e arton onl unnbr of u audit bunau o circulation the cw n a fcud ttie onurutquvkjc d4viuvt u u c w w a alwruui4 rw ut rnuh kb- vrrtl ibuj payaw in eivinm fcftija 1a caa ada moo in uir urulrd slate nx munlhi 1 75 tiinclr ropin 7o authorised a stuju clu 1u1 pot gific devrtnirnl oh is hat w fc lmi il li rf ted taurf c lamluj g a cwu kailtkrukcwr david r fbu svimlurliuat tlnaar jarne a imii unagm editor iwuirt and elitiruj offtr ph co ar4a a thursday july 3rd i95j lets vote on it the roifuian tl runt svfk jujwm kob day was bougltt into trie limelight ain wttl tl wt not only in our own c oww9ujnt y but rght croii canada it wai totaid tn moit 4t individually ven lit holm of ccvwhiom mld ilt ioblfti of muling day with 0nprtvmr of ifiorteong it tti ioi doounoii day alt aiui carnvia bun nrn nd irdutry mt thi parbiuur nd in their own w y folk m industry found thai nntloyvei and employer favored mailing the holiday wirfi long witlrrw pelalen vpitly in k pernhable good category found that th public could not be bell leived with a long period of cloted iriop somt hutliwisei lolved it by taking toth day there i no ue in retailing how lixh lituatiom svte met m eaily dayi now we hive by lawt union regulation and th ned lo mlf a living with their own situation of preference and nonpieferenitv and all backed by ttrong aigunvrnl ttierc t only dominion dfly oirntmj and new ye it day that don i fall on a week end there s only one hng to do apparently put them on th monday list it baen done with victoria day and ovc holiday with quite a measure of sixten but the action can come only from olllwi and like the canaouan flag protjtem pblitic imi mtiti io like to plaave ever yone lets vote on ii the issue might aroute more interest than ceylon or lebanon good old summertime for generation the song in th good ojd summertime has been popular not io much because it a catchy piece of muiic but because it etou what for most paopl the favorite time of the year infiabitanti of northern countries uch as ours appreciate the summertime all the more baxause it is relatively short in more favor ed climates california lor instance where according to the natives summer n on all- varround season the summer months can not mean so much for most of us canadians summer is a real holiday rcn though we may be unable to q4m away from our regular work for a couple ot months anyway we are divorced from the onerous chore of shovelling coal and enipty- irvg ashes little jobs hve mowing the lawn or weeding the garden seem pleasant m com parison canadian summer n ow of doors time pktics sports days weekends at the lake and homes open wide to the elements are among the features of the season we have wondered sometimes why any trvdoor gather mgi at all should be held during our short period of fiise weather why not church for nample m the open ar we have so little warm weather m ihii country tht ii seems a pity io milt any of it by beng cooped up lnsde four walls summer is hoi day ttrne for many and no doubt this is the beit season to get away irom il all more and more business places i tnn country are dosng up completely for a couple of weks to give employees a holiday even retail stores are beginning to follow this practice which is becoming common in the caie of factories warehouses and offices for each individual lummw holidays thou id mean a complete change it is a good ihmg to get away irom one t customary haunts see something of the rest of thtt great country of ours meet new people do new things surprising how new contacts and new scenes give a person nejv ideas and tomethtng new to think about and talk about tor a tidier town at this time of year the amount of trash end litter that blows around the t treats n as tounding and becomes more than an irritation to those responsible for efforts to keep the trer of the town in some degree of tidi- neaj a qua it ion as to wher ell these fluttering papers and scattered bits of card end boxes come from is a fair and logical one and on to which there is only ajne nawar people re lust caelesi actually then is no reauvi at all for even ow bit of paper bamaj blow eound every pif m iot manner muat have bean releas ed outside either when throw out with gar bage or tossed into the street in such forms as cigarette or candy boxes if everyone was truly tidyconscious there would be no papar htier maybe irtoio who ihrow cigarette boet cvi l he streyt for enample act m the same way at home by throwing them on the qoor but we doubt it we cannot imagine anyone lake ktat just tfte same as we cannot imagine anyone thtnkmgly throwing paper on tome- one s lawn or 1tt street itself yet it is done regularly and promicelly laws are only necessary when people ne glect to carry out trteir responsibilities fairly and honestly ttiey are rvecessary to force people to live up to then retponsibilittea in relationships wlh others nd their communit ies tl is disregard of the elernentary need for tidiness thai hat produced laws providing penalties for throwing litter on the highways such laws can be quite irritating yet they would not te necessary if everyone acted at they srvould there is a challenge hi collection with this litter business withm this town a challenge to everyone whether a household or only temporary resident occupying a room aeon tmualion of this paper discarding habit could well call for trie enforcement ol fines but that is all so unnecessary unpleasant and unf r lendy the cure is entirety in the hands of all of us just don i throw away papers or place ihcm where winds can imiii thorn well all enjoy he tidier town our skyway a suggestion on of the favorite post times seems to be finding a name for the spanking new ky way bridge thai will yet motorists around burlington beach bottleneck burlington boosters arc plugging hard to gel the name of burlington skyway perman ently attached so tl publicity can bring them more industry hamilton p luggers mamt m more of it is in that city and since it provides an entrance to the city it should rightfully tie- called tlie hamilton skyway meanwhile letters to the editor in many newspapers are suggesting prince phillip princess margaret queen elizabeth and a host of other titles of course the burlington boosters are put ting tre pressure on they look a 40 foot scroll to queens park bearing 5000 names urging adoption of the burlington title and stan hall has obliged by suggesting to the prime minister thai burlington s claim is leg ilmate away up here and a little out of the noise of battle we were just wondering if burling ton or hamilton had any particular claim to tfie bridge ihat tan dollars from all over ontario built havent hear that either mumc ipahty plans to maintain it or has slued de bentures to cover its cost thats when we got to thinking that we had just as much right to suggest a name as those who live closer that s why we re won dering if some consideration shouldn i be given to calling it nelson skyway there s a name that may be lost to future generations but that has been an important part of halton county smce its inception we re all for the name nelson skyway lecause it will avoid any mental connection with what for years to motorrsts has been a headacheprovoking traffic bottleneck known as burlngton beach using the name nelson too wo maintain peace between the two municipalities that hae threatened to gobble each other up anyone for the nelson skyway brief comment canadian oooos besides bemg a patriotic duty ii n a matter of definite self interest for the people of this country wherever possible to purchase the products fabricated here by canadian workmen usmg canadian materials and pay ing tanes to maintain the government and the public services of this canadian nation trenton ont courieradvocate one soumon am the fuss and bother about safely on the highways with the millions of words written about it would be unnecessary if every vehicle were governed to a maximum spood of so miles an hour napanee ont postepress r t e- e sttks and suuks harness racing seems to be outgrowing the smaller towns there- are just not enough people to provide the gate receipts the pari- mufuel bets endthe purses so while har- nehs racing flourishes in the big urban centres smaller tracks are dying out-hart- land nb observer angler bewitched ga p about mostly about our rivers 111 til lim imivtit ii iii tin hili l ttiiiikini n trivlhin in i r t tl ii i limit 1 in tut il i i 1 i i in lmm1 i- cmi ml hi kn f lli illtlij stil t in ii i nit i it i v i ml i i i w li iv id 1 it l lit uvl i wtli until n v llk ii r nliiiils is i1i t i tin iv i i it ii m t it i v ill ii i i im ilk 111 iii t n jvs 1 p t m ltst p u it inn rm u i in t ls j v it t t llmimt 111 li ik i i f 1 v 1 it l1 1 u u iv i lv mi a i lii i tin m iiv i or h tl ut rm met i 11 h 11 lilt k i 11 1 j 1 1 hi titliu st i 111 iv it s 1 v 11 i ii tli tin ii nl ni ii h miru 1 in it wills f st ml lis lv r ml its suilllll i lllllv i il its as a minnst t i un pi k y j f s i mid un th rv vrt no plui s there unr m nutonxitiils m i train trips in uhkii i rnt thw t iitmiih and i nvit sp nt i dv n tti fum in it v lit nt ii iiik in turnips all f ths hmlllllls hluvi hs llisll nl its mlllljsllmk t i 1 mi t utt mi fnm himiiit n linn- tl i- iltii i jjipr litum nt thns thini va h t h ii fi m v t n un w h t i i- jh ut h nul an mi lh t hum t in ms ts just t huns finrn at inn n h i v ixtnthiii tnin turn lt 0 s i lill kit 1 jin fnui f ilu iv m rn itps in t niff1 ir si i11lkl1 ulllll wl ln 11u111 wi kt nils xpms f ll is iiniv i i ilull if thin inyllims uin intuit im put nt tin v tcmtiful than n ihm- jln tin iivahih s v vs t rivir to nl finrn ku knt 1 nnc 1 i 1 i i it nn t uru fwllh mini uk to 11m- cji ii monlliv hi sw li i huilwtli ltihvvj nl th hfl lj i ivrt t- w i 1 i brulct ihiu i nimi itttil iliiit tul t iijuii s m 1111 t- roitu hi like lss tun tn vv mi nun rl il u i fm s l m i his mt ti bnl int iht nniiiiin lv s m 1 nioii pi iimiiit on n tine jun- tliv mhiku whin hi- u iiiv if th- tlw niakarn pnks commission niu im m liwin w hu li hil han done wunru rful joh in miin- held hnk so thit he mnkr- tiimnu out cinidiin si f th i mitil wmk in sl1 f m nil nr then i prattuiillv no in- i r i duvtr iioiik the nhoii- luu th inilit i id ih w indiiii hil ph tils f li t s v1i i i is i v s n t 1 11 nul flours luu tin ss th- nv sin ml tinls u h v i t r m not olsinl h n n fun il it 1 ihl u- in- m i hotms itlit hllti lis lint is iii llnovl a 1 ill lis vslill hi t1 ut ronstnt u s liii ui sv hoi imvs tiki t h hu if i loutr i i tvw n ii nil ii t i 1 m hold garden parly at community church 1t t ihiiss nikhl hui h i lui h in 11 i ml ii hu n th l nl s sun it u ii i i i tin v lit s i 11 n il am m 11 nt s n li iv i i on v i i 1 i lii i mi s li h 1 oh is 1 lh i i mls ml in ins i lh t ii i i stmt m nts if i li h i i loh in th b ism nt hurt ti hrr irr lh t b s 1 s u it h in loll in si smimi v i ul iilv 11 ii s ihii hi 1 i vv 11 i tl hi t jh k i luls i lb s al s 1 b ii sv 11 i lk th s s 1 111 or iils 7 tin yoiiiii li nl ithiii vsll i h iiii lit s 1 fnl lhvr uhi iivtr just th- lov mm is t lilo 1 imhts nir kills on un niik- lv j l oia liivu his nioti thin ms vim mh hs it ob hnis t ml iilns nil kfiiis to h is- imp i h in s in ii in s t i in tm to iutominxliti ill ihr ss t 1 m nl mim i k s h s b n hisllrti of ill iiitions it tt it it nt is i int lh fisl min his duu kit til m 1 m i th tost milt pt i in ik it rm i briutirul u1 intiltli ittti tl pi m i vs mspmim th v-i-i- pis th p t lt hut for giuit imuiity and itn- l l m 1 sh i risiii nl f di s in in i- to s i s nt vs s ti niti ts mr iimiiis ilts hi t lnu hi t il tm this sundays church cal endar r i the amoucan chuich 09 canada m alhaai chereh aeuil oel iv itit minimum ii s m ss s h 11 in it s i i n l on- at i in it 11 ilhli if id imtil t hi ih f i tin mi ml is of chui hill uno ihillnif miitini hi is thi svir 1j n vs oinnnum nits imch il foi huith ni nib i slop mps man inn mi r- h ti th ils m of bn imi t i in ih i ss i 1s tin ssh 11 i i s 1 lb mi- flu in ivmi s i i t tlllk lllll sv is uimiii til ill i oral llrm m in i mis ll ss k- i un i in 1 mi oid mis m 1 tullo 1 n m t tn h 1 s h h tin s slsi1 ti f t lb st i vv i in s ss s ul 1 k bo 1 11 ip 1 i i lit ii moil is ssis h is fl 11 t n1m ml hi- vv mh i vs is i 1 onlv 1 1 ri th s it mi ml mi it iph liniii tntl mi ii i mi m in i m tl ll roh hi hit 1 still tl ip down lk tilm i in t 1 k li iii t th s p t irn 1 i s sv s f m nil il m t s tot i lit os v s u m 1 in i i in rlkdav july th tdirt mh sunday aftik trinity 1100 m churn communion rev philip a suwyri ith ssamtt cmurch sunday juuy blh 1umi 0 45 tn sunday school it 00 am uurnlrmi womhip wesbvtcftun chuich knox ciiukch acton itev andrew h mckenxie bjs a d sunday july 8th 101b p4fl am church school 111w a m uurnlnr worship onj holy cuituiuuun united church of canada artoa ontario iuv gordon ad mu m a ni mutitir irsunati- ju tur armi ihinr twi mr cirui fuiott v oraaum and tboir umtrr 70 liowtr ave aclun phone s stnpay july flih 1tvl 9 no am mnrnipk pravcr 10 do am- junior church and church svhoul 11 15 am munun worship acton kntccostal taurnaclt 33 churchill kuad p a o c llrv kfnnrth j raid pior 75 cook si phuns 64bw sunday july otli ioui 10 00 um sunday schoul una am mummu wunhlp 710 pm evnnulitic service wednesday 8pm prayer ond ulble study friday tl pin cliriut amlmmhid- knox church group enjoy supper meeting li ah tl kvmm aiixiii ii nr kiux ti 4imiiui i hui li h 1 i 111 ii llllll 1 ml i nit- in it t hom- f mi hot it a inn- i cll svnh s col 111 is v moss irn th in dutiful mipt m s m i mrcutlouith thi- pisiu iiil ton 1u ttsd hu- linsinrn it h nd hpts fiom thi- vinous ons-n- i i s vs it i n iut lrnt mis- 1 vatlfut i uppl collsi- ir hid tikin of the li to h- mnl in jum ssith hu- nth r b1 to tn ul- up ni snpbinur thru- vaji i un imtmu diir- trm july unit august siinie roublntf jamr were en- joyed to conclude a delightful ev ening avtitc f thotiun wni ek- tftirltt the itoktem fur her kind liusiitihty diniiiu thr evetnni the good old days it -it- yw tfc4 rv tt zsr t y j back n 1908 back in 1938 tka from tit uu j ttu ft frw tkurhur jaly i 1u1 ilrjinpton nav ball club balanc ed account wllb titr lucu u4tai ui ikr imik uit but tauuday win- nuig its tht iuiiiws iiuirgm of a- r v i iritf frun ttu lai of uu p viuu s4iluidy ilw x urr iuvv luj sfcilh ail n for firl pliu- tti siitoi ga umir tiul iwly in tlir fut ininmsvtmn uy n d ttin tun on ui uififld ttior aft r is hud lri rtttid t 1x i riimil u vulijnl fftt to rr lullwlr li tlu fiifhtti but cmmiui rt ovrih i hi u jtyndj 1 thnjli bit frolr witti piomr tup pu i skoulri tmvt- s oil hi hminr i in up fo a ton hyut 2b holm h hnuk y i mi intokt if llnu aithoi ii tush wllllh if wild 3b ii4tr uilhirwri in arlon sun ilit 2ut jon io ur iul u it imii m h ti pn it 1 not li munl t tafctn fr ui u l tki vt fri ybtviar iay 1 laa ttit- rebuttr nf the ejtrance en fciiniiftltn ui hiuj ksv lmen b uus wa4t and uf uw m rundiajiu- imui lh- acuin crtuxi rvvry utr uu hkirce uil witti 12 of um- rluu urui itik iwuiors cojurbtuutiodtut frufn frund pjiu gx lo uu u z hi nr tt tlir piuuipjl and ttu faff uiui ttip uitiritful tarilutjti tso ttinl rurrci on d- mmiori lijiy at ui mmt of vtjijv- and qutrii stf ti in alton shuori uw m i hmj of olic hour wti hvioi nd bixh iiii4i svi bt imhikhi by chtf mrphr 11 i- h th niu of iir j i ibffi iuiidkboruifh m the n taj tirtpill jim iph on tutmbiy july idjm io mr and uu w 1nllh u t it il imi b pi tin it 111 v impiovthl imnil luio lh thumb ik now wtly iinjiiovit w t ri w niu1 u mnr lbur11 to iijfratulutid f i obtuirin l sou lb u uliiit tnhly pjnl 1 nut 11 m popl f a id ti all m t it nt id t io il it an it its a fim it 1 li m o 1 s f t ai t nl n movj111 lob i1 ul illtioolll of pilmohl ih1 u kf tl n iruit sthn p ft u snt io tin pih ul s s 1 1 i j fll kl 1 m 1 tin it ntrt f b iri ih uiii f 11 n t ui n luj 1 01 hum hi io id 1 lb n t o hlt ml k iblll v1 wl lllll lb r d s s i t st 11 b i 1 lb ni f 11 k piill lptl 11 ll sllt lioi in tbt i ui nam nl th tin ruks tion ai 1 i puvl 1 1 jion und 1111 on s i pnu in id of hi 1 lh s 1 moid n 1 ir 1 1 b mis toss tl uhom lov s lk id 1 p op t uf f th stt 1 th aitn nn ss np-r- liil koii v 1 oksilh lim nitlht sliii li ih y simiii run io lb s j hlh s vio foi 11 plst tn 1111 hil mis 1 rm11 b tin nii itions of th ho ir 0 th 1 1 1 i s hi a t 1 1 k t vmi hid f lilt tit his t n ll ouksilh fool it 0 ind third ph pi f th aton ml it ft nhsll stub t fr fust pin 1 m th mill at 1 1 pusit ikt up is- in s t 1 tl p 11 1 of olksll 0 1 itolh t 1 11 f thiol nn th- ii id inroiit ut ttu iriiio th s st bt kit by tht olltttjld- ibl 1 ls 0 s m v kn in plihik in fitn 1 t ll t ids n tb p 0 t f i ov amt itt td1 th 74th fl- 1 1 i 1 111 ut iii ohhunts msi im s 1 1 i t ljt vs 13 n i immon l s 1 j s tbt- m 1 tin 1- 11 it 1 k o1 f i ly 1 is i ij 1 n p fi i s 1 1 bun m1 t u 1 v 1 k t in 11 t mil in noil sh1 s s bl ti mi ms t- nth h 1 i 1 1 v lb imtt hut t i rtk vt 1 lk r u1nli ftrr- nt s 1 m i lb 1 t iilly ihr i i n s 1 iid iv t r 1 u h 1 t ijst tl vji mm a 1 0 1 tt nliin uu mim l vtv p k professional directory and travellers guide mjvuilavcim dr w g c ktnney lhsiiiin ind sureron tiff- in simon m ih k 41 mill st k at bn tiffit ih nt- th it slir in clursh st r phone- iv dr d a garrett imissu m nul sutkiron irnt r of umliiu ind kmt sl 1 nlrim uivi r st aton ontir 1- ihtiir io 1 ik in 7 l rumlfy funeral home ihonr 6s0 nitfht nr diy hi in r v sormikrr mr llllhpttatta a d moo0e dc p 1i111 r si if chuipi 1 tor ii 1 mill sttt 1 ihont- 4 or ui oftit moiim mn i u wrd 7 9 v 11 u sji i uifiikt 4 i ii a it mic i j 1 i i orncal dc roeltrt d buckner ihvsuiin and surncon 33 wt 11 hilton st afton out ih 179 lt ai lntatt and innitrancr f l wright il wilbur st a inn ontario phiini- 5 airi imr iti il fttnu nul inmnjntr wm p bracken insurance agency 8 mill st ft ih in r- mvh cl nfhxi insuhncf s i l buchner ro pbmtit 48 mll st r phone 115 offtr hiuri widnitds iw 800 m y 1 iiiiiii hy jppomtnirnt aiditinn acconntino j bert wood insurance agency lib- mki oeiierjl lnuranrc phniii tn il mll st tbr iiiiiti t 43lm culpi dr h leib dintil suru run offu cirmr mill and ndirsk stris offtr llourv llv appointmt- telhhonk 1 dr aj buchanan rvrtul surfon offitc a a mill street of f 1 llourit 0 a rn t 6 p ni cloud wtdniwjjiv arurnihin trltphnnn 148 c f leatherland q-c- il-irrntf- itolifitiir notary public olfuf ituuri lout um 1iu0 a m 1 00 p m 5 00 i a braida b a turriater solicitor notary public 171 main kt si actnn ont phdm 371 office lour 8 pm d pm lpm- 0 pm saturdays is cork st e ouflpft ta 4d ofyica hnura 9 ajn lpm suturduys d am is am lever h os kin ch irbr5 ri nintanti m main st 12 kina st itr tmpttwi turunto 1 i1iui ci 14434 em 44v13i neville stolleb co acrountanu and auditor li unit- in lljinkruplcy 3 m ii s aton icuinrr ui main ti leiihme 10 hi 1 tifer m0 rltmtr m wu lor- 11 to ir ameu earl g black tt cutnm ni a c a ciiakitukd accountant kjrint illdii 103 main st ui turn onl th 1flmi ttavtllw outoi gray coach iines coaches leave acton daylight time caatbuund t13 am 1 daily acept sun and ibl 1 mm am ii js innin p nisqhpni 013 pm iu p m luobpm sun and ht wetbund 10 77 am 13 87 pm j s7 pm 537pm 7 j7 pm sis pm uoiim 1 12 a m tri sat hun and ifoi canadian national railways standard tim caitbuund daily s 40 am dally exrpt sunday 10 w am 7 14 pm hum day mv i01 pm daily neut sunday vlyr at georgetown i u am a 37 pro dally flyvr at georgetown 1011 pm wart bound dajly 1144 pm daily mhi daily txcpx3atand sun vsjlk

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