Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1958, p. 6

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i the acton fraa praam tfcuradey july 3rd 1958 auitttmtic mdiah bssss it tried on by member of the 4h homemaling clau at tney attended a conference at the o a c hi weak over 200 girlt are attending the clan shown above left to right are tin martin tweed margaret aaotnion acton mil paiy eihik bavrur of india margaret wallace clifford and pal meek st thomat mr bauur tupplied th cotimet for the ladiei to choose halton dairy princess at annual hornby garden party our halton dairy princes will i be selected in conjunction vsith tne hornby garden party n saturday evening july lt state j m t lor of burlington r h 2 who n chairman of the cthinty ommil- tee charged hh that responsit ility i the panel of judge u ill lnrludi fcveret iltggs dmimiiuiinrt of dairying for ontario lav id p 1- lettcrio of ginlph and mc olht r i still lo be named each of the four vounc ladwt ho have entered will be mi r i viewed by the panel of judgn and following this will nve a mirwu to minute and a half talk on thi importance of the dairy industry in ontario enwluat rrlbm some excellent prizes are nlkr- ed fur the county contest and these hae been provided through the fincrosity of the following firmf and nrganiiauon acton jersey dairy uasalcs dairy ac ton acton creamery acton ii ilk producer georgetown dair maple leaf dairy georgetown orjilimn milk producers corgi 1 iuti creamery milton rranu r milton milk producers miiu n ium 1 fann lsii milton itnrt no 12 lmml milk producers oakvillr dairy coop iltrar dairy oukv lib oakvilh milk producer 111 ton cream produccts and the halton fetlijation of agriculture rear lmrueiast the young ladies who are par ticipating for the title of italtor daio princes are aft follow miss health minister urges adults to get vaccine health minister w nek inn n phillip called upon all citizens m ontario to double check their i medical records to make certain all persons under 40 year of ace have received the rvcomninded dotage of polio accinc tnis vaccine is available with out coat lo every gincral prnut i inner in the province dr philli t said and i urge every rtimdi nt rr agricultural club stages bus tour on friday of this we is some 60 4h agricultural club mrnh rs from halton participated in a one day bus tour to the ontario a rtcultural colltgc whin they wirt guests of that institution associate agricultural ilrpre- cnutlve j allen francis asmmid by a t woodhy chairman of hal tons club leaders advisory chun cil was in charge of the halton party 4h homemakers at conference last uetk saw some 00 4 h homemakers from all p it- of ontario attending a thnt div ion ferenve at alacdonald institute halton was represented by the fol lowing deugateshuth hoih rtson margaret morrison shirlt hunt and nancj urkuuir the theme ivf the confirmee wu club girls in todays uorld one of the many highlights of the program a panel discussion the members of which veti from the countries at formosa thi hj hams india and trinidad it will be of interest to our readers to learn that tru pun i member from trinidad is a meet of llaltons home economist mrs mabel borgalrunt g t thi ir inoculations as soon as mvmbl cwsiaaetus faamtssuas tin itialth minister went on t rommi nd thi hehabllitation foun dation for poliomyelitis and or ihopodaidically disabled who have proclaimed jul 7 12 as polio pre viution week organizations sxich a this foun d iti m vaid dr phillips play a vital r dr in the unending war on iimjm with the cooperation of thi public there is no reason wry p ho cannot be largely eliminelin poho previntion week the minisu i concluded should be in- delibl mgravrd on the minds of vi ron lnrna wondley of milton ii it 1 miss mary luu tlubinson of oak vtlle it it 1 miss barbara con nuvgham of georgetown h it and mrs jim held also of geo ge town it it 2- junior farmers 4h members to enier contest plane at now eonaputeml fur lh land judging coimpiiuon beug olnuy sfuaaorvd by in sis teen and crdlt vally conrvston autknrilie la cooperation with in orturio departmeiit of agric ulture the event li arhadutm for thursdsy july m on the farm of v d charu on uv fifth line of rsquaaing junior farmers end a ii club nvetnbri will h registering at tlie stewart town hall at too am the nvairning will be aent imi lour whet they will rscelv liutiuct- ion frum member of the soil de nartmant at the oac ui opiirals al of soils tu in the afterimkon the young leile will have thrir eiuiimlitim as ptevlously hut lea led mi th fai n f 1 ctiarles where fimr pits will be dug in as many difftttitt soil lye ttie ctmipr lions will rtasslfy the different soil lvps bim1 indurate their suitability for vai lous designated crs kya oassr we attended a uartion if a stm liar t vent in peel county a year ago aitd frankly it was nothing less thsn an rjr iijkllri to youts liulv piifvlstoii is tlwrefinr itruig matte for senior farm owrstors to see the four pits and soil profiles and hear a discussion led by piof tom ijine of the soils ad via try sirvire at the oac tins unior program i 1h ing railed for 130 pm and we un iwi ly suggest to our farmer friends that uiey make note of the date so they won t mlts out on this oppor tunity of seeing for ihermwlves since norm seeing is lleliev- tng faktu than iirt a brush fire moves fast r than a deer can run and u able to jump farltier than a monster kangaroo once prttpcrly underway it u al most as hard to atop as an avalanrhc million dollar rain aids halton pastures some halton farm operators it mini the nhowirs on wettnesday of last wek a million ixdlar hatn h rhaps they are nim but i wiuld havi liked it to coni fir anottwr 24 hmus in any event the shower in question should pep up the pantur er new seedings and aftermath and also help to plump the si ring grains which are now in head rarm ponds and many wela ire at their lowest point in some time haying in rragraaa itlor to the shower the mnjor ity of halton farm operat r made excellent progress with the r liay ing operalmns yulds vary all the wav fnm one halt ton to two tons to the acre w ith one ton as a fair average one thing about it the quality to date that is as of june 20 is tops and much superior to most of the crop taken off in 1057 the cool dry w either has retarded growth of the corn crop in fict some fields of corn failed to germ inate after being planted at least three weeks however now that july is here wis hope for higher temperature and frequent showers one nall bright spot in the agricultural picture has been the somew hat unexpected prices being rrcr ved for cattle and hogs join acton citizens band advanced musicians or beginners wcome not nececury to hac our own initrument wednesday evgs for further information apply acton yowm hall 000 pm get in on our holimy special were selling super- cushions by goodyear made with tripletough 3t cord goodyear deluxe super- cushions made cf c95 with 3t rayon cord- uiaaoit nylon at new low prices goodyear 3t nylon 1q95 deluxe super- cushions i 4rul7am al prfeea wee iredea uedmol kibe tyee iow rllcts in 400x16 aarf 710ij sues tooi thompson motors acton ltd halton county weed control news tomdied and both submi tu 32a mils of mii the ifnlidt ir y j w v f koacwooo by v k ucahthuil county wikfl insprctop 4reeds growing on roadsides are so eonsiderubh tunt is lut iri this unslatuly ersvste a saf4y liaiard spread seeds to nearby eultlvu fields and in some caws are in lt r amo bv juruaus to health dliit n tu l i uds when weeds are all wtd u grow mi sp vl with i along the sides of roods uovtourist jtlni ur visitor g is a vtry poor jliopn ml sion tif tlie rihinty and is tn1 it1 to fjl hist leal res doiils tokt lit lie inlerest or prwle in iipi o on l lt tlten lo wieds ujm bruji i t i i v o i n i or d m obatrurt tile view of inoloiisi iot t i r i 1 rd t be the rausi or uei idi nts t tl v n j1 kuu r almig tun i rev a h mckenzie officiates at local presbyterian church the sarrarnnt of hr fl trig mirgjret m coan party with hopper was uburved at the s ilrmire freeman assisted at bytinan church on sunday mom- hurt hill united church uwn slic ing and was well uttrndid i v il andrt w wrknie of km x elmn ii a t in ronduetrd the m rvire omitig tht urvir it v m k f ir offk iatid ar th bapris ttnmtny f r two ttiitdun nt kn ltd mrs ifjy iutb two wf 1 t i iiimi int no o l ship v il tht emu m gjtnji i i- i ihry tiliti thi i1gi when ui etu spu if oie dkh i mt i i l u i t m wh f mi m k it id 10 rf t o t ruip w ih u t 1 ft i i llltt if i t m ry c rd n fand oertrude free ti ti w r utuf 1 x girls in wei- liryt n urity who attended a 4 11 r t t i at tt e o a f uelph i 2j sirl fror i ontario wrr t nd r mf tl ir st 1 y ispirfj ed on f v tier t viti r 1 at it a t ti mn w r ir it a f u f lt k atteisda msai ul krvir 9 t ii i t m i i lull f and service septic tanks complete septic tank intlauarion sackhoc seivkx well tile precau suewasi concrete slepa hioae secfcweotl uuler a439s rockwood concrete products rr 5 stoejrvjsol om tafvd los f ii mo t t koi hay f vi r soil i stlllt of it iwi 111 ull u ulot lolu in lllil t ii f rfltmii ull polh sll d n- ti mm itdv t iinfoi linu vuloim ui by wi in lulbm ount fiiiloiiiiu 4ts nt tsl i hav in ii iai i l0t lit pimcanoo r avi st e f t un oolli hi is tbi v ro unit i- plibb i n itl sldis wbti lb tonotl off t kivtrd w to kb luki ii nor milk vep your rsttls i frm of biting flies iut them j ita pii covl fly pou dl iu j c0a fly pou kr usu x u fsr mort lass work for you better j protsetloa for jour raltu clssls j j lass thsa i erot a dsy w 1 i x hoo hwimiavpu r for soms uf fl0rbait fly killer i i i i dust rxornt i owr floors to kp i hams trsa of ftlss j tkt oaly iminulm vitu or 9 at th kim la i 4hourm34m nt ius i bsuw j4permabait fly killer j loag ustlag ona spnueatioa ksepa 111 haudiaga fraa of i ttiai for has to tart wssi uilrr i till ilssliassr sti 1- a tvsi sasswm 40 as- smtastmssvuu lmms acton farm supply s mm st nwutn s44 oh sale at in i i irl i mimitiuim a mmitnm ministers smsfurl hersbs 11 f f i vn t i i j ly it v a 11 m m i t it i t f t 1 i i 1 11 t i i it r 1 1 1 y i k ii k m v j i x t ly t i f m j l i ht ti llsnrr t urn a ii uwn st il ti 1 1 mi ok 1 wn ty pollock and campbell mr f wiwohai irosa wj 63 wstar si wet4 oa1t trlffllose h41 electricity does so much costs so little 1 you will be a happy v homemaker a popular hostess with electric appliances to help you live better the safe clean modern way a i ii hydro vvr

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