Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1958, p. 7

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htt eoujctlom of old arrow pointt are mr and mrt william patmore r r 1 rock- wood mr patmore gathered the erltclet hirma f on hit itim among the collect ton it s gun of antique ttyle known at a horte pitlot tha arrow pointt are attumed to be at leait 1000 yertold klalf ttwrfo whlrown ladies nioht wat held in the legion hall on wedneiday evening of lait week tponaorvd by the rotary club of milton with member i front georgetown acton and milton present shown above are the three presidents and their wives bill and verj mattocks of acton norm and midge guild of milton and bill and irene carr of georgetown trafalgar studies tree planting report urges immediate start trafabnatitwrwhip council la stud 114 a plan to pt ml tii on thr tonahp rottd and mrrtl m huu n b a n port civ i to tw ethuwil bv goor im 4 th tonhip fnginror dpirrnnt ttw nput slated th t iwrikhip ahould bart as wtn imtsit to plant planned arlrc rnn of trrs on township roads clonic a plan much similar to the r used in llamil- i tirti ttr rt poll list thr lms of tree suitable for th aruu sols and loclhiru it uuo lnls the iimi i of trw that can lr atiaplcsj as 1 buffer arip minin rommemil i and residential arista rree airs phillqts vs w i would likr to hi the pmcrum start this fall it should be dottr m two tvi to replace the mum ipjlitv i tree first h tnvi shoti d in put along all thr public right of v and secondly a program could be started herrb individual prop r- 1 uuiiwi could xxirr crvcv this aeand fsvetod hi d haw to h ui tha form ux a contract alatuui cut tha pxuperty u iirr would do h u best to look utter uu tiei this program of course cannot br instigated nulil ihtrr t aufficionj water in vu tow tixhip th int added i councillor j ii wumott aaid j mr halls report 1 wondtul a rut this plan should u started khvi ax 1 well as iad and rvs id tu ial ri imlutruil artns chould in tnid mil mmuuficd he added it bnk ntv tit tit to s th si ootid lin i xk i k mi s i r d wit ttiik i pi m hi it will si i 1 ik- twrful st or 100 v ti m now jodd ith imullips ace irdmi to tu np 1 lu ti 1 nd r- a ts 1 ati or htkm4 a n tmui soffit ink fni hurt 1 in urn nt mitt 1 f first aid tn u medical aid arrives the patu nt should im k pt vi aim and ui tl tli- ittg nerd not tc iemiied an clnlhmh tuck t- tht bum 1 iu houm not u pulleit off blnm must not le ttr kin c bu n i in 1 with with diimtn ti kinull buritv intii i nl th u smt with uuti r ami ap lu il n t i ti i tlr di t viink iim1i is ni i from pltnlini tuts of lit vim v s ivmu pietd nd in iiih at pre m nl ditfi lit tn of imtirt pi tntetl wilh tin i vi i sar nt m tsd if i trtt i 1 sl or niiiovisl tin continui i n- likt n inmi ti prograni if ti t i i puntod for i i rv 00 f t iimtlwrit i in cttt pt r tnih wmild u tuml si vk boys fexmc srvic ramjrd kagtslarw uastar klaairirua compiabr un of llvcincul appliances and fmtures hi pain to all makes of oil burner complt te slot k d parts motors and rontrol sales sfuvicr 1u 1au pr fra vammataa htone acton 430 fcaaas k we operate our own dry cleaning plant right here in acton n for the very finest send voui cuanino to custom cleaners our truckjs on your street every day phone 272 open mondays insured fur and garment storage cut painting costs in half with jtebnrs t 980 rt cal gordon hardware limited phone 76 22 mill st acton umehouse pupils appear on television honor teacher demonstrate rhytftm ability rinrinri picnic m ur k uu ttir annual plrou uf imrtnta and pirjuni u itu were furturut lu tivr unaud tha wrll knuwn uiitura th acton fre pretj thurtdsy july 3rd 1958 muinahab departing minister honored alchurch mr i viajtlittf reemtty wot mr wwl urs bcrl tmvuun ci atlon villi i mr and ur robert mceiwry mrt ella ureluuy uf ouiluli wltll ur indmn jttu ucenery mr and v h fclr uitlun lirpachtid liu fart ui ip mra knrran yfjkrr wtih mr and auuufs s no 0 was liu at i hnr trlrvuumi h timd b vrfv in th uuidi of our ujilrr iu u rmon on sunday murnina mi arrhu uiwr mr and mr aduxl on fruiay altt ichnrul u itulumr on umlay juj inaamal livr donr a wj lu id n ac w ur higkllght u thi day u hr pr-s- a ik i ub t4- t uulo u iva uf tur my br- uaiimai unil d church on sun i mry icion wltn ar mtatiun to uua glnda quin ui i h eulnr col aa u c thnm yi- tmr danr 11 unlu ur i h lh rk nm i m c mcenrry by tk juniur itupltl of dvk urp wrre r rinv ncd thai tlir and jewt llrry she it wavinj t attenl ijc i fdrmativ er collgr mtronttl jilpi jralu had rvfd thr u 3 r m oj mi al lh uto lull amku1i for ii lidnlh omimitjiim luldr n i lh y drrrwns rjtd thrir ilhfn h ittv at tjiklit it mrs a huckrof a ur cancer oociety jay nifiht uhen thr churchill ron tr rtaclily conv ncd that trw tuitay momink the tea i r riijtuin urutid with fltllinafarl mr and mrs wm kntner of rwwtr tj thu qut cm u as m thr pu u ahke wirv tfndrd t v c adunt ua in chant f iivain manitoba are visiting tuiny tt jtt u arming cotiifilun uailtay uith u rift ufrnf vein ul i dismueiil j w a mm the wa mil ut thr hmir i mrs apph yard lat tiiwlty v n ing clun wms miinun vt i tnvittsl mi qumlim pluyid tin piano erciidioii dm uig tht t o hi submits report ul on ul uu- ptau inurvlavrs frum in hi r ommrig rrniarlt flair coir intrrvuwtnt g g arldi tlr nk r xjit tt3 ix- r pt of ur as lalmifi ubiiillfl hy t off if th i l mtrtntlth vliwn tturrir i nc h ii uot j t l nuir pup li id utttnum r jl uw ipkmiii tlior ihn mhool imu iw n cn iwlmlf of he north iuiuu n oiwimtoo for thi kjt jn t of lh- jr tdi n t n r s r ituir atr sit urtt swufu u u t ftukt ifl uli tjl i iu i iik rf mot a th i will f tlh ui1 surinly rrvdm u ptrvnlm r sotli ttn torrim m rt t vrs to tlr nt i on tx lilf of u- wms mrs a c fjttt rhon pnmtiltl miu quid ton wilh m cup and sui i u a paitintt gift t it faithful iihiiiimi during itu iiaat two yiai mii uiulill rtad uu addrtv saralm m intjrhi wufi epproslmlal jodiuuiitt and blllit mhwflildart j ln utlrndaiur- nfir lmjnr ih wing bmulrrtonuis in i mt ulmh mt 4 t v uoo im rwns curl hohpilal ut rrtday lafflitd u th hjnltuu tti wr rrgut timmius u alpine is wlfc 1uu p rtlirr ul m ouph mini llopplal for llu r mrtljvw1 u trjlmnl ii w til thir sliulay r j n f ulua all iui him a rilurn to to jlth arrli rrvu tui trslairf itt v a tuhlt r ttaptired jatot mc willism 1 uhtriay intunt ion of m ih arid mn ihmild i irxlwtv ind ni nt lara apt littlt tlatighti r f mi f lr lliri f is tipik h and mrs harold lliown it th iskini tin i tion li it worth rrgulnr iire ol i imi hooi prii utih she rjjnxd tht ubtinj bylirian rliinh n suntav 1 t i m1 rhvumi huntuy mhoot at lim hoo hi aht shp fuf f um lhl u imet ivonliiiue1 fr july and b l 1 ng th pupil- kr p lnr with dhwluiit ium ut imiik ticnin s i s h u wll 4l h u j su lr itltmi vaii lh n th inoiitraiii utlgftm tit r irrts i th y uppl il uc on to mtmr lo c tin 1 s- t tunu of j irk in tin iln i ffti liiuiion ami re 1v1t imi w r bit n re vitl non- 1 did in hi iulman minx of imijm u lit- ii h x 1 x vlun m v rt- udrn i utt in n t ihip u ith lh rf in presentation at tht rl f th m rir rr 110 lid to 1h tuw in hire mr jiki mm n i n jjui ulii j kd to o nr i i 1 nl by itu cfi 1 rn m so i- imi mrtniry rtud jo ullnv tin y win pni nti- ilh u pi f 77 and 1 u m imk ijiii mivvl u ks und itulh an 1 tk i rhi hilln n vh 1 lu 1 iiij v itu i hid 1 mo 1 f 1 is lull v ith t mi ir brtdht rt and sister mr i i nwd hi td mi f- i w a 11 r who t j h- fum1i ji um n inmin ii tin and privjt folloul mlllll u v tirttow n 4 arti tnd mini in mm ttofiit irii ri d d trlt 1 tjt jii id d r rt 2 144 i ililrr t1j tlf lv fttull uth all th lr kit on it tin w a i ni 1 n with u 1 vl tiny with it ii m m1 on it llolh mi and m nit j n lh t- ill fn lh cift- ji 1 lh mihtn s s 1 1 ui til- monuments mamrrom designs submitted cmlry irtunng co ner posts and marker a good display in stock wm c allarl pr 68 oumk si w tap4w hhop rlttw ol 1uu res il 1 mis lie tom mtcmol pwtuw lfiatu gt i bht 11 m ml h it ii r v d mr tt 1 uluili 11 ti tr a hit j nu huh r d mr n- i 1 t v j i 1 ii ill aim utt itiim 1 7 vujung mm w j llaliit i of winnumkii in vivillntt hi r duukhlrr mo john tlynn und mr lyrin utunt ninit d lo h r to ty to rtat t3wl tt m4 ml ii 1 i07 w would tak uu 1 pi- rtu m ril on ji 1 ur in m rnon 1 nt hv i hv 1u1 i n i tt r dynn lii ho mh ltai ilon mi und mm a i jov msi td ut or 1m1 1 wilh mi md miv t and mit y a wihy c hoht 1 ing t limp m ivin nmt sou i m w m it hnii ml lloi llllll iv umk skipping i 1 1 hi itlo thnt 1 hjii t 11 iw ng imp i 11 iiuatlto mi ui ils1 th moo li 1 1 1 ml f i lune in tun hit thfmii d lh ji th mmi t ir i jli r lh revtrua tesrklaic mi n j ffart 1 1 in ip il f s liml wa tluti tii mpli mi th n u- i rit pful irarhinc mrh will pn indh uw in lh whom h u inim jlm s j t tlut und 1 l eaitaht u b ivi f mi c f thmiipwi j kroup mln ihhtii 1 im l i m in a k 1 m 11 ut i th ci rrr wo v i in tt in t wn ii 11 in mil ti 1 n jk th v r s xis- f dr sn n l 1 i r 1 honor old settlers at memorial service a 1 tritr tiowd iiltndil lh mi amiid by riulni th uy w i r mi mm ill suiu libl 1 tht lb f f wk lh nun h- of th nii s ul l1 rurtr cluitth on sun1i jul i v untl th tlnlilv to intnitlii- p in d1 t 1 i att n m h 1 id kiiiru lh was lh il in odt r to ouiw llu iu if hrr tiluld in thr- honir kirtre at rndili tiuo school in honoi 1 th pnnut r mill ii titj nth 1 t t nismir iwr it t wnstnp l tt th fnllwlllk nttilldtlt iuuf i i luruhn afli lh xuiu it thr i h m of mi uul mm ailnt i htlhr mr and mrs itotxt nr f training i thw llutne lny it bin and hia th mrn mmtt praimi llr im tnd itiymond rranklin titm scar- p nl pcl rxi brha btro mr ami mrs i w iluke lyntt 1 ioul lhlt y from dm lpi mr jnd mrv it i- ihlli u 1 in mm lvlyn omi1 mr mild rtl iloiki mii hoth rrmt ir ind gml frm toront mr md mn harold l rhan sut ton mr und mrs llornt loist mr and mr kims and fiimilv it mi iiiul mis kli oir and li nts carnplh 1 ill claude johiimin cooksilli out i k mi will ii s holden optomittlst eyts examined gtasscs fitted 7 tuuoui si gueuhi mumw taylor 37 iso save on all you buy sweet pickles peanut butter marmalade tomato juice shredded wheat homestead homestead otance and grapefruit dei monte fancy 2 2 2 3 2 jar 34 u jan 4stti cant 13 si hgl 57 59c 59 35 vine ripened sa1mon push sweet luscious cantaloupe 2 33 fresh pkkett home grown uffj m slu bihkim pascal celery 2 for 23c frwh horn grown sim bud tclu uipartad mim balltn radishes 3 for 19c onions lb 19c 9 mill st w wfatifa jiy s 4 s acton ont houmi ctomd momuy a m 10900 oftur kuyi t0400 i 111 i v 1 ill i iv hllll 11 i ibltors i mis id s td w th mr insure and assure protection life fire auto j bert wood insurance agency 134 mill si i pkru sis acfn ont 9 11 lu vutuu frtxk and dsnrlri rattri rous punch stick nd home made white bread fi ir t mitllng sh trru lo lido food bar cmr mill k main si acton omt business will pick up for everyone if you will buy something mor pobl ara mployad in lh automeliv induttry hian any olhar in th world you can kp h purchjaing power of tnaao mllhont of paopla in circulation lo buy fumlturo clolhno oroorioa and houluir ip vou will iuy that car ol truck now when you see the bargains awaiting you at our goodwill used car lot yoim know why we say and suggest v you auto buy now 57 ford fa1riane sodan 3505 s3 ford ion pickup 60s 56 plymouth savoy stdan 1505 s3 meteor custom sodan so 56 mercury 6 1 ion pickup 1105 53 buick custom sodan 40s 56 buick century 4 doer hardtop 3505 53 chev sadan 60s 56 oidsmobiie ii 3 door 3305 si bulck custom sadan 70s 56 buick century 3 door hardtop 3405 51 chrysler sadan 103 55 ford custom coach 1405 50 ford sodan 350 54 ford sedan 1005 40 plymouth coup business 150 54 pontiac sedan gray and llu 1005 40 chev coach 10s 54 jtontiac coach rod and black 1005 4jj chev coach 100 54 pontiac deluxe coach 1105 41 mercury coach s3 cnev i ten pickup 605 47 pontiac 1 sodan 100 s3 plymouth deluxe sodan 005 47 chev coach iso your satisfaction is our most vaiuabu asset you auto buy now franklin prouse motors limited i r acton and gosfgotewn eidimlv pomlat bukk vuaf lull cmc truck daaur vieit m phono 16 open evenings till 000 acton oniut i 6-

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