Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1958, p. 2

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tjljf arton 3rtr xmb s mir wv rss paatskawd aa aaaaa founded la llrrs uul published fwry thurs day at m albl st k acta ont member of the audat mum al cuulshoal ttw c w n a aeaf um ontaxtoqteabee dtvuun of the c w nj adwrusiatf rates on reaue seab- scrlptlona payable lit advance s3 00 in can ada m ast a the united liaatrs il months 1 s tinal aaplm te authorised as saeund claw kail mxl otylea tvparuatmt ottawa fauaawi by tw buli huw kiai ruutuj c i lauj o a dills kdllorlnchll ak david it dilla productive manager b jamee a dills managing editor aaw atualiu and editorial olflf ih its aeloa a- waw a j- e i hrtiefctsws r 1 thursday july 24lli 1958 ri st a a your opinion is important vuyle w thou id fjjet oqdm what hjv often old our redder that w welcome latlert to ih fdiiof in our columni we htvn i poblithd many of llwrn lately be rauie we didnt receive any for publication w wivh there wet more eprettton from reedert of their opmiom on mattert of public mterett fach week we male our own thought known to the public maybe you agree with them and maybe you don t we beleve other t thould have ihe tame right to comment on mailer t of public mteretf lettert to the editor mutt be ticjned you may ute a pen name for publication and we will withhold your real name we think it bait that writers thould have courage to hand back of ex pre tied opwuoni whatlwr we agree with the opmiont enprettea hat no bearing on mclution in our columnt the free prett welcomet your leltert at any time be bnef and be courteout are the wordt of caution we would advance on any matter of general mterett otkax indutrrle developed in ton more and rryve people left the farm and found employment in thoev n induetrle the grmt upiur of utduitrlej ecrfvtty durngllia uef urtr century acclea4ae live movement from the farms to me chi and the tame industrial ctivtity hat pro duced new toolt and ectutpmdnr which hav enabled farmer t to incriate their productiv ity with fwer hired men than they former ly rvdd thus fewr men ere rtdd on the farmi than formerly indie on ere that farm production can be tufficiently main tained m the future with fewer handt end more machine than ere now being uitd and ihit no doubt u a mafctf contributing factor in ttw ditappearance of ihe tmall farm the greener side the world t bett and mott unable wis dom by and by gett ittetf into a ttory then and only then it teemt to become a help to mankind a farmer hat become tired of hit farm he lived on the place all hit life he was born there when e boy he drove the ocw in the field hoed the tumipt twim in the creek and earned hit book through the field to the box of a school down the road at a young man he plowed and harrow ed in the tprmg made hay and harvetted hit wheat and hauled fodder to the cattle m the winter he had brought hit wife to the old place and three children were born there now he wat tick of the place entirely tick of it he dreamed of a restful spot where he could tpend the rest of hit aayt m comfort so he went to a real ettate agent in town and htted hit farm for tale the agent drove out and looked the place over the property wat in very good condition and the eoent laid he would have no difficulty m telling it when the farmer got hit next week t edition of hit country newspaper he read the real ettate t advertisement it stated that his farm was for sale it wat all fertile there were 40 acres of fine pasture a fine house barn and other buildings it was close to town and had a telephone it was well stock ed with pigs horses cattle and chickens in fact it was an ideal farm and was an ex cellent buy for anyone the next day the farmer called at the agents office and said say i read your advertisement and as near as i can figure that is exactly the kind of a farm i have been looking for all my hfe i ii keep it myself stertler independent farms more productive life is often said to follow a pattern and this can almost be taken as fact providing one were content to accept as general some statistics contained in an article appearing in the rural scene the writer points out that in 1 840 an average man on a farm could produce enough to feed himself and four others by 1940 the figures changed so that he could feed himself and nine oth ers and by 1957 a further change showed that he could feed himself and twenty others in 1840 sixtyfive per cent of the pop ulation lived on farms by 1940 this per centage had fallen to twenty-five- nd by 195 only twelve per cent of the people were so domiciled for centuries points out rural scene people have been leaving the farms and moving to cities as new opport unities arose for making ft living there the ingenuity that enabled men to ln- crtaserheli productivity on the lend also enabled yhetn w devise many new ihltigs t could be produced in the towns and exchanged for needed farm products as old bonds for new during the war ma ay people bought victory bonds they did so partly to help the war effort and partly too because tt teemed a sound way of investing savings at a reasonable rate of interest down through live years millions of canadians have kept their victory bonds clipping the coupons every so often end feeling secure in the knowledge that a mod tl nettgg lay in reserve to be used in case of emergency to help pay for the child ren t education or to help them enjoy their own retirement last week the government itiued an in vitation to exchange old bonds for new ones of the canada conversion loan the reason it did so wat that five of the old victory loant will mature over the next few years rather than wait for each in its turn to fall due it seemed more sensible to refund all five at the same time by meant of e tingte new itsue u summer revue wmt iluwii to lit p nk unlay nflcrnon to wf mnr k v a mi t hakrhsll unit h- ntnull itniup cf fm rtl a if until tin n w but ahclur fmm thi wind ir thnr car no one of tourte it compelled to accept the governments offer it it a matter for q a do lit each per ton owning a bond to decide for himself but because a rate of mterett high er than on the old victoryt it offered and because the other batic attractiom of govern mcnl bondt yemain unchanged it teemt like ly that mott people will accept within three dayt of the announcement over 1 billion of the bondt had been convertexj experts in money mattert tay that besides refunding the old debt the new canada convert ton loan will alto stabilize many fac lots affecting ihe borrowing of funds and and clear up many uncertamtiet which now add to the difficulties 6f bond financing this should make il eatier for municipality and other bor rower t to obtain the new money they mutt have in order to pay for the growth of essential services this will come as welcome news to cities lownt and villages many of whom have found it difficult in recent months to sell their own bonds blueprint for education prime minister diefenbaker and his cab inet have been handed food for thought and action in the brief recently submitted by the canadian conference on education containing eleven resolutions dealing with federal aid to education the bnef it an outcorrw of tle canadian conference on education attended by 850 delegates in ot tawa last february the largest and most representative gathering of laymen and ducatort ever held in canada the confer ence showed surprising unity in the resolu tions it passed in effect the eleven resolutions dealing with federal aid provide a blueprint for canadian education backed by a consider able body of public opinion to avoid clash ing with lealouslyguarded provincial rights in education the brief stresses cooperation between provincial and federal govern ments and points out that the federal gov- ernment is already in the educational field with university grants the canada council postgraduate scholarships and sharing ar rangements with the provinces in vocational training as the brief points out these measures all are good but inadequate something more must be done to wipe out the great in equalities in educational opportunity across the nation the initiative for setting up a nationwide and united attack on education problems must come from the federal gov ernment according to the brief canadians have already shown consider able ingenuity in tackling national problems which are technically provincial matters they have come up with devices such as the dominionprovinctel tax agreements hospital grants and medical care with these mea sures already working there is no reason why the same kind of cooperation cannot be applied to overcoming educational pro- btems om national scale as the canadian conference on educa tion suggests this is a field where the fed eral government can show courageous leadership to help provide better education al opportunities for all young canadians no matter where they live from coast to coast are we holding or losing of jlllv and irt to it rtnim1rt nir of a f tiki fort ir atli urrr mpular nmt fir forfmw nuvffr ihrm r dtmfiirtjblr ttxir uin ait in ui uiilinmlxlr wrrrn l in ciarmrtfiti ur wr did hnv n yrumt- tand ftr ihrllir trum thi nnrth- wril wind in thoim ilnv and the lull club had more stipixtrlrrn ttw aclnn fain on sitwuj iy didn t git much to rhoi r nlmul mi til thr tit innltir nru th n ofli r trailmi fur i ho vxtmlr uinu at inn ramr fnm tvrhmd lo tahr thnr fllm mill of lh llllilit ih gins- i should h iw m iitd riih i in thr m umin to l ml mv mipimrt hv iittndmk tti iiim mnrir wttut vc uil to rill t trnndkund flnmh hot no hiin a brnniutand thrc rinvx w don t kmm thr npprnpriutr t rmirmlny lr kilurlo fininh cant htlp it if my mnid ujin- dt rett bark a hit to thi diyi wtun thr tiramlatand umk1 on thr itouth id of thr truck and n a imrcfimt boy 1 watched th mum for ihr fint tew inning from mir tin frncr lit ttenry lit 11 s jjrdin aniund nlmwt thr fourth inninj u hppoil owr iht f t nct onr at i turn- lo join in tin xritrnunl the tranitstand and th b i inns urn crouded u ith t citd f ins nnd a kid or luu uiv mr rtot- icrt an i rcmrmbir it in those day thr opp4ainjf trumit uhed to comr from gall guclph and berlin acton aluayi had in importetl battery but the rest or the toi vere strictly acton riidt nli pla ing through iry mwk of the lummrr tumnn dart ias one of the fatchera i r ecu ii and thrn a battery named tripp and ornn mned in from the went before narnr time the reat of the home team u as murray mcdonald on first eddie itydtr on iiil rimik l itly lit sioitlop unil int wih- i v- ilk wiillni on thud h out in iht ril firl i m old l sid mri in l tl lihl fiaink m inlokh and in ntn fi 11 vo ii h t to jvk iiank m imi i iiuv 1 hi t i- ill till pi i f i tlul t ltx v ti all m ry itnkft nit xjtlsuilaui3 ul 1111 lla itltalo llll a aulal is i waititkil and illi1 llh li httht at hit ii oiixpust ihry v it inuih mm imimttaint linn my m- it mitidn il nitmnil or my u tu in tin wot id rtiit iiiii on si tor- di wt pnhnlilv jul ii- hm ont s4ni f th f m i hkit at it from i tl if ft rnt pliti in our li s i mini bark tn ik pink on sun t iy aflrriknin the tl iy vvis a pir- fect jutv kiimmn day thi pli i u is imwdiil nutit fium tin thilit- teiis plnkinunil lo tin ml id tin kimtind 1 to main imil u is at tin bilhmn ixih and amund a 1m an tiful rn ipli tree ulxri ihe arton citli n hand was uini a eon if rt w usetl to havt a trnndstmd uhirh uis nrw and ipnti iurati hack thitty ats 111 you on id hiar thi bind all ow r tun u in n liny plmd thin ilul mi don t in pp e i r in n pnntid tinco lir2i and ihe rinir- thit have turn mail ite no work of art the hihtinj ha loni since jiuie into history ko the hind nmnil was pi iyet unilii nrn of fi w re- inainine nutph in i wi don t m i m to hivi as m my of tin trits hh ue use1 to mil vt n not n placing tin otii s th it i omu out ithi r in cast you are of an inquiring mind i miyht tell von that that metal buildint wa- lvt nty- itfht year ajjo actnn s ire arena it cost sisooo lo rist it us th home of acton tannrm from 100 to 1dv it had mme rrat crowds in 1 0ui- 101ft actnn n the championship of ontario for lnt- ermextlate n clubs time and atlun acton uanik won thi ir group for four yenm the arrnn scr ed in world war ii as a stnracr for uool fall fair time has seen the pluce imtkid for thr arena nhou on the first night that building alongside tin tun do tio i is j ii that sii nik to hlmlll ultlfklll i ol fin v th huiliirk in th in in linn til ill mltlll jih is l t tin i th m alll in ll c 01 is th b iimi i oi i ii i i i n kp ti o i ii ij ok hoil too i i iiailb ul nz 1 r 11 ru hood hid is ov i in st of 1h i 1 by tin town u a tor pi n s v haw fin hlhitit f n 1- mns n i p nk iod imihi 1 i looik and t- nry i ik all i nlil is d hut nr knitir ha km ml oi at mini m iv i pi up- vi s mi tn phinlinu nit rl ininj op in th u st nd it will tiki v ns t iiiiumiiluli but turn is thi liini h st irt miinlriiimi of u hut we h iv is js as mm t is n vs jits a mmi it tin nil ni s ivs tin pnk ililov at iii p in l i h m mv itms ai ov r d in in no li n im i md i v i citi7i n i in in lp kxm knpinit thi plan inly is pnhlm in whirh ill can issist lis t ikin i rs to d vlop thi f c ilil ii s i uri w up in tod thi puk i n nuhihor the day of th nl plantlna of hi fine uis i titill all the i ffort that was put into ih pirk di w loptnrnt hv in my kronps or iht p ist hilf century 1 t he koott custodi ins of th ism is th 1 win hindt d down mir tin us iimu thinis c mil is u ii s m ij pioj rth honor group leader prior o marriage an outdo p iriv held this sundays church calendar btn thi anoilcan chutch ol canada bl autaavl ckkhh aua oel rev philip a sawyer uth sunday july 37th 105ft 1 8th sunday after trinity i 1100 am choral communlnn 1aftut chuttch acvom interim pastor sir orvha ctty bramthon ont sunday july 37th 10w 0 49 m sunday school 1100 am morning jformhlp a htauttyttttlan dlutch in canaba jfma crniot acton rev andrew iluckenzie ba bd suntjav wly ftfth 1068 9 43 awlrchufth sjcfcool 1l50 m mamlug worship united church of canada aetaa oaurta rev gordon adam ma d d uinlitar parsonage aft mower avenu phone 0 mr oeorae elliott onranut and choir leader 78 bower ave acton phone ft sunday july 37th 1p38 10 00 am junior church and church school 11 is a m alornlng wnrahp acton hnticostal talftnac 33 churchill hoi paoc n rev kenneth j hildpaor 75 cook st hon 6ww sunday july 37th 10m 10 00 am sunday school si 00 am mornln worahlp 7j0 pan evancelutlc bervlc monday july 28 8 pnv rev hnr- old davfa ineakinit wctteaay 8 pm proycr and dible study friday tt p m christ ambaatad- oro thi ittxkuhkl umtid chunh lx- portr ricinllv it th home mrs t gel ill m lion ir of m ss itulh miurui uho ih nivitij up i hi limil rsi p of ih jtroup sh phiiir to mak h r ii imp in xritmi iftir iii niirnk on ul jfi mikj miltin wni presented ii i list ful t ili r n ju ii i oomplctt vv i n jim d n id j urn f iddi s i pi i v nu i it n irm of til th- rviihvt rs and th ir k wishes for iht fului gamea fnjord m mv a inn s u n t njuvtd nti tin 1 in iiniti r the dirtetion of mi mcuinn who his spnt mm h twin with the ti rls during tht p ist xf ir till hutlesx m- cell ulv txmstel hv mrs it lliiu ml mr sc me k mil mrs h uiv rt erved a he ir- tv lulkh tesdethe outdmi i te- phce mi mtliren reteived u mipc lfif pin from her sundav school cla of bovi list sunttij carl h irrn making the presentjtkm nnd charlie julliffe uivinc a short odd re u shawere field rfcentlv miiu mclaren wai biv en a vupndtaucer and ltncn ihowtr ut the home of mr h lavrrt with mrs r loslie -eit- ina her twentysix sueali attend ed coming from toronto bramp ton acton ood guelph the name of lacroue was played by indiana long before the while man arrived in canada somptimci whole villibm opposed one anoth er with as many ai t000 warriors per tqdrn nnd the aonla a mile apart the good old days back in 1908 takett frm tke u i u 9r rrbi tvtway jtily tl itwi artofi foulball lfm wtnl to guelph latt juturday evening to puy of ihr berles of games be- tw4n two guelph liami one of harkwmt and ttif laful teaim tlie gume eh m and fjt and a t eifhibilon of ftllt a rot by webiter ilach in the n i half kirj the only f tl of th kme s th y n firt r is mr uwii alkiiuuan f of ci-at- rtok farm fauein vn t with lainful lutidrut one duy tail we k back in 1938 yakrtf frwa u am u tw re rrw tleuy jly m ln between 60 and 70 ymca mrmbera and frlerula in eiim of mr and un d a ui hon ored thia eouilv at a ptefllc gath- erifia in the park n miwwlay ev ening t geirg- mry uln churke arul mul sfjendid nrrjiigmiii nti on hehslf of the lathering mlu m itennett preihnt of the irtie auaihary ut the v pre- ktrilttt litem with a beautiful floor lamp mr a t brown chairman while unloading hjy at hi ttarn of the free library ibtard r- thr hoihting rope twiitett anil piesstd ihe regrtt of live tiard in ulule he u tui itruiglitt mug tl tin lotig mr mat hue as secretary horm was startled and the thumb and forefinger of tils right h mil mi and mr markae leavr this w ruiikht he wli lulletl up wek foi the new home in uv bodily be thr imprisoned fing rs no taii- win trln but th fingt r win painfully iiiuim d ytflay marktd the oihinng of mr alkiiisn mifftret niiuril u iiid in dairy plint in acton by tnil in fi a f iu mi w m ites f the jrrs y mr ii mimuirhv univetl h o iuy do hoildug w built two trip t muio t lti suki h w ui and allxili me sv ih f mips lti r ny ipiipiit nl fur wishing rr iuhkhiim t nt un t the fu m rs d 1 lo-uu- 1- t 1 s nnd ton are lmkiotc fnwtift to th ihuim lii rop iii homy i miit ih in 1 1rni on j i mkrtrr rnuoiutl to 1 1 i miine tunned mi a lil ial t u lid 1 m h ue t ol y m i i s n mil ttt- tct louiik11 utlios u itr nm l hi who w i to thi turn ut ihe log of 1jihiu hhl al mi ton ut to f th 1 nu flidwy ttu nonunutliil wis in id i ii in t uids iy s null wus by w j 1 lliunpshm f v sii s ioiim 1 out whin likhlmrik struck jiif th r s 1 lk mio th mill on on wtlutt iv w mm r lit lll t iv lik il m j tn il s 1 1 1 oi ii t ifly v iiu of od w tf placed ihptivt linn h t w iim ft v ii ih u nli in tht ptk on fairy tl 111 mis it tin o 1 1 this w k nod h nr gnatly htl fiio ih in shvl linn huifh an thi inuiimipil luthonti s i- w ll v o vop th diunk o oi wl tt h 1 fe rn k w w hois i iml ih i ik a tn tmn nitiinly got a i t of i1 bs hull out of their ys t ins i ist luht ln ii eiiui town lloiit d 111 ii to th lull of u 4 hi im vs just f ml- i i ft id kmiill- ly in i into t n h my iiiipn siu h wiiii 1 ut a hlf h oi s 1 nhur of mm f ohd lo t k th ulim i from the it md till mi on stuti y niht liv loik a th mvitiition f at l n itius nid to partic pit in th nt a pi i ul d wn mon si wjs h id t ikm urliek ift r whuli tl m mi wan pi miimi il th p ik tl in dun j mv rid cottle lh ti i in il v si nt y that ito u m loun nt s miss j is y w ouru1 y wmi ituddh nd ons fi town hs ruivol thr l id mill u 1 1 f ouit 1 c rtfu it- i s for oulk ptnturtion professional directory and travellers guide win niairoiia dr w g c ktnney lin i n at 1 s ii in ii k n s 41 m ii si 1 an in nir rr 1 unf 7 ii ul 11 in iiiiiiii si f iv rumiey funeral home ptmnr ftfw niahl or diy mi urc k shiifmili r mr hr1pbator dr d a garrett phviriin nnd suratin cirii r if williw ini itvrr st fnlranrr rivrr si a ton onlino phinr mb olli ilmi fin jim 7 imlil ta 2 lll dr robert d buckner ihvuiin nnl surrin 39 wllin st art in ont ihinr b70 rfai imtatr and imhihani f f i wright 20 wilbur st artun ontario ilinnr m arnrnlrr licit rstau iind inmirnc- wm r bracken insurance agency s mill st rrt phi nr 20 rtr mill cinmial insuhanck j bert woo0 insurance agency llff and gfnrral inturanrr phnnf jhi 12 mill st after noun ta 43050 gurlph dental dr h ieib dental sururon offic corner mill and- frederick streets office lliur lly apuntm lit tklkphonf ih dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 1a mill street office miun d am in pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 141 lioal c f leatherland q c darrmte- solicitor notary public office hour 10 00 a nv11 00 a m 100 pm- 300 nm saturday bv apotntmnt only office a phone kei 151 acton a braida ba barrister solleltor notary public 173 main st s acton ont i phone 571 office hours 6 p m 9 pm i pm 0 pm saturdays 15 cork st e guelph ta 4a2 office hours t a m 5 pm saturdays d ajn u uu a d moooe d c i ilin r sm nfir sn ei ilit 111 mill sti t phone ill ir m ok ilui mn 2 ii wil 71 sit 2 1 nmrat e l buchner ro optonrtmt mill si f phone iis orfire itnurs wetnnliv i jn a 00 pm rvenmitf by aprnnntment aiditivo aicountino lever hoskin ch irlered acenuntants 51 mam si n 212 kna st hrimplnn toroiio i pftmes gt ih24 j em 0131 neviue stolier co arrnuntants and auditors 1 ruitcvs in llanlmicltay 3 mil si acton leormr of main tetedtiona 10 held office 530 bloor st west lonnlo ut earl g black n cmm ra c a chaktekku accoijiatant farmiri nidj 13 main bl milton ont tit iss4 traviuus gray coach linfs coarheb liavk acvon daylight time eaaibound 033 am idally except sun and hull 158 am ii j tit xot o m 5 0 p m as p iti jxxj n m 10 01pm sun am ttotjt waatbouiul 1027 am 1js7 pm ij7 pm 5 37 p m 77 p m t i p m llmpm 113 am jrt actsun and ho canadian national railways- standard jim dally 5 40 a mtoally weep sunday 10 do am 7u pm sun- pj bsuv aunt sunday lyir al daeaaatcwaf tta an tm billy fry at wectbound dally 1144 pm dally tampt sunday io tun upjni vfc l i 1 t

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