Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1958, p. 4

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th aden m pmm thumfay juh j4 19s8 adon drops close game to oaks last minute rally falls snort acton tnurmedwt drooped evaw bmvtwii pnw to the ctekviu oak i tudy evening in oakvul 54 cbock jwam ort th mouad for th locals had two blttrr but ktut ejfci4 thr i a wttlrt two th 0j galhekd ul the uurd runs ia apm of bla five atria rout oakvul tterud their tearing in uw bottom of h second whn ttj- luigly and burke received fre ba after bmg kit with th bail end trotted hum on a unit by andrron before the aide wm re tired a walk and a aingl arour4d for two mort runs to uw oaks in th following inning after a long fly to entr oak v ill s trortrvg wled in th bottom of ovt third but acton only began hitting their fltrld in th top of th fourth whw don in- mrcun walked and advanced tit i ball stole third and trotted hoan on tingle by don andrort th fiflh iiiain wm scorele for both tama out acton rallied ui lb top of lb alkth whn jul law- son hit a aingl to b followd by don atmmreaon with a duplicate and don andrmon leaning havy on th hickory corked a homer to rack up three runt qakvtll were held acurelea in b bottom of th sxth and actm reotvvd ui um lre4rnra in thr lop of th aeveulh and th toorinjt and ffnu wled 14 fur th nunht oakl dufout slants don anderson in hit eonvrien to short has found hi ruch and apparently improved hti batting average along with th move with two for two on a hnmer with twoon and a walk emmsraan u continuing to handle himself in intermedial sly i al though aull eligible fur juvt nitr jrwrll pitrhed a standout game in spite of hli trigh lurk kauihafao local camper brings honors returns with shield recently congratulation to iuu turulh who brought honor bark u tlallln- afad from thr boys ramp at riv oaka pant whm hr won thr ahlatd far ehia camper thrr wrrr 100 boyi attending thr ramp thr boys uy4l having mr nee ion with them as hr w a camp coun cillor w a me urm slarrett wn hotj to thr july mrrting tf thr w a thr pres ident lira cdmunda presided thr meeting omnrd w ith thr thtne aoag creed and hr lrd i ijayir urm robrt llcenrry hai chargr of th arrlpturr btudy and srvrral itrma of builnru wrrr dralt with lira ivrryman had chargr ol ih program hh had invited lady from th rnardal flural ahop to drmonatratr flowi r arransrmrnlk which rvrrytmr rvityti and mrs harold griffin hostess to local wa th jwy at tlftf at th vommii ambciatuui ww hu ut wan- dtay m at tb bom u mr hanhf oirfut id thariann ol tw pndtlint ar wm twjoujo w hi tw kbalr mr ilaruld orut- b too th ckrvotloa rhaa wr buidw for th efcutka brbi to w bld bw th utuf autfua at chuhrhill tlcku wr to b mad ridy for ml fct wk th udiw ar phibiia a ojuutmk in th mj- futur mr r mac arthur rlotd th waiting with pryr a dauiiy kuicb wu lh wrvad by the boat- m mr r dmiay nvovda yot uf thanks to th bo4ca for thr uav of fcr luvvly hum cbwali avrvtoaa rv alv dobaun tuok th r- vlc at churchill sunday and dr uvrd an inaniring mimgr th yuung htpt ar to uk th awvlrv nnt sunday and th fol lowing sunday our nw paautr hurray mrbrld will tukr uvrr th efcargr liolh mad filling rriltr lurwh was trrvrd thf burnr f thr rvrning was wfu m dunrlng to urfitrry iihrttr tmkaa rrvt itrv ilotmum uf grorirtown wai sural ktrakrr at ba 111 rut tad on sun day thrrr will br ni m r ir nmt sunday on alifu1 3 thr ncv mmutrr murray mrltttdr uill b hrrr u takr rhargr uwuay hfbaal ptcnlr th sunday school pirnx uus hrld at thr homr of or mil mia clifford itrut and mrs hold wu prrartilrd with a gift by thr sun day arhool fur providing firil lui for thr pirtur laal vutts mr itob rtfurrnrr v n joyed a bus trip u ciulingwikmt and mid land with imnnorkbmn initlitiili last thursday k w shortill has riturmil h in thr mrrting rloard with thr qurrn and lunrh w aa arrvrd by thr f iom toronto tbmpit l aortal committer aulstrnl by thr mr anil mrs boatraa naaar cb1 trirnds and nnghbora gathrrrd at strwarttown mall on tursda right in honor mr and mrs vytas trrciikas b sr uf toronto nrr janicr ilakrn on thrlr rrcrnt nwr rlagr ktwrtod nnw irtrrt as rhmrnan for a program of music and a rrnd- ing by mrs j ucenary then aak- ad thr brtd and groom to com tr th pulfcj uiu llrlana killr i irr psrvnta rrad an addrra and thy wrr nrt- or and mrs clifford hnd arntrd with a lovrty mirror an ck- llrs black rnjuynl last werk ing atand and a sikcr caaarrolr rogers itrarh n crotgian mn nnd fun ily rnoyod a holiday ifitting through saublr iwurh m 11 moulin islantt and sudbury mr and mr hwood sm iml family arc hnlidattng with mr snows parrnts nrar ottawi misa shirlry mack of oi m ill pent thr wreki nd with miu hi th mrs ken itidler and daughters of port william are visitors with mr and mrs p w shortill mrs hid ind association member attends film day lira nohrrt tturknrr of arjon attended a film day of the ltn don institute at huron college unlvrrtity of weatrrn ontario lmdioi recent ly it waa open to all home and school aaaortation members inter rated in films and program plan- mng in th hop that a sharing of ideas rvparirnee and viewpoints would help rvrn an there were many prramt who had attmdad thr horn and school leadership training camp at lak couchich- ing in june fthaw rilaaa films from a new arics calrulat rd to stir discusaion readily wre snown including making a dacia- lon emotional security and who ta sylx la there wi re aom lively diacussions follnw ing thr ahowing of thra for moat people trtrikion ra- io and thr movie are acerptcd facta and thr use nf films at meet ings of many rttmmunlly groups such at homr and school asaoriat- wni wrmc clutu unions and church organltationa ta baciwiung morr and more popular tottay as trade ra ar raalkting that film dis- cuaaitut can brcxmr a ital and en- oablr jvart of their meet ing a thought handed out to inr gathering wa thr most tal of all educational fncto eoiivi itwition in a rhild h fluint is tht clrral value films have a great value in 1 inrrensing inli ret in topirs making topics more undi rstand- able i3 adding to thr amount of li am ing i4 asm sting m rrnching conrluaions as a rrault of thin film day mrs nucknrr as program chair man has arraifged for m rs crr- aldtnr schafrr chairman of the iaual aids committee of the ont ario federal ion of home nnd school associations john new son and john wood members of thr national film lurd and one or two others to attt nd the januirj mnlinit of the acton hun uud srhod asaociation w hen thr v rntng will lw dtvotinl to a oj nt cump thrrr will be a pot luch ripper and a panel depleting the ttioui mi t hods of workshop ual vwalutn cloo upnvd monday at chuithill and will continue for the it of the week thrrr were 8 children prnt monday and more cam tuaaday friday aftarnoon rlooing ixtirims arc to b in id rtaaua iuu tin thompson family lit id it reunion at th waterfalls llny- g round the first sunday in j il ha selia ii and swimming kept the yuung propl occupird while the older f ilk visited tables wetf set up for supper untd r the uoes and eriiiir injoyed a sorul tint laraj tw mr and mrs art nffm an 1 mr and mrs win ttiompaon visited a week ago with j o martin and family of ileamiville mr and mrs rred gray and family nf cookivlllr spent sunday w ith mr and mrs itrurt t itch uiul family misa llrvrrlry frjv had tui n spending a wetks holiday with the ieitrh family mr and mia john ttionipwin of victoria mtttrd surutav with mr nnd mis josh thorn pum master hobblr rohwn of horn by is sptnding a week s holidav with his grnndpart tit mr and mrs josh thonian mr tttu mrs at siunbr n ph tw nnd his wife and ftimily mi and mrs harry m action aid of dlarr iluv c up ilrrton island an v tsiting ut the saundris hon while on tfuir holidays in ontario on sunday mr and mr fur iawmfirr jand fimily of toronto visited with mr and mrx al i sjondti t mr and mr fm ofeiti aiut miaa fdna murarlhur uf toronto visited undv wtth their brother and hit wif mr and mrs fred macarih- u r saluntay mr and mrs art swarkhamrr mr ami mrs l- satkhamrr june and cathy at tended the lovely wrdding of vim nidmr swarkhamrr in hamilton hog producers vote on marketing friday according to howard arrmtiong if it it 1 milton presidtnt of the ha lion county hog product r as sociation canada a largt t f inn plrbiacite will take place tomorntw friday whm an estimatrd 700m farmers are eligible to vot on th creation of a hog marktnng scheme the ontario hug ri tutor rrs co operative rxerti a 00 per rent favorable ote on the actum the local president reported local residents aiiand camera club tb monthly tn4lfitf of th ouelph camera club wu hid fc wastihg in th projrtloil routn at tw oac rilaia shown on pbiftoctphie work thu with abuttal and uda anuthr film waa ahown on th prlntinjf dvval- oping and finiahlng ira4ia jsmm mek and richard harris wrc amung thus prvaant jaur fsjastei ml on monday evening a mwting in th in uresis of junior farmers wu hut in hi johns church pir- uh hall with a good atteiwanrr a feature of th evenmj was tnr ahowuvg uf kodoohruji i ud dealing with fortry work in cun- nacttun with grind hlvvrcunstt g a turn in thr frrgus district al the conclualon of lh meeting rvfresh- rtenta were servtst and a lutul time wu rrijoytd ckiimk ttarvt service at the united rhuith on sunday morning was rtmdurlrtl by two members uf the gidrun orgin- itatiun t itnfuld of gut iph and ft harris of frln rev j l unlmd omdutt i servlct ut st j hn hunh n suixtuy inoinlng rhn to a trtnporary illni on day morning j mlrtrh w o uiul it to tortdurt th attvirt nt tit im b it t mil hurtit loral lew work u progrtfjing on ih id dil n to kotkwoiml puhlir ul1 mri arnold maw and rhimnn of nova so lis arc ipending ni turn with her fatrur cxi igi liv mrs wiui i frank dean it and mrs ilutlir or up i thr ompnny tngr lir liu ongiatiilationi t ohn ilirlrh on tin mr ml mrc iilh of j i n on sunduy at hospital in gut iph sit wurts oyre township th k is away for a wet k s varan m work on ihe new bridgi is will advanced mm art busy with prt pjiiitious for the sldiwiilk on i ih sides of tin roiidwj higlwr llun road level mmbei of the young isp who wire at ramp on 1hui r 1 1 have n turnetl hom smc 10 voung eop1e wi re at tht cimp mrs alice hilts n turned homr tuesday m rning iifu r thrr vniki visit in kintfton ge of tht oriiik th h jm ii dun t forgi i lo v i i i ili h i glinipe mi next thurnt iv i ik ng ittvuit- it the t ition r ii kov il ua04outf 4h homemalcers entertain wi th regular matting of llmr- liuus wumihi a instltuu wu imld on tueaday july i la th mmur- ul iuu with mr k awiford fiil vkueident praaidlng tlie maluuj upnd with ih sing hi if uf th more w gt towtlur followed by th uurtra rvayrr iloll call was ana w red by my favorite meat racip thl was rrsiiondetl to by 14 uulle donat ions wtre to be sent to car ulid lh srutt mission sumnir caanp mrs george english ruflvwiir of liumr tctiiiamrs and haalth i 3t cbargr of thr program two minutt rriurls win given by th con vi ti ers of the different commit 1 it t mrs iuul splttr gave current v- cnts pp4 skit the i ii ii mumumug club krls preatlilrd a skll iel s look ii hight ttity situ had on dls lay hut boxes and garnu nt covers which they had mad for thrlr pro jert clothes closets up ut dat kurh ytnr thr wi pi eat tils v ery girl with a silver salad fork aftt r completing a homarnaking unit r ight ills t- part aliothi r highlight if iht me i ng whs th pn m ntution if u t ik r i until to mrs jutk n bli in nr tguitit n tt hit w rk us setritiiy- ehalr ana huaock hnd urt hlr- by urge pint ftuu uurrur sjmj rack and eobl drink gtaaa sot addree wore read by wm mltrliall and mrs jurrum nubl mr mltchrll ddrd urs u- irrby on behalf uf lamauuuse wj and mrs met hurst prihtid u life membership certtfuate nd t in roth ihankel all uppropriati ly visitor x mr and mrs fretl culp uf ar thur and mr und mrs kd 1- hay if frin with tin h y c ulp i on sunday am do j of georgi t v n with mis iougus volt 1 im wk mr and mrs amhur ijine of lo- ronto with mis i oh arid ll ii not t ii ov t r l he w et k i nd jtu adrina of tni wlhami with hi ne u ft rink mr and mis m fuiriiuii tp lit iht wet kind ut collmgwood glynn his bten holidaying mi un r f r l sanfid nd mi t mi the pi uk 1 ett willi tlu rvett t il ti hdf i nr w i t r are w til prrenutlan i ph iuit ivtning liniumd by i i waa hi id it tht h ii t- f hut dl und mis flh rbv whn fro nils and niighlxr gathrred to bid hum fin will prior to thi ir ving to inn the toopli win miilil with gifts of ii illl iii ion fi m tin gttlitrintt mr st tl iiy onslrurtnm on ui v in gils building tm mill stnet ix cluwtng esccllrnt progrou j cto9 50 film drvrlopinf sctvicr on kodak film promotional spcil for rath roll of film ft at hinton s store f r developing you may purch e a new roll of film for only hi gular price hinlont 5 to 1 stor monuments mamrtom dt ngns mibmiltrd n mriery irtieting ro nrr ptli and markers a god d ipluy in ilkk wm c allan prop 61 ouaaa t w brampton hkea pkatse iu i mis era tl i iiu iip tom nichol pban urajwpua ol 1 sms all day tomorrow ih11 will be open at four places in hilton in rimiursing vot r go to tht stc arttown hall in nakiuigaw t township voters cast liullot at the llrookvilu hall trafalgar m mor tal 11 ill is the voting plnct for res idents of that township and pni duoers in nurhngton can vott at hairview school at uouville vgnrul rrnch and danish pastrlm rous mtfttch sytck mad homi mam whitf meab choose from our tempting variety of ovenfraah treat to- day and diacover thr extra toodneaa in every bite lido food bar cwnavmtmsiyubis acton out now is the time to modernize give your basement that modern look wrm an iconomkal cure hecla gas unit all installations made in accordance with national warm air heating and air conditioning association requirements and tailor made to suit your home estimates without obligation why take less than the best call root hardware limited i boatwoob ont hwmm in 5sl rural power interruption the will bo powor interruption en sunday july 27th 1958 fiom 1 30 p m until 4 10 p m d s t twt will ffoct all euatomara eaquaajno town- ship who ar aorwod from h acton dlairlbutloit stallont it will not odoct thoto cuctomort resid ing in tko weal haff ol concotfion l eaquoting towiukje nor tkoe cuatomors north and wett of aeton who ar fod from tho rock wood distribu tion station this work if roqulrod to do nocmtary ropatn to our oqulpmont in th town of acton vv trutt you wih accocm our apologia for any inconvenience- that we may cauao you ontario hydro j t margin mjnaor gtlph r o a look for this sign leading to the big show of the season the 1958 caseorama starlite review featuring revolutionary caseomatic drive tues july 29730 pm mike norton balunafad come and bring the family refreihmenh iponiotwd by ths ladies of etelllnafad united church clinic- reports alexis d soeranaky lo re- aaorrh cintut in umrruulxutg o seria of xtitt un lh eaus- ativr factor of dlse wry in to tioh a basis ftethory uf mwliclne gradually two bas te facts wrr established tlur first it that many pathological pruc- th can ft of which had btn te garden as abatiluu ly foreign u nt rvuui influence hav be fi und l lh in reality entirely dt- ihmlnt on hl ltlt r fn tlirir r- tlii second thesis rtrurrui all lit pincmui not lelorigjiig t i l e firl kmu to wlutrvir chadr f l iihuhity tlvey belunjl liuwovi r eornmlcad thrlr- eomaoattioa m4 howtiyer variable thir four use nervou ountponent rewiilns from b inning to and th factor uui deurmlnvat their grral stale th a d lauwir chiropractw of- fler ar tiilijej with the llt nutdrrn chiropractic instrunwfit for precision and arc ur acy and u th lateaf method of rorrlon tlir efficlmcy and reault of thu muderti acienr when properly em ployed will tmair you if four rondituui has restated your efforts u cure it dwnr us fur an ap pointment ad moore dc liuw m w u mrlth i s815pr gordon hardware mill si limited acton phena 76 selling out sale come au to eisens clothing store acton ladies better dresses 500 to 995 vi price ond less then cost ladies blouses vi price sale 99c ea ladies t shirts reg 198 99c ea ladies blk corduroy slim jims reg 495 299 ladies catalina swim suits reg 995 588 ladies brassieres halters shorts pedal pushers skirts suits and coats all reduced to clear out childrens stretch socks reg 49c pr 3 prsl childrens lovely t shirts reg 100 67c ea childrens training panties 2 to 6x 5 prs 1 childrens slim jims reg 398 199 childrens boxer jeans reg 199 144 babys diapers flannelette reg 350 dz 267 pillow cases reg 119 pair 77c pair bath towels reg 198 pr 149 pr beach towels reg 225 each sale 169 each kitchen drapery materialreg 125 sale 69c yd mens tan twill trousers reg 495 388 mens better sports shirts reg 495 288 ea short sleeve summer sport shirts reg 395 199 mens t shirts vb price sale 100 ea mens swim trunks reg 495 299 mens dress socks cushion foot reg 79c 2l mens windbreaker jackets reg 1295 888 mens under briefs tops reg 69c ea 48c ea mens work shirts reg 269 ea 199 ea mens work jeans reg 395 299 ea mens suits all wool qualitiesreg 4950 3450 boys outdoor shorts sizes 612 reg 249 1 boys under briefs reg 49c ea 39c 3 prt 1 boys dress sport shirts reg 298 ea 149 boys windbreaker jackets reg 595 388 boys jeans ivies etc reg 398 299 boys t shirts reg 79c ea 49c stock pprchased and sale conducted by lightaaans ltd of toftomto goods satisfactory or money

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