Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1958, p. 6

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tk acton frtsw lrt twtday july 24th 1958 tj44 personals fw taw cjsueu a ly ini artjleaurty to taw tmirtlyr rky huy w fctwasw hi v bvbl tat to un w uw wui unreal isatvy of dunda u vluunx with rier cinjsin uiu jam i roafiwaldioji this wk ur and un w j wo4 and sttvli if st catharines art wsil- ujj in arlun this nxk ur jtrry ii my ami son hill vtere honu for tin wtibttid 11 lh arc enilom at ijiiott i t unrm allan i ot visited ith hi urt e t aiu villagers animal surround car bells peal to greet mrs k knox tocrviary u tk cmalhia rw t r ii un im ixl ui it u u iwm and laud maw i von ui f ifctril im uat ik th mia w t 1111 ton- u ii t land nidih a h 11 new w ihi i j trinl 1- i ur 1 and j- uann day hi makn 1 m r 1 mv i i1 at i- x 1 mi 1 i- 0 ann the f t iul t un hot i and un ii u ilnl n u m a fruoh ww ar ulwtiaj la k ht bar fually kav a u tkar ar4 ur uat l wtura mrv kitav u kuuy u krst4 althtiiiaf rmftrwm tv hru u4ur was wriuai fre grrt aavj ikt rtiael ivua lai tkpuhauaau art tat faj- usvra 1atfji rmiti thurmtiiy junr j i on 1 kiin mtk the us i on y f mt inn ut tin mm aitd tilt- b u xintuin two null- away in th i uli ai toly nilvat lj iminl t tut his a k sight i rl i t ty tn i rung r motol fiom aln hud ult lunrh hi ci inlh and came rule lxut six irlk w wilt mil till mid- ntalil t-1- ui i l tl wlustf j lite i nh up in 1 1 i itivwiii m- urtlli i ivinil w irft al 7 50 arul url fust t m tilt mtoblll miilir- f 1 liix miii vka ml full inr jrfn l11lti itd mhl lnld i n jll 1ttid nnl it i dii tinifid u vnxk in i illa- i it iltimni imnji ili atli aiu pni as t drove sway the bell clarvgrd and th whole villaer lin ed the streets they are wunderliu people to grateful fur all that u given i u iihtvd canadians owld have s4en it tjiey wthjld liav unv out and filltvd th drjwt ttfga 1 oil tlnn m to onolhrr illai hae hrlprd a and whith hai a uartuularly cxh4ratie iri nd rnt he wtiiicd to enttitain tin- and m uithin an hour and a half 1 had 1 1 tat two itust rgiji kwiiiiiiiing in ml wntu- i milting burnt nwivl ihukin again with talad fin it he4- and lots mmr lutiiblr im it timik me all my turn not to look ungrattful a allhotigti i hail only nthlld at the fiikt olar 1 wuanl thr liakt bit hungry wt limi back lun atut 6 uiloili wi fd to litnmna in tin txi ill uitl lit ar th yugiuuv tnidti iiuutow sliall stay in tutki if uvitllr and gi dtrtcl to jnidan rutting iut liriiut on thi way honu sol of iht hmo ur and mn iml tl r i family r1 iht ir llidv i ii ey haruw lal unk with mi xi uis art hiuhffi aixl lmih ilorkwood uiihn ciiii htme afl r nod eeks with t ur and mr j a cauiaihu kllt m n e sunday gu t t do their n w i mt and m art scvn- of itu tw t and ur harlta snt onto alm ikiwd it d i s 11 i ur and mo v 1 1 daid kih ii n rd m v cherry of t itnit w m with ur and mi t an i family on sunti mr an uk ti- a have ut n hld i in i rn ltihr nl ii ii an iliad un nj it m i i lii 1 stratfoid and xluxh with mu oeofxr impttrtt nnt m t camptm 11 il ititwii i 1 rck urlw lol it cut t at thr h oh uis t nttifn were mi and ti j tonwd h iid mi and funiu f pun l sf of iwnd mt n ban and famiu r sn mrs r ko n mr and mr i h l familr mi in1 mi j family tf aitn f mr o nri ii i ii it m t x i mi m f ii x 11 1u 1 1 iiinili i ing a xtoitty of diffi cull it a in jiiilm ml kimt w ai futttl hi makr ihnr tails hi am man tathti than luvil ilin she- ttit ii fit w to hunt lotidoti july 10 1 fl to ilan down in toulhtin ult l tiuaiko a wii k wl then to find i gjl- liv of hdir jhi rs a ladio and a film man tlu half tlx nmilat ion of iuii lltr mayor ttu pita id nt f tin c hildirn a hpiut the lhkho ryl wlun 1 had romtl with the ptru radio tv and films i was whisked df to ditiio r tina was about 9 pin with an mt milt journey tark to mat ra to the hot i we atr until 10 and thn iiiom- to maturu getting thtrt ut aftt r midnight and i nuwlrd thankfully to brd tte ni at day tui silay my titnhiarv hdh broke at the top v t ix nt two hours gi tting 11 rlof miian of maltia lioapil 1 to find a dinttt who ai tiiilit1 his intitimi ills and b hjd a nnvhanir who rouhl mtikt a lixth we drow i0 nnhs to 11 i a t liak to rl iht ib doiu and i mnt from ii to 12 m and fim mb3ii p m in a di ntit s ch or -o-lixy- ndv wii iii miv knox hd oim to nffittdt d th opening of a mituiy di moritritiin pirrnts nmr anrt jhoofchami and- mul trui4 puamd bv um- half wv thtm wi mrvt1 fdian save hie cliihlrtn unih k win which i hoinllr and lt hc inning a wi ii f and good local uu y ul uie curmriumu ap 1 1 u i ui i in u mt k r and ti miiotht i dt ml iv di tin ugh doty t tut k paing littlt md mu thin all of nuthtil th mium hlun wa nlkly alxtit but the iimh i us tlittd ringing full jn ji in m hrior and t hildn n un riitirung from ry hiim- flwd by mothta falhtis ihn- kx hi n dogs rats and r- thing that lould walk th y ur- i hhinlil iht cat scrambling all o i jnl 1 undeiithnt how the tju- n f it whin she nun turns looks mix yd tin li i ai l nl s unixurj daukh i 1 i i id a p i h and pn nttl mi h a uopil the head ctrl at ii m ho follouiil suit and a moth r hiougtit m a basket of fixh linox fiis apricots and i him prhliic of the milage i llu tnuih of th itk hnth km 11 md axkrd a hli xsing od th n n dixtnbuton of dolh- ii k tk i hindcd out 1io bundl- x 1 thing out lm and had my d hv i r thild all th hi id nt ik u f mi id nt and mhhihi diil ho had m itl mi tin r in thr pitriiih the parent y our administrator wint to london fur a meeting and for an nua leave and when the came back nothing had been done be cause they had had an earthquake and the rock winch had been m- poted ready fur the 7oundit ion had gone cxtmpleti ly and tlu y had to find a mw sita lloutvtr at noon we hi off on nothtr 80 mile drtvt tn tncaiuy here tx fore th ceitmoiiy i it picted th itospilal thn had l with tht nietlnal dfutr an 1 ftjfc and thin at 6 oilxk wint in a atatily procivsion to ttu sitt llhl p fust thin th piifiu r mm inaoi ttu n me all in s mi u cjis with ihillte iuit placards mm you would mvii i i v t ii louri was plait nd wllli ttimk yu mrs kihii thank to ttu canadian p tliark m r thompson mr s i hoi it tlu piimurunl a1unnxi i i lutih in plaiarda and f i gx u u ios llu load on tlu mirmry is in a m p f a t tlu fwn wluie the vny i ait mood 1 nju im oig liaiuf nd from toodnnuxl nnuiy in lh iioiim s to ouikll timim x ui ma by hut iltu tml uidd out way ihiough two nolts aortd hy th i or i villa nd childrtii on hi ttuldin f util at its donk u hoia s mil oh n do i fl u t alld nil imil vuu nivrr saw i- uk imlllt thu hke it you ciuldii i o wwo gido tl w f i mopl and itnimil u hi n v u nti in from ii ml nun bringing gou and shit p i tiasttl witli ill in tin ollur dlittlion th wtioli i nfiaid und a li i smafxt ii with ennt and utamd from tiny garden but of premier tidied up the ends yftcr- jcourte i treated them all alike wards uj iclaaaa then we went in procession fol- j b wtey w lowed by the entire population to c to lha nursery as i kissed 40 inspect an orphanage an old diildren jhope nobody had meail- penples home and the new roman ft jt catholic chapel thin after but tutuftfazttrfutijl 3 a m to three hours of insptiting we 1t mounwjn villagis we drovr went back to the hospital for din- niuily along the edge and ovr ncr wiui the offitial bod it s md ut t r tnr apimninn and vil li pin we ttt off on the jouniy lt d tn villagis wlurt we wen running kindt igartem nurscrus 1 and iiusiual work for mfns unit 1 and ttu cmc mrmd tlu wliol tlu iv vsin i ad to ajliiounf iht- wh it dav and ttu it li n filme1 tin tin im n it wx m ttu- italian kj i so hum li friday arltiaal of lowers sjtunlky w uixptxtitl a th h lul in mat i- hif i w i ft hilditui hoi1l t hin on was und tti n dn a m u ii t jourrif bok h li tinu witli u tarload of luyl rd in ions nt tin lit hoiplll and ft 1 ret on i ui- ir i g- u tint atot itu 1 f lh mi t juil ie n u 1 i uld ii iuii w 11 1 u i 1 m id 1 klthrx it- v 1ji i iv haustetl 11 wdn f i tht five liad a 1 m t amw we didnt git homi until nd i was ci uy f xd iy up at 4 u mi h dm i v t ii dinru r at i i jhl which v- f ity plant it avi diliynl foi x until 4 a m oid tl ir lnd l at ii think but aull with a lovaly uam hava orjy a quaxiwr of an hour ta and beautiful complexion si pack wore lha finest of whtut la drcssai with a dipping hem md quite ankle length and a whiw traffic sems heavy through ortnch feather hat with royal blua aclon j a wlih lnany ftathers in the middle the rsrl of clarendon carried a white parasol our hi r phillip ure no hat the only me without kaae sjvj iabj th palurr luelf is beautiful lvly paintings in the reception hull in ttu round room looking out on the bark garden tht re win corru r cupboards exhibiting imi i tiful ihma built into tw walls like hutli i i uttu rlandi b hind glass all iom and gilt fuimtoie and ur- h it aiut thr walls tiutnl hili i m i ould vr hi re poh hap- pil poople on holidays lfl t lrfk a t thi bnal of hot- and fillingx hai k fruss palsre u 1 cmi baik fi r 1 un 1 oing in h vi u r 1 it i lo 1 t da in th 1 tl fi half xjum e l buchner otnometklsy in acton every wed afternoon ones at 4s mill st e acton hours i 30 6 00 evfrunrj by appointment kht mmymntuknt tiiih40ni 115 n und tk s i plot i axii in tiad lo slop tlu re win mauxx id ptoplt groutt1 around a lowly mtttl dais which was spproarhttl by a wry flimsy laddi r witti wimmihi slats ivery thim i wint up it piaying hard as if ihu pnuiiir had got on wilh inr im ami it wuutt have lulupstm the mayor n ad u apitth of thanks and i rrphitl ttie ppl i hifrrd two darling little gr is pmmiited me and mis th mourn with huge bouquets of rttl rai nat ions nnd thin w dimindd and li our way to lh nutliaivil i r- ittim whin tin atom was in id aloft hneara eaten itu ilishop blessed it ami i ght ins lui so iathitn h ttu i tilth bur skinny men women gain sylo 15 lbs ik i 111 11 ill i i t 1 r 1- w i 1 i i iiii v w lrl 1 1 lm in i thin rtnli- 0 i t lu v in marly nil qu n m- ttur tir un k n up and i ll iifclit vtn i 11 miojiur only in v if o ping short abut tnlf yunu awa a kul lowly la thllilur i fri18hnb8s guarantiiq always irish avdltbla ledgers store now open for business henrys announce tlw 1- of loi new me 1 aiul lloyi clultimij itore aclon we if odd y bavc seveifll iulixnru iforn afton who camf lo ve m m oxfoifjctown we inlcnii to erwicn new and olcf covtomerv wilh nfjh utility men i aihi boy wear sv well i idoci ok linliiy dacvt shoei for men our price it reaonalile you are cor did my invited tcj drop m and ce lor yourielvii henrys miml s soys clothikio store fnnrly rdulu man fumttltino 37 mill st acton ont lh on lh h is h tu 111 i family h li mk i i lkr eri p b l nd uiu ii 1 n i k ii mi it c lluhu p1 hini t llu t st 11 riimu 11 a i 11 m i mi rv i 1 n pi il v t in i hrn cir imsi h h i i f 1 1 nlh u nh th in t r v i h niiiitlt n l j l1 i- 1 h 11 t wih 1j- lii kn 1 t i pollock and campbell mjiuirjliirr r high gfiade mfmokials mcmokial nsraving i watar it narth gait ttxiritoxe mi the mayfar restaurant a i im t t whr 1 l n jhl t l have you tried our curb service friday saturday ml sunday evenings afarr ts 13 pm n ciul sh c m i 1 dine out this wllk ind and ol t mocl tun out- ol i it i for cuib sr jnj li ik your l specials o osr cmlk ru mrnu hamsurcs hot docs hknch fries sundais drinks mayfair raslauraal oun si t hea 44 acton you auto buy now what helps the auto industry helps you kep the whaals of induttry turning thar it no lima like i ha preiant to buy or trade why fight it if you need a car buy one of our goodwill used cars now th buying powr 61 your car delur i lh or no nowl il will buy mor cr vlu nw r utd nol now hn in future menlht 57 ford fairlane smim s1s9s s7 chiv iso sxun s3i05 s6 oidsmosiie rs 3 faw s539s s buick century 3 hartlwp 3495 sb ford sedan auamlk si79s ss ford custom cuill r sm9s 44 ford smln sims s4 ponflac sedan ory and tlu 1095 54 dodge 3 door furdtop 1395 54 fontiac coach rd nd blkk 1095 54 pontiac deiuxe cemh 1195 51 ftyvouth deiuxe sdn 950 s3 meteor custom smun 950 53 hymouth sedan dark grew iso 53 buick custom sdn 495 si buick custom sdm 795 51 chrysler sdn 195 so pontiac smjm 395 49 hymouth business coup 350 47 hymouth 75 37 hymouth 50 your satisfaction is our most valuable asset t franklin prouse motors limited aden and gwwealewit emlutlva pemlac bukk hall- gmc truck daaur vauic buick h piuhw 16 open evenings till 900 acton ontario who will be actons legion minor sports civic holiday miss popularity queen contest closes friday 600 pm august 1st clip the ballot from the bottom of this ad and vote today who i- ssas j imhttmr the queen lmust be chosen from one of the top ten con testants pictured at right i front row lfl le right are judy morton euzasith force maroi oouoh back row 10 re riom nancy skifmn barb davidson ruth iandsborouoh moira mtkilvey blvtuy smith tru0y scott lorraine richardson write the name of any one girl pictur ed in this ad as your chotqi for the pothilarrty oueen- oniy one name on a ballot deposit your ballots at any of the following places by 600 pm fri day august 1st bradleys mail marital car rolls e t marks frank tolhs garage bill tolhs shall service station legion minor sports booth al aclon park ledgers iga acton fre prats ddiuwwaiai n

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