Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1958, p. 7

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m i halton junior farmers ball team winschampionshipafterten years th junto nowf ftuftfciu itminunukt kt ok wwrn oat- irio jwual yxxu 7uu dy ui ttually b4d la oullt ku ov the ri bmri i uf kwoa tw numt fclhlaaud mate rm el tk fentli piwi vw yr w no ahmt i yan tf trylr ux iui- hw cwks tiu4mtt khi bui kaa p uu trfrb m lulu nsykv of uuten u r- etftfel d lftv 4tfl utlwadthl m a twkuj wul hj uu hil ton ufcm uft tbir to titrughut jfoka c wllwll ud uoyd vlv- la tktlmi um 4ukl ddtlm nd wn ut to fom duhitf tw y ik haltu tun tllulubj 0fcd dutlrrlh rul crop prospads greatly improved waterloo eountiaa and then in the final after is inning battle ibay diad rrur cuuiily fur the rhampionahlp th team niamoer were as fol low pitch ljoyj vivian and john wiluiu11 catcher giro hich trdson first bu john i src- nd bw graham gdliea ihojl- slop lro coojlrh third bat don vivian outfielders john jarvia ki vivian clarence mrcann and chon peg winter wheat price set at 1 45 minimum an arbitration award uf l 4a par buahe plus an award eralstor ruuw to high ul iu for w ileal marketad in january anl ktbruary of nest yrar tiai icetutly bttri un nounrad according o report thr pitrr 1 be paid tu produce is uy ilesihib and proceaaors delisired to local rlr vatirs ii a minimum of 1 4 leu grwd discounts handling cliaige and moisture discount and alto lrb utr amount tit be dcdiktid by th onurio wheat imkiudii mi keting hoard idarl la kgdlt uvasat arrofiling to the winter wheal uiiklmi iman th uaklh hoard ran drnluct up ui nmr r4ta trrit of mpnl ntihrl n tnry rraatp or -afmioval- alurr uvan 18o000 000 irtlb tarn pa eammaanorttlnx thr tuj caul jublm jajnbarv hrld at rattan coldfiatd england lavt aujuai urrc auld in ilrttain ar cording to a canadian pun d- mlrh whral drvi i acctxtting lit a r j innit tf it j uyn wtwi u hairmaii of wheat prmlurrr ihurd thi muiktluik th cm jriartl haif m tba rnd at juna loukad rathar grim tha kkowcn aionj with hmhar trip araturaa durtaf th first two wlu of july kava traaafottnad tha aitualinn into una whurh i dmmlatfta- h4ring grain hava ttrrtrh up btl ad in humf wait m fchort uviv urumw at rt a n- buuul thu mum fmai fwoupmlng raadilr the mo li tha rnaru inwtfrtit in thr puture and tlva manner in which tila afurtutut on tha mdoi la tuntlng atonji with continuation uf praartil aouur rondltiimi proiwrt art- axrallant for a good around rrop of alfalfa which u badly nrdd on tha maiorily of llalum fa run to kuptcmrnt tha ahort firat crop wa cr- i may on tha first cr of hay in gmial la pratl wall off although hrrr and tharr particularly in north halton thrrr i tha otld operator who till has conttilrrsbl acn sgc to uka uff fth wheat was binder ju last waaft and a kumbar of fields wrrc obaarvad in atook last wrrknd combining of tha crop will likely ba ganaraj this mating unk in rutantally tha haads in gcnatal ra un thr sjvirt sirta which cvc tin adgvr wait fnr wort yields on tha other hand tha quality would appaar to ua rscrllrnt th trti ravtf tful li whera il gejfttaaavad u now ttoaning along nlraly and promisaa cltiaa to a burmal crop halton hilrm in other events of tlu- day s prurani alsu gave a good arcuunt uf themsclvrs and wrrv in there battling all ui w sy mrs james c reid chosen dairy princess ura jamaa c held irm t gaorgatow n was tlcctd as hji tons dairy pvincaas at uie by garden prty on uuuday mg of ukt wek ura keid will now riwfcrnt ifauon in the dtrv cjuaen ctwtipatltlon at thr cina- d an nalumai kuhibltlon it will ba rvralled uut tha iv7 onlarui talry quran was uiss jean ivwtw of hnniby and lite prtxdlng yejr the winner was ifrs c rdon king of oakville km i in short mrs rnd is how ful 4 bringing ike title bach to hjlimi or thr third year in nwon sion lr rome1iturs for ui title- t f llaum s da ry if tnra wrrt uar lhi rnbinsos it ii 1 oakville ami lrns woudley kit i vltlton and wua wtli difficulty the pant i of judgrs john w tawley secret try mnag4r of the toronto milk lio docrrs it if jardmr sevrrtary of the ontario crram irodiutrs atwl david imlrttrrio f the unluxt farmrn cooeralivr fret ihm ion at guelih mad thi ir t hc t v haiton county weed control news v f uvartilur qutcttv wild carrot by couwty wetd inrprctor local lome seots only militia unit to guard princess avnkfl lac ontario recent tuperunrnts rom- conimonly called y ur j whulock in quffj amrs lacf u ona ta sjrongr solution is necea- and trouble- halon coun of the moif parsiswnl some dj and la urt jdlna vrr fast in llallon raciiutr of the di v maathir ear y this v i u il w u 1 acimmtr to be a tittu uvs prrvalitil btil l tli t m j i 1 mire il ftnt f i iw and lii uhtt lwsjll4ili u toiti evdtut in qht itsttfc of tse c hinty vljuy weids are a iwlvd to tht fruit and vitvtubl g ourr not only by rom mg crop plants of nutrient and in nature but bj pmiying itoat t vjruiut injur mn mitrrta v lld althot n no n reptmhi a i it k mii to tint immii the ttil hnl tit uhuh at tihki cirri s nnnin celrry and adthjujl control uf wiij1 t althot nuiy u- brought about irr by sprajliig w th 94 32 wwr i of nuj1 iiti of 2 4 d und 2 4 5t jtif mid mixture tr arri iii i wjuig i 1 jfita ut ul mjkid with he mjt lji mv sdong i ut un f fiju 1 k ii h w ver inut o t be d in r n r wptibl r safety is rule for skin diver th actoa rv fru thursday july 24th 9is all hi sh win re o ng rem attd in wi ii t it prarti h plant i int artd short nii rot it ion d rate wii i ahwt littn ui tnow dm net sxury fir this w it pn vil 1 t ultlv atloi tl stale llutlham r- ontario mai kiting iloail m1 lime itnt j ii tavlor prrs dnt of tin hal mm fiitrrutiitn of agriculture and chairman of heltons lrrclitni twnnultee assisted hv miss ji peierwin mile ihr prtsrntutl n awilds not be nuking the nil mm deduction unf m innately when ue preparing this neu c lumi weir unable to nmlact mu in who knew uhat this rsart dclut ion would b in any tvrnt it i mould aprar as i this ytar klaitmg price ii the g nn r mill 1m i comidriahly niir thjt iat jeir i which as mi recall was an uiul 1 is mtauaasas frtea 91 u from our limited knou ulgi ut lh kitoatntn mc cann h 1 much wrong ith the minimum price of l 4a hrefong m mutu what nl rn uhiat can ik indl down ut in locitl markets the quimtiun mark in our mind t whrlhir the ecil ttor cl him i which pn vul4s un additional fin vtnls per busht 1 for wheat hi id on i th farm until net january j trbruarv is suf ficu nl t juitify the i additional i spins in stoimg phi i two important events rjsveduled for halton halton a first uiul j ommtltlon is being thuiday imi th fn held n r judging bmlsv r n i on tht fifth nhip 1 10 i11 thr shrink and damage i u uhat vi i i inset i tl ihit the itiiiit luit chili lis 1 iwiuiking t a p- ml program for luni omr4tojm is hetulr1 f pm and jimlging by mm 1m ml a loodly numur of tins leading farm opraton planning t be in uttendanct tjit i thi r lmmiit nit e i which we would draw attend tit uli on ruday uf this unk on the oritur og product rs m ir ki ting plan fwluag vaja hat i a i lltng immiiiis hai twin a i o in eich township and the r ect tve township clerks arr th ap p intcd depoty returning officers we since n ly hiie all qualified hog protluceia w ill a ail thtm wlui of una opportunity of rxt r cuing tht ir ote it is ru t for us lo suggest how im one should otr but wc do think it import int th it h g irn tini nh mid makt h ir w itu lev know n ou can convert your victory bonds immediately at any branch of my bank tt t atgah cauaiim bih quick service immttluite ctub uljiistweiit your nrarcu branch of the bank of montreal is lvsy uou to gi jou prompt senice in ioocrting jour viaory bond taio ih iioacallame canada conversion loan 1918 if ou hold unmatured y viaory bonds see your nearest b of m branch todiy and capital i on this tremendous opportunity bank of montreal wwi shut 4 arttw atrumht wluum mtky muiur workiho with camfrlarls i m cvily walk op i v 5ihcb 1ih 1 i l j l i aw ii a month kal skin divluk savs l tt r kuigunill 13 i hka driving a car you have to k n thi rules of saftty and oley tluin klngkoull ton of x tri jgatl tmvs who sink out once a wtik a w mm out vmt a pool mi feel ing their lithnhue in the u f fn ymtwi isjuipno ot if n r ipupment is faulty ur you arr n i piihrl trained in its uu you tan g t in in ubli h th i y tske the trfu o i tti iiiiiw during the wint r and put lke its tin it i t 1 it t um in miimto r imlmn w resplwulanl in their cerenwiiul ftrolttaai dfau urulornit tha lorn scots have ben givan the luoior i of ueihg uia only militia unit on ucurily guad duty vlien ii h h rrifvras aaargaiv4 aretvea at uul- litn un wednesday evening july 90 l4 col arthur stamp c d commanding offwer of thr ital duffer in and halton regiment an nounced that the- uurn iro1t will asaiat um al mutlurittea including polite of tigampj township when hie alpa1y anlvis in t i t ouril uaaahly card tlu f dlow mg day in toronto the regiment will atatst neighbor uig tormiui units in providing a setuirlty guard col ktuiip join ui mayor of t ronlo and metropolitan pi lire i j of f it lau in requesting rmployi tt to allow militia personnel t i turn out with thair unit on this liupoitunt uccasion pipe and military intuit will be prepare t play for the htntfit d spec tutors ptor b the arrival uf the iiiiicisji at malton trans portation for the regiment la b ing piovidetl fiom the viiiom roitip opy heatuiuarlara at lltumpton orangevllle teorgruiwn put i t ittt milton and tkville baptist church group enoy annual picnic i tlu iiolist women mission cuola havj the4r annual picnic atvkhdj evesljls at mrs tha uandsborough a home on iikr ac i supper was served ut 6 3u in cafeteria style in tha garden with flowart in the background ami fc ing thr lake a beautiful utting ni h ch 1 rtj y vie dc t i- i per piovidcd b cirtle meiiheit vole f i for h s school sd trafalgar ihibjle shooj akkrd last week accvpled a u hvt5 from uaurr turiw or the purchase uf the atomrd osa- roi a hool si ohiagh uf tuhw un given a 30 da optlod to pur- tlu- h a tour ihf tgh ghhg f ihe 1 t m ak f um i in mr t t mr tluink ii u to mm ry movetj liliddio loaning ucasi i tluiiiki t lor lo and our j y gsrdi special dlrou i vi o l city tf w- ami from thi alg i d for whip nm r w h s holden iyis txaminio glassts fitted 7 dsusim u riww tayiw arise septic tanks lllltwill sackmo tlavks wu tiu fmcmi c l wti 44ms roocwood contettf moducts 9 biafcwj oeat ontario fvfrev is the time to register ontario hospital insurance efjwlire january 1959 thr plan will pay thr crm of rwntial ttandartl pihtc jrj in hupital cr iici for ontario resident u hn are tumrrj under th plan llcnefm will he available to feofr hmpitati in ontario fur ai many jjs ai hospital srricm rc mtditmlly urcrttary approctl hospitals wilt inlludc public general hospitals tunpitali for con4teuenti ami the chnnually ill tuberculous sanatoria ami prointial mental luntpitau tlie only out patient benefm in ontario will he for niu rmi hnpitjl wrvices receieil within 2t hours ftilliwm an untknt ilenefits will he allowed for hospital turt rett ivit rmtttje ontario at the mult of b tudjeu tfut of stint a or au uiajertt ail rfmnrvtn ok ovtri aur ii kiitl i i nrolmrnl it open to erry resident f niaii re 4 t ii n u or fhinul ttmjifmn cillur ihiouh a loup 01 individual tvn a lay iirevt hai tn rrujrnlt of ontario art nor wo mr ruimii ms i he low pirmiurm of 1 10 a month for w 11 1 m nlh loi itu i mulv huvhand 1 i i 1 no 111 1 l poil ir through rstcnsic linsnvial c liihoiim hy 1 he lijual and ilovinul ciovctnmcnli clc person and 1 tuklu n under how vou innol compuuory fmuh nt h ou are a resident of ontario cmplord whrre there art 13 cr nutre on the payroll including tha emplocr ou arc suhicvl to hmi plr enrolment through our ptmr of employment nr tmpliyrr m t rr jjwmj luvrh kvhoimknt if ou are a resulent of ontario and nor employed where there are 15 or more on the payroll ou arc eligible to enrol through any ol the following means a oiunlarv crntins tenons emplovej where there are from a to 14 on the payroll invluding the emplatr may be enrolled as a group if the employer applies for approval at a mandatory group and all employaes participate ol lectors gmupa organiralioni such as pro- festional auocibtkvns medical oooperaiivet crafi unions credit uiuom retail federal pjjfa etc may t deraliob etc 1 wtln apply for approval lo stt at collet tors of hmil insurance prtmiums on hchall of their mtrmnetv ak your organijlton u ias nireet enrtilnieiit if you an not tliihle it participate through a group you may apply to pj diresll to the ommissitm sec when vhi i nrol below d itrs tpleiiis of pulilir assistance who are cose red h the medical welfare iman ihrough the ontario department of fuhln welfare will slo be rlitihle or hospital insiiraike hcneflls ii til m t he nri cuim fur icfti o apptv or mrtiimrnl or pn tt premium till onm uku iiopita inmrlmt on and after january i l the ontario hospital vrvices omihuuon will be the only agents otlennj standard ward hospital insurance in ontario so pnaie imuruiir nmtr r prepumeni plan if vffer benefit iitirrmg standard ward mot pilot ser it ri ifrr december ji j9sh vou 1nrol to wave protect loa eftretlve january i 1959 ami also qualify for i he two months free- rwserage 1 cwoiipq must submit list to the commission by august ii l and begin payments in december ih nnllrs to imploserai the commission has mailed lo ontario arms with a or more employees the required lormi and inuruvtton for registering their employees any twtoyfr with 4 or more os till i vrm i io ills not rioiyfn tiiksl formh mmu ld iumlui itrxy nutlay tllk commissi vn nui idl1 s apply inf fiw pay direct enrolment must make application by september v vk a pay one month s premium at the lime applnjtion is made appluaiun formiwill be available at public hospitals and banks or at the post office if there is no bank in jour communily un onj a fur tonjay july 2s paym1nt op pnimiumt crsus premiums wl ht payable monthly ia ana remit tsnea to the ommmioa b gin rung ia december 19sb inojisuluala remitting to the tomntivnon on a pay- direct basis will pay ai follows one month s premium at the lime of application on or before september 30 9g and alter that payable on a quarterly premium basis beginning ui january 1959 prr paid clsuiovth first payment of cm moaths ara- miuria by trouas sad individuals regiiimrw pew tm tsu citumg dste stated anvr will cover a benefit period of thfaa aaoausi from january 1 tomarch 31 1939 this wfl srt up frepaid period to maintain benefits during timet wha a perwut auy ba laid off caaagiag jabs or taasparanly oat al tha twuset iatk rhl4tlltion may proe corny groups an j indimduau not registeml by the cusunf dales stated abose under when ou i nrol will not only fail lo qualify for the tsvo months free coverage but will be required lo wait three months followmf aprlicatua before benefits become available for et ample a resi dent or group applying in i cbruary will not have pro tection effective until may 1 vou must hi mkoisyhfrtafa x bknghtr ontario hospital services commission horlyat imvuhaheiks alvltlon vomhvo v ohvanio st mkmtaii

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