Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1958, p. 8

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a worker who takes no coffee break a classified for goodness sake classifier advertising rates n chart fur annaunrrnirnl of awuua man luatjhs ckj knitirmfnu in m-mnr- laitt tic pink 10c pr lin fur wrw articles for ul rjt tr v ward ulnl muia rah so rom no to this office ic additional cumiinj vta tlr minimum for fir4 s llivat arh add tuuist iina 0r card of lhanka 7r bill ing rharga of tc uldnj u all uvuunli it rud paid urfw- saturday of unk of publtca- uom acfikinu art rrnd4rd uon4ay fulbwinf irurtutn latfzart inkctmon tttae iw fcjl wriwfcuidav h4okie600 tcm 1au nmunytj births marriages deaths etc awhlw wtlvnk miuiav kcoyrur i itf allan aniuhiiur th htilh allan on llmvuv al turtph atiri 14 i he r kitil bah fit and am i mir happy u i m hi john july 17 isa il ltplta wawf0 cuwj i wanted hutha caah prics tom a1jc aluminum storm daor windows awalajp ranofuaa i fir dad u dtsabld tiorta or poh ratline flduj dui vn- owa kur prompt frvic photi frluui ubkdat mrw lo prlc i lampbellviiw ulster 4345 call lbun mftj a u rtlf curt claren ikdd bl4letu wantyd hijfhaat cash prirea fir dead or disabled horaes or ruwi ttum mottuut w ma rr prompt urvuf phon col its 1 kivrlton 3tu zi or riiibraok oxfurtl 1 44m kiev ivcuni mttcaiawiooi frn want family build kruhty fur your waul t lr iiuhpvnttttd rom kaut wtin shout r- frtgruir tr alnvaa wui- 1 era dry duhwaaitert radio uuvutotta liw city price hnve i sumjy ajthrts tf in mkmusuau 7ajac in loving mrfiir of jo eph alar who lukjmil awav jul itmt rvcf lmnidktid lv tin renol i1kitton in 1- tin jim hi iiioti x tin july 30 lm ilia nienmrv l aa drar a in thr hmi he uj i vi i rtmtmiitxir in nil it i iih11ton ii lowiik dear ttulait1 ant llnlton who i 30 10v4 iv tfnaltvt uifl m kvr iii muml lv lauchlt la tmlui i ltt itai uiirrn i i wit i out liar iimuijii i anil ijmt ivauchlrr 1 hku atmr w h rrt kit auditrtilv juu 2v iwri thr niiiiiory of tin 1ar w i wa will immr uilh u all ui t strliil hiiwtr mi t iv owl tilt hu llm i ahm u hi way 1 milt trmrtnlm v mum mv ikaddv kikti i tjul u grandma talbot a 4 lfth taidot n lvin uimn of i rtrar huioantl n1 fnlh i ulluur talltait ho imikmii july 23 iftm ttu rr ia mi luntmt fioin tli im mi lov no i1iunr- ra for timlav in m wi atlll walk f em h rtau mni in it iv 1t at rrfilmtt n nt n j and in th htaits u llr alwava will h h rr mrnrnu ni dauchtt r ju im cakdu or tiiaskh mt tn i xwitxlon of rxtniittit tiuins m fini rmrnt vn rr i itrmatim i ikh b hrartfrlt tlutnkn to m fitrnd and nlalim fi act of kinitma johl tiilnilin and mraaarra of ntiw unit no i i i koh sale ik3 vanguard 4 rtoiv miui gimid tirra fin nurri niral riuvditwui latrwr lnu4 r vim hrr la your una it car for rvunual driving htort m ark fo pat a4h ii ror rai- lara giuy prlnu of any alatt nhuto apnrinf in tli art on tr pra i x t at a ysr i k 10 ufa l 0o jcnqui r now at in vf lri offlc u uu ht or lutuna ftuo a if koh half fur low rm quajlty wnwlnwa and dorjfrimrd uacr ihr llmnr lmprovwanl plan rail jark at m or its w fr fra da muau alum and attimatr a ta tf wl maik nurcr o trkrt vij iitrltii milkier varuum lufnp galvanirind iia and fittkua rut arut inlalal fmmf uusi lonj nulkr from 910 up ror tairt aint irrvirr rail llorara tomllruon utlujhlin phona cil 11173 a tf nm saij krw and umn1 tta titr titra rriiaira aiul rtloadt kirl line firavv ular u3 and drlisriv uihm tirr 101 mill m uillon lit z4 n 1iw heady to iv pullets ijilr july aiiftit and srhunlxi ravv duly 10 a la rt ur iwiif a3 v if k ii a ly a 101 pul bronrhlli a4hio 1 lih um smith tht in nk rfiul m kind duiint thnnk m luhtmira w ho m i and afti r m iah nt hh i tin mcniu rx ol ih ontiii pid nunl inthrr wf frrl did ii fn iot in rrctwvnaf ihc t u it minimi alarm mi and mix lliuti shn makir and mr and mi ivmi mannns nt nrr to ih iiimnii ndi 1 for 1hu ffoiu i would alsollki to thunk an unuh ntifuil oxiph u ho urr neat ihr rm ttnu i anu rtvnatvulion in know mi thit thi rntirc loaa n oivtitit b mui- ann don s u1n j w ii i a -a- 101 coming events ih i inr uma and klli iru all varrinatrxt and nfstatlr and d tuak luilih wn luxit hull i mill i inold nrwmaikl out iwin inu 21m a 4 nt 1 tlllr top sou niuvrway stonk ihavii and hil len watson lhonr t 7 003 ii o 1 stwino machinif r1lra to atl mkr rmlal mirti- in- bv tl wik isirlailr umh from t39m sr thr altt nlnf r fir llimtir icmtrutratnn duon hinino tevttb clllllktoini t u1 actxn oninon naiiihimr ltl rilonk 7 tf why pit cherries u 11 fisilv pilhtl vwil tll u fttl iii t in 1 1 it n nt iit will mimi mrd it nl ti ik frm i ol t llllltl t phhm tout old i h j imfms it it i hot kw hi for sale mmxm luint no 7 0 fl rord biuk iak for tt imtt ioiil iwiln with mot r 1m1 2 htru rorn rulhtto ntw mavm tfrfcumin hv tt ukau aniuaurtsh 12 00 fk for drad ur diaablrd rutti and hor uu1 uuatltka u im cuw lit oir llurkl imurl oll dtalrtrt daitv all iuwtuj si h ii urluh ta 4 307 a ur kieu 131wlirllit 34 hour mvir cofgr luwui a if lost and found 1 os1 ilia k wa 1 lo rn in uli lit a u for rent oh hfnt aitrik nt it tarn fllt hi- nt limit im d in an i i an 1 at phiu 3411 mlt hfnt ltoiil ii- r ll minluh lbad nlh ph ol o tija 1 w 4 1 iu i jit h itim a 4 ul i home diaper rental service w ai n fitbl 1 tlir ji dltlonal do uin kt i vi r h tr aupplntl fi i ilutn t 4ik im 3 t d r f lo vk llnl ht our own tturwiilativv pkf bill tit aiv at wrry tlhr wiui- ilwful uihortultt r- rau- logiw on tjufct kajoilri ikitl s7 ifcou lu ltiiiurr uorilroal a 4 iu0 television uckvicc akiu htcvjmiu r w grant imionr tea anvtiuk miu tthnkb excavating ami haulage rmisr i7 j u alin oil real estate legal proclamation new water supply expect operation in august rug brick bungalow n m a iff jiv u bimtlmimt tb8air ruonr ui t iiavf huh iii loll farms acreage homes vlclor 52463 oakvii lk miscellaneous 1111 l iiihrkmi i io mum ih p tin ul ilium jh i n itri i m ipal oii uitim ii iut pool olliii ik vl1 11 hum krrthknptt upltoistr hy maf rmr eh 1 ito ki uit r upholitt rrtl liy in and vr if n tahinii w14 wi ck art vur all walton a uuiic htora atf itriurh upiioistr iiv add ikk and comfort with kkillcl r tvlintt your fuinilur- an im- finnilmmi and in w anain lo phono ha alton alf m iislull 1 1 h i hi pi m k inf phoi ul in mi i l it k h n i m tuii ft mi mint ol la klllk i ni ill omir 11 phon ul fl 4h il fi ooh i1hms1iinu p oth for ji puk f hh7 i02 chr tt lux und paint u ill 1 hi id r h fin t t ipupinnl 1 if j ii i- rink brick m s ar id phn n it in n w li i v hun k sup r iiwi r tipiipp 1 bill garner it it 4 lthkuml i maksl moltom ltp ftal aitil hnlrt lium actun itutoj 2 i am tr 11 rim auction sale in tw p or nssacaw1a of rrg rttlly arrrrdllrd llprrfnrd attlr trarlnr thrrahrr implrm rnu lla rln rlr tin utidi rsitii ixl li is huimtl inti u lioitt from ii kffnntni to ii hv piihlu uulion it iiin finn lot 14 mil sitimli1 oi i i mil 1 mil south of moff pi i ly pi t hihl 1 fcu1 i it 1 llolll hi y john hiai k alton ph in jo j 2 t ivu uuijuav in rtmupliaiwr with inr uaiiiii huh haa pirvailnl for maiiryaia uoniiay altllwt 4u aa a ivu ii li j ii fhallltimn of llr walir lul aiikia iijliiinhlk ul jic lutbk win ll ihli wb t fitd ur itw wall i allpllr all i rulttllll i 11 kjail i u lit -h- jiumi wlui ii i inu 1 itllir ll wa miii hit it i ll- in w oh la ll ii iii in llicl llir aptooiiiiiat 1 1 3 i t f 17 i vul at ivu ii ii- and i htibv pi a lain r mcconnell it it i hill liui h i i ii run fill ii 14 t a 4 2 acton district anl k u fotu iioii ltl with in o ilit t ilitollv ijoi m oht f iit i 1 with hal tit ji 41 n wlv built 2 ulltu tun k huiikilow all i onvi mi lir r mt ly laulm uhi 1 t 3 3u0 1 mil j ii link tun ilow milh npil him mum ilttini i mitn fullv 1tvoitrd ii hi it iii i vi iv 1 t ul iizuol with kl4k down h i mil in ilk nuts for jv7v1 u ion v in i i i f 1 i mary gibbins pl nt ii at ton 74 aithur strn i l4ttlh mrfali i m rral laulr- 11 toll 1 1 olt1 special lih i phnl thi i hi ul hk ii k 2500 full down wanted llofi prixuictlti vol o i onlirto rtvvtal xr maikituiit lulv 2uh ivmt cueaa otr via hjui 111 pithluivrs aaaoctaliimt b 31673 i annual kun kan tauu mill- hull paiii saturdat aukuif 0 it 7 30 in rib of rain a u iut 18 hih fa mi tunc luckv draw duiiaioti fi snonatirrd b mn mtlu community club u43ltutt wasth 412 j i uantr 11 jitm nl tv ph in 174 w wnii uilibh 7 vi ul car photu ph nr j417j1 for sale ror sau vmit rancituii man nine mclnc phom 2m a216ll ininu m- i vslhu for saix imii uivhim mt- chinfitfrnni 120 0j mmnn ntnc phimir 330 ww sale iimlhmu ordrrs ukm bv lallme 34u alton or ll- hit tt4 h u41724 kor saue 13 ft puuihvj lmt in bvnd cimditum priced rvmson- ablc phone illj a41717 for sale avpicfv walnut dtn- ina mom auiio htvuutiful finish iwt o hume 3a a4tt for slalel uard motfat rlcct- ric rantc in cood condiiton alwi 1 nil cpacf heater apply ut n main er acton al17m kor ralk- atitomutic washer and automatic drvrr kcrrfil lo au reasonable pnev phone 940 for sale sineer sew t nit ma chine sis llama twcshu sports jacket new 13 phone 611w after j 4ltll mj lo ininw at ti st i lmmuuin it 1 oilnk ist ttu follow inu 1 hmistrkro iihtrroltncat tlr mirv u- llnut lmm 1 march 4 10v tin- mtner lii to jar i iiovni mimhnf mk port in mulnilr lur 11 txin mnv 10 litsd briil min mirth sotih itivir liv- hk i hll horn hh 2 ius4 w ilh bull cjlf at f t port it or h i1 svim- tmrn jjui 1 10 vi bnil sid w ilk bicvl t inr i t ik iionori s a nwitt 1 ol1 orchu il stmi born jl alton iiwt 2tt j nonh u im u lorn oil 1 1147 t1 unn- ivc man mmiro north hivtr mivh iuia hh kin nov 22 19vt bnd sine- ivr fullv ho upli ihxiiv ihildnn i 4- 1 i w4nth rk cliatt and rvlubli r willi- po hox ik iiiuirix phon ait wanted to douhli kurasi ir milton tin sin mni aflir 1 t0 trv pr n 4 11 blhht tiatitlt i xiximtl unci 1 air jiri koai mr lit to hord rent wurkuhop or ihuf mk pi iiv w mm r at 17 bull or around at t n alc u lox 6m mil- i tractor thremifh imp- in a417u lements john 11hip tractor m t w in ih rfct condition cxtcn- wantu3 to irnl wmall finn ion ladder john iv rr 2furrm ruar ait n or milton prip t i f hydraulic plou john iv ro irict- arx urn or mowir john ithr kiliffi r a4 i7l7 hdriutic diar ni u idea 4bar t i piitj chain hoist triclor rlnvn wantpdcouplr with 2 child- chain aaw john iv r huv li il r n aii 7 and j would like in or 34 ft hum manure loath r flat r nl hnim- or 2lmhtrtom atmrthi rack ciohhrl dim ewl jmhv mint tiy auxum 30 pbunc hkw mcconnuk lvtinc ciain h parit- a4il0inr 22 x 3jt bivd u new jhn ivcro miow plow math mrcr- uantfi v no mm mi nuck iv run tractor is dw fir- nclnh xthmkmu horn- rf rrot x f h 2 i j j tii lul iii irk him iik1 2200 full down no sitont mortem buns ilw oil tlud- nl in hd brick i rn cinv t4 moii nil prui til km spjil level iiii i noun 1 i im h u kiti hi n miknif- n ii let nt hv in ttu ubdiimon carport a m r ci nt mortkaiie earn cm tiionthls s12hm full pne l 2v1 full dow n no necoml niorti i rhi ilaovi in pt a ft w ixiniplts ci 11 us to an our full lim day i i iban ni llutl day aa a ivu ii inlay i un ajid iikiar ifull iiiul that oimimo honor bride elect al recenl shower miaa joyi hjtitui mium1 by ihi iiiuui uib 1im i1j ntaon rfilritalnnl on filtay iv routa at m nilarrllaimma ltn fi j an prtty a bmlr ill of kalulday llx- mutfla mm hl f i l liwliiu fioui klllntni and 114 ui k kiaui lui- mo i mi saluiuy b ii- win a l iill vltlt with it i ibumu ait- 1 tiiil i at hulii and stnillii iii vitil ii tuiiik ih wa with mia u jaraaoii tin hidl mi and u uff piatl and luvid of m lawa mi ami uia km lifllw mini paul of toimibi mi and mia munay miiimmi i and ihhui f ihkwinaf nw arrival i niululalmmia to mi and mi john ik vina in tin aillval f a dautihl i at fuilih fnnial ll pilal mr and mia hot ml ul hlldmi aimiil lh noirntl al wnu4 hh mi and mi j a hullo h and family an im tiding i u daya at thiir illar al kiuimy ml and ml itavll ml ktm nt a viral days imliday in itn ii ilh mio jr ii4k iuii luit on sjtuiljy al ih uk fill ii wiihtlnic in bin mi and mi t h fun and ori viftihd on saliiiuv with mi arid mia alrx alk n and llul fey in tronfii ulura rroaa t h mr and ui carman inffin of muhawaka indiana art- mdn a mill nl tin ir honu hrrr ur and mn tifte liffin and family of noith i ibrily indiana i h h iliun with ihiui ml nmiiuii mikinu i uiu out htflv an im inline l wth 1 winah i luath with h i pn nk mr in i mrt win ur i hiuhuith nuimaii miknu vpnl ih wiikilid witli in fuuly mi und mi a r smith of v niivt i ar vim i inn v ilh th i ii i bioth r und family mr nl mil t ii hmi and iv attrrw katuilan mi nd mi hrlv uhi 1 m uh ii of ual hill mr ml mi it iv tinmy and david of run imlit n sunday with mr anl mih murd mk utchn and mur i i ui r ill attnitlml the w- hi r tn i union al hiuimiii patk m ut iph mr nl ml malcolm lihh n1 thihlnii of shiffuld ut hohdiyuii with th fornn i pjrnu r nd mn rtank i hli sund y vtmlora with mr rid mi t ii iinuwiri mr and mis hrlmit rme of oiani villi and rdmuiiil mm of clinbu iaaia iltlrd by itif ailnn hkdio ttililay tirmand i lit t a j wai s all n whiui ad4juu at ij1i 4 w uala i tarnt 71 11 tl bl ctfaj amkftt t vtt w ujj d frlrnl fiau tin pirwil auuy urf i an it nai kcil 1 1 waa nfuf hlhlar lo lit uon ng kttatxa i a ri ir a hhi n mi lamt it p jai -i- t 12 ouh main ha d tian pil mil 1 mm- 1t auph 1i a it ni 11 1 i in inii a i i uh i m a a- 11 0 1 o i ii ii ainl in lr aoplnaluv hi liumlfl eki- mii 1 1 f tt pircii buhlk h lrd ihr ltw auhly iii pot ii oimwtiil would ha tn f lltf 1 lvn omaumpuiin fryltwa kagalaalaal al il inimt hill lha bwn i i huhlhvtly w oufl ftfkl r 1 o f lr jrr y jt ami t 1 tip 11 r illd t a ll 1 1 i i ikiy i uiterwykprice vows given at st albans church acton a lvily iiiiiih wimlif t a l ikii in l alln aiflii i t liiiili on katoilay july ih wlon ul fuvil ann ill u fl i i f mi an i mo ii ii i p wllw siii imam ii ll r hank illtiwrt a n f mi an 1 uli ii 111 k ill 11 at f ail n ii v j ll 1111 i in f m al i uli liinl it ti wiiimih f i fit iiimi with mi runk llk ul ih ll plk la1 h t i a ha h mm olid f 11 in ny l ii win li th hi uh wu alb ml 1 i hi aunt mr im wan f n ii fi t rn i iln t mi y c i ii rw i i m 11 d in imi n rar h poaaihl lo ft i hi u i dal a ami 4aaa4 1 it 1 1 ii mil 1 i 11 1 1 1 1 1 k f ii fl ih n 1 l wl keys mam whhj vou wait hintons 5c1 store iaaaaaaa ilia all of i ihl ii a hrolhrr i al i ld iwk wa- latt man ald uh i wn j liy hilii it it i too l li a iumii of ih i il i and pi in th i hi hrlh i brulal iur r itd dwn th ul i i y i fjttt i ih hi id t a w i h niih k wn whib lull v nvl i with m ft b lil f i ih f in a di t iiiiiiiiii and flli oi t v i ih u k r it filld lh ttx full kol in lilil y it hi s and ti i council plans study of reservoir costs oaiiaud row tmgf oa hnili d iiiuili it w no i th llul i ci mlt m i u u l v i of tt 11 11 robt r hamilton fred a hoffman oiiomi tlims in ilr r v ii n ihioni ouflfh ta 4m71 st 049a iv a hi i ill pl i p til wmki tmvtl aulhaitlf janaaa t r v- i i i n i i i u t ail i i i i- r i i i i k ii v i th m- i ii r ni- li ixii in in ji i r iii i lh l ii ii v k jh1 ii ok tc lat ml 1 1 vd 11 dairy bar now open arriinoon a iviminoi zffvmfj a commit uni of 0ahv hoouctt fw only oalivary mwu 34j acton jersey dairy don timmnrjt prop s rind in ii i 1 h v t a v i tl i poets corner aaaaaaaaaa4aaaa iii1lm to cumr by mary i hrn arlry i would ilimb the warm ire n hiln of fiundhip s though tht min in iy bil lei me acnv the sumnu r and on th aumnut of the ian no lovilur ath id ace im i il f p kv min n d 11 r l adn i limio d u nc j bbrtf bmraumf mil ai provd i up h d r 1 m li i f w1 th mi j v i di rd ci rm iii i i i f lh mi r te ih f nn n l 1 ha rr r r tie bv law v t ii i mi cominmded d i n f m u nl huildinj t wle i m o- dt it i i j addili v it w v n tit n fj v tlf t r f 1 it c h i t tm t m kill dur n t k i w th b i m olcuvs m tit hu kv n itio il bui dine c 1 i ra lln uiij vurind d m rotnettv m- r c lj wu vhj li co ui n don 721jwk a4 17im wanted younj married cvjuplr nft children require in- wanted haltnn tvuliry pro- ducta dealer in live and dreaxd poultry and freah rcf custom killmc rhnne mtlton tr 84401 tf wanted sales heir female youruj women nea attractive for tuitild tale wnrk average tt per hour 8 houra sday week write ttvlay rawlolihs dcpt glllm 40o5 richelieu su montreal s3q a4 rack h x ib mccormick dcxnni tractor cultivator rubber tirod farm wnxion act spike tooth har rows mccormick dccrine sprirfp tihith drac cullialor all una 11 art- iclca hav and grain a tons of choice baled hay 200 bua of mix ed rrain 13 arres of garrv oltn iouseholn goods rett chair end tabic baby scales small tabic and chnir ieathy couch extrribinn tabic and chairs full mt of english china many oth er articles terms cash vith clerk on day of tale i no reaerve at farm it told all tmplementa new in last fl ytars all articles must be moved by aim i wm a gidson auctioneer don mcmillan clerk b4 this space reserved v rr t c v pa this year u it u oil i ajairmta e nw laravtbutaj hrfcattj far lk- t will ka atartl um r an taw t 17 arr kuudaai fana ai klf k war hualry hall mit r- yealeat tatla orrfc ll laullraxatl uere kaj kra na uur rvparta fajlatatiac uta varrk ajuaauaanl w u uatam rrt uul u u ke raaa- rur tli nivd mi mni ilue tn nm horn s iur offi nil to b announvid nut k contact syd lamb 1s3 lonfticld lid acton phone ul obebt c lawsok ul ulna qottmtt sell it thru the would i limb ach dav the vnil hill of truth stretchinc up for that purttv ol that i5 only rachd when thi t cbl wf lnel atar ci i u j y f 1 w uir riond th peak is the bcinm r s cx rrled podu kl wl a out nd bv ihe cot w1 inpcc- ht noted tt w ileiel la ta yvarv and i would climb th urwt n hilu it ne-i- i rve n tic- o of gxl oir b fo- iirni tie und tor i have heard mi vuic with- cut tsc weil aad if uiv 4cnin in me call tn c ri iz ubm ed i v t nlil i am his knowing thiv uhat mtmciu v was pi pad it rt matura clc b nu a viari oi pt v no othtr i ptimjblc at all i ux should i tumble and come huru i mtnikr vfowd emn v m dimn tdion am met tod f c i would becin acain turo of hi u tht method avo d love i salt- and allows the municpal- i and tcarch each niche unh firmer lty claim on vacant land after handa and feet i tu j ear arrears rather than the and keep my eyct upon that p three years tht owner ha lifiht above ear to redeem the land and if thu u not done it becomes mumc- gerald wieck 13yearold vn j und of mr and un lorne wieck bou a cr ave received word thu week ctma j he had placed eijjhth but of 33 in accounts were approved of fire j the cornet solo in the 15-yrar-and- s1041 road 13t33 police w3 15 under class at the waterloo rand administration and finance 1 t54 festival held june 3ft players from 06 buildtnea w m welfare iuu au over canada ntercl tha avant council adjourned at 10m x likaxa vlalitl litflt matanlay fa i b thubs fbi jet pilot john wavni janh uicm sat oniv ti itoama la mime i ten tall men ut lancastet cilutt ioiamo 2 rogues- of u sherwood forest john dfhk diana iynn s it k ik klllll ml iiimh mon tues wed nil 1 r msnagsmary cth iijj bmh taylor lvaunlim raintree county tlu ikw uarta a paa due langlh l pugraa closed fob annual vacation from july 28 to aug 4 wall apptacltl your coop liom in nonhcj ov awwuil holuby for ow sum custom cleaners hiom 371

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