Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1958, p. 8

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artr m sir llrraa k tiuad la ifrti tad pubufclwd wry tfcur day at m mill hi k artwt ont ucsmlvr of the audit hufrsu rf cufttulltni tk cw n a td lb omuhoiu diviajap ol tka cwna adtwiiauif rl- un rquttl sub- cruhl payable m ulvftnre uwia can ada lta 10 ibi united huim tin eunui vim single copies tc aolhofuj u keofwl c1a md 1111 ufmf ivirlwnl oitawa fiim i i by fcfea mb fri hmi i iii tin c iulw o a d1u kailortiicill davtd r d1u prfulurtk uanagr jama a dill uaaaging ed lor fuuiruu and kditortid offw ih cm ado thuesoay july 3ul l5 civic holiday aaoiwiay it civ woulay i hoi lay m ttva yar ovr lmh lh muntripaliliat hav compll control in lar yart it was udolrf far variety ol iatt to rrwi lxal condllton m a loral organization or group hl rraiqei lor n etuvof or hy ol xftgrh il wil often arranrjad to have lhat i ay pfttind civ holuiay 0 thf par fwolar city town or villao- qitc ofln tl ml un a wt 1 iy in later yart th trtmd hat bn lo tv s0al public holiday lot a aaonday and i uniform hate in all munwrifwililiei by popular acceptance in rvsl monday n aufjuit hat ben ohtrvt m this part of canada at the lay ol nvnnwii ihoirr- or a nikl summer holiday monday it your own lot a i holiday it 1 filling that it observance lie of a loral nature end of benefit to your town and fellow tow rumen even if it hat lott itt individuality in ax ton the minor sports comnnttee fiat lined up a thrr hay celebration thi will n dikic soap lo ovrty hands paradci a community outdoor t huti h irrvk t xw it eventt aitf other altrvltrmi itt good lo tee a lot a i event for holiday ri and ttv caute it worthy of your miijiot to attract attention teen ge driver air comitv m for coo tiderable cnkum according to tha own sounh sun timet a nationally known writer came out the otfter hay m a weekly public lion with widespread circulation making a strong ppeal to have teen norrj domed ihe privilege of driving he n but one of the many to take a similar ttand and the reaton for the atfitikie is not leng tchkjht it resit with me membnt of the group referred to at teen aorrt not am of them by any meant but tome and in fortunately the aporv by the very tpe laculanty of thet nitit to be main the other ha w c onfd adm radon for n unknown jeen oe dver wlxvn ve had onven behind tor tome dtitance at ttte time we dre anrntion 10 the ft thai there are many young driven who are good tentible civet they ohterve the tneed lawt and trie other lavtt of tafety and comrnon tente at well as adult dnvrrt m fat better than rreny their refleet are qood they ihow that the realie that driving it a prvlege no merelv a right qute often tkey go un noticed at should be the case m iii llyn there ae many oung dnvert vho lion 1 vjwit to go unnoiicexi to gam notice the m their immaturity wll retort to m kmdt of driving foolithnest they attract attention to tfer youtfdulnett by their toirp rd up freak nh appearing cart the low puir of motor power meant nothing to them it hat to be the load ror oi muffler cutouts the ingenuity which hat been built into the production of cart down through the years leave them inconspicuous they have to cut aw ay the top or m some other wa make the car look difffrajnt strangely however they often indulge in a similarity of garb for the tame purpose as they make ther cert different to attract attention they cireti as group but like something from another land and their driving tactics more- often than not are ptt as different walk- erlon mridtm what does it cost th usual question regarding employ ment is what does a ob pay rather than what does a ob cost in most mduunes it would be difficult lo find employees if one of the conditions of x mployment was to provide your own machine but uiuejiy the tool ere provided nd little more thought is given them the aueeq capital investment per em- soyee in cenedun nunufacturtno industry in 1967 we 1 444 this emol inform a- v on wee o by the c uanu 1cior aisocutlon in int annual sorvey it shcuu be empkasjred mat mr i art v- ao fowe since owouaty fab cmhj bi fvy uduwy l4d to be higher then in a mull cwraiian with less expensive plant ekj euipi4 ll might also be noted that with the frx pmntmwi of ntanufexttwing m cwi the tn- vthtwnt 4 wofker has ben steadily fu- i g in tvmt itie yxt trie associations nnual study was begun the figure was 6 433 five years bier it had risen to jo 73 in ihete dayt of ettvenewvg tehnaiagy mac tuner y aruf equipivnt it tiecoming more compluetcij aiuf more ekejuve and tht cf course rftjirt nvore uivvtiment moiey lw novide more o ll a sign of confidence in canadas future that there are ttilt investor mteretied in creating iifw fojv ilirouijh then invest menl of itullait not governments fault hopes for a bartered plane trip to wales hittojved for a group who were planning a vitt to the u k ihit summer whan they learned the trip had tieen cancelled because ntorvey ollte tor faiet tvad disapfteated a newt report tells ut that 64 membert 01 ifie group had pinned their fading hopes hw tfie irtp on a jwile tearcti and an mf tf al to lle feiiaral government trie airline company taid it had receivetl cly u 500 of hie nearly 0000 ihe ieiy tiaf given to a private agent for ar iangno tlie charter an apfeal wat made ui lite prime minister ami transport minuter iikutg help to arrange alternative patten thit it tle deplorable nl regrettable kind of thing thai seem to be lecoming n annual event people m good faith qiv their norey to n agent who ctoetn t turn ihe money over iv hisappeart conveniently our sympajhy goes to ihote wlo find ttirmtrlvet m sim h a predicament rut in all sincerity we cant tee how the federal oov can be expected to arrange al l rnative passage for tlote who have been vutimied we know that it was ttone last ytar in equjllmg appealing orcumttencet i ut jnlest we are going to be prepared to i end our travel money over to ttw govern men m the firtt place we can hadly eipect itam lo come along later and foot the bill of memalive passage our minds it would seem have been well ingrained with the idea that the govern mem or the prime minister or other official can ot us oul of the problems mlo which r get ourselves our sympathy goes to those who have pparenlly been vktimiid but we dont feel il s up to the government to make up for it a place for dreamers in thitgreat big country of canada there sltould be ample room to stretch things out o that townt don t develop all cramped tooether and their expansion itn t similarly cramped into a little space a possible there un t any doubt that this it one of the great challenges for local planning i cards since certain economic factors are bound to play a part extending municipal services over long stretches to serve a minimum number of consumers is of course expensive the price of land it also a limiting factor since every mvettor attempts to gel is much as possible rem the land available then too there is the continual encroachment on agricultural l that diminishes the productivity of the country but perhaps we are being conventional r our planning to a detrimental degree and history will prove our folly a plan made for yok m 1 789 before it was chosen the provincial capital provided a public square w4th eight principal streets leading off it each 96 feet wide thu plan vhich would have given toronto streets as mde as those enjoyed by moat american tewns disappeared to be replaced by a dis mal rectangular cluttering it was considered too ambitious in 1852 a plan was made for e road cr esplanade 100 feet wide along torontos harbor front this design seems too orna mental is scrawled acrou the face of the plan r 4n these days of planning local munic ipalities appear to be caught on the horns of a dilemma continually they must mentally fece whether it will be too big or too small and the result is a fear to plan anything on top of this they are often given the job of policing zoning bylaws and their time is taken with debates on enforcement or relaxation of bylaw restrictions there is little time for studying the economic trends of a community it needs its problems or us plant for future- development there should be torn dreamers on local pjanningjjoards hamnkssimo tmc wooo g a p about the old family album wtilt 1h lt fmu milium in iy lw int i whim hung lo with tin al llr 1 1 lir rf i u lu hat lm lwl iii mnjr im hl i l hi n mil l7t iivt wi imiim un iimim hl il lill ti nun in l ilu tv it lit fima ul nflr ut ll ll okintvrpart in mwt hmnn li1i inw in niil t xiu fiiii fum wii- tlw pi i 11 iw nmli1 v ml klinv ut iu mill iininiil uiit 1i1 itu llun u in lvntl t v in liilit iil u ttn l u fun v luli ivmii will umt im 11 s i 1 li u m tmii n wn vihiim hint itnlitm1 tlw li iloiltll x imlii t i i 1 iii laiimly miimi v f intwl 4 111 1111 iiui f ilu m ihi tiii f tl nliiiy ilvn my in tli- i r l ui ily ilu innttiiinu mxl munj f n ihiu inifiii ii it i ml hurt l 1 ilti ii ih nhlt lll ullll hi ill i hi i ii m mll ii ihki i 1 i miv ly ft ihi family unt koiiu l ll im it ii id ii- ui 11 n m uuiim k in i- i nm itk w ii il m m 11i111 111 iy 1 imimp oter kkimi 111 ih t 0 u runt knomn livirm i n nl w 1 milt ihe fivluiib t tl li f 11i 1 it 1 it i s 11 pjl uim hi uml hum lv n ftir liul ui i i highway pressure tremendous it iui4 uuvikihi in iiil 1 r as weekend death toll rises lliete 1eniui ilivn lull wi il itvr ncnlly niintitntt nl imiid i not nnl 1 ih i llr 01 1 4wt i lllltl hlllt mmtilallr mur t l in whim il i a jitl til hum r lalrr still thf prujit lr wtu tlmt1 ulit r ihmsih tt ikmik iiwi wtiktl nluir up t i ill ti it try amt inrnlfnu und ur i uur for hnmr uivtr ol nxiim they rm1 mm tliril to u hip ut thr ifd album lull ihrv ill l lull fr th tu hkr in lnk un k m rrrwh ntmi um trvoy al lea rm tilr n lnnn ami rv iw uf rhanit h in mmini nxa ur iif mans apixarncr in ih- day hen a ixird or a v 11 itmhhnrl nxmiitu he vmm ipittr the niahcnlinr hi iht f tavluon to tti iiriil tint whin mirh ihini it nrtt fur rwnlfnn11l we nflm nrlrr u ilh 1 ptvulogrnphv m popular ilu 1 i if lh- pwliirm taken niw n i prm id f murr mm imrnl 2 11 front mi thm triune f 1 1 1 1 1 rcntur njp of oujrr mmr of ou mi i il u rreall thr mrlmt h n ttu tm malcr1 vine prmiel in un i- bum an1 ihrm himi ptivi1 1 mnini of home intittiiin mil pirturv srnriall hlvr ot m lccn a meant of reetrtjma and popular m am of ronvrymu hmn- lkig anil tuir rearhett a iti m pi ik in thit ha and kineratmn uv recall that in our earlv di of printing thrrc wji unly n loeil pirlnre in thr free prev thr nimni of repntdurtion w i 1 1 t rostlv there trt fe eann 1 i and it a iwt raft to vecuie mp- plira up until three mr ajo th e mjmii any means of malnnn a printing plate of a picture i iukic ihr larce rentre the i1 w 1 three time preiu nl day pnre 1 he retult m that nou mar w k cmc ci the local ncu ity unk in as well illustrated form r i da 1 lie keadr r iid ruin ihr m hiwnr ton can isnali7e the chini- rs as well as read about them thm plethora of pirtures may uiili ii li lo onlnfo u tin 111 lll m helklil i 11 m ii lmo ut r t in iny ih 1 ictl imi in trail hito in r in ire influx t 1 ntui finii ihi inil sti ilntt auut 4 ik it ihr nl tit i1 in r ism m- i i m ii onuiin un 1 hhi1 iii hi lino v ill tm n hot- f ir wipl will tw in oitilne1 w th il il lui of trm flilv r r 1 lithol iiti ni v innl- imit i- k- 1 phy- i lot jh m ne of th mini 1hil nv it ihii muii inl aiittin liittiff o nlet i iu tlinn th y n ihy oukht 1 i lk ium iuii nil in iv is 1 kmir ut liter meet with 1lj1 1 und 10i1i dly see t f ml i netunt ltih niml fieiu 1 kiijiiiiii of aouiul runuiuui uni on rmtiimety mmir iiiumk i 1 in ii milium iinvn im 1111 mi in ilihle sink on 1 th iv lfilitav wvmmd lul year at miin f the 2 ritul iiridiiit ninnl mimii ilimn mt 11 to hul1 thot inn f ih 1 wot ruins thin ton uvui mot f intuit flil iil nl in ii ikt k ml all of u nm mai ihux l- injoi nn ni oltnl fi holul 11 bui unli ss 1 ik h r klnti ihe net kind tilth 1 i t mm it 11 ilnw insllily and fit in 11 nn i nipiirenii nil in lhi f other road iimrs u 1 rukini disimt r at no tmir on tl rkiil 1 it afe lo nmlitt ih rvl 1 f ih1 dm ui hi big 65 ton cargo of bonds for conversion- loan program with lotil nun 1 1 ml mi nf vktury io n 1m nd now im 1 11 ni er the in 0 hillion loll 1 r ni ilk 1 riro tf pap 1 1 tin cpi il 1 f 1 thu uvimt kin rmonii mil h lin n tnint out of oltmn in 1 lay nm ahk ihir hi th r 1 ime lh can id a cor iienuon li in progrin cn- ohidis 1 n in ilsept iler he nru und h 1 1 pm nt fn mi ih capit il will im vuff ifunl 1 m plarr- mx hilhun dlli t s u iii th of victory ikindi tin record ciik wll rani tx- pr m h uil and an m closeli lujirded packaaes addrecmtt tu uu- enls f ihe lunk of canada from roust to roit each vackajii- mil this sundays church calendar tw anoucam chukm or camai1a bt aikaa cfcawk aua 0l hrv philip a sawyer lit sawoay attdusr jrj tat ilh sundav airnt tblnityl h 00 jn chural communion aptist chuich acton inlinm pmlor ur orvlur gvtty beamikloii oni suifday august jrd tvl vn church school 1100 mjti alornirux worship mr arthur paddon director of stwarkhie tor lh convwi- uniti0 chutch op canada aaiaas pilars uev cordnn adam ma 8 d minutar partonsi e 20 uower avcnua phone ft mr groror elliott orjtanisl and choir leader 6 lower avr acton phoo slmday august 3rd 9v id 00 am junior church and church school 1115 am mamini wanhii nrtfltun cthmch im canada sa- i sunday august srd 10m 11 otnem miirxilngworklr rajja acton pentecostal tabetnacte s3 churchul road paoc rt kmrwth j raid puor 74 cook sohomlmw sunday august srd lm 1o00 ajn sunday school 11 00 ajnmortiiiui worahlp tmt dm evanfcllrtie srvic xmdy 8 p m prayer and blbl study friday arrmchrtrratnb4d ora georgetown water to be chlorinated georgetown chlorlnation ot town water will besfan boon the town engineer ftaportad 1 eotwul with insullauon being completed ol adevce for distributing chlorine in the water nipply it will end a nuisance which haf been created in aaveralojarta of town by an irnn fungus growth in the pines the good old days irjs the ine find tnd contain bondi of the new 114 lion canuda conversion loan denominations rang ins up from t0 to 000000 whut thipminta will be directed lo btnk agrnu in the major c many of thr new bonds will thf ir ua to smaller nties inuni where a great many of ihe estimated iwn million victory dond hokiart live officinla say that ihr rargn of bondi mil urigh roughly n unt never b fore m the htatnry of ih hank of canada ha there iveer bond car no of such stagbering mi presaes at two ottawa but knot r companies are working at mam- mum capacity tu complete ihe printing rf the nrw isaus uaing tutper made for thr lank of canioa alone tu means of a special fni mula they print basic supplies in eirry denmination as ihe bond come off the prea the are truck ed to the dank for signing and liarkaging not for another month wilt the bank know the precise quantties needed in fifties hundreds fn hundreds and on up as ownm of victory bonds convert thair hold ing there is thr added complicat ion that while moat holder will take advantage at tha four and a r per cent intarart rata thai com with the tiyear bond soma will convert to the shorter term bonds at a loer rate 50 years ago 20 years ago 1 f sjm ska kwr u uw r r rrfc iy 31 u laai a phuitar yuuikg luiaiiwiuii iui ruwly pd a wttte y giavr wblu balhutif in kaity lukr yo lliaiuiay aft tlmioll tie ktl lmroij s lwtlll ttml ululila- lo smi ut dirv rslritiulr onlil im y a mhipir f 1 allipdlllaloi 11 ill llow l4tlt il willi iii i4ltl tu ailmi lamlwll nine lml uillan in llaluaii rl butciv yalim hi um- mtfc title itli knlijitlaay lv a mtf of 3 1 hi nilwl llit utalliml willi i hi ilnitriil lifl o kiuinly lit gain w a juki ih- huhijii lo kep ihe iiowl t 1jr wllluiul klklllig ih hi ui llall lf 1 mil it il moiii mir iii ii r fl t i i i mill i 1 i -i- in lle follh ll lh ilu i iv 41 ion in ilu iillli tl- f- v h ll yi i- i i i- a1 i e i 1- iimi tw i oi m a i i i 11 i il li a0 el ii tu 1 o 1 i mo i n lli i llllr i i m f il jki i mr a i hi mii mi w m i oaf h ill i- ti il i t l ii il i 1 i n ih i 11 u yki fnt iw 1m al fctw km irsihs gfiy a4mfi 4 tin ru4ray 1141 iv art tm r rllillttaib luubl tkt ntufoghuh to f tu ilu uib i j asvwul- lti tujv ti lit pv wi 1411 slltwl anil lluuij s4rv4ej ui ol mijuilr itt plltklbtuufa llail jujlp 1 mi ilu- uik of i la hurl iu i h i w blsaiba iluwn ui m m ihe tm i haul imiiki it wiluur sim i lo ihj iim lurn pm 10- ioorfull of lit wcusmiil wl i h iiiiaaitin gut tl drivtsr jn p tiinuf g4mally will 4h ihr tlniu of ohuuil aaj ih n loaliuil iohttabaliair in utill inaj mmiii ilia i will allow 1 r r l tu ilula to hairf ii f hi ixillioi o a i lirfi ihr fmal i i hi ail i i a f uw tlaol ll noi oal fc ale i vi ul m hat-l- it i i i 1 ii ilu fl m o 1 u it i tu t f ai rni it ii a i ll- i h i ii i ii i rf ii f iio i i i ik i rl 1 i in i j i ii i 1 r ii i 111 r 11 i 1- irf tf i i i gji1 i 11 ih ihi kl1 i ii p iif r ii si v ii i i ii i i m- j i- i ii m ihlfl i on i i- ol i i ht if i o i i it i r ih t t i ii i mxl 1 iii ro r ho j tn 1 v ii i i i i i l4 s lay i tulli ii y wll i 1 i n a in i il- i i l i v il ih fi t l h oni ii 1 ily i i im 1 i t ii n 11 v ml j wit i i in i ft i i r tu i i t i ti ii it i i h i t ii m i n m it ii n i i i hi f i nrillv liil t t i iu r i i ii in ut i ii hli ki illi i 1 fl ml e1 n hill f i 4 at iid i il fl t i ir ii m 1 i ixl ll i fi- f m ll m i i d ly vll i ii i- r i v il i i iv i i i t l f ii it ml i i o t i ii ii i in i h t ri n at- i ji t i i i i lh il jll llllf rtll i professional directory and travellers guide mihf tlxavlodb db w r r kinnrr inj in in1 siot- 1 h hi sin n ii k 41 mill si r alton off ic llioii h ilemleiir 11 churth si f phone ivl bumiiy rtjnipal home li an rixhl or 1 y ilu 1 sh in i mtr f 1111018 tor dp d a gappftt ihviimn and sorrn corner of wllnw an i it ur s ntrnre murr st at i n eno rhorie 2m off re ii f j 7 im t ta 2 ml dr pobfbi d duckncr ihysirtan and surge- n 39 wellington st ac ion ont ihine c70 kkai rhttg and luhlmm k f i wright 30 wilbur st artoft ontario plume arrjier it 1 rtal und iriiirjnre wm r bpackcn insuratslcf agency r m i st eel ph ne lies vlh ckrnai inschanck j j1frt wood irmsurance agency life and generj insurance phone ms 124 m 1 st alter hours ta 4jbw ciuelph dr h leib dental surgeon off r corner m 11 and frederick streets a v mrxcr dc pln i s- fu srrifilt iii mill st- i ito 4n fl off ii m i i i wi 7 u sat 2 irtiraf t i burhnep ro optom i t in m i st r phone 11 riff re ii ur 1 uitrrvlit i wi 0 pm ivtnrijt by jpj ritment arnrriwi aoiti iever hoskin chreritj vecoiintants 1 m- n s n 212 k tig si llrjn ton trorw i iir tt i atn em 4oisi nfvlut sioucr co 3 tt m s llr 1 iiritafii am i hsn r ii ir phinr ir 511 11 im ik 1 aurftnr nrr ut mj n o r s writ aaa earl g biack n cimm ill a ca ciimtthlku accountavt ltnvr lids 11 usin kv 1j1um1 um th aas2 tiavuxeis- ouadi a- l t1si v m rrj i iim office jmnju lihsf g0ay coach lines omhiu uave mto dr a j buchanan dental sturgeon offneia mit slneet office hours t am lo pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 14j c f ieatherland qc barrtate- a solicitor notary public office hours 1000 ajn 1200 a m iftopmloopm sjturdati by appointment only office i5 phone ltr 151 acton a braida ba barrttr saliettor ntytary public 173 main st s aetna ont phone 574 offtee bourc pni 0 pm lpm 9 pm saturdays 5 cork si c guelph iavugtt time rail bound su am daily eacett sun and it im in 1133 am loa p m 51 pm iu pm iu p m 10 of pro i sua and flulj westbound 1027 am 12 37 p m 3 37 pm 3j7 tm 7j7 pm til pm llpm 1 12 am fri sit sun and hoi i ta 42m3 ounr atir saturdayi 9 am is in canadian natiomal railways stanjanl tlua kastbound daily 5 40 msni dally except sundays lotaxasn 71 ptn sun day only tot pjsv dally mteept sunday rlyar at qaorjaiown i u ajn ait pjnj dally flyer at ceotfetows ltlll pj waerhaitmd dally 1144 put dally met sunday aso ajn a3 pjn w r p4xi saturday only st nan suit- office hoiirst nr rpm 3sssyir m ph va samj dally except sat and sua ul plas rw

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