Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 7, 1958, p. 1

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s3 a- if jfl v glll a v jhmuaf ilsenled paving tnvah uejtll the emtlre taws km kmb otni mbutf mr july ii j oreer vk a v lurfeeeu mh ab- umiiww the total ede i leeaeuat letllljew skewer wum aaniml i uimm fciil hi aiti tees la epaae lieea e piirtal ef tat db- i tar the ov- tt aiee flat i eut br tve veeve ta m pear eriee wsum equally aaaaaee tw yniiril seat af teala- aaaaaae aa im raee la tw eeet- um affecte vy eattatraetlao jr oejreejauirwa u ihe ereala have la ba tare seralree ime dee j ma ta tut u tajormeri mmlt- tw we brio a eaeure ua ure al uariaji up new t- atalilia aa hie aetata la piw aaheaturas aver ii yean eeuacl 14 lea led ejaee la a i ma aawjawrl tf tke abantarw i twaar tk ii year lanh it aranm aa tw h by una mil mr wuaaa rawiiulad hu eat- l he tfi it wa money wem mal aa tw prajert but nah inaahit sprnitm tw pay- eae a w a laaaar parted cue hilar j ham eeued we am aaty tarawaa apwaauuuly wi tu dewa tlta drala keeping ley tfea malalaaenee an theee oi aii l ii dmimirl tha paauallity a tw ojls rirualaa tha renueei l il eejulderable uaaa leate tw situation and aaae- r ha told ejeuftctl tw eaeaaalttee acreed thia prnarieirl pavlnc aad work would put a utuh to expandlturra in thoee area for raade and drnafe miatia a veer 1 favar a racommandatutn be put intw booh for nal ynra aaunlla taka anothar aroa in twri aad malta naeaaiary lm- hunl ajaillithl la oapar m xj kvavaf a byuw lar to tw tfr taa4 aa tw pr pavtad pr cram vm a wtah a t tttthlla vauad la tw aaaa- uva oalapai la lnih mayor w h cook kalonaad iw council aa inniniti uaaa of bual- naa bad baaa rhimiaalil aa f lolni aiiillnif wuh tw admlnlatjatlv eomwlttaa aad puc and tw r- port waa ta w tumad ovar to tha ouftcu whan tw anayor wtfan n tw rapoh tpwairtuor aucblui ab lrti ta iw butlaaai batad 41- euaaad wmi w prwa prwmit tlta wayar laluramd air aueb ua tw liiuani bad a al aaaaialttaa laaal aad bad ta w du- ciiatirl by aauaatl aitar vartoua abauaaa tfur w wu ad- jauraad at ih two hospitalized in cartruck crash two paraoaa mr and ura wil liam karduu f m camaron ava searboraukh wara boapltalliad wadnaaday aunuad ibortly tnt i ii ajn whan tw amall eiuiluh car in which twy wara travalllnd wu la eoulatoa with a transport truth ownad by crawtord vnam- part oualpb at iw eoraar of ouaan and voba btraata corporal ray uaaan of tw local otf dalrhakium ww callad to lavaatldat aad aftar axamlnttlon by a local doctor iw couple wu mm ta ooalpa haapltal ur hard ing wu unconaeloua corp llaaoa raoartad tw amal car driven by ur hardin wu preceedliif weet at tw tlina of tw accident and talllni to make the lura craibed lata a heavy trans port driven by wnblatoa of ouartjh proaaadhtg aaat corporal euaaa aatltnated hxgcl damaf e to tw ear and tlft to tw truck ha aleo noted there wu i lldht rain at tha tune of tw accld ant two local drivers in 450 accident an aaumaud mis dafnacr r aulted from an accident on nrv 7 highway one mile weal of acton friday tw drivara of tw cart were reported by police to be clin ton w taylor of rr- 1 acton who suffered u00 damam ta hie car end cheater wythe of to acton blvd acton with fho damage a oumhimhtvn paeab8 tlarlad off tha twrd and tail day of acton minor sportt biq thrwxlay oilabralion during cme houcuy waakand acton ciiuant band lad lha montwr par ed vmich included over 30 floatt and numarout chlldrait in coaluma cauoht by tha camera it adon junior pipe band and of tna many childran with thair dacoratad bicyclet trl cyctat doll buoolai and fancy dretl cottumat proudly marcrv ino balora rha crowd that lined tha ttreeti from lha c n r ttation to tha acton park local o p p officert end acton lira man policed tha area and halted traffic during tha parade judy morton mitt popularity queen choean to reign tha waekend rode on a beautifully dacoratad float prapered by blue spring nurterldt curt flute riai i iniitteal run soap box derby crown queen hold parades minor sports group sponsors three day program judy morton reigns as queen crowned first day of program judy uorton 1 yfcrlct aetm hlth school birl chtwen from unqmt ten conlmunu wi crttwn- d ulu popularity quern during the band tattoo saturday evening in the park prmdert of the ulnar sport vic llater conumtulalod the newly enwncd queen and prv- aented her with the rizc hc had won iwtire andrpwa acton llih school itudent copptd honor in the onemile open race during the flrat day of minor sporu clvc holiday weekend on saturda aufuft s when he jhi the leld of eight runner to win in four m n utaa and si arcond bruce rnached the halfway mark in two minutes and is acennds anil completed the lit lap in two min uted and 10 second running second aa itill knur with paul hoffman and art hack- it running third and fourth ouelaji laegton track club look over the two mmc first sacond third and fourth allen clarrmnnt ran in 10 rnln- uara and four arconda billy rey nolds riysn marsh and art llackrtt took home the honors tn the gurlph club there were 10 entrants in the race tasi mus esm ekvrn entrants in the ten mile race bnka away from the ixartiiig line and covered one tap in the parkton fur and a half milea out into the country and four and half mile return to complete the rare with a half mile lap in uv park ld johnton running in the green and while color of glad stone athletic track club crossed the finishing line in s3 minute 30 seconds wee mcleod of toronto finished tn m minutes and sat sec ond bill smith or the lumlltvn track club finished in u minutes ami is wcond and lome white of the guolnh club finished use race in m minutes and eight ae llundrds of people turned out ui scar acton mm r sport first threeday civic holiday program last weekend frtm j the crowning of miss popularity queen on saturday to the cailthumpun parade on monday itosd races a oap box dfjy a modified hand tattoo and doiens of other events fulad tha rundtilofajm ivttnatng ar1y s a morning tha threeday event carried on until the concluding g lane in the lei ion auditorium monday cvenms runners were present from to ronto guelph hamilton st kitta club and gait y u c a the splendid organisation of tin racing events on saturday is tl c result of the hard work of jak ucgibbnn coach and trainer of tin guelph club w allonby acln r dennis guelph harold wtb- ter hamilton and j girling hamilton half baa rly the big threeday events started out saturday morning with s ap ron derby entrants paradins b hind acton cltiirns hand tnm thr park to the starting line at the corner of frederick and elgin strrets otficial in charge of the d rby j s ilrunelle and his commitlet men had all arunfrmmu mid with the star ting ramp in pine si john ambulance on riut buards to protect the audience in case of accidents from a runaway car public address system and can rr and interested contestants with their homemade ears raring to get started car entrants were ted quennell john price ill 11 holmes gerald wieck and leonard van dcr pol der in the trial runs the wieck fair drives by a spare driver ran out of control and turned over cju ing minor bruises to the driver ant wrecking the car causing to he withdrawn from competition winner in tha evant was ted quennall who cuppad a trophy and cash award all other antranu re ceived a consolation cash award parmato utd gas led by acton junior pipe tuid and followed by art n c iluen iland n small pa rude marchd from the cn it trui ks to the park at 1 put on saturday to open the aftti- noon program during thi runninu of the ten mile tare jock c alder and llavi docht rty manaued tht rec nt ly organized junior aocccr i am in an exhibition game with a team from rurlington the acton team came out winners u ith a 4 3 score ltneup for the acton team was n deakmi p marks d price it mccriauii g hainford c hani t norfolk ii shannon m uusw ii t daukina and i churchill m russell scored three gol f r th lcal and tim mat f iaw- kuts scored a hme counti rasuj tattaa a tmnd i lloo sattuntjy viliins platnihil by th minor sport om mittee bnioght duutppotntnu nt t thr committee hm fiv of th eight bands scheduled fa iled l muri an appwatance acton cttnens band undt the leadership of dandmssur a 1 pttrott khouldned their instru ment and pitched in to fill in the gap made hv the absent iwmhsj a- suled by acton junior piie ltint with both teands plaving perkl nunitwm until the late arrival mount r or est plc rand later in the evenins acton jun ior pipe rand joined furres u uh the mount frcst rand to play two marches parading the field much tn the enjoyment of the crowd that had gathered the evening was brought til t close jut be for dark uhm tht arton cttucns rand played tht queen bands clowns floats parade as large crowd lines route xn caumatesd 1000 cituans and visitor lined the streets for the call thump ian parade on monday august 4 to sec over so floats bands decorated doll busslcs bl cycles tricyclrs cars and clowns piss in the final day of the three- day legion minor sports program considered by many viewers and supporters of minor to be the best parade in acton in a num be r of year the proctssion bt underway from the bowling green corner on mill street east within minutes of the scheduled hour parade committee members begsn before 12 noon lining up the par ticipants in the parade in readiness for the unt o clock starting time fsog fteetiaava leading the monster twrade was acton fire department s shiny new fire truck followed by acton citiri ns rand in their brightly colored uniforms as they led num ber one ot the foursection pntcc- ion included in the first part of tht parade was the acton home fur nishings float minor sport float number one with representatives of the baseball teams present min or sport ball teams and a soccer team marching a float from rill toth motors snd a float rnw red her sis attendants each received ft basket of flowers from the floel the balance of the colorful hloatwj were dismantled and handed out to people on the grounds prlsaa awardad rill tth shell service waa judg ed best float entered inthecivls h lid ay parade and was p reset ud with a plaque by minor sports of finals sectuid and third pftsa went to acton fire departflmmt and ledgt n loa judges for the occasion wara frank majntosh frod colea cura pickit wn wolfe and sam holm es winners for the best dressed bi cycle were margaret prica first snd ttewton hurst ewcond nancy quennell won first in lha tiirvtk class and leslie dooncuy second fur bent dresmxl doll buggy lorraine paul took first prtl and helen harris second three tiny lots dresud in indian cofctumc cuuftht the eyea of th judges for the lacst fancy eoatuma aa they wt re awarded first prts receiving the honors were ttajaan and danny mcgilloway and susan patrick runner up and winning second prize wiru dcatrle and michai1 rny don rexbn jiwtllrfs c by he c lndabnmugh family tha next two dlvuions 1ml by jim lodger ihuld four mwnber nf thr orcrtda en- drcaacd atun almlnw judfee were lnr pipe fiend inrludid float trenk tny and aldu llraida from aaint ma mb mhsaiurf oubm jtkjy ntortort is aaan on har ifurona a ta top of a tloal yilti har ahandanta rortnara up in lha tonla durliso tha paraita on monday mlu morion wu a ln eontaatontal taladod byhlflh school hudant rwaxaltbmd jo tmun at cioaan during tha thraa ion tha tvpraptrad by blua spring noraafv sy fallot a pr u las was dacoratad by mr and mrs t swift nursary ownart with tha aulstanca of tawaraii f rianda tha quaan and har attandanh attandad tha closing danc on monday a which ijndad tha thraa day program iniat shows judy bating toangratolatad by minor sports praxldant vie meshws following fair crowning on saturday avanlng at tha band tattoo band concert church service highlights sunday activities on sunday the second day of th utra day civic holiday week end activity in the park was cur tailed by the minor sports com mittee a band concert wu held in the afternoon by acton citizens band and acton junior pip rand an outdoor church servic was held tn tha evaolnc during tha cbafeefa service con- ducted by gut minister lack of rnckwood acton legion quartette sang aeveral aalections b a hansen nrgamlat of knox presbyterian church played the piano during ihe alnglng of the hymns v t on sunday at 4 pnu c o tyl er fir accompanied by alec john- eon ol the aflnor sports commtf- tee drove ulu judy morton pop ularity queen to hauoa centen nial manor in milton to meet ac ton reeldenu the queen presenled a imuiquet of gladioli tn mrs a t rnwn a former acton resident aclon man uninjured when car overturns ronald sinclair acton escaped injury recently when he was a passenger in e car which missed a curve and rolled over several times on the derry west sideroad on thursday july 31 the driver of the vehicle and rew t mcdouajavof scarboro was admitted to peel memorial hos pital with head and cheat injuries after being thrown from his car signs of pall baseball play ofis cjjt bare fields and rtpen ingappui by al delivery gordons llard- 1 sttfrr ledgers iga rotary 1 clutfsave the children fund minor sports hockey chamber of c oni merer n douglas corner brook nurseries j mcmullen with two and lome maaalea with a pony cart t ssuggua sstltse arton junior pipe band led the final section of mondays parade closely followed by numerous children with their decorated doll buggies bicycles tricycles and fancy drees costumes snap boa derby contestants acton afire de partment s comic float and the popularity queen followed by the st john ambulance brigade herb conk and bob loutett loc al supporters of minor sports dressed in comic costumes mingl ed through the parade providing laughs and entertainment for the crowd spontaneous applause broke out as judy morton chosen miss pop ularity queen from among ten contestants gurrounded by her at tendants appeared in the parade seated on her throne atop a float islsm bgttofs mstfsehes th float entered by mr and mrs ted swift of blue springs nurseries contained approximat ely u60 gladioli blooms freshly cut monday morning and completed one hour before parade time mr swift donated the float aa a service to the minor sports com mittee for the use of the queen and not as an entry in the judging coin petition ifouowlftg the disbanding nt the persde at tha park the queen and the nuiil mctum of the chamber of comntani ur heart ball liww hh rtly after thr float had been judged and the infield clear ed boys playing in the minor sporu league entertained the crowd with a display of their cap abilities at baseball follow ing this cuetph old tim ers and aclon oldtimers puyed e hard fought baseball game that ended in en la bingo pony rides whirl plane kiddie car ridre darts bail tossing and many other game aaul booths held the interest of the monday crowd who frequented th park drews uu during the dance held at the legion auditorium monday even tng various draws were held hank cart attlon won the tsualat ure car winning the draws for the bonds were dan kidd kdest mills 100 mrs minnte smith guelph 35 charles boyd malton ta jerry wiblbu wsikeriost kja mark hopper ill loagileld hoed aclon ss that popularity queefi anil las attendants were special gueaes of the minor sports cnrrtmutee e the dance and joined in the eesmsglt dancing dancers received prises wspew cial dances the big three daty celebration waa brought to rjose when the orchestra blayed the queen in the early hours ol ibe morning workmen axe i baptist church totat r tjjaatu

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