Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 7, 1958, p. 5

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th acton ha tiwwy toa 7rfv tm iwh 5ieu tiisiahisar hw wimnlmo hoat in civ holiday parade was md by bill toth motor and t pktur ed ahovt at if paraded m the ptoctnon the float iymbolied the products told al h quqa mmniyif tar wdh children sealed lined lw platfomi ll wai chosen by the five lodges the bel entry mi toth received a plaque from tlie minor spoils commthw prte ovr 0 floats entered ife parade i ot residents greet popularity queen 4h club girls with acton visitors sunday o sunday turttuitii auguac s kern ptwtl lo llu mjit b jill i rvi ij g ihv lt uk of liuihimli mi fur awilhr uw ridtw j tli quill euniatu llw nam f ma aavtuir kid uw pu4jrf tf aiding tuulnulton poople xulriiut and wlcutnlnt l lit uantr a uon tt and lhr tut no- wii ii uuis tuy hum rnthilaiity bably l familiar to ihr v 1101 t qu4- mta judy mutui i hufhuln rwulcnli judy had wud hit hiuior in i miujlarlty euideal apojisuxcd 4 tlt of ttw fivir holidty rbhra iitm in aeton li uiw lrgamjluul cullm lid v il canadian legion jody ha jr wi announces judy uaa w u- ur alojig willi tfviril viil uit sluntvy allen hh v in ciutiljr w uudured to lh uawl ma by au 1tutrjaa johnston rrprrmitatve of lh llnil burury worth v minor rorfu orgajiiialioii ahe h mmn wlwn uxdtad vary quanly ami attrhv y httvtre of it u in her purple rde ami 1 ill i 1 r of llu huiuit disdain i iniur awiil foinn i mi rl lrttuj a uautlfi 1 un j uwy iluiinxl tlnmixli enjoy bus trip crl4 of tlir utral 411 htmiw jkinn ihili hharuii tlurk nanry i hair on county i imfeill wi announce o i bursary of 50 ilulluti llvily ami naimy grundy 1 muttiimiil k itomlrr iwl sandra uik n and tkr uadw uiw don viif and mr v art mb- w rnu j li trii ktuljy in runuiiriu kills luls f ulmou and j- insliy ulul llu uya twlf tub i- 14i tu jluihtlltg weir jolt n jtlulj- b ifn iiunii h nfu m il ltu tuon j- i i m m- uf 4 urt wm gti f a- dm atlbvdhl hw rtnurnnlal tl iirbntw unti vud wllii rullv uml rlaiuli of fwrtwr yun ui ulauaklln uf mrui trm wb il vialtio- wtth hf iehduuht r aul tfrndtii ajut family mr an ur llyrui tiro- mi i mi rut wiiinum bi- vuillhg at u hutiu mi fed mi ll i ktfwa vuitora duniij th wwh l tkr aanir luam whudad mr ad tu tunl 11 uli wp ijnly f uotijurd lujt h- v nd mra 1 j- h f faur u andmra jti miff i ol kiukuk- mmti 111 ji4 m vrrti kuwart wr- gu4l vii hjiiimtjy t tin- kunuy fwt wrddtig at ttwk i mr u jwlm imi rf im mt dmihit lti wrw mi aiul 1 u win on mil imj m lyvd ichmmpabanbmtavi vfq um mr j wri oordon anbrn in mmiitmitv with mr od lir ourmi kr hsluarls l lt rdlu mr tod mx win klul iid fiimly til llrf wrkul u ur 4jmi ui k4jy kuwjiii urr ulr at tfc lv4ylli wd jhih on balurdjy lit illiubuic w mil ujimii t 1 t ihri lllui i in i r jm tv erin township council hold regular meeting bin tnuiip council mrt at the cerhan- ibll hiluluiitt on kriday auu i itlui t 1 v pm all mrnttmr of iiicil rnrr vrt rnt uilli hir it 1 oflfhn pi- aiding tltr immtt of tlu lat n gulnr mirtmjt in id july 7 win nod miii adoliliit 1 1 ntinuti- of u mm- lal ittiitntk n julv h miit nl o p- itttii kaad thr follow inn on iipiwl n rtt a irlh r fiom llnnki rfont rnttlr wml futliiii m ibuiitiik outllt a 1 it r fiom f hman ui u- rlomiii drttlh in i rin t nhip a b tli r ftoni rrnmout township ti i vimm h ipitkition a i tt fiom itiintfoil h pit l rr ammnt a it tit r from llrtirit hhimt nnil jon it lorutint t pn ill a 1 tti i fiio sunk uiui lti llo r u ii strut h a i ilrr fiom the rh- nil nd anoffur r llu ipol t i th month of june a 1 hi r mm thr itrtmnr cm- rtal rf thf niinlhl rriatt a i ttir fnni st jhhiim h- l ui rr l tin a li tti i fim llu l piilinnl of planning unit iv i lopmrnt ro rn- nianilh um1i nmn a ultrr from thr iiputmtnt of llihuait rr approxal of supplr- mrntarv llw n u for tlltrtill and appro r for n remforred cn- ntli litbtk foi i til iktinijit of va1 rontiarloi t to im- aittoit conntmrtim to aithur out arfahru raud arimimu wtvmtl fur p mm nt in rludxl h nmnl o itv of lot onto fc 21 nu mix ilip f- to ontano muniripnl aamiciatton t iftvl ctnintx lax lew tl 200 bin ul jiomnu mw i mid mc- coimlx lufit ttntatiir npproxal h gim to thr luuini of t20mi drtnnltir- for th tuo rimwiutl chool addition to 1ttikvio4l no d whol cotimil nljotiimil ilii kudi auktio n cm idnti sum th onmun kmil ht i 1 imh tikkink duimi th cu holulix -k- fllt kht hilm it tlwl ih r pl mrl uuh u ii m ntm n pinai frxwn acton citin and oiioi i i chutchiu many visitors in local area mr mm shrhh of toronto landing lrr hollduva at her pr- tnl home mi and uu fl kr fmin mr and mt itulph l uty imd hoimii mr and mr kcit tnny and mil ltil arn irnt sun da m cilhiitmm nnd dir mt and mm w sa ktonur nd unit wild wm 11 at l u lhurdny miatti ha swirli- j hi no i oliohi th i vntli hi ou in fi h hohdit for wmial d- mm carol s klomi r ha inh hohdamiig for ih ftioiwn i nh tor hi mdmothi r mr clin ton smirkltmu f hilnhu i mi alltit itik anil f mly nnd mi link w in nl umiui drt at thf vacation ipot of icnr- t ri t hutthill fhtiih vimio vi b irk to mimivi r normal pain on sundav hm thr nr pat miiiin millitdr lk v uiuu u uilcmn mr aiul m mi llndi- io oui midt and h im- lhr will rnjot living amone na itn miti hid 1 pb ivint lin utinti di ii mil thi holidi ith flan flvini and the colored likht lutniit on georgetown council sell building lots cvohctrrown hltii imlld lilic lili crall town proptrly in a lrw lubdlvialun nrir thr park ara taring affrra1 for aab- by ten der the lots f i tint n thiee iww lou ii miveln myde park lb pitn tvv ann and llaiuld st mid mill i fcrr iced bv lamun mmii iiii it i i- it lniirueni ul niioututng puna foi nlviiiing l hem touiu il property w tirntan r ii t httrimtn aaul tie t mimml- ring the idea of at lhng uitolh t miiet of town propit imi maple aw imhind the ceor nn iit i ot too ultable for hoiimnit u vou nktd fuel oil stovf o mimact otaou call 69 thompson fuels attorn shortill sheet metal humbm40 heating oir wftad funum lvlfuokino 184 churchill road hon 44 dont wait nether mlmrt buy ens of thsta quality used cars for a trouble free vacation ss kymouth 4 dr sedan ni finifcs 1 p o i rr 1 s4 fotd custom coach tliton huii khh lin s4 kmd mainline coach tutitiif ltuio lou urirt s3 rord mainine 4 or sedan tvitom- rjulio si pontuc dttuxe sedan im nnlrae one own er clean as new si chrvsiir windsor 4 dr hil ctmort hind iow down payments al condition thompson motors main st n acton ito phone f thanks to all acton citizens the acton legion minor sports cvc day committee with to thanl all citizens who assisted m any way in the presentation of their three day weekend civic holiday 4th annual celebrations we are most appreciative of th co operation shown by the merchants and business men in dressing their store win dows and or entering decorated floats in the parade we wish to thank particularly the mer chants and business men who donated gifts for the miss popularity queen contest priz es for best decorated floats best dressed window bicycles tricycles and costumes and those who presented trophies for the many and varied sports events our most sincere thanks to the acton citizens band and the acton junior pipe band firemen police ysvmens club and rotary club ladies auxiliary tivil de fence st john ambulance tylers trans port goys transport j b mackenzie acton legion minor sports civic day committee rjrut of gladioli to mia a i hrown wtwi before rmliig to llu manor to nvake her tomir tutd ii nl in arton for many y aia mi hrown aiul mr jeutr mitii judy grmidmthi r ulwi i a teairtrnl of ttw maivot ht thi lujior of tva ing thi ii o in taken mlh it m iopiui my jlmctl rarawr mayer former mayor tyler uaa at anuuig tlu- art4i vinlir tn tin paant lutmiit while waiting in ih- do inj iun tor the quwn to amt llo rutenta writ ahom n a very t nut tne blue and vhilr ipillt th 1 hid or eounnilli- iuuhiku mo a hiown of it it i notval m sooiwu of ii it 1 v linn nmi of it h 7 mi 1 ui mi i hi rli i no i i i llatloi 1 is 1 flu u 11 i itm plo i mi ijum t mi m uuio m l llrather ntkwtml wlltrit matjimi 1 iiru mi an i lorlpj ami mlul mi m and mil th mi t mi ibiai unily wlteidtt th t r 1iui iaik sir i da eedid badly b ioln acton citizens band aijvancid musicians oh higinnibs wiuom1 wednesday evos r or fuither lnfi mlon upply acsm tawn hall 9u im protect yourtofs with sisman safity shoes steel toed work boots and oxfords bensons shcs miu strut acton here are the about exchanging your 3 wartime yictory bonds 1 vht k iht canada onimiihi i nan of iwt it is in offer 10 rcplitc ill unmiturcd v uirumc vitlory bonds nh new 2 cir at inidi con version llonds ohcr bonds ol shorter term hciriii inlcrcsl rilesol 4 vi md v ire ilso jsnlihlc 2 why l th cotrmmrnl makinc ihk concrsinn oltcr in order in rcorpime the nnitmiit debt on 1 longer term bjsis md thus redrnc the snliiinc nl government rchniniing tvcr the next lew eus i here is sudcsprcid public ind business ijreenient thil this is 1 sensible idea and will help protes1 the soundness ot the c inidiin dollar 3 what lalerkl will i rretlvo on thr nrw bowls on the 25yeir bonds the interest rale is xvi this is 5v greater than the old 1u0rv llond rate the in crease on the 14car and the 7year bonds is also substantial 4 at a victory bond holder sill i be required io make any additional payment no on the contrary you uill receive an imnmliuic cash adjustment 5 do 1 have to convert my v ictory bonds you may if you wish hold your victory bonds until maturity and on the due date you will be paid their full face value the copvcrsion loan oltcr is open only to victory bond holders and the right to convert gives victory bonds a special value until the oltcr expires this is because there are many people trying to buy them in order to invest in the new bonds 6 vvbat kill be the total of my cash adjustment it will depend on the type ol exchange i or example a svmkth victory bond exchanged lor aivkic onverxiim bond paying 4 will give you 5s in cash un- modiaiclv i his includes earned interest 7 ioeo i his offer apply to anada sainfs bond and other government af c anada bond no this oiler is limned to unmatured wartime iclory 1 oan bonds only k what step tkould i take if i am aay from home m vacation and wish 10 take advantage of tkk offer you should write immediately to your hank investment dealer stockbroker trust or loan company requesting literature and application forms 9 doe it matter that the v ictory bond i bold u very unall fieri holder of a victory bond even though the amount held may he only jw should take advantage of thrv offer it is in his best interests as well as in the best interests of canada 10 how long ink of until september 1 hs but it is to your advantage to convert as quickly as possible and have the benefit of the immediate cash adjustment 11 where can i etching my victory bonds at any bank investment dealer trust or loan company or through your stockbroker dont delay convert today amcipsj on the new canada conversion bonds earn up to

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