Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 7, 1958, p. 9

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f tv t i take a tip from fish they bite at a good lure free press classifieds li classified advertising rates ho charg for announwit of rrtha msrne nth and enacmtiu in ufjor- umi lie plus 10c per line tor verwe article for oil rf el 3c word lilnl- mul4 ruh 0c boh no to this off ire ik additional coming vnta 71c minimum ff firtt 5 linre car tu additional line 10r card of thank lhc iuu- ing charge of 2sc addm to oil i counts ll rwt pud bfor saturday of we k of publica tion arfiunu arc rtndrrd uonday following maertlij laytut inheetion ttmb pj wkdneuday phone 600 births marriages deaths elc bo in lit jc kuan john and rrrda are happy to announce the birth of thrlr daukhtrr diane lliubrth nn aimukt 1 10mi at the urlph grnrral ilntpital otiualaa and june ppy to announce davidson davidson art the blith of a daughter ann m- ialwth on july 31 1u1h at ifcuiiui mtmoiutl lirtspiul fort dyc at the princess urijar t llimtpitat toronto on ndsy auitil 1 ibm marry dvc b lnvtd huhand o virtoria km lak and dmr brother of mik dye of a to tited at the ituml v f unrral homr kiniuum maw held in st j ph hurch on tut sda 10 am interim nl alruw niiid rv comtmo tvet w fevutiiilaaet bnjokutw kail chtr busl annual vun pair eden aluu ball park saturday auut m in cat of rain aufuat la ball mam bino wky drawa ad fra sponsored by community club kd uiiu a4slbm for sale ror ra1je raapbarrla cuff graca r r 1 oeowgtown pi 7- poh sale iwheel traiui lawn ciiairs uaad turdwuod floor ing phone ttiu 1 atml for hafr ii ft piywood boat 10 johnson motor rwiiolr control and traitor phone uj13 or satw after pm a417u koit raleuadyi briar ullor- rd utoitie coat sue 1 worn twirv traaimuiblv vm sale uale foi hound and female beagle both itartrd 1s each or t for pair plume p7 a11e3 poh sale pupa quarter ger man shrphrrd 3 parts kcolch col lie u and w gerald uaclod r r 4 arlon al7 kor salk a uauer llarrit grain separator 14 cylinder straw ahmtder in d order c cutu acton phona 1mwh a4 17fl3 for saie 4 good grade chrv lot rama i h yeara old phone lampbellville u later 4 2xu b11jios ran sale doon windows aluminum itorm awning cannpiet porh railinct folding dixm ven uin hlindi phone m5j low prtrea a 14 r if for saijc wmtlngruua re- frltfrratora frceer ttovea wuli era dryara diahwaahera radloa tflevlalona low city prlra home ualnbniance bupply a 37 1075 tf for sale large gloaay prlnu any itajr photo appearing in the acton rh- preaa ill ilu 75c aire l on enqute now at the f4e preu office m ulll st or cm 800 if wahtb utmtfmnsi mttcaiankju cdmuiaml wamtvo j hsfbaal caato prtcaa for dd or to ktrompt wrvlea phona eollael w fraallnn wrm or bin brook oxford iwb 6tav paeoni tf lost and found loht black angus heifers 1 3yar4ld and 1 1yaaculd regia- terrd vicinity speyalde phone ac- xon 10uwj a61751 for rent for rent 4 room aparunt nt lot ifkh kaqueaing township firt line 3 ml lea from acton linxt- van drr vrtp r it 4 acton b- 3 170 home diaper rental service we ara now aervlrlng homra in acton and dutrict 40c p r dox for firat 3 dot lie per dox for each ad ditional di lioo dtpoail uinim um servlr weeka mi lal ruiilain er supplied tree victor 52463 oakville miscellaneous or sale for low coat quality wjldowa and door obtained under twtrthorar improvement plan call jackrar m or 37w for frea de- monatation and estimate asmtf il lw 1 mccinvhrov suddenly homr in r m rtitn n to ausuat t 1dmi margan itlcliardaon ivelovrd wife oi i i mcculchron of fvrrton nnd rtrar aiater of hrrt richardson of hockwihid ribtei at the rumlrv funeral hume uherr funeial in rvir wa held on thuraday auguit 7th at 2 pm interment evcrton cemet ery speck jtuddmlv at hu home in rock wood on friday a 10ak slhn fianklin h loved husband of vrri crowe and diar brotht r of rant of saskatoon and sleifahi r nf miaa iktam uorland of toronto mra d ilothwu tjo of acton and ii tdunrd ixnund of mt- f um ml i rv in un h id in cruet anulu n chun h wat i rioin n on mnnduv august 4 at 2 l m interment in the udiouunu r meti rv ai mnei ments by rum u runeral honu alton srnk vioim in mtmouah in mr a hmtn of an unt and hulhrt s miu til wvav avicuni a i loiit htm so v lm rtmtmhtrrd l- am urolltn iuki akiss in i ixiiv im ill ii hit tin i 1 it il aw o august rthiiu n vho uis7 ooi bis i ist nt oodbm to loin inw kalis wr o voitt said mi hmd t his klvl i kintnr h in 1 inn n a th ii huslmind iiml fa t uh ki ntnt i m ho pn 11 s lhhttl of sou v h id d ar and no nioi that kit ps for salr hallicraftrr auto matic 3 nced radio phonograph table modrl mahogsny case in twrfeel working order strong 10 ft ladder phone 3aiw after fl p m a177 j in i uu judo lrarn bow v fend yourself against strunuu lat um guns knivea etc phoitt tit 111 afli r a 6i7m mom y avaltaule for second mortgage flhoouo to siouoouu reiuytui nt 30 uu p r mooth it in eipal and intnesl u ipji ioat offr lloa m3 a 3 3 ifioo reiuer uliioistkry add looks and comfort with skilled re styling your furniturv can be handsome and new again iow phona u acton atf kitciikner uplloisthty have your eheiterfteld suite re- upholstered ba us and save efm uhing on week serv watsons munc store whowsi whow 10 only liil rrfll down pavurjjt j10 700 rvll price no second moutgaok new 3lextrtnun wfltd brick bungalftws with all modern ctuiv full bast inriil oil heat syd lamb ift3 loiiafiild it- 1 att- phonr 34 split level 12 fiuo full down imyimnt lia on our n ii a 4 per cent t 4dioufiis devoi ii r traiikfer icd ae taiir mil 2500 ixjwn payment 17 vi kaitt igulow with ulla 2000 hjll ikwn iaymrnt marshall beauty rent and spring matures- cicjtly kidcrdowns rrcovercd call tf ithti built day ser vice repreaentalive here wedn days information ontario ibtldn for saie ge ojeket and pipeline milkers vacuum 9umpi galvanisad pipe and fittings rut and installad mad asad umt tube miikcat tram 110 up for saia ari aerylca call horaca tomllnson mclau insurance suranre of considering ree et inmates on in all kinds if you art cnange from augblin phona gl 11273 atf for salfnew and used trac tor tire repairs and reloading first line heavy duty 10 x 2 rec ular a2 our price u3v1 pickno and ih livery milton tire servlc 191 mill st milton tp r21ft4 a 41700 no i tillkd top soil drivfway stone a gravkl and fill len watson phone tr 7 m34 bso f tewino machines repairs in all makes rental mach ines bv the week ortahle used from 12010 see the latest singers tree home demo rut rations dlron heu1no centfr georgetown tv 74131 acton gordon hardware uto fhone atf ge fri present policy or looking for a new plan contact omar ii pirk er phona ul ft44 amtf1047 floor rkfinislflno wa now have a modern aander and edger we will rr finish your floors or rent you the equipment to do the inb yourself j ii frank phone j77 47 frederick st s acton atf television hfmvice anij uefairh r w grant phone 702 anytime houmwi start your st r icinj our kes nettl extra income own pnf liable busini v avon customt rs nt n highest cunimivaion oprninci blue springs knatchmll acton rural routt s i 2 1 nnd write district manager ler norfolk apartmrn giv mi phone or phom nnd 8 p m u cu iph 1 nt tl msnr in loxitu out th ii liillu i jo who pavtnt uuv oi god knous how uuith ntir khall his mmwi loxnik thoughts ahull dtr t tin snd whete he sadlv mismxl bv is munjwv auiiusl i laid uu f mnil a617di caaustt or tiiankat for sale miiun harris no 7 0ft swuthtr rord buck rake for tractor used fold lalcr with motor used 2htirse ctrn cultivator ntv mussev ferguson bay bu t and rakes loaschtv dtluxc sedan nt w tilts and vaint 10i5 uuick sukt miutr equipped bill garner r r 4 rockwtvnd uahuey rcroukon ltd salaa aad ilarvla phtuic aston 1080j3 asltf ku wt tkttnd out thanks to ihiwr of vou prtued your siupath thoughtful uays dm inn tvereavement smvial katli heai tfelt who n ao mam our rcctnt thanks p mt ixiugall the iialltxurtra i mi tne ltumlcv r unrral home our kindnes have tmont much victoria ramilv dye mike dc and d174 mother and i wish to express sineeiv thanks to our many kind nutne friends and neichbors uho rrmcmbrrvd us both so gen erously during my recent long ill ness for cards flowers gifts and oi her acta of kindness- thank you special thanks to dr kenney mrs h holme member of st alban s church and acton public llbruey board eluabeth and uadse chapman a17efl norm tlrvfr excavating and haulage honk b7 j13 acton i iimlifil bruaillmmii hhm building lot new new new in but k boimal wit in c ovenit i n iv rkl ou i nt to it w tionon loitak summer time is wantad time everybody is not on vacation at the- same time 94 are at home tockwooo lamb uhcld lid acton phir 521 borert e lawson ri eauu syd 113 i one month before school starts select yourhome now ta4 pt r t inortkiice uu iial umt i xlia ui ii caret for lv i indscued chain nnd so on see this n nnd priced to sell nt w ilh ou nt r s ntuity t anutla and monthlv hi rift ai immi met link fenct iktlnn honu nlv iijlri f 07 no westi having is offt ruik this buy 10 too lowid price mr to m of- fentt ftir n nt w rotim ij not- r tuick safl nit nlhlv pax prin cipil mtertt nnd taxt a lovelv artlt n nl met lv undsr ipet aluminum etpnppitl plicl ittl walls iiom lo seh ml nut pot tt i pi nit ourur inoxing to fnriu wanted wanted dabys phone 1mw4 wanted teenage girl will tvaby sit anytime afternoons or ev- enlnfis phone 837 w adl67 wanted 3 or 3 nrnmi down- stairs preferably dow ntow n phone 445w nn fruuy a17d auction sale of antique and other rurnllure tht property of martin m rlrttrr on no 7 highwa uluiin otnriietown and alton oppomlt cidar sprinos mod 1 on friday xvyninc aioimt tth at fi10 iht follow tng iroidiv 21 inch tv uaitt 1 w h fl llgldulrt with futxtr usttl 1 is antique walnut cih1 ot druwtrs antique walnut aim chair antique wulmit desk ant ique small walnut drop leaf dtk table antique walnut sidtbtuid antique large gutter bowl antiqui kitchen cunk antiuut mahogany aim chair hrass fireplace lendi r moffat apartment size 4plute vn- pane gas stove bed springs and mattress nuul utilitv tatdv i- burner hot plate 4 bamboo porch screens good small aquarium with goldfish 2 lawn chairs barometer crosscut saw swede saw small bench saw hp motor heavy 100 foot ixtcnsion cord a few gar den tools quantity of dishes guitwurt china cutlery cookinc utensils etc all must be sold as the house is sold u ith posaowuon on saturday i frank petch auctioncr a telephone th 7 ma4 wanted ride to brampton office hours 030 5 00 phone icorning events jhehohio of laaqrssssjn a holdlna a paach tea to r served fcrorn i00 tain to ft00 pio adnuatioo me hlt45 wanted halloa poultry ducts dealers in liv and di poultry and fresh ksdlng cfm custom phona ullvaats 64401 au wantru hlahast for dead or disabled cash prices horses or services phone tr 43485 call collect clarence dodda b34lm3 cows far prompt campbellviue uutar 434s5 attt ntion immi blih k to main lo ktm h and and hlfch lot of tw honu in cinut rtimin um incliidiuu offici h uu and hnm vi pfoph a ball orni rs iiht nc i m tin main tie i i full tandirtl slt i 12 nkl hrh frimt hie c nhi larce s and k t- fit i taxis what hiim iworkinu buitdm in x ov wintt etiuipptsl to tail ikinc may lv un based rt or coin lt it ror ehttlr hirvkt to k plr sf pmonf 314 slr an apfointmfnt john r holmes rkai istati rrokib m coxe son hum1in0 hiatino eavestfouohino nlu oil s oil runuot gat wtmr tnki free estimatei shone 95 acton how funeral service for village resident v much ryajrot is felt in uja com munity in xu sudden passing of mr r rank speck ut his ivtme on hurru t friday morning funeral took place monday fol lowing removal uf the oaaket from ttc hum ley funeral llunie acun to waurdown monday where sr- v re wdj held in orace anglran churth with interment u adjoin log crmmtry survymg are his w ifr vurru vkjij rvt ut uuier orant of saskatoon stepdaughter ihati irlaiid of toiooui mis i luuhwrtl of alton if r utland of ii iuii nun mur floral 1 1 tl tit i ml 1 sliii tiy to th tl k olxu iii llltl till ilkmll wji in 1 t wolk o till t iii i 1 om it 1 uu putll i m1h i ik l- iu i wi do mrs william mclean missing from boat in lake ontarioi friwids of the family of will- they put about lo search the uka lam donald mclean of oakville and then sped to niagara-on-tha- harned with rgrt of the boating lake for help a u s coast guard accident on sunday when his wife cutter and helicopter failed u find mrs jayne mclaan waa found to her b mikiing from ouir ctu er tht in pl- d flil if t ii to s midi iu4 juy while thty were troaing ke jntaro to their ttonii- mr mtlan and a f ri rd roborl dinuihmhe nf r ubioike wero in uu bul cxkpit wht n they dis t vir 1 that mr mcluij w tio had lm n iiiii battling on on fortdeck ii ii i ng mr miejn said tlwy yrre re turning i rum b party al liie olcotl yacht club andtht hn wife had not tx4n feeling wrjl i mondav the search fin- lr virion ws cal td off by the us ckini cjuaid mr mi it ut recent visitors in local homes i a m l m 1 i in a n luti m- i wai ihi rt jrkitf r i f lr i nil il ml mrlin ih tnli j hnsuxit i lit in lilln irv uni i mm ili s rl ll llik mr l k ml wn j l m i i llll i 1111 k in n hi til ut ii i m 1 ii i j mm v 11 h 1 if ft lu iiiiiu i iii fllll 11 a ii m l mull 1 in n luiis ik md u tilling jriin inn miiiimi n bu ilikki h ii i on ii mi lln i mn 111 mr i bl i throuh real estate private bkab anm4l8 klm 13 00 mich lor dead or disabled cowa and horma old houblrg u lis r on of our trucka taaam yoitr dlatrlel ualw tall btlwood u-h- 1k quelph ta 4ibii or pcraua mlwli eoilacb u hour ttvic qinri olbaon tt com will handl jmrmm n ii a bunsalow with carnnrt a per cent martjjltte earrlh for ihi a month tneludins tuvs slornfa and acren dcoraml ckiw to new public and lukh sc loada of room to raise a rrnl phone s4iw phil mccurdy kodak film pvotnotioiial special por tach rail ol film jft al tuntona stor for aisvvtnplnii you may pureham k now rbll r film for only befular vtiea hfnrrwl 5 fo 1 slort classified ads offer a complete abea- wide coverage for maximum response to your wants in buying selling renting part or full time employment wanting someone to do odd jobs landscaping gardening house painting decora ting finding notifying announcing classified ads are economical effective and easy to place just phone 600 or 601 or call at the acton free press office you can count on the acton free press to reach many prospects in si4mmertimet as at an7 othertlme of the year i n 11 u in i in of ihc con uik uli l i 1114 k ixl m r s in i j vuiujj u i si day m 1 1 mi j 1 ti all i u 1 m v i 11 r u si i in r i i i t 1 i 1 i d ms 1 1 i r a i ll m- 1 l i we sell and service myers water systems i mil itfluatu a all wom ouajavmlu frank carney q sons i rum 1 fill ff ami 11 ff 1 fl caribou project trying to save dwindling herds ukanllm c 1ty a rim irch d sask rkinj he n n tth r xi si i tint in 1 n h ippt uwch t nine l skim i find hii i iuhiii or i rlh in in tiniii tit pt nd fr t h and dlh in hidiril itlhomtiit hv ul lltttl l7mmtn fur tht pripct thi suivtv latinchttl i mh m- uu i hi fmishrd ihw i1i u t itiunt thi canuiu and fml mi it on ik unction if the mi th- lit fi- fur n tht r fi mini laiilxiu vsnliit kit mux imludi dist ilst ilim j ultl td from d dtilint i 14 m nii ti tunihli t i i ish in v ift u ri i pmiml in sprinj hh n htidk n h cdui n i c id noitlwi iht sisk itrhtwm hi ilnjly tik strimi nitiinuita t cnsri n mainint taritxiii only nnrlhtrn- rn iruddmnallv dccndcnt tin cm hunt and tht- tike durinu win tt r nnd pnni i linutitt t thn- fur tiich mi iiilk r tif a famih mvt oviulod li n a tip to wcckind nkipptik lin t ncrikwcr nur btwit many canndian built ixxili curry u lc partment of transptirt plait khnw ina recummendtd iwiwpr and lnod uxik for this plutc when buyinu a canadian made boat play twifc for more fun afloat nf w firtttvtkln x hhow nifhtir uiru saturday mallma 1pu insurance your km i cenrnh and auto plua cemprknjv iiabiliry all in on policy onicp on afant en promtum and budgat pay ments ptua ditcounf tllr ilfst hi v is ovtmiio call phono 4ss w h denny 39 brock st acton friday saturday one that got away ultll hardy kruger purple plain m cl0 t r b gregory kck monday tuetday darbys rangers james garni wedntdy tliortday teachers pet clark gauf doris day gio youno nn iciith i iiminv ii 1st msuin e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at 4s mill st e acton houn i 30400 evenings by appolntmont poit appointment telephone 115 suits coats slacks sweaters like new freshness for all your suits same day service if requested in by 10 am out by 5 pm we operate our owjt- dfty cleaning plant custom cleaners bur truck is on yqur street exmy day phone 272 4r i3

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