oh artntt 3frrt flrrsii lb ul aw wf i b aaaaa rounded i tilt i publiahad every thurs day al u mill f arliui uou uembee u aiiai huiau of cuwulaltonj uw c w w a fw la fhlliriii qilphrr dvul ol i a w n a aauuu rum a tifcl au- arriiaion payable in advance fj 00 in an- 4 14 00 in the united ulale fix nonlli 1 71 tinale coplea tc aulhurljed sooand cum wau ivt ocftr iwhlilel oiua iraaauawa w iw tuui petal- uj rsjuajoe ca uauuj o a dill kdltritilf itaa nvut r nnu i manager aw jaite a iil manalne r4llur bat tlulnru and kdilorlal ofire ph hat aea i ua tmubjday aucuit 7lh 1918 fr e wfc h e fe lfcblllw4 waste nol want not it it ik on of y wkn pjpe m mow lown and viuqm 4v vn ujr pl vm carrying nolk notify k irrm h1 wt ratrwlioni tv ncah viry ihi yar wi itarfed with itioriaqr live ipjing runoff mv 1qm faoifiri ckud o tore wtr ioi turn nf wvfmc oot illafd a uul town nd wmled cr ar u0 rrtrr writer xf walrr il ul tn mduklry more will he rexjured at w baxom more iruitrialirh ii i trrlo mot important that we uve the watr without wtte fortunately when wattrworhi wf firl intlalle n acton lit red4nir ol town i new lat our looria of apply wi limilahl to a vof wiefutnei wvtctu wr metered thow wfto warned lo wttle toon found out tht it ws coitly whit ththm who were frugal were nor penalized lawn water irg t not epnive but a drive alxut town tkrta dayt revejli tkere i ltll wat hare th larch or niore and more water ywmj a oevf ending oie acton i litem ioukc of lupply i not yet m um but loong for w ard it will on i y be a ihor t i me until it capacity will fe fully utdiel there fiave leen no water ren iction m acton thu year oihrr ttan thr pty merit far ute and it t well to alway keep m maul that there it no place tor waste am the water ueif fievc has to be pumped into ifc mams antl tfieie are no gravity fed s0uct which tome tovns once employed but wfikfi are becoming more rare everybody is in favor everybody is in favor of ta reductions remarks the cutl scene but taa reductions unless accompanied by t reduction m government spondmij would be only a snare and a delusion people want tars reduced for two reasons ji tj pct a stop to the wasteful spmcimg of thr r monfy and b m order ifiat thry mjy tuve more of tleir own money to spmd on things they contider bxhf impont if the goverrinrit reduces lanes but continue to ipexi as before r s only build tng a fool s faradse tor the people to live m it k leading them to blive that they hjve more mone to ipend wheri m reality it is spending their future earnings in ad vance and heaping debis on their shouders whwh shey will have to carry l ttieir ives the belief is becoming general ihat when times are booming governments should in crease ther spending to kei the boom gong and when titiesare hard govern ments should tncreate ther spending to irxfrase employment and revive the boom t edt f hefc4ethat rjovem ments should at al tme contmuja fg in crease thrr sndrig of tfe pople momy ni should neser thnk of curtailing tir exfltus no matter what happavsi tio long tcf any country continue along ih s path without destroying its capi tal and means of production for a belter tomorrow tf yesterdays work was good tomor rows should be better puftmg ir m tke words of cw archie f bull walton s udcl officer of meaith the progress of the pt 10 years illuminates with opt mum tka proc- pec of the ymrt havd so were tf wevcu of the man m charge of hjjton coutht buitling health unit as he ubmhd hit rennuai report on the 1957 eccompjukmavtn of the organ cat on as tm brings changes and improw- menu to the face of so many tkjg to will time continue to slowly and iteeciily chinge the face of this health unit tn tt yar to come ten yars from today thouid thi evechsnging county of our limp pj with prog nd kpnd until it is rdy to burtt he health unit will be far try from today rut look beck 10 yean to the day nurnbav ol far teelnaj public ftpfrtfed uvdiwoaw oga the health unit and one rnioht have difficult making comparison with today buy medical tvealrh core of the county in t4j helton pop4lion was uit owr tt060 the mwi unw was ttaffad by ght deopu ftrtd ife ffi ymvt opsraiioni cost t0000 today tfve county boasts a population of rvealy three tunes at many a booming 85000 and the 1957 budget was lust ovr 50000 today a tuff of 4 a fw of ttsem pari lime carry out duties of the public health office progress dr bull says t unit is now reaping llw benefits from the wonv whicti bog an on such a small scale 10 years 0 he point to live infant nvotuty rate i llw mamrnal rvsortahty rale which have bn reduced to one half tfie rate of 10 yem ago hat ion t infant death rale of 16 one of the lowest death rates tfie world pfqiyit dipiitlseria hat dnappearef poltomyelilis is fading into mstgnif narwe following ttie diuovery of an effective vac cm and tuberculosis while it ttill wreaks considerable illneu and disability is ro longer considered e twg killer as ii onre was progress suflkiem influence with plan nng boards and councils has enabled the health unit to control development of new subdivisions so that homes can be properly serviced and now no major problems n environnsantal sanitation are reported and what of the future tfie direttor o tfie unit promises his staff will conimue lo to everylfurg possible lo prevent iti timely deatfts from disease and to promote liealth and hapfmess m halton county we think they can do it and the pages of clinical nursing denial school and sanila- lional service reports included m the an nual repon sttow tfie staff has been doing this for itie past 10 years the foundatiort lias been laid end itte groundwork completed for one ol lite test county health service organizations you can find here t wishing them continued success during the net decade yes the neit ten tury of combatting medical health problems in halton wherein is the future wherein lrs tfie future of municipal councils amerem lie the responsibilities of municipal count ih the gordut commission report iiys ttiat m the increasingly ur banned society whic h is evolving canadians will e well advised to take fresh und constructive mtrrest in tfie affairs of city lull here morij than at any other- level of government during tfie nef twenty years new thinking will hve to le done we would like to think tins was a simple answer to what is undoubtedly a complex problem unfortunately this is not the cise the rcspons bilities of municipal councils have been gradually and continually vhit lied avtay until now there is little that can be accomplishfvl without tre approval of a provincial or federal department and ihc consequent grant it is important that all levels of govern merit cooperale i making cities and towns functionally elf k ierit pleasant to live in settgoverned and financially able to keep pace with the requirements of modern com munity well being and continuing urban growth under the present financial structure where municipalities collect funds only on real estate or from the provincial or federal treasury the field of responsibility falling to municipal councils will continue to be i nil ted the future for municpal councils is not bright the re pons bit ies of municipal councils are dechimg as each new provin c al or lctefal hand out n coce ved a fresh and construct ve interest n the affarso hju jdulj tth thing tor which city hall is responsible are to be continually decreased the problem requires new financial ar rangements that allow the collection of fund for local purposes on some other bess than real estate taaet the answer is not n larger grants wjth more and more strings attached others papers comment a report he come out of ottawa sayt the winnipeg tribune suggesting that us official there will edvie their government m washington to lift their quota control on import of canadian oil it it said that ameri can offils m ottawa have come to accept me canadian government t pot it on mat canadian oil represent a vrtal source in term of continental defense it it not dif ficult to guet that the middle eatt crsu hai had its influence in the changed thinking m it a still a toorc of annoyance to us citizens residing on the canadian sde of the botdev oyi the windsor star thai they are restricted in the use of their automobiles unless they import therrv in the regular way as a neighborly gettur and in our own beat interaalt border communities shoujd do nrerything poisibu to accommodate ameri cans who take up residence in this country neath the shade gad about processing eliminates squeals when v unnti r tlmii in tiwn itu n- vn iltlt f fixl hm txaintf hui tl1- jlllltl mi in itrly iihiimiiiiiii mm fiimliin iimi ltt ii ovil ilnrv oni tow i- s 1 1 in in inimili kti- llhh ill i mffl- htlll tiilf 14i u il lirritti ownil ly hi- f in ilu ml iiih tin tjt kti- ui m iblln lut ui n u in i n tmn i 1 uin- q rt itv fm m ami 1 uitilm uiipliit all tin mn v- ill- i fh finilv ill mimmir ant until ikximtmr tti n llllt hi llllhl wll m tatilik tiotn ih south aiul no rod htori fiilitm fn vhunr iiiit ttx lli iirut ttu iuli hi th- uin- lil a iltl o ihi f iiil i 4i miri11v kl l will ixmllllt r 1 pit 01 hilf 1 iiuii tm lit im- kpl until tn ty th- hm h m dun- wivit r cttti- wr hail a jyfm row mil arli in inn filhi 1 h uk ti n i i 1 1 llii or n wi hrmict it tiitw it ui hkimil in lh p 1 u mil- tti- kim unit hnl on th- 1- plu mi ik ml giirirn sn n- iu kill it man ulxut jim puitu 111 1 h- ulv fur suiifhli rma tin n- win- immir ihri ih 1 min in tlim- ix iinmitmi if u pik v- imitid that i tlctcl- th ftr t n rjinr in june or july u hen it v 1 niir tn put nni in lh pn num to vi p it frni routing up th nilirt- mil aiiotthr uiir ami whin it itll hill nurt 1l 1 1 out tin mii itmlf m i tun i i u pull- 1 lk in hs th inn i or vni th r in tl k ttx hum ml tnil iliiv v vh n i w i r 11ii ufn hi h ip kill the pic mhirh uuill t plai on 1 st- un1 uprr ii- n clock on mhii immt i hiv mritiinil ih- p miimiiim jt tl tip of itv luiitfy i mvt iiijiii ittw uilltr ht ixum- it hi1 mt i mmi hi kivr pnl h it f hnii til hutert thnt iir ftminir mhrirk and mml of the tlr of th- hiui er- tightly 1 lil in hut out thp niiiw kor v rr ttiul more g ii ih mii tti y hint wiit- f rid t i i unr 1 come p ih h 1 flllu lllt i1i1i llf 11011 lioxnh ih t llih 1 lioi tlliollm ioo pikh ii sllllltll hai 1 ih toiiito plinl f init i k c iiniltlt kiiuwn v th miiu immhihi 1 tins i tin flil iiitill ill in of t 11 uii ldi juipm nl fi 1n1m1l tvluthti in to 11 1 in i on of ii r 1 t 1 it nt1h w k mi t 11 piim1 nt f cin- kii paki viiil thit it mi ihi mpim intuition to nlill vim- ilwr iiuipmnl in nil of the com tn plintv nrioi cinnli jut 11 on ii nuinu m nt viv uitiv- tmt thit th toionto lntlultlln iv roitipl til woikihh th hon inimohihri wtmti cm p rait ml u tapaiitv of 40 hs n i01 01 ls i m v ti a imn- ih nv uihiwl m ivnmit k moil ill 1 th lumioliiliii s ti xillnic ivr on ul 1 tun ni a iiaiiow tun via jik tn- r 11 1 1wn into 11 can liixitr himut mil nluin to thr vxi ml iiihiiii4ioiis t rtni hitf thry lnfvd fur furthir proctming the inlirr umiation from th- tim a hik vnlrri thr inimibilirr until is iliiughlititl lakes ah nit 7 tcottd sin i th- appi miniuti i fifth of mund of rarhon dnxih- mliilid t 4 ho ix noutfh to n ti ll 1 it ornpl 1 1 uikiinujiuii fur from 111 to mm ntinutts the op- 1 rition m rtmibiditit hi im- lhr mini htiritane mrthod of pmrllcahu hniht r known to modrrn 1 in 4 tin 1 nln dioxidr whirh ir- rivi- i tank tiuik i- pump1 in to 1 stoiairr irik it thr plant fni ur us 1 itpuiiil cjiwii it of thr vhuay lank 1 immmi munitv mi- ftttl ih f ttflh of itiunil p 1 ho for 70lk anitnalfc cu- rofu nhitt in iir tint ihim- in 1 f thr iinni hiltr itniiiim at a lotivtant 4 to s p 1 14 nt this sundays church calendar thi anoucan cmuccm of canada 81 alt cfcark aua omt kcv lhilin a sir ltli svndav august 17th lav illth sunday airreb thisitv 0 mm huly communion 11 00 jn ulln due to rmuvuikiu u the churrh tlwr wtu b no arrvur ui kt albabi ua sunaur aufuit 17 and sunday auu m ruat wrvut artar cumnlaiitm if work will oa aiuru 31 v ith 11 w ajn choral cumatunlan bay philip a juwyw l th acton nmtseottai caukblll boad w kaaoaui j bald rutar n cook buaha tww sukdav august 17th imh 1000 ajn sunday school 1108 aan uarauur wonhia 7j0 pjulevaaiauauc uarviea wadnaaday 8 pjn prayer and blbla study friday vm chrth awbaaaad- orm dally vacation bible school auu- uit 18m unitc0 church of canada aalaa qaarl he gordon adm nl a bd uinulrr i va aunafe 30 uur avnua phone eo ur ccoirt rillolt orsaniit and chor ladrr t6 itovr ave artun phona sunday august 17th ibm 10 00 am junior church and church school 11 is a m uorninj worahip tamist chuich acton sunday august 17th 106a 43 am church school 1100 nm slornmc worahip ur itichard mctavuh quclph ont heuvtbun ouwcm in canada knox cmimch acton rnaakw r ilekamla ibm m the good old days back in 1938 back in 1908 suniuy avovmt ilth 1100 amamornlnt x i17w 1 llfrrnhlp canada iarkrrk rnak uu f tli iiptiv ix1l ptl to tin hi lallh uu ohm iim pilot to slatjh1l i ih ptiv lxlt pivtol i tin viutdl foi hiv howrvt mr ji 1jmi jld llg have alway iinlnl 4uilr ti ptit hm in ihi itliid mid w hii had thr m1 lr undi r ktndy for u lrit pri1 tun th iln dioxid mi th h1 mount lo ih the lnt taohilioii und it ii lnidrl lo matll it wl thi toronto plant onr we nrr kalirid that it will work unoothly umlu vurymit xandilion we pr- po to prmrd with the mnuallst- nri of miliar rtjuipm m m all of our th i plant- ami so lhr um final spiral of thr pin hi bn ilimirialdst nd from now on he will ntvr our niinla ms a food with irvi noim- in in akmni irokmji i ixirik mid o ri tin y aii start alterations to st albans church a n w floor mh f itxl n na1nn to llir hratinjt ymrin at st altwn anicn chuh imtfan on mori ilu of thii unk h lrdalr and utnri contruf turn cnn w lit nny unr of the chuicn warden explained lhr rhmrh would rlihmo fr wrvc ih r xt two wik dm n thr ihi m f 1 iivltuill ii w ii pmtrd out in fori- th 1 oi w laid it wav in v t pour ttrw ciiiinit wtiutnnnt and ilt th hiatina trm aflr ctimpltiin of ihe floor and mlr riniliiiu a new rotf w 1 h put on xp until mr m otituaty hold funeral service for mrs a mcmullen mnv friend anii rclalivpa at- t ended th nrvicr at uvr rumliy ilinrml homr on saturdai nflei non for mr albert mcmdun 77 ihwtr aaetiue who died thir- klav auual 1 in st j rpn humii on iph aft r a mirf illnrh a result nt of acton for mrr h yiarx the former tarnon imimi roinph wan born in thedf- rd ont and waj married at kemhle in 19g2 in former iarm hr an active membfr of artun lup- tist church her hubbiei includett power ttxdtmni nd nectuvwirk itevicira her huabarul albert he im lunivrd by throe brttthc krunk of acloh jimn of suikis luy and cturlj uf rurkea falu alan urinf re am tuughter and three mm gracr urt ruy acnew acton iduriai uri mr- vin reid acton iviviani urs mac mccullnuch nurlh bay iwil- da uri steve perry hmiutl uurn mr ivan kirkneat kit chener and i lola i urs jack smith london jack of acturi and wilbert and albert both tirontn there arc 35 grandchild ren hrv walter shall of phal bourne baptiat church conduetotl the fun eral urvlcr and inurment ww in fatrvitw cemetery acton pau- baarari war jack hoimm xd locan nelson stanley eail jar- dan harry alccuiluimb and huw- ard s urn ley vtfcaq ta ttdfrtt wtw frm r ylmrwdlay aim ii iu- vuiki tuoi avry tart j llaluio rrr j u wkvui tm lu4u4ay fv irw iiaiitfci itiftial uklmk flhtf fhw uiuly wtial wfij by witf huty uflilvw d ii- hill i uhlfcy uow uui hm r tayw u au w uul f wil fj uh fpr miwff ait w liari aj a thylur wwi iihi huiuu ltut au al a mstuikg u amt lnrwy iij m h ftr wiimtom lr nj fltrir r waa tw unawi4 bhuu uur buail ur ik rtil- t j fibrtarytfcaaujar t 4 vkm by taw ts ul ur u a uuttis u vtuui itu is hiatal uwi bl him hua i v frtda tk wmllua uf t ubraia wj rair4fully tji4 tw aa4wt wmmi ittiiauis a vmy wjuaytlu ptau 0 livjy uwa 4 laa o w maiau riutfwdmf fumjh u tti rum tuit fv a4 uaaw- uj aavacr- wa jioya uicm buy it tu it un kmwim hiivii j sb uurwl uuya 10 la ii ys ijytt iu4rtawa earl uuu a ruualy of maiiui dii trurk aaj 4ui aubol nr in uluaium al the jujutautt of ttw aaa4iikilu tu4ius4 ud itt ftiaui lm maaaagawvya o uom- day utah drivi immimd niia- irijuuw the irim h mut tmt f ia41y dwurd hualrf wiuan of nungiwyfjn mu llw diim of uu trurk and ui ear wu drivmi t mai via tttown uf eivbwuimj that t u farm u uat l lw lmg ma to ur a ci cunil ln ad i mi w r h r vi loidi a f w r u th tnti o tin plopally wa dilloji y fill and a in w nodtin ti ham plud it a rim lout tltiao c thioiih th pnp tt attnri luti in iiat t 11 i 1 f mllixi hilt i t k adviot he opiiortumty wtirn ih y 1 1 iiim and unii uiidl tl to romph t th m oi our followrtl a ittftiy atfi mall 4 mint this tall fnfnn1 a del at at ih thr milton t m 111 w hi 11 ih on oti wm 72 mrr 1 th 0 at ton lain 1 a to allt 11 amt a tl all ir iai i a t ii w yik 1rm tka ua u uw r cnu yiarwtt aawl 11 last- al uw jf rnigril mung k4d m himday wag tag kjuw a iijpi amlliji ik ui lvy u w awtiia iaa liulir for liaar ym ikaal u uw vutmyu riwi l uwmm 9iv4wa trying hmmulm ifwfl aatiiaa high iskuj wwf r lilt tlurf were uumai atafwia hmm o hi hw wiwu urubavil jfal- a hrveif b aavaia hi tl rna niai- rnuulua wajfmt o tttuwu atuut kif h twi ui avintay wadujil tiw yuuaa j who bad culfta tl bwi kjuji utr- i a onnltnmtd u igtit fi musm tu tjlry lavia4aaawi taifc tuj uajuu aiuviaj a rmn j umjub uf lu fra wwiluw ca uw tuutfet u4 uf uw hojtuiftj a tiuanlinr tj youcwl mm ihim- ukg a ul tm uw our ralard n alartn and uw uuurt had in uw uttum and uo awwr av-fo- tlf uijy fcunr trui id ia uatuw iau of baauta a4 puilwl mm- lwlajid t ikr twftun th rthll axmaxai ill ual i all ujtrfja w g i u4rrust fawaiu fink fi rfi sua ttbuh wu th ltwal at til huawwan kuilai tuuru oil ui tojuilu graced alton fji r th ihu isartu ut tutl iluriburi ai ban waft th ui i it 71 u ttm lx uaatt ii iji h 1 th ir fooftil lualmulltf via tot y oarr frgttan by avfaatrf lkn in lha pat kj- u salunuy by th iniir d tl cvmyofi hi i ih ball arul f i if i nt tl i v rfc f i 1 oi th r-tr- aft i th ft innn llint wa nvn a ton now tl i atfo i ar a t r- mn i h um n mll s1i w mi m ly anlrvi l in tt i j fi it mmh ult a t t- t ttrn to ural is- f i t no n ftht tr nl ir f ol tf r low tt f r 1 f j in 11 11 r n -tot- of ac t n ij playe1 ilii k tu x1r rxemrui j laihn n t f imj v ii cmoll l in m i f 32 t2 al playing wl n m nii ar t m i 1 h s vi wu an cfwng un- nolti n iian 1iit a rum i on t tti rluim- pil nllimilim old imrt ihi vil professional directory and travellers guide db w g c kenncy ihiiun and surrnn offir in smn ii 3 a mjii kl c at in imrrr ihnr 7b hi mlrnr- 115 oitirri s f plimr 150 db d a garrcit iliynrun and surgmn corn r it wili and h vr si virtiiajior rumuy funcral home iltir ajo nifhl ur dj mi r e viumklr mir hlaturitactuk inn lli st a lm ontr ihonp z3 office rliwr limn jutr 27 unll ta 2ivm db robert d buckner phyiinn and surcin m wm nln hi a ion onl lhunr 07u offi ii i hh t n rial thtatt and inua t f i whight m wlbur si ailoa ontjro lhia m arvir uaa eiliu and liuuranca wm p bracken insurance agency mill si rrt a b moore d c l irflini sixifir sim- i4lil im mll st- ill 411 m orrr ho u wd 7 sal j- j orncai e l buchneb ro oplnn t it um st r phone iii flftcr hour wdnrl 111 ill knir by appointment nbvlj citmual inbllranck j uebt wood insubance agency life nd general lnirjte phone 5a5 12 m 11 ht altar hour ta wu guelpn dental do h 1eib danlal suraeon office carner lill and frederick street office hour llv autrun it tclkpiionk ik db a j buchanan dental surrroo office sa mid streen office unuea a fn to p m clotcd wedneadav afternoon ttlfphoaa 1u toat c f ieatherland q c rlarrltu- a solicitor nourv public office hour 16a am lfa am 1 aft pin iw pm saturaays by aprumnunaa only omcc b mian haa 1s1 acton u a bfiaioa 9a barruitr soumlor notary puhll 1t1 malnei- a alon ont 1eveb i hoskin chart r 4 rmntanta m uu s n 113 kn 3l hrjmitmi totojou 1 ihune ci 1o0 km l neville sioller l co a untanta an4 audilara ttinr m ilinariapuy 3 l s atin iciuner of main felepriune 10 llr d office uu blov st waal tor nto lt 15m eabl g black h conm ri a ca maktlhtxj aixxmjntant ian rt tult io uain st liiton onl th law havillw ouith gbay coach uw5 oaluui uuvc actom dajrlurtl tlma kaalbauna s3 ant idajy aaoah sua and hjj ant ii 1 1 15 am mm am lit p m 5 fat pm js a m p ni i ura pa tavi aaal hail vfaalbmirul toam iiji am ttt pjav in im tit pjn 11 a ifjl im i is aaatirru al asit canadian national iauwavs sundacd tim tmhiimail dally iii uu salty ptiona offia llauraiji pm k k a u a pm offle wouw m s 4d ito mjm it m 4