itw aetert fr fern iwid auutt im 158 expecf 1700 saving to hydro consumers by purchase of willow street substation uyat aetu er axeaetad early m lase to ewy v ewr n rr u www rta u th wr- ui wllkw htrvrt ubjlwui ka i and adoption of a iw fwui black ru lyumu ls4 ih rui it mo wj gtv by atj rutlic ll 14 commuaion t j pm hae hub station no 1 fion ih ll1ii r i- r to uw town of hlcw of the power to ui amount th rl tf ih kubrtatiun to th public imililiea cofltmu will amouai u i7 1w but ih cmn i h41uu4 kph wing inlh cmi i t ptvkt amounting- in tl uu tier hji this tut omibtnvd u tth i th nr ratr system with lout t i mr will be enjoyed li i4uuin- f uic rowr conuiuauun auo tprjved in adupiiun uf dtffarmtt nt system tr th do tnbuuun powa twe ubrtatktns trrttc the com munlty orf arloiv mo i on will fttrt and no luu queen stiwl atw to uii th willow slrwt subalatum waa huu hr in hkjc u1hi and ttebanlura wvrv issued by th the wituw kuwl ubatauun ft leash st in evplanailon ik wruu of the willow strt subauium loer urrhaad front th ha pc intrn a bank of lhr so kva liana tnnrrs at it aw volts and u redueed for oomwltc and cum rum lal ronmmplum lu ism vlllt ciaijuc mvur inside the sub ullon lesuster th idvhin of tu it bring used from th ii r wt and a meter on th sm stmulpu cmlrtiw puwtr north of uiu httwrt an tirilnary ttout irtr phtua iiulu4uij smith wal uf willow to j th amount of utwef being lit rntly no i hubatatton u on ly bttigi ud la 0 pr rvnt i f lu ri4ily and no suwialuui 31 mtt rrttt llowvr th rthtvmlaion will itaibjy lnrraar th ui y f nu l ulitmn and rlur ih nsd on nu l uuu rdurin lh thv tiwii tn ii rnliiht a romum rhrfc ui mwrr linna ta muiuc avhllabl by imp whn wttirh ttw thr lad nn varli acl imi of lon and in raw of an ovir load iv ahmt rlrruit urvakw w lu hr imhi to orvfil damatf lo th otlanm lima auttlying llw pinminit hk atnj whin a owr abufoff occur hydro mtaiy imumdutrly tour ih aifctd arrs and aialte nr- i nurj rvpajn aflr which lh lrrkrr switch i ciomnj allow uitf a fuiw of ruirrnt through tlia lln 1 tirv dor woouiit if puwtr ruliauinvd in town alao thows wlirti lk pwk lud utcur hylv unr wutuimt u fciaann rvtxorti this takaa iur at ui noon hour with th uiw b- 1jd and a0 ara tn iwvf auiuly for artun la rvrlvad frum th liuih lnal n atatton in oulpii which alaii u4- ults fvikujl uuluti and korfc uvw bataa cmiiiii lafuu t thai i man s j sir wart pitlntrd out thu wk th i uriiof of lh purrhaar of th aiib tit turn waa to gtvr th nuituni uwr rlij lluu tjswn9 w h bnrflt from th aurplua urun ulatrd ovir ih dam fw yar mr cuwiri vaplalrwd if ikr mm phia uii divldrd armtns iht c u uiiirri thir w mild it uuh tbr grapiilc mrtf iiulwaltrtg llu- rigliklbl aiihminl tl wul i un1l u nuitcnl in u4irrhaaiii uw solalation ctn aavi apujimlmabty 91 too y ar in ih ot of mwr w ih in lurn a ba uyd by ih c m autiirr th chairman stair irt u- b ih building of th atmhm in 103 ih tiwn f arbm rclvtd lu lctrulty fnvn alvani rncrntini plant altuatst in the foiinwr llaiba 1 jltnratory bulutknx tttth sflo kva tftansrokmhs tht hirnin th power from lh hh tntton lino at rh willow strt subualon ai included m ih pko d1 of lh purchau of the haion from th hepc by arton public ulilite conmiwion the electricity it reduced from 27 600 volt to 7 300 volti for coniurrwr u ie the puc expect a reduction in tai to the comumert tkrough the purchave of the wjiiow street substation film sr r ice save 50 ok kodak film promotion spocul for each roll of mm wt at minion auare fir drvflopmg you may purrha a nw rolj of film fikr only itrgular lrir htntont 5 to 1 slor tmexmo nm maim ucakcb switch at the wnow street subttenon is hydro superintendent d maton i he inspect e station before the acton public utilities com ma ton authorize purchase of the unit owned and mam tamed by the he pc the station when taken over by the acton comtriwion is expected lo show an approximate 700 saving per year to the ratepayers in case of a short circuit or power break of any kind the breaker switch kicks out cutting off all power affected and protects the service lines ai tf the end of dec mbcr 1057 the tlnliih and foroli n nil if vr i irty rrtortpd ineuafr in which thr u hole itibli hm bom publistifd 211 i i ununiifi tn which thf com i i tr nrw tiflarmnt haa bet n puhlinh1 20 lmxuaica in which at t a mpcj or aom other whou bthtk of thr ilihlc hai born pot it hio ml t iul lanfuagrt in which rnmr part of thr irblr has been inblth- cdilt7 bae paaaafm thrrr ar mmr 90 or morr lin tior in which amort pojuari i r collacthms of paaamrs hav r ixrn publikhtmi but in which no c m- putf buok of th bible has npixar t slice ted readtnffs for next work bunday paalmi 37 1 ii monday pmalnu 92 1 12 txiaaday plmi 94 1 s3 wadaaadoy cor- nthiiu 1 lll thursday 3 cor- inthiant 6 1 18 triday psalms 113 i 0 saturday fsalma ik is local family doctor addresses acton w i hrllh ib tvtlrr than uralth was th topic of an inf rmtl talk by dr it buckfirr at the acton women a institute meeting on thuraday aftrnoi at the horn of mr jamea wild mam stttxt south latroduced by mra hut kund eaavntm- of the meeting thf speaker rnvphaancd the tact that i esbiiy luvurira acquired with men- i i y are not always an aid to good health often th pressure of mak ing nsenlhly payment is a uorrv and tutrtmental to the peace of mtnd that contnbutra to happy naahhy living sfcaalt itaep bawy the need for people to knp hiuf end to wake an effort to do ttunga is neeeeabry in these days mbest werk and tins amverm re i entity attained it annuls be r tnefftbetmt that the busy person u the brthlt and happiest the voll call was uuwered by a meufe for the auea which man- monad again the need to keep busy and target to h blue mrs buck- lml hiiitinnsed m kwely poem a evhyer tttf oasd uvlng- etra w amgasx thanked jr sn r hi prtftdrnt mm ci rge hirsravi ltiiut the ladies to her him f th n xt nit- ling ttu d ninntu mtvci lunch i dennys insurance agency auto life fire etc the onlv local a font uting cinkdas firat knge pol cy to include aulo nt a dicount no need to wait it rrrditi u ill be ii n for exiilinit nviimnrr ir c ourloni irnl filtndlv s r icl call 455 39 nreck si acton police radar waa act up in ar- ton b fore 7am this morning th utis pri n j b rnt it ik ihmjlm tht th fm rl cvrrnnunt will hii lo b rr w a mcmm r iciiimr pt billion in th currnt year t piver its luidctt d f ictt new htans and ex i irillfc imutd 1skiks w stock nd order simplicity mccall butterick patterns hintons 5c to 100 store attention trailer owners georgetown propane gas service has alt types op propane tanks in stock oil tr 72032 or 2461 collect km mksmw delivery md smrvicc cut painting costs in half with r 980 gordon hardware limited h10ni 7t 23 mim it arte ltpi kjiuniium summer slump heck no hes been shopping with his wife people keep reading r newspapers all summer long no summer rplmtrtiit for tfut rvuwtpjph people keep buying tt af ion ffee pint and reaj iq it rror in aikjust than in january juif about voryon rdi nwipepgrl do you know anyone wtwj donvi i reati a newspaper wrmnvr they want any time of day or night at home in the rjfk in hut or car as much as they want quick headline or full story m pictures and words that can l be doubled o dinned that c in le cl pprd kept rev iwcd ompired if you want sala act on all lumrner long advert n in ire medium ttvat hes all ycor cuvkjoiert mmcr long i people buy more in summer than y other months of the year people keep buying all summer long plenty of customers in an average week during the summer 4 of all famil es are noi on vacation they re at home they need things for their vacation trip for weekends for usi plan living and rv summertime folks live better than ever in many ways opportunity knocks every day of the week all through au gust if you ii simply promote the pfjducts and appeals that sell n summer from taihiont to outside furn ture from apples to ar cond doner s business can boom if you lk n folks who can pois hly buy y adveefis eg n the med um that foias neer stop read ng the acton free press serving acton and district since 1875 56 mill st acton phone 600601