Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1958, p. 7

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rfv38 iff is- m ktt bocxc anb mm wih 4uly m btouo bv f iuai ul to hi honwund mnd th ptlnllna wt pftnld lo him by frtandi when h lumd to ftound w villi m drly maw m tuciu nd ftmily liv on iwm in irtmoti towmlxp nd hv bn m cmfdj pot j i yrt h md tw irlp ts pound ty pn thu wil lh lownihlp mmr irul trip tma tine coming lo ctntd ikhhtlllkmmawhm eramosa farmer visits homeland pfcur buruc an tainosa tuuti- hip nnw returned from a viut to iul md hi lurni land recmtly wtun lie wi joyed viit with lui ld rl motlur he found quit idu changes m the afct 31 ytar thr lingth of time mice he uf thai country there i hydro nuw and belter rd th re ing on unit iiltt ntw homt itv tbid tlioujjb uuuty build ddjiwjfed djring tin secom li ft unpuil vd twe f i lutive guv urhufiw two itinif to biitiit bark to cana is u rural irene with a k nd udaide hsprl ttn lonely lif f a uoriuui and child wiilk trie lined pjth ii ir detful but un hn lai itsilled by plant li lii he ioiik j urney in only i h f and mi nil mult n n hu iturn tut uiyi it wu a wn rao4titttr fljlo to 1uleml ih at putt wua returning t u on thr ko kwood i lie ii hnim now personal notes of actoniant vtting oytef town point and of visitor m acton homtt ttv ad mrt c t simon of london vtelled mr and uti nun harrli recently mr and mrt mac symnii iiwl family arc holidaying in oiiwi and alfimquln park lira euie wood ut toronto via- ted over thr wek end with ur and un john wum1 mr anil mrs roy klrknes urid tavetr daughter klmbarly ar- hoi day ing at ilracebrlttgc jerk minion and david ryder returned thu wk mm shi i wood rura camp carnarvon miimi roberta and juanlt mc dnufall are vlbiling th tr eouln hty and marilyn l mun mr and mr c cjnpbu of othawa vlaitrd lbt k it rflrt with mr and mra c i rognvaldtm mr robrrt ralry fn of to ronto vlaitad with mi w j hall and mlaa marrir hull lat ik 3r- bcdimald n- a uc mi 6ii and uuu jn o rt irn of tfirnlo raund on arun fnmd uila weok frtanda arr glad mra uary gri- kam u ablr tn l horn aft r tiai irvf thr llgamant of her foot whilr on holiday a r mr and mra kitbv willium and family of cook wile mmih1 ihr pat weekind u ill mr and mra a orr mia marilyn lrnion him r uirnad horn from toronto h fthr vultcd hrr niiim for two wrrka holiday mr and mr gordon akttt and fihrrrl of wtrdow n and rill orrrr of acton jknt tht wrtkond at vlrginlatoun mr and mr frank 11m r if clrwland ohio pcnt ll vmk at thr homr of john and jacob daurr and family acton mr and mra 11 c hugnaidoh of elliott laka art viiliig thu week with their daughter mr j tat ton and family of acton mlaa vivian smith and nancv rugnvaldaon art aitrnding thir week at mtramichi thr unltctl church camp at port elgin ont mr and mr j hatfield of con necticut ohio arr matting ill their daughter and onlnla mr and mr j c linny rrdrck wl mr wh wolfe and har fi- anni peter paul sltvwi michael and mark ar un a motor trip tu ottawa muntrral quctxc citv and th eaatern state father v j morn an ruvi re turned trm a trip to europ mr and mra lome mcrndi ol north ray vtaitrd tth mr aim mra f terry lait weekend right wvrthlpful knight c k browne and mra ttrownr wrri gueau at 1 dmnrr f oiim branch rt at black prrcvptory held in the hoy a i hotrl ahi on saturday august d mr and mra j r drown and mlaa beverley drown of gait and mr and mra jim greer and prtei of acton have returned after pending two week vacation neai bracebridge shortill sheit metal kumtato hiavin8 ktt vlnh iwntn ttvthutnjnti 184 churchill uo4 htoni 44 julhililjiiti 1 1 w gucant visitors at the home of auv and mra c i poole were ur and mrs jim garilinir of ouajph and mr and mr geotge r pool and ut nancy imiic of turtmu ui ken knoi rowr a v mo ha i tunitd from un n inhtt tourjj fur op antl the miltllr eat she wa on an innmttin trip national snriuiy if iti savr th c hillrrn rund or and mr j h hur- suwn jt hnnn itin and llnici 1 ft on mondav for thru honu tirtu haute indiana susan and johnnie nd uptnt tiicht wttks w ill tht ir k ardpitn un mr und mk j m stiu mr and mm h ailnr iann and mrt m arbic n turned honu uunduy niaht from a two wik mulor trip thmuiih the ntok mounluin and to nukjiwu lui nmn ort knox aniit1 1 f oiitanti ijjin itrctnt tkltorn w ilh mr md mr j m sin li urrr mr mul mr h arr if whlbv mi and mvif c cunmnjihaoi of mtlton tir and mr dorgi smith and mr and mr hnrimd dolson of grnrgeltiwn mr and mi h nickhn of cuilph mrt loui mcmurruy of toronto mrs oracr heed of the hobo i little public achml pnd mim o uuli i allt ndetl tht fnl nnnuil met linn of the fl t icinudim colli gc of teaclm hi id ut thi brock until n i kara lulk ol monday t ho f bpcuki ti for uu 1 y ii dun cotitto of tht un imrnly of allmita mi volt pnmipul of stralfoid coll hi and mln cottingham from hut h columhii willard hull day and it in v ktrknr iftir pnding the montli f july with ii n farmer at hi mmmi r rcidenci on ijiki simrrn left on friday awjjuid 1 i tians cannda aulini f i new y rk whin thr ar now visitmn il v tuthi i tnnitr v illinm and lit 1 1 tultintl l ri port rceeu d tht v an t hoi out hi v rnjo mt thtrnst kes open nw burlington bypass viral link in sky locals thr ruin on tueuta night w- nuiat vitlcone to irryom i pv alt tin at dent gardeni i don t forgrt the minor i tie- ball playoff at the park und achimils tonight thursday swimming in fairy lak seem to be the main pajttime of many of th kthool chiltlien thi hut da ovation fob cripptfn a special ovation was accorded hre tilppled boy scouts among hi 81 youths fnun weatern ontario ho rect httt their quew a soul cttificates from ontario lit uten- tnt governor j keillor mackay iso vd uld at aaaumption jnivcnuly windsor ncentlv the hree nrcialmontum scouts ir luded twin brothers kendall and ivendcll drown of the first irtght s grove trotvp both cilppl n1 with muscular dystrophy and lohn p marentettr of the siitth vtndaor troop who is cnpoltd vith cerebral pals robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists parwnly k p hetd vhonc outthi tx 43071 si si qatqt sqiwiw way pi ans burlington a vital luifc tit chain of highways and tot ffa forming the apprueih w th aurunglun avkyway th burling um ii y pas was offulally ojm rnl by ontario mintter of llighwd fred m cass when he rut a h bofi at the urenl kl ovaruaaa only minute utr traffur iir id ovir the new two and own uuartcr mile four ian high runnlrir fiom hiithwuy no 21 to r i ii man am linking tin ju n hliratmth wnv with thi skywiv ln mtit al the mi mmiv u n mayor john a lmkhtt mm hull m im for halton rtmnl lleeve willuini llountlun mkui counciiloia antl officotl f th ie luiilmt nt of hitlhwayb mmirlir tnwi otui tin iihiimi of una raw pmx of highway wa jit un intl inn of what i foiiif mi all o r ont in i iiu lupaititonl f idkhw o w rkmn out a tn nu rulout m riiini and thi i partmrnt in il all riu to thai tin uuilinktoii m i il f mniil part of tht vt to ipioitlu- t thi mivniin the minikin tjt1 it wuk prtttd tloil tht 11 v mis w told ink n k hhi dl f llllll i fl tin i tut cjuo n miiibtth uu wilhr lliliiuii who h u u i m l wn tii i i i tan iismin ou that w wt n i hnv an t hi i imp il si ns m with out tin skywit iint hit opinio is ttill pi lid t i t iki pi r ut fill hi ild nttui ti n of in lly uis t h i fu in n almt itl montht and tola u of the piojtl wtr tzontxkki m i john a ltkhrt ald hi ftlt the new ii v mm linking llui link n m ith th i t f tht id in 11 imvhw would provi to li i v i iinihitnt for tin town mr hull miinhir or hit im mtuitl i unt f t hilt i tints t 1141 lui id 1 ihi t ivtn fo hi int iv it w t ikiii in th hikhwnv ih m 1omrnt in ho dii tnrl 101 tntihliittl mrmt iisx dtpidy muosl r wj knit 11 j thil h r kihmiiiiiii th ilotriel iniinim t pi t w nu in kiotr of th i 1 p iso iiit toil othir tihulau uowyouffwam 72 alex wilson descendants unite at esquesing homestead mx and uri exnia wilson firt bjviy chir and mr and mra uw r4iia wf hst and cttwfutd douflaa nur fills btw few th wilfia reuavuiti kld akvwlvwed received a elsalr vd in sunday august 10 those pres- j and ubw jut were fruot htjalthaai torontn chatnm dlrou kort en kud- bury and milton and are jsjv1- inu of the late mr and mrs aim iviuon viho lived ua this farm for 1 number of years the oldt mianber pesenl was mrs james wilton ol milten and die youiuj4it wu jans- llpthenng- ton milton thos corning the furthest wvre mr and mr wlrd wilson and family of defvuit a picnic aupper wil served to about 12 relatives and friend who had uthered for this hapy event twa prwatsusas a iloublt prrsentiitiuri tok placw recoiitly in duffefin kcuud fur mi nellie dougl 0 speysldr who 1 leaving the itmr and will roaide in acton bh received a say many campers gnorant of safety i becking of fnhrrmeo by con- rivatiun officers of the onturio pitniirit of lnd and korril ia tiiouglit to light an alarming kooranif of m mo utxitit run p hi safuly mim i vation t 1 fieri a and forrit rol hon offituu point out that a good camper hiuil le fir mil- iiimi or soon tin re will b no date lift for him b ramp ontario iliiady thi annum r haa hud mur hart a thouasnd tor rat fires moat f hi 111 din lo human cartli they off r hear camp ifi ts ovliunia iluild your lamp fm fur iimiklng ir warmth on mlnerul miii or ro k 10 i loa to the witt r k p it small end im sun it a bud out bi fori you itave it ik it av i lo drown i wilii plenty of tur then feel through the afthri lo make ante no ajiark n i ft urn i light a e firr al all if ih wind i high or blowing in hoi 1 alwuvs obtain u truvl x mill r re tnivelllng through tin bush ft thi main highway it for your iwn mifi ty incuiisr ijnda and for ms nffici r will then know whin ii ir if u f ir ut fire hn tin ciata u vu martin davanpoh acumpannd by hn uroibsr tnd suurinlaw mr and mrs arthur davenport jlrn and wendy ouilph tiad eainping holiday last week 111 the algonquin park diatriet fir la b gd ttusunrig ii in full awtn jhise days and n ports ar that grain r turning out very food aoauidenng the dry suinnyrr have had paul 7lintrtrmui l spendiig couple of week with his grand- pan nt mr snd mu ed davrn put cmg rftttttalicaal congratulatiuns and beat withe tu nwwlywvd mr and mrs la vero ulacklock lola davisi nd to mr and mrs ltotrrt irirvwi tmargarrt jlirdi who were mar rlad recently the many frtandl and neighbor of mr gordon jpfffon will tx pleased to know that she i un irovlng nicely m houui gem r al lbpitl sod u remaining f trtatmint r a time alf haiikina returned to h home from the hoapltal whrro i had txen for 10 days auff ilnj from a h rfurated ulcer mr and mra h m turn- an mr aiut mi lnnk t hiaholm ol ti nded nuttm ralr und nunt h remalntbr f lh w ek r j at u k aim a point fftbshnalss ouarantkbo tu acton w fr thortdy augutt ii th im chusehsi local residents attend contest among tkoa wko att uv ow time fiddler cahut at qihlbourn last wek wer mr nd mr norm turner and mj and mrs clarence denny of thu neighbourhood l he tukets to the chicken rir- u t cburthjll w ii be nearly 11 sold out by die weekend harvest li in full swing hore in thu neighbour rumd and oat tire bemg rady tu be threshed now mr and mrs g g brook vuuiud t 1 iw mrrachern fjunly last mnday vrietid are sorry to hear that ur j- monti ha been in u loepha hmp tul fur the past thrae aeeka ii 1 tu tu hoped she srxai well eoovtgli to return home mr and mra ia swaekluutier hid daughter holidayed last weak for several daya at frenrh uy mis ury van uuirn of hamil ion eril laal week at the home of ficr grandparent mr and mr rt swat khurm r laaturtuy ftfrg fraaat fn attandxl a trquu te at moor- field tn honor oi mia mary fowler 9 uw ui lb usniiy the lovely flowers plird before th f chukkttl ehurch on sunday ware in uttmary of mr ijerb mcechern who psid away on year aj mr doug and gary mcmurdo of mai ion apwit a w days visiting their cousins vern and roy den ny mises june and cathy swark harmr are hohdjyinf tins weet with mi msry van goaten of ham hon ut your 11 nd inity and can 01 i ivl hi1m llbu u ledgers mwavl hi1m avllibu m add 17 new polling stations burlington ward one affected annoiinci ment lt week that the municipality of burlington would nu 1 new jwllinj utotions for it next municipal elect 1 n no ans two new olitng station in wnrd on the north wim corner of ih former nt ivm town hi nod 110 hn in wind tw hi 11 nth i at miner waul on the town offici said would recti two new station hut lb lorn t ion win not nnnouncnt pitmiit pollint km ths r nt kii hndi ivnll ihe home of w k lun ula on the cedar springs rid t inikiadale school and 12m ue ihnncv i rearint i ui uinl twa ward two lnotha are at h ii arhool hhiie tif carl cartwright 7inmnrmnn and the home of har- v v hunt v ilktr line uork till m m the town offtct said thit the imi wtis taken bicatisc nf the imitated population ami to n- mii fotii ntiiina our ixiwr- it nee lust i 11 uuluatinl that a ft w stition wi rt tthi large and w ere 1 huidkhip on the deput returning nffuii ami his suiff a sjhikt tmaii nd h added that tkauae of the mu o some of the motions th of fui r mid staff in th municipal iffui worked until 4v urn hst our to kit the rvsulu compkt other asuiuana ueaidi waid ont a two n w ktaliotis ward thiee will three ndditmnn wnrd f ur fe ml lit ns ward y ont uddil ion ward six two addition u ird svihi om addition war fight two addition and waid nine two additions otmum l7waj7j lhi tlvai av k t nimthfmt city umlu thun i matt at lll bridge on the river kwai tutul aui id teenage rebel adult mor in aui i deep six deep adventure 2 shows nightly re conversion loan youh ioiimfr victory loan salfsman is again orrhmnc his sr itvicrs in this nw atthactivf goviknmfnt of canada loan wi w i tx pit srd lo advise and isaist yih 11 convertuik vow pit ant victory il nd into thi ni w in nit with up to v mon intfiist plus cash bonus alan w are taking raafc order far thi new aerie without ennverslon f l wright 30 wiktur u n arts phsiw 95 comtnt i1m of kuultal iup41f4 to hi tmmk4 td oil mu4m4 comlu hock ol trh molw umi mmilnta uui buv1c maaiwi r 1 fm illwll mom actoh j s th guelph business college an40uncts ihe opining of its fail tfbm semcmblr 2nd er mmtday mnlh by ippmitat secretarial and complete office training courses guelph business college sinceoity in foucation c p wctls b a cir printlml tutlth taylw 4t7l clearance sale summer dry goods motily tun af oilt utd cuhbwi rudy is ww li iiinwai and sckal opmiing tku itmhl utv bn dud muil u so its tim to ramombar school in saplmttkah buy your back to school neds hintons 5e to 100 store 1 theatre school and workshop director elva newton pall term sept 9th dec llh adult cutmt tuat and thurs 710 pm junior cuiib saturday 1012 am rr 1 campbellville ulster 42623 to rent september ut to preferred tenants high class apartments located about the centre of the town handy to stores etc two safcontained apartments consisting of one bedroom sitting room fully equipped kitchen bath each clothes closets very comfortable and private nice outlook for personal appointment see f l wright realtor 30 wilbur st n acton memo to advertisers especially those who look beyond the white space of advertising columns when considering sales messages your potential customers and our readers are the same people your success in what you have to say about your product or service is directly related to the interest readers take in a publication and what t has to offer this abc report tells through audited facts the story of our responsive circulation audience how many people where they live and how they were influenced to be a part of that audience tq learn more about your customers and bur readers ask to see a copy of our latest abc report the acton free press

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