Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 21, 1958, p. 1

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wtw jurtm mttt fflfttfs eigrrryrourm vear no 8 acton ontario thursday august 2 1 n 1958 tan posvan cent gibbons fetes home run ace leads cavalcade to stadium ovr 100 1 childen from aelon tgkn minor spdrts basball 1- mue managers coaches and car eivera were unu of rudi sluwf- getuenrral manager of ihe toron to uaplr if ball club in wu ladlum in toronto on tut wty evening to see llenis lltton 14 yr old alhlrtr frtun acton pre sent rocky nelson hontr run king of the turunto maplr l f s ilh a trophy uenll 14 year old son of mr and un nail gibbon ma ft street ac ion wa the inner of a ounleat recently in wh ch lir gurued uir day inning and wllhtn onr nunthr f the limr lhat itorky nrlsnn ec- first basemen and homr run king uf in twnl club would rw k up hu llh amer wtaa rmsee for hi fforta in w innmi th con ire l iwnia w pit m ntrd w ith two bos seals for ittr lalari r of ihu year and al hest season at th stadium on tuesday he pre sented a trophy to lhr tofunu mugger and could invite all hi friends in the arum minor sporu in the game in toronto as ho meets kwby young denis aflrr itin-i- ing rocky in the players ruoin pa d for photngrapltcra and cttatlrd gift kj county j with th turn run king much to j ihe anvy of all the children who grouped around the au reenedln rtiun separating uir players from i thr fana at tu p m iltitis pitmnlrd hrtky nrlson with a trophy ti knocking tm 3mh homr run whtlt ktaajjwhg on thr mfirld withloik tkr couplr wwt thtittd by tin thousand id thr stands alt luting r gne liwn ij4 ui id tlr i n seclmn the artun lad tx iwrni munching on peanuts hoi dogi and drmkng cold pop wawd banners and rhrered fir their two in dim unlit lhr nhiin oatild lr inard far ariuaa lke ontario haurevd a nfnloitada f 34 rat loaded with children and led by ait o i i rruimr it ft atn prk nt u oclotk and headed f uapl iraf hladlum oprratin nt ivovnriil l- urampttmi pojlrr and tinto i il mthrr madi uir jhirnry a aafi and atradv unr mrt at uir humor bridgr by two moiortyclr ofllrrra of thr toionlo f rrc with rrd lighu flahinn on iiminrryclra and atrrnk wailing thr motorcadr fnm ac ion wai led along lhr lakr front aa offlrra vwl tar lo unr tidr to allow lhr proud and amiling youngitrra ftuin act n a ufr irr uag thruugh tin city at itr ktduin wtti c lt fiuni ai 4 allppl d with j h i dtay and itild d ink tuout ox ul t lhr ai un uu t i and n jf i r vkn 1ititng ml i ck t n mki nxiuy foi th i all j uuu win r t mnio anl lb ffl pi 1 i1 n t dimon 1 lb tiny ai ion tool ixand un oxk iiuii th r hll nip 1 i fn tmirkgr t n 1 r ml t m t vll uy ih v i r i kj toll 111 ml hulfa o n 7 1 trading itowr at th fh1 1 h v on mt i i th uitt thkaj1 v 1 r ill had to t t iitfr 1 1 w far i w rr a n f i h m spoil ium i r mv r- mi to ndmg up unav t i 1 ii in hit tara uiktt it th t till 1 tl r kladiiuo th two r i f no h 1 ffici klilhd alii i 0 r ianii ltl un it a jv i iivl t jru 1 i thr mulomkt in th ntv 111 hi i ivr i hrl d ihil in i an rxnlrd rhlhl d- id off hli rt 1 thr cats irft thi lit for mnj ill 1 ih u tin ir ftral trip lo m i1 u f s 1itni ami an on- ion to ml i ii ml mtm r ai thry were gu mi of t 1 1 morito bali club offer 100 acres for conservation halum county council has bwn 4hhvd to accept gift of inn arrra ot farm land for rrfirrulhm ami co purpoara at ih turaday aflrrmam meet ing mticlun hjnr and uc ul lough itf oak vil ir writing on ik- half ol cllenta lr jul ri turnrv nd un llatrl malhrwa aked if council would accept lhr property which la located on thr tlaa lane of tralalgar between thr fifth and h line th finance and agricultural committer are to study tse n- oaitlon and rtiirt at ote septrm bcr mi- iini aalta kalary illkr rit niiir k g itydcr of thr count ail milton apieared to ak council for higher guard aianr llr ointed out h a failure in hire an additional guard amcr api il bccaiofc of thi 3 rno alanine aal- arv warden william card oakwllr reviewed the kalarir had been attidiid earlier in thr ear and ftnind equal to olhiia in ihi ln- iiuc lliio tom m llw nd bnmi i han man of ihi f n itui fiimm llee aaid h ci mmitli winild tintl with tn il nimr lhin lo umi u l tr utiitmn ta atala c urn il n f lii1 a roiurt fim matnu k m ut lor ntlm in aalarv 4t jutn f thi jurn u and rmil lmni foi mat uci pt iim of th c mi aultativi i linn mi- on hih t- shi ittutntt i n ir nt n jnt u i n n at tueatl i a nutting th omm t let hid nhmmmi mini tlu p t il not ih hit mi h fch fchoil djlt u t lvjixl ninain in iti prearnt r tup qratia ra ti af jdji tow ihip gu i nd chiriita to lhr individual imin cip auitioa liv thr cimwh attttrne r- plaintng thry ihmighl that the crown atlimnrt w paid at lhr counl hrl ciuncil ugrred to hatr mr hiturll of the aunrtey- rnti4l drpartmnt atti nd lhr srptrmtihrr mrrtirvg to clarify lhr pruredurra a reauluthwi frm thr county of iin 1 at king an amrndrru nl lo the child wvlfarr act was appntved thr nanluunn wxiuld gle judge permission to tatend wardahlp for whm ataetitt until the age of si fur the furthering of thnr education durtm ttmataa tin scial annraation commit lr of council was akkrd to nwt t ith thr wrnt worth count v com- m tier to diacuva adjuttrm nl of llabil tim ami aaarli on thjt por- jim of fl fumtnro now m lhr town of iluihnctitn tlr jamury i nn t ion had brought a 113 ron 000 axaraamrnt int tlu c ounlv from wrnlworih oli r tiiinia at c uncil tiim- djy met ire f conn il i to ir not it t t ii malum niu m thilit e that in tt mlirr a b liw in lie nor nura- fig huiiii will ih pr ariuitl tt h nunic p ih h i tr ke1 i ir ip lii of thi xtii in which i x p ol to hp in btrf nmk fd tal wrtfinr prints tvr ikaauuaa w iviputv hot j rk c r t ton akktil if mdi ittujl nuinuip- ihtir ahould yi d nations to m ho l ftir n l irdwl hililnn noi- uj a rto nt ihiirt for 4id from th sunhinr nccnn i m milton tnr vaanltn iai1vitxl that tht ontario maoi and rni wir prtuntly k iu thi pruincal lpartment of tduiln for granu to a i tuwi od which would rrlirvr in dividimil muiik iplitmia ff ar irurementa wire nt woiiil hl thr ruiilmitii of abrl1t on tlu iv i iih- iinr n tr ti rra totut i i s duin uu work iykllru hired thr agieen fat nt it thili f sh th m f jtltl alterations to iuu n c nl nniul manor gf a iturlinkton ukitirn lha the ctmintv aumr all tau iinr nvatu m imntins ttmnthjm for uhl form maintinin w i h irutttl to thr itiadft int p inning itnni itots i oonnl md cah it did 1 jrtiiuur with th unit i hint- rr- i mil ut urn atkin n men ic frvim 0 prr ri nt to w pt r rt nt in tmiw plow mg nibkit- i king rla job i iff of st vi n ti ihii i rc ivod c him 1 1 i hiivr thi on of k i liv- i mg oakm ir f r uu hum of 73- 2i3 2s for ui c islrmtion ii asp hall it- no nit i v m fir tin miiriumnl of ih 1- t th ink ti icks m r mi w i on tht sim nib i l n t up ud i tl thr i n- i nintt r i ili tictttl to apply to he it il of tiajiivit lwnil- nrr i p i t il t do thr ok public hearing clerk j mrcrarhle announced thlm week that tne public hear- irig regardlaig ike application by the carporauati f lb town nf arian far annexation af parta nf the taw nali lp i aquealng baa been art far r rulay september is al ii am the bearing will be held in lhr caunrll chambers and all per- aaau wtahlaig apeak in tupiwrl af a in eppaaiueti ta the appll- i iii ha hear at ihla din is oluofjs rkivs hii tajaion box taat tick f pix shaohwr yoneral manager of fit toronto maple leaf eullfoub part payment or winning the pocky nelvon home run contest dann met rnemriera of the toronto ball club ami preveniei pocky with a trophy at over 20o acton fentjiri lh a tends ibeered no younq acfoo athlete for winning the contett oenn wini two bokflauu for the bler o lht tea ion and all of next thi homtaun kino of the toronto bell club received tropriy horn denis gibbon 14 year old tchoolboy from ac ion al aaeple leaf stadium on tuevdey night of that week rocky neuon itar home run hitter of ttie hall club wit pre tented with the trophy prtor to q t den it won live pocky nelton home hun contett and guetted within a minute the day inning and hour th batter would hit hit 35th homer no holton tfeer season pleas farmer petition ha ion will gain this year have no ofm n iinr sraaon it was learned to owl afuinimn at county coun- it august minting in the court tb iim of mttoni mi ighbonni onintira ulmcton l4vinl an omn aoaaon wnlw irth was aitulnat and mi re ply was mtivd fttim ivrl un the ounl s jttitudr thrrc c unpbt l ill farrrm r hi ginaid ami n atpi ih1 lefrr rou nr ii luimfjt with i pitition signed by in mi n itwj iwry resident pro- atlna any move 4y llalttai u open ht aeanm to hunters mr auaun reviewed that he spent the last sea um protecting 4ni prorrty against earrlola huntrrs who tore and shot ouwn rto topfcinji signs ln- iuiirj al will and utrd vlr ian fuage ivn ixith him and hu wifi warden card loaed the muttri when he reirwed that fuuurr in ennotincv an open m aaon by july 1 meant the season was closed the petition was mod with onincu any way parks board sees damage at park approves change check charge tb 11411 of 1 rks maiidi mrnt trnxdiy niht aft r a ililu y of dann mit in in nl n m o tbr t hanit abitloni in ln ret park dot id 1 lo l if 10 c nl f r lhr uir of tb 1 ti ht ih n n rlud mg 1 it kuik p u 1 kh 11 1 1 n rmlm in ioai1 ri un i uinl at th tlthl t of thr inn lin from run tit k r lt 1 r tlgr o i tlu use lhr p ml ua ma king t f uu nt w ly co ihtlutttl bu lding and 1 tier went o th rk to vi w th r sit nation a door m ulding hail n pried iff llmk ha 1 tnr ii loon id rbangc pkiiih had thtll umll as tavatury uulet ctm trots had been tamim rd with netal hiithsd doors had intn dcntit and other ilt thou peter wits celebrated hit ht birthday with fnendt and relative on sunday augmt 17 the nonagenarian hat lived in tho acton dutrict for 76 yeart and it pretently living at mi smith i nursing home on bower avenue he received many cvdt and gift on hit birthday weed haparvuian noting thr nerd for rontinoil upervision of tbr uir of tht build ing mrmlm ri agrred to thr rhangr and check chargr rnubling the al- irnilanrt of full limr nttrthbint thr lavatotira rriurhrd fron tbr outside of ibr tuildinc will nmam open without cbargr trustre a irwin n till thr nrtil for additional tencrut in thi 1 rhangr rooms ii was aim t plained lhr check nrnni had not lren operating since five riayi ui rriultrrl in rrvrnur of mt 80 a letter from the crown alto dry noted a recent drowning tr trajaur lawnahlp and xt muotclpallttra sruaild approve by laws requiring lifeajuard at unit- peter hilts 91 last sunday district resident 76 years imr milt oh in 1 i bis 111 h nrrid n attm od niki- tirtht i n sun 1 it au isl 17 a itmnl t tout h mis milt det in whin mm f i nd ml iltiva im4 and mr m ilu cont inuotl on thr dit ppi ii ii i ff t o i iluutions homrlrad until recently in to r j 1 u fi v t ilimn now in fair health mr milt m mr mil i 01 k i hi- li tut- i n i nu a rhl at nit nldrn rt ami al pi admits thjt hr hn nt vrr ibnnd t htrp in hi lift tint alwym t nj y- ed set ing o hrrs hjvint j 4 tml lintr a tiuii t utuuiimmj m m mr ii its 11 dimrilhtl j m rson who nrvrr pullid j mi an ttitk on 1 iv me 111 hi lifr and always willing to ht lp a person in need drsccibed as ai rni b nl work- 1 r hr w kit in tl itch ma tl iki r for ten yrars llrluvinii in ntnk ponio mr hilu until 1 our jji ohiiii bo 1 to at ton ern walking uu two milr t 1 tch id in tfiu from his immi m thr third i tnr into actm jut to nj v lhr irish mr lliltt j jtr now limc n llowvr an tht jom- bi rhd iv mk di uidw ich- ra vi 1 1 tup f tt 1 c 0 and c t v w 1 1 t t 1 ivit 1 bv tbr 01 ir old m 1 wh sji t tiit- ting ih ut lb ci o m of ttu modi 1 no- ha 1 n 1 nu tbkt of irmii i k it th d f ih mod oni thr mis n it n p nlid mil thit t hi h r w cr c iript r tn op r it thin n hi in li 00 ant it n in mrikla 1 1 1 mr milt n ttd mi if id whin in id i i nt 1 1 in id h lir ru 1 i 1 1 1 n 1 woikinu i ilw 1 hot tt ml h nti r 1 w nit ic i whin foltifc hi allh nonaginaitan h nrr smokrd f tt 1 hi- 1 1 1 nn nt j and is a tn t tallt r hr hu nub- a vi tr frm 01 thi third i nr aenbrd lo thr free iirss fr a txul two milt fiotn t t 11 w is numb r of rarm and st 11 mint liotm l mr milt int bi witi tht thr homitnwn paper that koepa i rnm mhi sm khm nr whom him aunill with ktcal news 1 v mksl wsacr xs- m building permits nearly double last years total beer supply low fix church home hope for pastor during the summer willing in acton outlets fturf iaoio sw ntank enoltdow e retired prof ettor of agriculture from cambridge and one of six iruthw of lha lord nuffield fountietlon visited hti week with mac s prow i r c 4 acton in 1954 mr sprowl wai one of two young canadian farmer selected to study agriculture for x ryi0ntr under the lord nuffield hjijncullon travelling scholarship in agriculture the two er pictured above at they examine one of- the sprowl herd sir frank 1 touting canada visiting f mar scholarship winners iiuiulini prrnuu thsurd an far thu yeur lotut almost double 1 cars alnsdy theron jonrs tht buimmj inipccur released f igurt s mndu that indicatod permit taktn tit so fir during 10ah have a ltil valut of s031js3a uunntf tht fil eisht months of mu tht lotal was s 1330 climb ing to md3 14 by the year of the year i die itims on this vrar a list or j hfliooo fr i k porter plant and stxcnl permits for thomas and thcinias for construcunn in the olontra subdiiinn bigucst months lait 5 ear wtre septimbcr with a permit issued to thomas and thomas for cnnstnict- lon and jum including the per mit for thr pentecostal church drvekdown for months uiu year follows january 10ju0 febru- ur saohioo march swajm ap ril s1000 may j5000 june all- ins july 13rv ausuct until the 15th s3700 this urck when no children snowed up at the wading pool at the park the thrvertns attendant cloaad up shop end went hone bruce andrews takes highland games win ilruce andrew placed f irsl in unc d stnce race- and second in another when hr took part in tht highland gimra at rergns phil caddie k ad awiit nf tht members of the junior pine band were among the spectators at uu tamos in th two milt rjee aln clarcmonl of guelph won with 0 m nutcn 45 seconds followed b ilruce ndrrws bruce headed thr runnt rs in the onemile rvxnt to cross the lint at 4 minutes 2 seconds surttuy concert sunday aftemotm at 3 o clock the acton cituens band ili pre sent a concert in oakvillc uand members will bcmarchtns thrntich part of the town tn the nark in the ukeshore where they will be the only bants playing durtna the afternoon the oakville band wlil be mak ing a return visit here nt- unloers have undertaken an amlut- iihis prjigram ol renovations at the lljfttimt church and parsonaar a new gas furnace u now install ed tn the church with more ade- quatr heating for the winter hoof ing wss replaced the church is rvrn more attractive insidr with new lighting futures topping off thr work of rewiring thr men of the church are still working at their projects but are nearlng completion the ladies are looking forward to the end of blown fusee when they try lo make a cup of tea fol- owing a meeting new flooring has been laid in some of the rooms at the parson age the membere of the congrega tion are hoping that e fullume walked off tht jnbi4- u to their church shortly hit r drink r ii at ton na hr i to 1 t whirr f r thnr bevrragr iftt th wtt ki nd according iti cpr ti nt cl hob u and alton lxai 1 lh 1 m maitt r t v r tht r up- ply i running 1 w md thev rtct r rntir l out f ho twvtrajr 1 b lhr rnd of this week tht retail suppk trc clwrd at i 10 p m wednrsdiv if ust wok x tht ir supp v was exhausted hut 1 rrma netl open a few days longer h in a number of neighbpiing stnrts thr strike 12 days old todsy has put 4 slop to all deliveries and has iff ctod nore uun 1 2ao workers throughout onurm tht workc afti r the company rejected non- mbnrtary demands in a new con tract the union also seeks in creases rancingfrom 9 to ti4 per week and a reduction of the work week from 4pto 15 hours negotiators for five breweries will join rewcrs warehousing re presentatives tonight t thursday t in an attempt to seek e settlement to cover both the plants and dig trlbuting outlet just a month till aetna talr its on friday and saturday sept ember 10 and 30 rourlarw have been enjoying ahufftaboard at the home nf mam ber amos mason following their summer meetings they are ex- peetlnji a visit from the district governor early in september r w limiting mhi1s thr ii tlrr wag fibd a ilimiiuum on liability cover- agr for any arcidtnts in the parte rtnlrd the diffhulty of rirlrrmining thr lgmning of park land and th lit anlmoi land ii wai rs plained tlu llrardnurr fnm nwnrd the land lo thr high water mark but this ftoiht was rvt known triut- h ii iarkrr auggralad uir ilrardmorr firm should hav somr agrrrmrnt with lhr town thai thry wrrr operating th swimming in thr lakr a part of the towns r renal hartal facilities lo avoid any liability un the company i cane of aeeulenl the town holders nf the liabil ity policy was to he aiked to dis cuss lhr pioblrm wilh thnr solic itor tarn over sceelsasenl k mens i hit i retiriaentalivea j prut and 1 icherty apprarrd and by it ttrr soiigbl in turn uvrr to uu tmuird lhr playgtiimrt rtiuit- nn nt and diving pirr dnnatrt by 1 thr y s uun cluh thr rrprearnlalivoa tinted their idtsirr to be surr lhr eijuipmetit was in thr control of the boari t avoid any liability to lhr rlub tn t 4h of atxidrnu i c ovrtagt n lhr swimmilijl bonrn w t ompliralrd by i hi fact it wa pirbtnlly on ilrardmorr prop- trty suite it was in thr water twe irulio ohiiu of the in mm worn dibcumi and mrmlirri nolo soma onipumu that it nkntitufcd m haiard as img as thi rr s i inches uf wjjrr in lhr lakr it rmatitutes e hazard trutrr parker o included intr it was pounhlr tn drown in that mtkh thi town r liability xlicy waa to t invi ligjlttl i nor to official am piano of tbr rtuiiment pr- tntly divirnt in a policy nf the ys mini club terh fee rail rslr w thnmpaon snd n itraida re- pn srnting thr acton fall fair ilhbirtt askd usr of thr park tor thr annual fair on september it and 2 lu of thr tark waa grant ed at a est of su urmbers un- drrtoimt thr town provided an an nual grant of s300 with 30 re turned for use of the park rjir hoard rrprraeittalivaa ag- rrol to this arrangement but were not certain thry wt n to receive thr s3o0 thu year the mayor told us wrd get 11 vj this year itnm re- preaenlative noted a cheek of use pprord budget showed ooo al- inwrd and the arrangements ware concluded councillor w mrlaod holed the a rone oonmiitee of council was being charged for thr power used in the booth and change stations he suggested a metrr should be in stalled in the booth tfany mem bers pointed out the women s in stitute owned the booth mr me- lrod noted the meter had ateedy been ordered installed aeaeasal thuyij an account for inttalulua of the sewer and water service to the park and change stations totalling s3 ntl 43 waa delayed pending clarification on the number el man holes installed a cheque for km from the actob minor sports group for use of the park was received and the board approved a grant of us to the group for their work in acton secretary mrs ffyar reported gate receipts to last sunday total led 14015 a bylaw ameudleg the present charging bylaw allowing a cwge on public holidays as well aa bun- day was approved with three read ings t

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