only eleven business days left to convert your victory bonds m loral vttidrm wka have hot jre w h iwr victory hooj on ft tt k chd cahvtrtlor laamt i are bring urged i do mr at tw mm thef are now only ik butine hay left until sept ember is when the ooivecon uf- ftr tdl many lorl people trf butine- d he kfrrfcdy nifliplflml their e atd kuni to the hujfr tuts i fur the whole dominion with utihet return now omning in inert utiiitf i vtaa from the twitter rentr r uv uttul nuw envi rtd mi r than twin the mount of it urg eat victory ijithi e kirutg the war a wilt atfo tr fikiirc had pat tin foui billi r i a it mat fa i f i hau uivwdmi h the nd of thf holiday ktbui i expected to mr a ruoti of corivert- tona by pifvtt iiuttvmukli tn y i return from vormtu and nlt th tr bnki or tftwatmi 4 it r vu oil i td baa already iweti named c miv rum day in anme cummunilur with lunki and oil i financial inittfthumi making fcr ll rtwraima to handle large numb- r of niivrfilnni i tut 1 y strang l nuy udiun hi 1 rompltity iflltm ihit oh v owned vlchuy hmdl and at mw richer than they thought they if you do not have any vutury wee honda have turned up in the bond but arc looking fur a tfood ttratigcmt plaw in btwuit bo a i tnveatmcnt ub your bank ur cu-al- old atrort boea buretni and d k rr tu buy aome victories fir you drafcerf and country attics thrse i and dun com tit thim to on r u f irgotten bortdt have pmipuni at iiui larhd ao thai tht ir ouni r he i 4 cormd r th l ft im fur m inl bft title i hnngc j hh a lulf p t nit umtl aa in tkefti for niw lxnd at a hifh wlmi nti f r your rhildnu but inliret rf le but have iilfi c lint hiiuniur ihttt art thne dht t d birk inlrt uml thru ruh id inrl r termt tu rhoite from i the lrm non j i la hi- do t iih in u ini i mil ui nvrrion flindi at any time it a4vi fraw hank im ul hjnk md invt r hi llu r ii w i ii t jny tvndw m tiiatkni n arhanpe them f n w i rmmtn ii iu inh 1 if i i nii ly uu in that u rmiuol h i on m 11 1 t mil ihem until thit in itunty dutr r miring the war till runimui ity hut it ijuot f rurh vutuiy lwin i uuijaimi lu umto lonvi i ti u lain luola i kto rtp rent u vttkim uu ond 111 im id ta weekly publishers planning convention weekly itnrr iya ilhtu m with their lfi mild fniiiilub i firearnting inml f nnad fh weekly nerpapem mill father m the king kduard m1 i t nitn rr litem her 4 s and 8 fur the wth nmuil nmvpfiliim f ihe anaduin wiskly newamieia aiummlulirti the thriedav meeting ill renlre anmnd diariiaini uf lh pnililema furing th indualry and btaatuna will lr held with tir rntativea of mtviilimii nnl uf enrlea and ihr audit iiukhii 1 cirruhiin awler pwrtln highlighting the divuin biui formal and inform il w ill im un matter f in tier pnniliii 1 tlie weekly nfmil a nn iu htrtanl medium fui i ml and nil lonal ariertiarra lhi eerle1 to bring ff r il tanrtion hy d irgatiii fm itu in iiguration and nupixut t a full time inniotiin iind publir rrlat huia demiitm nt in the wna national uffieca m tuont latere e rrrrnari aoroidiiik t willum tilfrr cwna managing direch r pr i motion of weekly niuiuihn a nn imnurtint mrdium uill fcl long ttiv toward inrraaking rev enuea then h atamting m my worklira now finding it hard tu hold ndw rluung nnl uh t iplum ralra at nnent imu and still me t rimng mt com hi nod rurulntion of the hc- lish urekti in cmuiu iuih now uiuod thr one and a quart r mil lion mark mr trlfer aud itoservlngj kettu lakingbrinkldw marricrae solemnized at edfen miffs niint hrlrn rinnklow lr the erxit i ullloni m many lcxial residenls vadation with friends tntindid fur uat wveki lira sjrlta grundy uf stratfohd ti vuiting al thr lwn uf lirr tun and daughtt rintaw mr and un cjeorgi lruwy artd family rlgin sinclair hamilton ijunt to weeki varation with his mo ther un a inrlflir sr and fim tly a granhofi oorin slnrtjlr cm ijih ha uliui tw n oratuining at thi icinir hoim miwi jute nitmrfkon and ti da wilhori p nt i f u day al ruifl mr un mr- gordon aitk t aid john whii thnl ljj wtrk jtin at ijiw pjituau ijunid h uu un sjtuiduy king ld i mllt ilklo july 1u f v ik inu i vi htf in ny utnut ti11 1 gl mloh j nun lle i nl fui mi f ir k tiu d i t hi f mr 11 u v ilt it inhxmvill f m uid m mi f it it th it u it j im il moftnt mi- johim and u u f a ton va iflnlt sht ung a ihtun the ihiy and welding ivnyri it n mwinud liv mix mniknt fiilv of it 1 t ampu thill rrual tflwn gin in miniuig liv h i filhr tht i nd w ii i u un mvld 1 nn pi in luu with fitti1 ixxlicr nnd fl hntth i- iff ml vot the vhite lare nkimt ffduml n high m- illoul neokluu an i i ng lare lik slev- th h n t f v hili- in 1 murnlunml m th iu i- of 1k in the f i u t link tajtlng mi ijomumi multhi ui and etigt mtth vnf ollwi mr and mr ikii muifii of hilt iuigh uml mia mjufi id and it t j of wr1on vikitl dunng th u k with mi m ju kwn mlm llatl webb of sault sl mm mkdd retentlr wiui h i nut r and ifmllii in law mi and mr lan winter j wan heir her of tu iph imnl a few itav vr ilirn whh mmy r id mi and mri win strvun of tm out were wt ktnd v vitii ha i and glnvi mjt hid h i imwnjwilh hie i itt i unt mi nnl md hi jind a iuii of tetjmv v m miiuii mi m jurlmm in mmjii- th mi umi mk a if wiiil t i mi u mil t1 j jack lakiiu b n in r m ifd u an imim mir iii kl u id al mi 1 i a al stu th f tl hi in- f 1 ariilellvim reeeplun in t hsrrb hall dm i ud in th r r iv d h it th ii h hull silk dl n ui ilh tokd 1mh1 ill lit r jrrrnm hr wire i it oi id rufte oni i mother w h tor ulute dr f iwr k triiu hat uml pink i iujg f piih n e ding inp 1 i n a sci wnir a hi mi ntyle htu with ul while lh pi mi m ike n milton f i l 1 a h ii r fui 1 iiiii ht ti on ill tip t il of lr 11 it r d ith i h hi id i v i 1 irt i i th xett m ai 1 1 in ui 1s wr ri sent koht coiii i town run ii inh at i ii n1n 11 m ff it tor mto i in ill 0li p i mi ft pnn imilhr md dlugh1u of ivlton ih iwhend 1 ajm alunuitnrral mi and mr i v wait m mdy atleimhil th fun i 1 th i in m lh int in nl at ii y llillshurgh shitlry aui altrndmg nun ul ii i 1 y te trafalgiv oks indusfrial lots tfttraloar aftpeoral for tw to 40 aere inawatru aubdwurion pm by umtimt uautnfel dr- vekanmtta imt ntarmift wye- rroft kmui wtm glvwa hi the tr falga lbnaomtf ttued cubmt ta township frfut antt to ti suhmial4ht of drwbtdf rewvrl clw to is ttduar1al lob have ben ififlritd bt the ml 113 un- td land if proceed ui u ii the lots fur 4hdtjtr1ttl purputwa fn other buiineaa dealt with bv planning burd aeparation wii granted to i inbrtwik ratatet fur a n arre speer kuad ue to be old to a rowtfurtiun fum which hn already built rulvert there in an arrangemrnt with the town ship the planning board alio gianfil the utiaratio of an ud joining i in brook iitr for ul to a otuirtt pfannlrtg in ue it f r storage pmpoe m a vaar amerimm tiave rhnlr of tome 7chi diffieid flivon uf ur rreofii und partly tmfur of thll the iverage arnei mn rata abou m lintt of ue tr m annually turonto ha vrnili ted lit r inmrv und mtved in nil auhjeeta ul1hut u riling she ha arr pled t whml ut kni m hi for th ruining 1 nn vtruig mr thoiuaa tines undi rwrnl lurgeiv on irutuy at the coetph huapiuil und ia ntrm rofivalearuig a nmnlm i of rhildren mm tbia rum unit itterwo flatly varat ion fbble sehmd nt frittun lat k mr i ail la fir hne retitrnrrt h it i m lh cut iph huvpit rnlay following muiri dy yh acton pf pat thuftdsy august 28th 1959 celebrate village centennial without commercial enterprise 9tfkartsviml celebration m enterftr w or promob rt will iluurd to t 0c pari m whtrh likely u ill take plan dunng the nk will be the ium annul jamlwiree and ftap box derbv a pande ftf fkut wil take place in ui hirh m ill app ai ul iiicjih of tramportalion und firm in jl ruenta ind nmdrii nti nlumo of the old davi v 1 pp a f thi jnj th cantemtul of thf village of treetiville whi e a n k long rvent to lake place during june 1ba0 it wag tirrided at publir tortting in th rouneil ehamber ut week repreuntatives of tr- ious urganliatuma and indiv iduali altended and following a lnihy round table dlaruaaiou elected a nurletia committee of five tu g t i srom nf c uli plans for the cvtnt tailed n uin i round ng arej ii as i mating tie v ill ik mr proert of the renlennial pomllv a hand ijm otwervance will ike f final opening tin r pi on ud ix fif enienmal iarh no th jfdth ierit 1 in u ilii r i emetery netri to st andrew j a tukil u v ii u c hurt h i mrped ate ntion will n- nllor riank sni taken lo hive legul transfer of mi nt to hn i u title f tliu prmierty to the village mini ration mru k u to hive ihlb done a private hill o all stir mil t will have to be introduced before it 1- so the ontim coerntnent at the i im pitpod md i e oliel p hie imu the i irks jt mi putl lil i n iloard mid rlear m the ir ul lm i i int n i range flower f irrt n f onti n terirhes and a citu i ing a plafue on wtiirh will in ferrllmd the f j i th t strc t in orpo atcd a a vitligi unique cuts brontfc- for the frl time in his minv yvsrs of busineu flronte tnrln r t hnmer had an op portunity of cutting lh hat- of f kir r nef jwiti nt one fimily all it or ue ilriklit and irlv onr mornme r ii h ial ho r j c udmur m w b rutrnnrr j ami on -yesr- d w j uilinm trpil lo e barb r hop t a fo1 ft nf alion v grandfalh r lfiul right d wn to the onungfi c odmoi 1 rnj id t e x per let te fei slow v i i w i i t p i pi w 1 1 i i mu h 1 hi1 ixiupu t f td mr in ulnl jiiil n mr jak chimb rlmn f id mill ulindnt th i rnlo inti h n r mm w i l i in in ion chin n ivr tiffta mi f ilu i ing ji coop ne kluu nn full flu r lngth kkm ith flvil ing iwihcl ut th luck ii r pirtur 1 nuaal treat d add th r in i ii d gl r ort k whta autumn without grapes and what etly rtiphoard la rom- plela without drape jelly why not make your own using this awmoful recipe oaur jk1jut 4tpt jutes fabotit 3 qwrf rtp concoed pra pei frur 13 llu j moar t aottl certo fruit pectin rirttt prepare tb jlr stem bout 3 quarts fully ripe grapes crush thoroughly add j cup wider iwing to a boll simmer covrd 10 minutes place tn jell clotk or bgud auueete hit juue ue4uuls 4 cupa into vry la roe aaucepan nw tsuk tk ielly add sugar to tulc ui saucepan and mix writ uce oer high heat bring to a bolt mtrring ctumtantk stir m certo at one then bring to a full rolling boll flail hard 1 minute atlrrtru constantly remove from haat skim off foam with metal apoon pour qulcklv into glasses cover at once with mdi hot barajhn uakra about 10 medium glaiiea wiubt t pertiwr in th elltrifj auhstawr found in alt fruits tn tjngrvtsuj amounts certo u pre fin jrtrefet from mils rich in this tutuvaj auhsiance then reined concenrrated and performance- roatrollml your am and jelly ml vmrtlv right trhn pou un crete and folloir tha rtrd certo rariam frimhlsi palaur nrvtr open a jar ssrtar sraling tu all the ipara which may appaar at tha tup if th tjmur is computaly a tr tight and ajsa bn property and authet- ntly gjracaagwd tha food will kaap g breaking the seal and afemtnf mora fruit may easily cush ftftollaga and wait tha wholt jar j thu it mr last eajumn far tht ifear what futf irv b vhittng ullh uw i ktiou that du and hhlr jmmihj uttt frufv njoy all ltht ssaod tnho youva bh abl to p ao auccwitullu by oltohrltigi fhaaa ttattd car to to rent sfrtfmrer 1st to preferred tensnis hicjh class flpvtmenti lociied about the centre of ihc town hiindy lo mores etc two self containfd apartments conmlmg of one beeffoom sitting room fully equipped kitchen bath ckh clothes clojcts very comfortable nnd private nice outlook for tfrsonal appointment see f l wright iealtoi 90 wlltu st n acton drive carefully be alert your childrin are going back to school il school time again and more and more children ara on thp street as a driver and adult d it your responsibility to ihnk for the children so ihai ther mistakes will not be fatal ones school time is safe driving time the child you save may be your own see us for comrlfte car sltvicl kftp your car in top mechanical condition make sure you heve efficient brakes good tires depend able steorinr and warning signals kffp lights and windshield wiptps in good con dition during rainy or snowy weather you have to see the danger to avoid it front end alignment checkup service be doubly careful near schools and whr children play see our sah used car buys little motors july 24 irmt and f menu ri 1 th o there on definite f t ihc r ng th el u a u k r ri v nien rat rai and no a ut ff r no ul rilling i im one now industry registered in july flthm incton one nrm permit for indiimry issued dur ng july onipirisl w lh 72 n w p rrr it for iraidenhal ronslruclion itding to th inmthlv rehiit fimi the tiwoa hoiutng tiwii invent thi ihing the tilal number of n null for induotnd cotislructinn up to fix hi vur v ith i tot 1 1 value r rwmtooo totil numlxr of residential permits to date in lr h ms wmh a value of fif 111 nut attention cream shippers i cormmencing september 8 1958 acton creamery limited will be closed mondays open until 900 pm fridays no 7 hwv acton mionl tpvij to coto umuw cakk qou nuppbw play rite school for modern piano muskianship interest progression this splendid up to date course i arntnqod for cluldrfn ind iriulls hero you will find none of ihc dreary monotonou exprrir which usually make a drudgery of eiirly pmno study lbabnlng to uy the popular way is easy and its fun for inlormiton c ill it stul n mrf wh ahm ti cmron av atfn 1 iaasr9 tli ilot on 3toar qjss fvumslcg txxrneci on early 3stow avoid the rush no need to waif and shiver wfeen jack frost gets m his first licks this fall just cat united suburban gas to light the pilot in your furnacfl mw united suburban gas prides dwlf on fast service but when a cold snap hits and ust about everybody wants their furnace pilot lit the same dry- well we would suddenly need ten timet as many servicemen so be smart beat jack frost to the first punch by calling our service depart ment today it will help ut serve you better checkup for cold weather united suburban gas company limited 27 mill street acton 695 4 unireo7 backtoschool menu- savings van camp beans with pork 4 paramount sockeye salmon 2 delicious luncheon meat p r em 2 homestead peanut butter in rv cans ho cans i oz cans 16 o jabs 55 95c 95c 1 california lar6c sweet seedless grapes 2 lbs 29c pull clusters 9 mfll st viom iwiiv au 3 a so si 3 acton omt how cbmj mamby m s3o400 ohtwr dfyt 130im imi ii 1 i i i i i