Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 4, 1958, p. 10

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to 1h acton fnm prtturdv sqlhmbu 4 958 halton breeders top competition at canadian national exhibition tivttttfuiiu ruk- f ayrtiuiva ttolkuuia rut jcfiwja tut radix tht- unbaik in uuu rns tivt- iiiiga 1 ute canadian national kulultit- utfl ha i lot raluulhjb urlr no- mtnml in lh ifumrut and jnu ahowa anil al ilw ohuiuiiki nf the firil day judjfmg ihry had rrwii to b mud of uwir 411uunuiiu ilim ir ftu tj ttu- in lit itf til lukwuta gouldi snulm and son- luiiulta i uluomlkl u ful ll old h ll t l i 4 1u11 of 34 intii rkiioi ii thti iiiatmr tliy iu in iuu of jo n- luihai hkattl t oak- it h i had lllt pltr m ih if in cuu of m mtiia th- hnfit wtnl oil l lake the i ru t junior tn tali tiiampiojiihip it ward iui u iun kk 1 mlmi had ixl 1 1li on in lworrold lull oo 1 j lu uf 16 and hi- wnt n t tki thr mm ic grand 1 ham p or oh v fr males the gaul ilumpion iiil w wm liy spring- kami fond iuu ft lnirerrold nvtxil jmlu l j u rikut nf mm-vuvill- jd wllfrrd utile of coitiuimn hmmj aaujl taaam aalinlle kmim lmittno llnni of milton h 11 had tt- wrond iriir junior hull rlf until iijc i yrim lull fi ki i hi i iv dry thrif itr old tilth ittt- ill y thrnji ai im fifth lmic junior hifr talf willkd utltr and soni of gtitkrluwn it it 4 al had t third jnir unior railing hri r a c hunter of ilmlinpliin h it i a fnurth m hu junior hull ralf and hnth in hi junior nurling hull jack ii tailor of uurlm it it 2 fifth on hit junior ji- lintf liif r old r halton ktuhitor who al emw a coxi icomnl of ih ihm1 in lhi tough nmiik litim inrluh1 wail ilmwru idgc arnold kih clifford huntir anl son hon siwith v c ul llik llair ami tovi ii liioi ttir milkinc ruvma will 1m- judt- cni hy j ij hnui f wiin k hcrr halton u count nj hfmvily on aomr tntiuii n lltr ttia v o- t oakvllc it k 1 in adj lion otlur nhibitoia iuw mini 4lil at tic t nl of th- fi t ij judttuu th- uiui b urn uauiin- l llty hl wn muj llulllul of tp umlt im- u i hdt1 ik- fit pi v- juiiioi t t fut pi uc juior in id mo1 tollltll flftll nll1 lllli pi i u n i oaiitg h it i iii j u t i i- a pi uut t an r m i- wa ll t-iii- w4il lmim al kjli 1 nora1 11- rtfi mu i lo lk th jxtoi f ml iittnpihjitllp wlh in i mi v i ki c it 01i pj ht 1 i in th lo- u w slptk nothtl of td hull i tl la1 tti i pil to j ll i 11 and thud pio ii ti old i1i mil 1m it ii 1 i lllll hd ii v i p i hii ii tin i lui l s f ukl 11 t lhtll pj i it u m- ah oi i m p u u i i iii w 1 o i i k il m iki in i- t i i m lf i i lodi i i 1 fiotl 111 111 ii 1 i t i i i t i t ii ill ol ll ii i llit i ii iu l n l galbraith bros have top milk a plofl u i pl t tl i u brut hiiu1 tti tt v riop- 1 jaiiud unl f ihui llni llrl l rl h m u ikmi ii i p it 1 ls1 ii ii ml ut l lip it of 2 431 tow i nyaily ho h r rnt of tin mim- l r fei hlt in 4 1 r nt a i i 36 p1 ttnt j 2 0 r nn luitimv tnd the lutlini- i- 1itnlut amiit tin- shoith kd poll i i othis tin- miitr piodu lion p i fu u7 i hu7l poonu f nilk an 3j i liiinli o hull ft itaith llios f lluilnton k ii 1 had the top halton h d 1i lu fat lit 1u7 with an as ur p lulion of 12 m tiidi f mil and 43 iund of ixittr ft sronaln t ii i a ill ailhllon to ll tl- h p hilt r fit h id in hilton i ii i a th ftl mfiim in i 11 1 a in tl- provmci- it- j wiloi of milrii it h 4 hd th hialh ji ll fo tk piyliu tin in hllon with an at 1111 pikilli tln lf nlm pmi11 of nilk id 41 ktnd hutt ii hh r 4011 hunl hit m iihm mtudod lliutr f how ton it 11 1 of coiklown it it 2 rt llmiiin of lliiihnton h it 1 sjmi llarp of milton h it liosfc utwiititt of milton h h 1 burlington producing herd h i m mi il i r mi t l it it t a m t n ho i i li it j k 1 i m lln it it 1 and it of 11 1 ill li m i ww alwu rit li i- i ii t l w- tt t oil i ii 1 i 1- ik v- it h i a i- x f u i- i i iii tl i id ol t i n i v tt of npl iu l it i ii till 1 1 i tw a- h 1 h- itltu v 1 a i up i t t p i it mt n it ih i m li i i a h lt iii th pt m i th liiklpoim of hull i i i jl inunt- ii ilk ni i iutl ln t ii it cut mln tiwol lt h tfil km i ffth hti v th t 1 i ii punh ilk 1 i pmti- i- lt tt r lllti ii a- up mul hv y h ii tt ih i ttu t 4l mllk i p i- i it 1 v w fr only 8 day to convert your veleran plowman to award prizes al junior malch jvalurday spttnl4r s wilt fce th junior plow ly rwl kirl it tmi at thr frm nf siawir wi- fcn mr llmnhv tin- rlmary ltiiin44 if iht m1 h i tt piot uw hum fr int nit 1 yoing lll t ihk ind mvttiii hai inii kit nhd t winfid tinilu n ih i n ptwnn and jhltfr f vak il h m i a th ffmal l j t atm a oar 4a ii w ti i l a wtu jomll ptowl ff b omtiljiu lt ii mall a junior at 1 1 ui ilat- n ilow a 1 a hi- w ht p t it mll ulli ttll i i- in ipa i 1 i- t 1 f in 1 i i in 1 i1 1 im ut- t i th a ollo 1 ml t ii mll wide cost variation in milk production in i t i t in t ou ii i w t th rik i i io l ri h i ti in i mnln nl m i ly7 w- uc o tti u ti in it 1 tl at i 1 i pl o nulk o in ill l i- t tt in lu i i t i i- w v ji p i wuh tl 1 y i- il- w 1n in t t t i linn tl 1 1 of plhol wl ws jim haitom county weed control news hun bjjrtfwt4 v- rt zmju h ir uj 1u fc f f u r 4 1 4 fcm d t dt u h i m r rfumm4- yntr ritsjt mtnicf rillman i ldi lj im i- i mu yrt a il p at- t ilk cilr rt- 1- isj jl nil on ll- im l u p w jrf p j cofc l i- ll- 4 h momj 1 lr cirrj srcir rf l irri van r mmft victory bonds yonrrrauin prriiul rxpirrs september 15th- axniil tlir lablniiutitr mli lake aikjiilijr of lliia poti io it iiiorluiiit ti prl i td tllr mure imoiiif mi uur irttiry ioan inrttnrnt for piitk miks tt iiiir nrarcal braiith of llir itjul of miitril if ou liolil honda of llir fiui mil till hth or mil iclory liana xilh atrial trltcra ihizinniiit 17 j v or 17 lirinn llirm into our nraril ii m itraurli umiu we will lir plad to corner tlicm for uii ami to nay ou otir raali ailjualimnt iniintdialrly you tlonl havr to lw a ii ttf m riiatonirr to talc ail vantage of tliuacruc ami ou juut pay u pttiuj for it jofttdelaya a aton today ct my banh you can alto buy convnlon loan bond for cash at marital pricm our focllitiat or readily availabu ox iklt purpot j mjo filnkof montreai adan bunch wlllltm mickiy minigir rolkiho with camablahl im kvtly waik op tifb 5imc1 1117 t numd ohipio register now for ontario hospital insurance effective january 1 1959 on and after january 1 1959 the ontario hospital services commmion will be the only agency ofteribji standard ward hospital insurance in ontario no private insurance company or prepayment plan will offer benefits covering standard ward hospital services alter december 3 1 193b aix residents of ontario are kiiciiile iinrolmcnt is open to every resident of ontariorrrorj- tris of age or physical cumifoneithcr through a group or individually on a paydirect baus nomreiidents o ontario are not eligible closing dute for raydirect enrolment is september 30th j95s see last question below premiums the low premium of 5210 a month for a slnplo person and 420 a month for the family husband wile and children under ape 1 arc made posviblc by extcnmvo financial participation of uic 1cdcral and lruvincul government questions q how tonft mutt a person be a resident of ontario to become eligible a trwf i nn tirw prrinj on rtjf nry ai rcitjrnli uc eligible lo rnrul q llial are the lrnrfiia of the plan a ti jjan payi for il rrnur anl utual atanurl wanl in hitantal wrmcn at atailallo in apnnitr1 rtokpitali for a many til a aa uiaao wnuci are mutticauy arrrua pirn rwrpwt out patent hmjhtal acrvices wilhin 2lhourt ftlluwing an attitlcdl q iwa the plan pay fur doctor btlla or aurprona feeat a no q will tlirrr iw any valilna pertoila for iwne- fjla in the raae of httapitalikatton for eeigct rthiilliioiia aurh aa matrrnlly caaea repairs of hrnitaa removal of tonalla appenilirea etc a n an inktiirtl cron it rlifij fr insured arnrifea tut a nl afirr hia rltf live datr rrdlfa of the lypa of conttititm riuirin care in an approted boapital q are there any medlral ejtamtnallona lo paaa or mecliral queatlonnalrea lo eompleto prior to enrolment a no a answers q whal areaa of additional eoterajjr will ka offrrrd hy prepayment plana and insurance companies a tim private jans anil inmirinre eotnpanirt il ciltorin nuny forma ol illtliittat nivrrax inrlulinc tantrnt fur llir ddlrrrncr in ctt lirtfn lamlanl 4ttl ami arnii privale or pciiata huajiiul accomnukliuuti mauical bcncfita etc q will itenegts ie provt jed for hospital ear received outside ontario a yra in die evrnt ofan jmurr1 prrtnn rtine rvonill itn in an amirl itnupilal anlicr outmte onurm aj ike rtutlt of a utjjm mltati nf jforii or an anuimt trim iturarmrnl will mal up in tit coal of aimiur cars in a comparable hoapital in uutaxio q if i am m resident of ontario hut work outsitle the province am i eligible for benefits a yr so long as your rccoguunl rcaijruce is its ontario q what happen if i do not qualify lo enrol in a rruup and dont enrol aa an individual by september 30 1950 a you may enrol at sny time illt you ill lnae the two tnonlka frrc rovrrape and ymi will he rvqmrnl lo wail ihrre month following late apliration is rrrnrd lgdro lirnrfila beronw arailaljr in tu lur eiamplr if ytnt d tint apfilyt ay unid rchruary uu will oolluic itolccuua untd way in q how does a resident make application for iayeftrecl enrolment a if you will nnt lie repialered through s group eonuuela sn application fnrm wlikh you ran otuin al a lunk or hiwpiul in rommuniliea without a hank the form may ohtaine from th pnl nfliir mail lite form in lha ctmmiaaion with your rheua or money order for one nionlha juenuum irreceied on or hefivr thiapayinntt wttl rotrrths thmritmntha nf january kehruary and march w in other worda if vou repiater kroee the rlnainp dale you st two mttuuaa jrt axxtagt 5uhiauenl paymeau vio ho on a quarterly basis beginning anuary 1959 ult our information ecnire in lh queen elisabeth buudinc cvn1vd1an national exjiidition vou must mat htto i stknitd to m it nit hit ontario hospital services commission hospital inaunamoh divio i oh yorohto ontario v valanimsasu wainul ooi sa sy m sm i ii itjti s

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